HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-04-05, Page 17GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1979 -PAGE 17 1. Articles for sale 1978 YAMAHA Special, 750 cc, 12,000 kilometers, custom paint, Lockhart oil cooler, excellent condition. Phone 529-7732.-10tf APPLES - excellent Ida Reds, Spys, domestics. Bring containers. Anytime. Ross Middleton Storage, one mile northeast of Bayfield. -12-17 REALISTIC Clarinet 98 Stereo, includes phono cassette tape deck, AM -FM, FM Stereo. Good working order, only 21/2 years old, $185.00. Phone 524- 6505.-13,14 SPEED QUEEN spin washer, 1% years old, $175.00 firm. Phone 524-7266.-:-13,14 10 X 33 OFFICE UNIT for sale. Phone 482-7066.-13.16 DOMINION roller skates, size 9% men's, new trucks and semi -precision wheels, excellent shape. Phone 524- 7143.-13,14 SPRING COATS, siie 11 and 18; one pair lined drapes; shower curtain set. Excellent condition. Phone 524-6739.-14 1977 KAWASAKI KM 100 • road and trail bike. Excellent condition, only 800 miles. Phone 526-7596:-14-16 TWENTY-THREE foot nine inch Chris Craft Cavalier cuddy cabin. Mint condition. Single 283 V-8 manual transmission, completely overhauled and refinished. Asking $6,000. Economical to operate. Phone 1-519-426-6314 after 4 p.m. -14-16 1978 TS 250 Suzuki Enduro motorcycle, excellent condition, $1,200.00 or best offer. Phone 524-9841 after 5:30 p.m. -14 URINE -ERASE saves carpets! Guarantees removal dog, cat, human urine stains, odors, from carpets! s Free•brochure. L pt. A,r„ ei'8e'fi.�'`C x'ert'i'ie'a• Ltd., Box 7500', London, Ontario.-14b.c. GIRL'S three -speed bike, 20" frame, good shape, new tires, $50. English horse riding boots, lady's size 7, $5. School desk suitable for youngster's room, $20. Phone 524-8895.-14,15 GARAGE SALE - Satur- day, April 7th, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m..i 1/2 mile south of Dungannon on county road, watch for sign. Dishes, baby needs, books, clothes, fur- niture, 16' canoe and much more. -14 GENDRON baby's pram in good condition. Call 524- 6632.-14nc C&E Furniture To Fight Inflation 1978 prices will stay in effect until July 1979. TO BUY OR SELL DIAL 524-7231 OPEN TILL 9 P.M. G derich SIGNAL -STAR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads ......... , Tuesday Noon Display Advertising ....... . ... Tuesday Noon RATES: '2.75 for first 21 words ('2.25 if paid within one week of publication). Additional words 13' each. Different rates apply to classifications 19, 20, 30 and 31. Box number '2.00 extra per week. Engagement and wedding an- nouncements '4.00. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Mobile Homes 3. Articles for rent 4. Articles wanted 5. Cars, trucks for sale 6. Pets 7. Real estate for sale 8. Real estate wanted 9. Accommodation to rent 10. Wanted to rent 11. Room and board 12. Help wanted 13. Wanted (general) 14. Employment wanted 15. Tenders 16. Mortgages 17. Auction Sales 18. Services available 19. Notice 10 creditors 20. Public notices 21. Personal 22. Lost and found 23. Miscellaneous 24. Business opportunities 25. To give away 26. Births 27. Deaths 28. Engagements 24. Marriages 30. In memoriam 31. Cards of thanks PHONE 524-8331 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1. Articles for sale 1. Articles for sale ONE inside door, 73" x 32" with frame and moulding. Phone 524-9096.-14x TWO CONCRETE tiles 24" x 43" suitable for well. Rotary gear pump, cistern pump. 200 used bricks. Damper for fireplace •; Phone 529- 7636.'-14x 1. Articles for sale ONE 50 foot TV tower, new color antenna, booster and accessories. One 2 horse Evinrude motor, one year old. Phone 524-2792 after 5 p.m. -14 HONEY available in four pound, containers at 90c per Ib. or seventy pound con- tainers at 70e per Ib. Will deliver. Cedar Valley Apiaries. Phone 524- , 9673.