The Exeter Advocate, 1922-3-30, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR.
Our Corner
It would appear as ii peoule carp
hear better with their eyes closed.
Many people are prone to experiment
nn church during a lone; sermon,
Send us the news items when they
are fresh, said a brother editor. Put
on our desk a clan.le;ion, with the
mornzng dew on it, rather than
whole forkful of dried hay,
Phoee 81a
Have Your Easter
Suit Tailored to
Your Personal
Our wonderful assortment
woolens for' Easter Suits, with
«tu!Sties, weaves, textures and
terns give you unusual choice tl
isfy your personal preferences.
are shown, in our offerings of Men's
High Grade Furnishings• All the
tet fabrics are leer made
a s fabis ere andupin
tie latest models in the very best
manner. You certainly will warn one
of our suits when you see the goods
and learn what a saving our prices
W. W. Taman
Tailor& Furnisher
The only way to have a friend is
be one.
Dead tramp across ylour lawn or*
bout-vard until the ground settles.
Or newspaper after another 8s call -
Ur a change Call-
ing I the 11311 municipal g b In munh pal act,.
making tll . date oe elections some oili-
er time than at New Year„ The Ade
vacate has been hammering at this
matter for years. A month, later would
be suitable•
elany of the Exeter business men
have. agreed to put ors a Dollar Day
Campaign on Friday and Saturday of
next wee. This means big bargains',
for everybody for two days, The
Mores assure us that the
will be real anoneyr savers: s
We sometimes forget that Germany
has been "eiccupted" by the alnes.
But when we hear that. the Army of
Occupation has destroyed 14,800 aero-
planes and 29,500 motors, we begin to
realize that that country's military
pewter is 'being assured?), destroyed;
Exeter Council
A regular meetine of the Exeter
Council was held Monday, March 27.
A,bs:ret, Councillor Davis. Minutes of
the meeting held March 13. were recd IXrt!ey of the whole community. The
and confirmed, funeral took; place from the family
Correspondence was read as follow, on Monday afternoon to the
Letter from Huron Specialty Caeilrgs . E^ceter cemetery.
Co., Clinton. Re. Grey iron castings,—
Letter from the Sun Co. of Canada,
Toronto, Re. road 04S. The Clerk to : Orr' of the 'oldest newspaper :,ten '11
ask for prices. Canada diad on Monday, :'1iar.h 17th.
Letter with qua,ations, or price of when W. R. Dave, who was for ratty,
tile moulds from London Concrete riven years .editor sof the 'Niles—hell
Machinery Co; Fre for future refer
c a:elledrRS CR tie cll.
Local News 1 Crediton
Mr. Peter Frayne and Mr. Frank ` The regular monthly meetieg of the
1) jbrirckge,, eta recently ' exchaaaged Women's Inst'.±rte w 1 be held next
residences, have .moved, Tuesday, Apra 4, at 2.30 p.m. 'Mfrs.
Z� a
R. 1♦ I:ro t
1 Of Centralia will ad-
:lir �
A. Sand-rs, yobs has been dress tale meeting. This will be fel-
confined to hes home suffering from lotived, by a demonstration of cake ice-
z r =ry sore eye, left Wednesday ev .ng, to b: given by Mrs. F. W. Clark
erns ,for London to consult with /owl(' Mr, harry Bearer,, Lunch will
sp c a;_st, and it is altogether likely be served. A cordal Levitation is ex-.
lea w J1 have to undergo an operateere needed to all ladles to. attend.
