The Exeter Advocate, 1922-5-4, Page 4Thty Exeter Advocate
Sanders at Creel h, Proprietors
Cubacrip:ion. Price --In a.ivaac , $15p
per year in Canada; $7..00 >a the
United Staten, All subscriptions not
peed in advance 511.• aged
THURSDAY, MA\' 4th, 19ZZ
School Report
The fo?low:mg shows the steeelittn;, of
the pwn nes t>= Revere 1, the result oz
tests made e": all sukajeene picas
441 per 4e:nt s r .cite:red on e3ae n shah-
feet and e',1 per e ;t oa the 'ogee
Subjects niter pus names ' t.tti,;ate
f ainues .n t nese papers—Ss 1V . Hon=
urs, \L Wes .= tee, \I Salter 63. H.
West 78, J. ,Pere..:e :*; P ss, 41 Johne
74, H. ",ree=l. 74, J. to tide 73, H. Whyte,
72, M. \Iurp..,' .l. R. Gambriel 11, 1-1,
,Nelson 7i+, L. Foote o9. W. Spencer
68, :+Ic_, ;: tn4 arid) a R. 1r -
weerthe M liar:nes e2, aritth.;,e.,,:-
ea,Hazel Sinal . i. ?e, E. Hu:tk rt 5!!
t4t, sp i
Jr 1st . !teasers, t I -ie y
Cee i. ;: H. Creeeh 75; Peee. Imo*
Si est 71. NI Cleeree ,tyre, F. Russel e
J. is>'elte 45, 3. `QfiY.'. ;,,T
C.,S. ,Vloreare'i, Pre.yipe
FOR ,1
Sr. ,anile—lig hors, M, ii. -ear:N ere M.
bled t 84. N.. 6,Z, T. Taman
$I:, M €jitter e .1, R, B. twas 77. j.
tielne"-..a 75; , 11 „s, *,. Nosthwott 74, V.
loeitey ♦ . 1 14l`. �.j ;I. L. Panne,• 70
Mud o , M
W;: ted':n 67, E. %V.- ore. V 1 .rd
66y L 'chit.. , tee eV. N`q . e r,l
Jr. o- Flo: o. ;, Ii Teen tag, 75; ; Past,
it \tags .., 33rd !.-1. eve to r ?,9, •I
▪ s ll es. fes. B'1'.an ..kd
65, W. l4 ' i .t+s" Tom gas cea. J. itI
se ? ee C '!'true 'sees n led es.
Pelee:ears e,6,
nor lTh
x.. el -e
. ..e.
as 34:1'x.
v 1 I
^1.4 itN.wv
a r s, eel
.... T i'' 7,r'.v:. 1
nine i' t' %- tftri 1e Dee' e ...
Pone Yens; W
Pr eso et el . r —T arn.'re ere
Ceee M. erne. '& Qertr' , lie In -e• -
Peenne 1 to t"' , IV V K,'rttve,
E, . y. Pack. T -out
Elle ...5t•sr,S, rr:- tt. 7 col"r:wryrtl.
P. to Claes TIT —D 7 niter, F. titew-
trt. T. Pine- 7I 7::e. lake, l:. '. irr•ka y,
S`C d. R. Fri_• r.
P , rens II.—I :i•4x^'v M. Spen-
cer Snei' 1' I' vrte R Free•kletoni,
j, 3 . E. Cornea. \i, Quanc-:, 8
Want •. A *'3cor
B • ,T.—V Wells, H. \Valper. I✓T
Clark, A. Stxta. A , Tramper, J. Star,
bury, C. M N sly. H. Penhale, G.
33agse:..w H Ti 'avors. R. fluteitinsett,
C. Coer,. P. TTart. E. C=Mea. 0. Elliott.
Gu th" en_rol':e}d 44; average attend-
ancc 40:65.-0:ive :Lf. Taylor, teacher.
Stratford, Ont.
—"I do think
f.,4% ,1) rrori e1ePreserce's r,p-
F tion is one of
-4 the best medi-
?'t cines I have ever
eel known for the
ailments of
women. T had
z?. s
wo's., , ," ,. time been hay
-r ''' '` ins inward trou-
ble u
ble which caused
me to become all run-down, weak and
nervous: I doctored, but nothing
seemed to give me relief until I be-
gan taking the *Favorite Prescrip-
tion' and this medicine gave me such
wonderful relief that I am glad to
recommend it to others,"—Mrs. A.
