The Exeter Advocate, 1922-5-11, Page 4tine The Exeter E[ '_' -9.1 ita� 1 •otrn Hee out J .a�.la y ev- t V�C;a e , m Th" Q sees of the t:,,A A. Local Doings s. is-Sre re-ekeetedd ;fear ;the corning year Sanders & Cree, h, Proprietors Subscription Price—In edvattc e, Sat Per year in Caaeda; $.2,00 at, the United States, All t o s d ot. paid m advance 50o. * t har ge THURSDAY, itfAY llth, 1922 Centralia Robinson. Isaac,—A quiet but pret- y wedding took place at the _Meth cost parsonage ,here on Thursday, was 4, w•5t n, l.eeda, eeelegeer duvet. - ter ,of Mr. at.d Mrs. Charles Isaac of the 3rd concession -,of Stephen, be, came the ladcle of Mr, Archie Robins son, son of Mr. and Mrs, Wiliam liam Rob- ipsr>n, also of Stephen. The ceremony was performed By Rev. A. Sinclair. The young couple were unattended, The bride looted charming in a love- ly met of a vy trieot:.ne, heavily ena- bara slerecl with sepias, lase, hat =o mach eince wore a corsage bouquet of sweet pees. After the cereanotty the Rapp; CQt pi'v' let:t on the evening trains t spend thea honey moon at Guelph and other peewits cast. Oa '-heir return they: roll 'take un their restdene 43Z Windsor ar.., London. Ont. Air. Hanlon and famtle moved to their new Itoaiie n Le on last week. ;While Alesees, Baer & Richard son .SVUO Have taken. over eft.. Hereon's store here, have moved with their :am- fetes emu London to the village: Next Sunday the new church ati 11 5e. dedicated Rev. Mr. Hibbert Conduct the sertiit:e. etr. Thos. Carene of Londe*: .,p n the week end at h'.s borne here Dashwood • Lss1: RouteelsesorZui1:4 with \ .ss Ade l' as e -ed o r Sen Mr`, Gets S:is: e:re ere 12'; turned' tee Pietro' .seter vies—viesiee nee, ruse, Steeee visite-41 it pur;ele seen The wash Was that" we have a. cele- laretion age,* thus year, but before making any definite aa'rangernents it eves thought wise to uo$tporce. the. meet % until Exlciay night of tete week when, the heed: el boys4 will be able to state what can be dosed 'Then again angreet deal depends ou the. • re -sedition tion of •AbeAAthleticI?teld , A A meeting lese ?ilio' been called to h.—Jargonize the Band ,far the 3rd :of deux , next Friday evening. We Inset fi as number will be preset ar><d assist in making the celebration a,. uesses s Partie:uuare AS to •#1te com- mitt *es yin charge well ,be e,iwen, later. elm 11cDonald and ;sora Aro bra.. of Kintore is ,visiting her tester,. Mrs. (;.has. Zwicker, Wiens returner% home with horse and buggy one might last week Mr, eeiel etre, Henry Pfaff, nes, were run "into by art autoruobt-, d ;the occupants' of the were ,thrower out an 'the road, Mrs, 'Pfaff breaking leer wrist, The driver of the emsclaimed he war nsuebee to see the .rag on account of the bending head ieghts of an approactelres ea TWA ie bee en ,her argument zri, ;vor of snaking it„eompolsore doe all rigs to there eights. It would, not only leve the strait uta este auto driver u t see neeM,r 1 the eccupe is of the ;airs, Fossa l and 41114s:n. -pent;ltc Creek -eel r 1<I tsatc. h. Ira T,. -man vim, Ch.. Bank o'' Cam: =tree, Guelph, end dr- Milan de Ire lead of Stratford a sited Vela the, f wei r°s y►armts. Mr. emit Mrs. E mare env sr the week-ea:1 red to 'r;.l;tcaa heeebail team lens errateged t be col o as group of sax learns Cha scorning asonr. The teams are, d,iton, Mese Crake, Lucas:, Ederton,'. olrca and Stratbroy.. A meeting will hell in $derto n ,on Thursday to • up a schedule of games, and it p:4 that guess tt•zll be arranged celebration 'o r the 3r 1 \.Iitehell has several case;. 