HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-3-16, Page 7, etariteeereteateterettermeerereee' ""- ROSY CHEEKED HEALTHY WOMEN Know the Full Value a 'licit, Red Blood. Avenging Kitchener,. The London Times tells in a recent issue how they British eteentsliip Palm- bra,neb.—ladea most inconsieteetle for her name, with ammunitions, poison - gas, and high "exploeivee—destreyed in the Art to Ocean the submatene which sunk the cruiser bearing Lore lietchener. Roeust, healthe, red -heed women It was a quarter to, four of a elear, seldom worre. Their cond1to O sunny afternoon. Land than alreedy mind and body is sueb, that they can been sighted about afteen mildie, rise Above the canoes. teat brine met -leant. Captain Melling, the master, had man with weak, watery blood who is i were about. But he was au alert of - thrown into nervous unrest by little freer who left riothing to obanee, awl aenoyances that grow so great le the had bis ship and crew organized to a imagination that it seems as if she ream -of -war% pitch, The onte erew must scream to relieve her feelings. 'were standing by the on an Amere A woman's health quickly foils her - coin 13 -pounder, .with a eertridge in - when her blood :becomes thin and ; sorted but the breech open, and they weee, Tice stomach is disordered and were ready for anythieg. Suddenly one of tee gm s crew eaw a stationary periscope sixty yards eis- taut ;en the port beam. At the same mama a white track of bubbles re, creases reclually and gives further veiling a torpedo's course raced te., cause for worry. Good bitted is neces- wards the ship. The track pasted tevia ancholy and brooding. It is the we- recelyed no warning that Submarines all appetite vanishes. The nerves lose their strength and so sleep is not re- -gular and doe e not refresh the body. A state of weakness ernes that in- sary to every woman who has grown or three feet from her steru; the tore pale and weak, and in this condition ' pedo tad gone under the ship, running Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will be foued teo deep to strike her. The men at ot great benefit, because they enrich i the Palmbrancles gnu slammed to the mul purify the blood. Women Who are breech and laid their eights to zero. or tom indgestwu, Pah they did so, the vouulug-tower of a pitation, beaeaches and ziervous ate- submarine rose on the port quarter., teats will find new etrentelt trough barely forty yells away. Then the a * use wee ills. the deck %telt emerged from the water. women who have proved the value Of j val gunuere are rarely gifted with Vale inedieiue is etre Enos Levy, Rae- such a target at poen-blank raege, A S Cove, eho sets. About ; elute accepted it with due teauksgete two years ago 1 began to fail in health ! A liatie, a roar: the Pabehrancies and was very weak. illy constitution 1 awe ellen struck the U.boat at the was all run down, and nw Wood =alb:lee of the conuing-tower. just where 'weak and watery. as lima manifest 'toined tee deck, and tore great gape every month. I hed heard of Dr. Wih I end rents. Five seconds later a second for the blood and befit in liems' Pine Pills awl tatat they would :shell buret against the waterline ear. do g suc1 t a ward. Two rounds with a emelt gum low condition I decided to try them ., They sufficed. The subraariee. which By the time I bad line:heti the fourth appeared to be stoppee, rolled sligetly. box I lotted to nty great delight that Then, tatting aheavy lite and tilting I was a great deal stronger. aud me tot eul wLth stor» 1 et blood a deep red color. I have a lotwater. ilie sleet vertically out et eight. Ot work to do beiden tileg care pay little one. and with tity gime health I enjoy It, and 1 eau truthfully say II Owe this condition to Dr. Williams] Pink Pille." Tea Dr. Williame Pink Pills tem be ob-; me?" Wiped through any metliviee tleeler4 Wt1 Or may be had by mail. pest paid, at .E.'0 tack." mita a box or six boxes for 1$2410 front Tea The Dr. Williams' eiedielne Co.,Iirocle7 Fe(' 111 ville. Ont. Wil Ice Can Now Be Compressed. IlLUN B CT( i xeertaterite recently made wela D A enornattaele high Preesere—up to 20,- 000 etnmepteree er the eqpivaleet of. 300,000 Pounds