HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-4-27, Page 1THIRTY-FII~TH YEAR.. PHONE The Men's Store Have Your Spring Suit Tailored to Your Personal Requirements SI?RIN'G MEN'S FURNISHINGS IN SHIRTS, TIES, FIATS, CAPS SOCKS, UNDERWUAR, GLOVES, ]±TC EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDA v APR. 27, 1.922 Our CornerAs a rule they worm wha _atilt get along without servants carie get ;long with servants. An eye specialist says green. quiets nerves. Th;e is especially true if. A little less than four miles of high- s the long •green, way from Stratford to Se bring title cost Outarsoa $207,906, Ma ' trates have been viad sett b gas y the Attorney General ;to treat tres- passing on the railways as a serious offence as too many accidents have. been caused by people ,walking on the tracks. Edited:oMn is costing too much in tat=se days. Oxford and - Cambridge Uap varsities • in England are demand-. izna pub.'ie aid for ;the first time; The Unca er.fties an Ontario are bleeding the public treasury un ierccefully- Ard eren the High and .Public .Schools are ea mine a burden to the taxpayer, • majority of almost 3,000 the er> of Ontario have declared is faaear at hunting deer with dols, the tma:nt of fish and game has an - taunt eti, Questiires were sent all • deer h=tease, both resident anad noir r•'s:dent, who 'took put .licenses last year. gore; -residents especially were strarag for dogs, use o; while at pro; 'eat a5 illegal, GOOD GLASS.Fi,S W YOU NEtsD THEM. Good advise if you don't; J. WART, D.C„ Qptometrat, Exeter THE SEASON'S SMARTEST STY are shouvsv in our offerings of M High .:;Grade Furnishings. ASI the latest fabrics arc here, mach up the latest models its the Yery best njanner. You certainly will wart OAC of our ,suits whan you seq the goods and 1eazzn what a saving our prices Mord, Half Price Picture Sale W. W. Taman Tailor& Furnisher AGENTS FOR {`THE HOUS1; OF HQBBERLIN" PHONE 83. -The average man's artistic sense never +ievelopes beyond an app-ecie- t&�rt en silk.-fen:shed ankles. It may be that brass makes ehe best hem -Inas. but the bearing of some men indicates too much brass. The difference between hog and welt ie that nature makes :tie lung squeal and pone makes the :onsumer squeal. 0.1d Timers say that the unusual thickness of the hides of mato%-45ts f dieetes a csev:ere s;ar5ni for pedes. trialns, Things might be worse. The poor ::awn -trodden. chap ivhh can't pay his grocery bell still ,menages to consume twenty e!garets a the._ A new game nla$ is being passed lea the Ontante Legiet'.aturte The law regarding deer wall extend the :even from September 15th to November 15;. and the partridgge shooting seasonwill b= horn the 5th to the ZOth of Nov; !' cosi y bag for wild cluck will be l nti.ted to 25, with 20 es he maxie hunt for the year. It was thought ,hat the I)oanirfon Government's new loan necessary to take Care of the maturing War ,loan dna in December would be floated w:thi t the Dolni-con, but Hose W. S. Filen minister of finance, bas :;one to the United States for the money, and a Wan of 8100,000,000 as been made b} a firm in New York. Thir- T.t,'s is your last week to et in on ty years is the ,term, and the interest t rate is five per cent; OUR IIALF PRkaii. PICTURE SALE THERE'S NO FUTURb. CHANCE. Take advantage of the offer before the end of the present month. If youdon't You're the loser. J. Senior AmmiNaINIMINIMINIMMIL 1.DDGE BRomeRs MOTOR CAR. A Car with a Good Name. 700,000 Owners. Many leave heard ,of the "drowned lands" in S'usantquet fFownship, near 1Thedrforde It is now, .proposed to re- claim this territory consisting of sev- eral thousand acres, byconstrtnct;ng :a canal son14'1We miles lona: at a cost of; $770,000, The Townships e of West Williams, McGillivray enc'' Stephen, and the Ve11age of 'Medford are in- •.steel, and it is expected that ?the work will commence this summer. Wine best that a life contains is a life of service—at l:,fe of work. Many of the. Canadian people apneas- tohave govt their sense of kvaluea, We have thousands of people ,in need of the ptece„ssiti,es of life, yet we fund those, same „people say they are long to have an eight hour day and standard union wages. Where on earth are they going to coma ,from:? It is costing to- day altogether too• much