HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-01-04, Page 2PAGE 2 —GODERICHFIGNAL,STAR, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4 , 1979 Tid Bits... Tid Bits... Tid BY JOANNE BUCHANAN A Grand Prix for snowmobiles happens at the Wasaga Beach Winter Jamboree on January 20 and anyone interested from this area is invited to attend. 1Vlolson's Brewery (Ontario) Ltd., and Canadian Kawasaki Motors ' Ltd., are presenting the Molson Kawasaki Klassic, a series of snowmobile races with a total purse of $4,000. Racing begins Saturday, ranuary 20 at 12 p.m. and the awards are scheduled to be presented at 4:30 p.m. The whole Jamboree- Klassic begins Friday evening with snowmobile_ torchlight parade and • Concludes Sunday. For hotel reservations, contact Mrs. Dorothy - Brown, Accommodation Chairperson, Wasaga Beach Winter Jamboree, Wasaga Beach Chamber of Commerce. + + IVY BLAY Tuesday was the, last day of work for Ivy blay of Goderich, probably best known to the women in town who like to knit. •For about 35 years, Ivy and her partner, Mary Miners, operated a yarn • and children's shop Palled . the Ivie-Mary Shoppe at the ,corner of North Street and the Square where Radio Shack is now located. After that, Ivy worked for about a year in .the. Knit Wit which opened in the Suncoast Mall and then in The Children's Shoppe which replaced the Knit Wit, for about another year. She says she really enjoyed working with those at the Children's Shoppe and received a lovely parting gift. Ivy and Mary were working for the same company in Sarnia, Mary. - as a stenographer and — Ivy on 'the' payroll; When ' Mary invited Ivy to go into business with her in Goderich. Both the size of Go-derich – a-nd its proximity to water ap- pealed to Ivy .and she accepted Mary's offer. Now, after almost 37 years of living and working in Goderich, Ivy is looking forward to her retirement and hopes to do .some travelling. She will -also have more time to Spend on one of her favorite hobbies -- you Winter days can turn mean quickly when the weather changes or when, you've travelled a long way from ,help on your skis pr snowmobile and an accident happens. Bill Melville says if you think ahead a bit before you start on a cold weather outing, you can probably prevent trouble or at least be prepared to deal with it if it comes. _IVielyille is a northerner who knows how to work-in the cold. He's Area Commissioner for St. John Ambulance and an expert on first aid. -He's -also a purchasing agent for Ontario Hydro and has done his share of following the route of power lines in some bleak and 'chilly parts of Ontario. He says, "You've got to took ahead when -you're going out into inclement weather. Prepare for the worst, no matter how good the weather is when you start out, prepare for the way back and for emergencies. "We carry blankets or sleeping bags in the car all winter. We always have matches and a flashlight in the glove compartment and two or three chocolate bars. I carry sand and a shovel, flares and an axe to cut firewood, because if you'l'e really stranded' you can't leave the car motor running. Even if you „only leave it on ,15 minutes at a time, you'll soon be out of -gas. Arid I carry a first aid kit,". he continues. If you're going skiing, snowmobiling or skating outdoors, dress for it. Wear a face mask and carry extra cfothes . if there's a chance the weather will get colder as the day goes on, says Melville. Find. out what the wind • chill factor is, especially if you're riving a 'snowmobile. On- a still day, when the tem- perature is 10 degrees -above zero (minus12 celsius), if you're travelling 30' miles an hour '(50 km), the wind chill factor is 33 degrees below zero (minus 36 celsius), he says. • Melville recommends, "Dress in clothing that breathes. Clothes should •be loose when that's possible, warm but let- ting air circulate. If you wear insulated .clothes and perspire inside them, when you get out, in the cold, that will freeze. And don't wear tight clothes that will cut off cir- culation." ' "It's not wise to go too far afield alone, either. If you' do have an accident, +++ Thefree taxi service offered in GOderich on New Year's Eve was a resounding success once again this year. Bruce Betties of Goderich Taxi reports 119 calls for the service, about the same •number as last year. It is hoped that the rvice can be continued again next year with the sup- port of area business people. you'll 'need someone to help. And you should use a buddy system to keep an eye on one another for signs of frostbite." You may not know your nose, your cheeks or ears are frostbitten, or your feet, especially if -you're wearing tight boots or skates. But you can see frostbite. The afflicted area shows as waxy white and hard," says Melville. The best 'treatment is a gradual warming Rif body warmth. Put a ' warm hand over ears andnose. Tuck ,---frosib.ittert hands_ and fingers under your -armpits, inside your jacket until they get warm. Don't rub frost- bite, don't put ice, snow or cold on it and don't apply heat. -- Severe frostbite is cold and sensitive and will appear white and hard as weod. It must have medical attention, Get the victim to medical -help as fast as possible and don't let the frozen ALVIN'S T.V. Your Headquarters for ^0TV TOWER INSTALLATIONS,REPA IR -8, SERVICE •DELHI & CHANNEL MASTER *TOWERS, ANTEI4NAS & BOOSTERS *SHARP COLOUR TV ' • *MIDLAND C.13., ALVIN'S T.V. 142 MARY ST. • GODERICH • 52440i. aiminsiox* 4 4**Einitse;itit4 area thaw. ' And says Melville, if you are stranded in the cold and have to wait for help, keep moving to keep your blood circulating. St. John Ambulance safety oriented first aid training teaches people how to avoid accidents as well as teaching them what to do to save life and minimize injury when an accident does happen. St. John Ambulance offers a two and a half hour Lifesaver First Aid course that is taught in_ one, session, as well as more e,xtensive eight and 16 hour courses. BARB MCNEIL its Barb McNeil, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.D. McNeil of Goderich, recently graduated from the Ontario Cancer -Institute rn Toronto as a radiotherapy technician. She has accepted a position in Harper -Grace Hospital, Detroit and will be residing in Windsor. Forty-six cadets, at- tended' the first annual Christinas parade and dinner bf No. \532 _Maitland Squadron Royal Canadian'Air Cadets held . at the Bedford Hotel on Tuesday, December 19. Guests, officers and cadets were welcomed by Lieutenant Nate Rogers, Supply Offich$ Toast to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II was given by Captain Pat King, C.D., Commanding Officer. _Cadet _T. _G.oddard gaVe. _ the response. Lyndon Bosworth, Training Officer, said Grace. After the meal, Captain Don Wheeler; C.D., Administrative Officer, introduced the guest speaker, ',Major Frank Golding of Seaforth. Max Cutt, former Commanding Officer of the old No. 532 Squadron, gave a few words of welcome and Bob Allen, President of the Rotary Club of Goderich which sponsors the Squadron, Ceiregrg' JANUARY -- -WHITE (q A ) now on at... 34 North St. / (Next door to the Clothes Closet) Shoppers Squai'b, Goderich 524-072 ism VISA also gave a greeting. The cadets hope to be getting th,eir uniforms scion. Watch for More news about them in the new year. Goderich Town Council will meet in the council chambers at town hall on Monday, January 8 7:30 p.m. The _Committee Adjustment will meet -the rn9yor'.. qffiee at of in it town hall on Tuesday, January 9 at 7 pnif:" The Planning poard will meet in, the council chambers at town hall an Tuesday, January 9 at 7:15 p.m. • SQUIRE purrs' ••STOREWI 'JANUARY _ • OFF 10 DAYS ONLY - JANUARY 4 TO 13 .•HIGHWAY 21 SOUTH, GODERICH Open Monday to Saturday 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.rn. sotSAL 1.5/0 ioso0/0 2$,%541111 / LONGPARTYDRESSES 1/„ PRICE COMPLETE STOCK PRICED FOR QUICK CLEARANCE SKI JACKETS -• LARGE SELECTION BY WHITE STAG 141P, AND UTEX • - DRESSES• NOW YOU MAY SELECT A DRESS AT A SALE PRICE REG. TO *59.98 14 99$ 99 29 TO • WINTER COATS • REG. '69.99 TO'289 98 $4.9” To $ 11.1 9.98 Your opportunity to make large savings on our January Clearance Sale. Shop early while selection is complete. .,CO-ORDINATED SPORTSWEAR, PANTS, SKIRTS, BLAZERS, SHIRTS by PARIS STAR, THIRD • DIMENSION and PANT MAN 5 • REDUD CE TO CLEAR • TO 40 .,, COMPLETE STOCK OF SKIRTS $1 99 Aft • UP 1 $1 4 99 UP PRICE RACK CO-ORDINATED-SPORiSWEAR BY GUITARE ALSO SWEATERS, BLAZERS AND • - LONG SCENE SHIRTS . REDUCED TO CLEAR AT SALE PRICES SWEATERS, BLAZERS, PURSES, MITTS, GLOVES, SCARF SETS, PANT COATS, BALANCE OF FALL FABRICS IN GROUND FLOOR FABRIC CENTRE . • SCHAEFER'S SHOPPERS SQUARIE LADIES WEAR LIMITED GODERICH - Notice of P,ublic-Heari gOttawa, December 18, 1978 ISSUE NO. 2 LONDON, ONTARIO FEBRUARY -13, 1979, 9:00 A.M. The Canadian Radio -television and Telecommunications Commission will hold "a Public- Hearing beginning February 13, 1979 at the Holiday Inn, 300 King Street, London, Ontario to consider the following: ONTARIO REGION ' a 22. Applications involving the -transfer of control of licensee companies and the bro-adcasting undertakings they operate presently controlled by Ronald G. McIntosh, Jr., and family as set out in the following: • a) Applications for the transfer of all the outstanding shares in Southport Cable TV Limited, licensee of two cable television systems serving Port Elgin and Southampton, Ontario (781719000) and Paisley, Ontario (781720800), through the transfer of all outstanding shares in Southport Cable TV Limited from Airland Com- munications Services Limited to Karen L. McIntosh; and b) Applications for approval of the transfer of effective control of: " ... • - Bluewater TV" Cable Lirriited licensee