HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-04-19, Page 8PAGE 8—GODERIC,H SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, AFRIL 19, 1979 V.L.A. residents protest flooding to council Accounts totalling over $12,000 were ordered paid when Goderich Township Council met in regular session on April Mr. and Mrs. Hartman were present at the council meeting to pursue their application" for a building permit. Council passed a motion that the clerk investigate the legal procedures regarding this ap- plication and proceed to prepare a by-law if the by-law does not need circulation and approval of adjacent owners. Glen Brandon requested support from council in his application to remove sand from the Bayfield River. Council passed a motion to request more information from Norman Richards, Ministry of Natural Resources in Wingham regarding Mr. Brandon's request. Ewan Ross requested a zone change from open space to residential land use for part of his property on lot 35, Mt. concesssion. Council passed a motion that the clerk reply to Mr. Ross' request informing him that council intends to view the area when on their road tour and further that if Mr. Ross has a survey of the area, council would appreciate seeing the dimensions. Kleinfeldt group requested permission to attend a council meeting to speak on behalf of their client, R. Samways. Council suggested April 16 at 9 p.m. as the date and time for this meeting. Council approved a tile drain loan application from R. Norman for $8,000 on lot 31-B.L. V.L.A. residents Paul Brown, Tom Worthington Mary Luanne wins contest BY DELORES Van OSCH Mary Luanne Clare, 16, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clare, was the winner in the District Contest of the Effective Speaking Compe- tition sponsored by the Lions Club last Thursday night in Arthur. She will compete in the Multiple District "A" Final contest which will be held in Noranda, Quebec on May 5. Here the winners from Ontario, Quebec and Labra- dor will compete. The boy winner was Ed Crowson from Shelburne, French girl win- ner was Sharon Hunter from Owen Sound. Mary Luanne also came in second place in the Senior High School Legion Speaking Competition held in Hanover last week. Congratulations Mary Luanne! Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Max Riegling on the birth of their baby son on Friday,' April 13th at the Wingham and District Hos- pital. Visitors Easter weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Howard were Anita Hogan of London and Leona Hogan of Stratford. Visitors with Mrs. Yvette Heffernan were Jerry Heffer- nan of Stratford and Miss Blanche Bilodeau of Water- loo. Mrs. Paul Wisser of Tor- onto and Mr. and Mrs. Art Bowler of Kinkora were weekend visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vassella. Several from this area attended the wedding recep- tion of Darlene Farrish and .Peter Shelton in the Lucknow Community Centre on Satur- day evening. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Van Rooy and family were Mr. and Mrs. IAPA delegates told Steve Reaburn of London. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chilton (Maureen Dalton) and boys of Moose Factory are visiting for two weeks with Mrs. Clarice Dalton and family. Other visitors at the Dalton home on the holiday week- end were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pritchard of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Martin and family, R. R. 5 Kincar- dine, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dalton of Lucknow, Marsha Alton and Bernie Van Osch. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Frayne, Cambridge were weekend visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Frayne. The community extends and Pete Shepherd had a letter of protest about flooding presented to council but no motions were recorded regarding this protest. Suncoast Estates had two plans of sub -division presented by the Ministry of Housing for council; s consideration. Council passed a motion saying it had no objections to the plan. The Goderich fire agreement was approved by council as presented by the town. Seven tenders for construction of the Deeves Bridge were considered by council. The tender of R. their sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Joe O'Keefe on the passing of Joe's aunt, Miss Adeline O'Keefe of Marion Villa, London, who passed away on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Van Osch and family spent Easter Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Moyer and Percy of Ayton. Easter Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Terry Dalton and Colleen were Ann's mother, Mrs. Laurine Lienhardt, And her sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Brian White and family and Miss Janet Lienhardt, all of St. Clem- ents. Nicholson for $15,400 was accepted, subject to approval by M.T.C. Building permits were requested by R. Hartman for a commercial ad- dition; Bluewater Centre for a picnic shelter; Wm. Gerrits