HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-12-28, Page 14PAGE 141--GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, TU JRSPAY, DECEM$.ER. 20, 1,978 Miss Joyce Shack, Associate Director of Nursing at. Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, offers some cookies to patient, Mrs. Wilhemena Stock, at a party held on December 22 by the hospital staff for long term patients and those patients who couldn't go home for the Christmas holidays. A choir of 15 students from St. Mary's School entertained, Santa and his elf arrived and refreshments were served. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) Colborne news In the Christmas rush that seems to take over yearafter"-'year, -where - people rush and i shop for gifts, , bu Yin g goodies for the Christmas season, busy making gifts or spending -I -61-s baking cookies, pies, puddings and that popular Christmas Cake, or even decorating the house inside and out, with all these extras often folk don't pause to take the time to really look for and find the real meaning of Christmas. Do we take time to go to Church and hear the Christmas message? Or do we just go along all Christmas season on the tinsel and holly? A special thanks is in order for the teaching staff and pupils and all at Colborne Central School for the splendid portrayal of the Christmas message at their Concert Tuesday evening December 19. - There was an overflow crowd of children, parents, grandparents and friends and it was a most enjoyable evening. Principal John Kane was master of ceremonies for the evening and after welcoming all and commenting on the beautiful evening, which as we all know was a rarity, introduced the first number which was the kindergarten class with Mrs. McMillen, teacher, presenting "Christmas Eve" in song and dialogue. Everyone was waiting for Christmas day, the reindeers were prancing, the sleighs were moving and the bells jingled. Mother and dad came in and sat in their rocking chairs watching and waiting, the snowflakes fluttered down and in the final song "We Wish you a Merry Christmas" all was ready for Santa to come. Grade 4 pupils sang two very well rendered' French Christmas Carols with teachers Mr. Snell and Mr. McCurdy ac,-; companying o'n guitars. There was a slight pause in the program at this -tine when- Mr. Kane presented Mr. McCurdy, who has served for three months at the school during the absence of a teacher, with a gift. Grades 1 and 2 with Mrs. Grant as teacher and narrator Scott' Stoll then presented a play "Tweedle Dee plays a Joke on Santa". The children found out that to play a joke on Santa and' have all the toys wrong really wasn't going to be such a joke and thanks to the Fairy who touched the toys and made them right and that is when Santa really laughed. Grades 2 and 3 with Mrs. Chisholm as teacher, told of how Christmas is observed in Other lands and ended with the children all singing We wish you a Merry Christmas. Grades 3, 4 and 5 presented a 3 act Operetta "Santa and the Spacemen"..Teachers of these grades Mrs. Jenkins, Mr. Sanders and` Mr. Hunter are to be commended as everything ran so smoothly and with meaning. Santa was coming but he had to make a forced landing because of a flying saucer that frightened his rein- deers. Tlae-spaceman, a man from Mars then took Santa by force off to his planet to show his folk and the children on earth were so annoyed but in their waiting forcSanta to come back, men from the other planets came in and all wanted to enjoy Christmas like we do, and finally there was a conference and Santa came back and^ all planets decided we have a , nice Christmas and they want to have h Santa too for one part of Christmas is bringing joy to othersf: -so all were happy again. At this titn'e there was a pause to give special thanks to Mrs. Dustow Music, Director at Colborne Central for her fine work and ac- companist for ' the evening. The closing number with Grades 6, 7 and 8 forming the choir and singing beautiful Christmas carols and Rhonda Bean as narrator, explained in a splendid way the pictures portrayed on the screen "He is Born" . The ever wondrous story, Christ was born a baby in a Manger in Bethlehem, and the angels sang, the shepherds were on the hills and saw