HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-3-30, Page 3Canadaftom Coast to C oast, NN BRITISH SUA MN IKS Nwf-myer, 4XCnihin 50 *111,9 ItO in that area-wh$ch haveVeen, the Sub - ............. ------ WITH 0 SEAMEN Me out �4 - tt�% -polt tot�v,!- 2,00,000 Soot d.yery intosrestlr�.- geolvg?xal r4ei- X 04 1 1101`11 CoRA4 With'Versatile Dur,' bus b to Europe a 000,000;blusIt v4 2, - ports.. The T%1cQqfto-W_bb4,son Aadlum els, rtio. the Orient., Loading eoxtondos an.4 Bye�Pro&ucts Colo, the name by N i"R All thrQUJO]i M"Y to tble Orient ald k-Dx* WIlich the new compAny ii known, ix to 010 00aftlent. -at $1,000,000. M lf,� ;i�: M _05 Ajtr�-'Pat. -fTholnll TCa<10U Say& cog . yo Alta. -4% Guecamsful, �ar ha,5 Que.—A deospatch from Bxo'Alsh svbmar�pe H-42 b" bom thv� puiWllc lbod�hdepavtzuent been that New HaTapshire) states bit all hwyl*. k tl�e X the Government, of Alberta is ex -*id,_ that aixty f0IMMIles of M, 11' OpOrAtiV03 i an Excilh=Ve Trhegrqph desV4,110 ing fts 800,0, and tbas year -Wia 1- gave -t tb:,- ovinoe have lef 74,eityfor,bho Pr a ftm Gibr:)atar on Mauvs4sy. twen4,o_*1ie, muoses Oft duty atM�30tedinUeDeC %)nCe Jhe �Start of the otriko Kded with a destrWieo4 4ur' W Jr,4$' $n# Voints. ReaponsibRity for hea-Ith edu�_ in the cottou mW� A total 'of 302 QL,4NWs- The deotroyer NV6 tte ver-, lbatka �in Oke areaso Wrdeh they serve Fronch-Oana-dian faadiUes returned sati-le. WIR reat upon Qlein, !f-rom"tile N�DNT 'Bne�=d- -states to Tba latest ravO "Ist ;s�% �he �x-b�4 Swift CuIvenk sask--Greatt �Qqafi_ quabose last -.,Var. I maz_ 'n*, �cowlrnu*d by L*rt� Dou-_��w, den1l in the Tehe011itItion Of busilnew Now Glasgow, X.ZThe 1919 in - :...' sealvy' )-me a ot n =em! ven"oTally and in A,$�rlmftre W, Par- tical-ar, is Jby the laustxW1 ceiir>us Agares record -the lo� ocotiou �of 66 mazuUeburing establish- Thfe BIWSfh Va=trigea of the 11' evinced JWternattomi 41*rvester Co, In the prosparaticm luents �n this oity, capitalized at $6,- o' lass were all bu% wxlvr the vuvr* enle-venvy Program" Moab of &,ma - a , *w are, qnsakdpar -hoeTa for ty,,eir 41s_ 697,2`78. These empi-loyed. 1,284 per� tj�$ r 140 tributioll. lcentre. Their Intentton is to inalrease their sons, ipad $1,218,71 )6, an -1 J goo& valued, at $7,847,266. Since the 'Aula "140341=W, mod4e�j sbWL of repwirs to, thel vA*Q0s lineS ot isnpTelnents they 1917 verislus, fee eityl's cap�taaizatlon by the A,* 64 to 1-71 fl* 0% 0evet !�cmn. They 4iM.$4w b'M-410 to -Vw exteht of $200,000. ry s ,04 and its art - "M Iffia- from 4,40 to Wo toTY4 and oaro oqaip. T4.