Per eqaare ib-eiteve developed results as remarkeble as they were utieepected, Up to now 3.000 atmespberes waa the teaximum exespheree mercury passed theouge walls of massive steel. Hitherto water ha$ been eupposed to be an incompreesible substance, but under 12,000 ataiosplieres it was re- duced, 20 per cent. in voleinee Nor was it preeiously known that liquids could be made to freeze Jr mere corapres- slam Water, when the pressure is pushed high enough, terns to tee, no matter how lege the temperature. Water at 180 degree e Fahrenheit will freeze envier a. pressure of 20.000 atmos- pheree. Ice, wader a preaure of °WY 2,000 attnosphereet collapses 18 per cent in volume, assuming a different appearance and new physieal proper. ties. A piece of It will sink in water. Ir mare pressure be applied another kiwi of ice is produced. Phe,sphoras wader' 12,000 atmospheres turns black and assumes au appearance resemb. ling graphite. Under the same pree- sure eot rubber become border than nUd steel. basil -melt as all materials far down toward the centre of the earth are Ken- jectee to t p , ; , laboratory observations above quoted mit be particularly •interesting to geologists. tried. Under a pressure of- 0,000 a KEEP .Lrr TIE AiES • WELL IN WINTER winter is a dangerous season or the little ones. The (lays are so ofrangeable—one day bright. the net cold ant stormy, that the mother is ON JOR . Y DA DARTMOUTH CITIZE N • FEELS YOUNG. AND ACTIVE AS A BOY Was Losing Which Time From Work Ilecause, of Stomach Trouble But Eats Any- thing an Table Now. "Think a it, a stunt time ago I could hardle push a Platte or use a bawl saw and to -day I feel as young and active and vigorous as I ever did ; well known carpenter a elester Dartmouth, NZ. "For three yeas before I started tatting Tateac I derbet know what it wee to have a single day's good healtb, and for the teat two Yeeee nay stomeeh has been is such a detorderee condition One I was just in misery all the the. Nothing in the world will II a man down as Meek as not be - lig able te digest witat he eats. and I lost wtIght ite.4 etreegth all the time. "I am on the job now wonting es' ktrY day and feeling fine all the UM- certaiely taujo,v natteing tee shevinge fly now. To.niae hes just made a hritud new man eut ot me." Tanta(' is soid by all good deiggiste. —Advt. Tone Producer for Violins and Similar Instruments, It is said that a modern violin, of any onerart- note cite be cc/averted A meat the equivaient of a Straillvatitts. or eel, r violin of Italy's geleen daya mired 120 milts in A.D. 1300, had beenl Classified Advertisements The coast of lieligoleed, -which mea- ir YOU reduced. to three trilles in 1900 by eeteetii't,c,TekelE?R rtatAatvijen Lea,reA"b4ze aaato daily. We erosion. 1 L,aaanepedv evolut.iti;errit,e,Loonegoetn, Otruotor CANA -WAN etetTettelOteter. elAReart, 25e. No otkApr Tot. gcerevry, (methane Ont. ,444•44444,4"4.4, 'AMA - THIN FLAT HAIR GROWS LONG, THICK AND ABUNDANT helreteeeteea'3 neteeewieene only 451 :1•11bottle.. One application ends al dandruff, stops itaing and failing bail', and. in a few moments, you have doubled the beauty of your bee:. te: It will appear a mase, 59 zefte lustrous, and easy to do up, tat; what eeeta snarl please you most will be, after a few weeks user, when you ee new Fair—enti anti SALTING FOR litALlit A14. xtleD3 Or 4c4ve AND 1-lSEI;), belong. pulleys., saws, cableatesemacktua, • ekapped subject to abProval lowest prices in canada, YORK BELTINO CO. 115 YORtC STItEriT. TonONTO. T le man who fees certain he will net succeed is seleloin mistaken. ken. IJnlment for Coughs and Colds COARSE SALT LAN D'SALT flullt Carlota TORONTO SALT WORKS OLIFF TORONTO 444 out really new hair /ICUS AND PAINS downy a firet--eres--- E eGE is to tare hair what fresh shower$ NITs e'rowing all over ¢-,e scate, “Dencler. LOAN s ef :min and sunshine are to vege.taticee It goes right to the ;vets. ievigeratee and strengthens them. This detighteel. . ettereneting tonic eetps tette, Itte.e55, - faded Lair to trrow tenet, thwe heavy and luxuriant. sWaWPReer nog Zee:getters eeet: on DOG DISEASES and Me: to Veo,..i .Mallett '.14#.1) q art Ad, t4-e7,19t. eie :tether. to