HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-02-08, Page 27Our Reg. Price 1.64 S' !VE 25¢ Process Cheese KRAFT `SLICES 1 -Ib pkg • A&P is a Country Farm :Pork Shop Fresh PORK ROASTS SAVE 34¢Ib Shankless Picnic Ib Shoulder Our Regular Price Ib 1.32 SAVE 20/Ib Shoulder BUTT Ib ROAST Our Regular rice Ib 1.48 Great Sandwich Combination SANDWICH L BREAD loaf GODERICH SIGNAL STAR, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, I9194 --PAGE !IA M rvel Brand, Sliced, White Picnic Shoulder or Shoulder'Butt PORK CHOPS .b 1 Mary Miles, Hot or Sweet ITALIAN STYEp SAUSAGE i6�.�p Town Club, Sweet Pickled, Vac Pac COTTAGE ROLLS .b 1 Golden Garlic BURNS SAUSAGE A 4. P ORANGE FLAVOUR SUN MIX CRYSTALS PKG OF 2-61 OZ. ENV. S CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF 7 -Inch Cut, First 5 Ribs Only PRIME RIB' Roast I Steaks 248 Ib Our Reg. Price Ib 2.68 - SAVE 20c LB BONE „8 Our Reg. Price Ib 2.78 SAVE 1Qc LB SWIFT, SLICED, PREMIUM, SUGAR PLUM OR LAZY MAPLE Side Bacon Hbvacpacl.68 MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, REGULAR, ALL BEEF, THICK SLICED OR GARLIC Bologna . libvacpac1■49 MAPLE LEAF, SLICED 6,0Z VAC PAC Cooked Ham ..... 1.39 MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, 5 VARIETIES 12 -OZ VAC PAC lb : Cooked Mei1.39 STOCK UP AND SAVE! einamm(Buy S -SAVE 350mmimNs Tom�te HEINZ S0UP 10 -fl -oz tin for 1.00 Eiguggimm....rumminal (Our Regular Price 27c each) ismommninium Choice, Whole Kernel or Cream Style CLARK CORN 12 -fl -oz for tin 00 LIBBY'S — ZOODLES OR i SAVE 20r j TOMATOJUICE 48 -fl -oz tin (Our Regular Price 79c) ALL PURPOSE (BONUS PACK -- 1 kg "FREE") 11 kg. BAG ¢ Alpha-Getti 2or89,'Five Roses Flour 4.99 REGULAR OR MINT FLAVOUR ACTION PRICED! 100 ml TUBE BEEF, CHICKEN OR LIVER ACTION PRICED! . 25 -OZ TIN Crest ToothpastePep119 Food ASSORTED COLOURS, DECORATOR PRINT PKG OF 2 ROLLS FACIAL TISSUE, ASSORTED COLOURS ACTION PRICED! White SwanScotties■Towels 99 boxof200sheets 59¢ READY -TO -SERVE, ASSORTED VARIETIES ACTION PRICED)BOVRIL ACTION PRICED! 12 -OZ TIN Quaker oatmeai,_ozpkg6gii Lunche�n Meat 1.Q9 Minute Maid, Frozen, Concentrated ORANGE JUICE 12-fI-oz tin 14 -fl -oz tin Frozen, Fancy, Crinkle Cut Action Priced! Powdered (Bonus Pack — 1 Titre Free) McCAINp I9co CHEER '_o re 0 SUPERFRIES140JDETERGENT JANE PARKER, FROSTED Bali Donuts JANE PARKER Bran Muffins ACTION PRICED! pkg of 679,1 ACTION PRICED! pkg of 679? DEODORANT, REGULAR ACTION PRICED! LIGHT POWDER OR UNSCENTED 9-0Z AEROSOL TIN Arrid Extra Dry 169 BATHROOM TISSUE, ASSORTED COLOURS" ACTION PKG OF 4R ROLLS ACTION PRICED' Royale Tissue FROZEN, LAYER, ASSORTED FLAVOURS 13 OZ CAKE Sara Lee Cakes 1.19, ®RANGE PEKOE ACTION PRICED! PKG O 120 Salada Tea Bags 3®49 ACTION PRICED! CARNATION, ASSORTED FLAVOURS PKG OF 6 ENVS Instant Breakfast 1.29 L19 (PEPPERONI, OR SAUSAGE 369 g PKG 1.29) CHEF BOY •AR•DEE, CHEESE 369 g PKG Pizza in a Skillet 99fe LEAHY, FANCY pp esauice ACTION PRICED! 28 -fl -oz jar 79,1 SICK'S, ''CRUNCHIE" Dili Pickles 64-f1 oz tar 129 2 1 Economy Meal Suggestion! Town Club WIENERS 1 -Ib vac pae Previously Frozen PORK LIVER Mary Miles BOLOGNA 8 Chunks Ib PRODUCE CANADA FANCY, ONTARIO, ALL PURPOSE Apples Spartan 5 -Ib bag FLORIDA -PINEAPPLE VARIETY, BURSTING WITH JUICE Oranges FLORIDA, MILD, LARGE ECONOMY PACKAGE Radishes 940. 1 GRADE, YELLOW COOKING 5 -Ib bag 1.69 1.69 16 -oz Ontario Onions5-Ibbag69¢ CALIFORNIA, GARDEN FRESH, LARGE BUNCHES Carrots No. 1 Grade - 2 NO. 1 GRADE, HOT HOUSE, EXCELLENT IN PIES & SAUCES for 99¢ Ontario Rhubarb 16.69 SEVERAL COLOURS — IN BLOOM 4 -INCH POT African Violets 1.6.9 No. 1 Grade, Finest Quality P.EJ.2o.lb *199 POTATOES- 111Mr' ilrES1 WITH .THIS COUPON WHITE SUGAR ,.G. with purchase of '5.00 excluding cigarettes VALID UNTIL FEB. 10779 PROVINCIAL & WINTARIO TICKETS AVAILABLE AT A&P FOOD STORES! 