HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-3-30, Page 8EXETER 'A ViM ,ATEA, THI3HUBAY, MAR. BD, 1822 Exeter Mai*ets CIIANGED EVERY WEDNESDAY Wheat ,L37 4i to 55 Oats......, , �.. 34 to 41 Manitoba's 'Rest . Floor 4.40 Iam:ir 'Flour .05 Pastry Flour 3.90 Feed Flour 2.10 Shorts Oras, ....,.... Creamery Butter d d.iter of Mr. andimplements .of •ire James Jeckell, Lon (fart Btr.t er 36 to s9 liar Inrrrau pe Egg-, ?5 titre } 'm Andrew,eyho has beensuf-,don Road north, was one of the lora- Lard 0 ...ring from on attack of yneumorria, ,sr held f.n. this district for many a Elan ,e. ton ,$15 to $x5 m.1 was szr.ously ill nor a tame, is rtowida u the whore list was disposed Hags ....... .......: .,..... .....lea .-5 sowlv recover. lprices r.ea,.ized were good. Lrc'a;[l Mr.. Minnie Ross, formerly a Cl a- oDoing. hoar ;s gall; into business 3n Rite Da „- forth, district,. Toronto. Mrs, Rosa tats been in the employnnent of Mn Seafortlt etipring Show is on March Thos Boyle, formerly. of Exeter, for 31,.anti Herisall Spring Show on April some .time, 4th. The Young Women's • and Youn, Mfr. :Milo Snell has purchased the Men's Bible Classes ,of James Street residence of Mrs, 'Amos 03 U;rni rgethodist Church enjoyed a pleasant street getting possession July 1st,. 'Social Evening on Monday aniight, when Mr. Chris, Luker, who has been con- a program was given, games indulged 1.05 _ j ;t d to kis home throu4h illness for in, and leach served. L46.55:, 4S some time, is able to be out again. Th:: auction sale of farm stock and SPECIAL I'RI,.E prices Tea Days Only, Fro" Ap": 1st, on a t ° a n ;: toss b»ra 4.- e ; Butrington post, .'+Pass e- ilar ..s s:: Rooms, L.B4 L R FOR SALE. Second -dad liana on Incubator, Lit) 3 4,r4C'r, Apply GARP : + 1 t l Ii t 1 sat tp Keith anti c�. �,ar� I,p;a at t S okFire, :tt t to c�- is CLINTON ANNUAL SPRING FAIR At tea:. .t ea April 6, 1922, Thor- gaga-l>r Bust Sale, . to be held at 1 AM. 12 �; oust boles all a::ei breeds are cons a se: ora sake, Write .p :ticcatal- egu:. r3. d. 'MURRAY,URRAI, See'y, CHICKS AND EGGS. Baby C ler ks are i1at?h1 g Eggs for sale. Butt" Bleo , and \i'iete.Leghorns G. R Heywood, :meter CARL tel; TFIA,NKS Mr t•° Mrs, G ' stt` "r (les ry , ,r ly help are t,« 51 ee . ,„y xte •w.:.i lu •:ad,,' the j,'% ness on a u'as .7uent (Lath gin„ MMrs.1)uTaan - a. a o ,r;ttc ul to those erlto s:n :aes'3^ra 1d,bd.ER FOR SALE. Lucaar Sun. --'Mrs, W. H. Dignan Mrs. Wm. Ilawks#taw, sr., dun ng a r.ce:ti°vd a message from " Bowden, faint spell had a most unfortunate,fall .Alta telling o{ the death of her lis -'fork Sunday esanang last off the front tar, Mrs. John Shhoebottom, who is • perch at the home of .lir, T Nerv�ll. the daughter o: James D. Hodg'ses. While no bones are broken she sus- .•ornterly of the 4th tatted severe bruises, and, will be cor- oonc:ss:on. t: Bidduip t timid to hover lied for some time. This Tile death took piece at Goderch ,s the third rr,.sfortune :she had :had on March ZOtlr of Mrs. H. le . Ball th s ws'rrter, _tt e et year's Illness. She had reed- He ail hockey boys came down on ▪ I 'rt ref's terieh for ix?„i a century, Thursday ht for another crack at Mss inni reed Balt ,os Goderch, a ldie"s Ju:itora, but were agahi eint- farm-r teacher ie the Exeter Public mod—this time to the tuner of 10-0, eaherel, is a daughter of the deceased. ' TdV locals are a feast bunch of puck - Fr -;taloned by an automobile the 'chasers and are showing rapid Sen- rajca :'!arae dr:vein by Mr. Dengough ,pro meet unds:r Collo s tuitioen• The Pn Hser:o, rt elor yam s' sx¢Q s eUuls to go elf ,fur l' tete sideuron d>: theetz adFrdayand tiFpelut. rtwo• rnututws where, penalized. eastand drsver, aetl raiz away It TartEXAMINATION DA.TES.lyres none the worse for the eecapatleThe dates Of examine:40as are pei The funeral of