HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-5-18, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR,
The Men's More
Have Your Spring
1 Suit Tailored to
Your Personal
are shown. in ottr offerings of Meia's
High Grade Furnishings. All the
latest fabrics are here, wade up in
the latest models it the very best
;partner- You certainly will want one
of our suitswhen you see the goods
a>v;d learn what a saving our prices
W. W. Taman
Tailor & Purnishe r
Closed Wednesday afternaons dur-
xnt; Juste, Nay and August.
Our Corner.
SANT ";$ 'Z
lT; augh changesn regulation,
estters poste:'. is Canada will now be
Any man can make his wife happy i delivered to any part :of the Dontiniln
morel) by being, Jealous. *even though the sender has failed to
Faifix sufficeent postage stamps, and
Tib e only differnce the japitor ,sees I even +,f be has forgotten to pu stamps
bstween, male and female jurors isthatto at all.
elo,ited by the Postoffice authorities,
that one leaves tobecco quids and the
the baptism of 11 infants. The
• Quarterly Board whieh met on Mon-
day evening reported that $1501.00
had been raised for the foreign mis-
sionary fund;, the Sabbath Scheel:
having raised $105 and the League
$12S of this amount. The W.M.S.
with, the Circle and Mission Baud
other wads of gum; The trees have been a picture this raised $465 during the year. The
wwaeek with. the leave es unfolding ,and , organ ,arid irn,proventents whim cot
The woa•1d's debt at ,the_close of the
war was $200,000,000,000, December 31
1921, it had eisen: to nearly $400,000,
000,000E If war doesn't spell bank-
ruptcy it earn=s pretty close to ir,
tee reeled fruit trees all ;aa bloom. A l ab4-year ut 14,000 and ems len, had beled o
en o-
ivalk through town or a dr,; - through .p
else country well repaid anyone, whet! duced to about $6.000 with practical -
was ,not dead to,the beauty of the Ply all provided for, The •Finazrce
r orld about bran, Nature is % e a' arca' Committee reported a balance
an abundant crop of ,fruit f43 to be ea -„purposes of $14,SGil.i's�l was reported.
pec ted raised t1uriug the year. The follow-
.iug were Elected as Stewards: P.
Within themrrnthweeks.. hree more gee.revue. Ed.:thapca,n, Ilellrridge,
The weekly newspaper publishers
Canada will hold their annual conven-
tion.et the Chateau. Frontenac, Otta-
wa, oe. the 8th, 9th and 10th of next
month. The G.V,N.A. now has in the
neighborhood of 500 members.
A match head does not think and
ellen it becomes irritated it becomes
excited and bursts i;n,to• .Elaine. Some
men are dike that, One. would won-
d,r what started them going, and at
Ls impassit�le to ,eatinrato the damage
that may be eau;sed either by he man
or the ztlatele
The town. Clerk has received notice
from the Registrar General's ~office,
Toronto, that they intend to penalize
physicians and others who fail to reg-
ister births within the proper time lim-
ettsit. The limit for parents is 30 days,
while physicians are required ,to make
notice withers 48 hours natter the birth
takes place.
The United States marker is not
really as good as one would imagine.
lo the state of Iowa eggs are now 20c,
butter 3Qc., and oats MO. Compare
these with the lereseat market prices
here air. Producer, and it will be not-
iced thea we do not meed the Unpted.
States market as much as they would
try to make us ,belieVee
To insure publication all news must
be in the Advocate office by Tuesday
m'orne% of each week, owing to the
half holiday on. Wedriesdays of June
July and August.
THEM. Good advise if you don't:
J. WARD, D.C., Optometrtaf, Exetex
]30T�3E ThWTHER5
A Car with a Good Name.
700,000 Owners.
.-Including Tax and freight - — F. O. B. London.
New Machines .installed to repair nark on all kinds of Automobiles,.
