HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-04-05, Page 12524-2645 PAGE 12—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1979 r Dungannon youngster hospitalized for measles Tom Wall, 12 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Art Wall, returned home on Tuesday after being in Wingham Hospital with the measles. Mrs. Florence Reed of Goderich is a patient in A.M. & G. Hospital since March 21st when she suffered a severe heart attack. It is expected she will be there for quite some time. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Robbie, Shawn and Angie Woods spent a few days with their,grandparents, Gord and Mary Schultz while their mother was hospitalized in Goderich. Mrs. Doris Schmid has returned home after 3 weeks in Hamilton where she stay- ed with a young girl while her parents vacationed in England and Spain. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Barry Anderson on the birth of a new daughter in Goderich Hospital on Saturday, March 31st. A wee sister for Gregory. A well attended benefit dance was held on Saturday evening for Wes and Kay Nivins who lost their live- stock in a barn fire recently. Judy Gregory gave the ad- dress and Tom Young pres- ented a purse of money. Visitors on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Berry were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brennan of London and Mrs. Donald Gibbon (nee Rebecca Thompson) and son, Bob of Sundridge. Mr, and Mrs. Bill Blake and girls of Cambridge spent the weekend with Mrs. Cecil Blake. Mrs. George Rivett has moved to Clinton as of March 20th. Mrs. Elizabeth Post, sister of Mrs. W. J. Reid died recently. She had lived at Normandale near Simcoe, on Lake .Erie. Sympathy is ex- tended. Robbie Haldenby of Luck- now spent Monday with Brad Park while his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Haldenby were in London. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Becker (nee Carol Shackelton) of Dash - Colborne bride feted at event On Monday evening, April 2 a community shower was held in Benmiller United Church for bride-to-be COthy MacPhee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant MacPhee. About 65 gathered in the church basement and spent„ the first part of the evening visiting with one another and enjoying a contest. The bride-to-be was then honoured and with her attendants, her sister, Karen Redmond and friend, Betty Culbert, .opened the lovely gifts which were brought to them by four little girls of the -community, Alison Clark, Lori Million, Roxanne Kernighan and Tracy Baer. After everyone viewed the beautiful gifts,, Cathy thanked one and all for coming to her shower and for their gifts and thoughtfulness. The• ladies then served a delicious Lunch which was much enjoyed. Cathy will be married Saturday, April 14 in Benmiller United Church. 4-H NEWS Tiger Dunlop group No. 2 held their seventh meeting at the home of Mrs. Darlene Fielder on Tuesday, March 27. The meeting opened with the 4-1-I Pledge. The leaders, Mrs. Fielder and Mrs. Thompson, looked over the members' books to see if they made any errors and they handed out the book covers. Mrs. Fielder then served a lunch of cake and juice which all enjoyed. There will be another meeting on Saturday, April 7. SOCIAL NEWS Mr: and Mrs. Larry Harrison of Saltford had planned a holiday in Florida for" the month of April but plans had to be cancelled at the last minute. Last week, they went to King City to visit their family a few days before they were to take the flight to Florida. Mrs. _.. _ ▪ –Ha rr-.is.on. ._h.aso:t... been.... __ enjoying the best of` health the past few months and the couple felt this trip and a month in the sun would be ideal for her. She had been feeling better the last few weeks but unfortunately at the time of flight, she wasn't feeling well enough, so the trip had to be cancelled. Mr. Harrison 'has returned home and hopes in a couple of weeks, Mrs. Harrison will be in better health and able to return home. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. The Cancer Drive is on this month and someone will be calling on you. Please give your support "to this worthy cause. The Benmiller Girls' Group will be collecting papers again on Satur- day, April 21. Keep this date in mind. Plan to attend the olborne corner. (it.rtrurle Kau trn);, (or•ri'�lrondr'nt. euchre card party in Colborne Township Hall on Thursday, April 5 at 8 p.m. Admission is.a' 75 cents and ladies please bring lunch. Mrs. Frank Hawkins of Goderich visited with Mrs. Ila Bean at Carlow for several days recently. The sympathy of the community`is extended to the family of the late Edward James (Ted) Cook who , passed away suddenly. Hisfuneral was on Saturday, March 24. BACK HOME Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MacCrostie have returned from an en- joyable holiday in the Caribbean. They sailed from San Juan, Puerto Rico on the Sun Princess, the original "Loveboat" on -which the TV series was filmed. They visited Caracas , capital city of Venezuela, and the islands of Curacao, Trinidad, Grenada, Martinique and St. Thomas. While in St. Thomas, ?•l ?(lifi they witnessed the burning. and sinking of the Italian boat, the Angelina Lauro, one of three cruisers docked in the harbor with thein. The captain and 170 of its passengers came on board the Princess for safe passage back Jo San Juan. . It was a wonderful trip, the scenery was beautiful and the weather perfect (always between 70 and 90 degrees). It was a'trip they will always ` have fond memories of, says the couple. W.I. NEWS Mrs. R. Buchanan, Mrs. A. Stoll, Mrs. Earl Sherwood and Mrs. Tait Clark attended the Huron West, executive meeting of the Women's Institute in Dungannon United Church Hall on Monday, April 2 representing Tiger Dunlop Women's Institute. Plans were made for the District Annual to be held in Holmesville United Church on May 28. wood, on the birth of their 8 Ib. 8 oz. daughter, Heather Ann, at St. Joseph's Hospit- al, London on March 22nd. This is a first grandchild for proud grandparents Benson and Florence Shackelton. Heather almost arrived on her grandparents 37th wed- ding anniversary which was the 2Sth of March. Congratu- lations are also extended to them on this occasion. MAD HATTERS 4-H The fifth meeting of the Dungannon #1 4-H club took place on March 19 at the home of Mrs. Bill Stewart. The club is in charge of - decorating for the fashion show at Achievement Day which is to be held April 25. The girls chose Spring as the theme and discussed some ideas for the decorations. They also discussed differ- ent types of jewellery and their care. At the sixth meeting the members looked at several styles of gloves and the construction and care of each. DUNGANNON UNITED CHURCH For Passion Sunday Rev. C. G. Westhaver spoke on "The Power of the Cross', fourth'in a series of sermons on Old Evangelical Land- marks. Passion Sunday, named for the Latin word "passio" meaning "suffer- ing" is the second Sunday before Easter. The childre,n's story was "The Praying Hands" ex- plaining the famous painting of that name. The choir sang the anthem, "I'll be Some- where Listening", led by organist Mrs. Jean Elliotd. Church events during this week are. Confirmation Class's 5th meeting on Sun- day evening, Explorers on Tuesday evening, Tyros and choir practice on Wednesday evening. On Thursday evening ev- eryone is welcome to a Bible Study meeting at the home of Mrs. Gertrude Park. It is hoped to have these meet- ings weekly at the home of someone who is shutin. Tickets for the Willing Workers Smorgasbord Sup- per on Friday are available from Mrs. Lynda McNee, Mrs. Penny Hodges and Mrs. Joanne Whitney. Next Sunday will be Palm Sunday and Mr. Wayne Snyder will be inducted to the office of elder. If interested in the attrac- tive pens which the Sunday School members are selling, contact a Sunday School teacher. BROOKSIDE BROADCAST BY JANICE POLLOCK AND MANDY MILLER The Preschooler's Story Hour on Tuesday afternoons has been very successful. The children hear a story, do some craft and choose a library book while the'moth- ers get together in the staff room. Sometimes they watch a film on Child Behaviour or have a speaker on nutrition and child care. Grades 1 to 4 enjoy an elective