HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-12-28, Page 157 • a • GODERICH SI:GNAL-STARMIT .E .,PA' ,.; EMligi ,. , i978, --;PAGE t5 • 1. Articles for sale DRY HARDWOOD for sale. Will deliver. Bob- Thompson 482-7171.-51-1x TWO BUDGIE birds, 11/2 years old, with cage, $30.00. Phone 524-2384 or 524- 9078'.-49tf 30 -INCH white enamel electric range, excellent condition. Also, combination slflkfaucet and spray, tike new. Phone 524-7678.-52 SEWING MACHINES - Singer, White and other models. Repairs to all makes. All machines and repairs guaranteed. Morris Draperies, 36 West Street, Goderich 524-2551.-20tfar NORTHERN SPIES, Red and Yellow Delicious, Macs and other varieties, fresh cider and potatoes. Bellview Fruit Farm, 524- 8011.-42tfar APPLES:Northern Spies, MacIntosh, Cortland, Ida Reds, Red and Golden Delicious. Fresh cider, potatoes and onions. Delivery around town. Gerald Bell Fruit Farm, phone 524-8008.-42tfar SINGER - For authorized sales and service, sewing ' machines vacuum cleaners, parts and notions, service to all makes, and machine -rentals. We also do alterations and install zip- pers. Pratt's Sewing Centre, 73 Hamilton St.,' 524-8431, Goderich.-8tfar AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffmeyer Plumbing ° and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-1 tf ar TWO SNOW TIRES H78-14, on Plymouth -Dodge rims. Call -after 4:00 p.m. 524- 8] 19.-51,52x 75 FT. reinforced TV tower, 5 heads. Idealfor apartment building or several houses. Phone 524-9895 after 6:00 p.m.-51tf BALED hay for sale. $1.25 CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Mobile Homes 3. Articles for rent 4. Articles wanted 5. Cars, trucks for sale 6. Pets 7. Real estate for sale 8. Real estate wanted 9. Accommodation 10 rent 10. Wanted to rent 11. Room and board 12. Help wanted 13. Wanted (general) 14. Employment wanted 15. Tenders 16. Mortgages 17. Auction Sales 18., Services available 19. Notice to creditors 20. Public notices 21. Personal 22. Lost and found 23. Miscellaneous 24. Business opportunities 25. To give away 26. Births 27. Deaths 28. Engagenfents 29. Marriages 30. In memoriam 31. Cards of thanks DEADLINE Classified Ads 12 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY Ads cannot be accepted after 12 o'clock for that week's paper. CLASSIFIED - 13` per word, minimum '2.75 (excluding No. 19, No. 20, No. 27, No. 28, No. 30, No. 31) 2. Mobile Homes 5. Cars, trucks for sale MUST SELL - two bedroom 1975 Marlette set up at Huron Haven. Any serious offer will be considered on this beautiful home. Auburn 1- 526-7784.-40tf -3. Articles for rent FORMAL RENTALS for all occasions. Free style brochure, Rawson's Shop for Men, Goderich.-ltfar NEW PIANO RENTAL $39.00 m'onthly. Pulsifer Music, Seaforth, Phone 527- 0053.-48tfar 1rwe can suit you for every. occasion FREEMAN'S FORMAL RENTAL Exclusively at CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS Free catalogue FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Stearn Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 524- 6231. _..per.-bale....,.a.Pbo.Pe!,...462-. _. 3340.-51,52x 4. Articles wanted OVEN READY geese. Phone 482-3159.-51-52 1976 CORSAIR 19' motor home. Like new condition, less than 6500 miles. 350 Chev engine, power steering -and power brakes. Phone 529- 7203 after 6 p.m.-45tfnc NEW MATTRESSES Everyday Prices Lower Than Most Sales 40 DINETTE SUITES of Wood and Chrome C&E Furniture NEW AND USED 1/2 mile south on hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 We Take Trades WANTED: old cars, radiators, 'batteries, cast iron, steel, etc. Phone 528- 5403 anytime.-43tf 1966 BUICK ELECTRA, many extras as is, $400.00; 1968 SS396 motor completely rebuilt for restoration or parts, best offer. Phone 524- 7225.-51-52-1 1971 DODGE Tradesman 200, standard, safety checked in October, good condition. Make an offer. Phone 529-9352 anytime. -52 6. Pels TROPICAL fish, canaries. Coti'plete pet supplies. Pat's Pet Shop, 350 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario. Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily and Friday evenings.-ltfar 9. Accommodation to rent LUXURIOUS APART MENTS, 2 and 3 bedroom, Port Elgin. Phone Mavis at 832-9234.