Last Sunday morning the animal
DEATH OF WILLIAM ANDERSON ono the Sunday School o:fieers
for the coming year was held ie. the
W3ule tree go to press' eve learn` that Er sn4 . scat Church. Tile result :;'avat
s as
lir. Ztr lli}m A,nciersotl, to well-known gfollon s .--Peas., Floltzmanicet of -the anconcessionof pr: s., Chester 3lawbzu y; secaryS hn yvo ��.t e h 113, t..o and I9 s n 1P ee t n .Cr. s � ot1 ti s.Ea1. t . raiSfor sere^al days, passed away on Wer. librarian, G. E. Wenzel, The reee.
n es la.y morning, March 29th. about 7 of :the secretary and the treasurer were
o'clock • at the age of ;69 years and 8 also r:ad,
months. Arrangements for the furter- Mrs. Lloyd England and babe have
a+l heave. .not yet been completed. raturued from London, after a chart
visit with frit :ells.
DAUGHTER PASSES. We are pleased to see Christian
Heist out again after hie illness.
The home of Mt and Mrs. George Mrs. Jacob Schwarz was operated .on
Hunter, lesborne, ;was saddened oe lea Victoria Hospital, London., Monday
Saturday last when their only laugh and at time of writing is doing as well
ter, Edith Mae, passed to the Great `a:is can b; expected,
Be.y 4, at the aye of 12 years, one The roads from here to Ccentrali
month and on. day. The little girl are in an awtui shape, I)uring tithe
had been seriously is t1 for several days week. quite a ;lot of heavy teaming has
with a diseased bate i;•1 the leg, and been. done, and with the frost ,:oma;;
her mitering was very great, The out there are spots in, ,places where
b'reaved parents have the sincere sym : the wagons sink almost down to he
Albert :1lorlock has converted h
tour a car into a truck;.
Miss Loretta Holtzman lefe tee Thes-
e Por London, where she w';l go in
treeing a e a nurse at Victory Hos-
pital: Her many friends wish her to.
riday and Saturday', April 7 and 8
The Business Men of Exeter have decided to
pub on a Dollar -'- two Day BIg Barg8,ul Days
in town on these two days. Watch next week's
papers for Bargains.
ry sucee.s..
Miss Iu'sa Baruch of K,iteh'aer and
Mss Vete Holtzman-. of London are
hellebore! now on. sick 1eavo.
Advocate, passed away at Ids home 1 grazer . Wuss has sold
dClis dural:
:'tree. in that town, He bad been in feeble hiss :eery Geiser i:, at present ill
Latter with copy•of statement, Re, condition for some times lied he lie- and ult�zbl:'Ste attend to her general
fo nne .th due the ,od company
August wou,idt ed hav celetthe 29th ed tie sixtiethd Mro ean- housaho,cl duties.
1919 of the Globe Indemnity Co,Mr and ;errs, Godfrey Nicholson
Ta niv:nary of their wedding The his-
mato: Clerk to make answer; tory of the town of Mlteheli is the were in Croderich one day last week
Mrs. Skelton addressed the Court -r sans mother.
1• st•ery of W, R. Davis„as he was attending the funeral of Mr, :�iehol-
cit Re, an advertisement in the inter- clnsely identified with the interests of
est of the Corporatese as being athe town, lie was n member of the Jamas Cockwill .had of his
ranged for the local press, --No t tions. first council, thein mayor, and for rev- hor'�.s vehicles and other chattels
The Reeve sand Councillors spoke of ere years ponce ,magistrates Besides last 1tur4ay,
the several complaints as being made Ses niriJ'uh. is survived by ten eons Jos, Heist received his vulcanizing
°.f the cant:nued. horse racing and ami tw' dough tars, Mrs. Fred A. May ng ti t so lila. Saturday
and t isbbusy las art
'speeding on of
Street during the of Exeter being the youngest of tie 1 de -l: n a short time He will also
late hours o. the night;. also that family. She. is .n :Mitchell for the fun-
greups of young men gathering at eral. install <:.rtAir pressure system which will
be ; in ieh apprec reed by those who
corners. and indoor, ways "_” da Wen like to use the ordinary bandtend annoying ezttzens as they pass D ;ATH OF FRANK HA1 DFORD,
along, Warning is hereby given that < pump to b.ow ep t�ueir tires.
should this be continued legal action Th' death occurred on Saturday, The rem:.:,ns of the late Lloyd Hew -
will follow. Muesli 25th of Frank B. Handford,
lett, who d'ed its London. )est week,
Warning is also given to all owners t'e'a 1 of 1tr. Jam,«s Handford, at the were interred. in the Crediton Cern-
of dogs to secure 1922 Dog Tags be- family residence, Laughall street. De-
etery on Sunday afternaon.
fora the first of Apria, c greet was aged 31 years, 2 months. \',F. are pleased to learn that Mrs.