period each Friday afternoon during which they participate in the ,group of their choice from the follow- ing: choir - led by Mrs. Louise Wilson and Mrs. Shelley Worsell; crafts (pup - 'pet making) with Mrs..Janet Blanchette; film strip making with Miss Vianne Trezise; Holmesville news Blanche Deeves, correspondent 482-3383 This will be the last card party of the Goderich Township Women's Institute for the year at Holmesville Public School, at 8 pm. Thursday, April 5. Ladies bring . sandwiches and admission is $1,., The Goderich Township W.I. will hold their April Meeting at the Holmesville School Monday evening, April 9 at 8 pm. Several members of the Goderich Township W.I. attended the District meeting of WL at the Nile on M-onday: Church news The Dominion Life Choir of Waterloo will he . at the Holmesville Church on Tuesday, April.,; 10 at 8:30 pm. There will be a silver collection and everyone is welcome, this is a centennial event of the church. Personals Mr. and .Mrs. Jim Durnin ,.of London spenta - last Wednesday with Don and Isabel Harris. Mr, and Mrs. John MacFarlane ' have returned to Holmesville following an enjoyable holiday in Florid -a. Dungannon doings 1;(r'if Pork correspondent .5')9-771) drama with Mrs. Lois Teb- butt; gym with Mr. Gary Jewitt; cooking with Mrs. Barbara Bakker; and knitting and sewing with Mrs. Mary Bere. On Wednesday, April 25th during Education Week the groups will be putting on a display of their various artivitiPc. On March 29th the junior boys played floor hockey in the gym against the junior boys from Lucknow Public School. The score was a tie 4 - 4. The boys who scored the goals were Jeff Gibson 2, Robbie Maize 1 and John D. MacKenzie 1. Well done, Brookside. Smile, darn ya, smile No wonder the Russians are getting so confident. If they watch Canadian TV, they must think we all have tired blood, indigestion, and nagging headaches. + + + If there are several things that might get worse, the one that will is the one that can do the most damage. + ++ Boss to employee: "I didn't say .I was dissatisfied with your work. I just asked if you'd consider early retirem ent." + ++ Why did the chicken cross the road? He went to see his friend Gregory peck. +++ Shape up for Spring! at the VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE Register Now! Program starts April 9 to June'16 Youth's Swim Lessons Adult's Swim Lessons Ladies' Gym Classes Men's Gym Classes , Ladies' Health Spa Youth Gymnastics Synchronized Swimming Parents and Tots Swims Kinders Gym Swim Speed Swim Club Yoga Disco Dance Instruction Tennis instruction For further information, call 482-3544 RECREATION SWIM TIMES ADULT: Monday -Friday '12 noon - '1:15 p.m. Wednesday 9-10 p.m. OPEN: Monday 8:30 - 10 p.m. Tuesday 8:30 - 10 p.m. Wednesday 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Thursday 8:30 - 10:00 p.m. Friday 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday - 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. FAMILY SWIM: 2-3 p.m. We've moved - next door as of April 1st., we are located one door north of our previous location Steve Argyle Lawn & Garden Equipment SMALL ENGINE PARTS, SALES & SERVICE TO BLUEWATER AREA SINCE 1970 BAYFIELD 565-2800 ART'S LANDSCAPING NURSERY & GARDEN CENTRE 106 BENNETT\ST. E. 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Tropical Plant Soil for... You Save 78' 1 :51 RSiiiilSgtiSR°, With Coupon ThruAprll 30 1,,,,-- 1,-,,,-,-- T.:-..., RRRRti1iRk�ti11�' I r 'I, i f5- 1` 1 I"` 1 You Get I' ,,Z cu. ft. Peat moss for 1 1' You Save '3.48 l:� L'S 'VALUABLE COUPON ' Buy Any SHRUBS' '25:00 value or more r:mRRRRm' With.Coupon Thru April 30. 'VALUABLE COUPON' Buy One 16 oz. CIL ROSE, SHRUB & FLOWER SPRAY Reg. '6.99 You Get 500 g. House Plant Food for You Save 9.98 With Coupon Thru April 30 LADIES DAY EVERY MONDAY -Buy 1 sm. Houseplant Get -1 FREE NOW IN STOCK DAHLIA BULBS,.GLADIOLA BULBS, BEGONIA BULBS PEONIES, PHLOX, DUTCH SETS, FLOWER & VEGETABLE SEEDS CALL NOW FOR SPRING CLEAN-UP THATCHING, RAKING, FERTILIZING, ROLLING COMPLETE LINE OF C.I.L. FERTILIZERS SCOTT'S FERTILIZERS FERTILIZER SPREADERS AVAILABLE FOR LOAN OR BUY r