-14-16 GIRL'S bike in good con- dition. Suitable for 6 to9 year old. $25.00. Phone 524- 8784.-14nc 1977 - 41/2 H.P. Mercury outboard motor. Never been used. Phone 524-6573.-14x 1969 CL 350 HONDA, good condition, easily certified, asking $500.00. Phone 524- 6632.-14 FOR SALE: Gibson (copy) guitar, black finish, good condition, excellent sound. "Just like the real thing." $250.00 or best offer. Phone 524-9293.-13tfnc PRIVATE 1969 Travclaire, 17 foot, clean, sleeps six, electric heater, gas stove, gas furnace, two- way fridge and toilet. Phone 482-3082.-14 GREEN rug, 10 x 12, $25,00; orange gold shag rug, 12 x 15, $50.00; kitchen table and six chairs, $50.00; maple headboard for single bed, $10.00; horseshoe ceiling fixture, $25.00. Phone 524- 6661.-14,15 30" AVOCADO green, Tappan Gurney electric stove; set kitchen cup- boards, 96", tops and bot- toms; wringer- washer; other household articles. Phone 524-2579.-14 ' - SINGER - For authorized sales and service, sewing machines vacuum cleaners, parts and notions, service to all .makes, and machine rentals. We also do alterations and install zip- pgrs. Gen's Sewing Centre, 73 Hamilton St., ..524-8431, Goderich.-Stfar 2. Mobile Homes 1976 - 14 X 70 WINDSOR, 3 bedroom, completely fur- nished, with built-in factory stereo, sundeek, 7' x 10' steel garden shed. Less than one year old. Phone, 524-4628 after 6 p.m. -14.16 MUST SELL - two bedroom 1975 Marlette set up at Huron Haven. Any serious offer will be considered on this beautiful home. Auburn 1- 526.7784.-40tf FOR SALE: To be moved, 1972 12' x 60' mobile home with Expando living room and utility room. Excellent condition. All offers con- sidered. For information call 524-6777 after 6 p.m .-9tfnc 1977 PROWLER, 31. ft. Trailer, equipped with storm windows, fridge, stove and forced air furnace. Maytag portable washer, suitable for apartment or trailer. Phone 524-6606.-11 tfar 3. Articles for rent FORMAL RENTALS for all occasions. Free style brochure, Rawson's Shop for Men, Goderich.-ltfar FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it -yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 524- 6231. we can suit you for, every occasion FREEMAN'S FORMAL RENTAL Exclusively at CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS Free catalogue 4. Articles wanted WANTED: Old brick buildingsfor demolition and salvage purposes.' Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1976 CUTLASS "5", low mileage, power steering, brakes; swivel buckets, console, well maintained, safetied. Phone 482.9898.-14 1974 ASTRE GT four speed, front spoiler, outsiders, white rally rims, louvred side windows, custom paint blue and white, 27,000 miles. $2,000. Phone 524-2894.-11tf 1973 CHEVY Malibu, 350 motor, eight cylinder, automatic on floor, bucket seats, in good mechanical condition, will safety check Phone 524-9591.-13.16 1974 ASTRA GT, engine completely overhauled, less than 10,000 miles, new battery, regular and snow tires. Call 524-6235 after 5 p.m. -13,14 1965 GMC 1 TON for quick sale, in good shape, $600. For inquiries call 524-4144.-14 10. Wanted to rent WANTED TO RENT - Three to five bedroom lakefront cottage, between Goderich and Grand Bend, from July 13th or 14th to July 28th or 29th, 1979. References available. Phone 524-6627 after 5:30 p.m., or anytime weekends.-8tfnc THREE OR FOUR bedroom house in country, with option to buy, it agreeable to tenant and landlord. Phone 524- 7266.-14,15 ONE OR TWO bedroom apartment, -unfurnished,' ground floor preferred, close to Square, middle aged lady, quiet, non smoker; no pets and no car. Phone 524- 8406.