HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-5-4, Page 8&Neter Markets s �NeSEI) EVERY WEDNESDAY teens yt .... ..,, 48 to 55, 34 to 40 dr,a t 'ba', Best Flour 4.40 F; nay Flour „.4.15 Pastry Flour 3.90 Feed Flour 2,10 Shorts 1.65 Baal 1.65 Crane y Butter 45 D -r Butt ,r. .36 to 3$lee aLttaa". 27 Hay pier +o ......... ......... "aa ....20 n $15 to. `.16 Hogs • :..s ,,. 12.50 1'I+t3•;API'T i•: I.earyour order at Wilson's for Pineapples as they will soon lea at their best and the priers the I=,wast. We will deliver any quantita. C. L. \'ikon. !1 SOL h F 4OUR 'TRAprE. • EXETER AIIVtICATE TIIIJRSDA.Y MAY 4 1522 Local Doings Lots of girls are' of tt1eiar )family names, but can be persuaded to change it. The opening game of baseball in the Ontario -Michigan League takes piece in London opt Friday, Nfay 5th. Mr. anal airs. Geo. Willi u is moved this week into the residence recently t>urchaeed from hese Wesley Snell rani t:i:eabeth Street, Rev. C W. Baker of Thamesv'f1e !vlay 'weather Inas been. ,bright and warm -attic first real growing weather, air. G. S. Howard reaume l hia dint=, .,es as principal, of the public school oat, 3yxottday*, Mr T H. Newell was 'eXhabitartg a Durant Sedan in town while >;omearom Stratford on Sunday, A ;little son, ,of ,.Mai: and Mrs; Silas StaTtlake, Lake Road, got hisfingers, caught in the ntnch;an,eryr in the. saw - null and they were badly iaeeraate& D, U, G. at. I. H;etbeti ,tort, Si ep- pareston, wilt pay his official visit to I." bazroat, Forest Lodge, Not 133, A. & formerly of tired -ton, last week cut'' I Zl•,' Monday even ata of F. v w ela. next grad a strolde of t>araly-sts and 'arse, is : seriously ill. Mrs. Baker wan former -134..r. W. J. tF, Rgss, an Exeter Old ty .Miss Hattie Pollack of E' eter. Bo}, who has been manager of the The Jackson :Manufacturing Corn Bank of Conan: rce at loges. o. , party +S -�. erre '.t:ar5 y squire more helpi ranch, London, I y 'ell been transferred ro of clothing, They an the manufacturing taring t Ilam ltttn Road B' t the to hand' ,s n u • bran:cos aha 7i . Roetmester Pfaff is ha a at p sent Is the gree;est ..z the h , Oti,c.s: acro vires the Pont ,., � attntodatiaaan impcovecl. ter o' the company In town, ;baring the partitions moved by t..* ° room f moved, cellar Inst week, was a wonderfully frac H rj or himself and clerks. - :?U• e weather er wa wit:. t 14 r r o end ?testi h 1 installed. t nit t z ,ursy>]l your Reels e Of the farmers Lea shed the work n r ., Ix the scar week, t ,. t � AR BURNED. i i Pau .s t1 tri t buts t n y . -'moa ° or seed Th h a•r a,> also had a number of a1e;v 1 a e> a '►lam I Wood, we a :� t , S aex r. fi>a .) . e ,, r : t on the orses, l la c sit treds eek, vv It .,e others with a larg ii RTt,1~R� ,a' ` �", are �y1 t It The .,rot; c , b �• �Ford � Cou,p o*rat:tt r:�ed dt^ven ki a au -al end t s a a . - a1r air plumes so. rc M . .'rig r of aterleos who was rbIIHemsa11. taP Sed i ] t r e [� WAtiTED Report.. say the land worked rip .n gong to tint this fath' , wa:, greatly damaged by fire on Sun- Lad;. .,alist: nt .for Dental Ofsie ik;�;aleati n by Etter preferred, DR. RQC LSTON PUBLIC NOTICE. M arae Si helm, ii^.rasa left n} I ed semi beard, I hereby gave notice' that it 11 era to o r be responsible for t v debts b .ante.. ted by her. c n JOHN A. WILHELM • R. R. 3, Daaivwcod Cara Fur Hire—Apply to C.L. SHIT, t k kS FOR aa. y vse Fors) sl '-t Apply at Ath eat . 1i LOO a A1' THE LABEL 1a .