HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-3-16, Page 8Exeter Markets CHANGED EVERY WEDNESDAY ....lege,. , .1,37 „,.,.c,,. 4$ to. 55 Gets 34 to 401 Mateiteba's 'Lest Flour . 4.40 Family Flour .4.15 Pastry Flour 3.90 Feel Flour 210 Shorts 1.75 3irarn 1.75 Creamery Butter 43 34 037 EBut ter ggs , ..4 Ea :l .16 to2 L Hay per tan 315 to $16 'fi les s,. s 11.50 Wh. „t dittrley T i..ty log ; Potatoes, also Baby ehieks fr'set -:ay B-.cl-to-lay Barred ito:ks. G: t your a: ler in, for these at on: e, P:ear., Cre i°ton 17-31 L. V. Hogarth BOWLERS' ANNUAL MEETING. Tis. ; ,leg Meg of the Exeter Bewlesg Cotes, will be hid in the Meioses Bart'•.:, tan Monday,. March 20, At k pain" F.;l; attendance dance requested. LAND FOR SALE, In Pxcte', : acres cho'.ce garden aster. For pc lieu+ars apply to Thos. .leant;. Fix: ter. rASTURE LAND TO R1=2,11' 100 seeress Lot 11 on South Bosutdary Mlay, a .d at° ¢t .,ha ,r Lot 3, Cort. :Kay, 50 a.:res -Apply John Ford, Ex eter North. 1tESIDENCts FOR SALE A very desirable property -8 room 'fari:l: house with beth, fornaceattde2- erode light, in good coatditiion --- good esaiate, g-tod well. Four lots of land with tees toil small fruits. Apply to Q. C. Ward, Maiaa, St., Exeter. NOI:•e I; ? D LOTS FOR SALE lrt F :t the East end of Size - es stress. N7.14.1 frac,.a house end two Sate Inqu r= on the premise:. niter 6 4-A7:sok-jos. R. McCurdy. YQI:'NG BULLS FOR SALE, Tw a leanest Bulls, about 11 mos, therehe d. The mother is nowon. <the lt, U. P. milking test. Firstclass casuals. -Geo. W. Hunter, Lot 4, Con, 4 I oho:re ; R. R. 1, Centralia. 'CONTRACTING After r being, out of business for *saris. two years I am prepared to sor:trant ata Carpenter Work -large er small jobs of every des. riptiont Spe sal attetstent to hardwood floors Plana slrasrn and estimates given free rf eitarp:°.-Caleb Heywood. FARM FOR. SALE OR. RI:NT Lot 10, Coit.. 9, Hay Tp., 100 acres: Part of Lot 8 and part of Lot 9, Con 3, 75 acres; or will exchange for house in Ex: ter or Hensalj. Posse3sion. at once. Apply .o T. J. Wi1s0a, Adver- 'hs-r Offi. e, London. •tBUY LESS COAL AND KE1±,P WARMER. Stop the draft with Bronze Auto- esnatie Weather Strip for. Doors and Windows. Sold lad .put on by 3'h ons 21r2 N. OGDEN, Exeter The correct way and the easiest way to dispose of aome property or sell some small article, find a tenant for your house, or an article you have lost or help when you want jt, is to insert a small advt. in the "Want Column" of the Advocate, HOW IS THE PUMP? New Iron Pumps and Fittings in Stock Iron or wood pumas repaired. Wells pumped out or cleaned. S. J. V. CANN, Phone 115 DR, JOHN WARD, Chiropractor & Ontiiian Chiropractic '.and Electrical Treatments for Chro&. and Nervous Disease;, Spectacles scientifically fit- ted. Hours 10 to 12; 2 to 4; and by appy>'ntm2nt Office -William and Sanders Sts„ Phone 43. EXETER 'AJ1 VUrATE, TH TEBBAT, MAR. 161 1822 Local Doings "etre. Jas, Hill is eounrfiu>ed sto her home through illness, Door key lotted on, Maio Street, Call at Advocate ;office. Sir John, Eaton; 'Toronto, is report- ed to be dangerously ill ,et his home en, that city. A number o the telephone systems are still out of commission, caused by the recent storm. Owing to the illness of the publish- er, Mr. Smith, the Zurich Herald was not issued for three weeks, but ap- pored again last week. A slumber of farmers in this see nem have tapped their maples and the ':2w of sap leas been good with pros- p ots .or a good season;. lir.. I. Armstrong, who has been:, confined to ?.is homes for some time through ::inose, was able to be out on ,+aturday See the first time. 1 `3. pubres PubLibrary, which has .)een eiss Cor some time for the purpose r n erne end re -arranging the i boots, , was _ .