ROADS TER $1275 ;
SEDAN $2145
Huron Garage - Exeter
•Sonret:,rne ago our home was sad,
-And 'because thebread
a,it was bad;
Ma gatev'eri, Pa frowned, and little Ted
heel a rra,en when he went to bed;.:
Ma said "I don't know what to da,
T've joist my. ,sib lll, my piatierncs to;
To make good bread's :,s beyond my
power, We must buy tonne off Harvey's Flour"
Now baking day: has lost its dread, . -
For" mother makes the best of bread
And now shes smiling eWry hour
Becauseshe's lusting tHarye s' Florian
,Dad says be wishes all around:
Did only ;lenlow what 1w e have found
That MODEL FLOUR stam,ds the test
Last alight at tea it was so .nice,
ixlre a,tl called ear; an extra slirce;
Again at ample, cried tlittle Ted, e,`:
"I want a piece iVlamma's bread,
nee en Dad comes :home at half -past
He was again at ha;s olid tricks; -.
He ',said he wwilshied to hug the bread
13ut he kissed dear old Ma Instead.
And now goad • (friends, we want your
trade, ,
Our Flour t-ivis year's the best we've
made, }
Our prices, too, are alyeays right;
Our rule rate business, Honor Brig -lei
chgal with the blossom th-e pilog. and on hand and a grazed total. for all
ly naps;, have '44u” out era bus,nes
F Woad. H Perkins.S. Martin. Ed
wwit'ah is Lb? surest .evirleace the sub- .' , . '
Nestle, S \f S•staders r ]]curt l3�
ser ptitel pr»cos cannot conte; clown. Williams.
:' u irh o t of rove sprint has beta 1\ i� Mr. P. k mine handed in
r u c w
si•ghtla reduced, the total redwto:ti,ota his resignation as Recording Steward
bb.,ese equal to two cents per year and Mr. S. Martin was elected to suc-
on a. year's -subscription. Newsprint is eeed him. A uuatsimous vote of ala-'
st4 three times .he price •,f pre-war preciatiou was given Mr. Frayne,
days, Ink is from ,five to six times ' who for 32 years has so faithfully
the ixrice that jt wwa., ten, years ago,¶,served the church it that poaitiou.
Type is between two aryl three u.,wti°- The pastor and orgeniet were .grant-
ed a four weeks holiday. Messrs. J.
G. Jones and 3. S. Harvey were eleet-
ed as delegates to attend the District
1►Ieeting. A unanimous vote of the
Hoard expressed the readiness and
wvislm of James street Beard for a un-
iota with the other churches of Ex -
A committee was appointed
were given authority to meet
with a -u' tc,rnutittees front the other
churehea etttiuld they wish ttn ' ouhv
on the qui Flicsri of union.
pre-war prices, 1Ieta1, which (luring
the war soared to almost prolti4ixted
eeces, is stkl three times the pre-
war peke. "Cuts" khat et 1913 and
1914 c,ruld be purchased For 75e. are
t, -day from ;2,75 up. Coe, 's s_ven
'lagers a ton. dearer. Postage has been
ee.•reased six -fold. Time capital re-
t red to -day to run a printing bus:,
ness is three titres what us .! tai be,
Local News
MTS. E. M. » gaein has been quite
sll during the pest week.
Mr. Jason Bedford of Grand Rap",Js
NIZeliti. cm Isere ow -:ere to his tether's
Dr. Harburn of Seaforth was elect-
ed D. D. G. M. of the Independent
Order of Odd Fellows for this die-
trict at the m eetinr ,fit Brueetield last
11 , dnesday. Past Grarmds R. W. Fuke
and H. Jennings attended the meeting
F m s..te L Exeter Lodge.
The wanton. picking or destruction
of choice - flowers on public or private'
property has been prevalent of late
and strang, susp;c.ort h ,attached to
erta:.ri parties, who bad better be-
ware or trouble will follow. The flow -
ors at clue scluaol and at the „public li-
brary hav, bath suffered tin this re -
space, and to say tl a least the perpe-
trators; show a very low grade of in-
t =gig ?two,
The regular monthly meeting of
the -Exeter horticultural Society was
held on Thursday evening. The
Parks Committee revived Arbor Day
observation was a great success,
many public spirited Citizens volun-
tarily giving the day to beautifying
the Town while many others gladly.
received trees for the improvement
of their own property. The secre-
tary reported the membership at
151. By way of premiums the mem-
bers had received ?6 Rose bushes,
125 packages of Zinnia Seed, and 65
annual subscriptions to the Canadian
Horticulturist. Many members also
took advantage of the opportunity to -
obtain further supplies at cost. A
motion was heartily endorsed thank-
ing Messrs. Francis, Frayne and
Wildfong for allowing the society to
take trees from their bush lands.