�.cl.ea1:ate -esa:,ii�tg last 3Taa been evrT 4 to 1 ¢ p to ,April'13th. Look at your , iia a'* I J L f your Advocate >� pealed 3y . 1f sa, arrgbt; if not, why not pay at once. RESIDENCE FOR SALE Two. story ao ld brit'?; in good c•on mince, near s ;tool, t+ rooms, bath. fur-- naee, hydro an1 good welt. Good brick bar and 'arge hen house. Foliar lets, fruit t `':d small fruits. Ap- p,y O- t_ . Ward, d, M.,tha Street. ANt; ON A EGGS FOR HATCHIG —Sh. obese! tresis 5e. each. Plume I+-rkton 3i 9—\villa:n Ford,. l:x"ter, R. R. 3, CHICKS FOR SALE—Baby Chicks from my Bred -to -lay Barred Rocks. Get your order in :or these at once, Phan.. e icon 15-31 L. V. Hogarth PONC KWONG LAUNDRY. We do Laundry o all kinds on short notice ani in the ry best manner. W invite you to send your laundry to us, Prompt err -a, Z� e have also opena:1 a QUICK LUNCH ROOM, where lunches will be served patrons icn best of style at all hours. PONG KWONG Oppos.t: Dome Theatre --- CHICKS A.Nr EGGS. Baby Chicks and Hatching Eggs far sale. Buff, Black and WhiteLet horns G. R. Heywood, Exeter CONTRACTING After being out of business for nearly two years I am prepared to contract on Carpenter Work —large or small ,obs of every description, Special attention: to hardwood floors Pyres drawn and estimates given free of .:har a—Caleb Heywood. HOW IS THE PUMP? New Iron Pumps and Fittings in Stock Iron or wood pumas repaired. Wells pumued out or cleaned, T V. CANN. Phone 115 DR. JOHN WARD, Chiropraa;tor & Optician Chiropractic and Electrical Treatments for Chronic and Nervous Disease.;. Spectacles scientifically fit- ted. Hours 10 to 12; 2 to 4; and by appo'ntm int. Office—William and Sanders Sts„ Phone 43. WANTED --KEEPER AND MATRON Man and nate to have charge of the Hu on County Horn near Clinton, and th : farm n ,connection therewith Applicata-ins, personal preferred, to be mad t a the uniers!gn.cd. the appoint- ment to be made at the next meeting of the County Council vwhich meets 'Cn Jun: 5th. JOHN TORRANCE, �CL'tztt.n, May 2layspector, Clinton, Ont, Y n , 1922. Contracting We wish to call the attention of the pubis( of Exeter and.surrounding dis- triet that we are open to accent, or tender for Contracts for all kids of budding We are experienced wo.rk- men and by strict attest i on to busi- ness we hope to share in the contract work of this district WARES & PZtYD.N,, Exeter. Dray and 'Baggage Anything you have to move we move it reasonable Motor Truck and Horse Dray at your Service, Auto Livery Horse Livery BAGSHAW & EASTON -rood snap;, ire W. J. Carling s al: erie:teed an un- day morning when a ces R miles east _errs^ate. J. C at the Salt Well on'ea town on the Th:taaws Road. The �1+attneadav :stern.•the of last wCela help of the fare ,s unknown, but with "i t:, wheel of a loaded. car knaJ ed jingly extinguished, that but not Lire before him oa a Platform and h; fella con , the laady and top were deslwroyed, sialarable distance, striking a. timber in The chassis and wheel, are practically it s strained landed t dd 1d on hawse j salt.' ah` ('nmy parts not damaged,. -The Te- ll v brought to the Ford pair., raely', but was able to be about err ai �;; were ra a for rel>a res. h,, rt time, i * a Joan P. Evens, for twelve years;DEATH OF aiRtia HUNTER, rapr._tor of the Grigg House, Lon- Th, death occurred in, Usborne on dant vv '1l known to anany Exeter Pec :Sunday Last Anvil 30 of Ila n died •-z Thursday morning last cooper, widow of She Aon at the age O 70 yearst Four years Hunter. late Sime a:t IT suffered a. stroke .of paraly s,s , mout , at the tree of ti9 ,years in one aril t1": t' =atlas' Itlas' ago he ;rete woraa. nig he. airs. Hualt:r had been in fail and f•,a,vly declined, Years ago lie was rte; health la: some Stars, but was ,ftp' t .sctuc•tor on the London* Huron & i a, d arouttdl; about ng to her household!. 