the star, and the wise men came bringing gifts, Twas the Birthday of a King. The theme to the evening program that was left in my mind was, Christmas is a happy time, a time to think of others, gift giving from the heart is a joy, there is a love at Christmas and there is that deeper meaning of Christmas, mankind received the gift of a Saviour who is Christ the Lord. Congratulations to the teachers and staff and pupils of Colborne Central school. SOCIAL NEWS Colborne Central School is,: . closed for Christmas holidays and will open again on Wednesday, January 3rd. We are pleased to report Kent Milburn was placed second in the Canadian Legion Branch 109 Essay contest. The topic being Remem- brance Day. This is the first time Colborne Central has been involved in this program. During the Christmas season people were shopping and sometimes may have mistaken their car. While shopping on Shoppers Square someone by mistake apparently put a child's used knitted cap in our car and we noticed it when we arrived home. It is a child's knitted rose shade cap with pompom Turn to page lsi Auburn news Despite an ice storm, the Auburn and District Lions Club held- their Christmas party when over 50 children and their parents attended. Lion President Bud Chamney was in charge. Lion Steve Campbell had procured the films Christmas Messenger, The First Christmas Tree and the Great Toy Robbery. Lion Donald Haines was in charge of the projector. Between films Christmas carols . and songs were sung : with Mrs. Fred Lawrence at the piano. Mrs. Jim Schneider and Lana and Leslie Lawrence led the singing. A beautifully decorated Christmas tree, adorned the hall and. Santa Claus arrived and gave out bags of candy to all the children. SOCIAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Gary Edmuns ' of Scarboro visited last weekend with her mother, Mrs. Irene Churchward and her grandmother, Mrs. D. Holden. Winners at the euchre party held in the Com- munity Memorial hall last week were; novelty, Donald Haines; high lady, Mrs. Frances Clark; low lady, Tom Jardin (playing as a lady) ; high man, Ken- neth McDougall; low man, Jack Hallam. Cash prizes -.f r the most lone, hands fo the period up to Christ as went to Ben Hamilton, second Robbie Plunkett; lady's ' first, Mrs. Cathy Rody, second, Mrs. Tom Haggitt. Miss Diane Kirkconnell of Edmonton is vacationing with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell. ANNUAL DINNER The Auburn Knox United Church Sunday school rooms were at- tractivelly decorated for the annual dinner and United Church Women's general program on Wednesday, December 13 at 12:30 p.m. The president Mrs. Donald Haines welcomed members and senior citizens a the -church who. were invited as guests. The Rev. Earl St Jean said the- race and ap- proximately P proximately 50 persons enjoyed the smorgasbord style dinner. Carol singing was enjoyed led by Oliver Anderson accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Kenneth McDougall. Mrs. Oliver Anderson led a Christmas devotional period on "How Far is it to Bethlehem? assisted by Mrs. Jack Armstrong reading the scripture passages. Two poems were read by Mrs. Beth Lansing and Mrs. Norman McDowell. Several carols were sung and very suitably formed part of the worship Service. A piano splo was playede by Mrs. Gordon Gross. Mrs. Tom Jardin in- troduced the guests, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Robertson of Meaford who gave an interesting talk with their slides on a trip this past summer they had taken to the Holy Land. Mrs. Donald Haines thanked Mr. and Mrs. Robertson and presented them with a gift. The Unit Leaders, Mrs. Maurice Bean and Mrs. Jack Armstrong com- bined their members for the various committees to host this event. WI The December meeting of the Auburn Women's Institute was held in the Community Memorial hall with the president Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock in charge. Mrs. Catherine Jackson was pianist. Mrs. Robert Peck gave the financial statement. Mrs. Bradnock thanked all who had assisted in catering to the Christian Reform Yiiung People the Family Night and the 40th wedding anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. Bert Daer. Mrs. Donald Cart- wright and Mrs. John Hildebrand were named 4-H club leaders for the spring project, Accessories, The Final Touch. The members decided to take the needlepoint course and Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock and Mrs. Thomas Jardin were appointed leaders. A letter was read re the free rabies clinic and a letter will be sent to support this clinic. A thank you letter was read from Mrs. Orville Free. Plans were made to cater to the Lions club dinner on January. 