HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-04-05, Page 5Soz$6.90 per hour is not enough GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THSJRSDAY, APRIL 5, 1979—PAGE 5 Why one doctor "opted out of OHIP" Dear Editor: Recently, the "opted Out" physician has come under attack. While critics have a right to their opinion, they have been very inaccurate and unfair about many issues. Since I am an "opted out" physician in this community, and since I am proud of my stand in this matter, I felt com- pelled to write this letter to explain the facts as I see them. First, I would 'like • to explain two reasons why I ,,chose to "opt out" of OHIP. The first reason is to defend my professional freedom and identity. The many British and Irish physicians in Ontario today are a testament to the un- bearable medical con- ditions that came to exist in the British Health System after it was taken over and then completely destroyed by govern- ment. I and many other physicians feel very strongly that if we don't take a stand profesionally against government interference, some day it will be too late and we will have the British Health Care System here. The two most important things to government are getting into power and then gaining control. It gains control by bureaucracy, laws and red tape. Already there is Dear Editor. • from page 4 the unseen dangers of nuclear energy. Sincerely, D. Carpenter, CANTDU, Box 342,Goderich. Be careful Dear Editor, You hear it said: "Canada has untold wealth in abundance." Is this really true? First, you must be able to define what is meant by WEALTH! As Karl Marx stated, it is something that has "USE VALUE"! This simply means that it must fulfill an EXISTING want or need. You cannot use natural resources until they are made available. This takes work and machines that cost money in the form of CAPITAL! To produce goods and products that have a value, first you must find and establish an EXISTING market. This requires CAPITAL! The Canadian dollar today:. has a limited ACTUAL value, but a very high POTENTIAL value because of our abundance of natural resources which offer POTENTIAL wealth realizable sometime in the future. D9 NOT ..sell the Canadian dollar short! According to Marx, value and wealth, can only be realized by the use of "LABOUR POWER" as he termed it. Not a bad definition of work! As Marx stated the MORE labour employed, the higher the EX- CHANGE VALUE of that which is produced! That makes sense. Labour costs MONEY - people refuse to work at a mere subsistance level. Canadians just love to make money, spend it and save it, but they hesitate to INVEST CAPITAL to create wealth, because this involves RISK. We need those resources NOW! The- government can do this for us through HIGH TAXATION, to provide this necessary capital to invest for all of us ! Is the government a good investor? The • record shows that it is NOT! They invariably use potential capital to obtain VOTES by spending OUR money on those things that PLEASE THE MAJORITY - ' more welfare schemes, a bigger beaurocracy, solving language problems, more work for lawyers, things that "stroke our backs", so to speak! We are a country and will remain so. Wise Canadians would tell the 40 -year to 60 -year - age group who now run everything, with few exceptions, to invest our dollars effectively and cleverly in CANADA - and not let it dribble out of our country! It is POTENTIAL capital. In a decade or so, when the dollar is restored, the young, who are better EDUCATED and will be Turn to page 6 • too much bureaucracy and red tape in this area, through more bureaucracy and red tape, it will soon gain control to the point of dictating the day-to-day treatment of individual patients. The horrifying part is that these bureaucrats (who will be making important decisions about a patient's illnessr will be well versed in statistics and know nothing about medicine. From Toronto, these bureaucrats will be making important decisions about our local hospital - often coming up with inappropriate decisions. If a patient needs a certain drug, a form will have to be sent to the Department . of Health and a decision will be made by some committee in Toronto. The same will apply if a patient needs to see a consultant, or needs to go to a certain hospital, or needs a certain test, or needs a certain treat- ment, etc. Do not be disbelieving. This is happening in Britayn today. Mean- while, the doctor is stripped of his identity and function. All the shots will be called from Toronto and the most the doctor can do is sit beside the patient, waiting, powerless, to do in- vestigations and treat his patients. Basically, I feel this way. I have gone to university for a total of ten years to learn medicine and when some politician, who may be a used car dealer or an insurance salesman (as our recent Ministers of Health have been) starts telling me how I should practise Medicine, that is the day I would quit! By "opting out", 1 am standing up for my rights as a professional person and, hopefully, making it quite clear that in- dependence and freedom from government and other interference is essential for me to fun- ction the way I was taught in medical school with the patient's in- terests coming first and not some bureaucrat's or politician's! The second reason why I have "opted out" of OHIP is financial. I respect myself greatly as a doctor. I work hard and long hours. I try to do the best job I can, even at the sacrifice of hours from my personal life and from my family, which is very dear to me. I spent money on ex- pensive equipment for my office because I thought it would help me to do a good job. I spent ten years of my life studying at university sweating at the books for long hours and at no or minimal pay. After having been in practice a• number of years, I returned to school for three more years (at a great loss in income) `because I thought that additional training would make me a better doctor. I respect my profession