- T"Pis was n%ml 'WC-4voti-M-1 incrgwled by 125 per . Pod 'With two osetso tt We�. lerwbsp%, given here of the repoit ot the zfd-e Charlottetown, P.E.I�Aeocor4ing' -to x1vim a vpee4 of 13 kllots on t' ,of fouTtem mining elainis at 0". Per Lakke to 1X'4pdW-1nX Min ot O*aJt and the Aate:.t avallable. st;,atisti t far - es he fox CANADAS CHIEF " """' I MING PORT The PhQtQgraDb shows, a scene At Luuenburgo, Nova Soo", tl�16 W=Uoe, !a� O=T31_�Mg ft= tCft-")s4-> tubes. Thgar ooval;n=7 eocanvb�lt is, sow )rorR. Tbe �CWIM exe PortY of J. P. Gordon, vxO t -to prka T ;ion�w try vif Prilz�ze Fldward WAUdi lost Yexr Pro4uceod, a revenue �1,240,000, Where` the llsh�u& fleet 19 9xvparing spring trlP too the "Raaks." Them iii growat activity as harbor 3 a volitable f r t of ln qto, the tr'lln sotVQ:Qe`rs, make ready TOr the sP;A$QA1d e* A for the worR. The 2�,> A &apatch *= 06�� wr vA* rma 30 9;&13 to be 4 qparter of a rAYon of or nearly T4 Much as t1w 1,g=Ts 114 and dstry production In the Rotm 0 commou'-,,, 4=*Uoires dolerit. Low gmae Vol ore b" ibeen wug�IWW, A,1,, - ,wat 5,000pairs o e SLUMP IN MARK ON Talking that -,t courtoof b�quiry Wbftv *trd11;T­ "ni '"on eaveral of *0 CWM3 M MM"'M"to'a ge"dPo�&_ct of extremely illt2� f�%4�fS are %OX In ther Variolla Mlnlahogs, t1leprolovinee, last NEW YORK EXCHANGE and Thinking, 1p68Q Men is Strength C&Uadiaa Mounted of e4 to meet V0 fhday to e=aAft W4 t110 9*1mur 01ros. 'P'Arry SQUIld, OAt—VflIat 1-9 be- of and year the �=rea_lza W40 7,00 yourq focxe$, The r4vohem sQM 400 pairs of bree 'id — , German3es - Serious Financial Jwt a few evenimsea-0 the Vzoiter t'o�k "" "P'Per b)t* the gafdeu aA4 burat it. The blazed. A despatch frQM Police I Ottawa the Xedirteraneall, Dew'.% of the 440anter 4low *At the rotomarlue va�ng. to d,* No3yed tO �be the fir§;t raoilium. mblint.- W-4m;=y in Ouba rio h4% �bl_ foj_nj�e .41 ing fOXeS 'At Mn 4VerRon pri" of $600 a _r, &PJAq$* dispmvid of 0, Goo palts Position Shown'by Lowest paper up I astil'y 'and out, But 4, the 49ief 1 --A marked increase �: pw,,­ape ` - =4` ',Wrty or lorty yar& plead eA 11w ot Daaxry Sound to dovelop properg-,�,% I ut om &ygrgge pri a a $200 W4, of Records, Unle that the fire wis, %VIPs i Work of the Royal CaDa. 4 vftwvt0e, 'Whick ffb%Tl4rA%` A despAohfrom, New York,ma._JQMY-Or�e within range lbai diez, At, twoantv knota, r==,ed tho Meg. SELECTED PARTY OF Death Pen alty Imposed Gormues 1110.zt turned toward it, The st,,Ara J�,,�st t1*1ri dian Mounted Police aud 'general. ecommic, pcvtilon among, cb='M,* eurroaniiva M.' -�­gs 'were, in the report of the is noted, ma4ne At 2W WWW !U the XWIM force just 4 'the oowlz�r tower. BRITISH SETTLERS for Bomb Throwing the u14,glora 0;C th-e v:urld found.oc=,, forglZI tten; the s'lit on wb;.01 C-10 f1re I made pubic by Comm* Wazed 11it've , Tt�Q coveran-'ent bee -mmvei 4 u:s-. crote exprezolons here on Thumdgyi was urm*ticed. That A, B. Perry. a the U-42 omiw, but tv Wjtg&Q-Mjng -Ex-Service Men and Expert A despatch from Belfast when the mark felt to the new I h-�`=e 4111P -Y wlirsed Anytilbw in �azd record of .99% J.00th% "I about the yar , of wpscent, The J a-rA captured',ae fun The total strength of the pub!lcatiou unte the r01S*-" era w*46& Farm Workers to Arriie says:—The House of (�om. � ext=t of this 991the *,Wwkera. force, all ranks, is 11680 in April. mons of the Ulster Parlj=ent'Rreo��,"`utflod in mo,*�rn Watory, may found anincrease, of Dine men, the Use 13n, -tish $tam A, desa--atch ftom Lon& -n a,4y-s:­Tha has allthorize 1011 d the impositi I be -augedfrom the fact that the, nor., but,& 111411131UI Of tA=t OrO*ra. MalOr value the Iveroe In ne.,ley over), community rime year previous. The over scope Kd;;W*T4 meam-M q*nin fe tle epTina 01111&-rat'4111 Woof the death Penalty foi bomb- pre-war of warlc was 23 8-10t1ro centa. are To"ou-1 IrL,3 oltay U likened, to' the work in the of Am" h2s m3bled an e.,t 'mu"e to be th rowing. setuing of Gormanoexc�uangaat thi3 tb-1- '-We fire. nr*ug wo., 1 report covers jk *S09tch ttx= zMam "P. lormed vt theprou"a extent ot i�ti hiw V40ped tile entire Dominion. Particu- 74e Pv" Deparhuat wlyic% �We efflux *f Bruisuera to tho calthe )�Oen unusually Iftive ro- and tkm J�Jtb, The Attorney -General said ceatly at steady reacCions, but Qfrerj lAnguag% a IhVe reMing an4 i,,,hi Jar importance is attached to .1 17 lv� twA" *x ekvertisemm�a &Irdom So tar, a* t,�hoa root -of Can he was prepared, if these ape-' inga assumed most impXessive -pro, taNc in %U117,4 ]0'-- Coss, *,AY )j.-tve agtt�er. activities in the Arctic on bw zow lfiw.4�4 Only about :�5 peramt, of the pioe-war cial powers proved inadequate, P*ruQ;rs in the Past XeNv dayie. edA Vat a qpW%as on a wide variety Tile inor"%eZ4 of lwal ar.4 revolle. * -A mew idv% trow *ut*w movae iq 91 vitin tare -k9`3 I'm WI-4-44mi-in-414 0% flaurcy. lic juidatiol4appalwlt- . - mzioml problkm% Theso to extend the death penalty to 17 oWl"OU'a theyex-meeawith TJw bee must Visit $1360,000 :00wer the bA&A Oc postAspo otampol, A i%- ozarm1v likely that any do. accompa muoh Mat- other offenses, including the P�-ed by 'Qjre�Z- ings, -was ascribed by in -formed irter- lin'T in vul$114 p1nina b-. th in or out of tul)ea in vrdtv to got one, Vvunl a Vision that the Canadian Goverunnont ., bearing firearms without a per. ests as directly trawable to., Ott doems WWII Olt, In Committee ise—I'lzana inodVA homy. Evel*-UlbV f3 J-40yP-0x;V* tf we o-.