HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-04-12, Page 251 DEADLINE FOR BULLETIN BOAR') AND FARM SECTION ADS 10 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS "Annual Bluebird Ball", Saltford Valley Hall, Saturday, April 21st. Dancing 9:00 to 1:00 a.m. to Dale Henderson. Lunch ser- ved. $10.00 per couple. Proceeds for Arthritis Research. For tickets 524-7104, 524-7882 or 524- 7470—13-15AR RUMMAGE SALE, Saturday, April 21 at 11:00 a.m. St. George's Anglican Church in the Parish Hall. -14,15 ATTENTION: Farm Safety Night on April 12, 8 p.m. Brookside School. Films and discussion of farm implement safety from 8 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. Workmen's Com- pensation for the farm 9:15 to 10:30. Parents and children are invited. Come for the section that interests you. Sponsored by local Federations of Agriculture. -14, 15 "JESUS FOLK" - a dramatic musical - Sat., April 21, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. - North Street • United Church,- Sponsored by The Salvation Army. For tickets phone 524-9341 (adults $1:00, children under 12 - 75 cents).-13- 15AR BINGO every Tuesday evening at the Vanastra Centre, RR 5, Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular -card $1.00. Fifteen regular $15.00games,, three three share -the -wealth, jackpot $200.00 must go. Admission restricted tQ sixteen years and over. —tf DESSERT CARD PARTY • of Bridge, 500 and euchre to' be held at MacKay Hall; Wed- nesday, April 18th at 1:30 p.m. • Sponsored by Goderich Rebekah Lodge No. 89. Admission $1.00. Horne baking sale after cards. Everyone welcome -.-15 P,ELEE POINT DAY Excursion, Sunday, May 13 for the Spring Migration conducted by Ornithologist Mr. Peter Vernon of Goderich. Tickets available through The Coach House Travel Service, Goderich. Phone 524-8366 or The Coach House Travel Service Exeter. Phone 235-0571. Adults $19.00. Children $14.00. ROBERTSON MEMORIAL . SCHOOL Open House, Tuesday, April 24, 1979, 9 until 3:30, 7- 8:30 p.m. All Senior Citizens are invited to a program and school tour, Wednesday, April 25, 1979, 10:30 a.m.-15,16AR NOTICE - All coaches and managers interested in playing ball in the Ash- field Recreation League please attend the meeting at Brookside School April 18at8:30p.m.-15 VARIETY CONCERT - sponsored by Goderich ane District Pro 'Life Group, Friday, 8:00 p.m. April 20th, St. Mary's School, Goderich.-15-16 CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday 8:00 p.m. first regular card $1.00, restricted to 16 years or over. Fifteen regular games of $15.00, $5.00 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200.00 must go each week. 19tfar PAPER DRIVE MAY 5th - The first paper drive of '79 will be held Saturday, May 5th by the Rotary Club of Goderich. Besides the environmental im- portance ofthis project, the proceeds are used by the Club to support community projects. Please save and bundle your papers now.-11- 16ar CERAMIC CLASSES - from Monday through Friday, afternoons 1:00- 4:00 p.m., evenings 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. Phone 524- 8031.-12-15 FESTIVAL SINGLES Easter Dance, Thursday, April 12, Victorian Inn, Stratford. Dancing 9:00 - 1:00. Welcome. all singles over 25.-14, 15 BINGO every Saturday evening at the Blyth Memorial Hall, Blyth, Ont., 8 p:m. 12 regular games, 3 share -the - wealth and Jackpot $150.00.