The Exeter Advocate, 1922-4-20, Page 3ACOA STOMACH IS
Suffered So From Stomach
Trouble He Dreaded For
Meal -Time to Cozne.
"For the first time in two years I
can eat a hearty meal without fear of
cliatress afterwards and I certainly
ale et ing for Tarlac," afoul Weller.
Brodeur, 1472 City Hall Ave., Mont-
real, Que.
"I had acid stomach. of the horst
sort and nothing agreed with me. Of-
ten for las long as an hour after" eating
I telt that 1 was about to choke and
would just have to tight to get my
breath aiwl I was so worried and ner-
vous that I dreaded for night to come,
as IL meant hours ot rolltug atut toss-
"'Everythii=g is change.l now. how-
ever, and I ata like a new new. eat"
what I want..-leep ail night long with-;
out a bread; aril get up in the uiorniag
feeling as fresh and active as a boy."
Tanta(' is s old by all good i1rngglsts,
The meet uncommon sense is conn -,4
Don't Say It!
The harshest words that one can
throw are .often these, "I told you so!'
Nor are you preleased, you :must admit,
when you're the one they chance to
Some people seeiu to take delight
in tanything that .smacks of spite—
they smile within at other's woes and
pelt theist with "I told you sots."
Perhapa y eu try a venture new and
somehow fail to see it through; there's
always someone standing by, to give
'the old "I told you" cry.
\t'ltli heart and soul we all despise
the luau wlltr even^ sw•ases wise and,
very spitefully bestows liiss cynical "I
told ycru so's."
Age Mellows Bells.
The quality of terve in many old
European bells calla be aecounted for
only by their age. After careful in-
vestigation, an ingenious bell maker
det'.•rzuined that with a eente'.ry of
use the bell clapper and the Inner sur -
lure of the bell became so w:ot% that
they fitted exactly and a considerable
surface of each carte in contact. Ac-
ccerdirgIy he cast a clapper in a form
Chart gave then a considerable con-
tact surface to begin with. The result
was all shalt he Lad iso; ei. A month
cif Neely ringlets.; to ailii eeetied to gine
'any given bele a taste- of the desired
quality, bat tie c'a geoany in time is
?non sense.
British ehl eping was first registered
When ortiFering goods by mail tend
a I3aininion Express Money Orden
The only civilized state in the world
to he ruled absolutely by a woman is
Bhopal, the sezoncl most important
ltiahoinmedan state in India.
Minard's Liniment for Coughs and Cot
TNnI:sTeligINT, glee d tegument
lere ae rred moo,. %lust BOUT:
"a e,aae 4'un 3114l a share. print sq.ittoip.4,
Particulars from Campbell. 44.4 Adelaide
'twist, 're,raentit.
Hemp Hurds for Paper
A.n interesting investigation x oe
carried out at the Forest Products
Laboratories. of the Department of the
Interior, .Canada, reetes to the value of
hemp herds as a paper -making ma-
terial. Hemp herds are the waste
stalks of Heenan from which the -fibre
has been removed. Considerable
quantities of the bnds. et present a
mem waste product; are available in
Canada. Some attention has been,
given to this subject in the United
States, where experiments have been
wade in which the soda proce'as was
used. The work at the Laboratories.
however, has beend-zectarl towards
tate application of the sulphite process,
widely used in Canadian pulp mills for
Site manufacture of chemical wood-
pulp. The results obtained Indicate
that while the material lends itself. to.
sulphite cooking the resulting pulp has
an extremely short fibre and is sortie -
what lewd to bleach. The yield, how -
evert,' is large, and the pulp might
advantageously be used as a filler with
pulps of lori;er fibre.
Seventeen Dynasties Instead
of Forty-one.
Seventeen sovereign ruling dynas-
ties exist in the world. as against
forty-one in 1911. Twwentyfour dynas-
ties, of which the most were. German,
lost their thronee through the war;
and the met tragic tate was that et
the Itonlanoff family. of wwhieli sixteen
members were a esassltaated during
and after the Ruseian revolution.
