HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-4-20, Page 4„g... _. —�: , NEW SPRING ATTIRE SELECTED WITH DISCRIMINATING CARE, PARTICULARLY SUITED TO THE USE AND ENJOY- MENT OF OUR CUSTOMERS. THEY ARE FOR YOU. PRICES SURE TO SATISFY. LADIES' SUITS Tailoring of the highest standard, style and material. These will- meet with your highest exp ctationsc This week a very special display at $25.00 $35.00 $45.00. LADIES' COATS A, great big chili- e. of new coats iust 0rxived. New art de,_ htfully a •' aa- Cat.2 rZ a?ig4'- Spa.:„ t .'t style .in..1 most t xtraord:;nary vine $16.50 to $355.00 I ldES DRESSES (3a, cI: ,ev 4.a ','Snit.;.,. and e'Stra. l ary B.n.i4 t. range -c r $9 s5 $13.51. ;4t + 51$26 50 W.: _.tit y :Ars t) see th.;:a.. c !� 0 �lEN'S Corsets^ -"C a n up to $3,00 : - 31.45 Silk. llo., $,150 Ve.. t .. AAAA. AAAA. ��. Silk Lost. III,:;. : a ..._ ,,n•• YOUNG MEN'S SUITS. Y `s. Boys, they are all getting their "new dad rags nosy, You'lI sur : ue in night _when you wear these Suits. The new on:s that arrived ,his week you ,will have to see to appreciate. Take a tip and slip rine on, tend lest -a all ;they are so reasanab'v priced at $12,75 $18.00 $24,75 $29,75, SHOE VALUES MEN'S Oxfords 'i: the latest styles priced s $4.90 and $6.50 Fine shoes, brown <l b, ack, a£1 , west styles $5.50. Al.a's heavy Shoes, all solid leather brawn and black, $3.90. WOMEN'S A big assortment of She new styles lin s:ipp ers and Oxfords, Special $3.85. 50 pairs of ladies' shoes this week. 'Very sped at $4.85. \MATERIALS FOR SPRING AND SUAIAIFR DRESSIr'S. \ 4µ:s—a big assortment of the la: - I est design. from 39. to $150 ti tsha a Spew, value at loc., 2.4e. 2Sc e a ..d s Very pretty patterns and la the new embroidered many e.) rs .n. wash materials, SPECIAL. BARGAINS BOYS' SUITS See our window display. Very spec - dal values. A. baseball- bat ,riven free with 'very bays' suit. RUGS AND LINOLEUMS .sure. to see bis before you make "a purchase. Our prices will save you money. Let us show you. T. O. V O YN T Hensall, Oat. Fin; Shirts ,. AIE'v'�...., New Felt Hats Work :sox all w04A1, 13:Its Dashwood :Ala: and Mrs. A. E.dighoffer of Zur- ich visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs, G20. Edighoffer's Sunday. •Mr. R, Goetz is attending a School Convention, in. Toronto this week. Miss Lane of Dorchester has been .mgagecl. as teacher for Room No. II. Miss Mina Ehlers is visiting in Kit- Chrener, Hass Myrta Hoffman is visiting in Detroit. Miss Luella. Merrier of London and V rda of Parkhill visited their par- ents over Easter, Rev Yager is attending conferences at Kitchener this week. Mr. Rutherford spent Monday in London„ Raymond Callas of Thedford visited his father over the week end. Mr. and. Airs. Herb Rinker of Sarnia visited in town. Sunday, Atss L. Iiartleib spent Easter with her parents, Aliso Coates of Exeter is the guest, of Aliso Freda Schroeder, Miss E. Guenther is attending the conference at Kitchener this week. Mr. C. Leonard spent Easter at his home in Forest, Th: Misses Sherholtc of Elmira vis- ited at the Lutheran, parsonage. Mss Clara Graupaa er returned to Fort Wayne llondayt Hiss E. Vo -..zing is .visitant her sis- ter Airs. Dahms at present Ira Tiernan of Guelph spent Easter at his home here. The death of John Neeb took place caSaturday zit, theaome oil ra,. Reeve Alex, Neeb of Stephen aAir. 9au, N-ebSathad reached the age A £ 8S hes years 7. 