HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-4-27, Page 41 The Exeter Advocate Sinden. & Creeali, Proprietors Rubs%ription Price—In ad4'artee $15' per year in Canada; 52:00 n the: United States:- All sub.cr.pti�ons not staid iR advan, e 50 .• . 'barged THURSDAY, APRIL V. 1922 s► _ illi.__ .•. :$31W; 1G.4TION ARBOR DAY IN EXETER, >t%'R.IUAX 1L4Y Ottx. It is noted with pleasure that irn- proveaneadts in. groundat?d boule- vards have been commenced already by a number of citizens. Arbor Day.. twill soon be here. The good work already begun should be augmented 3,s much as possible. Preparatiot, toast begin at once. Trees and ebreas must be secured. The Parks CQasanittee of the Horticultural Soci- ety are arranging to procure native trees sand ehrubs far transeltirrtiug Ire= woad lots not far from Exeter. 3,fr. S. 3. Hogarth, a member of the eontl:a rtes has offered to take chaise Irl the removal of the trees frons the ,rood -lora. hie will need the assist Anee ot several nren. Larger boys, ted the guests renewed .to the derm coated also help in this. work, At `taoaa, where they partook of a We t - least one team of !soirees anti a wagon' Ivied be required. Most of this work. *laceild be done before Arbor Day. Some of it could be done on Saturday �v�h., to them. Thal avxll reside aci er this weep, it a sufficient numberthe t eine farm south of Dash - of melt or toys would volunteer to avYod. help on that dee'. Dead, of Louis Prcetor.—Ward was .as. rnutnber ai aaaen will be regilired ''.'""‘V34 arena of he death of Louis no prepare places and plant ou Pr.eter, who died in Detroit on Arbor Day. amu °saav, April 18th, a former well - Anyone having clay or soil suitable !wawa resident o£ this pave. The Tor filling or top -dressing and want- (1 i eased had been ill only five days ing to dispose of it, ;,lease advise the welt pleuro -pneumonia,. He was amen secretary of committee. Anyone :a th•' prime •of ife, being 47 years needing such clay sould then. make )f a a'•, About ten, years ago, he left tsppl9catior for it, here vrith hes family for Stz'a;t£drd. later c erg nnoto 'Detroit, where he eras Citizen desirin ; trees for planting ,aa, sew' res iled, He was a member + oil his own groundss away apple* to the ;, the vestry board of the Lu.he'ran, secretary of the committee before t'ewae and en. +retie: member :n Saturday night of thio week, stating':lturclr work. He is survived by iris the number and variety required. The: earrowing widow, on son, Lorne, ,end 'committee will supply as many as '%aw daughter, Eida, also one brother. possible for spring, planting. Should Jour. of Zurich, and three sisters draw H. t\Wert " Mrs. B. Stacey and ':kiss Fanny of Dashwood;, The rema',rs were brought to Dashwood for inter- rrr:.nt Thursday% The funeral took aa,aee from the home: of Mn li Wl.- e:en to the Lutheran cemetery Fr?day ,eft.'rnoon, Rev„ Graupn .r off ciatsng, The. floral tributes were very numer- out, Stlowieg the esteem in which dec ceased was held ,by his many friends. Mrs. Ezra Tiernan, and son,. Eugene, pent the week end in Stratford. Dashwood Kraft --,Rader Nuptials.—A Pretty. spring wedding was witnessed at the bore of Mrs. Jacob Rader, Dashwood r1 »r t 20, at .four o'clock, when, her youngest daughter, Adeline K. and tends I,., youngest son pf Mr- and Mrs, Henry L. Kraft, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. Roe Graupner officiated. The bride em tared the drawing xoomWith her moth, "r, who gave leer fin ttrarriag.e,. Under- neath an arch of evergreens and white bolls, to the stra;;as of Lapel:lien search, play€d by Mrs.. Fred Preeter Jr, the bride looked charming in her sewn of ivory Win, da chew. and warnk, the cus'toreary bridal veil in Brown style, wreathed with orange Meesonis and carryintg a, shower bou- quet of bridal roses• Her only orna- ment