greatly and I consider the present OHIP payment for many services an insult! Yes, I know income tax statistics show that Medicine is one of the highest paid professions.' The reason for this is the consistent long, long hours of work. I per- sonally work 70 to 80 hours per week. Wouldn't you earn a lot of money if you worked 70 to 80 hours per week and, which is more, almost every week? I wish to illustrate some typicl doctor's fees and you tell me if they are too high. Let us take the typical office visit or what we call the "minor assessment". The OHIP benefit for this service is $7.70. For most doctors the cost of overhead is 50 percent (mine is higher) so that $3.85 is left. Because of the long hours of work and resulting income level, 50 percent of the $3.85 goes to income tax, leaving $1.93. Usually a doctor can perform five such visits per hour, producing a •pay rate of $9.65 per hour. Garages charge more! It is true that fees for many other services are higher, but these usually take longer so that fewer services can be per- formed per hour and the hourly rate usually remains the same. Another example is the hospital visit. OHIP pays $5.50 less 50 percent for overhead, leaving $2.75 less 50 -percent for income tax, leaving $1.38 for the doctor. At five patients per hour, the resulting pay rate is $6.90 per hour. Do you believe it - and I am responsible. -for these patients' lives! Do you see why I feel insulted by OHIP rates? Furthermore, I have irregular hours and get no overtime pay. I get no coffee breaks and no lunch hours. I have 'no benefits. I pay my own hospitalization. I have no drug o‘ dental plans. I generate my own pension funds. I lose income for holidays and through sickness. I am not provided with a disability plan and I am not eligible for . unemployment in- surance. I pay high income tax, I EAT %- REGULAR GROUND BEEF $1 49 10 LB. LIMIT LB. If you're NEW IN TOWN and don't know which way to turn, call the 'kaiak 074, hostess of 524.9676 You'll be glad you did. PORK RIBLETS 89I, . C.P. THRIFTY BACON$9a. CANADA PACKERS SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLL 1 • LB SCHNEIDER'S SKILLET STRIPS I ”LB. SCHNEIDER'S 6 OZ. PKG. COOKED HAM 139 OUR OWN COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGES 129 • Le. BY CUSTOMER DEMAND BEEF & PORK FOR YOUR FREEZER Phone 524-9411 for quotations for Quarters, Halves, Wholes Fronit, Hinds, etc. FREE DELIVERY THURS. FRI. & SAT. IN GODERICH WITH MINIMUM ORDER *15."0 PRODUCE U.S.A. NO. 1 HEAD LETTUCE 494 COMPARE OUR PRICES ONTARIO NO. 1 20 LB. POTATOES 1!9 U.S.A. NO. 1 48's GRAPEFRUITS 6/99 4 WHITE OR PINK MacINTOSH ONT. NO. 1 APPLES 99 10 LB. 1 • SAVARIN POT PIES BEEF CHICKEN TURKEY 79 McCAIN STRAIGHT & CRINKLE 4 LB. BAG SUPER FRIES 1:45 BLUEWATER f 80Z. HADDOCK FRIES...1 -09 DIETRICH'S COUNTRY SCONE BREAD 2'9°,SAVE35' KIST GINGERALE OR PEPSI COLA 26 OZ. 2,5 REG. 45'EA. PLUS DEP. Prices in effect April 4 -7th ICES GROCERIES JOY LIQUID DETERGENT 32 OZ. 9911,45 V-8 JUICE CATELLI & MACARONI CHEESE-. . ROYALE BATHROOM TISSUE GREEN GIANT NIBLET CORN CRICKET LIGHTERS 48 OZ. REG. 99' 694 7'/, OZ. 4/$100 8 ROLLS 199 19 OZ. 2/994 79° JAVEX LIQUID BLEACH 9 4 1280Z. SAVE30' WINDEX GLASS CLEANERS TRIGGER 600 MI. 9 9 REFILL 900 M1:89 CARNIVAL SOUPri TOMATO or VEGETABLE AV EA. GLAD 10's GARBAGE DOG FOOD BEEF, CHICKEN, LIVER BLUE'S SUPERMARKET WE RESERVE. THE RIt HT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES SHOPPERS SQUARE . 524-9411 8°' ,SE40' 3/fl have a high overhead and 1 must pay all of this before I get a penny. I provide employment and yet I am discriminated against in the 'new small business tax laws. I am continually being lied about and disgraced on TV and in newspapers. I'll tell you at the end of a long hard day this is hard to take. How much more can I put up with before going to the States? How much more can other doctors endure? My solution to the two problems of professional independence and inadequate OHIP fees has been to "opt out" of OHIP. I charge' according to the Ontario Medical Association Schedule of fees. Before, OHIP used to cover 90 percent of these fees, but now they only cover 70 percent of these fees. I wonder what the U.A.W. would say if the government only allowed their workers 70 percent of their pay? At any rate, I don't charge anyone over 65 years, any needy person, anyone on Welfare anyone on a Disability Pension or anyone who is unem- ployed a penny extra over the OHIP benefit, which is 70 percent. And why - because I'm trying to rip off the public as politicians suggest? .You know the real problem is that OHIP only covers 70 percent of the 0.M.A. fee. I mean, if OHIP covered 100 percent of the 0.M.A. fee, what would it matter to the patient if a doctor were "opted in" or "out"? What happens to your high premiums if OHIP offers such poor insurance coverage? Too much goes to ad- ministrative costs. Mastercharge and Chargex can still make a profit charging three to five percent for ad- ministrative costs in- stead of the 30 percent charged by OHIP. I agree that the people of Ontario are getting poor insurance coverage for the high premiums they pay. However, your doctor has no say in this. The amount of coverage is OHIP's decision. I hope that the above has clarified the reasons why myself and many other doctors are "opting out" of OHIP. Mario M. Cauchi, M.D: Club Restaurant & Steak House OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK FROM 6 A.M. Featuring: • DAILYSPEeIAL •:BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER • GREEK DISHES Fully licensed under the L.C.B.O. 33 KINGSTON ST. 524-8168 •• • • • 4101111111101114/11.1000 !' 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RGRPRISI �lAS ^i L'M?ti' MODERN DESIGN WALL PLAQUES Small and large in walnut, copper, plastic A Decorative Piece For Any Room $ 6 9 5 • FOR JASTER SHOP AT PINCHER'S An excellent selection of CHILDREN'S STORY BOOKS COLOURING BOOKS CUT OUT BOOKS SHOPPERS SQUARE - GODERICH OPEN EVENINGS