HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-5-18, Page 4The Exeter Advocate
Sanies & Cree.:ba Proprietors
Subscription Price, -la advance, $1511
per year in Canada; $2.00 n the
United Stetes, All su seriptioAs not'
paid at advance 50c,. eol 'ha. ed.
'THURSDAY. MAY 13th, 19Z2
Grand Bend
Nov; that Mother Ear:h has talon
go a summer appeararoe much active
ityrs 'seen about Gail Bend:. Ceke
local contractor having coatracis to
build six cottages. alae Atbiasen.
Lucaa has just ,had comae:eked a. eine
the a orL The' Fla r zlabs4 and;
Ana eras store- .has added much to
the appearenare of, the Lake lxtes
House. Cement blocks are bei
mad: for an orromental &ewe along
Lake View Park. A. large addition
iOcle, fox the avin;ter ,rnotttbs, ;is,here Claneleboye
!lead is trying to,iocate a residence in
'Which to lie e, th,ik Mothers' Day ,services were held inl
Last Sunday Mother's Day }vas ,. c urches here yam May 14.—Reax.
f tti B observedol ,- both our hutch- Mr Gifford conducted .the weekly
r s l:�,rotters aa hoauar tee ;aur best meeting a, Gtaiideboye Trail Rangers
friend were much out kevriderean on khe levening on•aMay 1Z.—Arbor Da
R. 5. Wilson, es making hetnself a Y
r.a:.,:o outfit and hop -ea ate leave ie hi was 'observed et ea.S.. No, 4, 14lcGiilli-
eveeek ata; order before loxngtvray :the yard cleaned up and quite
Lipati Schroeder es list n tin aan amount of seeds of various kinds
Morlock's ageplanted.-elOuit trees of all kinds in.this
1 r, Ana Mi
ree alm%or., Txttemn,er am section are usually well loaded with
child of Chosley Izttotored, here, end bloom, giving prameee. Of good yield
? spent a feats days tiff t 1 Mrd, of fxu:t,—SPri e crops ,look well, and
e b#, and W. 13 Gamer grass is making every taped growth
Tea lust baseball igarne of the sea, A lot of early po`totoes are already
sore stasis on. Friday ;;evexdrctg when planted and thie igr)ounde working up
Lobo trill •lie hears* Lues ,Wil1, bejiere very sat:sfectortiY for x,11 ,thee latter
neat eeee ley, the eeeleo Let us all bet garden, and corn Grope. --A, meeting of
together anTd ,give our team every en- et�Tere°oue interes,�ted an: fthe, itisethodist
couragement' We are in a. eewleague Cemetery, known- els ,nursery Ceuta.
and should give a good account of our tory was Lead there :rest, -gay 11 for the
sle Purpose of apoointt,ng truster to take
selves. tie places of ate prigertal tonere-tee,
The Baseball Schedule of Group 9 whe' have died or moved may way troll
of the feel r,BJ , pis 3t affects Ca•ed- the neighborhood, alsa to decide on
improv ernents - and survey of ;new hared'
uton is follows,- felt' } .
Home tastes gelded to the catnettere ac eters'
With Lica.—May 22, July l$, ago, and to secure a. permanent care,
With Mesa Crag Jew 3, July 10 taker if possible, The present true
tees elected are as ifoltows,-Riche'
end otlt e r =nap; of emeats are be of 4 With Bd rtctrt—Junte 12, July 5.
eeede al Mr. Lbeakers :,crtttge. The MRS. COMMISSIONER SOWTON Wzta Strathroy....ja44 21,Q duly 26
Imperial l Hotee1 Txas added a 'terry large a With Lobo—hlay 19, Jun,= 25.
teoaraion and, tie o lee able to accreta•. l ai.t bee with her husband, Commisssoneer Gomes Away
summer id.-iEors. "—,base Sawca�t, _1471I tea ;tt. Exeter Up- A.t Luca s—just. 16, Jrki 15
Dr=?at_ malty rmo.< s ►era. Howe ca.'t Tuesday nest, May 23
fir; 3L^.tto-t o:G. tree as starting #o•, At Ailsa Craig—June. 22, ,July 0
fine e, al at b lane.
r e - • u.
btuld a 'yore' stcmm cottage.