was a pearl pendant, the groom's gift. Th bride was attended by :Hiss Pearl Krait,' sister of the groom, she \rearing a Rowe of palest yellow or- vadat. r- g irdh t. and carried a lovely spray of Yellow deffo4.1s, her gift from the gr, cent be':trg a lovely silver bar pial, set with brilliants. Little Alice Decker hie a.; •of the bride, ,made a dainty sit. tpa ring hearer. The ,groom was as-. slated by her. Fred, Rader, hen:thee bride, hts gift by the groom b.:ng 's -geld initial tie peva. After the creamy and eorrgratuletion extend - teems reoast. The young couple were do reeipica:fa of many useful and beautiful gifts, The many friends of the havpy couple join an hearty good the number requested be more than can be procured at the time. they win endeavor to furnish the balance for planting in the fall. They, however, will not undertake to supply citizens with all the native varieties ot trees but only those varieties that can be procured in eonsiderahle numbers. Not all citizens can take part in the tree planting. Many will be engaged in beautifying lawns and boulevards, Ladies raps .illy will be interested in Mrs, iiill.r has returned to her home making and arranging lawns, flower hen, aide- spentibg the winter in plots and gardens. The secretary W;,odbridge. has a fine list of ornamental flower- Mr, and \Irs. Shenk and faintly vis- ing shrubs and hardy climbers for lad in Stratford over Sunday. beautifying yards, fences and build -1 aerie Hazel Snell has returned from lugs. Anyone wishing Information London. regarding any shrub or climbers on i• Sirs H. Zimmer of Strattord is vis - the List may have it on application. ; -tine her Parents, lair. and Mrs. H. �'Vallert, The mane of all nuke are willing koe, Among :hos: from a distance who a 'and planting t in getting a e Lou°a help t13 . , t%. at fip of ,1 I Pret ndc the funeral trees should be given to any member'rr sten, were 1liases Maud and Emma of the Parke Committee. t •alt Ci :Detroit, Mr. and :Vers. Herman Centralia -4 urich The farm belonging to Mat. Riehard '-°""— Culbert was sold cert tondiay jest to R. J; . 1& Meyer attended the ,van - air Geo Godbolt „fee Seaeo �•elica! Conference at Kitcheanert As, Nlrs, W, Spinier tinct dee:e ter Jean a' consequence there were no services t since last week withc ,,friene rents in the 4lilagte. Mr, and MTs, Jas. Lava and daugh- ter of Hillsereen, visited the la:tter's sister, rigs. , Aad` htslonat,. last week: Seeding is the order.oi. the day.• W understand that Mh ' Hanlon ,.s laving a Gala of household ' effects on Saturday., Mr. Gerald. Hants has accepted a position with the rittish An erticen Oil Co. Whalen alr.•and Mrs, J. V. h1iilsot, of Lam- beth spent Sunday with friends in this v ciuity,—Miss Stewart, teacher, re- turned from her Easter vacation,• -ale and. Mrs. Geot 1Vtardlin sperm Sunday in Lucans—The anstnual meeting of the W. M. S, avas ,held on Wednesday al- to soon for the purpose tof electing new officers, which are a:s follows; President..Mrs. A. Gimping; vice -pies, lrs. Jon Hodgson; sec y, Mrs. Hii. ton Ogden; con - scene Mrs. john Webb treas.. Mrs. D. A. Johnston; organist, Mss B. Morley.. Mr ,and ?1frs. John Webb spent Sunday with the former's brother in `IeGgli+xray, ,,n the church here pie Sttadate—Mr: Penta Sipple of f]',iyeon, Mich,, as re- newing 'old accetniutances• here This week Mr, Less Benedict, who had bden, at, Kitchener and other eastern points, returned last week.