The Reeve reported an intervie.v hi had been in declining health for Freeman Morloek is improving nice -
with Reeve Coates of Usborne re -her "u' years, and latterly had been ly after Ther se'iious illness,
be -
gaoling an, Electric Railway iron) St, i confined eto his room, with little hope Ile: special meetingshwllich are bee
?Marys to the Jake shore, passing hru of recovery. Born south of Exeterhe .nf, held in the evangelical Church are
leirkton, Exeter and the. Tp, of Ste- tial res„cle+l Twee ail his .life with the nv','11 attended, Last week the local
he cvc•a ti'in 01 a ve•tr or two in Paster was assi,5ted by Rev. W. J.
p n. Per Francis and F11e:rington—na . zxthe
action be taken for the present, Southern States, Besides his father, Yager of Dashwood, and dee week by
Th, clerk was instructed to secure be is survived by five sisters end one Rev. Mayer of 'Zurich!.
prices on chip, stone for municipal else brother, \Erse Wm, Foster nand hies,
By-law No. 4 of 1922, prohibiting the Geo. Griffith of Toronto, Mrs, Wm,
running at large of Poultry and Rabe Montgomery of Weyburn, Sask., Miss
bits was given the .necessary readings Annie at home, and Wesley ;of Swift
and finally passed, Current, Sask, The funeral took
Jos. Senior, Clerk. place from the family home pa Tues-
day afternoon, interment being made
in Exeter cemetery
THEM. Good advise if you don't
J. WARD, D.C., Optometrist, Exeter.
god PAGE Cars
New 'Machines installed to repair work an a21 kinds of
Huron Garage
Au tomobalr-'s.
The Pursuit of Happiness
How to Find It 1
isn't qt so mostly that we search for the than,g,s thalt are, mostly right
eft bend.
we travel reviles .far the joys of an, unending summer, when we nosed
bees it in our very ,yard' by takilrig,+o few- steps:,
It is just cis' true.. of .Flout;. We rna:ciufachlra right Isere in Exeter +one
of the t eest brands of Flour thee is made in the Prove -nee. It is kn,owm
as IVIAN1TOBA'S BEST, made from the finest Western Wheat, ainel has
gained ran. its' ,merles a splendid 7eputa,tion wherever it
Read what ;one of our dealers' in the north end of this county . wrote
about it recently telling what he hasbearxl about tour Flour. Same of his
customers slay "It 'is the best they get. They have tested it with oth-
ers and say that ',yours will make more loaves of bread than any oth,e,r
they have usaete - Now, isn't that fine? We want you. to . try ;it too;
We elsa sell a good Family Flour, themed MODEL, made of blended
wheat, and a fine Pastry Flour, -known as WELCOME,
Our Car of ;Seed Oasts is all that can, be desired, exceeding, if possible
see sample sent us, They are going fast, Come and secure your require-
itAessts while we have them;
arvey Bros.
The bowling contest of Group 2
in, the Y Alleys on Friday night was
wan by the clerks, who obtained 1500
points, although the Press, who were
next, were the only ones to win their
three games, but whose total .- score
was a little less, 1424, The Y bowl-
ers got 1243, and the U,F.0.1234. The
players were—
Y.P.C.A.—W. Rivers, F. Boyle,
c Penhale, W. Cole.
Clerks—B. Rivers, "C. Harness, S.