3.. Mrs. Donald Haines and Mrs. Thomas Jardin were in charge of the program and began with the singing of Christmas songs and carols with Mrs. Kenneth.McDougall at the piano. A Christmas wrapped box contest was held. The Christmon tree was decorated and as they placed each symbol they told what it sym- bolized. The first Christmon tree originated in 1957 at the Lutheran Church of the Ascension in Danville, Virginia. It has since become a world-wide celebration proclaiming God's Name and His many Acts. One cannot buy these ornaments but make GODERICH COMMUNITY CENTRE Special Events MINOR HOCKEY Pee Wee Saturday, December 30 Walkerton at Goderich"- 5:00 p.m. Bantam "A" Saturday, December 30 Walkerton at Goderich - 6:30 p.m. Midget "A" Saturday, December 30 Listowel at Goderich - 8:00 p.m. Midget,"B" Thursday, December 28 Mount Forest at Goderlch - 8:00 p.m. SHINNY HOCKEY Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 a.m. - 12 noon '1.00 per person BROOMBALL Mondays and Fridays 10a.m. - 12 noon '1.00 per person INTERMEDIATE "C" SAILORS Friday, December 29 - 8:30 p.m. Wingham at Goderich Auditorium Rentals Dances, Ponies, Receptions CALL 5 24.903 2 Goderich Recreation & Community Centre Board The staff at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital held a Christmas party on Friday af- ternoon, December 22, for their long term patients and some of the patients who couldn't go home over the Christmas holidays. A choir of 15 students from District news them according to one's ability and need and started with the evergreen tree which tells of Eternal Life. They went on telling what the. 22 ornaments meant to the world. A duet was ^sung by Mrs. Haines .and Mrs, Jardin. Mrs. Jardin told about the Christmas customs with food. Mrs. Kenneth McDougall won the carol contest. A short inspiring candle -lighting service was held with the Advent I Table centre. A` delicious Christmas lunch.was served by MrS. Thomas Haggitt, Mrs. Major Youngblut and Mrs. Lillian Letherland. Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer received the prize for having the nearest birthday, Mrs. Bud Chamney won the prize for, the most red in her Christmas corsage; and Mrs. Beth Lansing the prize for having the most safety pins in her purse. All members signed cards to go to Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell, Mrs. Torrance Tabb, Mrs. Orville Free and Mrs, Elsie Scott and Mrs. Florence Millian. St. Mary's School entertained, Santa and his helper arrived and refreshments were served. Here, clown Roy Straughan chats with one of the patients at the party. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) NOTICE SENIOR CITIZENS Public Meeting: Wednesday, January 10, 1979 7:30 p.m. McKay Hall PURPOSE: To discuss the establishment of a Recreational Senior Citizen Centre for the Town of Goderich and surroun- ding area. All interested senior citizens are urged to aftend. More information can be obtained from K. Hunter at 524-9492 or from the undersigned. Mrs. Eileen Palmer Chairperson Senior Citizen Recreational Centre Committee N UAR YSU Earl Rawson extends to you a personal invitation to his After Christmas Suit Sale. Earl is offering a fine selection of suits to add to your wardrobe at SUB- GROUP 1 All Wool Worsted, Fortnel and Wool_ 2 and 3 piece SUITS �/Z PRICE REG. 995. AND $230 $9250.d$ 115 REG. 38 TO 48, SHORT 38 TO 42, TALL 38 TO 46 STANTIAL SAVINGS. Be sure to take advantage of this sale and shop early for BEST SELECTION. REG. REG. REG. GROUP 2 All Wool Worsted, Fortnel and Wool 3 piece SUITS 1/3 OFF X130. $150. $166. '195 - '225 - '250 - Alterations At Cost - All Sales Final BALANCE OF ENTIRE 1 0/ OFF SUIT .STOCK - NOW REG. PRICE clinMOM VISA A ° L RAWSON LTD. CORNER MONTREAL ST. AND THE SQUARE, GODERICH The Shop For Men