HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-4-20, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. PHONE 11 The Men's Store? ltoa 2.7 tttil�s an Jur is the latest tttaasttobile record on the track. +IE+ETt T,s ()NTAR, O, THURSDAY APR. 20, 1922 Our Corner When a man Poses anything else he advertises for it. When he loses his head, he stops advertising, and then Have Your Spring Suit Tailored to Your Personal Requirements SPICING MEN'S FURNISHINGS IN SHIRTS, TIES, HATS, CAPS SOCKS, UNDER\ViwAR, GLOVES, b,TC TI IE SI:ASC)N'S SMARTEST STYLES :arz shown in our offerings of Men's. High Grade Furnishings. Ali the latest fabrics are here, made uta itt the latest, models in the very best manner. You certainly will want one of our st*its tomo you see the goods and learn what a saving our prices afford. W. W. Taman Tailor& Furnishe r AGENTS FOR "THE HOUS1. OF HOBBERLIN" PHONE 81 Tie Toronto Globe is authority for the, statement' that; fat three, years th+e Ontarsa Government Inas spent for le- gal fees alone $727,145. There has been same pretty fat pickbigs for same of the legal,izghts. The blackbirds have made their ap- pearance rather earlier than usual. If numbers count for anything at this Lime the pest promises to be worse than ever in the Fall—particularly in and around Victoria Park, which s: etns to be their bang -out. The editor of the Brussels Post is !hiding fault with the newspapers that criticise the short skirt. Nottwith standing the mature years of our vet. -ran contemporary ho evideritIy stilt enjoys a peep at .a. pale of shapely un-- d:rstandings •even though they are ex. - above tate modest line. GOOD GLASSl ,S IF YOU NEe-D THEM. Good advise if you don't J. WARD, D.C., Qptotnetrst, Exeter Half Price Picture Sale Tt . to tour last w't:cls to : at ;rt on OUR HALF PRI, PICTURE SALE THERE'S NO FUTURE CHANCE Tek:" advantage of the offer before. the end of the present month.. It you don't you're. the loser, J. Senior DEGE BRITUR5 MOTtIR. CAR. A Car with a Good Name. 700,000 Owners. 'POURING CAR 81315; ROADSTER 81275; SEDAN 82145 Including Tax and freight — Fh O. B. London.. New Machines installed to repair work on all kinds of Automobalres. PILON & FOOTE Huron Garage everything shops. Delivery Days should bear in. mind that th're as a :own by-law prohibit- ing driving on lawns an 1 boulevards, Boys, do not violate the law is dais re - LADIES BOWL. _ Th. La:lies" Cantost in bowling etas held ion. April 12th. Four teams lined captains being Mrs. J. Rowe, Mrs. la BOW, Mss A. 11-eni ord, bias, Amy Shepton The bowling was lively and the contest keen,. Miss Shale on's team wan, total score ben 865. Miss Handford's team made a close sec- t, •• oral, scorng. 855. FORD—BOX. Local News A quiet wedding took pace at .he Trivitt \imoria1 rectory, Exe'er, on Dr A. E. Tannaut . s heen LcnCr.- Wednesday, April 19th, when \fess ed to his beef for severs days, suffer- Etta Brd Bax, slaughter o: afire and int from ;:t ;scut: attack of pr. euntenia \1rs. f'h.:s. Box o_ St phew, became For a tam. his cond=.tic-1 was ronsi.1e the brde of Norman Cecil Ford, son ed sereous, but he has somewhat in;- of Mr. John Ford, sr., Exeter North. pr t _d since. The ceremony was pe, iormed by Ret. Wtu. Meiv ,i a and Mrs. \tar area h ;AthT btaaor.;s The aotneireoup e 11c Nicctl us town r:cc:ived the 53d nay: -s. news last wee![ of the death of their aunt, Agnes Warden, widow of the late. George Brooks, she having, died in Ottawa on Good F4tlay, in her 72ed year. The deceased was the twin si -: Lrea4t ol4 ter of Mrs. George Melville of Rus- Exeter Exeter Flour Mill.. Now that Spring is ,opening up you will require the best bread that eail be secured. According to reports coming into us ,you wall be well ad- :, Visaed to use our Manitoba's Best. It is equal to the best on the market. 