—T1ae del- ),Ang property at the west end of• town Owned by, 'the 'ess'.taterof the late Geo, 1SJ'mon, bus been soed to Mt Alex louse an, Frank—Eijber—A quiet wedding took -Mace at the Evangelical parsonra,ge oar April+ 15, when Miss Roxiie B„ daughter of. \1r. C, E h- r, was united in fmar- rag' to Mr. William P. Frau est' 'Vat ierloo. The bride wore a travelling suit of navy ,tricot!nle, with back hat and neck piece of grey. squirrel, and. wore a coursage bouquet of roses. Her only ornament was the groom's gift, e pendant of white gold, set with diamondstt I1 ?r: and Mrs. Frank left •ort, a trip to Buffalo, N,Y1,, anti Oil City, Eat., and on thein ,return will reside in Waterloo,,. Arnim.! L ppberdt, wife of ;olio 3, Forrest, Pars Linke, Hay Tp., died at er hhome on Aprill 15th, after a short fairness, at thie age of 46 years:, and 11 months. She wen bona. an Hay Tie Mg dieted. Stere an tier lifer Besides bre husband she is survived by two daughters and three sons, also her parents, one sister ,and ,Dake brother. Loute Eckstein died recently et his home in Pigeon, hatcht, aged 67 years He came tea Hay Township at the age of 14 years, was .married in 1879 to Barbara Geiger of Zurich, who died eleven years ago In 1898 he moved to• Michigan. Daniel Eckstein of this village Is a son, and Mrs. Ptoses Geo- ger a sister. Crediton Our farmers have commew ed seed- ing, and as a result business is sneer in town,. J. K Holtzmann has been attend- ing conference in Kitchener this past week as one of ,the lay delegates. Mrs. Susan Gisela of Luel:now ;s visiting her daughter,, :tars. Herb, Eiiber - School started on 1ionday after the Easter bol;Says. Six little tots made their first start to learn the three R's. Mrs. John 1lituiick and atiss Leda who have. been visiting the former's stetter, firs. Stalris, and other relat- ives, have returned home to Lockport Neer Yore. \iiss ;Airy Willson anent afew days tact week in London with friends, i\Ir. and Mrs. G. k, Wenzel spent tact Sunday with friends in lutchenet; John Geiser and Garnet • Swejtzer have returned home atter a business trip to Cisco, Texas. • The cement work for the basement of the new Methodist Church bas been started, and work will be con- tinued as rapidly as possible, hiss Trellis I%dgin,a ,And Miss Lila luha have returned .to London and St 'Thomas to resume their studies. Kippen The rearriAge of Margaret, daub- ter of Mr. and tars, J. C. McLean. of Kippen to William Hay of Niagara Falls, Ontario, was quietly solemnized. at tire Presbyterian. church .here at 10.30 on .A,pria 19th, Rev. her. Lundy, performing the ceremony,. Mt and firs, Hay took the afternoon train at Saa1orth for Niagara, Falls, where they: will melt their future home. Lucan Lucan merchants are closing their Places of business on. Wednesday af- ternoons during May, June, July, Aug- ust ugust and September.—Recent visitors as sown were, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smyth of Toronto, Mr. Clarence O'Neil A number from Jieere were in Exeter of Toronto, Mr, and. Mrs. Lctase vXc-� test Friday evening to attend the en- }~ails of Kitchener, Miss Cora Rollin; tertaanment given an the James Street of Strathroy, Mr, Rossland Seel,, of Methodist Church. The solos anrlthe Toronto;—airs. Frank Booth hits ere, - choruses rendered by a choir pf aver turn.d from a two weeks' visit with'. 100 voices were atreat to dear, And Hamilton relatives.—Miss Jean Dignan those who :did ,not attend certainly the past week an London with M'rs missed one. of the best programs giv- Russell Hodgins. en in. thLi •distrb t far a long tial`, Nelson Baker, county road overseer, has been using the scraper on the: road through town. The county is 9 Kirkton supplyeeg- him with an oiling -nachine 1 ......,. to oil the roads and work will be; corn- Mrs. Lexie Barr, ddaughter of Mr, neiee before Tong. �and Mrs. James McCurdy of this p, ac e The old wooden: Pump at the Hotel, dyed after a short illness at the home oaten spoke:n of ars "the town pump" of her husband's father, Mr. James The following are the members of :Fent ef Forest, Mr, and :firs., Jack has been replaced by an iron 'ane.. ,Bars: Her husband, who as just ee- ' the Committee: W. H. Johnston,' s:dt c. Ailsa Crain, „�, \r. Chas. r.ti_ch Brost of London were rn covering ing .from at operation at L andon •Chairman; W. G. Medd, bt ret:ry. and dam 1t f Ingersoll, and rs town. en Monday soliciting ausr s�,aaspta1 and she were vi iti•� his Alb .rt Ruthg and Mr.Lead Mrs.H ex em our business mete It ie their lfather at Motherwell, when she was Zimmer of Stratford and :,,Irs. S. J. intention to run a, deny truck .