Godwin, 60 Brant St. A.11 druggists.
Take Mr. Brown's Advice
Montreal, Que.—"Por three months
1 was under the doctor's care and
got no better. I was always com-
plaining of my kidneys. Finally, I
took Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets
and don't complain any more. I have
gained in weight and am still gain-
ing, my appetite is great and sleep
has come to me. That is what Dr.
Pierce's Anuric (kidney and back-
ache) Tablets have done for me. I
do truly recommend them to those
who are suffering the way I did. The
tablets are mighty good, though not
expensive; easy to buy,' but hard to
beat."—T. Brown, 415 Dorchester
St. W.
Don't wait for serious kidney ail-
ment to set in. Help your weakened
kidneys with Dr. Pierce's Anuric. At
all drug stores or send 10e to Dr.
Pierce's Laboratory in Bridgeburg,
Ont., for trial pkg
nor quite a long
Dear Editor,
For many years there has been. a
provision in the School law that the
first Friday in May of each year; be
set apart as a holiday for a general
clean up and planting trees and other
Sone schools have observed the
day in this way and the present Con-
ditions in these sections are Xery gra-
tifying the surroundings being made
very beautiful and attractive. Other
places especially in rural sections
have done absolutely nothing, with
the result that the school and yards
are aboutt as bleak and desolate as
imaginable. Has not the time come
for improvement along these lines?
Let this year see a beginning where
nothing has been done, and continued
e fort in the others.
The newly organized Horticultural
Society of Exeter, is .anxious to see
much. done this year and is appealing
not for expenditure of money and in-
creasing the financial burdens of our
eitiaens but for the general and gen-
erous sympathy of all with the abject
of iannroving the appearance a[ our
zlaeadv beautiful town.
Mong some o>? the streets the bout,
evards are fully placated with trees,
can others little has been done.
A large nurnnber of trees are avail-
able locally. Sonne of our public-
spirited near -by farmers are goner-
sanely offering these if applied for
through the proper chancels.
vveauton trespassing on private rights.
however can be permitted or expect
tl- Mat your wants Itnawn to Mr.
W. H. Johnston, chairman of the
Parks Committee and there will be
'rats fist everybody if sufficient help
digging offers itself.
The ,appealis to all especially to
iltese• oe more leisure. Conte and of-
, your servient., young or older vol-
t:rett•e.-t' for digging or 'panting. Every
lte> nv push. at few eau do but little.
ee ee .an do iitucla-
• A m ettnxg of ell those 'rntereo,,ed
th: anuuaft celebxatison, under the
aortic s at the C,.A.A.A, wills be held
apt tin: Inew",nt Heel on. Friday evening
at 8 o'clock. As -there w,p)J be ;:on
a_r ble u -portant busainesa to tran-
sact a good attends ncte k xeques:aed,
Rev. S. Haunch leen returned home
3 ser ettend •ng t~onferenoe °vin. ICY
chenex, We are txiea,sett to.know that;
tb e stationing Comurz;atee arranged tc
Allow Mr Hauch to relltairt, with us
for another year. The. invitation trout
the locaa church sto the conference to
e 1:1 its next egeneat 'seeSi,ota k Cred-
iton has been, o,Coepted,'
Commencing with ;next 'Sunday the
nienabern Or the Method t Church
us:. the Town Hal], for worsheept
The ' cement foundation. of the • new
ehu,;eh has been Completed and the
brick work is to be completed next,
Week. If everythrnig ca1n, arranged
th' 3,33 eng sof the •eQrner Store sweep
tat. p;at e e Cher ton the lith or 15th
of tt'.rs month. More partie ware an
nounace.l later,
liters Ley Hodgenre .has been engag-
ed by Me Clark vto: Assist in the tel-
ephone oaffico,,
R. 5. Wiis n ,the woodaatiwr of
h baby boy win;.vile ,vas, .born in, D
1117,0,th ,n's 1ICs1>-tall Exeter, Tuesday,,
The dust ss snteted nth Awful OA' tram
Butes lust szovv., We .hope the °;'rang
14Yst0,11n1 wgl .sooa bt itse .
Mr. and Mrs. A.ttdx w Steittacherand
:;dries and Mr's,. Rebecca Ste ata:bet
Skbranw hill visited Johan Ste.anaebet
:? daught.s, Mrs.. Werner, last Sun -
Mr. and MI's. Jacob Halst of Pigeon
1 e Ia., are vis tire; tell „rives n ear
Edward Fabn -r° is wearing a straw
hat, A.s be. is a,; goad judge of wen-
tt' r vOndlitions we tire now assured
-Z tin„: weatluer.
