HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-01-25, Page 23DEADLINE FOR BULLETIN BOARD AND FARM SECTION ADS 10 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday 8:00 p.m. first regular card $1.00, restricted to 16 years or over. Fifteen regular games of $15.00, $5.00 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200:00 must go each week. 19tfar BINGO every Saturday evening at the Blyth Memorial Hall, Blyth, Ont., 8 p.m. 12 regular games, 3 share -the - wealth and Jackpot $150.00.-37tf ar BASKETBALL (recreational) Wed- nesdays, 9 p.m. - 10:30 p.m., St. Mary's School gym. Open to men and women, free of charge. Call Recreation Office, 524-8373.-4a r BINGO every Tuesday evening at the Vanastra Centre, RR 5, Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card $1.00. Fifteen regular '$15.00 games, three share the -wealth, jackpot. $200.00 must go.. Adm.ssion restricted to sixteen years and over. —tf PATIENT -AIDS CANES by FUTURO 1 Complete selection of ladles and men's styles in select woods or tubular 'aluminum, both regular and adjustable. Two sizes of Quad canes for the person needing maximum walking assistance. Headquarters for the complete line of Patlent-Aids con,valescent products. RIECK PHARMACY It Shopper Square, Goderich If you're NEW IN TOWN and don't know which way to turn, call -the (ifitthrielfr o LTD. hostess at 524-9676 You'll be g/ad you did. II (I WOMEN'S Day Out — annual White Elephant Sale, Wednesday, January 31st,- .at 9:30 a.m., MacKay Hall..Your junk is someone's treasure but no clothes please. Babysitting provided. -4 FESTIVAL SINGLES DANCE, Friday, January 26 at the Vic- torian Inn, Stratford. Dancing 9-1. Welcome all singles, mainly over 30.-3,4 GAMES NIGHT .for all children ages 8-13, St. Mary's School gym, Tuesdays, 7-8:30 p.m. Ten weeks, $8 per person. Call• Recreation Office, 524-8373.-4ar INTRODUCTORY cross- country skiing course. Five classes beginning: Wednesday, January 31, 7:30-9:30 p.m.; Satur- days,February 3, 10, 17 and 24, 9:30 a.m. 12 noon. Meeting at Victoria Public School. $10 per person. `Please pre - register. Call Recreation Office, 524-8373.-4ar CARD PARTY sponsored by Goderich Twp. Women's Institute,. Thurs.; January 25 at Holmesville Public School at 8 p.m. Come, bring a friend and a few sandwiches. Admission $1.00.-4x EUCHRE .card party, Colborne Township Hall, Carlow, this Thursday, January 25 at 8 p.m., weather permitting. Admission 75c. Ladies please bring lunch. Asp. Colb. Twp. Rec. Comm.- 4ar GODERICH OLD- TIMERS will be playing Walkerton Oldtimers on Sunday, January 28th, Goderich Arena, game time 7:30.—oar FOR OSTOMY Appliances and Supplies RIECK PHARMACY Shoppers Square, Goderich WELCOME SERVICE would like to call you with • "housewarming gifts". and information about your new location. The Hostess will be glad to arrange your subscription to the Signal -Star. Call her at 524-2057 ATTENTION S NOWMOBILERS Those who took ' part in the Benmiller Foresters Marathon for Cancer, pledge money will be received and prizes awarded at the Foresters Lodge In Benmiller Friday, February 2 at 8 p.m. Euchre Party and lunch to follow. If you cannot attend forward your pledge sheet and monies with a Forester. Thankyou For Your Co-operation STAG & DOE for BRENT LITTLE MARILYN SWARTHOUT Saturday, February 3, 1979 8:30 P.M.., Candlelight Restaurant Admission: Donations of the door N.H.L. HOCKEY 41,c6K CALL THE COACH HOUSE TRAVEL SERVICE Hamilton St., Goderich 524-8366 Main St., Exeter .235-0571 TORONTO AT DETROIT Afternoon Coach Excursion Monday, March 25 $2 'I 50 PER PERSON • INCLUDES SEAT AT GAME Theatre Passe Muraille's Musical Play_ .about the Flying Ace From Owen Sound "BILLY BISHOP" ADMISSION: ADULTS '4.00 CHILDREN '2.30 Written by John Gray: Starring Eric Peterson. Blyth Memorial Hall Wed. Jan. 24, Wed, Jan, 31 S p.m. Sponsored by SIyth Centre of the Arts RESERVATIONS: 523-9403 Bingo In The New Goderich Legion Hall BINGO EVERY SUNDAY 7:.30 P.M. SHARP NEW REVISED GAMES 11 Regular Games -'15.00, 4 Specials -'18.00 4 "Share the Wealth" with a chance at the Jackpot. Two door prizes. 12000 in 57 calls ADMISSION '1.00 DOORS OPEN 6:30 ALL PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK FOR RECEPTIONS, PARTIES, SPECIAL OCCASIONS • now receiving bookings... eeteteed Phone: Don 524-2711 Bryan 524-7884 SALTFORD VALLEY HALL FOR RENT 524-9366 NOW FEATURING ALL YOU CAN EAT=SALAD BAR EVERY FRIDAL_SAIURD.AY P. SUNDAY WHEN YOU OR- DER FROM OUR DINNER MENU. , AT NO EXTRA COST 1 ;, • 120 THE SQUARE GODERICH 524-9111 • • FULLY LICENCED UNDER THE L.L.B.C. DINING ROOM OPEN: Sun., 12 noon till 10 p.m. Mon.. Tues., Wed.. Thurs., 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Fri., Sot.. 11 a.m. toll p.m. THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY. JANUARY 25, 1979—PAGE 5A Goderich Township Recreation DANCE The White Carnation, Holmesville Saturday January 27, 1979 9:30 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. Musk by: BIUEWATER PLAYBOYS Lunch Provided Tickets: '10.00 Per Couple Phone 524-6244 or 524-6879 PROCEEDS TO NEW ATHLETIC FIELD ATTENTION LADIES Ripley District High School was the first In the area to offer a custom Drapery and custom Sheer making cour- se. Again Ripley District High School is presenting a first. A CUSTOM BED SPREAD• MAKING COURSE The days are Tong and the pressures are great. You owe it to yourseFlf to end the day Ina luxurious bedroom. Fantasize the bedroom of your dreams. Draw plans. Find pictures. Bask In the thought of the elegance that can be„ yours for little more than the cost of the fabric. 1t can be yours! Miki Beese's 28 years experience in her own Interior Design business will help you make the spread you probably thought you could never afford. Register on or before Feb. 3 by phoning. Miki., ....... ......... 529-7271 or the school ............ . . 395-2695 Classes will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on SATUR- DAYS AT RIPLEY DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL for a fee of '17.00. CABLE 12 LISTINGS Wednesday 7:00 poor'. * . " "Simply Sports" -• ** with'Doup Fisher KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS -EU PARTY' Wednesday, Jan, 31st 8:30 P.M. SHARP 'Lunch Provided $2.50 PER PERSON 10 GAMES WILL BE PLAYED HALF OF PROCEEDS TO SHRINERS FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN'S 'HOSPITAL AND HALF OF PROCEEDS TO KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS'LOCAL PROJECTS. Auction Sale With Jack Riddell After Card Party SALTFORD