Another old landmark of this . town
is being removed this week. Mr. C.
F. Hooper, who purchased the building
recently occupied by Mr. 5, Davis Ind
Mr. Gera. Mantle is this week hamlets' it
razzed to the !grouind to make roomfor
a modern buildilg in which he will
conduct his rapidly expending egg
business, pfd a bungalow., in, - which
he and. Mrs. Hooper will reside; The
business premises will be on the, lot
to the ,south, and the residence esu the
north, jot. The old building had been
slowly becoming Pretty delapidated
and was a ,fire trap to the neighbor-
hood. It was built away back in th,e
old days vr,hien the town first began
to .ernege fromthe woode, and had for
many years been occup+ieel, as an hotel
being known as "The - Royal" and
many i iiarious •times were spent in-
side its walls). For a time it was oc-
cupied as a:furni'ture store, and for
;navy years the late 'aft Chas. Sen;,oe
M r - os. Senior
ed his an 1 L ,.
follaww bys 7
occupied the premises as photograph-
ers. More latterly ie was occupied as
e tailor shop, a 'feed store and coal
office. Its repila;ceaner t- by an up-to-
date business black and residence will
be a vast improvement,
This week en •old residential prop
erty bels been moved from pits original
seta, wwihen Mrs,. east. Bei tnell had the
old John T. Westcott residence on
the earner of. Hugon, and Carling street
nneyecl to .Anrn, St, wvh:e,re it wile be
renovated, and Mn Brintnell wall build
new „reel brick h,o,nnn on the vacated
That the year of 'the James street
Methodist Church has been. one of
great success was fully_ manifested
last Sabbathwhen about 400 persons
partook ;of cornuate ion and 4'1: were
added to the church membership
making an addition tomembershi
of ,54 during the year. A. special
feature of the morning service was
Phone 9
Yes it is .right, • absetette^•y-
aae4 of oar fresh rra^tats.
earn mak: Pure Para eSaar,
' nurfh ee of $1.Q3, or over, ext
:ere tether owe. 'po'S1nd of .oar
of Baloaraa
Rams -ember the crate and take adeanteg: ,aai this save.
\]'grad u: ww etelovw :'or Id. RCi IN ;, SATURDAY NIGHTS,-
x In .Supp
le NEW CHURCH le 1" ww;a 1347 -
lt at
d ors un4 iy,
5 ,s -;;;a:
at o
Th.: W sor en's M onary :*o..eta of
the;etht doe Church of Ese er llis-
tr•ee hted their wen'ty-: sixth Aparna]
C: wnw edt:o:e in James St. Chura'h, Esc -
ter May pith, 1922. The day was
perfect end a very large gelltering
assent ' wed :n the auditorium of the
chureh - t., hear the very interosii'ng
ra� tis a 1 the a: a•
n h thru
Al to
y� y
it was,..154 bull of zeal along nnisAvtary
1 -:axis aa,t the people were so.enthus-
ed wish the spirit of the Master that
wet all ito forth again on another year's
work greatly inspired. The .reports of
the different Auxiliaries, Circles tint
Rands *took up the forenoon. The
Avadiary Brauer went to Granton,
the Circle Banner ;to Exeter James tit,
and the. Band Banner ;to Grind Bend.
The speaker of the day was Miss Well
wood of lfingliam, a returned Miss-
ionary, who gave. us two most en-
thusiastic tants on skirl life in. China.
These talks were very impressive. In
the ,wei
� she fled her mostbeaut-
iful address by saying, "Who would
not follow ,i.f he heard Christ's ca1L':
A letter from Mrs; (Rev.) Erook of
•Crediton was received and read, ee,
pressing her thanks for the Comin-
Votb last year at Crediton making her
little daughter Ruth and herself life
members of the •Women's Missionary
Mrs. A. H. Wilson, our District Sup-
erintendent for the last twelve years,
and who nobly did a great work_ in
the district, was made Hon. Sup'r of
the district,
The W.f:GL,S. of James St. served
beautiful meals and were highly com-
pl rnented .on the same,,
The District Convention will beheld
at Kirkton next year
The District Officers were elected
as follows,—Han. Dist. Supt„ Mrs. A,
M, Wawa, Greenway; Dist. Supt., Mrs
V. Mellard, Exeter; Asst. Sup., Mrs.
McKay, Ailsa Craig; Sec.-Treas., Mrs
A Mantle, Exeter.