John li, F. b4.aer i,s at present on
site, S,e'1e'?t,.
\ti's re1, reit very much to 3t.1,-; the
11 nee tenet L r dee - ee. ,pnt- t, its
heebly reepeeted rest inns est the per-
son oa 11rs Fr a ratan \Ior o:le, who
sees.. .l to flat: Greet Be:yend an Fr
thy, at the 4 a 20 years- Mrs., Mor -
(wt. contracted th Art elven. two
ate 7t : e ago. Other c ompw ti adonis e:
-s vet ;yh 4na,',1v rastalted :n, her taxa -
II lite °.'•eeased was . ,'t,
ien2v ene.egoti i.'4 Outlet' work. being,
Dia Caere ee bra ties Evange.eal Chur.h
Cinere. ah oA° .\1+„:end elan 00y:es
Bezel- 1127 juner•aa, wb. h was held
r.r ndrw lie? txa> Cretltonn
tv.ta lay:,'.ly attended. The ➢oral
quite numerous and very
tt:.een u7 esapeanieg, the high a eenaa
w •reit the deceased wee It .ld by:
tho a oanraaurt ty, She leaves to xna unt
h., Os% hair husband, Mr. \Ierlo;k
s' « neer-pant, her psrents, Mr. ,and
Mee Gett r;,rd Web, c ght tarenhvres
end tea �e .tu;rs lee+ las, ac host ra,f
?tit. r relative; ; nd friends, nds, to whom.
tteml,N1 the sympathy of `hs*
rt <;xial;tyrbood,
Phalthea Club os -the Methodist
v ee.. 4 4.1v av'te:d the \ oung Pot.
Lx y Out, j: Ailsa Craig to- a;ree
:r p.av :n the Town -Half r.ext'in:s
tti4. tit . 9th ;net. The yeti era•; e'lub
m robe s w'Z,l give the comedy, "rhe
flus" tit'st Door",. and it is 'nteat.dcd
thee tho Ph.'a:Ilca members will ;Fe tn
, ,
L 1 3.;. .a7. t1:..• near uta .• er.d
preeent "The Beantown Ciro r'. We
tst the vaur�people 1.
t 'ng se. ' ell advertises It .s hard
t , keep a goad -them;d•rwvn, end aur
v Bung ar ape hey.: the elelity to ;ire'
geed ace,ount of th.iuse lvas •when
:v r they so desire*,
Rev. C. S. Finkbeiner, w°he attend
.•tl the
t, nnfe.rence at l.ttncea+cr, has
returned to Hanna, Alberta. Ile hnd
nt.nded to visit ditto er'. e o a greens
t_cns i.*r °th: Canada Conferane ,, end
also to visit -relatives and trienel, in
This community, but was ruder Bey cal-
led back on account of Ins wife be'ng
taken sick.
Thee South Huron ennistierie \seat
,ati n met in. Zion Evange;i•.' at !,'hutch
Crediton, on Monday last, Revs, Mc-
Alister of \fain Street Methodist
Church, Exeter, gave an jnterestng
address on the Ep stile to the Phil
At the recent conference session of
Evange11ca1 Church, held at Kitchener
Ont., Rev. S. M. Hauch was returned
to Zion Evaxngelical Church, Crediton,
for the • fifth year,. Dusting the pas
conference year the Crediton Society
paid $5,340.43 ,for ai•1 ,purposes, raised
as follows:
Current fund of Church... $2.645,89
Bible School 799.65
Budget for IVassion.e
W. M. and Aid Society
Semler Y P. A. ,1........
junior Y. P. A.
Forward Movemen,t
Choral Society.
Cemetery Fund
Other purposes
S. J. H.
t`dAtDir\it ATION
ar Mr E,Aii5+rr.
.t ansae- Lt',a$lia arteutul iviwa these days
tanzd• i
struck with t9at& larogrte- s aaaaatle
a^:l almost t'very hand d in the way of
00.>:1n:rin ; up and helping old Dante
:r ,tare' tG4 n alw l om,t.R and surround-
ing-- worth loohisg at. This cetrtain-e
ly a very gratifying and when the
good 0111 f4atntmer Time arrive we
#1,11 .9 ' he• will see Exeter looping
aator.� itacuatiful than she ever did be -
tore, \i'ih nut e`venytaaat• do his bit.
seely Battey lett*,. this ween and each
-tt . e'ent ; week to attain this ob•
pm? t M. we? not hope for a small
Barmy of volunteers to plant and pro -
mire frets fur Friday.