'-Those and other figaree, character-
istie Of change Its the world's affairs
sine the outhreatk of the war, appear
in this: te'ar's Aittr ecus: rte Gotha, that
classic encyclopaedia of world royalty.
According to this authority the ruling
German princes ;thalieated in 191a as
iaedi Idua s only. Not one of the
Iiol,enzg,tle'rns or other denastle; wito
ruled over the several parts of Ger-
ni:atay aletieeuted in the mine of 1113 en-
tire family.
Th' ouly crew fr I Eery -peen State
with a -ttvt;reign— itethteeneteler- ,
Itrtaate5I between 1ntelrin Anal ;;w;lt'.-
zelard, It can tt
, tot to:lAtr>a':1 its a mo-
r eat' in twenty ntinatttes.
She Turned Out the Kmg
of Sweden.
One dry a scholarly lonlang man,
plainly dressed, went into a church in
Wilmot and wok .i Beat near the put -
pelt. to a few minutea lady upi-
pt'oached the pew, and, seeing a
stranger In It, curtly u•sitceal prim to go
out. Ile tool; one of the seats re,
served for the poor and joined de-
voutly fa the service. When services
were over one of tlse wontan'ts friends
asked her it she knew who it was
whore e ;o heal ordered, nut of her
stat, "No," eke replied, "but It was
only comes pushing straugeei', 1 sup-
pose." "It was Ping Oscar of -
en." replied her informant; "he is here
visiting the queen," The only point
was this: that the woman forgot to
carry her "compezty nuuu►een: " to
I'dotl;ar'• who have little cries in the d
home until the Spring a tient of great
anxe lye. <1t tinis :season can. One
make it t,a,,c.ssary to keep the baby in -
doom . ll::; Is often centine,l to over-
heated and badly ventilated rooms and
catches coil's which rack his whole
system. To guard .a;salnst this a box
of baby's Own Tablets sluailal be kept
in tIu house met an o, easiouat dose
t Given the baby to latigai his ettt;uaeh
t,nal botvele woo nine. rc tilariy, This
will prevtez.t ciliate; ra.astipation or
ceite. and l'
s. tteea baby s
1 wt.,ITab
The I tz r
tete are :.aeld by trio llt'iano te4'aciore or by
mail at Vie a hex 'front The Ih'. Wil-
lie s' alediclu" Co., i;rocicville. Ont.
Surnames and Their Origin
Varig^.tion—Forbisher. Variation—Rodger, Rogers, Roger,
Racial Origin--`~ngtish, Racial Origin—English,
Source—An occupation. Source --A given name.
With the "tip" that the family name The t':ttnidy canine of Rodizem and
l r4 iti=ltcr or I+'tnrblsher is bailed a ItttgeN Lave been formed trent a
p I given name. through the regular meth -
on an acet,ieatiolt. eats you guess it'; tea of towing the ta'rminatiou "'.on,"
origin" ww'ltieh its the coulee of time has been
Probably not. Ana the 'reason Is bee shortened to a *n.'' "s," and in some
( tui;° the word le alt but obsolete, and cases dropped altogether, thus bring -
the exact iweupatinn is obsolete also, big the family name beet to the same
though there are. n great many more Term as the given name from wwhicii it
or Yew, akin to it in the various Indus- { deevtelopea.
tries of moclorn times. The name of Roamer, or Roger, 15
Oaeasienally, izowwever, you will run 'l'entoric'. In t m form or other it is
across the w('rd "furbish," Probably to he fe+soul among most of the Tett-
e majority e"f people cannot tell you tonic races. Iu tbe Icelandic, that
branch of the acanetinavfan tongues
whleh has ehanged the Ieast of all the
Temente languages in the courso of
time, it Watt "Hi'othgelz:" befog a coin -
pound of the words :hroth" and "geir,"
and having a tneuning of "famous
spear:" lneiden•tally it Is from tins
saute rent "ge'ir" that the :e'rencll word
"guerre." meaning "war." ae well as
the word -"war" iteelf, has been th.
velopt el.