•ert•ice°suddenly . taken 3.111,—Mr, Archie Pat-. Adams of London.. from London to Goderich and handle} terson and Miss Helen Taylor, Baugh - Dr. Taylor has purchas,-d n new freight of sal kinds. ;ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Taylor, were Studdebaker. coette:. Simon Morlock is building himself ?quietly married on Wednesday lut— e hen stable and hopes to go inti the, Mr. Harry Lawrence :of the Molson.'s m poultry bus' -ss quite extensively. 1 Bank attended the funeral of his grand `3'r. and Mrs. Peck and family of mother in Clinton.—Me. Reay Golding London vesited Me and Mrs. John has been engaged as organist of the Fitzkb•einer on Sunday. i Presbyterian church. clf 'St. Marys, Mr Mr. and adrs. Albort Schram are let- Golding presided at the instrument for tending to move to Bra,atiforcl very' several Sundays previously.—alra. M. shortly where Mr, Schram has 'se- A. Copeland is visitim,g her daughter in cured a position, 1alentreall,—Mrs. David Hazlewood is Mrs. Alex. Linden of Mitchell vis- t visiting at the borne of her claught:er ited John Steinacher .and daughter in Toronto'. , Mrs. Werner •last week. Roy Golding oaf Woodham, who has taught music to ,pupils an this village ear a fere years, has secured the po- sition of organist in one of the, Sal. Marys churches, and has discontinued his classes here, Mr. Golding proved himself y �eff'c•ent teacher, - d S, 3'. Hogarth, S. M. Sanders, 3. H. Grieve, G. 5. Howard, Grand Bond Mr. and Mrs.da tar England and Frances Lafotnd were •5n London Sat- urday,.—Mr and Mrs. C. Ward andialrs. Fritz of London were here Saturday and Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. Green, vis- ited at Hensall Monday.—Mr: Gratton who, is been ill, is able to be ottt again.—Mr. Webb was in, Exeter Sat- urday. The maddest woman =earth is the one veho buy'; a perfect love of a hat and sees its mate pn a woman _h doesn't like. All Men and Women When in Need of a Tonic Should Start en the Road to Wellville by Following This Advice Peterboro, Ont.—"I can speak in the highest praise of Dr. Pierce's medicines. I suf- fered for a long, time withfeminine �°`• weakness,through which I became all rundown, weak and Siete vous. I also had severe backaches, pains in my side and bearing pains: ?ti I learned of Dr. Pierce's >aaedi. eines and began at once to take them; I took two bottles each of the 'Favorite Prescription' and the: 'Golden Medical Discovery' and thee completely cured me of all my weak nese and restored me to good health Clandeboye The infant son of Wry. Darling is trecaveriatg from air. attack of pneu- moniat—Miss Mabel Hodgson, who is on. the Toronto teaching staff, spent the Easter holidays ;with her parents, Mr. and Mrs: E. Hodgson,—.Miss 01- ieer of London. +s'pent a, part of the holidays with her sister. Mrs. A. Bice, atfcGillivray. Miss Minnie. Nei, spent Saturday in Landon—Mas. Crellam of Ingersoll is visiting; r�ela'tives in Hoerr.—Mr. Carl Wif11iams of Detroit ,spernt the %reek- end with relatives here.—Mit John Flynn of Centralia spent a day thi's week with his brothers here.—Mr. Ed. Simpson, who purchased the farm from Mr. Chas. Carter flare the 4th McGilli- vray, moved there Tuesday. Mr. and :Vers, Simpson havie been. residents of this town. for a number of years.—The, order ai ,,lee day . art, this, vivcinaty • ,is seeing 4eeding. %Nearly ; every, farmer is out on the land aand,soinle; eire;,rac- tica•11y .finished- • Deed in McGillivray.