the late UrS. Martin way4 htt;restina. cto ,ota 60114,24.4 awl;1,-. of 11-'1'; P parents, end those e)„eetaanieg to them Lend= to:Mount Forest on Sat- .4,x.tter 4.vea below;ay. The eamily were un Pment— Lower School examinations coteantler Martin and tea BeattIe Mar- 1.0,:lwe. on June 13p aad are conallotta,:a of ReZirta• Alex. Martlit Kitch- on June . Middle school June 19 to into town and to its own; stable, and e ver Mre. Gunn of Calgary, and Mss. Jun: 28, and INC`Lipper school June 15 to Cranston of Trenton. Mr. F. W. Glad- June 28. T.he-Junior High school En - man of. Exeter was a bearer, and Ides- Mace, exametatznns commence on June demes G;adman, Stewart and Amos 43 ate tided the funeral service in Fast- Lower achaol has Latin or English' dors, Grammar and Geography, June lith; 4r. A, W. And.rto.a, choirmaster Art artd Physiography, June 14; Artth-j organist of. tlx: James S. Meth- ; m -'tic and totany, June 15; Canadiasi t Church, has now been here a Mestere and Zoology, June 16; Geom-'; year, and has proven himself to be etry and English Literature, June 19; the eaglet man se the right place He Algebra and English Composition, June is an accomplished musician and Ieae- 20. ears eed besides his church work has Middle School writes on Geometry e classes ;n ntuale here and intim and French dish Literature, June Doe Authors andFrench Compo- sition, June 20; Ancient History and Chemistry, June 21; German Authors and German Composition, June 22; Algebra and English Composition,. June 23; Physics and British History June 26; Latin Authors and Latin Corn Omit -ion June 27; Greek Authors and. Greek Accidence June 28. =ill u.taa'r and yrrsts obtained from surrounding townsnandpilin tee 3S la: en them ,ngspirit nary .e: -4�q a f ole+ Qt, cea:"i1 of five Lents. chom1 Sociaty, and in the presentation A,1 le,"`k east a`lt 1'' num..rows musical entertaientsin Rtj13T lie ti11,LERY . nm eee ;t. igbborhood. We wish hire to know that has ability is appreci rted, CARD, OF THANES Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hunter, of L's borne, take this: opportunity` to thank the many neighbors and friends for Bet your order en .ue these at on.e,1 their kindness 'end sympathy during Elan • v'redito:i 1b-31 1.. V. IIogarth their recent bereavement awl also for the many floral tributes, Prices upon application, PUPS FOR SALT --Five thorobred` collie pup., 5 weeks old;—ApnlY to? John 1b.-fs ey, <Lon.lon. Road South. Iii ty tai+ l Potatoes, also Baby 4hIcks horn my tired -to -lay Barred Roo kv.' LAND FU.t SALE. In Exeter, 2 acres choice garden NOTICE Soal. For particulars apply to Thos. A meeting of all the members of Lang Ex ter. Exeter horticultural Society and of in Toronto .for some time, has re - judge Dickson of Goderich was ;;n town on Friday last Mr. Wm. Blatchford of Toronto is spending a few days in town. Mrs. C. Livingstone returned Thurs- day to her home in ,Stratford. Mr. Ross Holland of -Cornwall spent a. few days with Mn Willis Pos0e11, Miss Gladys Nestle, who has been PASTURE LAND TO RENT., others interested in the work will be turned to her home here, held on Wednesday,. April 12th at 8 Mrs. Doherty of Toronto visited for a few days at the home of her, brother, Mr T. S. Woods: Mrs. Wm. 'ortheott and Mrs. Jno. Gould of Exeter spent the weak -end with friends .in town and atteivded,'the funeral of the late Mtiss Conner„—Park- hill Gazette, Mr, lv'orman Ford, rvhe spent the past year here with his father, has re- turned to Detroit. He will be great- If reat1Y missed by the Band, as he was the chief carnet player, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wash of Kalamazoo, Mich., who have been, vis - i p.m.—Salvation Meeting. iting an New York for some months, 2,30 p.m.