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The Exeter Advocate, 1922-4-27, Page 8
Exeter Markets HANGED EVERY WEDNbSDAY Wheat 2.43 aartey ,,.. 4a. to 55. Oats.. .. . ....... ,..... ... 34 to 4.0 1 I:oxit-bels art Flour ....., 4,40 Faaxsly Flour .,4,15 Pastry Flour .elle ,.. 3,90 Feed Flour S1 its 2.10 1.65 • Tyrant 1,65 Creamery But ..,, . 45 There was a young rounder named Dairy Butt:r 36 to 39 ., LRu, ► Lard 25 Who made up a batch of home brew, L d 2Q 13= took r wee nip Hsi per ton $15 to $t6 Just a mcdtate s• ` Hnms's 12,001 The fw eral's Erich at Z. EXErEA ADYf]ta.ATE, TRIIRaIIAY, I. PR. 113Y1 11322 Local Doings THE XIERR ©-ROUND 2i speut Ire$ ltea3;th to get has wealth Anel then. withmight and inn, lie turned around send spent his wealth To get :his heath: Again, HIS F1NISl i The brethren of Exeter Lodge of fF Odd= 11aws: will attend divine service! fav is Presbyterian.' Church Suri- I day e emerge :spall 30th, meeting at feast Ledge Room at 6,15 Visitin.g bre- threat vac?c,Eme,- A Penheic, N.G. St. Marys tax ,rata is 39 mils. Atter all A girl srteeda't worry much about her shape if .she is square, ;cress Rose Lamport ,has been quite all with clumsy',, Mr. Co 13. Smelt ;s NiM are pleased to say able to be out again, after sev- er.l weeks' illness; tifz. 1lilton Russell's ,bare. situated, TOWN WATER SUPPLY. Q11 the Blind Line, Hay, was totally :1.1I rz.tr customers wishing to use 3 Madnesd de.tiu nig ay tl, st►%'`ud ,storm on Miss Cora Sander's, daughter of Mr., and Mrs. Robt A. Sanders of town the Town water service are 7.equested to call et tie Public 1.7:d1,Oies Ofiice at pane. and s:za. coz•tract, so that all work and connections may be :.om- [ was quietly married in, Toronto on Wednesday April 12, to Nir.. Harry Burns of that city. plated without delay. -- NOTICE TO ME5L,B EItS OF JIORTI- f`t•LTCRAIi S0E'7ETY The roses and gladiolus bulbs are ROW ready for distribution and may be had by members, of the Society at the office of -Madman & Stanbury. J. G. Stanbury, Secy. WANTED -Young mem, 27 or is The Commercial, Hotel fit# Seaforth as been re -opened, after beim, clos- ed two years. The ,rxew owzncr :s Cbarleo Deulgey, formerly of the Col - Sin House, �'Iitchell, This district oxpe.rieaeccd a now storm of some magnitude on Wedries- day and Thursday last, accompanied los homy y wind. The snow covered years, for stammer months, „to a.ss'tst {Quad for about 24 hours, Cold in gerdwriug %irate or call at once, '► at„e. followed for a few dales, GeoHay, tC, exatralial R, R. L a'rediton F'v;d.nee accumulates that site clerks will not retain the Championship i»'n "A PAIR. OF SIXES." - Bowlisto without sal struggle. Several A..°mart: tiv on throe acts will be put teams are plauniaag contests: Mr. R. pa, i. the Opera House, Exeter, under Clara. has .antertd for the first .con- the conthe euspl, els of the Giros' Oooloaoo. t,<st with bis team for Thursday night of Trivia Memorial Church, - Wed," Mao O. by St. "1t»::#hew's Dramatic Club FORD -BOX, Landon. Th:s cs a r ai all-round good A atuiat wedding tool: pace et the treat tea aandandto Hairs it Will b: to miss a Trivitt Memorial Church, on Wedues- . Plan hall at limey's Store, , flay, : pril 1.9th, at 4 o'clock, when Miss LOOK, AT THE LABEL. Eno Bride Box, daughter of lir. and Mrs. Chas. Box of Stepheaa, became Th.?: Advocate mailing Est has leen the bride of Norman Ceeii Ford,. son *mooted up to April 13th. Look at of lir. John Ford, sr, Exeter North. your label and sic: if your Advocate The ceremony was performed by Rev. is paid in etlionco If so, alright; if A. A. Trumper, Miss Varda Box, sir_ Sf a , rat, why not pay at ono:. • .ter of the bride was bridesmaid, Mole lavcrenee N. Hill attended the groom. o R1:SII I„,NC'1 FOR SALE Thee bride looked charming