—Word had, just reached here of the death of Mrs, Mc- Guire•on .the 2nd.conncessian of McGil-• jllvray who :passfxd; away at moose on Tuesday, ,Mrs McGuire is :neartlY 80 years of age and had been ren lefaotl health until a few days ago, when she was taken, suddenly ill and nothing could he done to .spare her., "At one time my husband became afflicted with a chronic cough whirb. caused him to become all rundown He got so thin he was altnost a skeleton. He tried many medicines but did not get any better until ti', t;ok; Dr. Piercing 'Golden Medicrt Discover'y. ]3y taking this medicine he was completely restored to good .health. 1 shall always spear; a goon. word efos. Dr., Pieree's rnedicives:'— Mrs, Martha eholei , :'373 Pethune Sf i` need a building -up tonic far If yon � n stone:ea alld i;ior obtain D'r.._Piercen Golden 1Te,rica,l l t overt' from you, near, s c,r U •'gist or sei FI 10e to .Ctk t none tnepr story in Bridgo'lal., Cut., ,;'.s;r trial, -el . eiblers and for tree coni :It i cal ineaical auvrt Lumley Mr. J,ohtii Boltotn, eras purchased a new Dodge 'tourin,g car, and is mow busy erecting agarage,.—Mr, Arthur 'Jones and 'Kr, Noah Horton recently bought the grass farm bel,ongitng to efr. Ales Stewart �of the 1211i con. of fit bbert.-Glen 'Broadfeat returned• to Shedden tp resume his duties :in, the 5C ding Bank, after s-pe;rndin,g a few hecela.ys at his home here: Farquhar s a ver i i tin his many friends wish ,him every sue - cess in, hi. new undertaking. Mr. and IVErs. Bert Fletcher of 'gun- Cline visited Sunday, at Wi•11 hose's,. —Mr. Andrew Hodgert ana family t is- ut''.d Sunday• et Mt: Pteaaa,nn—?Missies tiI 1`ie�Pollen:`arid Pearl Klein, of Mitch 're t visited Sanday'at Mr: Wa•. Pollen's .-•'•4f• Edgar Henkel: visited last week, w r_eth his sister, Mrs'. Ed. Pop•len in 7+x'te:r T,ae anneal •meeting of Far- quhar Woiii•e,n's Lnstitute; ywilll behead - t: th- borne of Mrs. Wm, .Poflem, ern ,Tuesday, May 24 : BIG FOUR SCHEDULE, Clinton, April 21 -Representatives of the Big Four League met here to -night and allotted dates,: for the baseball tournaments and ad,*ted a schedule to begin on May 17, And end on Aug- ust ug-ust 27. The tourney ,dates are: June 3 Zurich; June 14, Wingham; July 5 Goderich; July 19, Tees wafter. May 17.-Tieeswater at Godericle iMiay...18—Wingham at Zurich, May 29 -Zurich at Teeswater. -May 31—Goderich at Wingham: June 7-Wingham at Goderich: June 9-Teesweter at Zurich: jun:. 12—Wing-earn at Tees.water.. Juni_ 16 -Zurich at Goderich. June 19-Teeswater at Wingham. Jun? 23—Goderich at Zurich. June 26-Goderich at Teesw',ator. rune 27 -Zurich at Wingham July 11-T,eeswater at Goderich. July 14—Wingham at . Zurich;, July 26-Gadprilch:alt Wingham. July 27—Zurich at iTeeswater July 31—Teeswater at Zurich. August 2—Wingham at Goderich., August 10—Zurich at Goderich, August 11—Wingham at Teeswater, August 16 1yfeeswater at Wingham, August 18 Gcxleric,h at Zurich. August 21 Goderich at Teeswater. August 24—Zurich at Wingham, TEA GROWING .%VERY' E,XPENSIVE Th: very ja+•gh' wages that have to bc'pate to workers on thie te,e platen, - tions of Iindila anted; Geyl,oin, due to .01C - 'Pa 1 sac:11 anal political unrest, Inas , caused 'theprice of tea to rise. constatientby 'at primary markets' ;arid 341' Lon- ; dont This in:flu°ttce is now ,hetn,g;felt • o-` tune easel, pictures, artkd ,other small. tardier alone the lope eanid it is TO be''axtxl s, , expected that xhe,.. ricc.oe. tea, will aTerms--,S,trictlY 'Cpts'h;, a 1> , , crease -to 'the ` coesume,r :Inn the rnear E. TAYLOR:- P. HaNLON future. j Auctioaiee,r. 