Th: total receipts -for the day`were
A: Mantle, Secretary.
on .4 nee.-
.ceded and tb x -
AT CENTRALI A. •^ug:'k15 ';soy;;C ..,.
::;xt Study the eat, n o:izw ww'sAtlpwii
-» - wee b u av : ;1 by Rev- Bietehlr�. •(i .
t-.Ftk1 ra :r wlatla '... t . hu-w:h :::gid Fax Rey cr" t got: �Gotlerieh will
the on .ii i1asrt the a rvfsees sal' the day.
a "+� .Jest �Maa tt&t, ww'aa ,.,.e.e.
l3rZe Me - '. Mrs. 1S en oY Beytield
Mr. :r d. Ma Fre'.I 1 .3,.r eel l.,�d ,2411.
M Widow nzor'a gds `.GP• 1al Stead<t Tessa
d alt d 'xray F �I3::�' a a. °ds A' Ni -
'd the 1e i . ztioa.k x " `ea, Thee , .1 sax . ilia.:1.1, irs
•.. ter �r'.:.
Exeter Council
A regular meeting of the Munici-
pal Council was held on Tuesday May
9th, The minutes of the meeting
held April 24th, were read and ap-
proved. Messrs, Peart, Terry and
Upshali waited on the Council, com-
plaining of having water in their cel-
lars, stating that the drain along Vic-
toria street west of Marlboro was
choaked, they have had more or less
trouble for a year. Referred to com-
mittee. - Councilors Ellerington and
Francis seats.
came in and
took their m
Councilor Davis reported as to the
repairs for the drains along Carling,
William and Huron streets, the same
had been•putin working order. Dis-
cussion re chip stone for Main street
boulevards, per Hooper, that we or-
der a car of chip stone. No seconder.
Per Hooper, Ellerington, that En-
gineer Patterson . be invited to look
over Andrew street as to probable
route and grade for a trunk drG ain ,
and to furnish an "estimate: of costs.
The; following accounts were read
and ordered. paid. Cecil Ford, labor,
cemetery, $25.00; Percy Hewett, la-
bor cemetery, $2 7,5 0; David Russell,
sharpening lawn mowers, $1.75; Jno.
Parsons, labor RB" $9.00 Nelson
Vale, labor RB $12,00; Rd: Quance,
labor RB $7:25; Walter Westcott, la-
bor RB , $9.6 0 ; Jas. Parsons, labor
RB $13.00; Frederick Cornish, la-
hor RB 13.50; Geo. Hackney, la-
bor RB $10.80.John 'Tfydd, labor RB,
$6.00; Thos. Cornish, labor RB $6:'60
Bagshaw and Easton, draying tile,
$3.25. Passed on motion of Hooper
and Davis. Carried.
Adjournment by Francis.
Jos, Senior, Clerk.
attets len.
Mies. M. t esrbani
: t Meade', f ume It ,l spec
or the vw ctasyorr ;+Ix
;,Q o, at both 'mantilla
l : o .atiat serve w'es, and Mss; Cassel-
z .
4 1 .
t ,. w tww•o R \
Cee .f
Nail ale . sang a solo and. with Miss
Natbieen Iilek.s, acted an ammo -erase
..Next Sunday the three rn+.tnairai
windows will be unveiled. One of the
widows is instal d by the i.,ade,'
Ail in tui rttary of C „pt t ,atehfoed,
Pt-. Cobert and Pte. Johnson, who
were killed overseas. Another le eie.
'n by Mr. Woods of the Hobbs 4fg,
Co., London, in memory of his mwther
and the third is ua honor of Rev.. Mr,
Butt, a former pastor.
Th: church is ,an the site of tlaeeed
building and vast approeimat •ly $184
eOil, :,ll os' which is fully met by sub-
t,'eriptions. The whole structure i„
molern -n appearance., ond no. effort
was spared to make it a most -! t<rg
and appropriate Mace of worship,
The eengregation is a flourishing
,one ane] they may well feel proud elf
the new edifico. The ;present pastor
is Rev, A.rthnr Sin ;lata•, who is he..
Need by the whole congregation.