to produce almost anything we use. Short hours and high wages is the cause. of the high prices, For instance --they* make the building of e. house cost more than it should,. The house cannot be rent e:i at a fair price, The workman who rants the house pays more than he should. Then he has to demand a higher wage, which again causes high- er prices, and so everything keeps working round in. a circle. Our idea of values is badly ;warped, and condi- tions onditions will weaver be any better unta a radical change is made.' How is that change to be made? /01JRING CAR 51315; . ROADSTER $1275; SEDAN $2145 Including Tax and freight F„ 0. B. London. New Machines installed to repair- work of all kinds of Automobiles, PILON & FOOTS Huron Garage Exeter xeter Flour. Now that Sprung is ,opening up you will require •the. best bread that ean be secured. According to reports .coming 'itiito usyou wield be well ad - eased to use our Manitoba's Best It is equal to the best on the niarket. You 'call, go fuirth•ee and pay more, but you cannot buy better. Read what one of our customer's writes: "Your Goer is Al quality and se11$ on its merit. If I sell a new cus- tomer one bag he names buck for more;." We are the. Emporium for feed in, Exeter and vicinity, Our stock is large and varied, consisting of "CORN -A supply of the !3es't Quality, OATS -Western Oats that we have_;recleaned, taking out the dust, ht>Sls, a¢vd'sm'all seeds, 'These we are selling on a narrow mar-, gin. OIL C you.- CAKE—If have never -fed Oil Cake try so cows, pigs, in •fact,all your stock, TANKAGE—Sixty .per cent protein. •Just :the staff to push those pies along:. \TILL 1+EED—Wehave a supply of our own inai;ifaetur cie Band e f your m7,lcr; arvey tiros. Local News Mr. Garfield Sheers of Brantford visited his mother and* other relatives here tide week, At the regular eneet'eng of the 1. 0. O F. on Tuesday evening Past Crawls W. John, zed R. V. Creech were el- ec,ced to at:ead Grand Lodge an Iune, and Past Gran'?s W. J. Statham arid, H. Jennings to attend Disirict meet- ing. This is the time „to swat; the tiy, eche Toronto Medical Qxlicers says elsays tee swatting os ome fly now! is Va.! same as ewatting a million, flies is July. Even withered flies that ap- pear p-;a .nr to let dead should be swotted.! They may be only .,hibernating. Particulars as to the ,cause of she c;sath t= the late .R. J. Brown, 'Morrin, Altar, of which we made mention last week have been rcce:v;d. He died laultl r?y % hila: 41 the basement at- tend:xng to the electric lights, death b pug eine w.► heart failure. fie died 't the 32nd anri versary of his wed- d;ng, Besides his wife, who was fornt- r]y Bary Bagshaw, he de, survived by six daughters and two song—Mrs. S. I,.. Stickaa.ey and Mr4. 4I3. Earth of Morrill •Altar„ Mrs. Geo. A. Saunders anti ;Miss Elsie of Jids, Acta„ tU d Erra,' Harry, Recta. and Eldon,, at home; aI- so hi mother, 'who is in her 95th y ear, five brothers and two sisters; 1 Mr. T. H. Newell, whale is about to move to Stratford, and who has been making, that city his headquarters for some. weeks, has became.. distributor for the Durant automobile, having for his territory, Perth & Huron, Counties and parts sof the. adjacent cour,aes• of Waberloo, Welliaetoai, Oxford and Middlesex, This car its highly spoken of, and many were after the appo_nt- meri.t of d-istributor, and Mr. Newell ie to b!e congratulated or securing Exeter of course 4s in his territory and a dealer ,'well ,be appointed here, Mr, N,ewiell's house has been, purchas- ed by Mr. W. D. Sanders, and the former -is now preparing to move to Strattiord,. Exeter will be sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Newell, as they have been excellent citizens EXCELLUNT CONCERT. u . musical concert given in the James Street :Methodist Church ots. Friday evening last, under the auspices the South's' Huron Choral Soniety, 'attracted a goodly a i,tendance, ard was th rcoughly enjoyed by n,l lar=e - .uee Mr. A. W. .