HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-04-19, Page 149, PAGE 14 —GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1979 TOWN AND COUNTRY 12. Help wanted MAN OR BOY for lawn care. Call after 4 p.m. 524-2283.-16 RESPONSIBLE person to do housework one afternoon a week. Please call 524- 6287.-16 MATURE, reliable in- dividual for responsible part- time position in local retail store. Reply with full resume in your own hand writing to Drawer 117, c -o The Goderich Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich, Ont.-16ar Experie.>Iced carpenter wanted. Full time em- ployment. ,Goderich & district area. 524-2916 15. Tenders Township Of West Wawanosh TENDERS TENDERS to remove and dispose of old concrete sidewalk In hamlet.. of Dungannon in the Town- ship of West Wawanosh, will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. on TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1979. Tender forms available from under- signed. Lump sum price required. For infor- mation contact Marybelle Cranston or J. D. Durnin. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Joan Armstrong. Clerk, R.R. 2, Lucknow. 16, 17, ar Township Of. WestTWawanosh TENDERS FOR SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION TENDERS will be received by the under- signed until 5:00 p.m. TUESDAY, May 1, 1979, for the supply and in- stallation of ap- proximately 900 feet, more or Tess, of concrete sidewalk with expan- sion Writs," ap- proximately 4 inches in depth, 4 feet in width. Township to supply gravel for levelling. Tender forms available from undersigned. Lump sum price required. For information contact Marybelle Cranston or J. D. Durnin. Lowest or any tender not necessarily "occopiea: Joan Armstrong, Clerk., -- R.R. 2, Lucknow. -16, 17 ar CONSIGNMENTS WANTED for our next auction. Call 13. Wanted (general) Paul Cummings, 524- 9064.-2tfar Old wood furniture wanted, regard Tess of condition. 524-2725 15. Tenders AMINISTRY OF HOUSING ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION Tender Reference Num- ber B05 TS 79-58 For the removal of existing siding, wood soffits, facies, rain goods, and the In- stallation of new aluminum white siding, aluminum vented sof- fits, aluminum facies, and rain goods at Goderich FP 1/52 and FP 2/53. Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, May 16, 1979, by the Ontario Housing Corporation, c/o Court House and Registry Office, 80 Dun- das Street, P. O. Box 5600, Terminal "A" Lon- don Ontario N6A 2P3. Details and specifications may be obtained from the Huron County Housing Authority 53 Stanley Street, Goderich, On- tario, telephone (519) 524-2637, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER . NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. 16. Mortgages /Laa'a e�l J(14soc(a/es AUCTION CALENDAR April 17th - Dave Irwin, Farm Machinery at Rathwell Auction Complex April 21st - Anna Redmond, furniture, glass and china, Seaforth, 10:30 a.m. April 21st - Robb Taylor (new) modern fur- niture, Rathwell Building April 24th - Rathwell Complex - Hotel and Restaurant Equipment Auction . April 25th - Kintail Grocery Auction, Kintail 5:30 p.m. April 28th - tR & A Auction, cars, recreation vehicles, lawn and garden equipment, Clinton 10:30 a.m. May 2nd -- `Fairboard Auction, Seaforth May 5th - Seaforth Auction - antiques and furniture, Rathwell Building _ May 12th - Garage Equipment - tools, trucks, Ripley May 15th - Rathwell Equipment Auction, tractors, farm equip- ment May 19th - Ethel Beattie property, antiques, furniture etc., Seaforth May 26th - Pearl Campbell - Rathwell Building, Seaforth May 30th' —Kincardine Business Auction ode e// F J .fsociales AUC-TIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS' 77 MAIN ST.'SEAFORTH; ONTARIO NOK 1 WO (519) 527.1458 - CASH for your mortgage. Call us first 529-2747..