The following were on. the ''ommit-
tae of management,—Rev..1. S:nt'lair
raster, chairman; W,. R. Elliott. Thos
Neil Wan. Anderson°, Jas. Oke, N.
Baker, W. J. Robinson;, A. \Iitw'be11,
W. J. Parsons,\..11etehzil, W. Ker-
slake., T. Boyes, G. Wilson Byron
Hicks. John Ess: ry, T. O ave e r, Thomas
Mitchell \Vin. Oke, D. Iii .:;son. An-
drew Hicks, C. Skinner. Thee. di':l"sis
A. Ess. ry M. Fletcher. G. Hicks, Chas
Isaac• G. O. Thompson.
r s gsa o >A a, ,.Teem year
ds tta t
01 VIA: >pr4,^13 1a rx
t „reit 'emery..
t:u.rntlaer®•At Dashwood. aa May 13th
to, ae �ir� Earl Guenther, t
Kober—At D�(a,,.shwtioop,l, oe May Mb, to
'is an..1 • Mr. J. 1`iAl:r, a daughter]
Watson --1n Clad<ton, on May 11, to
Mr, and Mrs.. Wm. \Vatscn, a daugh-
lifer --\f ]ler—In the Lutheran church
teeenweee, by Rev, P.' Graupner, on
Siete' 10 :Sties Amelia \filler, .!augh-
t. r of \ire and :qrs.; Sam Miller. to
i Rh• ine d Miller o; L ashaeted.
alr<r--At the Parsonage, Thamesford,.
en, May 12, Rem. C. W. Baker, B D
D. D., pastor 01 the Methodi
Church, in hip 51st year. -
li='rti—ln Usbarne, on. 'May 3, Elisa-
beth Kirk, in her 79th year.
Yong—In CT.nta:i, on May 7. Caroline
J:?hnston, w.lows a: the late R. L
Young of Stanley T,r,
Carter—In Cr retore. on :lay 5. Sarah
F. B..eel oet, w ff, o'' Mr. Edward
tenter in azar yeah scar.
t'ealten—In Stanley Tie, on May 9,
Chs. Celt•on, in. his :2nd year,
Phone 16
Some Specials for the June Bride..
The finest English Semi Porcelain Dinner Sets we have
ever sold, The sets are all Gold traced and Decorated.
Here are three sets you should ask to see— -
"Shaded Roses"—This iS an English semi Porcelain
set -97 pieces pure white body, edges traced with gold. Cups
and saucers are genuine English China Our Special price $42,50
Rose Buds—Aa' tether Beautiful semi porcelain, English.-set,97.
pieces decorated with Rose Buds, wreathes, all gold traced, real
English China cups and saucers, The new ovide shape, decor-
ated inside and outside.. Come in and sue•this set, Our spec-
ial price is only 342.50.
Do you want a real iafull chola
Dinner set, pure white
body, genuine Gold (hands; 97 pri'c'es. Value $115.00. our
special price $88,00.
Swansea.—an. English semi perceia n Dht ner set, 97 pieces
pure white body, very neat oriental edging in pink and blue ef-
,facts; Kermes' shaped cup, A real Bargain, $35,00,
a. ,
d 'D '
Parlor a v Room
We axe showw*� a nice lot of Perla n Wrung
Hanging .Lamp, all full decorated shades, These are acarce
goods. We barye a splerudi;d lot of Fancy China odd pieces
very suitable far that wedding present ,you are ,loolding for
Our Stock of Pure Brass Fern Pots and Jardiniers es cam-
plete. Not on,e line missing. All the, new shapes. What neer
e? $2
a piece of solid �a�ss . Our prices are ..,2,00,
present than 1 b
$2.75, '$3.00, $4.75, 35.00 and $.00.
Are you in on our Grocery Bagaims ?
We guarantee to. sell Groceries---QUAL1TY GROCERIES
MIND' YOU— Cheaper than any House, Big or Small, in Exeter,'
Comaand put as to the test, -
Any brand best standard Granulated • Sugar, for per handled
Gi,nghams are good this season, - We have 25 patterns for
you to select 'from—Canadiax, English ran.d Scotch: '
range of Shades in Swiss
Or a
dLes with sel
Polka Dot spats. These are (eery smart.'
Tl* store closed Wednesday ofbennoons June, pay and August.