-14,15 1973 FORD LTD two door hardtop, 351 engine, p.s., p.h., less' than 18,000 actual 11. Room and board miles. Phone 482.9801.-14x 8. Real estate wanted COTTAGE with lakefront wanted. Call Kitchener. 578- 7678.-13-16 COMING available down- stairs in April, now available upstairs warns rooms and three meals daily for retired people at Mrs. C. Van Datilnie's Holiday Honie, Clinton. $10.50 daily rand up. Phone 482-3685.-1ltfar- 9. Accommodation to rent 12. Help wanted I-UXURIOUS apartments, " and 3 bedroom, Port Elgin. REDECORATING? Let Phone Mavis at 832- Avon earnings pray for' it! 9234.=13tf Make good money selling quality . products. Areas LARGE two bedroom available now, St. Patrick - apartment" with pantry, frig, St. Vincent, Quebec -West, stove and .cable included, Britannia-Caley, Christina - utilities extra, available May Cameron. Fpr information 1st. Phone 524-2823, or after call Mrs. Sowerby 524-8589 or 6:30p,m.524 2963.--14tf Mrs. 'Millson 1-451-0541.-13 ISiar SMALL furnished 'n•tre bedroom apartment, utilities DO YOU MACRAME? Make SEVEN cubic foot. freezer, extra, cable 'included, money in your spare time by fridge (nearly new), stove, available May 1st. Phone- distributing macrame two dressers and 3/4 bed, 524-2823 or after 6:30 p.m. supplies in your own area. girl's folding bicycle,• 5'L4-2963.-14tf Write Kraft Knots, 81 motorcycle fairing and crash Road,,- Sarnia. 1-542-4088; Y AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Ontario°'s_a est • supplier Irer'of Brooklawn ' Av ue, • Scar- WHITE" f°g euvi`n `"Cleaner 'tretiicifie -r`itst,`I MW*.' r,4.8" b1a'Gc:and white TV . PP e, machine, ort electric :-nd vista-ndr �honE 5.2.4.• reclaimed�iCks.-Iltf TWO BEDROOM house in borough, Ont. far further P and mineral deposits. --- toaster and broiler oven; Simply place in the corner of 8892'`14 electric fan. Phone 529- our toilet tank. Available at y 4CLEARING new and used 7636.-14x• Hoffmeyer Plumbing and -"organs save to '$] 200.00. Heating, T{i°irgston Street, Free lessons. Pulsifer Music Goderich.-ltfar - Seaforth, 527-0053. Closed Wednesdays.-14.17ar FRESH FARM EGGS. Ted Johnston, R.R. 2, Goderich. 524-6047.-14 SEWING MACHINES - Singer, White and other models. ,• Rerpairs 'to aft makes. All machines and repairs guaranteed. Morris Draperies, 36 West Street, Goderich 524-2551.-20tfar We have Multi Speeds, Standards, Juniorand Moto Cross Bikes also complete line of repair parts and accessories DON'S BICYCLE REPAIRS 305 Ontario St. Clinton 482-9941 12 sp Fugi, Sekine, Raleigh, Norco and CCM Reach all of ONTARIO with your special classified ad Through a special arrangement between this newspaper and The Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association we now offer an Ontario -wide classified advertising service. Call 5248331 for details SIGNAL -STAR PUBLISHING LH: �.O. Box 220 Gaderlch, Ontario 0111111111. 1. FOUR PAIR shortie drapes, like new. Phone 524- 8837.-13,14 1974 HONDA CT70, good condition, $325.00. Phone 524- 9550.-13,14 NEW AND used pianos - save to $700.00. Pulsifer Music, Seaforth, 527-0053. Closed Wednesdays. -14- 5. Cars, trucks for sale 17ar TRUCK CAP or small camper top for half ton Chev. Phone 524-7882.-13,14 WANTED TQ BUY, large used '.dog house, in good condition. Phone 524-8331 days, evenings 524- 4676.-14tf nc SERVICE Station doors 11' x CORNET, body and engine HONDA 70 Mini Bike; good 10' complete with track and perfebt. New battery. An condition, in good order. excellent second car, $750. Phone 482-7552.-13,14 springs, etc., all glass panes. Phone 524-4455.