dressed in Two' story solid brick in, good i,:�on- blu- botany serge suit and ;sand trio- c tliti�xn, near school; 8 rooms, bath,.fur- 0L tte blouse with blade picture hat; at nac:, hydro and good well. Good After the ceremony a dainty wedding brick barn and large: henhouse. FotFat supper was served at :the home of the c, lots, fruit tries and small fruits. Ap- bride's parents to about :thirty guests, '1 .ply O. C. l%.0 -d, Main .Street. The dixtingroom was beautifully decor $ Mr. J. C. Dow shippid a car .Horses' to Montreal last week. W�.k has been commenced oti l)r Gral..•am's maw house ,on _Mahe, Street ;firs, Thos. Senders, who has. been quite ill for the lost few weeks, '4\4 now reeoSrera ;11C.Ny. Mr, Geo. Bondman has beer. on the sick i(is•t for some 'time, and Wass, crosn- t ped to his bed for a couple weeks Mr. A. A. 3IcLenzi ,n of Seeforth has opener his home ,for a hospital, ,Which. is much needed in that town The South Huron .Choral:` Society is repeating their recent excellent ea- t stat nrtaerrt an Friday, 'May 15th, in Hensall. Dr. E. A' Ternn;arnt, who has been clangorously ifl of pneumonia, is Flo►v s1cW1y improving and 4ivs every promise of recovery,. Nfr. W. J. Biigsett ,was ;:Hr Paris +a.yer tb: week end, being Craned there ow-. ing to the aiiness a Afrs. Bisset',t, who was taken Al while i .sing her sis- ter, Ctrs. Inksateri. firs. Bissett s; now recovering,. \ . anPublic High School on Tusdaed y, wf h the teaching staff all he ;their places„ -etc c ,ti•t Mr iioward, who is laid up with an injury" to his knee, His work is owing taken by Miss Vos,Rer. Fanning operations on the ?and com.- me'an' ed with a rush t Monday morn- ing, The wet weather has delayed ,seeding somewhat, but should favor- able weather prevail for 0,vo weeks the early seedtarg will he well done,, )r Lindsay, who recently took a past graduate course in, England, has purchased a hone fans Landon; and will practice medicine that city, lifts. Lindsay recently visited here at the home. of ,her father, :yfr',. Alex. Dow. 1:he fifty -acre farm owned by Mr. .Ettchard Colbert, ora the London, Road south was disposed .of by pub ,ic auo- tion, on Monday noon, to Mr. George t',odbolt. who resides opposite, forthe sum. of $2390. Zr, Godbolt gets :aft_ mediate possession Mr. F. W. Gladmari on Monday pug chas.4 a }tome oa Colborne S treet. Landon, and, we understand, w. move with his family ,to that city be - tore midsummer. ;Messrs. Gladman Stanbury have been. conducting a. law office in. Loanidon for two years �1r. net Mrs. Blaney, who have been r.s_dino in Toronto for a number of years, moved back to town last week and ar. now comfortably settled in, ':l house near the river vacated by r W', FI, and faintly, who, have trt,.v ',i into Mr. Hoary J, 1 estle's house n Station street, Mr. Kestle having nloirol ionto the house he recently pur- hued from the Jews, lulus Sokoloff id Amy Wexler:. The late John Hall, formerly mer - .?ant of Dashwood, who died recectt- y itn Loudon, left an, estate valued at 128,920.24. On the, death of his wife and daughter, $5,000 goes to the New St. James Church, $10,000 to the Aged Paople's Home, and $5,000 40 the Western, University. Rev. 3ieKay, pastor of the church, receives $5,000 and two former employes :at, his store at Dashwood Charles Li.ndenfield of Parkhill .formerly of Exeter, and John Graybeia of Dashwood, receive $1000 each, ANCONA EGGS FOR HATCl3ING Stopherd strain, Sc. each. Phone Kirkron 39 -9 --William Ford, Exeter, R. R. 3. - BABY CHICKS Barred Rocks 20c, each. Other breeds, 18c, each. Write or card oa G. HAY Crediton R.R .1 CHICKS FOR SALE -Baby Chicks from my Bred -to -lay Barred Rooks. Get your order h. for these at once. Phone Crediton 18-31 L. V. Hogarth ?ONG RWONG LAUNDRY: We do Laundry of all kinds