—Sunday 'School and Bible' are spending a few days with Mr, and , lass, and special sand tray for the Mrs. W, J. Bissett. Primary Class Mrs. Robert Gillies of Exeter was Cottage meetings in North End on a visitor over the week end with Mr. Tuesday night. - and Mrs: Thos. 'WIlliantson, and re- Capt. MacGillivray Lieut. Parnell hawed many old acquai ntancesl—St. Marys Journal -Argus, Y. P. C. A. Mr. Hickey, rvho some eighteen years 100 enres, Lot 11 on. South Boundary • lo m. in the Town il;tll. Elect - Hay, an`1 west hag' Lot 3, Con. 10 ion of officers and other business to Hay, 50 a:res.—Apply John Ford, Ex- eter complete the organization. Speaker, North. Mr. W. Hartry, Provincial director, who will present a new set of picture slides, J, G. Staubury, Sec. pro tem. SALVATION ARMY SERV ICbS TsTO1 SE AND LOTS FOR SALE In Exeter, at the East end of Sim- coe street, smell ;:tame house and two lots. Inquire on the premises after 6 o'clock,—Jas. R. McCurdy. YOUNG BULLS FOR SALE. Two Durham Bulls, about 11 mos. old, thorabr d The mother is nowon the R. O. P milking test. First.:lass animals.—Geo. W. Hunter, Lot 4, Con. 4 Usborn t ; R. Rel, Centralia. CONTRACTING After being out of business for nearly two years I am prepared to contract on Csrp'nter Work —large ago:, the Molsons or small ;obs of .:very description, Group Three will bowl at 715 sharpSpoeial attention Ba„t -u' er st i sp staff f o#-s3ay in town Plans drawn and estimates les dvenofree tam Friday night, with the following soaking bands with old friends. He is of v:1rnrge, Caleb ,Iieywood. yOddfeliows—John. Hind, D. Mack, 11.novv an inspector of the Bartle,_. R'v:rs .R, N. Creech; Mrs.. Bert Gillies of Hamilton has Masonic W. W. Taman, Dr. Roul- been, the guest of her parents, "Mr, ston, W. S. Cotte., M. J. Southcatt,. and Mrs. Samuel Martin during the, Orange—W. Gard i,er, B. Clark, F. Past week, �ownnr to the illness of Mrs, Boyle, B. Bissett. Foresters -R. N. 'Rowe, W. Rivers, On Thursday 'last Lieut, H. J, Per- i% arJ. Harvey. F, W. Gladma i - moll of the Salvation Army left to take siri�lar work at Palmerston. He hard been in :Exeter about eight mon- ths.. Capt. McGillivray remains int townie 1 In the Public Library. 11 e.m.—Holiatess Meeting. Th •rrect way and the easiest way to disvo, - of `some pr:,perty or sell som • srrri'd article, find a teams -it for your tt it: , or an article you hare lost or h •ip ween you want .it, is to insert a small a.lvt. in the "Want Column" of th • Arliocate• HOW IS THE PUMP? New Iron Pumps and Fittings in Stock Iron or wood pumps repaired. Wells tsumaecl out or cleansed._ S. J. V. CANN. Phone 1.15 DR. JOHN WARD, Chiropractor & Optician. Chirropractic and Electrical Treatments for Chronic and Nervous Diseases. Spectacles scientifically fit- ted. itted. Hours 10 to 12; .2 to 4; and by app& n m Int. Office—William and Sanders Sts„ Phone 43. Contracting We wish to call the attention of the •oubli,c of Exeter and surrounding din- tnct that we are open to accept, or tender for contracts for all kinds of building We are experienced work men and by strict attent i om to bush- ;cess we hope to share in the contract workof this district. WARES & PRYDi., Exeter.. Dray and aggage Anything -you ,have to move we move it reasonable rircwtor Truck and Horse Dray a Service. Martin from a run-down condition. Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.m.—"Sacrificial Love.” 7 p.m_—"The Pattern, in the Mount." Rev A. A. Trumper, Rector. COAV IN PRb1SBYTMBIAN Cl3i Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a.m.-Sunday school and Bible classes. 11 a. xn.—Rev" Dr. Fletcher 7 p. ten.