8 uric railway. and yeas in charge of (tint s until :Hashe a as c tp a her th iaat train :hat went over the (demist h tshe was CO fid)). l tQ lTa" -rase. her bed, and sinking rapidly pass. ,away, Mrs, Hunter was born in Us T fit'. I%wkslta,w ui•• Lonrl,ats born: and the greater part of bare iona4.rly'Tot Exeter, exp,r en, e.t :,,gigues spent :n t! at t:awr>"chip. The d- aut, mobi, ca•ilent on Tuesday of last t+:a;ea ua o¢ a ,lovable type of worn - l aaia in that cilyy, Cl: 'ate inaiderat;anhood. coupled with her kindness r,; frit. Advertiser said,—"N. Griffith was ; hart and generosity, endeared her to d.ri$ng south on Wet:rloo.tree, in.his 11 w112 Ilam the pleaature of her ae- Qla:rtubl Zig Havvksltaw yeas cluaintanc:. She zs sur,s4.(t b}• five comsat, e'.st on. Queens ..venue in a �'on; and two daughte•s—George, Ford coupe. They met with a crash lam, iV !.!•tm and Gordon of Usborn. The larger care ;came to a staralsttl Frank, of Stratford, 'airs. T. Hodson satiny wound around a telegraph pale +;f Ln -1 '.:Alta., and Mrs. Everett Skin - arid with a rear wheel off. The Ford n'r of Manville. fir. hiunter prede- haitetl, after turning turtle, badly brok r': ased her about four years. The ar. up. Mr, Griffin was badly Jvtkert funeral took place to. the I ' . er CeTn- up, but is a1! right to -day. • NIS.. Hawk.v etery on Tuesday, the funeral being ahttw s mtscratelned, largely attended. 1 TOWN WATER SUPPLY, All new customers wishing to use the Town water service are requested to call at the Public Utataties Office at one:. and sign contract, so that all work and connections may be com- pleted without delay. MASS alEETES G IN TOWN HALL Capt. T. H. Best, of Hamilton, will address a mass meeting in the Town Hall on Monday evening, May 8th, at S o'clock, Capt. Best was overseas and at present Is working in the in- terests of the Y. M. C. A, Every- body welcome. SALVATION' ARMY SERV ICES la the Pubaie Library. 11 am.—Holiness Meeting. 7 p.m.—Salvation Meeting. 2.30 p.m.—Sunday SchhooI and Bible class, and spacial sand tray forth e Primary Class. Cottage meetings in North End 'on Tuesday night Capt.blacGi.41ivray, Officer Y. P. C. A. Open each evening to members,: Trivia Memorial Church 11 aim;—",St. Paul's Letter to th • Philippiannst" 7 p.m.—"The Problem .af ICnawing, God." Rev A. A. Trumper, Rector. e CAVEN PR•ESDY'TERL3N CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 am.—Sunday school and Bible classes. 11 a. m.—"The Christian Creed" 7 p. m.—"Christianity Vindicated" All welcome. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson, B.A. S. S. Annaviersary Services 11 a.m.—Capt. Best of .1•Iaaniiton. The Sabbath School w,c11 be assembled in the auditorium. 3 Pm.--D,iplosmas w11111 ,be.presented in the school aux1 an address by Capt. Best. 7 ,trims—Capt.. Best :w111 address the young people A.t 4 pan.—In the Town Hall Capt. Best will address .a Men's Mass Meeting, All teen and boys invited Soloist—Muss Marian Gibbinlgs, Clinton Special music and singing ;each, service OIf-eran„s' a't all meetings.. MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo, McAlister, M. A; Phone 21r3 111.00 a.rn.—"They Watched Ham,". 2.45 firm,—Bible School. : 7 pant.