of a cable , television system serving Goderich, Clinton, Holmesville, Meneset Park and Saltford, Ontario (781712500); - Airland Communications Services Limited licensee of a cahle television system serving Strathroy, Ontario (781711700); --Lakeshrc COm-mun-i+y-Te lc vision---Lki-li-c-en-se-e-of-sab-1-e- - television systems serving; White River, Ontario (781715800) Terrace Bay, Ontario (781716600) Marathon, Ont-ario (781717400) Manitouwadge, Ontario (781716200) Red Rock, Ontario (781714100) -Ex-Cen Cablevision Ltd. licensee of a cable television system serving Exeter, Centralia and Huron Park, On- tario (781713300) through: 1) the transfer of 6400 common shares of Bluewater TV Cable Limited from Ronald G. McIntosh, Jr., (5780 shares) and Karen L. McIntosh (620 shares).to Nancy • Evoy (2134 shares), Donald L. Stinson (917 shares), Diane Stinson (1216 shares), Dean L. Baker 087 shares), and Aileen Baker (1746 shares); — • f he redemption of 2000 common shares of Bluewater TV Cable Limited currently held by Airland Communications Services Limited; 3) the transfer of 5203 common shares of Airland Com- munications Services Limited from Ronald G. McIntosh, Jr., (4101 shares), Karen L. McIntosh (101 shares), • Ronald G. McIntosh,Sr., (601 shares), Cleta McIntosh (300 shares) and Kathleen Paradis (100 shares), to Bluewater TV Cable Limited.: 4) the transfer Of 2,commbn shares in Lakeshore'Comrnunity Television Ltd. from Ronald G. McIntosh, Jr., to Airland Communications Services Limited. Airland currently --•• owns 25,000 of the 25004 common shares of Lakeshore "-currently issued and outstanding; ____ 5) ' the, ,transfer ;of 3,300 common shares in Ex-Cen Cablevision Ltd. from Ronald G. McIntosh, .Jr., (2,800 shares) and Karen' L. McIntosh (500 shares)' to Corn- Cables of Goderich & Clinton Liinited. Com -Cables currently owns 2,3007,of the 10,000 issued and outstanding shares of Ex-Cen and thus would increase its ownership to 36 percent; 6) the transfer of 55 common shares in Com -Cables of Goderich & Clinton Limited, a non -licensed company which wduld„control Ex-Cen Cablevision Ltd: from Ronald G. McIntosh, Jr., (52 shares) and Kare'n. L. McIntosh (3 shar'es) to Nancy Evoy (16 shares), Dean Baker (5 shares), Aileen Baker 413 shares), Donald Stinson (10 , shares), and Diane Stinson (.9 shares);. and 7) the entry into voting .trust arrangements by various . shareholders such that the voting of shares of Bluewater TV Cable Limited, (and thus indirect voting control of Airland Communications Services Limited and Lakeshore Community Television Ltd) would be exercised as • . Percent Vote • 50 percent 30 percent • 20 percent; 100 percent follows: Shareholders DaleEvoy - Dean Baker Donald Stinson 8) the entry into voting trust arrangements by various shareholders such that the voting of shares of Com-Cabl'es of Goderich & Clinton Limited, (and thus indirect voting control of Ex-C,en Cablevision Limited) would be exer- cised as follows: Shareholders Dale E"oy Dean Baker • Percent Vote 50 percent 29 percent Donald Stinson 21. percent 100 percent Locations where the applications may be examined: RR 7 Strathroy, Ontario. RR 2 Clinton, Ontario Town }fait, Exeter, Ontario. Town Clerk's Office, t Port Elgin, Paisley and Southampton, Ontario Town Halls of Red Rock, Nipigon, White River, Terrace-. • Bay, Marathon and ManitouWadge, Ontario. GENERAL. INFORMATION How 4o Intervene • Anyone wishing to comment on an application must sulimit_a_w_rit Len int er yen t to.u_whichshould_coniain a_cle.ar -, and concise statement of the relevant facts -and the grounds upon which the intervener's support for, op- ,. - .3- --- pngitlnrrtT5';'TbTVro-nOted-nro-difi-CattoTr'of';•T'he'aTpll'ratTdftTc'—""-r'-''—'' 7' Vased. It should also'state whether or not the intervener t• i wishes to appear at the hearing. Deadline for receipt of Interventions at the Commission and with the Applicant: January 17, 1,279 To be sent by registered mail or personal delivery to Applicant and CRTC Ottawa, Ontario KI A ON2 with proof of service, Interventions must be actually received on the specified date, not merely posted on this date, Examination of Applications and Documents At local address given in this notice and at the Corm- mission, Central Building, Les Terrasses de la-Chaudiere, 1 Promenade du Portage, Room 561, Hull, Quebec. Rules of Procedure Further information is outlined in Rules of Procedure available for the sum of 35 cents from: The Publishing Centre, Printing Centre, _,Printing , and Publishing, Department of Supply and Services, 270 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario. Intoemation: Write to CRTC or phone 819-997-1027 or 997- 1328. J.G. Patenaude, Acting Secretary General. CRTC - Public Natite 1978 - 186 111 Canadian Radio-teleyision Conseil,de la radiodltfuslon and Telecommunications el des telecommunications Commission canadiennes