The Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-04-12, Page 24PAGE 4A—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1979 17. PROGRAM SCHEDULE April 12 to April 1 EXCLUSIVE TO SIGNAL -STAR PUBLISHING WEEKDAY LISTINGS MON DAY—FRIDAY MORNING 5:45 THE CHRISTOPHERS (Mon.) THIS IS THE LIFE (Tue.) U. OF M. PRESENTS (Wed., Fri.) AMER. RELIGIOUS TOWN HALL MEETINGS (Thurs.) 6:15 U. OF M. PRESENTS (Mon., Tue., Thurs.) FARM AND HOME SHOW (Wed) WITH THIS RING (Fri. 6:15-6:30) SCOPE 6:45 MORNING NEWS 7:00 TODAY SHOW 7:25 MICHIGAN TODAY 7:30 TODAY SHOW 8:25 MICHIGAN TODAY 8:30 TODAY SHOW 9:00 MARCUS WELBY 10:00 CARD SHARKS . 10:30 ALL STAR SECRETS 11:00 HIGH ROLLERS 11:30 WHEEL OF FOR- TUNE 12:00 NEWS 5 AT NOON AFTERNOON 12:30 HOLLYWOOD SQUARES 1:00 DAYS OF OUR LIVES 2:00 DOCTORS 2:30 ANOTHER WORLD THURSDAY, APRIL 12 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: TBA 5:30 NEWLYWED GAME EVENING 6 00 NEWS 6 30 NBC NEWS 7 00 BEWITCHED 7 30 BEST OF GILLIGAN'S ISLAND 8:00 WHODUNNIT 8:30 HIGHCLIFF MANO12 9:00 QUINCY 10:00 QUINCY 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 MOVIE: TBA 3:00 MOVIE: TBA ' • 5:00 MOVIE: TBA FRIDAY, APRIL 13 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: TBA 5:30 THE NEWLYWED GAME EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 BIONIC WOMAN: "IRON SHIPS AND DEAD MEN" - Ed W.alsh, Ray Young -Jamie boards an old destroyer as a salvage crew 7:30 MUPPETS 8:00 LITTLE HOUSE 9:00 NBC MONDAY MOVIE: "FATHER BROWN DETECTIVE"' 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW TUESDAY, APRIL 17 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: TBA 5:30 THE NEWLYWED GAME EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 BEWITCHED 7:30 SHA NA NA 8:00 CLIFFHANGERS � Provincial organizations unite Will better serve the disabled. Rau, an East German scientist credited with designing their ground -to -air weapon system, fakes a heart attack and slips away from a high level scientific conference, just a few days before the test fright of the United States' new B-1 bomber, Col. Steve Austin becomes suspicious. EVENING 6:00 NEWS 5 AT SIX 6:30 HEE HAW 7:30 GONG SHOW 8:00 YOUNG PEOPLES SPECIAL: "THE YEAR OF THE DRAGON" 8:30 TIGER BASEBALL - Detroit at Texas 11:00 NEWS 5 AT ELEVEN 11:30 MILLION $ MOVIE: TBA 1:30 FIVE THEATRE: TBA SUNDAY, APRIL 15 MORNING 6:45 DAVEY & GOLIATH 7:00 OPEN CAMERA 7:30 CARTOON CARNIVAL 8:00 REX HUMBARD 9:00 ORAL ROBERTS 9:30 TELEVISED MASS 10:00 ABBOTT & COSTELLO 10:30 LITTLE RASCALS 11:00 COMEDY CLASSICS: "THE BIG STORE" • Chico • Harpo and Graucho Marx AFTERNOON 12:30 AIAW - TV5 WOMEN'S SWIMMING AND DIVING 1:30 MEET THE PRESS. 2:00 OPEN CAMERA 2:30 GILLI'GAN'S ISLAND 3:00 .TIGER 'BASEBALL: DETROIT AT TEXAS - 5:30 ADAM -12 EVENING 6:00 NEWS 5 AT SIX 6:30 WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS 7:00 WORLD OF DISNEY 8:00 BIG EVENT: "WITH SIX YOU GET EGG ROLL" 10:00 WEEKEND 11:00 NEWS 5 AT ELEVEN 11:30 CINEMA FIVE: "SUMMER AND,SMOKE" Lawrence Harvey, Geraldine Page MONDAY, APRIL 16 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: TBA 5:30 THE NEWLYWED GAME EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 NBC NEWS STAR discovery of a skeleton bearing dog tags of 'Oscar's brother. 