—"A ?dem tLet-ter." AT BETHANY 2.30 pan--Sacsan en;t of the Lord's Supper, Mrs. George Windsor is still very ill at her home, Mir. Harold Boyle of Toronto is visiting rtlativ es here,. Mr. S. G. Bawden was down from G•oderich for a few days. His Honor Judge. Dickson of Gorl- f emelt was in town Friday: Mss Axrtjt Day spent the week -end in London with her sister, Miss Ethel, Dr. Kinsman weal in London. last tv ek undergoing an operation salt's nae e, Mr. and Mrs. Derma n ::tf London spent Sunday with M . and Mrs. W. G,lndman, Mr. anal Mrs. Richard Bissett of London spent a .few days with rela- tives in town. Mr. and Mrs, A. J, McTavish, Lon- don, spent Sunday with Mn and Mrs. 5. N. Howard. Mrs. W. H. Armstrong t7sited. :n London. with her mother, Mrs. Bed- ford during the week. , Messrs. H. W. Doerr and W. J. Beer are attending the Electrical Show at Kitchener this week. , Miss Marianna Lee Smith, New York, is spending two weeks the guest of Miss Lila Taylor, Zion. 1•Irs,. James Green of I -Tay, near Zur- ich, is visiting with her daughter, Mrs Ira Moir, Thames Road, Mrs. J. 5, Jones .af London Road South has been very .i11 far a fcw days hut is now recovering ,nicely. Gordon, Wteals ],eft Tuesday for Stratford where he has accepted a position with Ma ,'1), H. Newell. Mrs. W. J. Bissett ,returned Monday night frosm her visit in Parrs, having• recovered from her ,receat i teens while flier e. Mrs, John W. Taylor returned last wteek from a few weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. McTavish, at Shakes- peare. Mfr. Garfield Sheere returned Mon- day to has homer in Bran(tfo,rd, after a. visit with his mother and other reaa- tivr s here,. Mn. John. Hawkshp,w has returned from London, aired has. ,daughters, Mrs; Cn3.r and Mrs, McD•otniel, of Detroit ante sere with hini. Mass Iclena Davis left Tuesday morn mg for Wincl,sor, where she has ac- cepted a position at ,the Central tel- ephone office as operator. Mr, Case Howard of the Cauttadla,•n Bank of Comiverce, New York, is visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs .J• N. Howard. Miss Virsa Pearson, who has beenwith bier aunt, Miss Taylor at the home of .Mr, C. T, ,BBatoaks, for several weeks, owing to Miss Taylor 'having soraanrad her ankle, returned Saturday to herhome in, ;London,. • Grand Rend �TO a,tli sof Mt, George Siverrtt.—Aar offer of the .oldest and much respect- ed residents of this dietryct in the person. of Gieorge Sherrit-t passed a- way at ,has .horn. on. Thursday of last Ivuek alt the igrealt age of 84 years, 9 months and 22 daiys, Hie was one of that sturdy men ,of caths r-oimmuaiity, and was a good neighbor and friend, k' 1Sarre-, and always. ural itn,g to cio a gloom turn in an hour of need. The rt,aceased leaves a wife and sago w,n-np family. The funeral took place'toihe Granr' Bend cemetery on Saturday, PHONE 32 JUNIS & & MAY PHONE 3Z Clearing of Ladies' & Misses' Suit; s, Coats, Dresses Prices Greatly Reduced, Children's Shoes and Slippers Don't let your children's fi ,y,.. 1 g� feet be crippled. Give every too it$ right to grow 4411' Fort deformed 17 araprater eats is rbibtasea Foot tram* ot �r drrrlsped kr correct slats is (Maw. et6 EDJCAL experience proves that men—and women, too - who would otherwise be physically O. K. to -day, show disabilities directly traceable to wrongly -shod feet in childhood, if every child to -day wore Hurlbuts, this trouble would vanish in the next generation! Compare Hurlbuts with the life of any pair of ordinary shoes you have ever bought --and you will see that Hurlbut Welted Cushion Sole Shoes represent the -lowest - price -per -day's -wear of my shoe. made for children WE CARRY A NICE LINE OF ShoesChjIdren] Jones & May )1 1. R. Carling, B.A, Barrister ioner, Solicitor,. orrythePMol- sons Bank, Etc. INVEST YOUR FUNDS in Victory, Dominion of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all legal investment for Trust Funds, At existing prices from 6 neer cent. to 7 per centt, can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to loan, at lowest rates of, 'Merest Office—Carling Bk„ Main St., Exeter Display Advertising—Made known on am/cation. Stray Animals—One insertion 50c,, three insertions $1.00, Mi cellaneous es of not more thatasfivte lines, F:orrclSale, To Rent, Wanted, each inserti,on, 50c. Lost and Found locals 25c. ars insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c, per' line per insertion: No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction Sales $3 for one insertion and $1,50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in length. Legal advertisnng 10c. and 5c. a line. Farm or Real Estate for sale 50c, each insertion for one month of Lout ins ertioris, SO UTHCOTT ROS. PHONE 134 New Models in Misses' & Ladies' Coats. Mother shipment has arrived for Spring. A,yl we ask is Boa• you To drop in aiid fc ok them .over. We are satisfied that the prices will appeal to you. SPLENDID VALUES IN BOY'S CLOTHING Comte a in boys and see. the swell models we are. showing„ The clothes are good and price much lower, SILK AND: LISLE HOSE ;Old rnbb)ed top, made trona Sngk a isj e thread,. This hose we can recommend. Comes in White, Black and Brown .. Per pair $1.00, D. AND A CORSETS 5 dozens D, and A Corsets in one of the Newest Models, made from splendid quality materials and worth in the regular * way $x•00 a pair SPECIAL VALUE This week $1:,59. WALL PAPERS Wee are •,educing our .Price on all New Wall Papers,. We have a heavy stook •and wtil pay you to wee what we are showitsg, Sioil,theott Bros Tei$ DOUBLE TRACK ROUTin Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service See cars cars as on night traits and Full information fsoau dayanntr Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn - tag District Passenger Agent, Toronto Phone 46w N. J. DORE Agent, Exeter The correct way and the easiest way to dispose of tome property or sell some small article, find a tenant fo your house, or ail article you have lost or help when you want it, is to insert a small advt, in the "Want Column" of the Advocate. DR. AL E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeons McDonell's Stables, John St„ Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phoma 26w Dr, G. F, Rouistonii, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. -D, S. Honor Graduate Toronto Untvtrty Office—,over Giadman & Sttunnury'S Office, Main Street, Exeter, C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONELR AND VALUATOR far Counties of Huron Perth, Middfas,ex and Oxford. Para Stock Sales a Specsalty. Office at Central Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. FRAN'IL TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Perera Reasonable and Middlesex asonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed, Credibon, — Ontario. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of priv e funds bo loan on farm and Tillage property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barehters, Solicitors, Exeter