Snares.. a ata.;t•tti complain that child -
rot and others pull flowers and des-
treev planes when these are growing
rta.1- tire. ..C"'e•t. Out. loan showed
several *nlilw plants tramped over
met ter•eite ,a eft' quite recently. On
y6 tY
vsan great deal
of ' free LSa rr lteeeliing to a fitly dirt-
y s+S iletae•n-, pleasing not only to
u:Aelf and faintly but to the general
;etateL ' also. iie was certainly dieap-
poiiited. Another citizen who has an
open neve of land that he wishes to
improve as a small park is discourag-
ed because ho has seen boys deliber-
ately trampling on his rose bu he. .
Surely, there is a means of checking
:melt conduct. May we not hope that
our fine staffs of teachers will help
in this matter? is it ,possible that our
town Council will hells also?
Sometimes we are asked why work
so hard to beautify Exeter? This is
easily answered by asking other quea-
tions: Why do we build beautiful
houses? Buy beautiful pictures?
Handsome furniture? Fine clothes?
etc. etc.? We wish to be surrounded
by the beautiful. Again, we wish
that when our children come home to
us they' will be struck by the beauty
of our home and town rather than by
its ugliness. We want to make home
dear to them. We know that will be
an inspiration to live the right life.
Beautiful surroundings make for
contentment, enjoyment, satisfaction
in living and tend to lengthen the
thread of life. They help our young
people to grow up clean morally and
physically, because it cultivates in
them the love of the beautiful.
Thanking you for your valuable
space, I remain.
Pro Bono Publico.
Mr Adis'om,!n and sister, Peale,
spent Stunduy In Lonwon,
Mr. Harry Kraft was a week -end v2s-.
;,tor its Sarn,;fay.
Miss Dora Ktttajft !of ,Londod spent a
few days at her home here.
Mr. Carl Grrau!paajer of Toronto is
�,vitatrt wOtatt live partents at present.
Mr„ and M11st. Wes ,Wbp,Le spent Sun-
day tut Cnedibouti.
Mr. and Mrs,. N. Ogden of fainter
's tic vfnitoirs with 11tirr a,n,d Mrs. Wall
Nade-ger on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Chia's. Riniker, Mrs. Flrurttlab amid Mr, Wm, Gassman
visited in, -Part Huron over the week
Mr. Ward Fritz made a business trip
Go' Lotrt1otn oln Monday,.
Mrs. E. G. Kraft visited relatives its
London last week.
A gullet wiedditr g stook palace at the
TrisaYty Lutheran' parsetnage,. London,
on, Thursday, April. 20, at 3 o'clock
when Alberta Sopbata, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs, Cryo. Koch of Dash-woorl wee
married to Me Chad ,Russell Psi:%
van, of Mr. and Mrs[ Geoirg,e P.Itt
London Rev,. M ;Bruer .afficia•tiing
j' j1awing the, ceremony Mr. and Mrsj
Pitt left on 2U i1iom.eynxooei trip to 'Ta-
ronto and Niagara Fails. Upon th'ir
: stern the young coupeie wi;11 "reside
in. London,.
Of this amount the sum of $791.89
was reis e rl for Mis gone
The conference accepted the. invite;
tion to meet at Credi,,ton next year's
Rev. S. M. Hauch wAs re-elected
Trustee for North Western Co111ege
and Evan:ga'lical Theological Seminary
at Napterv'itle, I11,• tor a term of three
years, and was also re-elected Pre-
s,rting Elder of Crediton District.
Thee General Conference sheets at
'Detroi't in October IX ;thin yea:: Mrl
7. H. K,ogtznrann is one of the la,y, del -
agates of the General Coference and
the nelstor one of .the ministerial alter-
nate del,ege;te,sa Few changes were
mad_ in tehle isttati!otnling ,this year. The
only c,baittigla oh this etlis;trjlct is at, Zur-
ich, where Ree„Fe B. Meyer has sere
I ed for six years. Hie .goes to Norman -
by and is succeeded by Rev, J. ,G,
Litt, a former pastor of Cr ditonl.