&n.da:rten, organ.st of the church, was in charge, and the choruses given. by the choir of about „ns hundred voice,, were very peas - rt;;. s"btaua<»n;g both talent an he part of the 3 A,er;s, a .d much a'a-e ai'l t ;ty on flee part of the eondncto t The eneci:tl s•:t o3ati for the occasion were Visa Anna Cee3lr ll, Sopno, Lon- don; Mr. J. Riley-Harallman, Tenor, of SI';ronto• and Mr. Ch:aleraft, Bartone, >f London; and their Selections were admirably rendered, and well receiv- ed, particularly those of Mr. Riley- Hallmann. The concert is being re- peated is Hensen pa, Friday even"ug of next week. Exeter Council 730"4'irLING CHAMPIONSHIP The Championship Bowling' Con- test was played off Monday night .at the "Y" by the four teams composed of, Teacher's:' team—Messrs. Wethey, Lawson, Elliott and 0, Southcott; Clerks—B. Rivers, C. 'Harness, S. Reid, W. Harness; Orange—W. Gar- diner, B.Clark, W. Davis, E. Shapton Single Men—H. Wenborne, , 0, Hea- man, B, Bissett, R. Southcott, r At the end of the first game the Teach- ers defaulted eachers'defaulted on account of absence of some of their 'men. The game ended with 'results as follows: Sin- gle 1253; Orange 1411; Clerks 1604 giving 'the Clerks the Championship by 193 of a 'Lead. , Immediately B. 'Clark e challenged the clerics •for a one round game ,with the following team:: Clark, Davis,-Heaenan and E. Shapton. - One of the clerks had -gone but W, Shapton was Substituted and the gdme proceeded, resulting as follows: Clarks' team 574; Clerks 559; Clarks' wintung by 15 points: The Clerks stated champion now with a score of 1604 and challenge any,/ team 'on a three round contest to take their honors. The game was lively and sure some sport. Annual SeWDenial Appeal. Yontn tontrbutaon will help the Seleati;on. Army to deal with its World ablerus and meet the needs of The DESTITUTE, The FALLIzw, FAMINE TRICK -Fe‘: 141(1 Ht:ATFIE I CANADA EAST OBJECTIVE $Z50,00Q. PURPOSE OF THE rum). 1.a h:Car,nda angi East. o, e. rice of Social Irnetituti�rns for men, women. aandchild zen ; 2. This assistance ef Officers :ux aperc.;ly populated districts and tone rraoirer sections .of cities. • Ctail3.ci,renTh's + w eark.re:ct,ea of suitable p P ro elides for Soe14, Evangelical, 4. Canada's allocation to th' h nss''4eaery Feld, Forty Canadian Officet Missionaries are now in India, China, Japan, Kornea, Africa and Java. 1:he Sadu:tt;,on Army's o Brat enS L.1 Canadancludr.--Rescue Tomes :4laternity Hospitals, Dispensaries, Prison Work, Poliee Court Work, Wont - en's Industrial homes, Summer ramus for Children, Labor :Bureaus, Gem +eral Hospitals, and General Relief 1,Vbrk. In Peeve Or War its germy is to BLESS AND HELP HUMANITY. The MISSIONARY \V0RK of the Army embra.eea the following actin. ut+ ,—Colones for Lepers in, Java, Colonies for Criminal Tribes in India, Era ;ars' Homes in. Ceylon, Rescue Homes, Inebriates' Homes, thidres'#; brines Women's Industrial Homes, Dab Schools, Industr ai Homes for ?(Sex}. It is helping to make the World Better, FREELY Ys; HAVE RE -671W13, FR.] LY GIVE. Your contribution is money wie ly inyeeted in sane eied practigal world- betterment efforts. T' greater pert o4 the ac :sage's of the Saey^atioa. Army are tnade- nie m,natiaaaal. Thy help all-- • ALL SHOULD GIVE E) E rt.R'S TARGET $250,01,1 SENT) YOUR DONATION NOW to MR. t~ H AI?MA.N, T eaeurer of the S i) Campaaga in Exeter, or to one ol elle Canvassing Commiittee ¢-4. to the Officer, Ceptaian MaeGiUi ray. BIRTHS 'tsaan--ln I3 roto, Kansas, on :ipr3,l Harry Clay Doan, V. S., formerly of Zurich, aged 76 yeas, 3 months Haska tf.,: Ira Biddulph, on April 18th and 4 dare to Mr. and 'Mrs. Harvey Haskett, a son. Jacob—In Hay, on Apr:', 20, to 'Mr. anr3 Mrs. Milton Jacob, a son—For- est Leland Johan: Exeter, April 24th, 1922 A regular meeting oi: the Munici pal Council was held on the above date, absent Councillors, Ellerington and Davis. The minutes of the meet- ing held April 19th, were read and approved. Correspondence was read as 'fol- lows: Frank Barber and Associates Ltd., Toronto, consulting engineers, Filed„ The Pedlar People' Ltd., Oshawa, re -metal culverts, Filed. From the Secretary office of the Mun- icipal Hydro Electric *Association Guelph, re -meeting to be held in Toronto, Thursday April 27th, filed. Messrs. W. Hern and C. Birney wait- ed on the Council, re a drain 'Wong west side of Carling Street between Gidley and Victoria; referred to com- mittee. Dr. Browning, through the Reeve asked for a concrete walk on the east side of William street between Sanders and Gidley streets. Action deferred. The Clerk reported