The Exeter Advocate, 1922-5-11, Page 3Surnames and Their- Origin (NEURALGIA The Romance of Salvaging. 1RAILROAD NUN N No branch of marine eng neexing s AND SCIATICA Savthng c els:Lire gaae as p e WAS CHEATED SEWARD ;'variations -Seaward, Seward. Racial Origin English, Souse v name. i en e— A 2 "rou might think from the spelling, Seaward, that the origin a this family risme is obvious, that it .leant "sea- ivardeae "sea-guarclian" either iia its first use as a surname, or at least i.n its meaniug as a givea name, if it load bean a given name prior to tills, It was at one tinge a common ,given name. But its meaning was not "sea- -warden." In fact, it had nothing what- ever to do with the sea, thougie it was a name whleli 'developed its greatest popularity in a see -loving race, the Danes, who, like the Norwegiau vik- legs, harried all the coasts of North- ern. Europe and eat: bliehee many set- tlemneuts, It really meant "oetardian of Tie - tory." the first syllable coining not from the root "sea." lout the root "eieg," which appears in so many o14 Teutonte 'names. ]ant though very popular among the Danes at the time n of their inva.�ions and settlements ot Begland, it was also to be found miens the Saxons themselves, and even time Nernmee. In the Middle Agee, at the period When;amity names were formed, the more usual ept'iling of tins given name vias "Sywartl" or "Siward." Qt course, ita first use as a surnamne was indica- tive of parentage. i SAYER Variations—Sayers, Seger, Seeger, Sa- gat•, Seers, Sears.. Racial Origin—English. • Source. --A given name. is anuch like saving sm life and as in r • i e and our ur the m l Profession, si n*� � s ed cal a f n l enuia Caused by Starved Nerves :Due startling means; are sometimes em- to Weak, '�ttezy i3laod. twelve thous Passenger liner ployed. The ease of the Suevic, a Hare again is a 'family name widen { and ton i eng , DiscOxiraging Stomach Trouble Had L. N. Gagnon Going Down Hill Rapidly Until He Took Tauiac-$• a New Man Now. looks as theme'''. it might have been de- People think of neuralgia as a pain as a goca eeaauple o wh .t a salvag' rived front some sort of occupation, In the head or face, but neuralgia may crew can do. But like that of Seward. ihowevee it effect any Herz e of the body. Different The vessel went ashore en the rock - comes from a ,oven name, in fact, names are gleen to it when it affects bound coast of Cornwall and lay exp from a glycal llama with alaazost the eertaitm nerves. Thus neuralgia of tee Posed to the full force of any gale Haat aazne aiming as that from. which the selatie nerve is called sciatica" but the might arise. Arriving on the scene, the salvager family name of Seward took its rise. character of the pain and the nature "I was cheated of a good molly "Sigur;" "Sygar" and "Saber" were of the disease Is the salve. `.Cho. cause being pinched as in a vise and that mets while I had stomach trouble, quite usual spellings of this given is the same, and the remedy to Ice she was humping forward so heavily but I'm metol. n , Ages. effective, meet be 'the same. The pain .; that her forepeak soon resem,imled a at _ ge oil? for lit time .sew mune in the old of t Age. The use o€ unotuxed tin kettle, The rest of iter said 'I,, Napoleon Gagnon, h.$',4 Sala- Cam - the ""h" instead of the "g" was a nor- of neuralgia, whether it takes the p 136117St., philological evelo ment and you forint of sciatica, or whether It affeetes' was free from the rocker but a $ale dee Pae, Qnebe,wemlt-known Cana - mal development, , y u i oRailroad must remember that in the diddle the face and'dead, is caused by " would probably ` is ' 1 hem in *o yo p a } 1ea c ," r a, long time I clad been unable when the Teutonic Ian gnagea starved; nerves. The blood, wbxeh nor- I Ages, +e+a seed b no th of gale heel off, to get any satisfaction about eating were all of them nearer their rima- really carries nourishment to the m entire vessel; but if the held oil, and felt ti:red•atel worn out so I atiu It tive formas, the "le, was often more than a mere aapirate breathing. n . It m , was something of a gtmtterai as we'll. The form "Saler"" from which time famnily names in this group without the "g" have developed, shows signs nerves, for some reason no longer does fire fialvagems thought they might save hardly work. I was very discouraged, t ;• tke r xi u fte t o a D an art. fan o s de s f to p Y y so and the excruciating pain you 4e ! too, because I could ties 1 was going is the cry of the Heroes for food The , calculatto to followed. Finally a string down bill every day and there was no