The Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-01-18, Page 19r -
Some guys in life are destined to be
what can best be described, as loser-
s.The kind of guys that just 17'ave things
go from bad to worse. It doesn't seem
to matter to these guys how bad things
get, something happens in their lives
that makes them worse.
The other day I was having coffee
with a bunch of friends and the con-
versation rolled around to the funny
little things in life that never seem to
happen to anyone you know. The little
human interest things that involve
some poor slob somewhere and you can
laugh at the poor guy but you never -
want anything like that to happen to
Somebody told a story about a couple
that were taking a vacatioh in China
and had taken their dog along with
them. Apparently it was one of those
dogs that rich widows have in the
movies. The kind that gets pampered
and is treated more like a child than a
Have yety ever dreamed of winning
big bucks in the lottery
Making that dream -come -true ride to
Toronto,sauntering into the lottery
offices and flashing a winning timet
before the officials -eyes and walking
out with a cheque for $1 million.
Has the thought ever crossed your
mind as you doled otit $5 or $10 for a
ticket. Sure it has
I think,to be honest, that the
numerous lotteries now on the go have
made hopeless romantic dreamers out
of the thousands of Canadians who play
the lotteries for that one shot at,,
security. .1k6
Most lotteries are now at least three
years old and Lotto Canada officials
recently commissioned a team of
sociologists to study the lives of
millionaire winners and the effect the
windfall had on them.
Now if you won that big prize it's
easy to picture yourself lazing on
Jack Riddell ..... .... Page 2A
Awareness Day Page 3A
Captain Comet . page 4A
Entertainment • Page 5A
• Church page Page 8A
W.E. Elliott feature ...... Page 9A
• Farm news • Page 11A
More than a woman driver!
glistening white sands amid the palm
trees as the warm,tropical waters lap
at your feet. And of course there would
be a refreshing beverage or two just to
tone down the thirst a little. The
scenario spells security,a life without
Well the sociologists found that the
average lottery millionaire winner is a
51 -year old, English Canadian with a
grade 10 education. And with those few
extra•bucks the average winner gets an
• urge to bily •a nevy Chev or Ford,
nothing flashor ostentatious.
And with all„that extra cash four out
of five new millionaires quit their job
and increased •their daily television
consumption on the new colour set. And
what do the do with their money while
they watch tv Most of them just
dumped it in the bank and that was all
the security they needed.
Now really there has got to be more
excitement to being a millionaire than
buying a new Chev, and watching
television'all day while the money sits
idle in the bank.
So should you happen to win a bit of,
cash in a lottery it 'would be helpful on I
my part to offer some wild and crazy
suggestions on how to dispose off that
income while having a good time.
, Just for fun enroll several of your
friends in a Polish speaking class,enlist
them in a home study aircraft
mechanics course from the back of a
matchbook cover or write numerous
suggestive paragraphs about several
close associates and have it inserted in
the companiOns wanted column of a
If you want to drive your neighbours
wild with envy install electric
driveways and walks at your place
eliminating the need for shovelling
even during the fiercest storms during
the winter.
Should you happen to win a big lot-
tery prize do not quit your job. Rather,
limit your work activities to
calculating your bank and investment
interest, reciting several large figures
out loud for other office cohorts to hear.
Occassionaly ask another employee to
recheck your figures for accuracy. In a
few days fellow office workers should
be reduced to wimpering idiots.
If your friends are up to their wallets
in mortgage and car payments phone
them up and blabber, enthusiastically
about the great bargain you found on
an around the 'world cruis.e; Explain
that you•realized they wouldn't -want to
pass, up the $50;000 bargain.
Never carry loose change in your
pocket and always borrow a quarter for
coffee explaining to fellow workers that
the machine won't accept $100 bills.
My list of fun things goes on but
realistically I don't think there will
ever be a chance to use them.
132 YEAR -3
She's a driving instructor
Mrs. Tolchai d heard
through 'word of mouth
that the high school was
looking for a private
driving instructor and
when she expressed some
interest, school officials
pretty easy job just sit- her fault. She was Ideally, says • Mrs.