The o'd record,; ehaw that the forms
"Rodger" and "Roger" (the "g" being
pronounced hard) were used by the
Anglo-Saxons before the Norman in-
vasion. The form "Roger" also was
exactly what It metres even though
they bave heard or more likely, read
It. it menus to palish. The ''furbish-
er" or "forbisher" of medieval Ing.
land wits .z "polisher." And again you
have to conjure up a picture of life in
the Middle Ages to realize what kept
hini ego busy, what it was that needed
so mute polishing aa to give ram to
a regular occupation.. To -clay he would
probaby poiisb antoutobilee, or put the
line gloss on combs. In the Middle
Ages he was kept busy polishing ar-
mor. He did for the iron and steel
clothing of the knight, squire and men -
et -arms what the little tailor around
the corner does for the w oreted and Norman and reemist). The Banish
serge clothing of the sales manager, forth was "Roedegor," wattle farther
bookkeeper and clerk of to-day—for south on the Continent;, under the
roust was just as active in the Middle Latin M auent'e. the given name be -
Ages as dust in now. carne "]logien,,,
An 12c -Service ivian Tells ROW
Ris Wife round New Ifealth..
"I wish to testify," says Mr. R. A.
I+'. Hughes. of Hamilton, Ont., "as to
the effieteney of your Dr. Williams'
Pint Pills for the following reasons;
"When 1 returned home in May,
1919, atter nearly five years absence
on arety service, my wife had changed
from a healthy, robust woman, to cue
whose life was a burden and ordinary
duties alinoeet impossible. Through
war torrice. icneli lese end Crther tee -
tors contribezted through my unavoid-
able ab.:encr•, her health had been
steadily und.rgoiug what I min -in dee-
: eribe as an undermining process, for
"1 was fully aware from her letters
that I weal, not Mel her the sante
woman, but, when I reached home. I
was- terribly siege:zed to Linc, her in the
condition she was in. Her health:'
color had changed,. She as meal blood-
less anti h'br skin VMS Ffe.:'-rww'. She
was weak and Belie- t. :and With dila-
culty moved about the house. She
hardly ever moved out of the house as
she became so short of breath ami
feared she wo'tlal fall Curing one of
her glizzy epelis, which ehe said were
becoming more frequent.
"Tho slay I arrived home 1 visited
aur doctor, who is an old frieucl. aed,
later through his advice. cuusulted
with anetlaer phyrieien of this City.
i:very°tizing was aoito th;tt could be
define and many medicines were pre-
-and faithfully taleen. a: A'; theta
ewr re tet e0 uvula I. twee i that time
atlatta' would sutitc•e to build up what
had glade:lly been undone in the
t'.oitr. a of live years. After twelve
tacagetttt meditie,age ilea': betmme worse.
' Teten I decided cin ad;;te.g a of air. piive
.1114 lily prwsitiora la the city anal Moved
to the e e terry . Even thie did not do
my y oo 1. 1 Chien it tilU' 1t to hc•r
tee iirP-. 11.U. 1
slue tate a Weed %iette ut; acral ae
a bi':Milt et ;Mir !°e19A9'er'+,i4.arn toy wwl$t^
mole up iter meet to try` itr. Wit- 1.
1' g o ' I'e*.k l'PIU-
1 ltat.l Ales meet f. Itla la what I
iia 1. but preen:eel tares" learitees. Title
nettle -eel aeit;ee oat .;tla;, ago. I wee
eggepri,erel to hear nay wide ;ay, afros
iia tt the Peltah slay, 'I believe these
i+,B :•aa'e, ,E.,ah4 toe good. A wseeelt or
ct tactel' tint 1 (" eeetait.ily believed thee
were, re, for I ,e awn tease' ;.e:uraaing to her
eeteeet and the err ages, unhealthy cider
el! ,a,ts-araraa,ri. `1°itt° pill_ wweree t'ertaiu,
ly +dug Wh t yedt claim they will do,
and cdf her imp tree will she ctrtttinrte':l
t;.;;tat her about three months. At the
end of Chis time she eecmed quite :t
different woman. Life was worth live
tt.g. The iistles.:uess had Iona' and
alio could went up the steep hill, s
Six New Instruments Added
to the Violin Farnily.
It has bt'ensaid by musician, that
the vlelin family Is compnyeti of loose
pygmies—the violin and the viola
and two giants tiie violoncello and
the double bites. 11 i:+ neasenahlee to
stnipose that 1ho great gap between
these two extr('ines wall. be advue
tageously diminished. It is not .m -
prising then that two well-known
French musicians, father and son,
have, after years of study and expert-
mentatiou, created a number of inter-
mediary instruments which have en-
iroly changed the nature of the violin
In a mile of railway track there are
ever 2,000 sleepers.
When Will There Be A
Disarmament of Dining Tables?
Suppose everybody would
recognize the fact.that there's no
gain but much loss in keeping
up hostilities with the stomach!
Suppose the ancient aggrava-
tion of improper food on indig-
nant digestive organs should be
settled with guarantees of sen-
sible diet and tranquil digestion!
The saving would be beyond
all possibilitybf counting.
Yet millions go on declaring
war on the stomach and accept-
ing war in return—loading up
on starchy, heavy, unbalanced
and highly -seasoned
food at breakfast or
lunch — and wonder-
ing why comfort, hap-
piness and efficiency
are out of reach,
Grape -Nuts makes a friend
of the taste and an ally of the
There's a charm and satis-
faction to this delicious food
which prompts appetite to say,
"There's a meal!" and digestion
to answer, "Thank goodness,
here's peace at last!"
Grape -Nuts is the -perfected
nutriment of wheat and malted
barley—sweet, crisp, and won-
derfully nourishing. It digests
quickly, and provides the neces-
sary elements, including the
vital mineral salts, for body,
nerve and brain.
Order Grape -Nuts from your
grocer today, and let a delighted
taste pass a treaty of peace along
to an enthusiastic digestion and
Grape-Nuts—the Body Builder
"There's a Reason')
Made by Canadian Postural Cereal Co., Ltd., Windsor, Ont.
Mal: is half a nule long, le;aping to
our Weise, without the :;1iehtc ;t in-
eunvcuience', Al. this stage situ itis•
continue I slit' I, lls ::lid eh te Is 3u•,t as
well now ue eve • ehe was.
Flowers Think. fi Classified Advertisetnentss
Luther Burbank says that flowers
tit• •Ltzlt, that they iSr1.Y<S #ztte#1'?ge'ile6, and
respond to cur thought; 'that tiaey
know waiaetizeer• awe love them or axe to. them,
Some people can raise flowers al-
most anywhere, even with very little
sunshine, wiztle others eau do netlttztg;
With them under the most favorable
coazditious. That is beeause, as Mr.
Burbank says, the little mind cells of
Rowena and planta know who like
theuz and mho do not, and respond ac-
eordtngly. A very intelligent woman
I know sass that she never count grow
flue -era, and that they wilt the rho -
site 1- t . • 5
nz , t , .�+ pu s them en her ier;;oir.
All plant life is retentive to our
thought. to our Jztental alti14104'. . The
(armee who hates farming never has
the Filet esu Kith Itis crops tlm* Cls
neighbcre, who bas-ae grovring things
have. Ills mental attitude k e t right.
and his emirs respond- to It:e theugitt
in kin&
V ANADIAN Axamume..t'%IAL PAP $
26 , No other Sea. A. &t:ec'r,eets.,
f t'atherm, Ont.
oor"; rn.0l" Vii+"rte z3z seNtaETs At
,reasonable prices. Yarns. Pure
wool, chiefly grey seconds, fifty cents per
pound. Postage extra, Sweater yarns,
sty beautiful colors. seventy-five cents..