relief in sight. "It certainly was remarkable the lemon why the blood, tails to properly of dynamite cartridges inclosed in rub - nourish the nerves is usually because ber tube was passed 2.4)111/4 the the blood itself is weak and thin. lstricken ship just forward of the ' bridge. The tubes were to proteot the way Taulae came to my aid. I am of the French infiueuce in the speech When you build up the thin blood,feeling like a new man now, have the with4Dr. Woollens' Pink Pills" you are bulkhEad at that point cud yet allow appetite of a wotittcbop er and every T t 1` P 1 ti h.ng I eat agrees. with tua. I certcain- Iy Haver intend to miss a. eliance to of time t r t oranges, attacking neuralgia, sciatica. and eta, the explosion to beelective, The pro-, The other two were given values attacking died diseases at the root. Tee value l jeer was, novel and delicate. . s a re - Norman conquest et Bngland. and sltelvnby the experience of Miss Ren- et the Surevic, which contained the as those pills thi in Gases of s hind IS snit of R. however, the after. two thirds put iu a. good word for Tamllac. Tauten is sold by all geed ie." -sts. width persalongside ed her orme time atter- ward lair M. Fairweather, Cumberland Bay, machiuer}r, tell back from the bow ,dvt. ward alongside the form "Saber." _ As a given rime it meant simian "the victorious one," and in its earliest use as a surnaw.e it indicated that a man's father bore it. A Victorian Rebuke a8 As a little boy King much afraid of les grandmnother,; Queen Victoria. An amusing story of those class, says a writer, carne to my mind when I heard that a: gold taoverei+e',n bad recently been found at the foot of Use high grass bank near the southern boundary wall of the Palace garden, The date ot the soverelgnsbows tliat it was undoubtedly one tilat King George's grandmother lad presented to him when he was a, boy at five. At that time tiro court was at Bucking- had spent with his grandmother. The prince looked at his grand• mother. To uoneeai the truth was one thing; to tell a downright lie was an- N.S., too says; "A few years ago, 'third of tier and was towed eately following an attack of meaoles, I was away froma the rocks and out iuto It is a na stat a to cut dotim a tree left in a badly run down couditign, I deep water, un1eas you kntaw wile e you are wens was weak and very nervous. and had With the ttssistnnee of tugs. brit nil - to get another one. t o appetite. A (lector was called in. der tier awn steam, tbe two thirds 1ud gave eta medicine, but it did riot ateamed fitei'nforeinost .lore than one Men without nunrtbrr 1vhP n,er�. cast help me. My blood was thin and ate 1. hundred miles to a port with a dry adrift on the st'd svitkiout way".r liave bands and my feet were always cold.. dock. A uew bow wars built on a slip- died of thirotl yet it is new possible Time), mkt Tto ato my miser I was at- an th Y in, usual manner. `hen the to distillnri enric=h men:ei re prom the ether. "I lost it," be blurted out and tacked with neuralgia, from which I1 tt"stern two thirds was Properly ire • breath to sustain :ire. The aa.paretre then told hew, suffered greatly. I was reduced to apared for the splicing they let the coni+ists of a grase tube and a bottle. No one could administer a severer mere skeleton, and did, not care Teter into the dry dock, Then the IIy loreethirh in air three the Lose rebuke in fewer words than Queen : whether I lived or not. I was in tb.is new bow section was nursed in and and expelling it "through the tube into' Victoria. Her censure of the prince deplorable condition when 1 began; tele' gradually warped up until it was dead tbe bottle, aerson corn obtain tis did not last long, but when the prince lug Dr. Williams' Pink Puns, It was in line with the atter section. The eni h us in owtee of pure water las lett her bis eyes were tilled with tears some time before 1 could nonce any water was the pumped, out of the d1y hent. of inortitleatiou. benefit fro.t the pills, but betore a' doek. The two parts were drawn How deep an inipressiou. Queen Vic' belt a town boxes were used. there wars'tight together so as to bring the holea i Ot' EY aR) RS. toric had made on her bandeau .may ire doubt that time. were helping me.' in the strakes, or plates, of the new Pa • your altt•ot town. accounts by be judged from the fact that Years Then I get six more boxes, and before' bow exactly over thboles of the cors' Dom fou Fxpr es ;ticney Order, Five , leiter when the sovere lgmm was fowl ti' they were dome, I was once more en-, responding plaited of the stern section. Dollars costs three cents. His elajesty admitted to a member et; joying good health and aur zloty strong , The rivets were driven home. The -------- ,� hip household that lie slould long and healthy. 