r At 1?d,erton—llla'y 24, July 24
Edger Broderick o- Exeter lass pur- �..h.s !veal del.aer iiterestine itis$- At Strethroy May 29e July
4 y t,
alaasecl a ii e celttage Alta: leas Dust c^4'aer)' addrtsscs, having ween "kers At Lebo --June- 0, Iuxt
Q S A. ark ' CQ i0 Intim Swed
avati a been built" Puling the
c':t- ,t Lr •ted Stales, ?enitaark Norway
c3vatjoat for Mr R Canteen; s cottage :n. rt: , ,
a u'te-*'thcal and thought to and ,Atha couutraest,
lee thosero° an Iaadiren booed there :; Ceruniosi ter Sowton ;s 'the Ter-
Rsu t.,,. �, t ... � Laster of the Salvation ;�rrmy*
of Lai, acro itis .n d�b i i�u rc+v;men.ts Ccna:?a East sszrc,e D„ecenaber last ship of Usborue met on May 6th, at
matie to a s cottage. Rea,- air. Leech- �a`t r sugl eded Com TRiritards, '`t'bo` 3 the Townshila iJall pursuant to ad-
Iiker or Landon to star: npaaatons t s. n eters eta}, was transfer aournment. I members were pies-
on his gotta;: sorest. Mr. Greb of a=rt to Austraiitt,
r Ada wrdl c • and ; ente alinutes et the meeting of April
1st read and approved.
Ay -law No. 5-1922 re fixing esti-
mates for expenditure one Tp. Roads
for 1922 read, passed and signed by
the Reeve and Clerk, A petition,
signed by a number of gravel pit
owners was presented asking for the.
reeinding of resolution of guar, 4th,
refusing the price of gravel used. by
lite Township to its former price.
No action„ That the Court of Re-
vit;ian for the 1922 Assessment Roll
4e held on Saturday, Jame 3rd, at 1
o'clock la, m, 13111s to the amount of
$360.02 were passed and. orders issu-
ed for the payment of same, -
Council adjourned to meet on June
3rd, at 1 o'clock.
Henry Strang, Clerk.
the early a^a s, lIr. G H 3amast t torNtt { The Municipal Council of the Town -
li k : a puttees a large eel d,%r t Lt• Coll y t • OUT•
c of li as t Beers. and Alii. Wright h will
r e s c �� • - t tt '.l r:nti r some .pleasing
to bis cell;,;.. Now .hat lona; n .he , •Q .t
summa tenants are rr rine name
�a , e ale> b.. 2tere that nti•;ht
the eatt'ryws etre being occup .l
Mr. »ac: Mre. John Q:4.1 and F rn
ie /teeter \V -.1nesday :to
tenalno the Woman's M esiortnry Con-
'aart eche r ae lancelet a "
rd.r enol d't;hw the ladie.a, are :+n I
Od. S etre :13y tl Pst=r unto Bre eeen ,, ;editor; tt i been another celebra-
bapt;s:"z;: a:tts tweray-eieat :tt Brew. teen eat the 3rd sof jun* and judgae;
eter, Ap,, i :g7. 9e�,.,a. at - 1- ac,the; enthusiasm shown. at Lire
. It e.—Bet lite„t .were a a a .lad a [t -etioe &est Feidtiy eventing, the suc-
L: rn:eaten, Veen —ale Dave 1 Tat a .s +t tilt WV oats celebrations ought
c L trot z; stnpp:.^ th: Like to to repeated. Committees havebe,,a
View I'Tonse. % :S. Wm, etc al ed is on agp? ut d to take charge of sports,
the sigk Pest —Mr .. P. Bader a 1 ear- 'decorations parade and advertising,
thur Bak:"• were as, I-a;r tae eat weer: and it is ax,riected that cleein':te nfor-
matien Wall b: giVen, in a short time,.
Arrangements are bet.ag made to lave
two ball games,. Ailsa Craig team will
p,:av on: of the league games and
probably an exhibitioat game. Efforts
axe bring also made to procure .outside
?ire 13c+;ai.r trcteat1wr of 't`t-aterloo talent for the concert at nightt, As
spent Sunday at his home here;. th! p:otaeeds of the day are entearleei
air- Geo. \tenter is erecting a new to help Pay •bKpee es of the ::title e
Addition to tee house field, it is .expected the; everyboel•,
Mr, an: Mr , Ray Elliott of Thad- will join, in maklag thus y ar s t elebr:a-
,fori ee i,d ua i lands in, town Sunday teen, a success, Last year the +realhee
Miss Clara Kraft its this week visite noes was. unkind, but we hope for !eat-
ini; ;m Medford, :ter conditions this year.