8:00 DIFFERENT STROKES 8:30 HELLO LARRY 9:00. ROCKFORD FILES 10:00 THE DUKE 11:00 NEWS 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW 2:30 MOVIE: TBA 4:30 MOVIE: TBA SATURDAY, APRIL 14 MORNING 6:30 BUFORD AND THE GALLOPING GHOST 7:00 FABULOUS FUNNIES 7:30 BAY CITY ROLLERS 8:00 ALVIN & THE 9:00 BIG EVENT: "HARD CHIPMUNKS TIMES" 8:30 THE FANTASTIC 11:00 NEWS POUR 11:30 TONIGHT SHOW 9:00 GODZILLA SUPER 90 1:00 TOMORROW 10:27 METRIC MARVELS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18 10:30 DAFFY DUCK AFTERNOON , 11:OOTHE NEW FRED AND 4:00 MOVIE F VE: TBA BARNEY SHOW 5:30 THE NEWLYWED 11:30 THE JE-TSONS GAME 12:00 SOUL TRAIN EVENING AFTERNOON 6:00 NEWS 1:00 DAKTARI 6:30 NBC NEWS 2:00' NBC BASEBALL: St. 7:00 BEWITCHED Louis at Pittsburgh or 7:30 FAMILY FEUD Philadelphia at New York 8:00 REAL PEOPLE Mets 9:00 NBC NOVELS: 5:00 SIX MILLION $ MAN: -WHEELS" Part 3 of 5 "CARNIVAL OF SPIES" - 11:00 NEWS Martin ' E. Brooks, Lloyd 11:30 NBC NEWS Bochner..: When Prof. Ulrich 1:00 TOMORROW SALTFORD VALLEY HALL FOR RENT 524-9366 For a Tasty Treat Try e' ScH�NESEs Fl�UO Phone 524-2242 Eat in or Take out HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 10 a.m,-10 p.m. 10 a,m..12 p.m. 12 noon -9 p.m. Fri. -Sat. Sun. Closed Wedpesdays Esquire Restaurant TIn Square Goderith 4,1 �> s Life for 'physically disabled people has undoubtedly improved in the last few years. The disabled have come a long way. But not, in their opinion, far enough. The days of charity and over protection are, happily, on the way out ax Tips Q. I'm a divorced woman. Can I claim the equivalent married exemption of $2,130 for my 13 -year-old child? A. Yes, provided your child was wholly dependent on you and lived with you in a "self-contained domestic establishment" mal t-ained by you alone or jointly with some other person, and in which both you and your r dependant generally eat and sleep. + ++ Q. I am married with a wife and two children, one seven and the other seventeen. My wife and children did not earn any income last year. What exemptions am I entitled to claim? A. Everyone is entitled to the basic personal exem- ption of $2,430. You may also claim a married exemption of $2,130, a $840 exemption for your seventeen -year-old and a $460 exemption for your seven-year-old. When making your claim be sure to give all the in- formation requested on page 2 of your income tax return. For more details, check your 1978 Tax Guide. + ++ Q. Can I claim my common-law wife and our children? A. Since your common-law wife is not considered a spouse for income tax purposes, you cannot claim the married exemption for her. You can, however, claim the children as dependents provided that you and not your common-law wife supported them. • • Q. I am a widower with two dependent children, Carol 16 and Ned 10. I understand that I can claim the equivalent -to -married exemption for one of my. children. Which one should I claim it for? A. The claim for a dependent child 16 and older' is greater than the claim for a child under 16. Therefore it is usually more advantageous to claim the equivalent -to -married exemption for the younger child. This would allow you a greater total deduction. Your claim, however, will be affected by your children's net income. Fcff more information ask your r_ District Taxation Office for the pamphlet "Income Tax and The Single Parent." + + + Q. I work for a transport company and travel regularly. What con 1 claim for away -from -home expenses when filing my income tax return? A..If you are an employee of an airline, railway, bus or other transport company carrying goods or _passengers and -you are required to travel regularly away from the municipality or metropolitan area where you report for work, you may claim actual expenses for meals and lodging while away minus any amount you are reimbursed or entitled to be reim- bursed by your employer. Information from your detailed records should be shown on form TL2 and , filed with your return. There is an Information Cir- cular 73-21R3 available at your District Taxation Office on this subject. + + + Q. If a wage earner for example moves in 1978, how does he determine if he qualifies for the moving ex- penses deduction? Briefly what are the rules? A. The most important