onshoxt notice and in the very best manner. We invite you to send ,your laundry to us, Prompt service. Wit have also opened a QUICK LUNCH ROOM, whrzre lunches will ha served patrons in best of style at ail hours. PONG 2 WONG Opposite Dome Theatre CHWC1 S AND EGGS. Baby Chicks and Hatching Eggs for sale. Buff, Black and WhiteLegliorns G. R. Heywood, Exeter CONTRACTING = After being out of business for nearly two _years I amreared ]? p to contract on Carpenter Work -large or small ;obs of every descript'sonz Spacial attention to hardwood flours Plans drawn and estimates ''given free of charg?,-Caleb Heywood. HOW IS - THE PUMP? New Iron Pumps and Fittings in Stock Iron or wool numos repaired. Wells purn;oed out or cleaned. - J, V rANN. Phone 115 DR. JOHN WARD, CbiropraLtor & O.ptitian Chiropractic and Electrical' Treatments for Chronic and Nervous Disease;. Spectacles Scientifically fit- ted Hours 10 to 12; 2 to 4; and by appo nment Office -William and Sanders Sta., Phone 43. Contracting We wish to call the attention of the public of Exeter and surrounding din trzc•t that we are open to acceot, or tender for contracts forall kinds of bu ldrng We are experienced wo'.;rk- men and by °strict attent t on to busi. nes, we hope: to share m the contract work.-ol this district W ARES & PRYDh, Exeter, Dray and Baggage Anything you have to rhove ive Move it reasonable +rotor Truck and Horse Dray at your Seryl e. Aut Livery Horse Livery iAL, rtr• EASTGN ated with yellow, plink and white streamers and yellow rlaffodilsl Tp the evening Mr, and Mrs: Box held a reception when about sixty guests en- joyed musical selections anal lames usttil tho wee sine,' hours of the morn- ing. Th:. gifts were numerous and c.`stiy, showing the hig,h esteen in which the young couple, are held. Th groom's gift .tq .The bride was a handsome pear necklace, to the brides - mild a beautiful brooehy and to the groomsman a 'set of cuff links. Mr, rand Mrs, Fiord loft on. Saturday morn- ing for their future home in Detroit, LAND TO RENT, One acre at regular,terms Apply a residence of L. Hardy, Exeter SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES In the Public Library, 11 a.m: Ho).in s Meeting. 7 p,m.-•-Salvation. IVIeeti . 2,30 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible class, and special sand tray forthe Primary Class. Cottage. meetings in North End "on Tuesday night. ' Capt. MacGialev-ray, Officer Y. P. C- A. On Thursday, Apr.ia. 26th at 7,30 p.m. b. a Bowling Cants. b �. B. Clark, W. Davis, C. Heaman and TElliott tvzll. contest ,,the ability of the clerks to bold the BowEing Champ slip, Be on hand ito, s ee Trivi t 1Wemorial Church Regular services next Sabbath at 11 a,m, and 7 p.m. Rev A. A, Trumper,, Rector. ()ADEN PRESBYTERIAN YTERI9.N uliUi(7H Rev; James Foote, B. A.,' Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday school and Bible classes. • 11a, in.—"Building Christian Civil- ization ? p.:m,-Special sermon to Oddfel- lows. All welcome: JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wiasen,.B.A. 11 acm,-"Two Great Gu6din Pain, cmples.." g 1' stn 2,45 p.m. -Sabbath School alt 2.45. Bring your Church Hymnals: 7 z>.r?.- Iiheeroe,s of Common. Life .° Crood Congregational and Choir sing - All welcome MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo. McAlister; M.. A. Phone .21r3 1.110' a.m.-=-"Se"ed Time and :Harvest," 100 ,p.nt.—Biilzle Srliool. -7.00 .pier,,-"Carry;mg a Torch!' AT BETHANY 2..30 p,m.-`' f] : Sword of the Loral The News, Desoto, t\a t;.zay, con.