-opened on Wednesday.; ?,Ir G, S. Howard, pri&,cipal of the pub school, who had been attempt -1 trg to ward off the grippe far a week 'r snore was uroble to .teati h ors Mon- day of thus week, Waiter Harness, who was suffering: from a severe ettaek. of pneumenie, has suffic:lonely recovered as to ,be out around again, and left Mo4day to sis't with his brother Le Clinton. It has best remarkably ftroe weather for tba past week, The snow and ice bare disappeared, and the roads ate hast dryIng up. A lifts colder ,weaih- er may be expected later on, how- ever, as it is .pretty early yet Rev. Foote of Cavan. Chundo who was ill a few weeks no, but apparent- ly re orered, was forced last ,week to return to his bed, ha,.1n ,developed an high temperature. Isis work Sunday was taken. by M; Strang and Me Gladmart,. Revising Lists. -A meeting of the directors of the Exeter Agricultural Sa.:isty was held is the Public Lib- rary on Saturday tsfteratoon for the purpose o;, rev:„sirtse the prize, list and transacts, other important bus€zess m oonn:ctioa. with the coming Fa'1 Fair to be held Stere, :firs:= Duncan, en aged lady residing seer 1+, r daughter, Mrs. George :Man- tle, is critically illOn. Saturday ev- ening she fell while going about the house es usual, and sustained aslight cut in the back ,of her head, and she was severely shocked. A few hours later she became unconscious and re - =heed in. that state for many hours. The fall ancI her subsequent ,illness sv:r; due to .,tn affectjoa of the kid- neys. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned is offering nor sale that desirable farm in the Township of Stteph^n, being Lot 15, Con, 2, known as the Leathorn Farm, .cort- 'tainit ; 100 acres. There is on prem..: ices a commodious two-story frame mouse and two good bank barns. The farm is well drained and fenced, has a nice orchard, wring creek with a Plentiful supply ,of waiter the year round; fine for ,stock; 15 acres seed- ed down, all fall plowing dome, and there: are 10 acres fall wheeat4 Pasi- sess on givi.n ,April 1st, 1922. For 'particulars apply to L R. CARLING, hxetttr, Solicitor for the Adminstra- -tor. Contracting We wish to call the attention of the public of Exeter and surrounding div- trict that we are open to accent, or tender for contracts for all kiit>ta ds o3 building We are experienced work- men and by strict attest ton to busl- ness we hope to share an the contract work of this district. W ARES & PRYD.tt, Exeter. Dray and Baggage HOUSE TO LhT Apply to Mrs'. A. Cottle town. if you have anything to sell or You .cant to buy, try The Advocate Want Column SALVATION ARMY SERV 1C1:S In the Public, Library. 11 a.m.-Holiness Meeting, 7 p.m. -Salvation Meeting. 2.30 p,m.-Sunday School and Bible class, and special sand tray for the Primary Class. Cottage meetings in North End on Tuesday night Lieut Parnell, under farewell Bor- ders, will preach Morning :and Even- ing .farewell messages. Capt. MacGillivray Lieut. Parnell Anything you have to move we move: it reasonable lilt/dor Truck and Horse Dray at your. Sorsitwen Auto Livery Horse Livery BAGSI-IAW 8c EASTON I.I. .,. a .... ... , See the Y. P. C. Ai asio in another column. Mr. Frank .Handford, son of Mr. James Handford of town, is seriously t"<lt at the family home, Maple syrup making is occupying the attention of the. farmers who have sone ,maple trees„ Mr. Earl Perseus moved this week to th .farm he recently purchased froth Mr Etherngton, Usberne. Mr. W. D. Sam4Mrs was confined to his bed .for 'several, days during the week, but is able to be out agaip Mr. Gordon Appleton has moved f r r..1 the, rooms over the Ford Garage to. the ,house owned by Mr. I. Arm- strong on :till Street. Mr. John Hall, cattle buyer of Lon- don, diced in that city ton. TuesdayE Mr. Hall was t former well known In re?iannt of Dashsvood, and was well and favorably known, throughout this district. The 'ftunera3 ,takes place co Thursday to Woodland cemetery, Y. P. C. A. Preachers and .Teachers tournament in. Bowling at the Y on Wednesday, March 15th, .at 7.30 p.m. , There will be four teams as follows Ne. 1 -Mr, Wethey, Trueman Elliott W. Lawson, Orville Southcott. Nc_ 2 -Dr. Rouiston, W. C. Dallis, .s, Hind, J. _hf. Southcott. N. 3 -Rev. McAllister, J. Hind, Silas Reid W_ Gardiner. No. 4 -Rev. Wilson, Lyle Statham, W. S, Cole W. Taman. On Friday night another Tournament in;group form.. Get your membership in ;air. readiness,. Trivitt Memorial Church 11.00 a.m.-"Itemeditate Problems and 'Ultaniate Aims„" 7 p.m. -"The Sense of God's Real- ity -The Basic Modern Need." Rev A. A. Trumaer, Rector. A nevrspaper is not duty bound to *sant anything that it doesat't want to prat. There is no rue that .requires it to lariat something of absolutely no news value fust because somebody wants t printed, It is iset obliged to .iifes;,vely laud some person where laudation is snot earned, .not to lambaste cam' „ndisddual where adverse critic - 'sot is not deserved,. it o not printed for ,the purpose of sattslyiasg s.ltish motives. There 'tis slot the remotest reason why it should goo array space to somebody who is ruto.tttatg something for monetary ben- efit, The missi<an of a, newspaper is to print ,news of a ;general interest, Ad= vertisutal is not stews. An article ;lea- ven some private enemy or opponent is not rt,ews. Numerous other things of a like na- tur,: that f.ktd their way i tto a news- paper are not news, It is not hard dos a tra,ttted newspaper man to draw the diatinguishirag italic. Its not hard for anybody to draw the distinguishing line if they will stop a moment and Woe the matter logical thought. GARNER -MORRIS. An interesting, wedding took place at the -home of the bride's meat her Bahr a anville, a few days ago when the m'arra = wa.•s solemnized of Florence Edna, youngest daughter of Mrs, Mor- ris, and the late David T. Morris of Bowmanv:ll , to George Wesley Gar- ner, youngest son of the late W. R, Garner, of London and formerly of Etter, OAVEN PRESBY71/1IAN CHURCH Rev. James. Foote, B. A., Meter 10 , a.m,—Sunday school and Bible classes. 1.1 a.m.-Rev. Geo. McAlister, M. 'A. Union 'Service;: ' 7 p.m. -Union Service in, Main, St. aelethrodist :Chur'ch, ' Boy Scouts .meet Friday evening JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson, B.A. 11 a.m.-"Thio ;Book of Life • Opened.„ 3 -p.m. -Sabbath School and Classes, 7. 1>.m. o "The Young W omaln's Mar- riage Psooblemt" C ttigrrgetionel, Choir Singing,, A w ellcome to alit Events Bible MAIN ST:. METHODIST CJIURCH, Rev Geo. McAlister; M. A. ' Phone 21x3 11 a.m.-Unman Service iia. Caven Presbyteriaan Church. 3 p.m. -Sunday -; Sebeel Sable Classes. 7 pent'.-U,rs'}on .Service •akt Men Bt: Methodist Church. AT BETHANY DIED IN GODERICFL The death ,took place in Goderich on March lith, 1922 of Stephen; Butt to las 84th year. The funeral was held on. Tuesday last in. Colborne - cemetery, and was largely attended. Relatives were .present from Detroit Windsor, Hamilton, Steaforth, and HensalL Rev, Raycraft conducted.the service at the house of his son -in -jaw R. H. 1vgero. He leaves to mourn .his detanis: one daughter, Mrs. W. Fisher. GAVE ADDRESS. Mr. W. H. Johnston, book-keeper with "Messrs,. Harvey Bros, gave a very interesting and instructive ad- dress on Wednesday evening of last wee}; to a (fair sized audience in the Library on, "How to Improve the Appearance of Exeter," Mr. John- ston gave many valuable hints as to how this might be done, and a.profit- abl-e discussion followed, The ;meeting being under ith . auspices of the Flor- ticultural Society Me. Johnston gave a full report, which was well received_ The membership of the society is now 144, all paid. A'motion was carried to have Arbor Day declared a Civic h=oliday for the purpose of availing all our citizens the privilege of cleaning up their premises and