—Rev. G. M. Chidley The Minister. Boy Scouts meet Friday evenin: JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Willson, B.A. Anniversary of Evangelism and Sac= i;al Servic e. Mr. Guy Ross, London Road North left Sunday toconsult with his bro- ther, Dr. Ross, at Iiderton, regarding his condition.. He was one of the "flu" victims, and as a result, the trouble broke out on the s:dc of his. face and neck. Mrs. Kenneth Clark and little babe of London visited over Sunday at the home of her father, Mr. A. Howey. Mr. Clark - will move with his 'amity to 'Windsor the, latter - part of this week where. .hehas been made evil ager of the. Gammage floral business. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Jones, who have been visiting relatives and friends here and. at Grand Bend, left Thursday of Last week for London; to spend a few 'bays prior to leav5nig for their home in Regina. Mrs,., C. Smith, Exeter North, accompanied them, and will go to Limerick' Sask. Among those who attended the Preacher—Rev, J, A. Agnew of London funeral of the late, Frank iHanndford Sabbath School 3 pt.1ini• froin a distannoc were,—Mrs,. Ketchen 3 p.m. -Sabbath School and Bible of Galt, Mrs,, Bunting and Miss F,er- lasses. guson: of Landon, Richard Beami,s:h.,of Good Congre,gatatonia1 and Choir sing- fid: rbnn, Clarence. Foster ,of Granton Wig•' Mrs,: Wm,Foster of Toronto, and All welcome Miss- La Belie Handford of Ingersoll, Mr: E J. Willson„ editor and publisli- er of the Eye Maness, Butte,- Man,, and brother of Rev. M. J. W IIson,;.pas- bar of James street Church, padpal& the Advocate a pleasant fraternal. call, on Monday. Mr: Wilson, wlu I' rngrtquite 3 a,m.-5urndy •school said Bible as born;; as.the writer tts:. been ,eQnr- Classe3. netted' with , the;.. Advocate, had I seer_ ove tt. rty years service on the 7.00 p.m.—Rev John Coburn; Toro t' Ey' Wetness;; After -spending a -few BETHANY days. with his brother hese;. left on AT ihys return •.j.a,urney to the West one 2,30 p.m; -Rene. Geo. McAllister, U. t Moruriay evening. MAIN ST, METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. Phone 21r3 yaw,. 11,00 n,m,—Rev; Geo McAlister, , Auto Livery Hoarse: Livery BAGSIiAW & EASTON ITV v PHONE 32. JONES 8c MAY. PHONE 32 $ Dollar Day in Exeter $ i Friday &Saturday, April 7-81% In conjunction with -the majority of the merchants of Exeter, we will out on a big DOLLAR DAY Sale on the above two days. Keep the dates in mind and watch our "Ad," next sv,ek for big List of bargains. Conte along and bring your friends, It will nav you well, as big special values will be handed out. Not just in one line, but in all lines pl merchandise. MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. We have just tutpacked a fine Assortment of Spring Suits or Young men. Cottee tea US,. for your suit, Overeat or Reit-moat. All the latest Styles and Colors, and at the new low ,level of preec Boys' Suits with two pairs pants,. This is the way to buy the Boys' Suits. Get 'them 2 pairs of pants, on sate at ;ram $10 to $12. A ee all kinds of Boys' Suits at from. $5 to $$.50. NEW "BROCK" BATS FOR MEN. Get' your New Spring; fiat here. We are agents for tike: Fattrout Brock Hat, ,,the best hat made. in Canada tor the price. ilio rvi:l be pleas. +1 to show you the new styles and colors. 4kiso cheaper hats if you want them. LADIES' COATS AND SUIT, . • More noir Goats and. Suits at moderate prices. They are or h:eause our styles and prices and quality of Cloths are right». A1s°.