HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-04-19, Page 5els nc e.a an we a withcHenry's farm there for the past year replacing George Penfold who is on a year's sab- batical. She said she would like to use the results of the high school project to develop an urban -rural studies kit GODPRICH SIGNQ►L-STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1979—PAGE 5 BY JEFF SEDDON Uncle Henry wills 25 acres of land outside Goderich to the relative that comes up with the best land use for the parcel. What would you do with it? That was an exercise for use in secondary Cindy Fisher off the Huron school geopgraphy county planning classes. department put Grade 13 Before giving the students at GDCI students the hypothetical were presented to former through. situation of Uncle Huron county warden Fisher spent two weeks Henry's land Fisher Gerry Ginn. at the .school working briefly outlined the Ginn commented on with students in an at- county official plan and each proposal. He told the tempt to familiarize them explained the township students he based his the planning process in secondary .plan and its comments on his Huron county and, more process. She pointed out opinions, his experience specifically, their own that with the limited time with the Goderich communities. She hopes available it was difficult township secondary plan to do similar projects in to teach the complete and p, db = ai s he en - high schools in Exeter planning process but felt countered ling with and Clinton. she gave students planning issues when he Fisher is a temporary "something to, think was reeve of the town - employee at the planning about". ship. department. She has been To cap the two week Fisher said she felt the area and cross students found the skiing an project "interesting and Marjorie challenging". She said she felt there was room for more community studies in school • programs adding it was surprising how little students knew about neighboring municipalities. The four uses proposed for the land were a Yours sincerely, community centre -sports Mrs. J. Berry, complex,. a golf course, a cereal grain processing plant and a race track for horses. Jim Crawford presented his group's views on the community centre. He told Ginn the project the students were group felt there was little divided into four groups. for young people to do in Each group was given a Goderich pointing out proposal for a parcel of that a sports complex land about a mile south of would serve both young Goderich on Highway 21. and old. The students were asked The complex would to keep the planning house' a pool, gym - process in mind, draw up nasium, dance floor and scaled site plans and would have a liquour justify their land use license. He said it would proposal. The results also include an outdoor baseball diamond, a track and field area and a variety of playing fields. He suggested that the outdoor land uses would permit the complex to blend into its rural set- ting. He added that schools in Goderich could make use of the facility for intra -mural sports. The complex would also provide residents of the town and townships with an outdoor campit . ry Ing trails. eBoer said her group felt a golf course would be an ideal land use. She said the clubhouse for the course would be located in the centre of the acreage. The clubhouse would include a pool and sauna and could be used for conferences that now are taken out of Goderich for lack of a facility. She said tennis courts would also be included to handle overflow from the Maitland courts and the courts at the high school. Dave Durnin said his group felt the best use for the land to satisfy needs Dear Editor... from page 4 participating churches for serving the tea tables. Special thanks go to Mrs. Janet Kalbfleisch for organizing the waitresses, and to Mrs. Joan Hibbert and Mrs. Jean Hanly for the lovely decorating job. Sincerely, Kelly Daniels and Marnie Langridge. Advise Dear Editor: This is to advise that the following statement has.been released to the news media by the'Board of Governors of the Alexandra Marine & General Hospital today. "1. It is noted with regret that some members of the Gpderich Town Council feel im- pelled to interfere with the internal operations and labour relations at the Alexandra Marine `& General hospital. 2. It is further noted that letters of complaint from employees: were entertained and discussed publicly by the Town Council and public statement- issued,-witheu-t--- the courtesy of requesting information from " the Management and Board of the hospital. 3. Had facts been checked, no employees presently employed in the laundry will be without jobs when laundry ser- vices are transferred to London. Alternate em- ployment in the hospital has been found for all employees concerned. 