Samples free', Georgetown Woollen
Mills, Georgetown. Ontario.
C�1 BN 310.00 O 00.00 PER DAX
vulcanizing. Be iniieeendent; wta
teach you. Write for particulars. Chief
Instructor. Canada Vulcanizer, Loudon,:
VTOMzol II 5 STOP-LITIt saves no.cidents Never fails. �t'rfee, MOO.Write .'feaeon Co.. 40 Adelaide W., Tor..
onto. t,{,gerls wanted.).
A$TIQLES Peen. S4 t,
a,l t tirirsl'i:i.�' SL"i'i'r.IES—t salty= and and Jumbo hives and
;turnisitings, honey extractors., pumps,.
eugii:es and -storage tanks; a co:nota0
stock el beetoeeping requrrtni'n1ts- send
for our catalogue. Ham Brothers Com.
w'3n5, Ltd., Manufacturers, Brantford,
t ALC, FIIiD O$' 2:I`9Y .ANI? 'v$EA
relte pulleys. saws. cable,hose,paetttriz.
to.. shipped subject to avpro4al at lower/
over. In Canada- YORK R tlrIltiq CCA,
Mtnardae. Liniment prevents Spanish fries •
A Youth Preserver. I, I ta!de� ele t merit:e ila rru:ies of
sc^t., mo -F or :hent l.arnr�a , g.eta7.1
A noble life atm r here titan an eat sixty _sxrec:e.; of t-reea seeds.
ambition l''.e,rrver.:t Is ateo a power -
fel health and yenta pn-berver. It is
a tonic td at IarF ventti eau:;:tare aging.
\''bea the faculty's are eetipeloyeat :n
working out a ,pleread f,E a.y rte ane
happy, cunteutee; tt. a haslet is so Italy
occupied that it ' euienot rust out or
lose its launyaney. Anil it is the ui rad
that keep:: the Italy young.
Eirg etei rge call trace this ,::',T'e'at
in a direct line from 1Vit iarn ti.e t y�
re's I'iOa est: Po
and Bow to
tailed free tee Inv'..
dress bs' the A:,at'.'r•
(NAY ct°lovo Co , zoo,
e_. West '•4t `i 'r,:
;teas York ITS A
is ezeeUect fur indigestion
because it assists ,tots;h
tt.d liver to de their weak
netora:l, and efticie,otdy.
1Viah Cha organs in petfe:t
woatpaltoh order•-indigeaturtt
itaianFe,isbta< Tri it tada,y
Mo..t! 6$ei el , raopiz :old
a t
Sem..a,5 S1.01) bottler.
017 can't do your host wwir n
your lurk aml every mettle
ache, With favi; ne,
Apply Sioaza b Liniment freely, via -
out rttr?faattg,. and enjoy a penetrative
slow of u;tranth and comfort.
Goad for rhettaneti.•nt,neuralgia,
sprains and strain�a, aches and pains.
Staab, a, sore noes 4.1= 1, odds #»lets and
R E S will
tht: after effects of nceatherexposure.
ror forty'cava pain's 5 cnCan�• fisi:
y .,
neighbor. Rol, S?�ana'w Ir.;ttdy. , 1
If Ili.
At all druggists --3 c, i0e, Veld. REGAIMS
...._ blade to Canada.TH
tt tat
Gives Credit to Lyclia. E.
?in&ham's Vegetable
Bulk Carlota
The Liniment That Ilei:e+br;, n.8
"Now, sir, I want to say I bave every i
faith in rir, t1'illiatns' Piuk Pills,
have had proaef, and I believe that
what tills melle'ine aid for nay wife,'
it eau do fpr others"
You can get 1)r. Williams'Pink Pills
from any medicate deler or by mall
at, 50 cents a box, ! r, i% boxes for
$2.50, front The Irr. \Vllldanis'
rine t`o., Brockville, Out.