1U. AQP U911 WITH THIS COUPON Kraft, COrti-Oil ifarters BUTTER lb With purchase cif 'S 00 excluding cigarettes VALID UNTIL FEB. 10th, 1979 MIRACLE i MARGARINE. Limit one pkg per customer Valid until February 10, 1979 only. V.C. No. 143-9874 Mail forms back soon Officials from Health and Welfare Canada recently advised persons applying for the Child Tax Credit to mail the forms with their income tax returns to Revenue Canada. W. A. Wright, Regional Director, Income Security, says that the Income Security division in Toronto has received a number of the Child Tax Credit applications. "That area of the •program is handled by Revenu.e Canada thus completed applications should be attached to the Income Tax Return and mailed to the Department of Revenue," he said. The Child Tax Credit was first announced by Health –• and Welfare Minister Monique Begin in August of 1978. The tax credit is $200 per year for each child under the age \of 18 whose family qualifies under an income test. As a family's income rises above $18,000, the amount of the tax credit will be reduced by $5 for every $100 in earnings. Mrs Lomas hosts league La Leche League in Huron County met in January at the home of Mrs. R. Lomas, Goderich. The topic of discussion was Nutrition and Weaning". Breastfeeding is the perfect food for the first four to six months. Your baby will let you know when he's ready to 'begin solids. Weaning should be gradual, a loving time. Luncheon was served. The next meeting will be held on February 14 at 2 p.m. The topic of discussion . will be • "Advantages of Breastfeeding for Mother and Baby". Mrs. P. Bisback will leaci this meeting. For further in- formation, please call 262-2192. Any woman interested in learning more about the womanly art of breastfeeding is invited to attend. Nursing babies are always welcome to LLL meetings. • Holmesville... • from page 10A like to thank all the ' parents who attended the school skating party on January 12. This skating party was such a sudcess that a second skating party has been scheduled for Clinton arena on Friday, February 9 from 1-3 p.m. Township Dance Another very sue- c''s";'fu1 Goderich Township Recreation Dance was held Saturday evening, January 27 at the White Carnation with everyone dancing and enjoying the music of the Bluewater Playboys. Mr. Grant Stirling spoke on behalf of'the Recreation Committee and thanked everyone for coming and to enjoy themselves. Grant asked for a round of applause for the band. During the intermission, Walter Mcllwain made. a draw for the door prize, a bushel of apples donated by Laithwaite Orchards of Goderich Township, which was won 'by John and Helen Westbrook. A delicious lunch was served by the host and hostess, David and Sandra Orr. Personals The community wishes to offer their sympathy to the family of the late Mr. Mel Gliddon, formerly of Holmesville. Sunday guests with Alvin and Barb Betties were Mrs. Betty Holdway of Texas and her mother Mrs. Dorothy Brunsdon of Bayfield. Mrs. Hold - way told the Bettles that our weather isn't all that bad, as in Texas the weather has been cold this year. Three local lads took their free time Saturday to canvass for the March of Dimes in Goderich Township. This proves that the young people of •^"the community will do worthwhile things, as they were out orll their snowmobiles collecting.