- tains the particulars u: .he death of 1fr. Harry Clay Doan, ►vera d:d in that town. on April $ h, aged 76 years, 3 anoraths end 4 slays. t h : late 1Mr, 7).oan was a vi.terixnary surgeon and was well-known throughout this sec- tion ba having practised his profession at Rodgervljle, Clinton .and later for many years at Zurich.. From there he want to, Desoto, where he was State' Exaznzuuer. Besides his wife, he is sur- vived by two daughters -•firs. H. C. Martin. of Oklahoma City and Miss glom of Winnipeg. He also leaves one, sister, Mrs, John Wklis „Of Barwick. Oat. BOUGHT BUTCHER BUSINESS. Mr. Harper Rivers this week pur-; chased the butchering prellises and business of Mr, Frank Wood , betting possession. on the first .of May,, The purchase includes the . building in which tha business Is conducted and the slaughter house, Mr. Rivers its , .,Y er- • .� -�nced an, the bus.<,n.ess, and we besieak for hien n fair share of the trade • lies T. 0. S•outhcott sport a ;re* days . in. Brantford, Mrs.'• Amos setunned Monday from a visit in Windsor. \I ss Verda Leavett of Windsor vis- ited her father here last week. Mrs, W. J. Heamzati and son Fred have returned from a visit in Toronto rvxrs, Chas. Gilllard tr>rf Stratford is v:,sii..ng with Mij and Mrs, Samuel Ross, Samuel Miss Emag e Hogarth of the London Normal spent the holidays at her home hare, Mrs 'Wm. Rutherford of Hamilton is visiting, her sister, Mrs. Milton Jacob, near Hensall• Mrs. Seldon, abide Wallace have re- turnled from al ?vils(tiJt. with .her (laugh- ter ,n Ki , sitont. Miss Saloma Fin&beiner visited over Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Heti. Jones at Kippen. ' Mr. Iiesth •a McLean fi the Seaforth. Expositor paid • thio Advocate a, Ira- t,ernrxl visit on, Monday. , Mr. and Mrs. S. J. "Hogarth spent the Easter week with relatives im Kingsville, De front and other places. Mrs. Gladma't and two sons have retuned from a •vis,lt sa Toronto and P terbarot 'Mrs, W yndlua;m of Oak - vale is visiting .1VLrs; Gladmarrt Mr. S. J. F.jnkbein,er and Mrs. .)../W. mail;tt and Kenneth, Who have been v euro,' h a°e `or a week with Mr. and 1VLrs: Esl.: Heywood, have .returned to L.omio i . by ' Mrs. TIey- M. -I-arw.. Ilnll, '‘14.4o1 has been i'- i- ' �., 2 ti her. pair ennits, VTrt and Usbornc, wvlttila reCoy Irig fro:al i t reccat rlacss, c, p ,nd ng <� tin ,.i, 'ln I..oaI,don. w+:th Mil, ,i•I:DU w:10 wa. up On: Su:ntlay PFI °°°,� JONES &.MAY • PHONE 32 Clearing ofLadies' lk Misses' Suits, Coats, Dresses 'rices tareatly Reduced. Tet iatd:sr to clear pert the balance of ahoy:. Bates we ve greatly re cluced prices of saute. These are mostly the celebrated Northway Gar- ments aaaoted for smart style, good meter als and their shape -keeping dual- itzas; Corrie early and get a real, bargain', HOUSE FURNISiI1NGS.. We bane a magnificent stock of New Rugs, Csnagoleurrts, Linoleum Curtains and Curtabe,. materials, Wall Paters, Cufit, ;n .3 o s, Wundew I31irtds Etc„ at much rlowPr vices than, last season. Our Curtain Nets, Marquis ettes, etc., tore fVatlyy half the price of two y Qars age; YOUNG 14EN'S SUITS ICOR SFRitiG,. Gama to us 'for your new Spring Suit- We lave , thelatest and color efts, toed our pries are right. You cat'. save dQ �us b3bstyles ng your Clotbmg from us. We also have a. fine Istnc Of Grey and Navy Sults for older hien, manic in more Consersa,tiv: Styles. 1fEN'S ODD RANTS. New Stock \Ten's...04.1d Pants in fine ail wool worsteds, just the kind you will be looking :for at $4.50 to $6,00, MEN'S RAINCOATS & TOP COATS Big taracty of Colors, Styles and Moes, You will be delighted with these coats at $12.00 ,up to $25. BOY'S BLOOMER SUITS 4E; "S BROWN O1 MACK' k OXFORDS Very Latest Styles at $5,00 to $S.90 Also ling of Oxfords for Bays Brown or Blacks& MEN'S IIATS, CAPS, SHIRTS ETC. Latest style Felt -fiats at' $3.50; cheaper lines at $2.00. Low price's on Ca;'.s and Shirts. LADIES' AND CI-IILDREN'S Bring the boys here for good gull- SLIPPERS ity Bloomer Suits. Many of these have Alt the latest styles