%. my roaal, on on i'mmigratiot pulley� Wand of the 'United Stat" Gvvern. - nrekuLcrs have Maio opvort�an.ltr for to fit inwith'the Impsrsal migration mit. The penalty would aso for the expre.7',:an a their Eightecon, Fowwer shaiato er b of 8-4,000,000 -wero ueed the nin*- by the cede in odiwioe Itbat it 49, 4='d thm that, we bWl, %A*,'hJ64,,,,v to bo 4rtrodut.coi in tile apply in cases where bombs payinent of tile xpas*s ot.. viewo. At ot�4140,% """" title colplar awzery, Out W�af�umltlj its army ef oloculmtjon, On th-3 Rhino. Britiah Army dur4ur the -,var. mt our eftrt w�'h malvol tlxirlc 14.'=* arA Ile vuecesso. tTidsh 1"arV,i,011enb this year will, beiclid not Cause death. For th-'s a 4xim -of �241,000,00() Nv�­.rever mmedo,,e tAkOR, in tin 10 air"t the pro*ab --- va.,�, ready has been, to the tte-3 mar. is tb;* mnlire 01 i=96st"4140 -10 404POP"s el)I'Platrono movejuent. Bri. Keep the Sight Good. prewzted R.-_1 pulations Commis-slon, h,�*s lire the b"- Qlaveraead Weekly Market kiWrt *M- 1540 ate **ug -to Cana& aral Yet another cir anir in tho 'commu nity, PrinakW;1,br 4-`lmao who =a bo ing -d,1,aN*1n oven_eze ty tha 1>eodkoning hund ot we vain lWoNvW9e of tho outer Morld :ractori'll. t1te 4,4moTal, Ization is 131a s",g1,Jty og the terms unPoosea oil the Berlin Goveomment go vauth so that oftei theze whoo 1; : d I V ave h;7� 1., .0 time for �VtUdy W(M�.!eTff thtl;a 1$ Toronto. Mar -to 2" Oil *1W 11"'re set,10" thgro and fi%& vood. Yor lustoance E. s. per. enuively t1wougil, our senwA. The gxeatest gatemay through %v%loh kr Medge as a pre-requivite, 't* the gZanting of 'R PaLrVal 11TOrat lum.. Thez In an- oth'" posiVell on the 11�3.tters 1* f4 eour-eveously exprwrd,�', l 41.57 Manitoba, oats --No. 2 OW, 59%el new 14d, in =tam, 44 too W. POt*t*er,-Tm0t, Tomto, 6W, zaArtant agenhgen�'ral for On� taTio. lemmo on April 11th, in 4targe �c, mqy enter t1lo m;InKI ii; the Sense of sight. 'We leaxn morer quicic- or 0 i voJ Va the 110t4tion *f a fmvlgn loan Qr levy We hAve Seen man often with his ext'm NO, 1 '904 WA'0, NO- 1 14 6d livr bsT, ', 90 too gk-, of th'a fim-t party of settlers who have ly throllgh the mind than by aIvy obher means. On home =pW and! a halt in allclpi. tal -exports. palzimi-W-a vew,3 on evmthlng that isar�& Nvith 111�3 p!ar�4 for t�hl' )'&- X=itoba lbarley—Xvlminal, 1-t_;bA $4.40; prima% $a,86;a 11g) been se!�noted to, go to Ontario twis 'PoRson, T -11-o party indutles, ex-tervice OREn we'see a young s( -holar stam- modaling or i Practi--41Y All the above, boack, Bay -Aaxi-er*an ,WA_J1Tc, 2 yo, -t& row , 7,, let X41Q, Per imp. $2,00; Per 5 imp. 60U., 12,35. mcn,. ex1*rt,T4Tm workens, a few do- I moring t1wough, Us lvssons And lay the caa�o of the trouble to plain Toronto Profemr Goes to '40111r endredY XleW lines ani then h4ve gone Out in the, No. 8 yellow, 75%e; No. 74i,�% tm,ck, T*Wnto. 4 yellv% I =goar, �� 19 to 22o�, y"mLY-40,80a. th-14 14% to 1fK1 me-It4c Sel'ante and sevicral T-amill 'with capital., dumbnezz vhor, in reality, poor eye- Edinburgh. swisibine or"',y to fma s.