Mr. tend airs. A. 0 stre cher and During the past week the :t,hiatite
Mies Latne were out of town vieitora fated has been scraped and rolled, seta
over Sunday, tl+. men in charge are to be congratu-
The a'entent foundation etas been lat_d On the splenc174 manner in glue:h
comple tea for Weeres Garage whish is it has been. levelled. When, The groand
}yaing bu on 'Main ,Street • has been seeded we may boast ae bay -
Mr. and air.. M. Fenn of Parkhill ing one - of the .best 'fields in, this disc
visited at the home of J.
on Sunday. l,e;1e mu tri ha County Commissioner Dated the
airs. Geo. Kellerman spent the week .'-r_ets or our vvtbge .on, Monday and
_nd Blyth. 1 I'usclay with the oiling machine.
Mr- C. L. Wa3riar and daughter Ede There is -a certain amount of dissatia-
ith have returned from.a visit with faction on the quantity of pit` put en
t -• • the streets, but it may be possible that
rVjatis esHT,.1ltirrf t �,s this w:.ek mov- ± ih= ale
gravid. 'throatin an, the relit wail 1 Ford ears recently.—Mr. Riley of
1\1iv” to their new home m town. i v: op it from ,run ne g entcathe ditches Lendon. t ,sited his uncle, Mr. P. Glav
e..fter a rain, and what we now have n. ,on lath concession, Stephen, last
Culbert. sec'y-trea+s., i W W, Rev ng..
bon, Edsr�ll Canine, treed, Neel, Ieeer
Bice, Nelson Pewee Beall Reeiingtott,
& uzo Abbott, Robt. Grundy!, A
c,�mmitte.e was Also appointed to meet
to complete the survey and to, do.
what is needed to improve the origixaal
cemetery: The nmembers of thea cam..
mines are;—R. Culbert, t, laevingtoee
'13. Ree ton,4 iW, .W. R'evingt`on, F.
Need and 1. . Wax Freeereblack-
tsmith of alooeesv lle, was secured as
ca,*;. taker.
The directors of the Agt euItiod
Society rented. the Fara' grounds On
Saturday evening to Da, Jose for $50,
—Mr. John Williams was in Brantford
last week atteia ng the funeral of lois
aunt.—at ss Elizabeth Kirk, who for
y ears has been, a xesidenat •of this vill-
age, deed on the ard east, at the home
her ;nephew, Mr. Albert Shier,'trvo
miles north, alt Usborne, The deceas-
ed was in her 79th ;;east* She had
lived with her sister, ,the late Illus:
Jo ut Hazlewood, who died a. year ago,
and s ce that time wilt the daugh-
ter, Mess Bella No immediate tela
t v.s survive her. The reraaFi s were
aeterrel at ICirktcsa.
Mrs. Wm. Gleet, of aleitland Street
Leaden as SP;11.141% .this week with
her silo Mn John M. Glenn,--{ \Irl
Stewart McQueen met with quite an
accident 'on Saturday hast while pil-
ing brush, coming' Sae contact with tete
sharp end of a stick, cutting a nasty
as?a cin his ,rap, which needed. five
;stitches to close,.—Mr. and airs. Hem
cry, late of afetchell, last week visa,
reel the -McQueen •fam,:lies before go=
axe to Belleville, to reside, where Mr
H:tn.ery leas secured a good pos4.tion,.
Mount Carmel
Messrs. John A, Ryan, Jos. Ryan
and Albert ;dosser each purchased
alto C. Leonard of the Bank Staff
&#hent Sunday at his home in Forest.
The marriage took place at the
Lutheran Church on May 10th of Hiss
Amelia afalier, daughter of Mr, and
Mrs Sam. Maier, to Mr, Riteinold
Miller, all of Dashwood The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. P.