-13,14x Auto valve refacer complete with electric motor. Two h.p. Phone 524- steering, power brakes, ,,$6,900.00. Reason for selling, wanting to buy home. Phone 524-2818 or 524-9024.-14,15 PAIR Technics SB 6000 two way speakers, $475.00, used compressor. for two years as back of 2872.-14 speakers, bought at $720.00. Phone 524-6607 after 5 1979 JAYCO and Holiday travel trailers and Jayco hardtops arriving daily. Also truck campers. A few .used trailers left. One 1978 24 -foot Holiday demonstrator like new, Service, parts and accessories. Large stock of truck toppers in fiherglas or aluminum. Propane filling station. Booking now for rentals. Beginning April 1st, open Thursday and Friday evenings until 9 p.m. Bumstcad Trailer Sales, 1A mile north of Wingham. Phone 357-2272, evenings call 357-3870.-14,15 1971 SUZUKI? TS 90 motor- cycle, set up for off road 1973 OLDS OMEGA, six iding,-$300.00, 1,ucknow528 ___.-SEAFOR-T-H-517-0.1211-; cylinder,.._ power -steersng:- .. !„- 2543 evenings.-I 2543evenings.-14 power brakes, good tires, good condition. $1,595, certified. Phone 524., . 6637.-14tf nc 1- 1 8 FIREBIRD 305, power KueoTa: DIESEL POWER DOES IT! 16 hp. - 35 Hp. Huron Counties Kubota Healer Veti.LIT-1.&z4Z' 1971 CHRYSLER Newport, Custom, four door sedan, 383 V8, power steering, power brakes, power windows, air conditioning, radial tires. In good condition: $750.00 certified. Phone 524-7774.-14 1972 PLYMOUTH Duster, 3.18 automatic, body ex- cellent, $1,000.00 or best offer. 1970 Plymouth Duster, 340 four speed, excellent condition, $1,400.00 firm. Phone 524-9841 after 5 p.m. -14 1974 OLDSMOBILE, two door hardtop, V8 automatic. Phone 524-6254.-14 heating, avarlable im- mediately. Apply Drawer 112.-44 TWO BEDROOM mobile home in, Huron Haven, immediate occupancy. Phone 526-7784.-14 APARTMENT for rent in Pinewood Court in Clinton. Phone 262-2536.-14 :.,---------=-::-.:;"..-::.-:•.,.,i,,,: ` BENNETTj 3 APARTMENTS r One and. two bedroom ij apartments, includes !3 fridge, stove, cable TV ;e, and utilities. ;% CACALL: to # 524-6541 'tF KELVINATOR chest freezer, 22 cubic feet, good condition. Phone 524- 9217.-14 SUZUKI RM 100, Nought new bike, must sell, $600.00 or hest offer. Phone 524=7647 after 6 p.m. -14 NEW MATTRESSES Everyday Prices Lower Than Most Sales 40 DINETTE SUITES of Wood and Chrome C&E Furniture NEW AND USED // mile south on hwy. 21 Goderleh 524-7231 We Take Trades 2. • Mobile Homes' PRICED TO SELL - This 1977 Northlander "'mobile home, 52' x 12', is in excellent condition, Features: fridge and stove, washer and dryer, air conditioner, drapes,' outside store -all shed and a sundeek. Located at Huron Haven Village. •Call 524-6384 for viewing.-12tfnc 52 X 12 MOBILE HOME,, with built -on porch, excellent condition. Set up on large lot, immediate occupancy. -Phone 482-7066.-13-16 12' X 60' - 1975 NOR- THLANDER mobile home, two bedroom plus addition. Phone 482-7040 after 6 p.m. -14,15 12 X 60 BEAUTIFULLY broadloomed, 3 bedroom, 1% bath, large livingroom and •kitchen. Make us an offer. Just north of Londcsboro on No. 4 highway. Phon:, 523- 4358.-14-1P6 1977 TOYOTA Corolla Lif- thack, deluxe, silver, automatic, 16,300 miles, radio, Zieharted, excellent condition. Phone 524-7110 evenings. -14 1975 CAMARO LT, 350 V8 automatic, p.s., p.b., radials, spoiler, A-1. Certified. Phone 524-7934.