owe. (novel; ceerne. ..aa mete; aatti t-lvdrett New Ilarit. afraid to take the ehtldren ont1ortheI0 srneet'ihetraleelit =leg, by tbe fresh air and eeel'&0 they need so i atntaecl:,,nrtiemulttecter. itTtita,ht.ileitvely isinvuerurtleic! neut. In cousequento ee they are often cooped up in overheated. bailly Yenti- able t" .'ty thrid et string it4 3r4atent* Point, lated recent, end are soon seized withis jtj,' el sPeciallY PccPated wt'lti. °her - "XVI 1.1 iota . what ie income a:el1tei :: erlgitrilipop:n. esWhativeulena isnbe)e...s aell Own to t4.1clue4th;4,5014zetorlerAtr41.1totteltaletiitnat,trra itueloonnftorme 1; lie--"it Is tehtta you „At an a Tablets. They will regulate tee stone which ii i'" attuned. i ach and bowels and drive out colds, cher--"Na i'm afraid you ti011't and by their use the baby will be able Mother,rQuick! Give e, point." to get over the winter season in per- California Fig Syrup lieet"You &me r. you feel IL., feet safety. Tee Table% are sold be . ' medicine dealers or by mail at 2e ets. For Child's Bowels a box from Tito Dr. Williams' Medi - Surnames and Their Origin se.4.44444444444114W4.444444444.44.• MacOAUSLAND. roots. in other Cla3Pa, however, given Varlations—MacCaslon. ensign. Mae - Asian, NlacAnselan. Racial Origin—Scottish. Soursce—A given name. You would not think, perbaps. that 'the family name of MacCausland bad anything to do with the given name of ;Anselm. But it has. The forms MacCausland and Mac - %Asian appear to be the °nee most tre- quently met with• to -day, though you Will often run across the othene These names are all derivatives of the Gaelic given name of "Aneelen," which Is equivalent to "Anselm," the latter be Ing the Teutonic form, with "Ansel - MeV" as the Latin rendition. It is interesting to note in tete cone /section that many given names luwe been developed independently in the Gaelic and Teutonic tongues, but along virtually parallel lines, and when you trace back the conneotion you de not find it until you arrive at that prehis- toric and misty speculative period be - fere the Celts and the Teutons branch- ed off from the parent Aryan stock end subsequently split again into ninny races and nations. For compare- eive analysis ,of Celtic and Teutonic tongue& as well as the Latin and ;Greek shows that a large proportion iof their fundamental voca,bularies, tripped of their variations, inflections and changes, are from the same word names have been imparted from aneLanguage into another, and subse- quently have developed tato, different forma. The family name of Ma0Causland or "elticAnselan,Th which. is the Gaelicform, form, aPPears to have developed. In the Clan Buchanan of the Scottish High- lands. P RYO R Varlation—Prior, Racial Origin—English. Source—A title, or a nickname. Here is another of the type of family names which came the evieminded -of limited knowledge concerning medie- val social conditions to smile knowing- ly and refer to what is termed etbe bar sinister," in sitort, to illegitimacy, What the origin of a family trams is in the epecilic, individual ease, only a dependable geuealogical tracing of it back to its source will establieh. About the family name of Prior or Pryor, thin much Is certain: It was in most cases founded upon the word "prior," with; its well-known, meaning in religious life. The explanation that the name was first borne by actual children. of priors, assumed to have been bound by Yews of celibacy, is plausible, but it doesn't .bear deep analysis, any more than does the shallow theory that all kings are des - •444444444•44 hie Co., Brockville, Ont. Even a sten Meld loves the "fruity" taste or "Catiforttia Fig Syrup." If the Payment Deferred. little tongue Is coated, or if' your child Alice, the five-yealeold, entered tite Is listless, cross, feverish, full of cold.: general store or,11r, Smith, with, whore ' or has Mlle. a teaspoonful will never she was a great favorite, and an- fail to even t'le bowels. In a few nounced that, to utak° hot* dolly a hours you can eee for yourself how dress, she needed "some red, bine and thoroughly it works all the constipie tion poison, zour bile and waste from yellow," When Mr. Smith bad brought out the tender, little bowels and gives you the required amount ot material She a well, playful child agate.. asked how mucb it was. 