JOANNE BUCHANAN' ting there all day," , literally shoved off the Tolchard, she would like
laughs Mrs. Tolchard, road- by another vehicle. students to spend half
'Women drivers are "but there aren't many When she is inyolved in their time driving in the
often the brunt of male who can do it." an accident, she doesn't summer and half in the
jokes and sarcastic She says she knows of react in the same fashion winter but the Driver's
remarks. But Mrs.Donna many people whb think it as most people,she says. Education course is not
Tolcharcl of Garter -kb_ -is • came to her. will be a slack job and .Instead of getting upset, set up in such-a,WaY-thie
- czica‘kZk!1\..
.olgtAv Iwo"
not only a woman
driver,she is also a
• driving instructor.
She feels that those
women driver jokes are
'-outdated and after nine
"years of teaching driving,
,both through the high
- school and privately, she
says female students are
no worse than male
student s.
"It doesn't make a bit
• of difference," she says.
"Although more girls
•haven't had the op-
portunity to do as much
• driving before they take
lessons, they seem to pick
. it up faster."
Another trend that Mrs..
Tolchard has noticed as a
driving instructor is that
• " girls tend ti5" be cautious
drivers as teenagers but
get more reckless when
they reach their twenties.
Teenage boys .on the
other hand tend to be
reckless drivers but
settle right down. when
they get older.
"Older men are by 'far
the 'most • courteous
drivers on the- road,"
claims Mrs. Tolchard. '
Driver's Education, a
Department of Transport
course, was taught by
• regular high school
teachers once upon a
time. But at the end of a
• long day of regular
qasses,the extra
• curricular drivingcourSe
was placing too much
work on the teachers so
the school board began to
look for private'. persons
to teach the course in-
"They were take the course to fast • she gets furious ° at the this can be accomplished.
only two or three weeks guy who is in the wrong. The biggest "hang-up"
as instructors. Mrs. Tolchard always of her students is parallel
"If you're inclined to be teaches her students to parking., says Mrs.
desperate," she laughs.
"I didn't know if the
school board would ac-
cept a woman instrikTor
or not but they didn't
hesitate a bit."
The fact. remains
though, she says, that
there are still a lot more
male driving instructors
around than female in-
structors. Female in-
structors are becoming
More common all the
time and in fact, female
students seem to prefer
female instructors. Mrs.
Tolchard feels that the
reason for this is that
male instructors tend to
remind women of their
husbands who often yell
at them if they are trying
to give them lessons.
Mrs. Tolchard,before
being able to give driving
instruction at the high
school, had to take a two
week course- in Toronto
sponsored by the Ontario
Safety League.
"I was petrified," she
The course involved a
lot of book work and
teaching methods. Mrs.
Tolchard's driving was
evaluated and she was
given many tips on how to
teach. •
"You really don't learn
what it's all about until
you're on your own
though. It's a learning on
the job experience," she
"People think it's a
nervous, you can't -teach .dr i V,e de f e ns ively Tolchard.. Also Most ,of
people to, drive. That's because one never knows - •the students have a
why there's a shortage of what the other perSon on tendency to drive too slow
driving teachers," she the road will do. • She even though they may bd."
says. •says it really bothers her driving well. Others have
Mrs. Tolchard admits when she is trying to a tendency to go too fast
that sometimes her teach her students how to but thisis usually just a
"insides turn over" when drive properly and then
she sees an accident some other driver on the
corning but she keepsher, road will do something
emotions in check. obviously wrong right in
"People say to me,`You front of them. '
must have nerves of Driving, around the
steel', but it's just a Square is especially
matter • of not getting confusing for the new
flustered. It's like a built-
in calmness," she says.
Cartoons often portray
harassed driving in-
structors tearing out
their hair because some
silly students (usually
women) have just run
into a fire hydrant or
police • cruiser or
something equally stupid.
"My students often
bring these cartoons into
me when they see them, -
says Mrs. Tolchard.
• But, she says, in real
life, being a driving in-
structor, is not that bad.
In the cities, instructors
probably have more
problemA and accidents,
she speculates., but not in
a small town like
Goderich. In fact, she
says, she has never had
an accident in her nine
years of teaching where
the student driver has,
been at fault.
Mrs. Tolchard herself
was involved in an ac-
cident once but it wasn't
nervous reaction.
"Once I can talk to the
students --and get thein
relaxed, they do okaY,"
says Mrs. Tolchard.
She says that most of
the students seem to feel
that she can prevent
driver since -there are no them from having' an
par..icular - lanes for • accident. Perhaps the
anyone to stay in, says reason for this is because
Mrs. Tolchard. • Others she has a brake at her
have a tendency to cut the sla-6-dr the car..
new driver off in this "Some of the boys
Situation. She finds that a accuse me of riding the
brake all the time," she
lot of people back out
from angle parking spots
on the Square without
even looking too.
The majority of ac-
cidents involve human
failure and only rarely is
mechanical failure _ _to
blame, says Mrs.
Tolchard. There is no The car Mrs. Tolchard
need for most accidents, uses is provided by Jim
she feels. She thinks that Hayter Chev-Olds Ltd. It
one of the major causes of has a sign on top to ex -
car accidents is inat- plain to other motorists
tendon. Not adapting to that a student driver is at
weather conditions is ' the wheel. • -
another big cause ,ar•id "The car is sort of like
this can 'happen to even a grant -and the school
the most experienced • pays for gas and in -
drivers. surance," she explains.
Those students who - •
laughs, "but I really
She has found that most
people don't use four way
stops properly though
and she uses her brake at
stop signs when she has
learn to drive in the
winter also learn, to ad-
just better to adverse
weather conditions.
Mrs. • Tolchard _ feels
that it is a lot tougher to
Turn to page 6A •
••,is4 4; 1
Being a driving instructor in a small town isn't so
bad, says Mrs. Donna Tolchard of Goderich. In
fact, she says, she has never had an accident where
the student driver has been at fault. She has been
teaching through the Driver's Education program
at the high school and privately in the stammers for
nine years now. If you're inclined to be nervous,you
can't teach others to drive, she says. (Photo by
Joanne Buchanan) •
pet. It seems in China dogs are dogs
and as such they are fit to eat. So when
these tourists tied their dog up in front
of a store to go in and do some shopping
some street urchin; not believing his
good fortune, took the dog home for
supper. Before the poor people could
find poor Fido he was in a pot with
some vegetables.
Another tale related. the story of a
couple whose marriage was on the
rock Y road and the young bride was
having tremendous difficulty dealing
with the break-up. One arguement too
many and the woman. decided to end it
all. After her husband left in a fit of
rage the woman flung open the window
of her apartment and jumped out.
Hubby meanwhile was just leaving the
building when his wife came down. She
landed square on top of him in the true
spirit of marriage, sharing everything
While those tales tire bizarre they ate
somewhat saddening. The kind I like
are thekind that have no sad ending.
One of my favorites was the poor guy
that had his worst hdur when he should
have been having 'one of his finest
hours. It seems this guy was answering
a- call of nature when he met his fate.
He *as relaxing in his bathroom, some
things in life just can't be rushed, when
his life took a strange turn.
Just before our friend was settling
himself on the throne a gas -line had
broken somewhere.beneath the streets
of his subdivision. The • gas was
somehow mixing with the water and
the result was a fairly- explosive
solution. This poor guy was about to
find out' just how explosive. To pass the
time he decided to have a cigarette and
after lighting tip he drops the matth
into the toilet to extinguish it. BOOM. It
was several hours later before doctors
could calm the guy down by' assuring
him that it was a gas explosiIcn in the
toilet not in his body that catsed him
the minor injuries,
My award award for the loser of all time has
to go to the guy that is a home han-
dyman and faithfully obeys those
Workmen's Compensation com-
mercials about safety. The guy is doing
some repairs to the roof of his house
and doesn't want to work without a net.
To prevent a serious fail he ties a long
rope around his waist and secures it to
the bumper of his car. No sooner does
he get up on the roof than his wife
merrily waltzes out of the house, jumps
in the cat, and goes shopping.
The guy came off the roof in 19 foot
strides. His". wife couldn't hear his
screaming but he did attract the at-
tention of a neighbor who managed to
sigancalrt.he woman and get her to stop
Amazingly enough the guy wasn't
hurt, just shaken up. But you can bet
the next time he works on his roof he
will tie himself off to a tree or
something his wife can't take shopping.