HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-3-9, Page 8Exeter Markets CHANGED EVERY WEDNUSDAY Wive t......... 1,33 Barley , ea- 48 to 55 Oats 34 to 41 Menitebae Beet Flour 4,40 Family Flour -4.15 Pastry Fleur Feed Fosur Bran. .... Creamery Butter Dairy Butter Eggs Lard Hay per ton Hogs BIB'ARVIMATE, 'TBURatilVY.MAR A 9, 1922 Local Doings 78th anniversary of her birthday on Mrs. WM: Hodgseri celebrated the Friday, Mewl 3rel at the home eafilhereer w -re prestOf ber child- like deys dug the week, at reit, grand eitie eanoberldren and great greed Mies E. Cowan of Atweed has take. eeeneen se s4se her many ,nappy re_ en a position as. milliner with efiss t m Yellaad, i 3‘90 Miss Phoebe I, Easterbrook has ' lean one ini najsie. ?in taken a position with Miss Yellaed 1:,,taag, te learn the art of millenary. ' Miss Blanche Senior was among the an Ale William ABM. the well-knewn suecsesfulu4 pa eanodeidatetittrilTteorr_eenxto o 43 i bwalr of 1.,u,,,kConservatory ,now, died last week '''') 34 to37that town at the age of 69 yeare, amjnationa, taking honors in "Singine 26 Miss F..ar ,o•:. Blyth has taken a neS; ri-t4 Iirass 111)4“)" in "Tie -lore' of .16 tole Cepa as milliner with Miss May Arm- $15 to S/6 strong and zonunenned duties la't 1Rb.‘,1) HERMAN HAS WIRhLESS. 111111111171111, datietar Mr We had several very mild spring- ts ' - ' r• 12 00 waek I ' FlOy b'Potatoes, also Babseshieks frim my tined -to -lay Barred Reeks. G yeur order in. for these at onee. - Phan.: Creditor' 17-31 L. V. Hogarth BUSINESS FOR SALE. City Geceory, Can:fectilmery, Meat Markat, Eik Reete, Small Cuidy ead Tobeeee store, Fash. narket, General stera, Sydeey Sueth, Market Lane. Londe -re. Peens:. RESIDENCh FOR SALE A very kaesirable property -S room break home: with !bath, terrace and -ea- etr ht.la good condition - goad stable, goof well. Four lets of teed with trees eta 'email fruits. Apply 'to O. C. War.), Meet St., Exeter. HOUSE AVD LOTS FOR SALE In Ex:ter, at the Eset e,nd of . reel etrcea a-nall 410 two aots. Inquire oe, the premises after 6 onlock,-J?. R. McCurdy. YOUNG BULLS FOR SALE, Two Durham Bulls, about 11 mos. thorebted. The mothers now the R. O. P. milking test. Fiestelass animals -Grse, W. Hunter, Let 4, Con. 4 Usbe-- ; R. R., 1, Centrelia. CON [RAC l'ING e.fer been; ',out of business io tars years I am prepared to oa Carpenter Work. -large or small 'Ohs of every dee:restate!, Sweet: atteetien to bardwood floors Plans sirewn end estimates given free of ebarg Heywood, SELD OATS FOR SALE, Weaver:ey variety, old oats; $1,00 a bushel. HILTON FORD, Hay FARM FOR SALE OR RUNT Lot 10, Con 9, Hay Tp., it0 wen: Part of L.e 8 and part et Lot a. Con 8, 75 earn; or will exehange for house n Exeter r Heia1.L Possession at once. Appy to T. J. laolson. Adver- tiser Ofriae, London,. BUY LESS COAL AND KEe.P WARMER. Slop the draft 'with Bronze Auto- mate: Weather Strip for Doors and larindow.a. Sold and put oh by Phone 21r2 N. OGDEN, Exeter Your Storage Battery needs special at tention at this time of the year. e have space equipment for properly taking are of batteries ogle winter. Let us take care of yo -W. EER. exeter, The eorrect way and the easiest way to dispose of some property or sell soma small artiale, find a tenant for your house., or an article you 'have lost or help wben you want at, is to insert a small advt. in the "Want Column" of the Advocate. HOW IS THE PUMP? New Iron Pumps and Fittings in Stock, Iron or wood pumps repaired. Wells purnited out or cleaned S. J. V CANN. Phone 115 DR. JOHN WARD, Chiropractor & Optician Chiropractic and Electrical „Treatments for Chronic. and Nervous Diseases. Spectacles scientifically fit- ted. Hours 10 to 12; 2 to 4; and by appeintm nt, Office -William and Sanders Sts., Phone 43. FARM FOR SALE The uadarsigned is offering for sale that desirable farm in the Township of Seephan, being Lot 15„ Con, 2, known as the Leathern Farm, :con- taining. 