in Buckles una 2 pairs of Bloomars. Odd sizes Boy's Strap Slippers, or Wahl Oxfords. yre Suits at $5.00 to $7.50, right' up ,to are long t4 great trade in. Slippers, size 35. rs our styles and ,prices are right. WALL PAPERS. Biz Reduction sts our Best Lines of Fine. Tapestry Papers. You can paper your Living Room at a very modest cost. Also Cheap papers for Kitchens and Bedrooms, JONES & MAY I. R. Carling, B.A Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mol - sons Bank, Etc, INVEST YOUR FUNDS in Victory, Dominion of Canada, Pro- wincial and Municipal Bonds, all 'legal investment for Trust Funds. At existing prices from 6 tier cent. to 7 per cent can beobtained from these bonds. Orders received by . me. ' Money to loan 'at lowest rates of interest Office -Carling Bk., Main St., Exeter DlspiaY Advertising -Made known on appitcatiogt, Stray Animals -One insertion 50c., three insertions $1.00. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each imsertion, 50a. Lost and Found locals 25c. an insertion) Local reading notices, etc., i0e...per line per insertion, No notice les than 25c. Card of Thank's SOc. Auction Sales 53 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in length, Legal advertising 10c. and Sc. aline, Farm pr Real Estate for sale 50c, each insertion for one month of four insertions.. SOUTHCOTT BROSO PHONE 134 PHONE 134 New Models lel . Misses' & Ladies' • . Coati. Aisot1ier shipment has arrived for• drop In and look them .over. Spring..; All w;e als.3t is for you To -We' are satisfied that the prices will appeal to you. SPLENDID VALUES IN BOY'S, CLOTHING Come,' in ' boys and see the swell„ rriOde1s w'e are 'showing. The clothes are good and price much lower, SILK AND LISLE HOSE Wath ribbled top, ..made: 'from Silk crud 'Lislye• thread. This hose. ,wee can =commend. Comes in White, 13fack and Brown Per pair $1,00. D AND A CORSETS 5 d:ax,ens D.. and A Corsets an one of the Newest Models, made from sptend dd quality „materials and worth in the regular way' $2.00 a parr SPECIAL VALUE This week $1,59. WALL PAPERS We .are •Reducing our Price oci all Now Wall Papers,. W'e bayE eavy stock 'and at will pay you to'' see what :we : are showing, 7nr.g, rHE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTht Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Uaztxceed Mainz car service Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cars on principal day train Full informaGon front any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C E. Hom- ing District Paganize Agent, Toronto P11002146wN. %. DORE Agent, Rueter - T1ze,.;orrect way rand the easiest way to dispose of 'some property or sell somas ma11 aret-1e. find a t es t a¢naxl for your house, Or an article You have lost or help when you want ,pt, is to inseff a small advia, in the "Want Colunie' of th a Advocates DR. At R. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDoeeell's Stables, John St, Easier (lately occupiied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w Dr. G. F. Roulstoa, L. D. S„ D. D.S. DENTIST W Office over Cariing's Law Off*e Closed Wednesday -afternoons. Dr. A, R KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto Univierety Office -over Gladman & Sttaauburel Office, . Main Street, Exeter, C. W. 'ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONE.HR AND VAIWATOR for Counties of Hums Perth, Middlos,ex and Oxford. Furfl Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Central Hotel, Exeter, Ontario, FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for :Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, Ontario, othct Bros MONEY TO LOAN We have a large -amount of private funds' to loan on farnr and village property at low rates of interest. GI -ADMAN & STANBURY Barristers', Solicitors, Exeter