MITCHELL—A quiet but pretty
weddin ; took place at Trinity Church
leectory, when Pearl ,E., daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Winslow, of the
Huron, Road west, was united in. mar-
riage to Mr: Henry L. Orr, youngest
son of Mr. and firs. Wm. 410n. of Mil-
Red Blood, Vim, Vigor, Vitality Fol-
low This Advice
Niagara Falls, Ont.- `As my par-
ents have used Dr. Pierce's remedies
with such won-
derful and quick
results I take great
a. pleasure in send-
` -1 '' 4 ing a good word
:o boost the cause
of 'Freedom trom
Illness. I have
used the Golden
Medical Discovery
at times for the
past three years.
Am a pressman
by occupation and the labor is quite
fatiguing and i'1.jc:rious to the system:
But today business has no drawback
for me. Three cheers for Dr. Pierce's
Discovery!" --William H. Dempsey,
Jr;, 32 Bridge i
As soon as you began to take this
"Discovery" you begin to f'ee1 its
may di just as ,much good as, if mote
oil had been used,
A large number attended the dedi-
cation of the. Methodist Church :n
Centralia, last Sunday morning and
evening. Wecongratulate the ,people
of our neighboring village upon. their
beautiful edifice.
Several of our houses and business
splacas are being malted ,for hydrd.
Ta. -day the layingof the cornea
start:s of the new Methodist Church
is taking peace. We hope to give
le rticudars n xt weelra.
The many friends of the late Rett
C. W. Baker ,w,erte: shocked to learn
of his death at Tharrtesfgrd. During
the time he was pastor of the Methoe
dist Church hare he .anon many friends
ants wig extend our heartfelt sympathy
bo Mas, B,aitter and Panay in this their
sad bereavement A ;number from
haze attended the ,fune,ral ,services at
the Exeter Cemetery on Monday.
Charles Zwicker has bought a Ford
truck. It is a nice looking truck and
.will certainly be convenient in his
Albert King's auct4on sale ten Mdn-
stay was weal attended and. prices were
good oat an. avteragel. We extend to
Mr.. Thompson, wife and family, who
,have bought Mr;. Kit g's farm, a .hearty
haealcorne into our n idsta. Mr. King's
talaaais ams stall andefinete, but in the
meantime .lie has moved into the house
formerly. occupied by Lloyd England.
Gree Either is buiild!ng a, summer
kitchen at the sear ,af his residence:,
Mrs, W. H. eWienziell hats .returned
hoist's from 'Detroit, ;t'bere she was
attereIing her daughter, Mrst. Jack Mc-
Donald . whose health has now improv-
ed very Touch,
Mrs. R. S. We:so;n srt-d babe, Donald
have arrived
home from mDr. Hyatt-
Hospital, ,Exeter.
Darr Oesteei,cliter is engaged making
week.—Mrs. Elizabeth Ryan returned
home ,last week, after speraling,sever-
el, weeks visiting her son-, and daugh-
ters at Chicago„—On, :Sunday after-•
term:oott, 111a. sad Mrs. James Carey. ac-
cornpatnied by th'ei'• daughter, Mss B„
and Master Hubert, motored to Lan-
don to visit their daughter, Miss Kath-
leen, who is taking treatmena at the
hospital there.—Mr. John Guinan was
in London deist week on business—Ma
Theobold Dederich and family visited
Wends, dE Zurich on Sunday.
bracing, appetizing effect. Buy of a,ement the Ifo,,' (the 'iownsl vip,..
your neighborhood drug store in tab- A j,oe ii meeting ,of ,the amniaiths of
lets and liquid, or send 10c to Dr. Sti-rahen and McGribvray was held at
Pierce's Laboratory in Bridgebrsrg; Tvfount Carmel out, Monday Gravel
Ont., for trial pkg. tablets and write clone,acts were pest on ties boundary at
for free medical advice. ,_;Ices much- reduced arertu the p'r•ev-
AFTER GRIP I'ao,us year's p,r•_Cc'esp
Ernest Guet giei is eine Toronto this
Colds, Fevers or a Rundown 1 week lar th,e purpps'.e of obtaining an
Condition, Take This Advice - sate acitel hanct.
Pleasantville, N. S. -"Four years 1 r,,,v, S M. Rauch intends, 1c,aving
ago I was a very sick woman. The for Neaiterv?i,1'e, Ill., ,three week to et-
doetor said it was pneumonia. It , tenrl -the Trustee Board Of the Norah
kept me in. bed for_ live weeks and Western Crn11ege,,
left me so weak that I could hardly i Our brick and title ,yarcls Iiave start -
get about. A dear friend advised me gtn�t e,cl th,c season's work Both Feed
to try Dr. Pierce's remedies and 1 Kea- ane Harry Kuhn, have bought
did so. After taking a bottle of the new smoke estncks.
Golden Medical 'Discovery and,one \A/,. S...,tereeekee as tee proud' father
of the Favorite Prescription 1 found of a baby g jrl, ,'?
1 was getting m1,1113'16 stronger that Mrcl:ralel S. Fmkb'ein(er s �xcavateg
1 continued using them, together the cellae i his new dwelling,
with Dr,- Pierce's Pleasant Pellets; eval;sur Slmrath arrlusd houne. : from,
until I fully recovered my strength.' R.)•etr,a:t; last ,weiek:
-Mrs. Agnes Bruneil. Cq,-fit H:ii, seri, r' 'les been in Pigeon:
Hay Council
OurP olicy is to assist farmers in in-
creasing their live stock holdings,:
and to secure a
Better Grade of Stock
Call and talk the matter over.
THE io
,Capital Paid up $15,000,000
Reserve Find $15,000,000
F. A. Chapman, Manager
Exeter Branch,
Credittora Branch,R+ s Wilrou, Managerparbwood Brioche .
Thee regu ae meeting was held onthe
5th. All the members were present,
The contract between the Hydro -
Elect* Power Corunissi»n and the
Township was signed by the reeve and
T. R. Patterson of .Lader eb. was
appointed civil ertgineer .for the TowA-
ship, and in aecorctaraee with a peti-
tion he is to make a survey end es-
timates for the cleaning And repairing
of the Schwalm 'Drake.
The Reeve and Clerk were author-
ized to sign an agreement with. the
Bell Telephone Company respecting
the appointment of the Hay Telephone
System as manager l° the Bell office
at I)asha,00d, and Ito slg;n, an agree-
ment with the Bell Ca. to pay regular
rates and tools, but the Hay System ,
to receive .from the J3e11 Co .14c. for
every complete rnessa,ge,
A number of accounts were passed
and adjournment was made to June 3
at 9 ro'calock .tor general business and
a'Lsc? Court of Revisa;ore
• Greenway
The Bish'o+p of Huron conducted as
very, impressive Confirmation service
in. Grace Church last Mondays.—Mr.
and Mrs'. Jolm Prance and ,fam' y
spent Sun.dray with Mil and Mrs. Bul-
.ullock. They are moving ,tio their new
bome in. WJnchelse this week.—Mrs.
Gordan, Ulens aplent last week with
her sister, MTs. Scott, near Exeter.--
Mrs,. Edwards has Ineturnied to her
home here, after spending the winter
js Parkhill.
Coal Paid Up *.4,000,000
Reserve Fund $5,000,009
Over t25 Brine 11es.
It is dangerous) Better to take this money to the
nearest .Braste t of The aloileo na I3art4 and deposit it in
a saavhTgs account where it welt b,1 absolutely safe.
Monty may be deposited a, r withdrawn by item .?
T. S. WOODS Ianager.
is Branch open for business daily.
y De s" Boxes to Reset at the Exeter Brenda
Mr. Joseph Geiger moved his house-
hold effects into the house owned by
;Mr. G, M. Dens fet the north end, —
Mr, Pater Raav!e(lle ,has purchased the
property owned by felt, D. KOehler
and recently vacated by aalr,. Joseph
Geiger, and will ;run an ice cream par-
lor and restaurant. Mr. Harry Wea-
ver of Gait -has taken a polsition' with '
Mr W. H. Hoffmatn as to lar. --Rev.
F. B. Meyer and ,slits. Meyer have left
,for their new home in, Gorrie.—, On
Thursday,'May 18th, the first of the
Big Four balse''ball ,games ,will take
place on. the .local diamond, Win.gham`
being the opponents1.
air,. Wm. Stiphrin still continues
qu t "elle—The Se tenor ,Bible class boys
held 'phis egg social is Mr. Josh Johns'
bush on Friday evening, and a very
enjoyable time was spenit ;by all in(s t=
tendance.—W.inchelsea school team
went to ICirkton last Wednesday,
where they played a game of -baseball
The .game WAS ,a ,fast ,ane, but the
score was against our bays(.—,Kiss
Vera Heywood of Lom;doa spent the;
Week lend at- her home here,— The
Ifarm,ers are busy working
tlu;eir coral,
grounsl-;now.—Mr.. and Mrs. J. S.