-45tf ONE and two bedroom apartments in Lucknow and . Teeswater. These are brand new apartments and are available, immediately...Ca1L-. Gerrie Glenn Inc. Phone 528- 3234.-43tfar WANTED: Reliable, working person preferably female to share expenses of renting an unfurnished house. Separate living quarters, to share kitchen facilities. Phone 524-4285 after 5 p.m. -50-52 5. Cars, trucks for sale CHEV BUS, body and motor A-1, new paint job. carpet, propane, etc. Call 524-2520 after 5 p.m. -50,51,52 ]968 THUNDERBIRD 9 door, power steering, brakes and windows. Will certify. 524-7507.=51,52 Selling your car? Need a - Safety Inspection? Call 524-2121 Now only $15 9 5 k, • cannoIAn TIRE GODERICH Reach all of ONTARIO with your special classified ad Through a special arrangement between this newspaper and The Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association we now offer an Ontario -wide classified advertising service. Call 524.8331 for details SIMA[-STAR PURISM UD. P.O. Box 220 Oodirlch, Ontario APARTMENT TO RENT - heat and water supplied, no pets. Phone 529-8432.-51-52 ATTRACTIVE four bedroom house for rent, located in Dungannon. Available January 1, 1979. $150.00 plus utilities per month. Phone 524-7622 or 524-7186.-51,52ar ATTRACTIVE two bedroom apartment in Dungannon. $125.00 per month plus utilities. Available February I, 1979. Phone 524-7622 or 524- 7186.-51,52ar IN CLINTON, one bedroom apartiment. Phone 262- 2536.-51,52 TWO BEDROOM house in Saltford, hot water heated, available February 1st. Apply to Drawer No. 89, c -o Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich, Ontario. -51,52 MOBILE HOME: Three bedroom, fully furnished, all utilities .includes heat paid, $270.Q0 per month. Apply Gardiner's Motel, 900 Bayfield Rd., 5247302.-51-52 UNFURNISHED bachelor apartMent, suitable for mature 'gentleman. All utilities paid, private en- . trance, central location. Must supply references, state age. Apply to Drawer 90, c -o Signal -Star Publishing Ltd., P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. -52x Office TO RENT 524-8382 BENNETT APARTMENTS One pend Two bedroom apartments, Includes fridge, stove. cable TV and utilities. Call: 524-2071 9. Accommodation to rent ONE BEDROOM apart- ment, fridge and stove in- cluded, $110.00 plus utilities. Phone pi24-2823 or 524- 2963.=52 12.. Help wanted EXPANDING CANADIAN OIL CO. offers opportunity for high income plus regular cash and vacation bonuses, abundant fringe benefits to mature individual in Goderich area. Airmail President,' Dept. CI, P.O. Box 70, Station R, Toronto, Ontario, M4G 3Z6 WAITRESSES Experienced' Full Time Apply Goderich Restaurant Steakhouse & Tavern 42 West St., Goderikh 524-8168 12. Help wanted WHOM CAN WE GIVE ,$1500.00 TO? If you're unemployed and unddr twenty-four, we'll help pay your wages to your next employer, and help find you a job - PHONE Canada Manpower at 524-8342 and ask about the JET program - see if yoLiqualify.-47-2ar DISHWASHER part-time Apply Goderich Restaurant Steakhouse & Tavern 42 West St., Goderich 524-8168 13. Wanted (general) WANTED old wood fur- niture, regardless of con- dition, phone 524- 2725.-24tfar CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH Requires a FULL - TIME RECREATION DIRECTOR The successful candidate would co-ordinate Recreation and Cultural activities within, the Town and report directly to the Recreation Board. Duties also include preparation of monthly reports to Council and Recreation Board, preparation of annual budgets and various other duties as assigned by Recreation Board. Applications will be received by the undersigned until 1.2:00 Noon.Friday, JanuacySth.1979...._-._ _._. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Permanent Class A or B,license desired. Larry J: McCabe Clerk -Treasurer Town of Goderich 57 West Street Goderich, Ontario N7A 2K5 15. Tenders - 15. Tenders Ontario Government Submission - LEASE OF OFFICE SPACE FOR PROVINCIAL COURT Submissions are invited from owners or authorized agents of existing buildings, buildings under construction, or to be con- structed, for the lease of approximately 499.43 square metres (5,376 square feet) of rentable space located in the Town of Goderich, Ontario. Municipal services, good public parking and transportation and on- site reserved parking for a minimum of 7 vehicles are essential. Term of lease is 5 years with tenant's option to renew the lease for a further term of 5 years at a rate to be negotiated. General requirements and submission forms maybe obtained from: Ministry of Government Services Public Tenders Office "'Room M1 -43A, MacDonald Block Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario, MIA 1N3 Telephone (416) 965-1152. Sealed submissions will be received until 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, January 23, 1979, at which time they will be opened in public. Submissions will be opened in Toronto. NOTE: For further Information please con- tact Mr. E. R. Gregory, Ministry of Gover- nment Services, Toronto, Ontario, Telephone (416) 965=4777. Please . quote Project No. AG -L-6315. The lowest or any submission will not necessarily be accepted. T.O. 312 Ontario Ministry of Government Services 14. Employment wanted WHOM CAN WE GIVE $1500.Q0 TO? If you'll hire an unemployed person under twenty-four, toward his wages, we.'11 pay as much as $60.00 per week Phone Canada Manpower 524-8342 and ask to talk about the JET Program. It's money in your pocket!-47-2ar BABYSITTING of pre-school children and care of the elderly. In my home or your - home, day ,pr night. Phone 524-8737.-51TF 15. Tenders HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION TENDER The Huron County' Board of Education will receive plainly marked sealed tenders on Caretaking Supplies required for our Elementary and Secondary Schools up to 12 o'clock noon Monday, January 22nd, 1979. Specifications and ten- der forms may be ob- tained from the Board Offices, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accep- ted. R.B. Dunlop, Superintendent of Business Affairs D.J. Cochrane, Director of Education 16. Mortgages CASH for your mortgage. Call us first 524-2797.-33tfar 1,8. Services available FURNITURE - refinishing and caning. Phone 524-7490 or 524-27-25.-43tf CUSTOM --BUTCHERING - cattle, hogs, lambs. Curing, smoking, sausage and headcheese making, lard rendering. Reasonable rates. Call Ripley Abattoir 395-2905 -for ap- pointment.-38-52ar PHIL'S REFRIGERATION & APPLIANCES SERVICES Phone 1-887-9062 or Granger's TV 524-8925,-4ltf REPAIR TO all appliances, refrigeration service. Lucknow Appliance Centre, Lucknow, phone 528- 2946.-43tf FOR INSTRUCTION on accordion, piano, organ or guitar, phone 524-2711. (Instruments sup- plied).-ltfar MAN with truck will do light delivery and pick-up anytime. Phone 524- 8553.-49tfar -SNOWPLOWING driveways and parking lots. Phone 524- 8668.-49tfar DOG CLIPPING any breed. Contact Dianne Haak, phone 482-3540.-50tf ART'S Landscaping -Nursery and Garden Centre 116 Bennett, Goderich FIREWOOD SNOW REMOVAL Complete line of Everything needed for INDOOR. & OUTDOOR - GARDENING 18. Services available 18. Services available 2i .Personal WAYNE A. YOUNG "SMALL APPLIANCES REPAIR CENTRE" 351 Suncoast Dr. Goderich 524-8165 For Your Home Repairs, Additions, and All your car- pentry needs CALL ALBERT MIDDEL 524-9686 i11SUlspra FOAMED -IN-PLACE INSULATION Saves heating, cooling costs! • Stops drafts and cold walls! • Lowers noise Ravel! • Easy, last up - plication NEW HOMES, OLDER HOMES, COMMERCIAL STRUCTURES For free estimate, call BLUEWATER INSULATION. LTD. CORDO) 565-2633 Insulspray is a registered trademark of Borden. Inc HAVING TROUBLE (we are still In business) HUTCHINSON APPLIANCE SERVICE Put your confidence in a properly trained technician CaII ''BARRY" at 524-7831 308A HURON ROAD GODERICH HOFFMEYER -_.Plumbing&.Heat Lng. Ltd. APPLIANCES 55 KINGS' ON ST. ELECTRIC Inglis washers, dryers, refrigerators, ' dishwashers, ranges. GAS Ranges, barbecues, lights,. ranges. IMMENNIMMININIBIDOMININI CLOCKS REPAIRED Antique Chiming Grandfather, etc. 