-33tfar 18. Sevlces available FURNITURE refinishing and caning. Phone 524-7490 or 524-2725.-43tf PHIL'S . REFRIGERATION & APPLIANCES SERVICES Phone 1-887-9062 or Granger's TV 524-8925.-41 tf REPAIR TO all appliances, refrigeration service. Eudkn'ow Appliance Centre, Lucknow, phone 528- 2946.-43tf AIR HAMMER, Backhoe, Septic bed installations. Cecil Cranston, 529-7691. .6tf . TAX RETURNS. For the best deal in town see Henry at Suncoast Mall. -7 17_ •MID -WESTERN PAVING — driveways, parking lots, farm lanes, repairs. Free efff—m es: "Phone " Clinton -`- 482-3733.-11-25 18. Services available 18. Services available 18e -'Services available 18. Services available 18. Services available 18. Services available WILL DO portable welding and in -shop repair work. Phone 528'='2026, Spike Bakker, RR 5, Lucknow, Ontario. -13-16 CUSTOM backhoe and ex- cavation work, Rick Diemert, Ba.yfield 565- '1481.-13-16 ROOF, basement, driveway and parking lot, Sealing. Contact James Symes, 528- 3233.-15tf PAVEM"ENT stripping. Contact Jaynes Symes, 528-' 3233.-15tf CROP INSURANCE for corn, spring grains, white beans, flax and new seeding. Contact Niel Edgar, Wingham, 357-2440.-15,16,17 BACKHOE service, drains, septic tanks, basement excavation and open ditch. Charles C. Culbert, 'RR 6, Goderich, 529-7571.-16-18 .JLa/4 ,i /l -.s14socrales - 4LA *Ito e 5. 1 kA ,,•NE LL 4Ul I?UN L:UMPLE X` ONT 0101 ,ARGOT ,ARM Ia01►Mpn AUCTION COMPtIt1 RECREATIONAL VEHICLE AUCTION held at Rathwell Auction Complex APRiL 28 at 10:30 a.m. Sale consisting of quantity of cars, trucks, boats, boat motors, travel trailers, boat trailers, motor cycles, lawn mowers, riding mowers, garden equipment, tractors & some small equipment. Anyone wishing to consign any extra items please phone Rathwell & Associates at 527-1458. Full ��listing next week. atieve, t521.;.io. AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST, • SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1WO (519) 527-1458 WILL DO odd work with truck and light delivery. Phone 524-8553.-12tfar SURPLUS PROPERTIES SALE BY TENDER Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned un- til Noon, April 30, 1979 for the purchase of the following surplus properties: 1. A 4 -room elementary school located about 27 km north of the Town -of Goderich, lust east of Highway 21. It is sitting on approximately 4 acres of land --The Iced Is legally described as part --of lot 10, Concession 12, Western Division, Township of Ashfield, County of Huron. The site Is on the NE corner of the original lot and is regular In shape having about 429 feet frontage on the 12th Concession and about 406.2 feet on the slderoad. 2. A half ('/2) acre parcel legally described as part of lot 27, Concession 7 in the Township of West Wawanosh, Huron County. 3. A triangle shaped place of property located at the nor- thwest corner of lot 5, Concession 7 in the Township of Hullett, Huron County. This has a road frontage of 297 feet and a depth of 330 feet. Tenders may bo submitted for any or all parcels. Ten- ders must be accompanied by a certified Cheque payable to The Huron County Board of Education - in Trust" for 10% of the price tendered. Cheques will be returned If the tender is not accepted or will be for- feited to the undersigned as liquidated damages if the tender Is accepted and The Sale Is not completed by the purchas®r. The highest or any tender shall not necessarily be ac- cepted. Appointments for inspection of these parcels may be arranged by contacting Mr. R. B. Dunlop at 482- 3496. THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 