'of scarlet fever, The roads nn, this district are plow in good sleep:, fox anotoriinee Mr,. gib. :Dow. shipped two cars noses to Montreal east week. St Marys does not allow dogs to run, et lane,Tee town collecting no dog tax this year. The Adyertser aeerns to, be trying, to work up a Revoiutim of the Six Nation I ediares at Brantford. Messrs, R. W. Puke ani. H. jean r s atte-anteetl the L F, di7striet atreca- At Brucefleld op, Wednesday. There seems to she ase epidemic of of suici'd'es ,just now. Each day there seems to be a irsew, batch recorded rip the dele papery, - The worriers caf this .diswttict were opt era strong lore,- ,on Wednesday to Wend the M S. c•oxtv!e tion ';rt James Street Church- etr. John T Stewart of the North Boundary o! Usborue Tp., ens lour etaa,see the dwelling property of Me. Hooper OA the corner of edrePte and John streets, paying Therefor $4,Q011.00. ,r The \Veteskiven Times contains the following perticulare of the marriage of Wm. H. Dinetede sora of Mr. Jobi Dlottey of ;4 :diet, Alta., a former reat- dkrtt of Exeter, berms brother of Messrs, Robert and ;Thomas J1: fey of town Chres of ,Stephen.;. A quiet ♦ , t -,•.1 Eng4astd, oug peen a� tx t m . is $1.0m.143, ct Irak cheek witch f v- natural toes on each fooe. :gest? Last Tuesday evens ng May 2, the -erre:4 buseness meeting the Woe .n's institute was held in .belle rooms t ;= cn3iv Lumber were present. The Treasurer reported having $85.00 in t t.,;:nur e It was decided ' ' resile • sere 414 $75 tc> tine :femora,! Iios= phi', for Seek Ci",,..lr'en :n Loed ere ollowh11 offerers ,retro alerted % the craran?ng year:—Hoa. Pres lent Mrs.. Zwi4k"r. Pr.s;de.nt, Mrs. C lfi-, 1st Vice -Press. '4r . H. K. EV,� len; tree Vice -Pre .. ears. riPr.t Orme; -,cy -Trea 1iia, Dan. 1lclsaa c . As- 'sistant. Muss 11ad,.ibie Heist; Piereete Mrs. F. W. C,wask. A short aerogram urns rendered,. s:onsistinn of an 'testru- mt:ntal duett by the Misses I e e'tta ;end Alma Hast and a trio by Mrs. (garb Ire.• Woodall and Mrs, Orme. 1. rhsr tett': 3 ay,ing—The Corner Stones of the Methodic: Chureh. Cred- iton, : to be pie on, May le. This beenveu. r ..ue ture ;s ta. replace tai on:° recently destroyed by fire, Tho tie-dro 'Commission has notified the Tow:slip Cterk that :hey intend etaartinse. en the eonstruetion. of 'the Exeter Rural. D strict line a; once esnd ask;:i that he notify :he differ- ent ifferent people trio have signed for ser- yeee to have their homes wire:,, Now slue: H•iyera is assured we may expect to se: ties .i busy pee a this summer, .I.soa3 bars 5tsrtcd the brickwork ©i tai_ Methodist Church. it is ex- p.ete.i that :he ceremony. of laying th' corn,e.r ettene w,',1 take plate: on Thursday, ths leth, The cornute of S.prit%; h:,:; started crusaJ. or house cleaning, yard cleaning and gardening.. The. scrap iron man has made his appearance and Jeares ,town with the east off nnatera usuallyate in anis which accumulate our he:we during the .year. . Arbor Day was observedd. at the Schon? on Friday. The teachers and able:Iran were quite busy beautifying the groups. The lawn. with its beds of i 1ow.ers presents a very nice ap- psa,an.e just now. Jos. Hast is kept busy these days vulcanizing tires.. Ezra Crestreicher was in Windsor - east w:.e:; len business... The committee in charge of the ommunity (field have had'teams with $crapes at work levelling and roping the grOttnd, A meeting of thosein- terested in the annual celebration was • RUN-DOWN, NERVOUS ? Weak Women. can Find the Help They Need St. Thomas, Ont.—"Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a. grand medicine f o r women who are at all nervous, weak or run-down, or who suffer with womanly ailments. I have not only taken it myself and been greatly �! 1 'I, II haven,ed known, of 't a# ffjj r /// f'' many others who ' \r have been bene fitted, and in no case have I ever heard one Word of condemnation against Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, but always praise:" --Mrs. Sarah Burke, 103 Scott St, The use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite,. Prescription makes women" happy by making then, healthy. A. great many women in every part of Canada owe their good health of today to this famous Prescription. HAVE YOU STOMACH TROUBLE? This Woman Had Suffered Great Dis- tress and Gives Her Experience Dundalk, Ont.