1 shall eat -aye feel grate- splicing was done so carefully Hutt! Every mean is a geed pilot in since have forgotten all about it ex- tui for what the pills bave done for you could not distinguleh the Joint. a aniooth sea;- but when the win I, Mows, cepa for the terrible few minutes he me, end urge all weak people to give When water was let into the dry. then we find out elm kr:aws the ;mist.' dock the Suevle floated once more as a whole ship. A new lite stream ot steam circulated through her engine; her steel muscles moved once more, , and she left as sedately as on the del teatshe was built. Ronlanee of the ° sea?? What more can anyone wish? $ Classified Advertisements T s THERE A "VULCANIZER :EN YOUR ,1.. town.? Ton eau earn $20.00 daily,. We teach you. write Cele . Xn Straiator, Canada ada Vulcanizer, London. Out. ieneterelAterie .n O YOU WANT A FIRST Of second mortgage investment on ; good security? Write E. Norman & Co., Idortgage Bankers: la Richmond St. Y9•, Toronto. ltEI TJNG FOR SALtf ,L Itaz:p$ .Ore eeeW ANA U HEi>t. !lit ng. pulleyssaws, cable,hpssa,pa-elan* sto., stopped cubleot to approval at Iowan 1z5 'MILK QomTong, >WTORONTO. A Chance for the Girl. .. .An cid lady of seventy was rather tearful as site bade farewell to her Mother, aged ninety-five, whom she had been visiting, "Good-bye dear mother!" slut said. "I bope we stall meet again." "I belie so, nay child," replied her nother, briskly, " Tey tell me you are looking very well."' Minard's Liniment ter sale eve ryv hers G. F. (Glasgow) mentions the ease ofa detective who,after twentyyea years, remembered the face of a forger, and arrested tbe man when the er,..e ]lad been forgotten. ham Palace. One afteruoen a nursery footman took King George over to see Queen Victoria. After tea and a diet file gave her grandson a now sove- reign and belle flim go into the gmrden not play there tor half an hour and then eeme back and say goocaby to her. Now the sport that the prince .lost enjnyed whenever he visited the gar- dens at Buvhtngham. Palace was roil- ing down the green banks, But slnco that kind of snort was exceedingly clamaging to his clothes he had been forbidden to indulge himself in it, Now time temptation to have another good roll was too much for the prince; so as soon as be reached the gardens he went straight to the bank and kept running up it and rolling down it for belt an hour. Then be went back to . the palace and, atter brushing biruselt carefully, went to bid his grandmother good by. On reaching Marlborough House a short time later, hie discovered that he hind lost the sovereign; but he knew that, if he told anyone of his loss, be should. have to tell how he had been amusing himself. l -Ie decided to say nothing about it. A week later his grandmother went to Marlborough House, and King George was sent down from the nurse- ry to see her. "And what did you buy with the sovereign. I gave you, Georgie?" she asked. "Nothing, grandma," the prince re- plied with a sinking heart. "You are keeping It teen, I hope, 1}ntil you find a really useful way of Mending it. " Limited Range of Your Wards. Now many ililTerent words do you use in your daily conversation? Be- tween 1,000 end 2,000, but it is dif- ficult to arrive at an ;accurate esti- mate. In country districts from 500 to 70D words are enough for the ordin- ary needs of conversation, white habi- tual readers of newspapers and good books collect a vocabulary or from 2,000 to 3,000 words. Trades and professions may greatly increase the vocabulary a the per- sons engaged in. them. Thus, some 4,000 words have been added to the dietionary to describe electricity and its Iciudred occupations. Artists and doctors use technical and scientific' terms that increase the number of the wards tliey use by 500 or 1,000. Authors often use 5,000 wards or More. There are only 6,000 different words in the Old Testament. The poet Mil- ton used only 8,000, and Shakespeare in all his works employs between 15,- 000 and 16,000 cihfferent words. What They Called Him. A little girl was sitting on the doorstep nursing her infant sister, when a lady passing by stopped to speak to the child. "How is baby to -day?" she asked. "Quite well, thank ye, mem," re- plied the child. "And what do they call him?" "They ca' him a girl!" Almost as Easy as,Wihing Your btealcfast cup is ready without trouble or delay when is the table beverage. To a tea.spooneul of Instant Posttun in the cup, add hot water, -til; and. you. have , a satisFyinM, comfort... ing' drink, delightful in taste arid with no harm to nerues or. digestion . As rna ny cups as you like, without ' regret. 