Reid, W. Harness
U. F. 0.—W. Shapton, E. Shapton
B. Bissett, H. 'May. _
Press—Po N. Creech, R. Soauthcott
W„ C Davis, J. M. S,outhcott
Mrs. jos. Davis of Merlin, Ss visit-
ing Iter parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm,
Mess Esl, Ileywoo.d has been in Lon-
don duringthe past week visiting with
her sister, Mra(W, J. Maslen.
Mrs,. McAvoy and Miss Anne, Saund-
ers etre visiting for a few days this
eek with Mrs, J. V. Miilsoaa at Lam-
Mn Burton P.reszcator, wba has been
Vystitin;' at his home here for ramie
time, returned to Detroit yester,Wed-
rosden, .
The "Big Four" Baseball League has
b:,en; successfully launched, to (soloist
of Godericb; Teeswater, Wingham
and Zurich. These .four teams well al-
so platy the same teams in the N. W.
R. 'A., so there whet be abundance
of baseball in this district. Thee office
ers of this new`lea:gue are :Hon press
d .pts : Geo. Ferguson, Teeswater;
Wm, Sosnervifle, Goderich ; L. Keo-
-way, Wiaughann; Mr, Fritz, Zurich;
pr sidemt, J. II. e-Xays, God,erich ; .feet
vice-president, A7, W, Telfer,
lnam; 2nd vice-president, J„,H. Link -
la ter,
ink-later, Teeswater; 3xd vice-pres,ident,
Tully Worm, Zurich; Secy -tress:, H..
C. Gray, Wingbam , executive com-
mittee--L)r. Shaw, C1Sntone John Wig-
gins, Geo' 1 rich; ;Melees Donahoe, Tees -
water ;
eeswater; Lee Ho.f.fnna'a, Zurich.
Mr, end Airs Ted Adams ,af ,Detroit
are 'leen .owing to the ijln,ess of the
batter's brother, Mr, Wne. Anderson',
Herbert Esther is In Port Hope,
M'c•11., attending ,the funeral of Mrs.
Roland Eilber, who died after a short
illness from pleurisy and pneumonia.
On Saturday evening the mem-
bers of the Blue Birds Organized Bible
Class 'of the Evangelical Church, met
at the home of their teacher Miss Lor-
etta Holtzmaatn, :prior Aa her depart-
ure for London,, where she :s going
in training as a nurse_,. The following,
address was read by the ,Secretary,
M'e'ss Vera Mawhinney wh>• then pre-
sented her with a beautiful Diary..
p'We. the 'pupils of your Sunday
School Class, learning that you are
about to remove from our na ctst, have
gathered here this erten* n'; t., enjoy a
s'e'll hour,,
We have come. here to express our
d: en and heartfe<tt regret at Jolene
a t. ocher so :genial and hind..
We- recognize ;the eact..that during
the short tense you were with us, your
stxnpath .s were with us also and
you always taught us to sympathies
with the unfortunate and needy and
tot rid ahelping hand to those inn want
\V assure you that your removal
is deeply regretted by your pupils,
who, from long association, have learn -
to IoW you, and while we are sorry
to lose you from among us, we hope
be often have the apporten'Ity of
meting you and now bidding you
aelen we wish you to accept this gift
as a tioken of tour appreciation. of your
t ach• mgs • and ;matey kind acts received
froin you.
Wishing you mamo years of good
health. and happiness in the future.
Signed Loin; tbehielf of the class,
Vera, Mawhinney, Sec,.
The teacher made a letthig reply,
thanking. her-cfaise for this gift, and
assuring them of her appreciation, A.
short' program was t e.n rendered send
lunch .;crewed,
A Comedy
in 9 Acts.
Under the Auspices ,of the Epworth
will be ,given in the S. S. Room'
at "'Eight O'Clock
A aniesion-Adults 35c• . Children 20c,
There will be many great money saversr
If you have writhing to sell or y, ou
Rant to buy, try The Advocate Want
Sehro:der—In Usborne, oil Mart 24,
to Mr. and Mrs}, Russell Schroeder,
a daughter.
