The Exeter Advocate, 1922-4-20, Page 5Farquhar
fig Masses Jessie Ilod.gert and Pearl
Duncan visited over the week -end in
Lndoar,,-Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Martell
at1d family of Chiselhurst visited Sum:
clay at Mr. Jack Bray's—Mr. and Mrs.
Will. Stone, visited Sunday at the
!tome of the latter's parents, Mr, and
Mrs.. Fred. Stewart.. -Miss F. Marquis
is spending the Easter holidays at her
home in Clutton. -The Township As-
sessor, Thos. Hunkin, has completed
the roll and returned ^.t o the Clerk.
Ars. Carl Williams o Detroit spent
a few days with her parents, Mr. and
}lies. Eli Bice. -Mrs. Porte is visit".
her scan Bert in Detroit. -Mr. Enoch
Paton of Cleveland is visiting relatives
fa;Pe.-airs. j, Whitemore who has
Wen W is improving ani i' out of
danger.. -,.Mr. and Mrs. Ogden, Whalen
al2.nt Sunday with relatives het'. -A.
numbs of young people from tics
tilace attended the ball in Luean on
Monday evening. -Don't :or; et
Q.i3.A done:': ip, the Orange I-I:a;1, Lu -
can. on Thursday even'ng. Good music.
Parkhill sp,nt a few
days in the town renewing ala riend-
s1ii,?>. Despite his a,.e he is ae•'tiwa
and in good Reagin -Geo Carter has
returned after spend"r a week a ti -e"
Second of B°cl+lu'p`.t ;with relative
\Ir. ...1e, tt J. has :i.'e•-ptet1 a
os -tion as R.,;aev n,1 c,ptrator on, the
da Pacific Railway. London olive
;1n, it".- shits as tot eo mti'nt'a: in May.
...Miss Laura Stoop:+ #'t a1. lain -'7ph ?.
sp.ndin°, the taste*r `it her
Lona e 3nere.--M� en Mr:; it B. M.
Vicar of London 1,,p -Int .Sia'11.: v here
relatives, -The scarlet fever
which ha-, b,:4n prev^:dent around here
Aar sola time, is luckily disappearing,.
-Air, A E. Patton, tortn:rlc oft Cleve_
bad, is now (lust' ,,settled down :.n
his news Magae.-Airs, J. dickey, who
i1ss been vary t i1 for several clays, i
on the road to recovery.—Mrs, Carl
William is spending Ea;ater holi.laysal
Chatham. -The reads around th's dis-
trit are being; repaired very slowly.
Mess Violet Whiteside, who re..°ently
want t.> :*t. Joseph's ! le,,pae i , Lon-
ddn, underwent an operation for ap-
ca:.ndicitis, and is now progressing fa-
vorably.- 1r. Glenn I3roadfoot, of tht<,
Starling Batik of Shedden, is spending
Use holidays at his Monte here, -Mr:
and Mrs. J C. McLean, seri Kippen, an-
nounce the engag ement oa their laugh
ter,. Margaret, to Mr. .\ . Hay of
Niagara. falls, the° marriage tag tale
place in April. -Miss Bond of Hamil-
ton, B.rmuda, is eat present visiting
iter sister, Mrs. Earl Drummond, -Alt
old and respected resident of liar
died on Tuesday of last week, in the
person of Jessie Harper, relict of the
late, 'Thos. Dock. The decease:I was
d2 years of age. The funeral washeld
from the residence of her son, Mr.
Robt. Dick, Thursday last to ih: Hen -
cemetery, -Miss Gladys Petty re-
turned home, after a pleasant visit
with friends in Detroit. -Mr. John
Craig left for the West, where he
frill look after his property near
Moose Jaw, and re-buald his awelling
which was recently destroyed by fire
-Mrs. J, McD. Wilson returned home
last week from Mooretown, where she
was called owing to the death at her
brother -in law, Mr. J. Carrol, who
passed away suddenly from pneumonia
-Our merchants and business men are
arranging to close their places of busi-
ness every Thursday afternoon, dur-
ing May, June, July, August and Sep-
temben-Death removed on Wednes.-
sia,y on of Stanley's most resepcted
residents in the person, of Elizabeth
F. Edgar, behaved wife of John White-
man, nn her 75th year. The funeral
took place on Frday from the resi-
dence of Mr, Robert Dinsda.le to Hen-
sall Union Cemetery.
�1. Zurich
Mrs. H. Rupp, who ,sp at several
weeks at Detroit, ,has returned .home,'
-Mr, and Mrs. ,Louis Weber spent
the holidays in Detroit;. -Mr. 1-1.
Happel left a few days ago for De -
where he intends staying for some
time. -The dwelling property of the
estate of the ,late ,Geo. Witmer has
been sold by the executors to Mr. M,
G„ Deitz.-Barbara Bennett, re;;ict of
the late John Eeb, passed away on
April 3rd, from pneuntan.ia., at the age
of 61 years, 9 months and 21 clays:.
she Was ill only a short time,. -Mr. J.
Hey, Jr., •is confined ,ta his bed with
an attack -oaf flu. -,Mer. Ed. Deichert of
Detroit spent a :few days with his
mother, Mrs, J. De'ichert,-Prof. Alvin
Surerus 'of Oakville is spending the
Easter vacation -at his home here. -
Messrs, Lloyd Kahb:fleisch aai.dl'heo.
Wagner, who are attending the Wat-
erloo Seminary, spent the holidays at
their homes here., -Mr. Frank 1)enomy
of the 14th con. was a recent visitor
is 'D a troit,
In, Africa t rooster .was ane day
walking 'with the members of his
household, Encountering an ostrich
eg,,;, he saki, "Ladies, I wish to call
your attention .to hiawv things are clone
in other cotnanunitues;.