'Proprietor VICTORY LOAN COUPONS We will cash your Victory Loan Coupons: or place them to your credit. • in our Savin .Bank where they will draw interest at 3% per annum. • of" THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid up $15,000,000 Reserve Fund $15,000,000 Exeter B,sncb, E. A. Chapman, Manager Dsshw000d r Bnccanc*nche.t j. R. S. Wilson, Manager WOODHAI1 On A.pr:11 9 there passed away, after two weeks' idleness, resulting from a, fail, one of the pioneers of Blansshard in the person. of Wm. Mitts, at the age of 90 yea.rsc Mr. Mills, with his parents and brothers and sisters, came to this country from_,Fermanau•gh, Imes land, when a young man, settling first in St. Thomas, and movuna later to a farm ince Usboroki. After his marriage to Miss Eliza Nixon pf Gteorg,etowr,, who predeceased halm 41 years, she re- sided in Woodham, which' has b,eenihis home ever since: His parents were burned in the Aingjiicamn ceaneltery at Kirkton, Ms mothler ,hnvin,g to the ,re- markable age of one hundred -and• four- teen years. All his childretn sury ve— Jam.s,•:Ajomzo and ,Sidney of, ...Waad-, ham; Henry of Centralia; Wesley ole Se Marys; Nathan and Tuttle of To- ronto, and Mrs, A. Seabrook of Aurora Mrs, H. Wynne ;of Woodham is the only ,survirving sister. -Miss .Annie Ga- nnett, whoa w,as taken to London hos- pital to undergo an operation., is im- proving ni c ely.—Mina's Hannath . Rini n of London.' is visiting et her home. —Miss Mary Canine teacher, of Wood- stock 'spent*the halitdays with her par- ents, arentis, here,. n...LSONS BANK. THE MV INCQRPQR ATZD ISO &Oat raid Up 1,4,006,0$1 Rssecva Fund $S,SH,+IIG Over l.2, Breeches. A. F.A.RMM R:UN ON A. BUSINESS BASIS. requi.res that every member of the 'family be made a Partner. That the earning from some particular pro- duct be allotted to each member. Then good sense andi nates that these, earnings should go to set tl their savings account with The Molsons Bank. This will make each one ambitious to make his product pay. Deposits by ivail accepted, EXETERBRANCH T. S. WOODS Manager, Centralia Branch open, for business daily. safety Deposit Boxes to hent at the Exeter Branch. BIG Furniture Bargains RllDUCTION IN FURNITURE. We, CARRY THE LARGES(' AND MOST UP- TO -DATE STOCK. BUY HER1t - AND SA.V E MONLY Funeral Director & Embalmer, M. E. GARDINER rskt ti st T .y_., V''�� - •' nil,,; .,1 'K ; r.., s. '*..,/ -� \ '4,1 A -\\\ 1- . \ Ii. . �%Ui:' . t;4� \ ..% �' .i..\ y'* 7 'ill .' Vied \ r9ar,.r,leti,"'"cde /.. a •'\ ••• z; i • �/i� , R ern illi + ��" �v .-1 •{.gy ri ye •�1 " p ` .fkle� •A w .,.T / vifit .1 • GREENING'S LAY FLAT POULTRY FENCE You can take pride in the appearance of your poultry yard if you use Greening's Lay Flat Poultry Fence. ° It. doesn't buckle, bag nor sag. It makes a fence that isnot out of place in the fiinest surroundings. Keep your back yard as neat as your front yard— use Greening's. Heights from 12 to 72 inches. Sold by good hardware dealers. THE B. GREENING WIRE CO., LIMITED HAMILTON - • CANADA Easy to control it -lays flat when you unroll it. AUCTION SALE OF BUGGIES, CUTTERS AND • HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AT CENTRALIA on SATURDAY, APRIL..29th, 1922 et 2 o'clock, the ,followiniug,— 1 s ogle ,buggy, 1. Glardstone buggy, 1' siagl'e` cutter, 1 G,lfarhstranre culmen,: 1 pairlor suite, 2 parlor tablies, 2 bedroomseatea, 1 chest of drawers.' sicleboard, diming roomytable,. hall, ra.ek music rack. 3..ham,gimlg°;.lames, parlor ta,ble lamp, hall lamps- 3 small amps . coal oil cook stove. •caal..oi . -,heated X41, A'Y'r. NO -INQUI G AFTER 7-fit, 1 • g� Stray Stock erg nu YOU use `Can „ clan Fence Your fence troubles are over once you get "CANADIAN" fence made by THE CANADIAN STEEL AND WIRE COMPANY, LIMITED. FULL GAUGE No. 9 WIRE, per- fectly galvanized and with the famous "CANADIAN" knot. Let us show you this fence and the "AMERICAN" Gal- vanized Steel Fence Post. We can sellou y this fence as chem as you can buy fence. anywhere,. WM. 206 'WARD, EXETER, ONTARIO