'tou can go :further and pay more, but you cannot buy better. Readwhat one of our. customers ,writes :— "Your :.flour is Alquality and sells r n its merit If I sell a new cus- tomer one bag he comes back for more. We are the. Emporium for feed in Exeter and vicinity. Our stock is large and varied, consisting of :— CORN—A supply of the Best Quality, OATS—Western Oats . that we have recleaned, taking out t]ie dust, hulls, and small seeds. These we are selling on a narrow mos- girn. OIL CAKE—H you have. never. fed Oil Cake try sone for your mild); caws, pigs, in Act, ail your stocica. TANKAGE -Sixty per cent protein. Just the stuff to push those Digs along MILL FEED—We have a supply of our .own maanufac tits: on hand, Harvey Bros. ai:'dale (mother o: Mr. Wm, Meiv:lle 1•ha heavy ra-'at on, Teloneay has again South :uron, Choral Society GRAND WNCERT James St. Methodist Church, Exeter `R ►. ..I at 8 o'clock. Program of Secular Mu SOPRANO, TENOR, of town) and was a former res::tent t .d v �ra'tioxts a a the laud Tvl 1 J3ARiTOItIE, Hansell. She is survived by threes ! rs ptown dere flooded Send there sons and four daught:rs--Jas. Brooks is quit: a )ot o: ,Blore o tt. t: aro our of OJlohoma, }anis, N•`Json of more- ctra;:tigt system_ It is expecttcl that tr:aL Herbert, of Ottawa; Susan of �titions will be circulated to have G -mere. Switzerland, Lady Gordon. u proper ...rat constructed so tha• this Mrs. F. H. Pilcher and Mrs. F. a traub3o to ll be averted. l v �, Edi a: \lontreal Z'he • ema: is gaster t,ol day s. brought a number of ay.re takers to Montreal far burial. tow p ale^e home for a, few days! icon g thus: y'�iting their pa -encs old. 'in eye -witness contributes the foe Fable rtealit es were nodce,l-- Erma. news to the Advo- , s"sval.I u, Kjtch ince, �tL; Pearl \lot c, rattier e' ti -t,; :eene :colt L�ntlo", \It;s ;ciatilda O:stre.che- oi. pea• : c>r. Stu t s.trcc. txc.od 1 relay, C:r.slt y \4`alltc r Hauch > W,'t e^1 u, "'G.ers.' the: famous horse trainer, tvho \I 55 Ne, a Cxxis:r of 4tratlor,1 \ti s I:, h:tcl whore. of 't B;' owntKB ,r ,i s ti ',,,'s c► Londoi, us eJ by Mr. I3patchtur,L, eras dr,siug r -L rk o, \V Ik:rv:usfe. th • beast when she became uranrtnage- [la; \latht.i t Suaday S :IJt>.>, aaaa ala: and tbrowleie herself heavily on she "ave the '"Iieantown t,hc>.r"'heo, su#k rote tIlooki d t:"s thou,• le et a: P b;. u w etc Toev::n Hall : few ser:,it,; tlam:tact coif?'L be clang, either 'dans abs, bat'. this enterta?nmen, :t • the Il ill ei 'West McG:ILivray. tae drive: or horse, but luckily t : c -s t t o ',a: thSs. Fe� tuned out otherw�sea I wou,d have mita4V \Irr10 k':, eon:ta:l t o:tat is notir:ttrtall b. en particularly unfortunate had; far „rh:e. tl' tilers'; been injured as it is now m, ll. Brown, bias is'en. , .aip d u d t eloping great bursts of speed and with a earbunkl-. eIvan rantise of being a world heat- r. Lt el in the day the same h:;rse, is improv:ng after driven by the owner, was mtte�hec1 oar recent c'JM nT1 against "Black Rabbit," ()cited ;tt ,ltc' \irs. J list \innicak and Miss Lela ut L.t,thl>'rt �,1., a:Po .:s:ti:t„ at the North tn4.1 of town, ;tn1 the famous hear-: of :irs; StalAs John Gilpin was tastes: tem- t Rev. S. M. Iiaueln of the Evangelic par. i these speedy racers. Black al Chur.:h is attending Conferee. e n Rabbit, h.