The Fire -Bug and the East
"It's time to hit the trail again."
The careless camper said,
And left his little fire ablaze
Within its leafy beef,
"I'll light another cigarette:"
The idle loafer said,
And chucked his old `snipe to the
One end still glowing red.
"Goon time to fire my slashing now,'
The thoughilesa rancher said,
And touched it off without a thought
Of bow far it might spread.
"Millions in lives and timber Post',"
The newspapers next said
SVilat aline those fires all start
We wandered as we react.
"It wasn't us, it was that wind,"
The fools in chores said.
So they're alive and loose this year.
—We hope the wind is dead.
—E. T. Allen.
New Forests for Great
A shipment of seven hundred pounds
of Douglas fir ,seed was recently for-
warded from the -Dominion Foresl,ry
Branch seed -extracting plant at New
Westminster, B.C., to Great Britain.
This is the final shipment of. seed col-
lected in 1921. The total quantity of
eaoh kind of seed shipped for the seYe-
soei was: Douglas fir, 4,000 mamas;
Sitka Spruce, 3,000 pounds; and 'west-
ein hemlock, 100 pounds. As tree seed
is very Small and light, ranging from
an average of forty-three thausaud to
the pound ot Douglas firto four hun-
dred thousand seeds to the pound of
Sitice spruce, it will be seen that
many, millions ofseedlings will be
germinated from these shipments for
planting in the extensive reforesta-
tion scheme which tate British. Forest-:
ry Commission has in hand.
Country life, is more conducive to
long life than town laife, aceordin;g to
statistics collected by a well-kneeen
Permanent Hair Health
Promoted by Cuticura
Frequent shampoos with Cuticura
Soap, assisted when necessary by
gentle anointings with Cuticura
Ointment, afford the purest, sweet-
weetest and most economical method
of freeing the scalp of itchings and
scalings and of establishing a hair -
growing condition.
Snp2Sc. Otatmeat25andS0c. Taleam2Se, Sold
throughouttheDommion, CanadianDepot:
Lyman, Limited, 344 St. Paul St., W., Maatreal.
'Cuticura Soap ahxveawithout mut.
at once. _.
ISSUE No. 15—'22.
Pork River, Manitoba.-= "I saw in
the newspapers where Lydia B. Pirtle
llamas Vegetable Compound was doing
so much rota) to women, and as I
needed something 1 began to take it.
I used to be very siek but I am not
now. I live on a farm in the home.
stead district and we have -o do all
our own work. I tell all the women.
I see what Lydia I. Pinkheez's Vege-
table Compound (lees for inc. I think
it saves me from going to a doctor
and is the best medicine women can
take." -Mrs. Wax. Cat erns, .Fork
River, Manitoba.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound is a medicine! for the ail-
ments peculiar to women. It is pre-
pared from medicinal plants, with.
care and accuracy. It, can. be taken
by women of any age.
Women make a serious mistake in-
allawing themselves to become so
weak and nervous that it is wcIl-nigh
impossible for them to attend to their
necessary household duties.
Such symptoms as pains and irreg-
rregularities, all -gone feelings, backache,
headache, hot flashes, nervousness,
with a general run-down condition,
Indicate some form of female trouble.
The Vegetable Compound has
brought relief to thousands of women
suffering from such ailments. Let it
help you.
WARNING! Say "Bayer"
when you buy Aspirin.
Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are
not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances?
Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin, .which contains directions and dose worked out by
physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
Handy `Bayer"boxes of 12 tablets-AIso bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists.
aspirin is the trade marl- (registered in Canada) of Bayer 111anuCaeture'of Mono=
aentIiaeidester or Salicvltr.2cld. While it is wen known that Aspirin meati. Bayer
manufacture, to nssixt the public against irnitatione, the Tableta of Bayer Conr;:any
wilt bo stamped with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross.