HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-3-30, Page 5t f • "Annnen} fol vim', " wve��t...:�... ®.mesh► ■ vo- 4e r ,ill r Lo. ...\ r , 'AILA .. 11�s AN 4: + "AL ■ yr ®4, 1 e t ve www, 1,- . *� w.�.....,.R +.m„'` wIMP e, 1e',rr.w 1ea"� wok r,9.'w ag ®r p.'+ ea., Wr,w ®7lva►vl► .1a►il�aa r" -4,11;0400,,- j_ a�'r.-a` Br+.w....,.,...:..,.:.,.4 w... --asp ar LAY F , °n" Yin.; "3't F - e 4o lust, a'r- fumy' '6 putting tom, ..''e«ening'c, Lay Fl t: Poultry.. It unrolls 47.,,.,;tigbton eve ;tike a car:,tee''.. It stretches clays Cal taR^P Top rails and ba; eboF :-civ aro az>ar_acdis .s; It saves you ii.L. _ , sxate-ea mics tabor. Height from 12 to 72 finale*. So el by good hoar 0. i°iare dea!era. 4410 THE B. OGEE iNO 2 LIMITED HAMILTON • - ONNAUA Easy control ii lays fiat nrall V. • AUCTION SALE Elilmville Oi' VALUABLE V.1.101 Thee undersigned will sell by Pub - lie ,Auction .at the ).tFTRU1'UI,ITAA HOTEL, EXETER SATURDAY, APRII. 1st, AT 2 P.M. *harp, the following improved farm .lands: Part Lot 13, Con. 1, Hay Tp. containing 90 aeras of land more or loss, On the farm ist good brieli pottage, and bank barn. with good stabling. and oiler outbuildings; a- bout, 5 acres of good hard ',read bush, and young ort3.«;rd. Tile•dratnod sand its good state of cultivation for spring crops; about 11 acres of tali; wheat, and tall plowing done. Plenty .f good water. Well located. two and a. quarter miles from Hensel), and three =and three quarters .miles from 3xeter. Terms ---1:0 per cent on day of sale asid balance in 30 dap; or sooner up - an possession. Purchaser may leave two-thirds of price on farm by ar- rangannet: t. PRANE TAYLOR FRANK E. ROSS Auctioneer Proprietor AUCTION SALE OF SHED, FENCES Sr VRItEZFR .0111••••M The Ebenezer Cemetery Board w•'.il offer for Sale by public auction at Ebenezer Church, one o'clock, ran WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3; 1922 Sbel 24x70; Board fence 30 rods lona; wire fence 30 rods long; leo cream ireezerr Terms made known on day of FRANK,. TAYLOR, Auct, Cromarty Coming, a side-splitting Comedy, asttitled Red Acre Farm, presented by "The Merrymakers" ;of Cromarty in Staffa Town Hall on Friday evening, March 31st. Have your best friend there ateight and be ready for a good laugh, Admission 35c and 25L Hensa it --- Mr- Sam. Ramie spent a few days in. 'Detroit with her mitre-, Mrsl. Irma. Ranttie,-Mrs. Errold Drummond was called to the bedside of her sister, who is seriously ill in Torontot--Tha Rev. G. W. Rivers wen in Dresden ti•.;_> forepart al last week ofriciat,ng !at tha marriage +of his= niece, Miss Laura Soylan to Mr,. Gordon Watson, 'Ino wedrIng, took place on Tuesday.. -Mr, 17ra41ak Coleman, London Road north, bas 'sold his farm; to Mr. J. Ashton And has purchased a ,farm iia McK;11- lop, to ,which he expects to mote shortly. -Mr. Nelson Blatchford has rented Mr J. ,W'. •Ortwein's residence now occupied by blis soon, Mr..M. 1. Ortwein, who; with his family, is mov- nog . to London. Mr. Jos. Hudson will move into the dwellinef vacated by M. B11atcfford, and we understand 34Ma. J. $aingstar has rented from Mr O. Gei- •ger the house vacated by Mr. Hudsooni. A copy : of the .new Act governing the voters' list has been received by the Town Clerk,. This Act repeals all other acts and contains severe; amend me,ntst ,of a minor' -nature,. ' .uhnley '.11ntvill�A ntareh 26, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hunter Dear friends and elassmates:— This Sabbath afternoon le As- sc'aiaialed in our class enjoying health anal, strength our thoughts go out to you in your time of bereavement, and we try to realize something of what it must paean to you, bereft of your two children in ouch a tragic nay be- fore they had reached maturity. Our Heavenly Father's ways ATE! past aur understanding but we know that he. is Ione and sante day you will under- stand. Little Joe and Edith heroically en- dured their suffering and arae where there is no pain or crying. You have lost them for a little while hut they will be a constant renainder that while they cannot return to you, you can go to them. We want you to &now and feel that you have our hearttelt sympathy and prayers. I:linttvi11e Adult Bible a;1:3$ Joshua Johns:, teacher. W, J. Veal. preitid gut. 2 Whalen ,:)cess Grace Duffield ,of Liman spent the week end under the parentalxoof. -Th ^I:ssion Barad held their month- ly meereng, at thehome p Mrs„ - John Hazelwood. on Saturday afternoon. - Mr. and firs. Wm. Toohey and Mr. and Mrs, C. W. 1Mi lsort. pf Lucan vis - ted Sunday in. this vicinity,. -Mrs. G. Squire jr., is spending a few days in Tuckersmith. ,Mr. Jas, Squire who just recovered from; the flu, is suffer - mg from quinsy. --Mr. 1, estrnc a af. Grtntoo. spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Jos. Morley. Mrs. Jos. Morley is much improved after suffering.trim nit atmcl of the � ftt-Mrs. Curt: o€ Wingham is visit- ing her (laughter, lira. Hilton, Ogden, -Mr. Jas. Squ': a and daughter, Violet are coy_c,ined to their rooms with he flu. Shipka Death -The funeral of the 1ateRalP4t Stephen Hewlett nook place from the es dente of •Li ill+artt Sweitzer, Shinto Zurich Mr. Wm. tabus, whose dwelling on the Baltvtoaa Line was destroyed by t fir', has purchased the dwellin of a O "Itilopp, dad witl n,?oti the .same Th: death Occurred o` Lahura 'r Fre daugbter o: Mr. Oscar I)ucharme, iris Saubte Late south, aged five yeafs.; Death was due to whoopng cough fol. - lowed ln°,ved by pneumonia: it lied Wes :loh has gone to Detroit Alber. Rose; s: r€ous+c 11.-Mr?.1.1 Air,. Henry my W eber G Pre BYE?? Atte 1 d ,_? rtir, oral of -the latter's fu.h: r, air, Be lL -Nfr. Paten 1'ar:nee:u has taurch,sed'' Na -41 tural Leif Green Te ea is roc°j freta the estate of ale , t+ S Rc pr e ; tla business property n e! sea' the as the trey aintugotes increase in t a' t sed store and So er ;aa I3 , k- arkd for it shows. --Tle.s town has iwt 3;292h p on r . ::a t :: death ,)f Char s.,, B stiho" ' . J L +0 Y' fv4 s bora in. G r'rro'.rty, r a. to€ Zurich an, 1379. Ha had been in fail- ing health for some time but was on- a ly szx days conan.41 t,► fie s u, He was in his 36th some years ago, Three dauzbters, opularity Ever Increasing Tose Pure Deliciousness of i Su.r' r Ve Lucan on Sunday March 2f►th, to the Cred'- t Mr. and :Mrs. 1s:res tl ilEa.tg ens ,�: it= ton cemetery. He was born iaCos- gna, Sas: ars the guests o:- alr, and ham, Hants, •Env land, Fab. 29, 1592. Mrs. W. H. A)i4;*e az «: S,aaspson aa." Clandeboye We are pleased to note t'ix. our Clandeboye scribe has awoke ., a'o n his lethargy and is contribut:n:; his much appreciated budgets. -Editor. \Ir. Wm. Patton has . turned home, atter visiting relatives in Cleveland. - Mr. W. Hardy and wine have returned l.•sm • to Ham lton, after spending a •,v weeks w Ith relatives in this vie- -Miss Katltline Hodgson pt'nt a few d'ws recently with her sister, Mrs. Summer 4•i London. -Another case of scarlet fever has developed 'n this v:c.- inity.-Mr. Frank Hodgins of 1) 'nfie'd. as moving into our town this w.'ek,-- A numb..s' of farmer, :,nthis Vicinity are purchasing incubators this spring, the demand for baby ch'cks being ex- c: edingly heavy, Mr. I:.i`,mer, wit has incubators is away behind in 'i,' ..R orders on account of the demand this spring. -Miss Gayle MclIihargey spent a 'few days in the city last week,- Master Murray* Hodgins, who has been ser:c.usly ill for the past two weeks, In improving and is now considered out of clanger. JOHN RANiZIN, S� RTH, DEAD Hr contracted tube_culos s three yearn ag£i from rundown Condition arid 'n tuna, and died Mhrch 2.4th in the Byron. Catt;tarium, London, and leav- ,'S to mourn hEis son, two 'w$th sisters. a brother ,in I ngland, and a r turn isroth r in C,a itornia. He was a kind loving husband and father and will be sadly mica d by all. The funeral was conducted by Mr. J. Capron of Lon - the house being filled with rel- : ;and a • great throng of peanle {sowed t:'se rerna:sta to the ,grave. The news of the death of Mr. John Rankin, a well-known insurance and real estate .agent of Seafort;b, came with a shock of surprise to his many friends, The deceased ;had been con- find to his home far a couple weeks with an abscess, but had recovered sufficiently to be around again. On Friday evening he had attended the Masonic "At Home," and appeared in tbs., best of sprits, and on. Saturday was in .his office as usual. • On. Sunday lafternoon he was suddenly seized with 'an acute ailment of the heart, His fancily physician was immediately sum- moned and a consultation, was after- wards held. He passed away about after - . on. Sunday. He was born. at Roxboro, a short distance from Sea - forth and was in. his-=ssrd year. He was a Presbyterian in religion and a member oe Britannia Lodge of Mas- ons under whose auspices the funeral will b:. held. A widow and six of a family survive. Mr, and 'MrsJohn Selves visited friends in Seaforth on Sunday. -The people, of this neighborhood are very busy ;making 1har, msyrup and report a good run -.Mi. amd Mrs.: ,E: McTag- gart of Pjlyth 'visited ; Mrs. A. M. Glen last week, -Many of the people of this vicinity are pleased to `Bear of Mr. A. Cole buying a farm around here,- lie having purchased Mr. Camp- bell's. farm Of the Thames Road. - Miss, Myrtle Ryckman, and Gladys Bnoadfoot Visited Mrs,. Ben Case last ST. itARys.-The death, occurred On Saturday ;of gklral "James J3eatt•le tipleuro-pneumoniae, following cold, was 37 yeafrs,- or •age .a •leaves A husband a'ndo.nr. semi. Centralia n ar Mooresy ile s ;.caw zmprolraw. t r . s recent illness It 1V3; ra ➢u.;:at d go 1=n7rd wan, Twee- Mrs. after spentr,na severe. weeks ..este`-, Mrs .a J. , i. cl-t tier home cr Mount Voyles: A b.rt t'..rrh>>9 rr:•e:vecl' word that hes broth nr, whoa lives south of Sarnia was dan n'ous'v ilii He and has wife iromediate,y :eft t nr his bedside but before they arrived his brother bvi prised aw;.y. is CARD OF THANKS. Mrs Hewlett, R. R. 1` 'o. 2, Dash- 6voEacl winhas to thank the friends, neighbors and relatives for the many acts of kindness and sympathy shown • �e t recent . bereavement. _ her en er b h 1r during g As we intimaited is5 these columns 'borne weeks ago would be the .:ase- Thoi. ,W>Elis has won his suit in the Exchequer court at Ottawa again- st P. Burns & -Co„ of Ca•'gary, confirm- ing his .right to the gale use of the trade mark, "Shamrock,' which he has been using since establishing his crenthery here in 1903„ • ;tiers. S. Sweunary of Windsor was h_`re atten)'diat the funeral of he late TEA"HORTA.C,E MEANS HIGHIaR. Mr, Hewlett, tier ,many 4id ir.ends ' PTi;ICaE i. were pleased to sea .her back ;n theirs Dur:nn. the war teas reached a very midst, :nigh :eve: n3 east largely owing to siaartag: of shipping. In 1919. and 