J„s—La L sborne, en Mar. 28th, the
r and Mrs. Richard Johns, a, sora.
Anderson—In Stephen., ,Cels.. 2, on
Maori) 29th, William Ando -sari, aged
69 years and 8 snontbs.
Darrow• --Ln Detroit, on !starch 20th,
Elizabeth. Ahcrats, wife of Harry
Darrow of Bayficed, aged 62 years
and 3 anonthe,
Handford.—In Exeter, on March 25th,
Frank B. Harelt'ord, son of Mr. as.
Handford aged 31 years, 2 months,;
Hunter—In Usborne, on ?.larch 25th,
Edith Mae, daughter of George and
Olive Hunter, aged 12 years, 1 mon-
th and 1 days
Young—I nParkhill, on Mar. 18, Wm.
Young, aged 80 years,
Parker—In Victoria Hospital, London,
on March 21, Joliet Parker of Aftsa'
Craig, in his 75th year, '
Br211^At Zurich, on Mar. 19, Charles
Brill, aged 85 years.
Ducharme--In Hay, on Man 18, Laura
Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs; Os-
car Ducharr jr., aged 4 years.
asaver—In loving mernory 'of Sentnel
Laver, rti he died Ap-e. 1, 19Z1 abet
his daughter. Vertu. May, who died.
19, 1921,
A year ago they passed away,
We encs them sorely every day;
W. had great need 'CO!. them,
13ut God Ind ear rte., it would seem.
The Family,
Picture Sale
J. Senior
Your Storage Battery
Will last longer if you let us
Iook after it.
W. J. BEER, Exeter
Phone 16
Our New Spring Stock is alt here, ready for your verstet.
Prices are much lower. A dollar goes a great deal further
than a year ago.
NEW WALL PAPERS are v: ry artistic, soft blended
colors, suitable for every room inthe house.
15c. the ro,li for some very net chintz patterns, suitabje
for Bedrooms,
20e. the roll for floral over effects, suitable for Liv-
ing Rooms.
25c,. and 30c. for a lovely range of parlor and hall paper,
50e. the real forvery exclusive pattern.,, suitable for parlors
We would Eike to show you our new Papeiis;,
NEW LINOLEUMS are all 5n. We have a good range of
New Block and Floral over patterns -2 and 4 yards wide,
LADIES' SPRING COATS in ail the leading shades—Sands
Teepee, Brown and Blacks. Braid and Embroidery Trinimitnera.
$19.00 to $35.00.
NEW HOMESPUN SUITINGS for the Ladies, 56 inch wide,
In every leading shade. Pure wool .god real ;valves,
$3.93 Extra Special Ladies' Black Romps„ with and with-
out Buckles. Doogola and Pat int Leather:. Regular .Values up
to $7.,50, all clearog tat $3,93.
98e., $1,25, and $1.50. Three new- Corset 'Bargains,
Muchch below regular 1ar prices.s. Ask to see 'tln.e
35c, or 3 for $i.00 Uni,oi Towels. All linen one way,' just
slightly oiled,. Regular value 65c.; Clearing at 3 for $100,
3 pk. McLaren jelly Powder 2Sc. 3 pk, ,Amnionira for 23c
Kellogg's Corn Flakes, pkg. 10c 2 pi. Lux for " 23c.
3 Bottles Best l xtractts for 25c 1 can Dutch Cleanser ems' 11c
6 in. Rolled Oats for 25c. 1 pkg. Corn Starch, ter 10c
Shredded Wheat, pkg. 1Zc 1 db. Christie Soda Biscuits 15e
6 pkg Best Toilet Paper for 25c 2 cans real good oilman, los- 25c
1 ib, Pur:: ;Cocoa for 14c 1 box Excelsior 'Dates fur 10c,
Highest Prices, paid • for Po airy end all Produce.