The new Canadian nickel tis not
particularly -handsome, It is about the
size of the American ,npcketl and bears
the image of King Giearge an once side
sand ion, the other Aide "Canada Five
Cents" ic;.c# two maple leaves. The edge
is not milled.
12 i slaiorule, -Donors 75 per cent;,
Goad 70, Pass 60 -Sr: IV., Verna
Hazelwood 77, Mary Belle Duffield
76, Florence Pullen 74, Milne Pullen
73, Kenneth Stevenson. 56. Jr. IV.,-.
Willie French 68, Irene Harness 67,
Ray Parkinson 66. Sr III.- Hazel
Webb. 70, Dorothy Stevenson 69, Elva
Morley 64, Roses Duffield S7. Jr. III.
Dorothy Parkinson; 58, H ward 'Mor-
ley 54. II,--Har41d Hazlewood 78, Ed-
na Squires 65', ,Ralph :Parkinson, 64,
Verna Harness 63, Clifford Webb 56,
Rota. Squires 62. Sr, I -Harvey Dobbs
83, Jr. I. -Harvey Webb, Elmer Webb'
Primer--CU:re Dobbs, Ruth Morley,
WO:: Dobbs. No. on roll 26, average
25. 'W. B. ,Stewart, teacher.
The unrest iui India has caused more
or less serious labor troubles on the
tea pla,ntatitons, and ha,s resulted Ott
the tea price rising conns'isten;tay for
the past year- Between October 1920
and to -day cost have advanced be-
tween 12 and 15 cents a pound, ,AA
th.e crop is much less than estimated
consumption this year, it is probable
that the price will still go higher.
CLINTON--Wm. H. Cudmore, a; res
i,dent of Clinton, of fifty years, died
last week.. He was barn in Tucker-.
smith Ton;tis' ip.--.;4lrs, An.nn Whitting
ton who had reached :toe age of 90
years died last week. Barry itt Etta
land she lead Tes,d,ed Cl2ntolt, over
sixty years,
McGillivray -Council
Council met on, April 3rd, will all
the members present. The previous
mi'aute:c were approved, and a number
of accounts were passed.
Adjournment was made to May lst
at 1 o'c349L.
Oliver A,ios, Clerk.
AILSA CRAIG -News reached here.
on April 15th of ;the death of Mrs.
Barr at the home of her parents fat
Arko to the previous day. Mrs. Barr
left here Monday to visit her mother
for a few days, when she because 1I,
A. sad feature of :the case is that • Mt;
Barr is just home from Victoria I4os-
pital, where he was taken a shorttixite
ago after an accident while 1iiiggit3;
a well. The young couple had resid-
ed, Art town only a short time.
The Only Wa
To Test Tea is to Taste it.
Natural Leaf Green Teais proving a,.
revelatio to those who gave been.
users of japans. Tim
!test AT1111to
n �+�
ety t
°i r�
Jungleland Moving Pictures right in
your home today, tomorrow, for weeks
to come—FREE to Every Family!
Jungleland Jass Boys will tickle
little folks and big folks most to
pieces! They're the cleverest, funniest
outfit that ever scrambled pell-mell
into Canada—all FREE!
Every Jungleland Show is yours
to boss to your heart's content! A
perforrnance every time you want it—
frorn breakfast till the good -night
hts-go-out! A wond er-fun-f east that
ae onishes and delights children; a
scream -series of animal antics that
will bring bunches of laughter from
every member of y 'ur family ! !
Kellogg's Jungleland Moving Pic-
tures are HERE TODAY—ready to
hop into your home; ready to turn
tricks and stunts; to dress up in un-
heard-of jungle jee-jaws just to give
you and the kiddies the heartiest of
And all free—ALL FREE! — this
Jungleland joy -book of Kellogg's—
the cleverest, happiest, most enter-
taining animal aggregation you ever
heard of. A mad -riot of a home circus
that is a marvel as a side -splitter! It
would cost 50 cents to buy it at any
Kellogg's Jungleland Moving Pic-
tures are right here in town to tell you
the joys of eating Kellogg's "WAX-
.TITE" Corn Flakes! A band of happy,
light-hearted jungle -folk who come
directly into your home with a big and
glad package of KELLOGG'S
" WAXTITE " Corn Flakes! Get
KELLOGG'S from the nearest gro-
cery store and you get KELLOGG'S
Jungleland Movies—FREE! Jungle -
land is inside the "Waxtite" wrapper.
You can't get Jungleland without get-
Corn Flakes!
QUICK to the grocer's at the break
of day! QUICK as the doors swing
Corn Flakes with the Jungleland
Moving Pictures!" And, you'll get
the big "WAXTITE" package that
holds the most delicious Corn Flakes
any boy or girl or big folks ever ate!
LEATHERY! Never hard to eat!
Millions of children refuse the tough,
leathery imitations! And you won't
wonder—once you know the marvel-
ous flavor and crisp -crunchiness of
GET busy mighty, mighty EARLY !
Flakes and Jungleland and get the
week started right! Have big bowls
filled brimful of KELLOGG'S sunny -
brown Corn Flakes for breakfast—all
crispy and crunchy and all -the -time
joyously good! KELLOGG'S "WAX-
TITE" are the ORIGINAL Corn
Flakes ; they ought to be best !
B.F. Quick! Get your package
EARLY, for today is KELLOGG'S
Also makers of KELLOGG'S KRUMBLES and KELLOGG'S BRAN. cooked and krumbled
iilfmlgMNNIIt i$IIMII Ifl uloiflnfl li lOf Utilillt;1H111111lilNti111111111111111110111111111iNf1IMIIIlMliNlllIIIIIIIl