rule to keep in mind is that moving expenses may be deducted from income if you move to a new residence to earn wages in another location in Canada, providing that the new residence is at least 25 miles closer than your former residence is to your new place of work, and that you will not be reimbursed by your employer. You must have ceased employment at your former location. You should also remember that moving expenses may be deducted only from income earned at your new place of work or business. + ++ Q. I paid $1,500 in alimony to my former spouse last year. Can I claim all of this on my income tax return? A. There is no dollar limit on the amount,of alimony that can he deducted. You may claim the full amount paid in -the year as long as the payments•are made on a periodic basis for the maintenance of your spouse and, or children and are in accordance with a decree, a court order or a written agreement. LAST NIGHT THURS. APRIL 12 SHOWTIME.COO P,M. ADMITTANCE RESTRICTED TO. MASONS 11 NAM d AGE OE OVER HALLOWEEN i STARTS FRIDAY APRIL 13-19 FRI. 8 SAT. 7:00 8 9:00 SAT. MATINEE 1:30 , SUN.-THURS. 8 P.M. ONLY HE HAS COME BACK recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT A The original space mini look Rogers swinge book to eerlh elld legs It on Ike 26th Clnterg! 1r Wishing Everyone B HAPPY EASTER THEATRE 30 THE SQUARE GODERICH. 524-1811 Program ltubllect tb change Without notice. but, despite legislative reforms and a change in attitude by the general public, the disabled remain a few tantalizing steps away from true first-class citizenship. The lack of suitable transportation and housing, of access, and of education and em- ployment opportunities, still keep the han- dicapped from full participation in everyday life. Now there is a new light on the horizon. As of April 2, the Ontario March of Dimes and the United Handicapped Groups of Ontario (UHGO) began to collaborate on a project with far-reaching im- plications for disabled rights in Ontario. With financial support from the Federal Government's Secretary of State's Office, the project will hire 15 staff, strategically located across the province, to work full-time on uniting, strengthening and ex= panding groups of disabled people, at grass- roots level, in every part of Ontario. The net.resu,It will be greater political awareness, a louder, clearer voice for the disabled, and a united approach to potential solutions for their problems. "This is a natural alliance for these two organizations", says Don Hutchison, UHGO's President. 'Both have been..arou.nd.fol- almost -30 years. We have common interests and shared goals." • The Ontario March of Dimes has always been in the forefront of the swing towards self-help and independence for disabled people. Its eight- year-old 'community development' program has done much to en- courage independent and effective advocacy by disabled groups. UHGO - a coalition of similar local -based groups - began with a social -recreational focus but over the years has developed a real, and practical concern for the issues which stand in the way of a fulfilling life for the disabled population (which is one in seven of us, according to the last Statistics Canada count). "The prospects, for today and for the future, are excellent," March of Dimes' Executive Director, B. Lee Rullman, points. out. "Between us we are in A GREAT YEAR TO GET INTO THE CLASSIFIEDS Economy minded people buy and sell in the Signal Classifieds. The best va-lues this year...and anytime are found right in -the Classifieds! ('nil 524-8331 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK FROM 6 A.M. . I�' I Featuring: • DAILY SPECIAL "�• '� • BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER • GREEK DISHES ll1 Fully