—"I am only too glad to tell ' what Dr. Pierce's Garden Medical Discovery has done for me. I doctored' three months and got no relief but, thanks to Dr. Pierce's medicine, I found a cure at fast. I will recommend it to any poor suf- ferer ufferer with ulcerated stomach and mouth. When I started taking the 'Discovery' I weighed 93 pounds; now I weigh 119. No other medicine for me,"—Mrs. Malcolm McLaren. You can : quickly put yourself in Al condition by going', to your drug- gist and obtaining Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery in tablets. or liquid; or send 10c to Dr. Pierce's Laboratory in Brldgeburg, Ont., for trial pkg. and write for free medical STEPHEN COUNCIL •Mount Carmel The box sec,% held in the Hall on on Monday eversiag was well attended, 111r., John Campbell af. Detroit, ac- c.�ornpaned by his son and... sister, Miss Sadee, of Detroit,, calkekl on his broth- er, Jerry, last week. ---ser. John, O'Hara of the 14th cgneession of McGillivray, r;ceis'ed the:sad news east week of, thei deathof lee sbter, ;Muss Aman O'Hara,. At Mt C1 menti Meleseegr. Joseph Mahoney is Wearing a broad smiley these days—its a girl. Mas Lucy Pat- ton of Detroit arrived home last week —hiss Kathleen Carey left last week see St. tfeeephh,s Hospital,, London, fair treatmeint. %halon Mrs. Jgi!In Sterensor, is quite 111 at her home at the .time of wriltien, "Mothers' Day" was observed :et ,lee (thrice .on Stanley 'en ,pecow of 'the opening of Ceetresig, Church on Sun- day next .Mrs, Geo. Mardi* spent a couple of days tin Grantors Inst week, flies Wele Stewart' has been, corn fireed to her room .with the flu,—Sere eral of the lades attended the •Itriet Conseent on of ten 1Y I S., heal Exeter on. WednesdayenThe serelee in the church wel be Withdrew, on Sura- day nett _,run account of the opening or Centralia Cdeterele Zurich Mr. Cali Willieme Of Buffalo, N. Ye is visiting his brothers and sisters ut pretty' wedding wax solemnized on here,—ein Crarf eld Brown. of Ehnen :Monday at high *neon et the rest fence e ,law. end Mrs. Js>hza, Dewey, when Miss Aeireene Grans Breyer of Weska= r:naee was united in the Maly_. broads ox matrimony to William :Ho11hc lain ne , the eettmgest tan of Mr and.hlrsl leemeey.. wh•sa' during the past year has hem manager of the Beaver Lumber C et Wask:ttenau," The affair was attended with great eclat and accord., `heeler it received as elaborate wr'ete'upl he. the Times. but spate will nut per - n t tura to copy it. ARBOR DAT Arbor Day has carte: and gone attd seldom has a greater interest been and a f trees n planting t) v the fart 1 n it sliown i g' l 1 general desire to beautify tbe town. About fifteen 'Wren busied thew- selves in this work and when the day was over about forty-five trees were planted in the Parks and nearly one hundred in various parts of tbe town. The fence at the Library was taken clown, moved. back bodily and set up so as to hide the unsightly building behind the town hall. This was a heavy: task but the men who did all the work or the day voluntarily dirt it cbeerfully and enthusiastically More trees would bave been planted in Central Park but the proteids be- hind the Library Building are to be levelled and seeded .first and when the fail comes the good work will be, continued. In, the Riverside Park more trees would have been planted also but Professor Tomlinson's com- plete plans for this park haven't reached us yet. 'V3ien they do more planting will be done. One fine thing observable about the day's work was the enthusiasm of the workers and the desire to accom- plish as much as possible. We are looking for the day when the whole town will be as enthusiastic as these men. Many others were just es anx- ious to work but were occupied otherwise. The Council of the Township of Stephen convened in the Town Hall, Crediton. on Monday, the ist of May 1922. A11 members were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Hayes— Penhale: That whereas the report of Geo. A. McCubbin, reference to what is known as The Canada Company Drain of the Town- ship of Bosanquet was filed with Alex. Neeb, Reeve or the Township, on the 2tlth of April 1922, and where as the clerk has notified all parties interested pursuant to the Drainage Act and the eaid report was this day read and considered—that the report be received and instead of publishing the by-law in a newspaper, a copy of the sante, including notices of the sitting of the Court of Revision and the proceedings to quash etc., be printed and served on the assessed parties as provided by The efunicipal Drainage Act, Carried. Webb—Sweitzer: That the Court of Revision to consider appeals against the Assessment Roll for 1922 be held at the Town Hall, Crediton, on Friday, the 26th of May at 1 p. m. Carried. ,Hayes—Webb; That a grant of $50.00 be made to The Ath- letic Field Association in Crediton for improving the grounds. Carried. The council decided to let Gravel contracts on the 2 6th of May at 2 p. m. The following orders were passed: Alf. Holtzman, grading 3rd S. Rd. $2.50; Hy. Shenk, grading 3rd S. Rd. $2.50; J. J. Williams,' charity re Williams $1'9.50; W. White, 'grading lst S. •R.d, No. 2 $3.- 00; 3:00; A. Hodgins Co. Ltd. Gas $6.00; D. Mahony, labor con. 10 $10.50; El- gin Webb, hauling tile and labor con. 1.8, $7.50; Wilds & Regier, dragging;. Elks 5-6.E.S.R. $10.00; Henhofer & others, washout No. 6 - E.S.R. $15.- 00; M. Finkbeiner and others, grad- ing con. 16 $18.00; Fred Rawlings, for road drags and tax $257.50. The council adjourned for general business' on the 26th inst at 2 p. m. Henry Eilber, Clerk. Lumley spent a few days w•th his parents, Mr. and Mrs Jacob .Brown, Gosh ee Line,. —Mr. and Airs. Witeombe and family of Th:dfore have recently mored on the 75 -acre Jaren on ;the Babylon Line owned by lir, Wilson of London.— tar. Rebs. Elsenbeeh, who has been ;,; a e,d for the past few years in t±tr 1-4.1.1:n4 mill .of E. C. lealbfleisch 1=ft pant Week for Kitchener, where he will de similar rctrk.-••Owing to the change of pastors there was nth s;rr:ceS in the Evargelival (Chureh en Sw dev,—Rev. and Mrs. F B. Meyer and family left last week for their stew eppo;nt.ment at Nornanby,. Mt .elbert Gies of Kiteheaer as V sit ng his Fath- :r,—Miss Rupp of Forst is the guest of h,.r aunt, Mrs. Henry Rupp.—Mr. Entry; Ruby of seeitcb ner spent the eek at his home here. Character is pude by the things you stand for ets,d reputation is made by dee 'things y,ou ,fal;1 for,. Sometimes the man satisfied to^take things just as they come is toalazy to go out after them: Waters say there are no big tips'iui these days; in other words they liked the tipsy days, The average train of thought carries but little freight. Everything comes to him after mutat the :other fellow for. Idealism hogs the spotlight, but com- mon, cense brings home ;the bacon. When a roan grows :tired of sin he always becomes a reformer and tells others nut to monkey .w,ith who goes is waiting And so the teairth is losing speed! We,(l, that sounds hopeful. Perhaps it is on the up 'grade. It may be that the, mcl.ls,,.,m1 the, gads grind slowly, but they get paid ,for overtime, It is reaaly encouraging the. way dip- lomats turn at 'las,, to the sensible thing, after every fool scheme had Small Fmre.—Abiout one o'clock Sinn i failed. dayafbenaeon, quite. atn exciting 'time That New York men Who invested was created here when, it was made all h,is' wife's money ittt marks in, order kuo rn over the phone; that Mr. Are' tin' break .her off gambling should be thur Janes' house was on fire. Far- batisfitd.:-He' broke her. tunate;ly before it gut much of a head- Ti are is nothing remarkable in: the way :lair, Jones .had ;fire extinguish erc at hand end 'the ,flaree,s were soon; sub- fart the, Egypt kept tare dead en en and Apert from 'the smoke little (honor, sell. Lots of officials keep i'dama e was :.oan e dead Wines an the pray roll, Miss Mary Broadfoot ;of Brucefteld' 1 soe,n t the week -end with Mrs. Broad - 1E004. and f ain:y.—Mr Jas. Horton and \Ir J. Wien ;left this rnonwtg for Far -1• est ta. suenid a fesv.; days;:—Mitis "Bell SCFIOOL REPORT, OF S. S. No. S,rsntnell of `Stratford spent Sunday at 2. Hay, for APO.--S11...IV., V. Murray her hc'me here. 523, O. Tuck y 520, E. Weld,fong 466 L. Greb 442; SrIII„ V. Caldwell 506 C. Hius•er--341; ,Jr. III.,' I. Russell 480 ,B. Tiannfey 436, G.,Tinrsey 426, N. Sta)n- 1 Grand Bend � lobo 315, A. Hiuser 307, R. Caldwell. Mr. Frank; Allister moved with his 295, H. Biub'er 250.:; Sr. II., G,. Tinne family bo Si:, Marys 'CTMurrayursday, and 349. B. Caldwell 341, ' E. Mua , `326` will makes his future haeme, :in that town I ;�Staculake . 271-; jr, II:,' F. Tn;ebn,em —Mr. R. Cianneln;g` ,has had his house 34.7 D: ?r ebn{er 269,,M. -Russell :296; moved which he bought from NL i. S!, - Class 3, M. Northcutt, 282, C. O'Braeai Webb recently,.—Miss• Esther Green 243, R.. Tinnfey .241;,Cams's 2; H. -Rowe has . taken a pcsshtion in Mr. Nel,s.os G;. ` :Greb; ';lass 1, D. Caldwlelli;':c' L. Rave,lle's sba,e to ,learn clerking, -Mr. Triebnier,' H. Tinsley, P. Gould. Num - Gratton is not recovrerung has health bei` an 'roan 30; average attendance 24, AUCTION SALE Recording Milk Production. - DOES eacb, cow in your herd earn. herr keep? The Milk Record Bookrwbi* 0 Oven to you by tiny Any)) f+� alit help yo . _e , ted of hemlt t production o yo atL p/ THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capkal laid up $15,00%000 �� Reserve FundL$1.5,000,000 E�ater Branch, J,. 'r A. Chapman, Manager" Crecitap Branch, , lfi. S WI"' Itianager Dii.h ood Branch,} OF FARM STOCK & U4PLEMENTS and HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE On Lot 1, Cors 7, Stephen Township 2 1-2 in..ss ,south .of Crediton; on MONDAY, MAY 15th, 19ZZ, at 1 olejoek p.m; ,sharp, flosses -1 black Gen. Purpose snare 7 yi ars: 1 ,farm (heeler, .rising 6 years; 1 Gen Purpose ,team ,rising 3. Cattle -3 coatis with ,calves a: foot; 1 cow due time of sale; heifer due in Junta; year steer, 2 lxeitercnlvcst Pzgs Etc, -1 brood sow, 75 hens pair ducks. Implements—el. Ie. Bander, 6 ft. cut; Frost & Wood mottles; clay rake, cult- ivator, seed drill, manure spreader hay loader, disc barrow, set diamond harrows, walking plough, 2 furrow ploughs, land roller, Tann. ing milt wheel barrow, new Asl ants wagon.; to buggy, sat sleighs, new cutter 2snt double Saarns ss,Zset sn n 14 harness, large hicken coop, 2. tons timothy }nay for %sell, hay rack, pie rank, Quantity lumber, ,Melotte cream s_naratar°, forks chains, and other ar- tieles too numerous .to mention. Household Furniture, -2 extension tables, kitchen table, glass cupboard sideboard, 6 kitchen chairs, small cupboard, 2 bed springs and mattress- es, 2 bureaus, dishes and sealers, lamps Organ, etc. No reserve as the proprietor has sold his farms Terms—S10 and under, cash; over that amount 8 months credit on ap- nroy-d joint motes, or a discount of 5 per cent per annum off for cash on credit lamoun;ts. Albert Xiang Frank. Taylor Proprietor . Auctioneer Alonzo Hodgins, Clerk, advice.: as ratr_diy cis hies :friends would like. r$r ?. • Dow Teacher. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE ANtD LOTS on the prem es, Exeter, on SATURDAY, MAY 13th at 3 o'clock, die following — Lots 89 end 90 Bon Hunan S;tneet ial) the Village of Exieter'. On the prop- erty is a ,,slice ;frame ,6 -,roomed car- tage ortage with garage attached, god gar - deaf.. This ds quite a, good ,little prop- erty and mulct be soid,to close, up tbe Estate of the ;late George Vanstone The house is neow.occupied by the Salvation Army, and train , be : seen at any time. Possession ..at once .' Terms and conditions made known on. 'duly ..af ease or ani app,lic4tion to Austiconleer, P. T. Va;nslte T. Cameron ,Exnecutor Auctioneer AUCTION SALE THE MOLSONS ANN. INCORPORATED 1855 Gapitel Paid Uta $4,00,000 Reserve Fund $5,000,000 Over 125. 13ranahes. TEACH YOUR CHILDREN INDUSTRY AND THRIFT Reward them .jreadoing work erouus the arouse and impress upon tlat.rtt the importance of savng their earnings. Why not op n an a::eQtutt for them in the Savings Departtrtent of The 1lolsons Bard:. JIon y may lie deposited and svithdrawn by mail;,, EXETER; BRANOR T. S. WOODS !Ilene r, Central$a Branch open for business .laity. Safety Deposit Boxes to. Rent at the Exeter Broach, OF CAR, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, IN D.ASHWOOD, ON SAT_ URDAY, MAY 13,' 1922 At 1 o'clock sharp,the following:—. Ford Tourinnng Car, in good repair, 1919 model; brass bed, w,hite iron bed, white iron cat, wooden teed, teed -springs, 4 mattresses, 2 bedroom' chairs 2 wire chairs, 6 dine chairs; buffet', dinwngrooan round exten,sionl table book case, .lounge, rug, Mahogany' dresser, mahogany stand, oak dresser, kitchen table, .6 kitchen chairs, hamper clothes' basket, rocking ,horses, reed baby buggy, high chair, leather rocker rocking:chair, 2'- lamps, lantern, pic- tures, ic-tui s, curtain poles, mops, brushes sh1vinlg, .electric itrotn, electric' toaster 100 sealers, pails, .plots• and pans, toi- let. set; full .set :dinner dishes, range' gasoline stove, 'washing machine, a tubs, boiler, •wiving'er;:harnd wagon, cut- ters buffalo robe, horse blanket, 'sew- ing machinne, single .barrel shot;' gun ,Praetica,llY all ,=r ewe Propri eton,::lea,vinig: the country. T'-rmis—Cath,. G. E. Hast, Prop. A. Weber•, Auct G. Edrghoffer; Clerk. • Furniture Bargains i 7HATCTION IN FURNITURE. Wit, CARRY THE 1 -AR AND MOST Il£ TO -DATE STOCK. IVY HER!, A. I'D SAVE MON 'sr Funeral Director & Erbala crier, M. E. GARDINER VINviriik•OP..*17A..10Kno. V•0•?:aytym. ,..\ I\ . / el \VC.TWA �k w/AkrJ1:\M le 9 .,,.\ .A l...„.\\:‘,1pAN ••.,7 .. 0.1,..4.,,,, VIM\ ..1./.• IIV• ...\vari:.; 4. • l`h y\.- ys. r\ 1 2 , f `� V.,, M , - r .4...." us,: N. GREENING'S LAY FLAT POULTRY FENCE Your flock is safe behind Greening's Lay Flat Poultry Fence. - The openings are small ; no one can climb the fence and little animals can't get through. The fence is close and even from top to bottom : it turns even high flyers like Minorcas and Leghorns. Don't worry about your flock—use Greening's. Height from 12 to 72 inches. Sold by good hardware dealers. THE B. GREENING WIRE CO., LIMITED HAMILTON - CANADA Easy to control it—lays flat when you enroll it. 1 Why 9 .are.. w e th eA Y ents Because we know that THE "CANADIAN" fence is.FULL CANADIAN STEEL & WIRE GAUGE No. 9 WIRE throughout COMPANY, LIMITED, spend and the galvanizing will _ not thousands of dollars every year peel off or crack. -It has the in improving ,their, fence and famous "CANADIAN" knot and that they give' honest value costs no more thatf lighter and always. Every roll is exactly as less durable• fences. represented. Anyway,y.. come', '"AMERICAN" in and examine.it. We'll show.you the AMERICAN" Galvanized t ' Steel Fence most{'too. los erre We can sell you this fence as cheapas ycan you buy fence anywhere. WM. WARD, EXETER, ONTARIO