•w.ver, left KS feet and .tell Kitchener this week.. There will be on Ill.'. Pavement with hes"'suit that no, er•r ice in the ,church Sunday ev'g, he lost the racee,. We understand \Ir. \I C. Rosz;1l is spending a fete days I3 has d t 'I.BCd to 3rain Celan n I3 ;Ind it Caledonia onia and Hamilton this week. place her against Black Rabbit in 'c . A ,p;ritsd debate took place in the matehd race, the prize for room of our school between b` a pai! of International Stook Food "the I°ligh School classes. The subject ELECTION. IOti OF OFFICERS ' was, "Resolved that plants and :heir 1 products are .more beneficial to man - On April lith the officers of the kind than. animals and their products" Jamas Street League: were ecce ted as , 'I7t: ""plants" won by t. fair margin. follows,—Pr-s., Ila Johnston; 1;t Mrs. Edward Fahn r has been ill vie.'„ faith Powe; 2n:B, Pearl Luther; w,:th a reettack of quinsy: Ilar shier 3rd, Alli: Handford; 4th. Medley ;alae Mr:.. Daa:ri,ng of Exeter has been as- Sec'ee FernShort; Treas., Elva ILIA 5,.t_n; iri the hotel of .ite time being. t',y; Pianist, Lila Pym;; assistant' \Irs, Chas. Zwiuk'er ani son. Gerald Varna, Coates. aro visiting in Toronto. Spacial Easter services were heldin FORMER EXETER MAN DEAD, both our churches last Sunday. The muse and addressee were very Inspir- ing. Last Friday morning and Sunday to rn-ng the pulpit in the Evangelical Church was occupied by Rev. Chas. F tkb:in'er of Hannah, Alta., a former Crediton boy. We are always pleased to 1'_ar Mr. Finkbeiner. It Is eight v iris sauce he has been east, and his talk on. this work in the wedt among the frreigner was very inter:stin:3e We are pleased to see \V alliam Ratz •t oun.1 again after having met with an a •.•:.l=nt in ;the bush; some weeks ago. During the storm on Monday morn- ing a bolt of lightning demolished a chimney on.. Wm. Bowden's house and knack d o:f some plaster n the c r, room. Mrs. Bowden was '::t the room at tha time and was sanewha. Canal for a while, A large, and appreciative audience lt: rd a chorus al 60 ,ver rc: c nder 5tain=r's "Cruccvfixion" in the Evan- galical church on Friday evening un- do- the capable leaderslap .al Prof,. Anclerbom. We cannot recollect any Program given, in thus town. which s- r:Ile:1 the one g;ven. last Friday, A cTr:at dealt bf credit is due the leader for the ma,ninter al which th: •intaia was sung, The professor proved 11',m - self a anaster of the prgaxn, andthe way in which h:• played the descriptive par 1Ir,, C:tlab Heywood received word this week of the death at Morrin, Alta of iter brother-in-law, R. J. Brown, husband of Mary Bagshaw, a ;.d 56 years. Mr. Brown died suddenly, but the cause is not known here. Besides the widow he is survived by several clildren,. Prior to coming to Exeter \Ir. Brown lived at Owen Sound. Al- tar oun J.Af- tar residing here for several yetrshe and the family moved to the West n number .of years ago. The funeral took place at Morrn on April 12th. TREBLE—RAJ . -- Tha marriage took place an Good Friday, at the home of her sister, Mrs. R. Cowan; Toronto, of Miss Edith A, Rae, daughter of Mn. and Mrst James Rae of London, Eng;., to \Ir. Leon V. 