licensed under the L. C. B.O. 33 KINGSTON ST. 524-8168 Anstett Jewellers LIMITED 11 ALBERT ST., CLINTON 482-3901 OPEN WEDNESDAYS For Your Convenience HOURS: Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Friday nights till 9 p.m. touch with virtually every disabled person in the province. With our point contacts, and by pooling our expertise, we could put disabled people into a position of real strength - giving then clout they have not previously enjoyed." Lois Harte -Maxwell has been appointed co- ordinator of the new project, and Executive Director of UHGO as well. She will work from the project office in Peterborough. Her staff will work out of Ontario Mach of Dimes' com- m4nity development offices in Hamilton, Toronto, Kingston, London, Windsor, Thunder Bay, St. Catharines, Oshawa, Ottawa, Timmins, Kit- chener and. Sault Ste. Marie. An office will also be opened in Barrie. ooeUght Rest L� and Tavern LICENSED UNDER L.C.8.O. BAYFIELD RD., GODERICH 524-7711 Weekend Entertainment This Thurs. 8 Sat. April 12 8 14 THE DESJARDINES. WE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY FRIDAY •Treat yourself and your friends...to our Hot Buffet... Every Thurs. & Fri. 12 Noon -2 p.m. Come as you are° •Welcome Luncheon meetings in our Diningroom or private Banquet room. HOURS: 11:30 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sun. thru Wed. Thurs., Fri., 8 Sat. 11:30 a.m.. 1 a.m. 1 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ANNUAL BLUEBIRD BALL SALTFORD, SATURDAY, APRIL 21st DANCING 9 p.m. -1 a.m. to DALE HENDERSON LUNCH SERVED 40. per couple - PROCEEDS for ARTHRITIS RESEARCH TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM: JERRY PETRIE - 524-7470 GAETON JACQUES - 524-7104 PAT OSBORN - 524-7184 or 524-7882 HWY. 1 COOERICH AT CONCESSION NO. 4. •PHONE 5249991 #57,1#0 - :AM.( BRIVE'!N THEATRE 5 GREAT SHOWS IN OUR HOLIDAY WEEK -END SPECIAL FRIDAY APRIL 13th ONLY Box office opens 7:30 - Showing at 8:00 p.m. The comedy act picture of the st e / .5 r 61 tit PETER FONDA ' SUSAN SAINT JAMES "Outlaw aloes" What the song didn't tell you the movie will. . TASTE THE m min DRACULA Recommended as 1 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT • Slave trading lives today! Only two men could rescue her . One driven by love the other by revenge CHR,STc PHER LEE 5 BIG SHOWS The Greatest Bruce L Hit Of Them All! _7.L11�f SJ,L� BRUCE tEE JOHN SAXON ADULT ENTERTAINMENT SATURDAY TO SUNDAY SHOWS "ASHANTI" & "ENTER THE DRAGON" ONLY NWT. 9 8ODENICN AT CONCESSION 1D. 4 • • PHONE 524.9991 GODtRI(H• DRIVE•IN THEATRE ST.iZA'CFORU 19' -t 27th Season June 4 to November 4 Festival Stage Shakespeare's The First Part of Henry IV' Shakespeare's • Love's Labour's Lost Shakespeare's The Second Part of Henry IV' Shakespeare's Othello Concerts Exciting Music in July and August Dizzy Gillespie July 2 Sarah Baughan July 9 Preservation Hall Jazz Band Aug 6 Gary Burton Quartet Aug Valdy Aug. 20 Kate and Anna McGarrigle Aug 27 44. Avon Stage Shakespeare's Richard II Sheldon Rosen's Ned and Jack - Oscar Wilde's , The Importance of Being Earnest Burt Shevelove's Happy New Year (based on Holiday by Philip Barry and, music by Cole Porter) Edward Bond's The Woman North American Premiere Shakespeare's King Lear Third Stage Shakespeare's 13 The Taming of the Shrew Federico Garcia Lorca's Yerma adapted by Kenneth Dyba Steve Petch's Victoria Premiere Order Now Ow Ire: hrflch„rn nlnrmehnr. ne I0,5 season Gel f npy hy wrrl.ng SIrallnrrl F nshval S,ralh.rrl (1n1ar.,, (-acacia N5A 6v? nr Ie1ephnne IS1g1 2' 1 404(1 1I yn,i have h,lrn make ynl,r r esprvahnns now In gel Inc SCSI (Mete of cnalc anti date, Ma., alders for hrkets accepted now Telnphnnp rerlers afl e(1e0 alter Apr.1 7115 Phone27104Q40 (5 :0'."',.