'There'si+>r a Reason, ':o•urg rocer sells Postum in.two forms; ....h PO$Tum CEREAL (irr. ppee kages) made by boiling Full 20 minutes. lN s ".CANT PO STOM (in. tins made instantly in the cup by adding' hot water. Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Lta;, Windsor, Ont, .; no eseow....,...c..a.,es. ..m.oyrr• Mein a trial." You env got these pills through any dealer is medicine or by Mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50 front The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Newspaper Advertising Pays Dividends to Wrigley Wrigley's chewing gum has started its fourteenth year of advertising In the Canadian newspapers. When they be- gan very few people used chewing gam. To -clay, few people do not get the pleasure and benefit of using I medicine. They saved my baby's lite Wrigley's "atter every meal," and I can highly recommend them to! Regular consistent newspaper ad- all mothers." Mrs. Tranehemon•' vertising convinced the Canadian pub- tagno's experience is that of thous-; tic that Wrigley's is good and good and of other mothers who have teat - for them. It has built the modern ed. the worth of Baby's Own Tablets. `` sanitary factory at Toronto recently . The Tablets are a sure and safe medi• i doubled in. size. eine for little ones and never fail to 11 newspaper advertising will do regulate the bowels and stomach, thus tills for the manufacturer of a single relieving all the minor ills from which SAVED BABY'S LIFE Mrs, Alfred Tranchemontagne, St. Michel des Saints, Quo., writes;-- "Baby's Own Tablets are an excellent ` In thou:sndc of races II/other Snicel's Syrup hail yr4ved eifectiveinpermanently bank iii digestive ttoubteseven when they have bean of longstanding. ltaou 4uffor, put It to the tot sitar your next meet. $.ala item selling for the small Cost of live children suffer. They are sold by = t cents how much more can it do for the medicine dealers or by mall at 25; local purveyors of general merchan- dise who are selling many items, some of them running into hundreds of dol- lars on a single sale? —y Horses and Babies. Are horses peculiarly gentle with babies? It seems a fair question. Cer- tainly the horses in this acaountewhich a contributor sends us, were almost humanly solicitous,,of the welfare of the two.young ohildren who came into contact with them. Our neighbor, says our contributor, had a field one corner of which Came up to his dooryard. One day while he was ploughing he stopped when he reached the corner and, leaving the horses standing in the furrow, went to the pump for a drink. .As soon as he returned he took up the plow handles and spoke to the horses. They did not move. He spoke again, sharply. Still they did not move. Astonished and vexed, he struck them with the whip, Still they stood immovable; and then he realized that something must be wrong. He went to their heads, and there in the furrow in front of them he saw his toddling baby bay! The two-year-old daughter of a friend of mine had an experience a good deal more astonishing than that of the baby boy's, The little girl man- aged to stray away from in front of the house where she hadbeen playing. There was a long search in which the police and the fire department joined; but it was. umnsiicceasfu'i. Finally, in .a livery stable two miles away some men who were working there thought they Beard a Tittle cowing voice•. They were horrified, for it Seemed to come from the tall of en exceedingly vicious horse that even the grooms approach- ed cautiously and with dread. The men looked into the stall and saw the baby patting the horse's hind leg and calling hini "nice borsie," while he, CUTICURA HEALS WATER BLISTERS On Face and.Hands.' Itched and Burned. Face Disfigured, Lest Rest. "My trouble came to tiny water blisters wiiioh wouidbreak and for= e,ore eruptions. My face and bands were effected, and the elan waa aoreard cd. The eruption itched and berried so that I ctatched them, and Tray face was dos figured. I lost rest at night. "The trouble lasted about three months. A friend asked me to try Cuticura Soap and Ointment etzd after using three cakes of Scan s -w two boxes ofOintnmcnt1 weelee ad." (Signed) Mise Agates' Tyler, R.. D. 1, Rox 59, West Lubec, ear. Cuticura Sopa, Ointment e d 'Tile agnate ideal foreve ry-daytenet-ciente Ssnaa1,ts^fr;^ rtlsit Ai rept.."Iltun'r4a- ito, is,* et, t?nei >sx W„Li