'Millions of mothers keep '1nel-formica "That will cost you just one Ides," Fig Syrup" handy. They /now a tea - replied the storekeeper. l spoonetil to -day saves a 4.3.iek child to - 'Whereupon Alice answered: "Mum- morrow. A'k your druggist tor genie' ma wilt come in and Pay Yoti. to -mote Ine "California Fig Syrup" which has row." 0 The human brain contains 300,000,- 000 nerve cells. Cape Horn was so named by the Dutch navigator who discovered it in' 1616, and called it Cape Horn after his birthplace. tended from icings, all earls from earls, or all Keyeers from kaisers. There weren't enough kings, even 11 yen counted in those of Ireland, to ac- count for all the kings among English- epeaking races to -day. The alternative, and undoubtedly the true explanation in the vast ma- jority of cases, is that men wee given such nicknameas "the crior." "the king," and so en, either from peettliare ties of bearing or from taking part in the very popular "mystery Nave' which in medieval times were held in every little village: He beat the train to the crossing a good many times "It's never touched me yet" he explained when they pointed outthe risks. • That's the answer a good many people make *hen they • hear that the drug dement in tea and coffee often harms nerves and health. They say it's never touched them yet, • Sometimes they only think it,hasn't, Wakeful nights, drowsy days, headaches that keep com- ing more fre- quently—often are blamed on bad luck when –, ... ,K-,-------, – the blame be- , ----.7.----,"''.----- longs on bad 4„. judgment taking needless chances with harm. Over on the safe side is Postum, a pure cereal beverage, delicious and satisfying con- taining nothing that can harm nerves or digestion: Thousands who used to, try their luck with tea or coffee ,are enthusiastic over having found safety and satis- faction in Posttun. It's worth your while to make, the test with Postum for ten days. Postum is a delightful drink for any member of the family, at any meal. Your grocer has both forms of Postum: Instant Posturn (in tins) made instantly in the cup by the addition of boiling water. Posturn Cereal (in packages 'of larger bulk, for those who prefer to inake the drink while the meal is being mepared) made by boiling for 20 minutes. Posturn for, Health .„ "There's a Reason" Made by Canadian.Posturn Cereal Co., Limited, Windsor, Ont. directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother: You aunt say "Cellfornia" or you may get an imitation fig syrup. Green. eYour grandfather lived to a gree» old age, •didn't her "I'd certainly call it that. Wien the old gentlemen allowed biniself to be outrageously swindled a claten time.; tater he Was ,seventy." MONEY *ORDERS. It is always safe to send a Dominion Express, Money Order. rive dollars oasts three cents. The harp. is believed, to have origin- ated from the hunting bow,'the tight -1 ly stretched string of which will emit, a musical note1 Minard's Liniment prevents Spanise Flu 1 Here is a Useful Tree. Probably ne other tree in the world, unless it is ttte bamboo, is useful in so many different ways as the carnauba, a species of palm teat growe In north- ern Brazil. Not onlyes the tree pretty, says Mr. 'Feeley A, Franck, but it is useful from root to crown. Fibres and wax from the leaves were used to make the first phono- graph recerds anti some of the first electric -light filaments. The wax in- deed is an of the important exports of Brazil. To get it the natives thrash the leaves until the wax fans from them in the shape of a white powder. The powder is later worked up into many forme, from seals. to shoe polish. Thenatives make their candles of it. The fibres of the lea,ves they weave into hats, mats and baskets. They also make brooms, of them, and they use the leaves to roof their house a aed to make pahn-leat ewe. Useful fibres also come from Ike inside of the trunk, the iron -hard wood of which they use to make many things, trent musical instruments to water pipes. From the roots they make a, purgative and a kind of fartnim that is of, inea- timable