-37tfar AN OPEN RECEPTION - will beheld on Saturday, April 14, 1979, 9 p.m. to 1 a.rn. at Lucknow District Community Centre, following the marriage of Darlene Farrish and Peter Shelton. Lunch provided. Everyone welcome. -15 WOMEN'S DAY OUT wild .have guest speaker Wednesday April 18 9:30 a.m. - 11 a.m. We meet at McKay Hall. -15 HOSPITAL AUXILIARY PENNY FAIR; May 22nd to June 4th. Tickets available from members next week. -15 GODERICH GARDEN. CLUB will meet April 18 at 8:00 p.m. in Robertson Memorial Public School. Ken Smith, columnist for London Free Press will speak on "Preview to Spring". -15 `FO�KOE.SEM FUTURO NO. 34 x -action knee brace Just what the doctor ordered for tired. aching knees, RIECk c-._®.za PHARMACY Shoppers Square, Goderich Open All Day Wednoodays Bingo In The New Goderich Legion Hall BINGO EVERY SUNDAY 7:30 P.M. SHARP NEW REVISED GAMES 11 Regular Games - '15.00, 4 Specials -'18.00 4 "Share the Wealth" with a chance at LA...., the Jackpot. Two door prizes. X10000 in 55 calls ADMISSION '1.00 DOORS OPEN 6:30 LL PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK GODERICH DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE AT-HOME FORMAL FRIDAY, APRIL 27th, 1979 DANCING FROM 9 p.m, to 1 €8.m. MUSIC BY "CHRIS BLACK & HIS SWINGING BRASS" '8.00 por couple —ANTIQUE BUFFS. - A Great Show and Sale, July 13th and 14th, at Bluewater Centre, Hwy. No. 21 South. -10-15-19-24 HURON BRUCE FEDERAL Progressive Conservative Association fund raising dinner for R.E. McKinley, MP campaign, Wednesday, April 18, 1979, Brussels Grey -Morris Community Centre, Brus> 1s, Ontario. Guest speaPrer is Geoff Scott MP, Hamilton -Wentworth, former CFPL TV correspondent in Parliament. Social hour 6 p.m., dinner 7 p.m. ' Tickets available from Municipal chairman. -15 TURKEY SUPPER - Victoria Street United Church, Wednesday, April 25th, 6:30 p.m. Tickets - adults, $4.25; children twelve and under $2.00. For tickets phone 524-9539 or 524- 2756.-15-16A. R , THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic; held at the Assessment Office Board Room, 46 Gloucester Terr., Goderich on Thursday, April 19, 1979 from 9:30- 11 :30'a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance; 2. Anaemia Screening; 3. Imrmunization; 4. Fluoride brushing for ages 3 to 5 years; 5. Hearing -Screening; 6. Vision Screening,—] 5AR Goderich Figure Skating Club are having a DANCE Sat. April 21 9 p.m. In the Goderich Arena Music By: "Sound Express" Buffet Luncheon '12.00 PER COUPLE, donation to the Cancer Society THE LITERARY CLUB will meet at the Goderich branch library, 52 Montreal Street at 12:15 p.m. on Thursday, April 1.2. Bring your, lunch, coffee • provided. Everyone welcome.-15A.R- NDP Nomination Meeting to elect can- didate for Huron -Bruce, Tuesday, April 17th, 8:00 p.m. Clinton Town Hall. Guest Speaker: Mac Makarchuk, M.P.P. Brantford. Everyone welcome, -14-15 Dine With U • r) II .Our Food's' ?= 'Delicious! Our menu offers a wide variety dishes... all ll excellently prepared! GODERICH RESTAURANT & STEAK HOUSE, 47 WEST ST. Giant Arnlu Spring Craft Show and Sale SAT, APRIL 21st, 10 a.m. at the Lucan Communitte Centre on 65 tables on display Admission 50' Children under 12 Free tie . rtttIe._(Ann BAYFIELD, ONTARIO TRADITIONAL EASTER DINNER Sunday April 15th 5:00 8 7:30 p.m. FOR RESERVATION CALL 565-2611 Open weekends till May 13, then daily after that date. ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CABLE 12 LISTINGS * Wednesday 7:00 p.m. * 1 WN1E' DRIVE-IN THEATRE LTD. BEECH ST. CLINTON BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:30 P.M. FIRST SHOW AT 8:00 P.M. Just when you thought it was safe to yo back in the water... JAWS GRAND OPENING 2 BIG FEATURES Thursday, Friday and Saturday April 12-13-14 —PLUS— ROY SCHEIDER ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 4,1Y1178 .<..,1,OHC1,Y - CLUB A ROBERT STIGWOOD PPOIAAa,un A.oA lAnow A mi DEE ANTHONY o AIT.M BY MICHAEL SCHULTZ "I'II be Seeing You with Stan Profit DIRECTLY FOLLOWED BY: "Simply Sports /r If with Doug Fisher Monday Night Lions TV Bingo * Thursday is Special Night. Each week is a different show.* * "Easy Listening with Grant Ellison * * "Best of Friends" with Eleanor and Warren Robinson *, * "Bluewater Special" with Fred•Salter * 0 IKtir A If .f�.; • We are preparing a Traditional Easter Dinner just for you. • All you can eat salad bar • Soup or Juice • Old fashioned baked ham • Scalloped potatoes • Vegetable ONL'. • Roll and butter • Beverage 7 75 • Baked trifle • SERVED FROM 4:30 to 8 p.m. EASTER SUNDAY COURT RESTAURANT FULLY LICENSED UNDER THE L.L.B.O. ETER FRAMPTON THE BEE GEES HIT"– WHATA TRIP! ADULT ENTERTAINMENT DAWN DUSK -TO - SUNDAY, APRIL 15 NO. 1. RADMITTANCE ESTRICTtp 11 r ra ""c"s mos ar AGI ocoY,II ireir •• •_ r. • BI 1. .i. r - 41 , :APt kI AN INIIRNA!K >NA, ,,r HIT JERRY REED and PETER FONDA 46.4 have found something more Fun than Truckin' i1e11- 111 $ ADUL ENTERTAINMENT'�i .. 120 THE SQUARE 524--9111 n Crtrbratr asfrr 1t,s Enjoy our Special Easter Family SMORGASBORD Make your RESERVATIONS Today' ' HIT CONNIE N®• 3 STEVENISScor IS �ADMITTANCE E5 rRICTED 10 00 10,41 I rIA4f 00 401 a4 0Vn GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1979—PAGE 5A G ODERICH LITTLE THEATRE.... MySTEy ENTITLED "Thriller of the Year" Starring - Joyce Kurran Sally Walker Anna Melski Ann Coulter Kathy Jenkins By Glyn Jones Professionally Directed by David Fanstone Made possible by a grant from Theatre, Ontario To be Performed in MacKay Hall APRIL 25, 26, 27, 28 at8:30p.m, Booking dates in next announcement. S PECI 4: TILL 2 AFRI $1 SO • Col. Sanders' Reclpa Kentucky fried. CA CAhick o NADIAN COM YAN, YOU GET •. 2 -pieces of ttttucky"Fried �'(kieke i •French Fries •Choice of Salad *Grecian Bread 94 ELGIN AVE. GODERICH, ONTARIO An exquisite smorgasbord for Eoster Sunday has been planned by our Chef especially for you. Featuring our cold buffet, prime rib, baked Virginia roast ham, or Southern fried chicken and dessert selection. Your Family's favourite dishes in our quiet peaceful at• mosphere. e Just $695 per person 2 SITTINGS - 5 8 7 P.M. EASTER SUNDAY rbfoth otrt AN AMERICAN IN'IERNA2IONAI REl EASE St 'SPRING 92 Shoppers Square Goderich 524-7337 CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY SPECIAL SMORGASBORD FOR, EASTER SUNDAY 4:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. We would appreciate reservations 524-7711 Special Smorgasbordprepared for the Easter.occasion. SALAD BAR - HOT SMORGASBORD DESSERT BEVERAGE 6.95 $3CHILDREN UNDER ADULTS • 9512 COME AS YOU ARE Served in Dining Room Only or Choose from our delicious menu in the Restaurant Open Easter Sunday 11:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m, Candlelight Restaurant a, Tavern Bayfield Road GODERICH 524-7711 Licensed under L.L.B.O. J