'arable of Toronto, son ;of Mr and ales. Ed. Treble of Exeter. The cer- emceny was performed at one o'clock noon in the presence ,of a few of the bride's immediate relatives, by Rev. Dr. Evans. The. bride and groom spent Easter in Exeter with the groom's Parents. Leon's many old friends in Exeter join. The Advocate in con rat olations, and best wishes for their future, They wall reside in Toronto and returned to that city on Tuesday,. SOLOISTS MISS AN"NA COCHRILL, MR. J. RILEY-HALLMAN MR. CHALCRAFT, LONDON. TORONTO. LONDON. Choir of Over 150 Voices CONDUCTOR, M.R. A W. ANDERTON ADMISSION 75 CENTS. Tickets en Sale by Members. of the Choz'ur,,. recently 'purchased from the es tat. of the late Mathew Fe kbeinve understand that Iter, Yearley :re., mils to crake some extensive at._ prov:ments. We. welcome him ted Mrs, ktarley as WO.13.h:: e.tt.ens 3o our village. • \I*. and Mrs. Thos Tr v ethi,:k sp r lea week -end with friends °n I.en. From a zoth •r sours c) Mr. J4). --;:ph Wootdall's Sunday S -'hoot t•Eass met in the Institute 11211 on April 11th t9or the ele::'tioa tit art t err for th coshing. year. Mr. Jas. \law Itirruy was .•Jccted president with Ivan 1r - r> as secretary. This t ry progressive condition, and all are c. t min g to the front unto the able tuition of their teacher, Mr. \4'oadall. After the electiam of officers and a few speeches dainty lunch was . ere. :I; The young men appreciated the attach was made by Mrs. \Vca•J:tll.. After the tweet all loaned la singing, "Blest be the Tie that Binds." THE HORTICULTURAL 1IEETINGS flans of the: . Go was a delight to All lovers of the beautiful who at- Ramie as bass, Sof Hensall, assisted tended the meetings last Wednesday . very ably in the singing, Both these and Thursday evenings in the Car- gentlemen show the ;benefit of their negie Library and Town Hall were training., Before the cantata. wasren- deliglited with the lantern views cl -reel a mixed program was given shown, the first night, by Mr. Hartry consisting of a solo by Muss Eva O:st- treicher, cluett by Goodwin and Ren - of Seaforth, and the second night by n;a, a mixed quartette. Each Prof. Tomlinson of the O. A. 0., number w'as weal given and much ap- Guelph. The addresses given were preciated. goo& entertaining and instructive., Th: standard bred trotting mare; On Wednesday evening the election owned by Geo. Lawson, known as of officers resulted" as follows: Laura Watts 13.014, gave birth to a Honorary Presidents: Dr. Hyndman r„n': 1V..tiw a few daysage? that ,,rcrm- and Mr. I. Carling, President: Mr. J ,ses to have plenty oaf speed, It has a half sister that made th ee Starts . S. Harvey, Vice Pres.: Miss Jean winning these seconds in good tom- HERE'S A REAL BARGAIN—;iOOa rJ1•iI?I2IOM. 0S'9$ S,1\1E Murray, .Sec. -Tress., Mr. J. G.`Stan pay anr:l a half brother on the .sire's FOR 84.18. bury, and in addition ten directors sed ,, stepped in7.12 owthe ice 'gat ' from various parts of the town. Mount Clement this 'last season. The Prof. Tomlinson, in company with a youngster's double grand sire, "Gen - number of citizens, looked over era'. Watts," 45231, was recently sold the parks of the town and was at. 17 }rears of age foe 814,000. Geo much pleased with them. At present thanks he is raising a flying machine he is preparing a report on the mat- and when matured