4fr. and Mrs:.P. Hatnjlbn and 1am�aly,
wen ere tbea'veng this week to make.
their borne in London, :were very plleae
antler surprised on Monday evening last
whean a in'um'Wetr of their friends from
St, Peteres Paireisis meted at Meer home
here 4o hid them ,gooed-hyee Mrst
Frajiletca Was prtesen,ted, wtiitil a beaut-
tattil' mahogany flo,,: lamp, acid ' CVIr
Hannon wed.' a gold hoadled swagger
stick. After the present,ntion, the
evening was enjoyed in musip; end dee-
cling. Mr: and Mrs..Hagtlion and fam-
ily will be gr,eatly missed by their
friends beret and we wish them every
bapn:n ass in their new home,
Next Sunday will be observed as
MothersDay line the church here owing
to. the next Sunday being the opening
of tin: church.
Messrs, Brown & -I hardy of Lon-
don, who purchased the store bure-
0 s's of Messrs..Hnrtiont & Sein, are
taking over the baseness this week.
?1Ir, Henan i And family will mow to
Lonn.. hweek.
doI(tehentLs Skxower was tendered to
Lewin Isaac; bride-to-be, by the
,\lessen Circle girls, .at the home of
Mrs. Alvin Ess.ry on Monday evening
Bast. A vary pleasant evening was
spent afterwards.
Mrs,, Sprout's itou,se 1tas been. moved
back,—Mrs, John Blair is ,confined to
her bed through rifeness,—Mrs•. Robt:
Asbbury ,was on the ,slick fiat fora, few
days last week.—Mr. Wm, Ward has
purchased the v carat lot ,text to the
Central lfotel.—The London and Lu-
can trolley lla l teames played the •ee
pares here on Wednesday last, Lu-
can vtisaneatg two ganal and London
oast"—tire last gunner.corn Tuesday er -
en -a: tg lir.. Most Coursey Coin. 3, Bill-
duffle, rubb d Itis sore hand with turf-•
cntine and wrapped a. cloth saturated
with the fluid around. his hand. Later
h: struck a anatcba to light :t• lamp
whin the rag took .fire and before it
could he extinguished his hand was
badly` burned.
M is Emnu, b. Pfaff, ,who has Wen
n training for a nurse: at the Alex-
nerA Htseetal. In;:rsoll, graduatedon
\r..ninesday being one of threegratin-
Miss Peal: is spending the week
welt her brothers, 'elessre. Will and
John Paatf.—Miss Ola Cool;, aft:rher
Fast. Y vacation, returned to S. Thont-
sern \Io clay evening to resume Iter
ttd;sat Alava College.—Rev. Mr.
'gay;or and Mr. G:o. Pett} at:atided
a�ya inlet tilt6 0 the Synod in London
n Mend.ty and Tu sda tai last week.
-,;%Irs. tR.v.) Naylor Is spending the
week with her parents in Toroaato4—
Mrs, J 5, \IIacrtoxaald and little daugh-
t Mt;s Florence. left Wednesday for
Tonto where they will spend a few
clays sleet r natives.
;neral ;lira. J. Y. dli;lion os Lam -
b.14 v,. itvd last week vL.h their
detteitt.r, Mrs,. J.Wright.—,'Marjorie
,a renis, eldest aughter at Mr. I3:
o leteen, London, event Laster with her
.^neat :sirs. Wr: itt„--Mr. Samuel Mill -
who r:.eent.Iy moved to St. Marys
niece, \free Wright"..--\tLas
li.srr'. n, our public ;school teacher,
et c. y hat. been !Opt her home in Park -
i; not returning so Leach.
• tat.r teacher from Forest has been
rr; .aged teat snkt; her p:acre.---Thto mem.
b.ra of the Oddfellows lodge of Gran -
tan att.nd
cd divine ,
worship in
1..,lt,r,an 4»ttieIr �n Sunday, when
R.. v. Ur. taws"e delivered an inspir-
:,r g and. ..:°quant sermon to •a. large
e awa1gr,:gution"—Mr, and Mrs, Wesley
Campbell and family of London, vis -
:tad the former's sister, Mrs. James
St'attt Miss Hannah McBride of To-
ronto is visiting here, the guest: o:, Mrs,
Wm. Scott—The grain store has been
t'1*as.:t1 until after hariest, and She
meager, Mr, A, iVeshnan, purposes
°;lens to Toronto this week.—Seeding
as abivut don around here. The fall
wit:at and old pasture has been hard
l.;.t by the Bold frosty nights of the
past week. --Rev. Jefferson, dealt very
sly:a •ally with the rules of the Metho-
diet Church here on Sunday;,, Next
Sunday will be Communion and re-
c:ptiwrt service, when a number of
young people will connect themselves
with the church—Mr. and Mrs. Ar-
thur Gunneng of i irktoa and Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Gunning of Whalen visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Newton Gunr(ing
on Sunday.