Matz and daughter spent Sunday et
Mrs, Thos, Heywoodrs.—Mrs. Thos,
Heywood has been seriously ill, but
wr are gleaned'.. to bear that she
:rnproeing,—Mr. Newton Clark has
stetted to ire»air his barn, .
Mensal -
Dr.. A. Moir hats returned from St.
Joseph's Hospital, London;, where he
had been confined for several weeks
owing to blood poisoning in one of
has. hands, received ,from dressing a
patients wound and whit in a short
time resume his practice,-Mr.:T: Cl:
BRUCEFIELD The first football
game ea the initeemodaate W. F. A.
dries district, was played here last week
between Dublltn. and Rovers ,af $xuce-
t - rhe- game was. witnessed vby"a
large crowd, and ,resulted :in a win for
the home team •by -the .score of 2 'to"Ol
Funeral Director & Embalmer,
i>fi,r E. GARDINER
t is true economy to use Greening's Lay Flat
Poultry Fence. You save lumber because top rails
and baseboards are unnecessary. Even and heavy
galvanizing before weaving gives long life. The joint
construction and 2 inch parallel wires keep your
fence tight and in shape.
Heights from 12 to 72 inches. Sold by good
hardware dealers.
Easy to control it -lays flat when you unroll it.
Joynt has meco.ezed'from his recent sae
seines .—Tine new Masonic rooms are AN d
about completed and .will soon be
ready for .the bre'theere-Mr. Robt A
Idi.gpints has Moved with his family are- Affords Absolute
to the -dwelling neceln,'t1y occupied by eyaa.
Mr. Owren .tfeygeat,—Mr. aln,d Mrs. ` A.
S. Case were in Detroit attending the StOCC,
graduation of Musa. cCase's sister as a. ''e
[Dr, H, F. Whittaker, Edmonton, at
a . joint convention, of .Caniaelne and
Ontario De ital Asisociations •says
^trey 25 per cen,ta. ,of the leo,pulatt rem
f Canada mec,eva' g dental. atrdt He
rriig! t have gone fuethrr'and ;cxplarmed
th? 1-easans."
aiurse. Mr. Frank Peart is able to be_
out again, alftrer his irecent acciident, he
having had the 1,i,gdneents in his knee
badly strainled,—The first of the sum-
mer 'holidays for ,our businiess men
have been [started and will be continu-
ed Thursday throughout the summer.
—Mr, Wm. 'Crag and, ,sister Hannah
leaves this week for Moose Jaw, Sask.,
where they intetud remaining for the
summer -W e are s,orr'y to xe,port the,
riilhess of Mr. Wm. White., -The mem--
_bets. of the W. C. 'PU1 alttenlded a
special meeting ,o
tinf the Zurich Lodge
on, Monday evening—Mr. T. Murdock
is beautifying his residence with a
fresh coat of paint;—Mrs. R. McArthur
was recently called to Niagara Falls
owing to the critical illness of her
sister, but she had passed away be
kora she got there. -Our Main street
is being suryeyecl for the new pave
It is the other people's mkamey': that
-ire the raat off evict,, •
n'' I
—1i 1-1irk,
e -ll
.: -.,R=,-
- i.r4rsulf
That's why we e�t`���
handle this line— = rt}
because it is strong
er and lasts longer
than light weight fences that
cost just as much. FULL
GAUGE No. 9 WIRE through
out, "CANADIAN" fence made r=te :
, ,
t! , lam"' ,,•
rm, [
'. �i�Il� . •. MAI)! RY, ,
f aN
sEEt & WIREGO. L7[T;
Hamilton,' give( 'honest. value for every .dollar. •..
Cottle in and -examine it when you are' inetown
We can sell you this fence as cheap as you can buy fence any -
When benptab.`te?n shows a charming' where.: iss
pair a� ankles, ,a
, �[a°5 nllx, eitaftrCc; is to O
show a 'clean, plaer "of heels:.