surroundings,. It was. also arranged to have an expert come to town to lay put the River- side Park. DEATH OF MRS. SILLERY. The commun,.ty was deeply shocked Tuesday n sr'.n last when it became known. that -Ira W'P.1ix n it. Sill;ery had passed t:o the great beyond. About a week ago the deceased was takIn, down with a comparatively slight attack of the flu, but her conn clition was • sot at all considered ser- ious until a couple days previous to her demise, whenh..r trouble developed into pneumonia, and the end soon came. The deceased was a daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Copeland, who re- side in. Usb•orne, north of Kitrktoni, and she was born, in that township. After completing her education she taught school for a time and a little over live years ago married Mr. Sal- lery, since which time they have lived on the Thames Road. Besides the sorrowing husband, .father and mother, she is survived by three sisters acne{ five brothers -Mrs. Ed. Stone and Mrs. Thos. Brock (of Utsborrs;, and Mfrs. Boyne, iaf Lakeside; Earl Cope- land of Edmonton, Arlow, Oscar, Gor- don and Elgin at ham,s,. Mrs. Sille-y was of pleasing personality, kindly disposition, and by her friendly manner had endeared herself to a large circle lef friends, who will hear with deep regret and sorrow of her d.ernse„ The funeral, wh:ich will be private,, takes place to ‘the. Exeter .Cemetery to -play, Thursday, t 2,30, pan, PRONE 32 JONES & MAY PHONE 32 Spring House Furnishings at Lower Prices Rugs, Linoleums, Oongoieurns, Curtains, Etc, Our Stock of House Furaneshiugs esr Swing is now nearly .. oatzplete. New Rugs, L n.oleums, 'ongoleauns, Window Blinds, Curtain Materials, Certain* made up, Cretonnes,. Sateens Et,:. at much lower prices. We hart's ask ,e.ttorittous etee to ,select from. SZ'EC;IAL--Guar nteed down -proof Art Sattens, tan craned English ;tuality beautiful patterns for Comforters at 90.1. yard, 3 2IECES ONLY ART SATEI,N, 50 in tilde for ,iOntfortersat e5c. yard, CONGOLEUM RUGS. Copgoleunt Rugs are beseoming more papular ev'erT sericite The new patterns are here for Sprim;; at much lower prices, This is slit of the beat wearieg floor materials lett the market. L1NOLEUMS - New Patterns for Spring at lower prices. CURTAIN MATERIALS Dozens of new patterns to select friom, THE NEW 1IOIyiZSPUN Si3ITINGS, Homespun% are .arnong the most t>apular materiels for Spring wear, They are used for Dresses, Skirts, Suits, Coats, Jumpers, Etc., We have roe range of these popular materials 56 Oteltes wide selling at $2.50 yd. HOSIERY SPECIAL. 25 dozers pais ladies' cotton hosiery sizes 9 to IS, bla4lc and white colors only, -very special at 25c pair Ladies' and Misses' Suits, Coats, and Dresses Are now .being shown at very main -site prsee. See our large range before buying. MONARCH YARNS t- New colors for spring now in stock, Also Sprint knitting books. Wall Papers for Spring Besides our beautiful new assortment of Wall Papers for Spring, we have hundreds of rolls of Bedroom, IQta;hen and •Dining -Room papers that y ou tan buy as cheap as you ever did. Dont let that room go shabby with the idea that papers are still high in .plisse. Come in sand look at the values we are offering. Also odd bundles of Papers suitable for Summer Kitchens, No trouble to show you our goods es toftenl at ,you like. JONES & MAY I. R. Carling, B.A Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Comaimisaer, Solicitor for the Mole sons Bank, Ric. Mrs. Billings spent the week end in. Heasall. Judge Dickson of Goderich spent Friday ars town on bussnlesst s Mrs. M. E. Gardiner has been visit- ing 1oir the past week in London. Mr G+eo. Griffith of Toronto is vis.- ietsula, at thio home of Mn James Hand- ford. Messrs. 