on the premises, Exeter, on
at 3 'o'clock, ;the following —
Lots 89 and 90 pan Huron Street in
-the Village otf Exeter'. On the prop-
erty is a nice ening- 6 -roomed cot-
tage with garage attached, good gar-
den. This is quite el good little prop-
erty and must be sold to closet up the
Estate of the ,late George. Vanetone.
The house is now occupied by the
Serva neat . Army, and scan b e seen at
a,ny time. Possession at once!.
Terms and con,ditti:onss made known
on. day .ol sale or on appicat6:oxn to
Aus titonteer.
R. T. Vasnabonie .. T. Cameros,
,EAecutor - Auctioneer
SATURDAY, MAY 13, •1922
At 1 o'clock sharp, the followieng :—
Ford Touring Catr, in good repair,
1919 model; brass .bed, white iron bed,
white iron cot, \wooden led, bend
springs, 4 mattresses, 2 bedroom chairs
2 wire chairs, 6 denneei chairs, buffet
diningroom round extension table
book case, Waage, rug, Mahogany
dresser, mahogany stand, oak dresser,
kitchen table, 6 kitchen chairs, hamper
clothes beske't, rocking 'horses, Teed
baby buggy, high chaise, .:leather rocker
rocking chair, 2 lamps, lantern, pic-
tures, curtain poles, mops, brushes
shelving, electric iron, electric toaster
100 .sealers, pails, ;plots and panes, toi-
let set, full .set ,dinner dishes,' range!
gasoline stov'e, washit g machine, 2
tubs, boiler, wronger, hand wagon, cut-
utter, buffalo robe, home blanket, sew-
ewing mach.inte, single barrel ,shot gun;
Practically all siiew'e
Proprietor leaving the country,,
G. E. Haist, Prop' A. Weber, Auct.
G Edigheffeer, Clerk.
We will cash your Victory Loan.
Coupons or place them to your credit
in our Savings Bank where they will
draw interest at Riper annum. • 4.u
Capital Paid up $15,0001000
Reserve Fund $15,000,000
Exeter Branch, - F. A. Chapman, Manager,
Crediton Branch,. 1 Dashwood Branch, f R. S. Wilson, Manager
a. �E �O � BANK
Capital Paid Up $4,000,000
Reserve Fund $5,000,000
Over i2 Branches,
it is .not necessary to make a special trip to the near-
est br'aanh ,of The Maisons Beak every time you want
to deposit .money. Send your deposit to the Bank by -
mail.. Write today to the nitareest manager of The Moi-
st= . Bank for information
T. S. WOODS Manager.
Centralia Branch open for business daily.
Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch.
Furniture Bargains
Funeral Director & Embalmer,
[WS Pet) t R1 irrii Dal
, , 21i.'e .
�.';:►v!�j, nor_ 't� et t .rt • ;i
. - ' . a'.
e ,L r
� t
te .V
t�� -,y ,*'►k��,�"'a'-"c,....w� -., .� „fir ,��rc f'•1-41=Z7-7_,...4reerrz*Itre
You don't have to fuss and fume when
putting up Greening's Lay Flat Poultry Fence.
It unrolls straight and even like a carpet.
It stretches perfectly and stays in shape.
Top rails and baseboards are unnecessary.
It saves you time, material and labor.
Heights from 12 to 72 inches. Sold by
good hardware dealers.
Easy to control it—lays flat when you unroll it.
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"CANADIAN" fence is bigger.
better, stronger and .snore per-
fectly galvanized than others
We are convinced that this
fence made by THE CANADIAN
at Hamilton, is everything it is
represented to be.
It's such splendid value that
we'll stake our reputation on
it every time. All we ask is a
chance to show you the wonder-
ful "CANADIAN" fence and tile
equally wonderful and durable
AMHICAN galvanised steel
fence post. 207
We can sell you this fence as cheap as you can buy fence anywhere.