value to teem in times of fa - The pulp of the fruit has an agree- able taste; and from, the seed. which, is of agreeable taste wnen roastecl, collies a, eaucharhie „substance that can either be used s food or Lurndd into wine or vinegar. Finally they use the seed as birros; that is, the knobto which the lace makees, Me the eiicls of their threads. The cliekety-olick of the birros can be beard, all over north- ern 13ragli. - No ono is useless in tile woil& who lightens tee burden et it ,tk),/cievone else. * • ISSUE No.:10-22. VOID the nesery of racking ein. Ilatte a bottle o'keri's ixn art an4 yeu rad feel the etite or p?ta, It quickly coets the petn and sande a fcellog of warmth threueda tee itching- part, Skale41..franaml pendralc$ Itilan•.• ige, tee ter reeernatisra, riteetaielea etiatice, pr,ms antttrain 4, awe pints, lame back eel eere mules. For forty y4:116 euenty. Federate ;hear. At ell deuettiste-36e, 70e, $1.40. Mee hi Canada. , E • '°,1't Health, Savin Reminder Don'i Wait until you c et the pat.et htitten., USE s iiiirneff At t 1.1 gn of It. lite Healin nilties ere Ateinzine. THE OLD 11E41 ;El -E. • AK Allot y fl Wt ANYTE.,:r k After Horne, to Lydia E. Pink- am's Vegetable Companui COVERE 1111 PIMPLE& BardandRed, Festered and Itched Badly, Cuticura Heats, "My trouble began with a rough. ening of the akin and itchingscalp. Later hard, red pimples broke out on my fact and completely tovered it. Some of the pimples festered and itched badly at times. I began ueing Cuticura Soap and Ointment and after a few days my face felt better.. I continued using them and in three weeks was completely healed, after using one cake °reale= Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment." (Signed) Leslie Gray, 10 Chestnut St,, Plymouth, Mass., :Feb.28,1021. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal. cum promote and maintain sldn Purity, skin comfort and skin heolth. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe end heal, the Talcum to powder and pnitunc. smerEartirristirmad. Addraa:"Zsamosgrz, 144, SIA St, Peal Et., W., :ldatitte.1.,, Said tr:cry- where. Soap 26e. tlintialean3 sada*. Talcurallte. Zeir-Cuticurat Soap shaves williout mug. Meafere, Ontario. -9 was se wera could hardly do anything and MY back set -:Ilea the teat. I toaii se much liont Lydia. E. Pink/game Vege. able Compearid for omen that 1 bought I would try it. 1 Pei that It dItl. help me for 1 ant looking after 7 own home now and seem quite strong again. I have recommended your Vegetable Compound to enite 3, few friends and you can use tee nalne If Yon wish to do so."—lett. R. INurrias, Box 440, Meaford, Ontario. In your own neighborhood tht re are doubtless women who know of Ilia great value of Lydia E. Pinithanfs Vegetable Compound. Women every. 'where, either by word of mouth or by letter, reeoramend this splendid medicine. Those who have suffered ' from female weakness, change of life, and similar troubles know of the wonderful relief brought to them. by • the Vegetable Compound. For Constipated Bowels—Bilious The nicest cathartic -laxative to pbyslc your bowels ween you nava Headaebe Biliousness . Colds Indigestion Dizziness our Stomach is candy -like Caecarets. One or two Liver to -night will empty your bowels Cont. pietely by morning and you will feel splendid. "They wore while you sleep." Cascarets never stir Yon up or gripe like s -alts, Pills, Calomel, or' 011, and they cost only ten cents a box. Children love Cascarets too. WARNING? Say "Bayer" .when, you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances? Accept only an "unbroken package" of, "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism • Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis • Earache .1,umbago Pain, Pain Handy "Bayer" bones of 12 tablets --Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggi•rts, 'Aspirin is the trade mart: (registered In Canada) of aapez. Manufectilre oMatte- acaticaeldester of Sallcylitaeld. While It la well PaloWn that Aspltin Incarie nuyer situaulfilotureee` aamist the public against imitations, the 'Tablets of Bayer CoMpanY 1•411 be fitaarptcl With their general trade mark, the "Bayer eroaa," • 4 4 4 • A A 1 4 1 •