wi;11 only touch the ]sigh places .tat a 'good road. We wish ter, giving suggestions for future h�:nn sarfety and {good luck. work. The County, Representative.a John Geiser and Garnet Swetzer has also been approached and he is-' John for Casco, Texas on Saturday on sending his assistant to make a come bu'ntness. pieta survey of Riverside Park this �' The Messrs. Haycock of London via - week, Professor Tomlinson thoughtted Sanaa and a. Wein last week. the possibilities in this • Park were in 1111 grader and drags are being us - deed fine and offhand he made rev ^J,o ,on r1 our roads tails week and it is eral suggestions that when carried I hii'''d that the bad Toads winbe aI Highest Prices paid for Poultry and all ]?rococo, t.i.iz ng Sof thQ, past for a while. . out will add to its beauty and useful- Win yieaRi.';es' has bought the house NAM.end lot from Edward Fahn er, which Centralia Mr. Thomas Carling left on Monday for London, where he has been en, gaged with William Soutltcott, coal In:nhant. The family will remain here for a time. Frank Glavin spent the Easter hol- idays in London. Mr. Sleauton is this week teat? tiers -anon of the store Which for soma years has been conducted by Mr, and Mrs. Farltoll Mr. Archie .Robinson left last w t. is for Loindon, where he intends to re- maan. Wedding beets will soon be ringing here. Mr. Albert Parsons of L,oedon spent Geol. Friday at the home ,>. titer Mr. W. Parsons. y1r. Cecil t F finer of S. forth :s the new assistant butte. maker in he. tele atrtery hes season, commencutgbi!' slut .s last \1a:lday, air: and 'lea, J. Routietige were let Exeter over the ito_;lay. Mr Win \Iozfatt .:s on a trip Lias w:ye tat:k ag t,ver Hate. L'o,s i•:IIK Mr. L onard Abbott pent L. ?oar•• Sag with hie at«.t, es P uuona �Ir. Ilenevek tea Z orrosato viei;ad .flee \I E" .i tt on r Easter. \I F s Li;l:.an E lea1t 0•,' D:troit ' p .: tat• helifley at her hotee Mr leen Ilo ag, Stn ria Toron+o spent Felet.r with h.; parent e Mr and Mrs, iiz,ttng , of Bata tozi w.re tit,itos with t1r. an:J 1lrs. 01.1 iv •ran<_1 othe.friends during the week? MARRIAGES 1'trrtl--Box—At the rectory, Exeterort April 19th, .by Rev. A. A. Trutnper, > orat1n t , , Mord, r, )n of Mr John Ford, sr., to Hiss Eno. Bride Box,, cttugltt:r o; Mr, and Mr;.. Chas. Boat of Stephen. Treble—Rae.—In Toronto, on. Aptit 14th, by Rc v. Dr, Evans, Leon V; Treble, ran tai Mr. and Mrs. Edward Z t :bie o: Exeter, to Mass Edith A. Rae daughter o. \Ir. and Nfrs. Jas. Ray, or London, Erie. DEATHS N eeb—lea Stephen, on April 15, John Neeb aged $S year. \Vdlert--At Dashwood, on April 16th \Valliant Robert, son of \Ir. and Airs Otto Willert,. at c::l 9 months. Cutlmor.—•in Clinton, on April 9th. William H. Cudmore, aged io years. Whittington—In Clinton, on April 12, Ana Coates, relict of the late Writ Whittington, aged 90 years. rs1L+.tt —Ir Bay Geld, on April 9. Maria. S1n'Ut, widow of th' late Edward El - 1 >rt, aged 82 years, 6 months. Mal-ratan—In St. terry; on April 9th, Chala B. Mo•'rijon, aged 56 years. \Vootphaut. on April 9th, W:!lliul Mills, ailed 9,1 years. J. A. STE Phone 16 " THE BIG STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICES." T We Sell Cheap All The Time YOU WILL WIN IF YOU BEEP YOUR EYE ON OUR GROCERY SPECIALS OUR SPECIAL MIXED TEA AT 45c. IS A WONDER S ALADA AND RED ROSE TEA for 4Sc. SOME WONDERFUL VALUES IN MEN'S NEW. SUITS AND. BOYS' J. A. STEWART