-arzeiy a rrairlrt I Ontario, onts—No, 9, 714ta, ;�7�wlt_maww. nonlimsh or &24-166 unal, 17 to Vrft per bigeat is at the bottom, of, the dif. ficulty. ombcr of 1143- oldZians n-mainling. `143e, ide,% Barloy—No. E Oat-VIO owthl hvpmN wr iak)aw�, AD ex "alnination. of thousand.s of TO receive a very high collipl-iinent is thut Ive &houfld be, careful, ini 8 exh,4�,�� � bAtep, 57 47 lbs. or FOUR MORE MURDERED whool elildTen sho�vod I.bmb sixty.:six omd to 'suffer et, the Smile time a very P-ce-014113'9 the A6,W3 Of th:;so who talk , to 60% eaaorgryg cvlshae. to:fre.JVh1,3 &ro;izea edL, 82 to 84c; cooloml 4vam 41 to ISU,- IN CITY OF BELFAS I Pei, oerj�. of thiem hed 6_-fea1,r,, eye. savero l0s.z-� was the fortun3 of the­inuch aed think ilwe,, bilt rather ttudy;cTurproblems Bu-zkwboat—No. 2,178 to M-. rex's, 26 -to 218.4;,Coftage ma%s 80 to 4�bt. Anather oxambiat-'13n in the FactlbbY 01 Mt,!;alne, Univenrity C.f 1,911,01116 in the vory. Rye --No. 2, So to Bile `pat,�7., 8 (r; brealdwstbu�op, 29 vol Stz; spledil Bomb To h r o w n in Street indvil,;!�alt fiell held. among mature 1,,,v1e 1��hoivzd tbat the same per- Torcrato,, lz:At week" vOwn Dr. B. P. 'WatsO`114 PrcfesaoT cf OInstetries and best light NN11th IvIlivh �vo c�j them. Alaultot a fiwai—n-at a). nalrar- I' fbrwJa&zb amtoi. 87 to ,.10o; baqka. �bovo!ewi, 86 t* 40i!. Wounds Two Residents. ver-Irge ha.1 defe-Ahe sight, b11t t,,1ey Gynnecolo.mv, aecepted, the offier ex- Ontario flour -00 per eent, Wvent, �Curetj 011,, bov, A dv-ratth Ann Ballasb Nv�,ra *W-o ta corrc.-L tbe trouble in tbh,tee-n --r �eert... Iv.-virg- terdcd to him by the 1:,nivellsoity of ]-,4d'im1>rr9h t0l fill Vile bulk, tseaboail, Per biij., no;niiinal, Alil'feed—Ml., lklorlreal $17 ta, $19; r_leav obellie%. $1,"i j�o $2o; frel. .,men, poalk. $84; vhzrt vzt Inat-Im, $Be; boiA4 v"as th*- mvii in Xrwit a a Tell- deence on S��f -!,nga, Streeton Tle r. fift-three r.er -vent. dz1e.ztive. chair in Medicine in taxt Urivc�rzjty, This is the his, Nqg,� ir;�Iuded: Bran, �mr tan,0!28 $30; �ihw-ts, per tan,, $80 to to �80; h",ar: . .0 L S 82, cobd rD 4:-, $43. xr.*ght. lfut�cit Jic;.hnean and his Savin 'ric, With surb. -a Lzxge por-anutage afree�, ed, We 1z'11ZIL11 1-10k to car ownchild-i-en tolle4wst made famow by the late Sir J-1411cs Your, Si IP I nl t be g n so, 1, 0 ( 0 feed flour, $1.70 to $1.80. Baled hay—Track, Toronto, per ton, 141YI—Pure 17 to 171�_'-q tdbos� 17% t i8ile; 1-i ,,r i6e were wound.0 and had-. to teluen to a h�oslpltaq. to find if flAr z*.ent is defeetive or ?ne Of his �succ-ezl��rzirs, is- a high honor extra No. 2, $22 to $28; mLxedl, $18 to . pai-Je4 prluks� 18 to 19c. OWeliug, tiewt-e3 Owen 31a,6110uli, a no.t. To al:.zw this great; gateway of know -lodge to be tobatructed would -he andeed Profescor Wat-so1r, JVJJO has been -oil the staf of tl,,a .1; tlover, �14 to $18. Straw—C-Ar lota, pe -v ton, traek, To- 16 tii, 163hc; bibo, to Tee-�A; 17 t6�171he; vrinti, MA tt,-A 19,% aud tlwma el his SQ71s, Ivree nmriered, W* this 1110T.M3319 n1liday), when an rrnist Unfortunate. Gaod, 11021,tll W2,H, h0p provincial uvl� TerSitY :to - r te`1 yeal-s, 1,3 a graduate Of the Univel-afty rorto, $12 to $13. UPOMOW No, C W -we lw%yy ;4V4% I & lgocd $7 to. 7.40,1 $7.75 to �6.25, 11titc"Ter ste%tq, Owed, lgang forced Im entz",Rlee into eonm.rve gp&d zight, but ,alsu Door Of E dinhurgli. He �qllttatjvfts��Oqltario 1 commere-la-1 wheat, $1.26 to 41.42, ohWeeo, $8,76 to 7,01 I 1* regiden�.. e5vs frequantewy eau-�e poorhealth, tor sta"tes thoat the new systeni recently I outal(14N. 50; do, ITW,,, *r) ito AOIVOIA. $6 to Ailvlher eon, an,,I MazMahods bair- tewber, roadly seeing through Jnirr_,1&r_t eyes is a otivain to the nerm"m vwtein, anrragurated in the Toronto. risculty of lViefic-ine has ig;reatly enhaucedi tbe.,a- Ontario 114. 8 oats, 40 tol -Ade. 4 5c, ouk- *5 ; do� cam"; 1110 $6,50 be $7; ld;D, 111V4. $5 -to A6 do ecom., weze woun.6ed by the It abakes a -Iotof. diffleTence, bow we reidY �xcel,!Isnt repufttion of�l tihis 0,; Ontario *W111-58 to 60L, OutEide. $4 to *"'16; �bntwejw eo�,Va',' 1Qic4o $610 Uninjured After see things. Be SU.re to 11-ce'M tibe, vrision tqear. Faculty abroadoand that the univeirsi- -ties Of Great Belbab rvis w-atched, the Ir Ontario flOUr—Ist r,4AtX,, eack&, Ms-. $-9.20 per ibhl.; in catton. 2nd Pats. -to *625; do, 2rve4 S3.50 to, 94; ca,.nzers and, cut�tem $1 to V6 Pa.: 20 -Foot success OX t1lis 'exi"eunient ftkers), $7.20. Sbum�ghf% In ImIlk, good, $4,56 to ;6 0; &� ou Jump from Aeroplane Barnardo Boys Viewed with a I greU-t 4!eal of interest. Becatrse of the smboard, $6.25,. Blaniboba flour-11st: %!. $4; fose#6 Woo) ' $6 to $6.75 faft- A dim -pat av %-li frodu Lond-on s 'is:_ Weddin- Proc ession !4one cd-lant work PrcXessor Nyatson has here ian:l because af bis, 1,11timate 1 pats,, saeks, $8.70 per bbh; 2ird viaU,, Chee.-e—New, aarge, 20 in cc4ton. $8.2,0. too 203/_-',c; 0 81 �00 J�Xa to stovk!!!; gooq, �4 joe, $5'. .0, fair, 3 to *4; m,111c" $60 to $80; q - Corp -nal. DfaChrus-land, of tba R -oyal AC -r F-Wee,'smoemis, to bear a charived 1-1,19 maj-szty re, who 1,5,f , Ki _Sr Georg Patron of 'Dr. Barnarilo "Pedge of the 'Tull-tini-s syis.te�jiv, know, dicial imtrnotio.n., 116s eama twiziLL, 20% Iro 21c; trIplots, FO&I'qir a,"Msa� ��arge, 21 to SpIlAigers, $70 to 119Q; ew -,h Ok $10 to do, $9 to 910; 44. coill., *5 "to $7; '_-JrJbs6 db;oi-ze� $12 to life. H* Erlrt-6ved 1his :Vour th air 41oi.. t ma"Ifer- has lealled, Juhn to the biglieslt Old', large, 26 tio, 26�l; twira. �5% to 14; do, CaUL, $6 tO Sheep, dkoioa, aster ca Thuirodia:y bly inni-ping rolil inianif-estei his opersonal inberest Eli' "T36w"al iyosition. in her gift. This 261/vc- tirip9,0,s 26 -to .97e;'19t!-1ibO0% '�4 7 00� gloa., -Pp6 -to $7; do, mm, a 71-oxchirn! 'which 11;0�3e..4.jrectl rbo 'Valt.11, � ,that ioreab ivorkby linvibingo, fift-V . 13.a,,.-- wou."d appear to be n;,�; to 91.56 to $3.50; hogs, ted and -wa"red) ,00 from a heigil'A­ of 1 0 tfeet. Mj� . Oauz- nar -N to a do b vy. 611,9 in the a rather �conwinjc- endvosat�,on Of tile sy . stem now� in 28c; Butter—Fresit dairy, dilortee, erelamwy fvmh 22 to -fliuloy, 418.7T); &, Lob., �18; doo,, <Ayuvbry -Iand juni-nd (wi-nn Vag weropl, P�'R;08 vo A711C W �& a courtyar& Of Bu, t'1c'h9l1M'11 f0irce in the med-leall faculty gi, - P prialtsi, poinbs� '0 I ?.rQt rfrofA Ithe gtrakwdt 'Paid w1asl so Palace# fronl whicb;t1bey witnesoseclthe- of U.n_iVe,11s11ty of . Toronto. An�other - 36 41 to 42c; No. 1, 39 to 40c; to. 3R; 22 to 25c. IST -D. 2, Mmitreal. Lt'Wlo, lvart tILM he wiidked vround, thie, me -chinos gftarWax.d1, He valighaleva, wedding pxot,-emAk),n of Her Rooyal Foriateeess , Afary. d Once ,& ihe hoigh reglard in- -,,,h,4,h1v1 CrL7U] the sebadT -of this fa, Ity is held !.,% tile fact Hon. E. L. Patenaode Who isi-slated to succeed Air. Arthur 30 cooking, Dressed 9D&U7---Sp;rdng to 35c; roorteana, 20 to 2ta- choickons, 24 Nfbs�CaTL Wwt­ No. 2, 66r: do, N.Q. 38, Noe. Fiocx—Mun. Oprimv i443eit pats. ftsiti, $8;50. RcOe4 c id' e-InIdler :6wsglld� t&,ee Unles W Iffi, dixection land velocity of that S Dr. J. G. Fitzgerald, Professiar of the.- %,Live as leader of the 01>1psiltion in to, Quebec Legiolatllre, No; duckry, 35,0; turbey's, �5 to "501d i I oalis—lIft of 90 lba, $8. B1n.11­_$32.W, "Ens flylug dfltaw Who t uo��s in tile mW&ddX% 'wital. jl,= &+, qliie al� he winid oan, now be, ascerbained, to hd-11, as e.iilit-miles, -abov oebhe e2a7th ElYgienos tanrl Director Off tille CO.,,_ naLlIght Antitoxin T'abOm'to".7, 'h'as goose, 0 25e. Live poultry—Spring chdodconts;, 28c; 22 08, Emil tor, eaj� lots, $28 to $29, Ulne wMe ten -6%, 111tiqXrea been. 1%.artimwevil, ­­* ­_ a,_ i.i.- A H-Wht handand flexi-bl-a wrist sre,.t roolsteris, 17 to 20a.;, .�_ ­ ­ ­ _, . . T2 1 It 24 to � ­ Oheese��Filiost lorosev 17 to __1. - .- _ � arlks