9Q The remains were lead to rest in the 3 for $1.00 Bronson Line -cemetery on Tuesday .48c, afternoon, Rev Grauprner officiating, William Robert, the infant son of Mr. and Msr. Otto Willert passed away en Sunday at the age of 9 months. \\'e xtend our sympathy to ;he bereaved parents and friends. wicker Mount Carmel Rev. Father Murray, E. S. B., of Toronto assisted Father Corcoranitere "a Sunday.—Judge and Mrs. Cou h - E Tera of Windsor visited the former's General Merchant and Grains & Seeds. brother Frank, here l.tst vvpek,�Ales- • srs. John Buckley of Saginaw and P. Crediton. Ontario S . „1'” s ihEDs SEEDS WE OF- ER A > I. !AI! Y TED :.TOCK OF GOVERNMENT 3' . L , Yallow and White blo,soai Sweet T . ,-0.t= L Seed. se.Y•tTl' NO. 1 :or purity, Gold en Millett. Ken- tu:ky 13:u , Gra .s ort 1 G'r. , ., a , all at closest market prices, POTA A c lF POTATOES POTATOES WE, H'a\ s;; ALSO A STOCK OF GREEN MOUNTAIN POTATOES P 7e $15,l p., b... in 5 ia:t., ,.DV,, or tai,' siegr, bag MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE OUR .,,' "' GENERAL MERCHANDISE IS LARGE AND WELL assart^.i and marked at pril.'e4 that cannot b: beaten, REDPATHS EXTRA STANDARD GRANULATED SUGAR AT Pn tl. Ire" .. /UNDS }S 'A1-1. -' �l.h triED, C. wicker $6 75 Buckley of Clandcboye visited .Mr. J. Madden last week,—Those who pint th•: Easter holiday, here, were, Messrs, Vincent Guinan ,et St. Michael Col- lege, Toronto; John Ball, Andrew Mor rssy, Assumption College, Sandwich; Miss's Mary Uou1ehan, \Via. .\ladder. "Th Pines,.' Chatham; \ti rn, Glanan, (l.re; I ne McKeever, London, A.nde- i,r + O'Hare and friend, Miss Sullivan Gu:lph, and Miss Marie Carey of St. Jos:vb. -.Mr. Wm. Barry of Loa.- , :len is sp:n ling a. few days with h:; ,noth:r, Mrs, Killen Barry, Khiva.—\lr, Jae Quarry of Stratford called on his oarents, \Ir. and Mrs. Quarry, last BIDDULPH M:ss Rilda Baxter of London is visiting b-. r cousin Miss Grace Mc- Fails.—Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Atkinson spent Sunday at Mrs. Freeman Dobbs, —Mies Margaret Penrice spent the wick ens with her relatives here. — n ss Jean Hodgins of tateart is visit - 'ng her cousin Miss Lida Menials, — L.O.B.A. of Lucan intend hold. :n:; a dance on April 20th. --Owing to tis:: heavy ra'n,s it is making things bac kward for the farmer. Whalen \l as St..wart has ;retur1ied 'o her !ir,ri: at Wesley for the Easter vasa- tion --T1r :Mission Band of the Church w:,l entertain the. ladies of the \"l; M. 5. on Wednesday afternoon seat, a zb: basement of the church,. A. short program will ba given, after which Minch will b: served. -Mrs. Geo. Squire, Jr., has been under the doc- tor s car: during the past week. --Mr. Geo, Cook has returned, home, after b:ing a patient in Victoria Dic-p.ia3, London, for a couple weeks.—Mr. and Mrs. Atb.rt Gunning spent Sunday in Lucaaa, th : guest of Mr, and Mrs. Wrn. Took:y,--A social evening was held tn, church last \Vednesday far the the congregation. A lengthy program was given, Rev. Sinclair occupying the chair, Lunch was then served, and all reported a happy evening spent to- g. ther.—\1r. and Mrs. Jas. Shipley at- e entled the funeraa of the late Mrs:. Scott at Sunshine ion Friday after- noon—Miss Dorothy Stevenson. still continues quite sal from. the flu Woodham \Ir. \\'m. Mills, one of the oldest residents of 'Woodham died on Sun- day, April 9th, after a short illness, Mr, Mills fall some two weeks prer- i4usly, and as he was in his 90th, year, the injury proved fatal. 1 . 