for a poultry barn; and Henry Drost for a machine shed. Council passed a motion that Hartman's ap- plication be filed for further information; that Gerrits' be issued upon receipt of a certificate of compliance; and that Bluewater Center's and Drost's be issued. Council passed a resolution that stated, "Whereas the Township of Goderich has an of- ficial Secondary Plan and whereas the land referred to in by-law number 1, 1979 is covered by this plan and whereas the by-law is in con- formity with the Official Plan, because the land is designated 'seasonal residential', we hereby certify that the land was so designated when the by-lawwas passed." Six objections were received in response to this by-law. They were from Seven Wheels, Goerge S. Land, Beverley Cooley, George Toy, Gerald Nyenhuis and Susan Nyenhuis and each one was dealt with by council. A motion was then passed by council stating that it did not agree with the objections as it believed the by-law to be legal. Council then adjourned to April 16 at 8 p.m. Guaranteed Investment Certificates 1 0 vs W.E. (TED) WILLIAMS 524-7102 or 524-7665 CULBERT'S BAKERY 1877 "Home of Tasty Pastry" 1979 49 WEST ST. GODERICH 524-7941 101 years of serving Goderich and area residents with quality bakery products WEEK -END SPECIAL Thurs. - Fri, - Sat. ORANGE CAKE MADE WITH FRESH ORANGES REG. '1.25 WHILE SUPPLY LASTS emaqmoteetummaccemmeznat ALBUMS Corporation of the ) TOWN OF GODERICH DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME y,Y a aBreGI uStMp SUQERtRA r , 9 • TAPES L9 Ontario is in the midst of a manufacturing boom despite pessimism about the general state of the. economy, Alex Gray Chairii an- of--tfie -Ontario-- business expansion -and Division of the Canadian investment," he stressed.. Manufacturers' Association told about 1,500 delegates recently at the 62nd Annual Conference of the Industrial Accident Prevention Association of Ontario (I.A.P.A.). At last Wednesday's All Class Luncheon, Gray, who is President 'and General Manager of Gray Tool Company of Canada Limited in Bramalea, cautioned delegates: "All of us in manufacturing must continuously guard against falling into the trap of the self-fulfilling prophecy where bad news becomes a reality simply because we hear so much of it." He said that manufacturing's strong performance is evident, in the creation of 162,000 new jobs from February 1978 to February 1979. Currency devaluation has been the major factor in the upsurge of manufacturing, he stated. In terms of comparative wage rates, devaluation of the Canadian dollar has put wages for other major industrial powers on a level with Canadian wages and has resulted in sharp price increases on exports to Canada. "This has given Canadian manufacturers a tremendous op- portunity to replace imported- products with domestic goods. k.T4 e result is real prosp'brity for almost all Canadian manufacturers," he said. Although `retailers are still in a slump because of reluctance to spend money, there may be a 10 per cent increase in the sale of Canadian made goods this year while the imported portion may drop by five per cent, he explained.' Other factors con- tributing to the manufacturing boom, he said, increased com- petitiveness of Canadian exports because of the drop in the dollar and recognition by the Federal and Provincial governments of the desirability ofestraint in government s ending. "Continued evidence of fiscal, responsibility on the part of government is needed to help set the climate for more Gray urged companies to take a closer look at the implications of Bill 25, a proposed amendment, by the Ontario government to the Labour Relations Act. 2:00 A.M. TURN YOUR CLOCKS AHEAD ONE HOUR ,.Legend' POLO DIRE STRAITS ALBUMS 2 SPARKLING FULL COLOUR 5" x 7" SPECIAL PRICE ENLARGEMENTS MOUNTED IN DELUXE STUDIO MOUNTS - ORDER NOW FROM YOUR FAVOURITE COLOUR NEGATIVES OR COLOUR SLIDES CLIP OUT AND PRESENT COUPON 2 FOR 1 BRING YOUR FAVOURITE COLOUR,. NEGATIVES OR COLOUR SLIDES TO O;I1R STORE WITH THIS COUPON FOR T IIS MONEY SAVING OFFER. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE! 2 5" x 7" ENLARGEMENTS 1.99 GOOD UNTIL APRIL 30, 1979 !` CIRCLE OF SOUND NAKAMURA GUARDIAN DRUGS pHARmAcy PEN MON.-FRI."10-12,12:30.6 SUNCOAST MALL WEEKDAY EVENINGS 6:30 P.M. -9 P.M. GODERICH SATURDAY 10.6 524-2195 alum. A & A EDWARDS 172 SHOPPERS SQUARE GODERICH 524-2823 OTHER CIRCLE OF SOUND STORES: Arichat, N.S., Aurora, Belleville, Bracebridge, Chatham, Cochrane, Douglastown, N.B., Elliott Lake, Etobicoko - Cloverdale Mall, Frodrictony N.B., Godorich, Gravenhurst, Guelph, Hanover, Huntsville, Kapuskosing, Kincardine, Kirkland Lake, Listowel, London, Loulsdale, N.S., Mississauga - Weistdate Mall, Mount Forest. Neponee, New Liskeard, North Stay, Port Hawkesbury, N.S., Shelburne, Sudbury, Timmins. Watordown, Welland, Yong° Street - Toronto, Smiths Falls. OTHER LOCATIONS IN ROBINSONS STORES IN: Burlington, HamlHon, Niagara Falls, Sf. Catharines, Stoney Creek, Waterloo. l'eryu'.n 1. r • 4rC1P',y;.