that the Asses- sor, Mr. Hunter,had returned the as- sessment roll for the year. Accepted on motion of Francis and Hooper. The Council fixed the date for the Court of Revision if necessary for Monday dune 12th,at 1.30 p. m. The Town team will collect all old tins and refuse for the dump ground on Monday and Tuesday May 8th and 9th. Monday on all streets east of Main; Tuesday, all streets west of Main; citizens to have all refuse col- lected and in bags or boxes and plac- ed on the street :in front of their properties. A fee as per quantity will be charged: The following. accounts were read and passed: Richard Hunter, Assess- or $115.00;. preparing Truant Offi- cer's Book $5,00, Postage $1:00; total $121.00; Cecil, Ford, labor cem- etery, $18.50; Frank Mellott, labor, o $11.40;• Fred Wells, labor, $ 1.75;; , Rd. B. Davis, team labor,; $2.20 Jno. Norry, labor, • $3..50; Ernest C'olling- wood, labor, $5.00; Peter Coleman, team labor, $4.95; Thos. Sanders, labor, $3.00; John Parsons, labor; $3,00. Passed on motion of .Hooper and Francis. Adjoerninent by Hooper. Jos. Senior, Clerk DEATHS McRoberts—In Granton, on April 15th William Albert McRoberts, aged 57 years, 6 months. P ..etcr-In Detroit, on April 18th, Lours T. Preeter, aged 47 years, 8 Months, formerly of Dashwood. MARRIAGES Burns—Sanders-In Tiorotato, an 'April 12, Mr, Harry :Burris nC T'oaotttoa to Miss Cara, :eldest clauglber "of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Sanders of Exeter, Kraft:-Rader.—At Dashwood, an April 20, by Rev. Graupner, Levi Louis' i raet,- son: of t1r.. Henry L, Kraft. e Miss Adeline Elizabeth Railer, da,ughter of the late Jacob and Mrs, Rader, of Dasliwood, Yule -Taylor -At Main Street .Meth- odist parsonage, by Rev: W. G, McAlister, on April 26, William Ad- am Yule oC Stephen, Tp;., to Mary Ann Taylor, Exeter North. ' T -I11 -Skelton -At the Bruer - .Field, on April ,18th; by •Rei,• W; D. A1e1n eee ter of Ale and Mrs' Skelton, to Lyle i !:' 1, all of, Bruc efneld, IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Edward P. Snell who passed away two years ago to- day April 26, 1920.. This day brings back sad ni.amoriea pf one who hats gone to rest a - tile, ones who think ,of him to -day are those who loved him best; We chino: of him in silence and ;his name we often recall, liiut we've nothing left to an;,wer, but his photo on, ,the wall, His loving wife and cheddar Your Storage battery Is is snappy ? If not let us look it over and tell you what it needs. W. J. BEER, Exeter 1 A. STEWART Phone 16 " THE BIG STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICES." House Furnishaugs Wail Papers and House Furnishings are now in order for the thrifty house keeper„„ We have a lovely lot of New Wail Papers at prices that will appeal to you. 12k arvd 15c, the: ,roll for a 'nice range of stripe and floral ef- .Leets, suitable for kitchen and bedrooms. 15, 20. and •25c, thea roll for your cholese of 30 patterns in new stripe, Chintz and floral covered patterns, suitable :for any, room in the house, • . swell 1 range �o� 35, 40 and 50c, the, roll for a stn 1New Ori'en;taly lima floral and foliage effects are very new, We draw a swell image of these. Our New Lin;oleums are all ready= for you. The new Block and Floral and Tile patterns are very pretty. Values are very much in y.csttr favor_,thivs season,, Rugs for every room in the house, Tapestry, Brussels, Ax - minister, Velvets and Wiltons :h. sues from 23x3 to 4x4e If you want heal value. in ru gs come is see us.: Yes, we sell cheap all the time. You are losing money if you are not in on aur Grocery Values, $6,.48 the hundred .for best standard > Graatulated Sugar Any Brand` $6,48. 3 pits. best Jelly powders for 25c. 3 I3,oktles hest. extracts for 25c, 2 pkgs. Ammonia for 14c. 3, '1.5c, boxes •matches for • 34c1 3 cakes pure Castile soap for 10c. 6 bbs. Rolled Oats for. 25c 55c• Salida & Red Rose Tea 48c, . 2 bks. Shredded Wheat for 24c, 10 bars any laundry .state for 70c Chrustiues Some Biscuits • 15c., boxes seeded' or seedless 38c. for our special .rai,s Coffees 45c It's a wonder~ Large T, & B. Tobacco, Big- Man's size 72c, 45c, lb. .for our special Tea; 12c. a Can .for: best : corn: "3 Pa mnliv e for 2 c, l Soap 3 j . A. STEWA: T Highest Prices' paid for Poultry and, all Produce.