103 Albert Street CLINTON, ONTARIO NOM 1L0 R.J. Elliott D.J. Chochrane CHAIRMAN DIRECTOR s ar-tiers--and-Dealers- - Reserve this Date Sat.ApriI2l, 1979 10 A.M. SHARP FOR OUR ANNUAL GIGANTIC OF NEW & USED EQUIPMENT TRACTORS - Over 45 tractors to choose from, some with loaders and cobs, up to 150 h.p. also Case skid -steer loader and John Deere crawler loader. TILLAGE EQUIPMENT - Over 60 plows, discs, cultivators, land packers, seed drills, fertilizer spreaders, weed sprayers of most makes. HAYING EQUIPMENT - Over 30 balers, throwers, stookers, h y bi ds, self propelled swatters, hay conditioners, mowers, rakes, elevators, hay wagons, crop choppers and zero grazing boxes. HARVESTERS - Over 20 harvesters including New Holland, self propelled, several forage' blowers, forage boxes. . SPREADERS - 15 excellent spreaders of various sizes, both single and tandum axle, some with hydraulic end gates. COMBINES - 9 self propelled and pull type combines, some with corn heads. CARS & TRUCKS - 1960. international feed truck with hoist, blower etc., 1964 Dodge Stake truck with dual, 1974 Ford Maverick, 2 door car, 1973 Chrysler Newport car, 1969 Cadillac 4 door, hardtop, 1973" Plymouth Fury 111, 4 door har- dtop. MISCELLANEOUS - Gravity boxes, grain chopper, air compressor, tractor cabs, post hole diggers, scrapper blades, snowblower, hay feeder, wagons, grain augers, stone picker forks, snowmobile, lawn & garden equipment, boat motor, trailers, mini bikes and Sunset Travel Trailer. List subject to additloand deletions. Due to normal business, owner or auc- tioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. Selling by.number only; lunch booth on grounds. Terms cash or cheque day of sale, Trucking available. All equipment to be sold. Owned by Wayne Word Farm^Equipment - with no con- signments. Please note Tractor Sale at 2:30 p.m. SHARP Auctioneer - Cliff Gilbert - R.R. 4'Wiartd'n Phone 534-0606 Plan to attend early WA-YNEWAR:D FARM EQUIPMENT The Dealer That Makes The Difference Hwy. 6 Wiarton Phone 534-2980 or 5341638 _ - f q WILL DO any small jobs around the house or yard. Call 524-6069.-16-19 McKENZIE UPHOLSTERY We will recover or restyle your old or new furniture. Top quality fabrics and workmanship. Call: 482-9359 Clinton HAROLD LAMB AUCTIONEER PHONE 524-9657 GODERICH CONCRETE FLOORS Laying and finishing concrete floors for basements, garages, patios, driveways. Call George Barralclough. Phone 524-8158 , a/?••.vel/ %r'' E'�.Iorrmc/e-I u eAIJCTION SALE 1 for Mrs. Anna Redmond of Goderich & Mr. Robb Taylor of Port Albert AT RATHWELL'S BUILDING, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO SATURDAY, APRIL 21st at 10:30 a':m. Sale consisting of: 3 piece pine bedroom suite w. 54" box spring & mattress, Sklar bed -chesterfield w. spring filled mattress, set of maple bunk beds,. 2 '. Pine upright stereo cabinets. 6' x 2' x 24", speaker cabinets w. shelves, 20" Quasar automatic color T.V., 2 platform rockers, maple coffee table, 3 drawer chest of drawers, antique chest of drawers, antique china stand, corner table, chesterfield, chairs, 2 night stands, 7 piece chrome suite w. 6 swivel bucket chairs & large imitation marble -top table, dining room suite w. 4 chairs, kitchen suite w. 6 chairs, leather fireside stool, foot stoOls, gun rack, 5 pc wood kitchen suite, -gold bedroom -lamp, wall clocks, mirrors, books, 16' & 8' Woods freezers, gas coppertone fridge & stove, sewing machine, assortment small appliances, handmade quilt, garden 'tools, glassware, ornaments, 80 Yamaha bike, 400 RV Scorpion snowmobile, 2 wheel trailer, lawn mowers, go: kart, pot belly stove, and much more. /// ( �Kii% e6 c , r. ,4,-(V1.1fy-Ya• fF,1 AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST.• • SEAFORTH, ONTARIO .NOK 1WO f T519) 52T -T4,58_..... .-. - ..:30:45. 1/// f HOUSE PLANS DRAWN to meet your requirements no obligation References for all previous projects Schaefer Residential Design Listowel 291-1449 C & B Builders\ -Custom Builders -Cottages -Additions -Renovations -Rec. Rooms Call Alex: 529-7714 -Cement Work -All Types -Walls -Sidewalks -Pig Barns CaII Doug: 524-8147 SMALL BUSINESS BOOKKEEPING SHELLEY BROWN-HARTMAN 157 RICH STREET GODERICH ONTARIO Res. 524-6003 �%La/.t!inell' �.YYseoriales ..LIQUIDATION AUCTION SALE of the KINTAIL GENERAL STORE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25th at 5:30 P.M. PROP-ERTY AND BUILDING: Brick commercial building in good condition with approx. 8500 sq. ft. full basement and a full 2nd storey; also 45' x 60' storage building. Residence: 2 storey, frame, 4 bedroom house, Targe living room drilled well, all attached and located on approx. 1 acre. EQUIPMENT: 8' Savage frozen food counter; 12' Tyler refrigerated counter (suitable for meat, produce or dairy); 8' Frigidaire meat counter; Quikold 8' dry drink cooler; General upright glass front dairy cooler; Kelvinator 2 -door upright dairy cooler;.30 cu. ft. Woods chest freezer; Universal ice cream cabinet; Gilson upright refrigerator; cellowrap machine - single roll meat slicer - just new; metal cabinet w. arborite topped worktable;' Globe single feed meat slicer; Toledo fan -type scale; Fa irbank-Morse hardware scale; Fleming paint shaker; Victor cash register; Remmington hand -operated adding machine; full size check-out; security mirrors (large); paper roll dispensers; select-o-matic V -belt gauge; Hendee wire cheese .gutter; rolling tool rack display; 2 basket rolling wine display; shopping 'carts and wire baskets; large quantity of various wood shelving. SHOP EQUIPMENT: 2 stage air compressor . "Champidn °Pneumatic. Mach. Co. complete with ,W4"., air stopage tank;' Coats 10-10 super- IYowerman tire changer; May pneumatic load ex- pander; Vulcan heavy duty battery charger; tireweld vulcanizer; Bean wheel balancer; pneumatic stud gun and studs. INVENTORY: Approximately $5,000.00 worth of food and confectionary including: pop, soups, tea, coffee, detergents, cookies, juices, cereals, canned vegetables plus many more items too numerous To mention. HARDWARE: Approximately 56,000.00 worth of stock, including bolts, nails, forks, shovels, fencing, hand tools and many other items pertaining to farm and household use., __- PROPERTY SOLD SUBJECT TO RESERVE - OFFERED AT 7 p.m. For further information contact Bill Van Osch - 529- 7301 or Bruce Rathwell 527-1458.27' el (j hy8GG �`" e Jioceatei AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS Lir77 MAIN ST. 5 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1WO t4‘ (519) 527-14513 a4 We're still in Business STOTHERS' BACKHOEING With an 18" or 24" Bucket BULLDOZING, GRAVEL TRUCKS All Grades of Gravel & GraVel Fill Sandblasting, Air Hammer, Septic Tanks ARNOLD STOTHERS. R.R. 6 - GODERICH 529-7403 DRAINAlmo.GE CONTRACTORS, FARM AND MUNICIPAL DRAINAGE PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE CATCH BASINS 8 Weldon Ave. Arva, Ont. CATCH BASINS PHONE Shop 473-2369 Gerry Res. 438-4392 Rug Res. 471-1073 DRAINAGE PHONE Shop 473-2369 Gerry 438-4392 Steve Goderich 524-7037 HOWATT BROTHERS LTD. TILE DRAINAGE BULLDOZING BACK HOEING Call DOUG & RON HOWATT R.R. 1 BELGRAVE, ONT. (1) 523-4500 5 FARM DRAINAGE LAND CLEARING AND BULLDOZING CLINTON George Nesbit P 44 482-9497 BRUCE FALCONER CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM BUILT HOMES FARM BUILDING -CONCRETE POLE BARNS GENERAL REPAIRS & RENOVATIONS FREE ESTIMATES 523-9518 EVENINGS BLY1'H ONT. '18 yrs. experience