-14 15 �r�■�rrr Sel Ing your car? Need a Safety Inspection? Call 524-2121 414! Now only S' 5 5 corm= idli; A orm =n/ TIRE .y NO. - RENTING Under New Management 3 BEDROOMS TOWN HOUSES IN VANASTRA s'175• Month Plus Hydro Other utiiites paid PHONE 482-7972 Days 482-3278 Anytime FULL-TIME PART-TIME WAITRESSES ,GODERICH RESTAURANT Apply in person STEAK HOUSE & TAVERN WEST ST., 524=9291 TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH Applications will be received by either of the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 10, 1979, fbr an employee for general township . work and -gredeY 'op°erator:... Sof cessful ' applicant will receive starting wage of '5.50 per hour for 40-45 hour week. Wage rate will be reviewed after 3 - Month probationary period. Applications •should be in writing, stating age, marital status and experience. Mark envelope "Aplication". No ap- plicatiop necessarily ac- cepted. Mrs. Joan Armstrong, Clerk - George Humphrey, Rd. Supt. R.R. 2, Lucknow, Ont. GODERICH 1111.1111111111 Two month's rent WITH A YEAR'S OCCUPANCY Brand New 2 Bedroom Apartments in Lucknow, Teeswater and Ripley Available Immedlately LIMITED TIME OFFER Call GLENNHA VEN APTS. Phone 5283234 12. Help wanted AVON - NEED MONEY TO RE -DECORATE? • Selling- Avon elling"Avon this sprirfg' can really help you clean up. The more you sell, the. more you earn. Territory available in Meneset Park. Call collect, Carolyn Thompson, 527- 0238.-14,15 12. Help wanted GODERICH Performing Arts Foundatidn's proposed '- Cultural Cultural .Centre Project needs volunteer work par- ties, typists. illustrators, co- ordinators. There is a spot for you, call 524-2472.-14- '17ar COLLEGE AND HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Part time and full time work available now through summer `80 per week part time A CAR A MUST 524-9077 THE TOWN OF GODERICH requires • 2 STUDENTS One student must be enrolled in urban/regional plan- ning and one student must be enrolled in business ad- ministration or in related programs of study. All of these programs must have a significant com- ponent applicable to local government. Employment will be conditional upon approval and ac- ceptance of the Municipality in the -1979 involvement in • the Municipal Administration Program. Resumes will be received by the undersigned on or before Friday. April 6th, 1979 at 12:00 noon. Larry J. McCabe Clerk -Treasurer Town of Goderich 57 West Str,eet GODERICHOnfario N7A 2K5 The Corporation of •th'e'Village--of::H.ensall requires ARENA MANAGER Applications will be received by the undersigned until Tuesday, April 10, 1979 for a Working Manager of Arena and Parks - Recreation Director. This 'position, under the general direction of the Hen- sall Parks Board, includes management and main- tenance of facilities, (with one full time assistant), general recreational promotion and supervision. qualifications: Experience beneficial but not essential. Salary commensurate with qualifications and ex- perience, complete with excellent fringe benefits. Apply in writing with full particulars to: Elizabeth A. Oke Clerk -Treasurer P.O. Box 279 Hensel!, Ontario NOM 1x0 WANTED Caretaker for Colborne township hall. Free three bedroom apartment in the hali for service. Apply in writing to the undersigned before APRIL 17/79. For further information call 524-4669 during office hours Tuesday thru Thursday. Wilmer Hardy, Clerk -Treasurer, Township of Colborne, R.R. 5 GODERICH. EDUCATION FOR EMPLOYMENT Conestoga College Certificate Programs Would you Tike to upgrade your job skills? Get back in the work force? Move ahead in the work force? Conestoga College, Clinton Campus, offers Cer- tificate Programs in the following areas: Secretarial/Clerical Academic Upgrading Programs are offered on a continuous intake basis throughout the year. Testing and coun- selling for program selection are available and you may be eligible for funding assistance. For more information, call, write or drop to to the Clinton Campus, Vanastra Road, 482.3458. Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Technology Wave got a lotto shore.