'J•T. Hollinshend ° 33 GEORGE ST., CLINTON 482-3759 Hwy. No. 4 north, turn left at Craig's Tire Service PROFESSIONAL CARPET CLEANING Zp WITH "STEAM" • Steam gets the dirt other methods don't ,reach • Removes old shampoo • Carpet dries quickly • Steam Machine Ren- tals, '10.00 per day. CARPET CARE 216 Wellington Street S. Goderich 524-2440 HOUSE PLANS DRAWN to meet your requirements no obligation References for all previous projects Schaefer Residential Design Listowel 291-1449 1 a NILE SERVICE CENTRE Snowmobile Parts & Service Fixing small engines 8. snowmobiles. Have alt kinds of snowmobile parts for sale. OPEN 5:30 P.M. TILL 10 P.M. each night and weekends. Phone 529-7809 For all your Carpet & Upholstery cleaning needs, call SUPEIOR MAINTENANCE Our steamvalla Power - brush method gets the deep down dirt, others miss. Phone 524-8892 Free Estimates BACKHOE SERVICE BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS DUMP TRUCK BULLDOZING SEWERS Septic Tank Installations Government Licenced FREE ESTIMATES Sid Bruinsma Goderich 524-8668 GODERICH CONCRETE FLOORS Laying and finishing" concrete floors for ! basements, garages, patios, driveways, and foundation coating. Call George Barralclough. Phone 524-8158 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment::Two trucks to serve you. Phone H.T. Dale, Clinton 482-3320 and Seaforth 527-0284. Paper Hanging AND Painting Reasonable Rates Neat, clean work CALL 524-7961 AFTER 5 P.M. 20,' Public notices WHEELCHAIRS - WALKERS The Humanitarian Servide Committee of the Goderich Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges have equipment for loan. Contact Amos Osbaldeston, 524-9623 or Fred Fritzley, 524- 7217.-39eowar 24, Business opportunities DO YOU NEED MONEY? (mortgages, debt con- solidations, loans), Call Committ-More Investments Ltd., Robert Hiller, Mitchell 348-9548 or Gary Emmerson, Kitchener 745-8418.-50tf 26. Births LITTLE Tony and Betsy (nee Jerry) proudly announce the birth of their son, Christopher Haleris, at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Ontario, on December 20, 1978. First grandchild for Frank and Lucy Little, Thorndale, Ontario, and for Burns and Catherine Jerry, Goderich, Ontario.-52nc 30. In memoriam CAMPBELL. Everlasting memories of a dear friend, John Campbell, who was taken suddenly December 30,1969. Time goes by, memories stay As near and dear as yesterday. It's not the words for they are few, It's the loving memories we • keep of you. -Missed dearly and remembered fondly by friends Jim and Brenda Thompson.-52,53nc 31. Card of thanks McCABE Kelly Lynn and I would like to thank our friends and relatives for the flowers, cards and gifts during our stay in hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Thomson, Walker, Hollingworth and staff on 2nd Floor East, Goderich Hospital.-Denese McCabe. -52x THOMPSON I wish to thank all who visited me, sent cards or flowers while in Alexandra and University Hospitals. Special thanks to nurses on - 1st floor and Dr. Walker. -Elva Thomp- Kingsbridge Kurriculum BY MARIAN KNOOP AND DIANE VAN OSCH (For the month of January, Kingsbridge school will have a new nurse. Her name is Margerite Falconer: In house league floor hockey, Saskatchewan and Toronto are tied for first place but Toronto has played one more game than Saskat- chewan. The house league standings are now, Saskatchewan - 93, Toronto - 142 and Edmonton - 112. The Grade 7 and 8 classes had a music contest. There were five groups and Group four won the prize. The students in Group four were Diane Van Osch, Denise Connelly, Lisa Frayne, Rosemary Gilmore, Casey Hendriks and Michael Austin. Each of the students won a poster donated by music teacher, Mrs. Park. ROSS ACADEMY The Practical Step to Your Future Now - today • is the time to se) your sights on a rewar- ding, Interesting and satisfying career with ROSS ACADEMY. Take the practical step to an exciting future. We offer six month day courses (5 days a week) beginning March 8 and September. ENROLL NOW FOR MARCH CLASSES REGISTRATION IS LIMITED FOR SOME CLASSES SO ACT NOW I DENTAL ASSISTANT [ 1 SECRETARIAL SCIENCES l 1 MEDICAL OFFICE ASSISTING [1 BANKING CAREER TRAVEL COUNSELLING & TOURISM ❑ MEL -MOTEL MANAGEMENT f I RADIO/TV BROADCAST TRAINING [ 1 SELF-IMPROVEMENT&°CULTURE School attested in Londdn. Ontario Placement Asmatance Offered Name Financial Assistance Avalleblo ROSS ACADEMY 297 Adelaide Street, South London, Ontario. N5Z 31(7 or phone: (519) 888-5233 i Address 9 Cy)/ Postal Code I• Age Phone I ICHECK COURSE PRE' E RE NCE AND SENO AO I 1 orb .Rr°•9t,s-"as. AAm. �ego ....sr..,m....idWi .' •