> it::vr Silk Gauntlet Gloves to snatch, - - SLIPPERS SHOES RUBBER BOOTS. s�aan: ;dere for your Slippers and ShO:ts. All the Latest Strap andi Buckle Slippers for Ladies and Children; We hand liable snakes,. A good pair of our Sl pp:rs .yi,il last a year WALL PAPERS AND LIN OLEUMS. yles only • We save you money on these lutes. Hundreds of rolls of Paper, at Low Pricers,. They will make your home. look bright earl €resh. New par- ' terns just arrived'. in Linoleums. GROCERY DEPARTMENT. We allow no store to undersell us in any line sof groccries..No mat- ter what cut rate prides are quoted you will find our prices just the sanie and our stock always fresh. JONES & MAY 1 I. R. Carling, B.A. ,Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Comnaissianer, Solicitor for the Mai- sons Basile, Etc. INVEST YOUR (FUNDS in Victory, Dominion of Catatada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all legal Investment for Trust Funds, At existing prices from 6 per cent. to 7 per cent can be• obtained from these bonds. - Orders received by me. Money to loan at lowest rates o' tn,terest. Office --:Carling Bk., Matin St, Exeter Display Advertising—Made known, on 4:m1 afaon. Stray Animals—One insertion SOc., three insertions $1.00. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and Found lodals 25c. an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c. .per sins per insertion. No notice loss than 25c. Card of Thanks Sec. Auction Sales $3 for one insertion sed $150 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in length. Legal advertispng 10c. and 5c, aline. Farm or Real Estalte far sale 50c, each insertion for one month of four insertions, SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Men's .And Boys' Clothing. You will be wanting a NEW SUIT, FOR EASTER,. We are showing some very smart models. The Cloths aregood and prices much lower than last "season's° SPLENDID RANGE OF BOYS' CLOTHING AT $6,50 S8.50, $9.50. Smart-- Misses' & Ladies' Coats Every week we receive a number Drop in oft1On and see what we We are ,told our 'prices are very Styles and Materials - we ..are s BILLIE BURIKE DRESSES We are agents for these popular Summter Dresses, and have a splendid• • assortment of hew dresses ready '- for for your inspection. Priced at 53.75' $5,00 $6.00 of New Styles,. howiaare gaff. erilnig,. reasonable considering --the splendid CURTAIN NETS AND MUSLINS Showing very neat patterns in Scritns and Nets, in colors' iiaf White .Cneazn- and :Ecru, -at -very . popular prices, Speci,aV values at per yard 50c. Strap Slippers and Oxfords Are very popular this season, We are showing some viery'smart itylee Black and Brown,Leathers. It is claimed that :patent leather will be stroma this sieasolrq. ; • PRICED 1'+'1' $4,00 $4,50 AND $7.50 • ;tile/ ateh this space next week for our Specials for Dollar Days, Friday and Saturday, April 7 and 8 S outhoott, :Bras THB DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh Between • MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car aervi,ce Sleeping cars on night tralms and Parlor cars on principal day trains, Full information from any Greed Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Hord- ing District Pasaeneer Ter01100 N. J. DORE. Pike 46w Agent, Exeter DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office—Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day, or nigh, t DR A E. TENNANT Veterieary Surgeon McDoaell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by - Dr.- Vining) Phone 26w. Dr, G. F. Roulstcei; L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST - • ,Office over .Carling's Law Office Closed. Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. 'KINSMAN, L. D.' S., D.D. S. Hower Graduate Toronto Uarietdtidty Office -over Gladman & Stenbury,'p Office, Maim Street, Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONELR AND VALUATOR foe' Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford, Far'to Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Central I-Iottel, Exeter, Ontario. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Hunan and " Middlesex Prices Reasonable and, Satiafactiae Guaranteed. Crediton, — ` Ontario. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loon on farm and village. property, at low rates of interest. • GLADMAN & STANBURY, Banisters,, Solicitors, Exeter