1 Buy a Weather -Worthy Roofing i DON'T wait for your roof to leak. Right now is the best time to make renewals or repairs. The heavy rains have net yet commenced. Be ready for them. At resent ip _, r . plentiful. You save o a fet. a beter work- men ���tt 40 Fut"eve unemploy- ment byhavin the y g �obdone at once. The'ice2 of material are as low they will be for many months. o4 wilsave nothing by waiting. Bectes by having your repairs done in time you eliminate all risk of mining the decorations and furni- ture of your home by a leaky roof. If fl lit!. _LIi�tl� Save time and labour by using Mt' halt Slates For Sale by: Ross Taylor Oo'y 122 'Character SELF-INDULGENCE is admit- ted to be a sign of a weak,and self-denial of a strong character. Are you building up both your char. acter and your Savings Bank account by thoughtful, economies and the de- posit of all your surplus wages each pay day. y 18 We welcome accaunts.lnrua nr »m 11 - THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid up $15,000,000 Reserve Fund $ 15,000,000 Exeter Brunch, - F. A. Chapman, Manager Crediton Branch,g, S. Wilson, ManagerDashwood Branch,f ' THE MOLSONS BANK INCGRl'ORA'TED 1855 Capital Paid Up 54,000,000 Reset Ye Furtd ti,000,000 Ora 1,2,i• Branches, OPPORTUNITIES TO BUY CATTLE horses, farzn implements, -et4,, 4•h aply are cosaatantly turning up. The farmer with mon:y saved is the one who gets these snap;. Phage your crop earrings in a Sarin„ 9 \ ctxana with th nearest branah of The Molsons Bank, wlwre, white earn- ism interest and be.ng absolutely safe, your money is available at my minute. Deposits can b. made by ntaiq. EXETER BRANCH T. S. WOODS Alanager, Centralia Branch open for business daily. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at tban Exeter Branch. BIG Furniture Bargains REDUCTION IN FURNITU RE.. WE CARRY TUE I.AKGES'h' AND MOST UI'- TO -DATE STOCK. I3UY HERt, AND SAVE MONY Funeral Director 8r Embalmer, M. E. GARDINER AC'AA4 £VAVAAAA`Vi&VAAYA1, . VAVAM1AIPAMARA.1441, :::::::,* ;TerYA'1iaV/►rrwr'AVA`I VAM.Y� *TAVh.'1A'WA'Av4.,orY4y*v*WA' AYA •.VA VA'VAV A VAVAYAVAYAVA VA' YAXAY*MINI MIAW A\CI rarrA�r&rrA<' r#w)v+avevAVAvYAkwavawvA JA Ayr:*r'AWAiwYAVANAva alicavAr+A' VA'rIAM/AIAVAYAV'%��'— %� "rSAYAYAV,1�VAVAVrA''AW&VA'VA` i r y 4 A,A•AplrA`M CIrAYA' NI:* N �AVAAVIN AV,�IVAwAMJ►VIOVAt r %v v. y 4.WAYA`rAMA, WAY A AVAY.AvaetAWAYA - e.. y,sor A.YAMAMA 4. �e�\ra mivt_Amikv,i1ra1IIAYAWIA' 'Cray �AYAV''AVAW rAVA'1/►vAVAVA''We& rAMAN o'4rArAvvAY Ai. lr w.... ,A�,,� �SAY VAVAWAI'AYi. �•.T A.MrAV/ Y Y nla' VA &WAVAVA t'K; `t A,vvhA1'�Il AY �- ♦ Y A`19 .VAWAY 1 WA 1 • • a rAV*la*Y rr . �/►N v XAVAVA IWAVAI 3A : Ad`OAt1Y __ ••�^ � /A AVA VAVAMAr`!'.1 'PAYAYAYM.A ,�\\,_.. �`�jr��A1rAM►Al�,,A��'VA1M�IIA.;1�r"�A,��i/A.}�K�V'I►t. -t l v Va.v.aw WAVAA rAvA�/ A���� �^�,! \„ri �' \ A►Y W MAYA\ :IrAYAV AriAY� •• � � x, %rV•V 1 / '�I`�'�w! A'VY 'W �1. . raarA�w�' r. t Virs "� �r t'1 Y v IA TIPP ✓�� />/[ll/// al a Vii_ . 41 A 1 AY411 £VAIs ) it GREENING'S LAY FLAT POULTRY FENCE has ample strength. The double reinforced joints and parallel wires every two inches make it stiff and rigid yet elastic. Your flock is kept in and intruders are kept out. Heights from 12 to 72 inches. Sold by good hardware dealers The B. GREENING WIRE CO., Limited HAMILTON CANADA 40611116 "CANADI Affords Absolute Stogy' ectio FENC That's why we handle this line— because it is strong er and lasts longer '''- - �I J j than light weight fences that P(�t�I r �, % . '. , Cost just as much, FULL ►li� .;,ter , :, GAUGE No. 9 WIRE through�� t � 1. out, "CANADIAN" fence made �� �''`•,-': by THE CANADIAN STEEL &.4,-.11k...7.),., ` -=,,, *1, WIRE COMPANY, LTD., Hamilton, gives honest value for every dollar. Come in and examine it when you are in town. We can sell you this fence as cheap as you can buy fence any - Where. 209 . . Wm. Ward, Exeter, Ont.