1920. greatlyincreased prvduetianand unlirnited shipping resulted in enor- mous quantities "of tea reaching every market in the world, and a consequent fall in coat er.sued. So serious did the situation become in India, Ceylon and Java that th various growers agreed to decrease their output during 1920 by 20 per cent. This agreement was kept and the world is now facedbye shortage of tea, which has resulted in the market climbing week by week for the last eighteen months until it has now reached a level fully 15 cents a pound over that of October 1920. .-TUCKERSMITII-.At Egmortdv le, u March 24th, Anna Isiathl-ea, daugh- :r of lir. and Mr:,. Wn. chase of Eg- abndrill:, to Magian% iiia of Mr. and lrs, John O;clf;'sld. SEAFORTi -Robert Winter, voter to cattle dealer of Huroc County, hags d away on. larch 24, at his X d�Asace, toltowhgan illness of a fern wicks, In. his 73rd year. The deceased wlto was born its Scot2attd, had been busingss bn Seaforth for more than 50 years, -On Thursday death remov- .4 another old and esteemed resident of the townn, in the person of Elizabeth Gilehrlat Carmichael, widow of the late G -ore Whiteley. The deceased, who cna,o 69 years of age, had been' an in valid for a number of years. McGillivray W.14,; engaged lin, cltgiing a.well on the farm .of Mr, G. Bice, town line, Mr. Barr, a young man who recently mov- ed to Ailsa 'Craig, was struck by a bar or -iron •renthis forehead and was ren- dered unconsoi,ous„ He ;wars rushed to Victoria ,Hospital, and it is feared his skull is :fractured -Mrs. D.,. Brophey,an cid residernC(oC (Aalsal passed away on, Friday., aged 78. -Mrs. Elizabeth H3'arl- ton, widow o1' thje laite W m Haritetn, of tht 11th 'Coni. of McGillivray, died ti Ailsa Craig, its her 9011i year. She fa survived . by "five . roan and five dan;hters You, wAill. Hite it Only Four isel .o or Vat in the der Cities Sim The Mover Local and Long Distance Moving. Any Ti ase and .any Where in United States or Canada. Dail Us Up. We have Long Distance Phone Sim. J. Sweitzer, Pro - rietor Phone 8626w. 208 Moy Ave, Windsor .„;tire 4• .0 Winthrop Asphalt Tapered Slates are the big butt A si hilt They are the only As- phalt Slates that give a shadow line, whi' h so improves the appearance of a roof -- something architects have long wanted in Asphalt Slates. 41. V a,. Agate They are scientific- ally constructed. They are tapered. Being thicker at one end, the butt of the overlapping slate .lies fiat on the tip- per part of the slate in the row below. No rain or snow can accumulate underneath — wind can- not get under them and blow them off. s • t r i,'" ...e, • A:glance at the illus- tration will show another very decided advantage of the taper—great wear resistance. Being taper- ed, extra thickness and weight are distributed where extra thickness and weight are needed— in the butt, the part ex- posed -to the weather. We have obtained a specid license to ntartufacture these slates under the brand H same careful selection of ma- terials and experienced workman- ship are employed that have given other Brantford Roofing products their high reputation. - ti Distributed under Brantford Roofing tram marks, through Brantford Roofing Deal G Stock carried, information furnished an service rendered by our dealer F' , district. Write for our valuable history of roofing "Shelves." Osi • ..i y; page is a photograph of a different hind of a roof, In a diffarreaatilpiare of the serial. It will be n;ail.d free to responsible pwtfs's. Brantford Roofing Co., Limited Zed hOe ce a! i un.,,,d ° 14omdeCH7ad Bile by Ross Taylor Company ., tar. r �.;a,