'Douglas and Wilfrid Stew- art of Toronto w, rellvome for a day or two last week. Mrs. Haas of =Buffalo is visiting her parents Mr,. and Mrs. Albert Ford, owing tolife. .Ford's, aQlauess. , Mrs, ' Wnn. HawOshaw has returned. from Boston, Mass., where she visit- ed her sister for some months. Mrs. Fred May left Tuesday morn- ing for Mitchell, owing to the ill rr as of hear -'father, Mr, W. R. Davis. Mrs. Richards and Mise, Schwegle returned ' to Windsor Monday, tarter a vssit with Mr, aid Mrs; N. J. Doze. INVEST YOUR FUNDS in Victory, Dominion of Canada, Pro- vincial. and Municipal Bonds, all legal investment for Trust Funds, At existing prices from 6 per cent. to 7 per cent can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest Office -Carling Bk., Main St., Exeter Ammonion Display Advertising -Made known on awl/cation. Stray Anisnals-One insertion 50c., three vnsertioos SL00. Miscellaneous articles of not more than floe .lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and Found locals 25c. an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c. per tine per insertion: No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction Sales $3 for one insertion tad 51.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if unlder five inches in length. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. aline. Farm pr Real Estalte for sale 50c. each insertion for one month of four ens ertiions, SOUTHCOTT PHONE 134 IROS. PHONE 134 ew Arrivals for Spring Misses' & Ladies' New Spring Coats. It is a real pleasure to show the New Spring Coats,, The styles are Snappy; the Cloths greatly improved over last;seasores and prices are much; lower. Come in and try them on. 40 INCH ALL WOOL SERGE Just the thing for dresses in..:olors of Brown and Blue. An all . wool serge, 40 inches wide; tun good qual- ity at peer yard , 85Q 36 INCH BLACK SILK This beautiful Black Messalime Sulk" is 36 inches wide, is splendid weight, bas .Eine,even weave and ,is'guaranteed to give satisfaction, to the wearer. Our special price is per yard ... $2;50 Boys', Youths' and Men's Clothing New Clothing at Lower Pries, You will want a new suit for Easter, Tlms season we have a much largier range than last; The .cloths: are bet- ter.. We have some great values in Boys Suits for school( at $6,50 ' $8.59 and 511.00. COMFORTER SHINTZ 36 ' inches wide in floral afnd Paisley patterns,. Sax good patere to 'choose from. At per yard'....,..'........ 30c. NEW HOUSE DRESSOS Tines week we atne showing it,, new range of inexpensive house iyresalee and aprons whu.h we offer at popular prizes 52,00, $2.25 and $3,00 Wall Papers Get your papering dome before t paper hangers get toe busy.. ,'Jur stomals is larger than ever. Many r.,ew designs and 'eo(orings,. A few last seas=crtes papers at great reduction* Southcott Bros 14, 1.. r RANO TRuNtt ootS ,r„'EM,Nt• .iY THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor sass on princlval day trains', Full information frown any Grad Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Honor. int District Passenger Agent, TOrolatle N. J. DORE Phone 46w. Agent, Exeter DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office -Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day of night. < i DR AL E. TENNANT Veteeritttary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w Dr, G. F. Rou1sto,a L. D. S,, D. D. B. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto"Uodgr(It7 Office -over Gladman & Stenbury,`t$ Office, Main Street, Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEi.R AND VALUATOR for Counties of HHuronPerth, Middlesex and Oxford. Ftttltq Stock Sales -a Specialty. Office at Central Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctitoneer for Counties ot, Huron and Middlesex Prices " Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Credittn. - Ontario. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & 8TANBURYi Barristers, Stolicitors, EzeteN e,t* ;•em 04: ; %r , .r' :0,0 P . _ ), kg„tve