k6t"st."' t,4 3 "erg. where. So7ip:iz!. eirireenicSarid6OC. }a1. u5i-,;, i/PW'Cuticora5,4apilbikf04 wi it auR,ta14. o NDERFUI THE WAY IT HELPED HER So Writes Mrs. Lemery of ,Brockville. Ontario Regard- ing Lydia. E Pi ntkham's Vegetable Compound I Brockville, Ontario,-- "I took Lydia.. E. Pini ham's Vegetable Compound for weakness and female disorders. I was so weak at times that I could not stand up. I had been tills way for nearly three years and the dif- ferent medicines I had taken had not. done inc any good. I found one of your little books in my door one day and thought I would, give it a, trial. I am now on. my Melt tattle and it is i wonderful the way it has helped me- I am feeling much better, have no weak spells and can do all my work. now. I am recommending your Vegetable Compound to all I know and you can use my testimonial to help other women. " -Mas. C I.sur I,mnnar, 176 Abbott St., Brockville, Ontaiio. Lydia E. Pinkham"s 'Vegetable Com- pound is :a medicine for women's ail- ! il! meats and has a .record of nearly fifty years behind it. cents a box from The Dr. Williams'E •laR IOt7TlI, rite. Medicine Co., Brockville. Out, t The Original and Only Genuine. _._ Beware of imitationssola on the merits of MINARD'S LINIMENT Economic Value of Paint. 1 The life and usefulness of practical- Iy all buildings, farm machinery and implements can be prolonged by the application of suitable Paint or Var- nish. It has been estimated that the loss suffered yearly through the decay of wooden surfaces is rar rn excess of the annual fire loss. The best ex- amples xamples of the value of Paint as a pre- servative are the many farm buildings' still existing throughout . the country' which are over a century old and are still in splendid condition. It is ' actually true that wood will last in-' definitely if kept well painted. Paint saves by protecting and at the same time it fosters self respect, through improving the appearance of our property. • Farmers who doubt the value ot Paint may gain enlighten- ment from the fact that bankers will loan from 10 to 50% more on land where farm buildings are well painted and kept in good condition than on land where they are not. The bankers' action is based ..not m_ely on the simple idea that the farmer's house and barns are likely to last longer through the use of a protective coating but upon the truth that the man who uses. Paint and Varnisih gives clear evidence that he is wise and thrifty and, therefore, a good risk. Business Methods. When the agent brought Mrs. Tar- ley - her fire insurance policy he re- marked that it would be eS well fox her to make her first payment at once... "How much will it be?" she asked. "About twenty-three dollars.' Wait a moment, and I'll find the, exact amount." with his head turned, watched her be- Oh,, how tixesomel"' she exclaimed. nignantly, .not moving a nuisele lest t"Tell 1I the company to let it stand, he should hurt her! Here's to You! Here''s to you, as good as you are, And here's to me, as batt as t are; - But as :good as you ere and -as bacl Guest: "1 should like a suite of as 1 am, rooms; that is ;lean and ft�esh." Clerk: I'ni as good as you are, as bad as I "Front! Show the lady' up to suite am. —Old Scotch Toast: sixteen." Gluttony Tills more persons than rim Mrnard's Liniment C,eiievs; Neuralgia famines.` • ISSUE,' No, 1&-•'22, and -deduct it from what they' owe nue when the house burns down.", NO lrl e isfv„ly balanced without a, hobby„oi some kind.—Lord, Burneaan. OARSE SALT LAN D SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS Q J. CLIFF TORONTO Lmericeen Ficnoer" Dog Remealiea Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed .ivtailed Free to anti Ad- dress by the Author. 8. Clay Grover Co., tae 129 West 24th Street New York, U.S.., WARNING! Say "Bayer” when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on -tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances? Accept only an "unbroken package” of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin,." which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for .Colds Toothache Earache Headache Rheumatism Neuralgia Neuritis ,Lumbago PainPain Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets—Also bottles of 21 and ,100—Druggists, Aspirin is the -trade 'mark .(registered 1n Canada) cf. Bayer, Manufacture of 1Viono-. scetieacldester of Salieylicacid, while it is well known that Asphrin moans Payer manufacture, to assist the public against imltatione. the Tablets of Bayer Comrrany will be stamped with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross."