HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-01-25, Page 5Dear.Editor,,. 9from_pugm4 change in the Harbour area. Rr"uember, it could happen to you. l guess l did take sides. Detonator Dan Odd head Dear Editor, It was interesting to note the expression in the "There were few,'.except the prophetic visionaries, who codld tell that God's purpose was being achieved." as well as: ^'Cicou,osCancea` changed, and now God's Kingdom, and its giory is, available for all." A kingdom is a government with a king as its head. Concerning God's Kingdom Isaiah prophesied: "The government shall be upon hix (Christ's) ybmb\der-0[the increase of his government and peace there shall be no eod.^ That the Kingdom would be set up while opposing kingdoms were iti full operation is in- dicated at Pouliii-110:1.2: "The LORD s,aid unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until l make thine enemies thy footstool. The LORD shall send the rod' of thy strength out or Zion; rule thott in the midst of thine enemies." (see also Daniel 2:44) Wbco Jesus was questioned about his return in Kingdom powoc, he gave a vivid description of our day: ,world wars, famines,peodionces.euctbguukoo. distress of nad000, porp|exicy, men not knowing the Way out. A clergyman of the United Church of Canada recently opined: "Whether civilization will disappear or whether there wilt finailybe a new societyU���� wicbubundont�*--ydonfolly for' all; no one surely bnowy.^ Bowevcr. God's pur- pose set out in the Scriptures, is to replace all the unsatisfactory governmentsof men with his Kingdom ruling from heaven under the direction of the glorified Cbriot, as pointed out at Isaiah 9:63. This is the "Good News" of Matthew 21:14. (Visionary?) Sincerely yours,C. F. Barney ° ratepayers. They have these brick sidewalks in the' alleys or couris tattle old part of the city, they are a first cousin to the old octogan walks which are gradually being replaced by smooth cement walks as the city can afford. They are rather dangerous for walking as this part where I live is mostly elderly tourists. Of ,course the malls have ruined this city as they' have in Guelph and other places but it is too bad our beautiful square should suffer. There isno comparison to what they call a Sq.uare in Guelph. Now we are faced with a bankruptcy of a once big store, Webb City, through bad managing and the large salaries the executives who are directors also aro•tukiog. A judge slashed them from $60.060 to $39.000 and the manager's wife from $26.000 to *13.000 and other juniors to the same degree. It seems all we read in the papers is crooked work from the top where inflation begins. You asked in one edition what part of the paper we read. Well [ read the general news, editorials and obituacios, there is usually some old friend who has gone. We have had very pleasant weather - warmer than last year. I am thankful l am still able to come for a few months when 1 hear fr'om my daughters of the cold weather, up north. This may not be very in- teresting to you so will wish all a v.ery happy and prosperous New Year. Sincerely Mrs. Mary M. Chisholm St. Petersburg Bricks bad Dear Editor, l received my December copies of Signal -Star at Christmas from fridmwho brought my mail from Guelph, and was very pleased to see Harry Worsell at the helm once more. I think he and Mrs. Palmer will make a good sensible team. T was in"Gudoricb one Sunday in October and saw those brick sidewalks. Such a major undertaking should really have gone to the Dear Editor: This is u first. l have never before felt that it was necessarto write letter to our local editor about an issue in bur community.After having lived 50 odd yars in our beautiful town, and havid our couu[ry, wit four other mem f our family in the second wdrld war, I believe it is now necessary to speak out on the subject of freedom, since a new organization has been formed by Mrs. Elsa Haydon, "The Society for Freedom of Choice." This society has been formed to ask the Huron Board of Education to return the banned book "The Diviners': for our children ' and' grand- children to read. ruod'obikdrontnroud. Does Mrs. Buydpo^ believe that concerned parents in Huron County should have no right or say in the literature put at the disposal of our families in Huron County? 1 have read part of this book. 1 have found it, in my opinion,' to be so obscene and- blasphemousit and all books like it should certainly be banned from ever being tl1owed in our schools. We still have people who have some Christian moral codes left. We have just read of a great tragedy in Jonestown where freedom of cbmioe, used wruog\y, has caused -a great tragedy. May God graott6ut we as a Christian nation may do something about the poliution that some would set before our children's louruhug, with language in it unfit for anyone to read in public before seasoned adults, let alone our children and gran- dchildren. Surely we, as a Free Christian uudno, can be allowed some kind of Christian censorship in our schools that our families must attend to et their education. Thank God for Freedom of Choice" and "Freedom of Christian Censorship" Norman Hoy Prejudice, re.udice, Dear Editor, I- am mildly disap- pointed the Goderich Signal -Star did not see fit Q. attend Brookside School Dec, �l4.lS?8atthe lunch. hour fo take the free throw buokotbu\L pictures. D8aybeitiot6viatoyou but a special event to the student wh.and the teachers Who took time to take the students there. Do you not -do .your job, by reporting in pictures and witi ? This event took place at a 'reasonable time. The weather was good enough for a Lucknow reporter to get out. Wljy notooe from our area. Goderich Twp. and Colborne Twp. also were involved. ' lnow 'ouharribe_tu_d`~ sigooi-Stor, maybe l should find something else to spend this amount. on, instead of renewing the Signal-Stur. Just because you own a number of papers doesn't give you the right to do a half job. I wonder if this hap- pened to your son or daughter? Bow would you have felt as a parent when asked how come the pictures weren't in there? How should 1 answer my daughter? It wasn't important enough? l unders'tand that the teachers and the paper had a clash. Please don't take it out on the paying public. By the way are you prejudiced about religion. As the one girl is from St. Mary's School and my daughter is Catholic? It leaves a lot of wondering why on our part. Thanks touu whose parents subscribe CLAIROL 350 ML Herbal ���o�U��*�� Essence Shampoo 2 ROLL PACK . � 1.69 99q Daytime 30'm Dr Extra 24's A • 1 Ban RoH On 2.5 OZ. •o� NAKAMURA' PHARMACY 397 BAYFIELD ROAD 524-2195 GUARDIAN DRUGS SUNCOAST MALL OPEN MONDAY nOFRIDAY v*Tw1uand v2:uwpw6.SATURDAY xwmm* OPEN WEEKDAY WEEKDAY EVENINGS 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.-. - to the Lucknow Senuoll got a picture. But why should lhave to bug other ' people when our papor% should report? There is going to be another free throw coming up. l hope to be able to go and take the pictures o`yao\f, so we don't have to bother you folks. ldon't feel happy about writing this kind of letter but felt it was necessary. Tbau6� listening. you or Yours truly Mrs. Evelyn Christensen Editor's note: Since the Lucknow Sentinel is also owned by Signal -Star Publishin Limited, for. economic reasons it is usual procedure that Signal -Star reporters, would not attend the same event attended by the Lucknow staff. • Usually, Lucknow staff Sends ,the pictures or the story or both along to the Signal -Star. In this articuIar case, the event was missed by the SignaI.Signal- Star despite the fact Lucknow a#ended, and this newspaper regrets any disappointment caused to any readers, including' Mrs. Christensen and her daughter. Although the event was heid at Brookside School, ° N was sponsored the Knights of Columbus. Mrs. Christensen suggesls in her Ietter that the reason 5igna|'Stardid not cover the event was because there had been a clash with area school teachers. This is untrue, of coorxe, but even if it had been correct it would. havohad'nu bearing on a K of C event. Signal -Star holds rio preudice 10 race, color or creed in such matters. The_event was simply overlooked and that i,all. - SJK Too military Dear Editor: Does it not bother you when the Town Council's valuable time is taken up by bureaucratic ,little measures which belittle the Office of the Couoci), put shadows on con- structive relationships and in fact attempt to place muzz|cs, restric- tions and barbs on legitimate working conditions of members who are aware of their rights and obligations anyway? There is kid" much Of that sort of thing. l am not going to be ordered to turn left, right or jump! If there are attempted put- downs of the Council collectively or of any nnn,heron an individual baoiu, l am afraid headlines about Haydon being upset or angry will be inevitable. If you please, { would much rather use the time and energy to discuss and untangle bigger and more important issues and An example comes to mind. If the Town' of Goderich, ` Goderich Planning Board, County of Huron, Goderich P.O.C. or the Huron County Board of Education were to find themselves at opposing ends of a situation requiring legal advice or reprcyentution, how would we go about it since all these bodies have the same solicitor? Similarly, the Town of Goderich makes use of the^ services of Huron County Planning Department. Where would it leave our urban planning in matters containing urban versus rural interests in hostile situations? 1 would very much like to spend my time and energy on triog to settle these and similar issues. In doing so [ do not wish to be boxed in, folded, 3 GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1979—PAGE 5 O|ed, coded and ordered Sincerely, Elsa Haydon bill Dear Editor, The New Year will see the introduction of a new Constitutional Amend- ment Bill, prepared by the federal government on the basis of comments made about Bill C-60, its original proposal to replace the B.N.A. Acts. It is important for citizens to maintain their vigilance vor changes relating 'to our Monar- chial form of govern- ment. ov*,o'naeoc ~ This summer, the then Turn to petge 6 GEMSTONES - SETTINGS. RING: AT LOW COST ^ ` =Cxtr.f../ ems 51 ST. DAVID 8� S24-9972 `~'' ^ at Open Friday night tilI 9 Shoppe ����� ����~~ uMI/m "SHOPPERS SQUARE GODERICH '^--- ----'----'--------------------- ALL WOMEN'S • / , ���� sH ��p~~���N�r�����N��N���N�N����N�� ��N�m S � $18.99 BROKEN SIZES ALL OVER THE FOOT SNO-BOOTS FASHION BOOTS 11/2 ����0�wU� �mmw"�� ALL GENDERS BROKEN SIZES �~ ^~�� EXCHANGE NO REFUNDS' NO LAYAWAY NOCHARGES OVER -100 PAIR MEN'S DRE$S CASUAL SHOES SIZESBROKEN �SPROULE SHOES LTD. '12 THE SQUARE GODERICH 524-8505 OVER 70 PAIRS MEN'S� SHOES 125 00 BROKEK SIZES We will be closed wwe� °esmay.Jwnuaryovmmor inventory and closed all a=y Wednesday during month mvFebruary. Open all day m!emwe*mav star- ting March *,''o"mxma":mph. n � ° `-� `