VALLEY HALL TICKETS - Pat Osborn 524-7184, 524-7882 Paul Spain 524-2421 Ray Fisher 524-9827 Or any Shriner or Knights of Columbus member. *******************4 3 4 * * AppearingThis Week... WEDNESDAY JAN. 24 TO SATURDAY JAN. 27 M IS TRESS . * * * �TTHE BEDFORD COURT LOUNGE Appearing Next Week... I *• WEDNESDAY JAN. 31 TO SATURDAY FEB. 3 * SMITH, WEST & PERKINS Ma nifi • 'ue ! i g. * TRY OUR DELICIOUS - . * l SMORGASBORD * jT ; TUES. 12-1:30 p.m. '3.50 EACH „ ' _=-� WED. 6-7:30 p.m. '6.75 EACH ' * , SUN. 54. 7 p.m, '6.75 EACH , * — ,, ��� Bedford Hotel* Goderich i24-7337 * For a Tasty Treat Try - ��.� f op vPhone 524-2242 Eat inorTkeot HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 10 a.m.-10 p mFri-Sat. 10 a.m,-12 p.m. Sun. 12 noon -9 p.m. Closed Wednedays Goderich Esquire Restauant The Square - DIRECTLY FOLLOWED BY: *• • "1'116e Seeing You" 3 with Stan Profit T 7Jr� 'Monday Nigh# Cions TV Bingo -AC. T ".Best of Friends" with Eleanor and Warren Robinson • "Bluewater Special" with Fred Salter Thursday Is Special Night. Each week is a different show, 3 "Foxy's Friends" with Ronnie Varga * This week Foxy's Friends will feature Disco Dancin'... ▪ To round out this array of local ingenuity and • satllity will be the Goderich Little Theatre. 3 4 ver- 3 YY Yy YY yy Y YY YY YY yy yy YY 1y,�r yy�� YY yy�� 11,rr ��// T T T* T T T T T* T. * T T T** T** T 'MY BOYS AND I HAVE A DINNER SP[(II1I. FOR YOU. It's Finger Lickin'-GOOD CHICKEN! — Regular Price $2.35 TUESDAY ONLY :,Cot..0. s4 e' Itsatpe Kentucky fied-'. hicken DS�ADIAM CokapAoir 94 in :Ave: Goderich, Ont rrllswwrw� Come and Enloy A Delicious Meal AT THE GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE & TAVERN LTD FULLY LICENSED 42 WEST ST. GODERICH Kinettes 20th Annual MARDI GRAS BALL Sat. Feb. 3, 1979 at the Goderich Arena Music by Star Trex Dancing 9-1 a.rn. For tickets call: 524-7616 ro 524-4141 $15 per couple Weekend Entertainment Fri. & Sat. Jan. 26 & 27 The Desjardines TREAT YOURSELF AND YOUR FRIENDS... FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE OUR HOT BUFFET IS SERVED THURS. & FRI. 12 NOON - 2 P.M. Come as you are. We Welcome -Luncheon meetings in our Diningroom or private Banquet Room BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON SPECIALS EVERY DAY Hours: Open 11:30 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sun. thru Wed. p\ -E �rC Thurs.; Fri., Sat. 11:30 a.m. - 1 a.m. y Candlelight Restaurant"& Tavern Licensed under L.C.B.O. BAYFIELD RD:. GODERICH 524-7711 4' LAST NIGHT: THURSDAY JAN. 25 8 p.m. FORCE TEN FROM ENTERTAINMENT NAVARONE FRI. & SAT. ONLY 7:00 P.M. & 9:00 P.M. They went into the unknown and returned with startling revelations about life after death. SUN. - THURS. JAN. 28 - FEB.'1 One Showing 8 P.M. LIsaltwoplA "THIS SIOR1' IS DEDICATTDTO OLDER WOMEN AND ADORESSED1OYOUNG MEN ANDTHE CONNFCIION BETWEEN THE TWO IS MY PROPOSITION* Starring KAREN BLACK 1DM BERENGER SUSAN SIRASBERG AS.'TRN NI,w,RFIIA.sI AND ADMITTANCE RiESTRicTED CanI ... -it 1 flgS46I$ P A K STARTS FRIDAY FEB. 2nd GLINT EASTWOOD WILL TURN YOU `EVERY WHICH WAY BUTtOOSE' COMING SOON "SUPERMAN", "INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS" THEATRE -30 The Square, C;o ie 1ch s 4-781.1 Program subject to change without imiltre