HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-04-19, Page 24PAGE 6A—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 19. 1979 Hy ro report The following is a statement by Robert B. Taylor, chairman of the Board, Ontario Hydro. If more needs to be done in the realm of open hearings to reassure the public about the safety features of the CANDU reactor system, par- ticularly as related to the Three Mile Island ac- cident in Pennsylvania, then Ontario Hydro" will participate and co- operate in every way it can. Our main concern is to allay any fears that may have been created by recent events in the United States. The Select Committee of the Legislature that is already looking into various aspects of Hydro's operations might be one route towards achieving that objective. We believe that we can demonstrate to the satisfaction of any tribunal, and to the public, that our nuclear plants are designed and operated to be safe. The Board of Directors of Ontario Hydro on April 9 completed its review of the generation program in the light of lower growth forecast in electrical demand and decided to continue on an extended schedule with construction of -the coal- fired station near Atikokan in Nor- thwestern Ontario and with the Bruce and Darlington nuclear stations. The Board first heard a report on the Three Mile Island situation following a visit by Hydro engineers and Ontario Government officials to the U.S. plant last week. In deciding to continue with the Bruce and Darlington projects,' the Board reaffirmed its confidence in the safety of the CANDU system. We are examining most _ carefully all the relevant inforniation__from_.._th.e... Pennsylvania accident and later this week we will be providing com- parative reports on the CANDU system to the Atomic Energy Control Board, the federal licencing agency. If the result of these and other. investigations shows that any further improvements can be made in our nuclear operating and safety systems, that will cer- tainly be done. In the meantime, the Board feels strongly with the information it has received and with Hydro's operating ex- perience at Pickering and Bruce, that there is no cause for concern about the safety of Ontario Hydro's nuclear plants. Our safety systems, including the unique vacuum containment installations at Bruce and Pickering, have been widely described to the public during the past week. Last September Dr. Arthur Porter and 'ls colleagues on they 1 Commission on Electric Power Planning reported on the Ontario nuclear power program after more than 300 hours of public hearings. The R -oval Commission said that "within reasonable limits the CANDU reactor is safe" and called for continual vigilance and reassessment of reactor safety systems by Ontario Hydro. We agree completely and our report to the AECB this week is part of that continuing reassessment and vigilance. Dr. Porter has also concluded that nuclear energy is an essential component of the province's total energy mix. Nuclear generating stations supplied nearly 30 percent of the elec- tricity generated by Hydro last year. • The CANDU system has demonstrated itself to be economic, reliable, and safe, and today is making' a large _con- tribution to the electrical energy needs of this province. fine markets... of fine foods ® LEG OF PORK SHANK PORTION FRESH NAM FROM ONTARIO PORK TENDER JUICY 'LEG OF PORK' BUTT PORTION FRESH NAM FROM $1 ONT. PORK. 11091b SMOKED - RIND ON BY THE PIECE SIDE BACON OUR REG. S1.49 99 lb. c CUT FRESH FROM ONT. POULTRY QUARTER CHICKEN (BREAST QUARTERS WITH WINGS ON) OR LEG QUARTER LEG OF PORK CENTRE PORTION FRESH NAM FROM $1 2 ONT. PORK • 9Ib. GOLDEN SKILLET FROZEN COOKED BREADED CHICKEN CUTLETS OUR REG. S1.19 99lb. SPECIAL! ROYALE WHITE, PINK, YELLOW' OR LILAC BATHROOM TISSUE 8 ROLL PKG $1 MARTINS - 6 FLAVOURS FRUIT DRINKS BONUS PAK - 10 Kg. + 1 Kg. FREE SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL CLOSING TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1979. SCHNEIDERS REGULAR MINI SIZZLERS 8oz. 99c SCHNEIDERS SAUERKRAUT 2 Ib. BAG 89c SCHNEIDERS - 3 VARIETIES SLICED BOLOGNA 6Oz 69C SIDE BACON ENDS___.1._ 1.49 MAPLE LEAF CORNED BEEF BRISKET Ib. $2.1 SCHNEIDERS SLICED--=--: SAYE. 72c 1 t SAYE .47c FOR SALADS OR COOKING 100% PURE..VEGETABLE CRISCO OIL :: FOR YOUR DISHWASHING DETERGENT 1111111111.111MMIIM6110, %** 48 oz. 299 FIVE.ROSES FLOUR ROBIN HOOD - 5 VARIETIES ICING MIX Igo g. 4 VARIETIES COLONIAL COOKIES E.D. SMITH - BLUEBERRY OR CHERRY PIE FILLING 19 )Z. '1119 Joy LI LID. 32 FL. OZ.; S.I E, c SAVE UP TO 76c McCAINS FROZEN PEPPERONI, ....DELUXE OR SUPREME MINI PIZZAS $1 • c THIS SPECIAL AVAILABLE ONLY IN STORES HAVING A ZEHRS COUNTRY OVEN IN-STORE BAKERY. 4°99 FRE NCH STRUDEL CHERRY, BLUEBERRY OR APPLE 4 . . 2 FOR 99C 16 oz. 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OPEN W COTTAGE CHEESE ZEHRS MILD OR 19 500 g. 99c MEDIUM CHEDDAR lb 9.99 NIPPY OLD PROCESSED OR OLD CHEDDAR ZEHRS CHEESE lb. 9.99 AQUA FRESH -=TOOTHPASTE 150 ML. TUBE OUR REG.99 S1.89 ROBIN HOOD CELEBRATION CAKE MIX 5 VARIETIES 250 gr. POUCH 3 --- FOR.- - - .. /. SAYE 45c ON 2 'N ALL NATURAL INGREDIENTS 1882 - 100% STONE MILLED WESTONS BREAD LIME, RASPBERRY, ORANGE OR RAINBOW NEILSONS SHERBET , LITRE _ 99` NE'ILSON ORANGE JUICE STICKS OR DREAMSICLES CARTON OF 1299c WESTONS JAM FILLED BUNS PKG. OF 6 69c NIVEA SKIN CREME LOTION HAIR REMOVER HAIR C. 70 ml. JAR 125 ml. 99C TEK DELUXE - SOFT, MEDIUM OR HARD TOOTHBRUSHES------2F0R99' ®Uli MANAGER IS DALE MCDONALD D., THURS'., FRI., EVENINGS