4. Cessation of laundry operations was necessitated by inadequacy of present facilities. In addition, savings generated by purchasing laundry services assists the Board in keeping open as many beds as possible to serve the people of the area." Chairman Board of Governors.. Mr. J. McCaul, Vice Chairman Board of Governors. for both rural and -urban maintain a gravel road People would be a race where it joined pavement track. He said the horse and was costly and barns in the centre of relatively inefficient. Goderich are creating , He said there was problems for nearby nothing wrong with a residents as well as users good gravel road pointing of the playing fields at out that none of the four Agriculture Park. He proposals suggested said there was more than gravel. He did say that he enough room for the liked the idea of having track, grandstand, horse the entrances off the barns and room for highway. exercising and grazing He warned the sports horses. complex group not to Jim Van Osch was develop a "white spokesman for the group elephant". He said there advocating a cereal grain was no feasability study processing plant. He said done on the Complex to the main part of the plant see if it would be used. He could be located in the told the students to keep centre of the lot to allow in mind that they would ample room for future have to pay taxes to expansion. He pointed out support the complex. that the plant would be an He didn't spend much agriculturally related time on the golf course industry in an proposal pointing out that agricultural area. He it would be very difficult said it ,'Wciuld provide to get a course of any employment for people in merit on a 25 acre parcel Goderich and could be of land. linked in with some of the He said he felt it was a town's services. He said "good idea" to get the it would have its own race track out of sewage processing area. Goderich adding the All four projects used a track shouldn't be in a township road bordering populated area. He said the property as the en- he had heard nothing in trance to relieve traffic the proposal dealing with tie ups on the highway. sewage treatment or All wanted to pave the garbage disposal. township road to the His comments on the entrance to their cereal plant involved buildings. services. He' said his Ginn pointed out that understanding of the paving of a section of processing cereal grains the road would cause the was that a great deal of township road depart- water was needed. He ment headaches. He said said the plant did not it was very difficult to appear to be a "nuisance" industry but w,,ould probably be better if it were located in Goderich's • Industrial "Park. Ginn said his biggest Gerry Ginn (left) former reeve of Goderich township and warden of Huron County was invited to a Grade 13' geography' class at GDCI recently to hear students' proposals for development of a. 25 acre parcel of land in Goderich township just south of town. The exercise was part of a two week Civic Corner The Huron County Planning Board meets today, Thursday, April 19 at 10 a.m. in the council chambers, Court House, Goderich. The Municipal Day Nursery meets Tuesday, April 24at7:15p.m. in the council chambers of Goderich Town Hall. The Goderich Architectural Con- servation Advisory Committee meets on Wednesday, April 25 at 8 p.m. in the council chambers of Goderich Town Hall. The April Session of Huron County Council is scheduled for Thursday, April 26 commencing at 10 a.m. in the council chambers, Court House, Goderich. Henry W. Block "You deal personally (ththe specialist preparing your income tax return: When you come into one of our offices, a trained tax expert will take . the time to understand your personal tax situation while preparing your return. To dig for the facts. To save you as much money as legally pos- sible.,At H&R Block, we are income ,tax specialists. H&R BLOCK THE INCOME TAX_PEOPLE 1 mors6 Weakdoys, 94 Sat. Phone 31400314 'ONLY 13 BAYS LEFT - APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE project by the county planning department to at- tempt to familiarize students with the planning process in the county. Cindy Fisher (centre) took over as the geography teacher during the two week program. On the right is geography teacher Glen Rittinger. (photo by Jeff Seddon) "New" Velour & Terry have just arrived...'` In many exciting new spring colours and styles to choose from... 8 King Street, Clinton 482-7735 disappointment with the students was that none of them felt that farming was the best land use. Jim Crawford argued that the project was to come up with a land use that benefits the com- munity. He said a farm would benefit one person or a family but the sports complex would benefit the entire community. "Everyone likes to eat," quipped Ginn. ad- ding "the best land use for 25 acres in Goderich township right now is farming". THE SEPARATE SHOPPE MAIN CORNER, CLINTON PHONE 4s2-777$ (NEXT TO CAMPBELL'S MEN'S WEAR) DRESSES! BLOUSES -SKIRTS -PANTS -SUITS -SWEATERS OPEN 1-6 OPEN 1-6 We are happy to announce that LII REDMOND has joined our staff Liz has been employed in Goderich for several years and would like to invite any of her friends and previous customers to call her for an appointment at Heather Beauty Salon 108 LIGHTHOUSE ST., SINCE 1948 GODERICH 524-7461 It's nota try It's a complete'. line and that your body...and you • ante Idea ti SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL FOR YOU Rosemary Blois Beauty Consultant with Biotherm beauty care products will be In our store 11 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M. THURSDAY, APRIL 26 Arrange an appointment for a FREE CONSULTATION Receive your complimentary gift with any pur- chase of Biotherm products from the body, face or sun lines. (This offer does not include the Sun Special) Rosemary will also have important information on Blothorm's Body Cremes - Creme Pour Le Ven- tre, Creme AR, Creme D, Creme R. available exclusively at RIIC!C PHARMACY Com t SHOPPERS SQUARE, `-� GODERICH CHARGEX 524-7241