100 acres. There is on preana ises a commodious two-story frame house and two good bank barns. The faTM is well drained and fenced, has a nice orchard, spring creek with a plentiful supply of water the year round; fine for .stock; 15 acres seed- ed down, all fall plowing done, and there are 10 acres fall wheat, Poe - session. given ,April 1st, 1921. For pares:Wars apply te I. R. CARLING, Exettar, Solicitor for the Adminstra- tor. Contracting We wish to call the attention of the pubic of Exeter and surrounding dis- trict that we are open to accent, or tender for contracts for all kinds of building We are experienced wo.rk- men and by strict attest attenti on to busie ness we hope to share in the contract work of this district W eRES & PRYDe, Exeter,' ..,Anytasitig you. have to move we move it reasonable srPtor Truck and Horse Dray at your Service. Mitts 1..ivery, Hors Livery Mr. J. A. Brintrell book-keeper for Fred Heatnan .son of Mr arid afra, Mr. T. H. „Newell, is now in, Stratford, W. J. Heaman, has a wireless appar- weere alr. Newell's business le now atus installed in their home, and he is 'entered. able to receive nessages from a dis- M tance. On Monday even'ng he listened r. Jobe Jacobs of Stephan has to a roue:eat concert Detroit ,f,e, ranted the heuse on the London roai overiel by ea: Samuel Persians, vied over an Baur Fred has special b:iug 'vacated lay Mr' 434 p3"-- study s:tIlLutelirthire7si.1 ril3king a SO-DS. Mr. Earl Parsons bas purcbas,ed the NARROW ESCAPE. 10,1 zee.: :arm, on. the 4th earieessiort: o: Laborowned by Mr. Jas. Ether. On :Monday of this' week Mr, C. !..ugree„ acrd takes possession this week, Barney, seetion foreman on the G. T. aMr. Etherington still relearn the R., narrowly escaped being kill d e . tui: farm Two young men of kewn had 1)1anced , mr. and urs. Thos ,..„Lrehm, a.lmooece° Weeks on the traek an eueli a manner the engagement of their young__ that when Mr. Bilne5, Quite along on .;,;" c4 t il JY motor lame it Was overturned daughter Dolly te Mr. CYrvuekey sheFortumteb, :An Birm eldest son at 'Mr. and Mrs. Charles a''''' riff not nag unaer it. but be, mstaiea Tuekey of Exeter, the marriage to pakaut bruises ueveriesa. take plasee early irs June. Ied Col, eleEersen of Byron. and Ur. Ise-, CHOIR CONCERT. mere Agrieulteral District Represee-' ta„ oftivere .a tQ t&'01‘tenplurelbvarecithls"ShucreteltkorIlle questheiI4 Cbnur';"11';*11Cbc:irrt uAgiwFlidba,YYtheevaadakj4111:510-ISti ers for a elub at WgikertOts The) non5 larit &Yell); atPte.n,dealngd, oa4wirsara'toa.siltehkemiegsils and the inclement weether. 'Ile prin- eitell item on the program was "Stan- ter's Crucifixioe", and this choice se - The death occurred in Montreal on teeniest W2.4 admirably rendered, The March 2nd of Susi,e, McIntire, Wife of aolelsta were ear, Goodwen tenon, and 33. "W. Grigg, formerly of Exeter, De- Mo Milne Rene, bass, both of Hee- eeaaed had been ill nearly a year of sell. Prof. Anderton presided at the anaemia. The remains were brought organ, to Exeter on Saturday and the fun- eral, ranch was ,qf a private nature, THE SICK, tOQ plaee on Sunday afternoon, from th.: residen•co of Miss Grigg, later - have already eeetired several, DEA.TH OF eIRS.--GRIQG. MP. TIP1.01.1 The sae's; this week are not so num- raent being made in Exeter eemetern. ':".ruu, but many are stall suffering The late Mrs. Grigg was born in Grey savere 'olds and griPPe wit'''e annuity, and was =need in Exeter at the home of the late Dr. Lutz, Not long efter their marriage Mr. and airs Grigg melted to alontreal, and her home through diness. e..e, tin exeeptien, .of two years later Mr, Chris Lukeer has been eenfined s,at on that City has been their residence to ins 1101114, ain4 bed /or some ting aver 7'e,, The' two years were spent in. Exeter while Me Grigg was wind-vzN2'.1; Albert Ford as at present' tat Mg up the affairs of ,the late jamas poor health, as is also his neigh- Piekard Estate. Besides the 'husband bor Mr. Daeld Richards. -.- she is survived by a eon. and adaugh- Me Moe Varney i - s stilln th oe eiela ta-r, Alev and eladred; also time bros list and eonfined to his bed. tears. e rank MeIntire ol. Cheyboygen, Miele, Devil .0.1 Chicago, and Charles of :Montreal. each day repeats a new list as being taken. ill, Mrs. George Windsor is confined to LOST -Between Crediton and Jas Turnbull's, Con. .8, Usborne, a horse blanket. Finder please leave at the Advocate Office. MILLINER Y Our millinery show room is again open. We have been fortunate in securing the services of Miss Cowan, formerly of Guelph, as trimmer. A limited number of pattern hats are on display. The ladies of Exeter and vicinity are invited to visit our par - Tors, It is a pleasure to show you our hats. MISS YELLAND -------- If you have anything to sell or you vent to buy, try The Advocate Want Column. SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES In the Puha,: Library. 11 a.m.-Holiness Meeting. 7 tem. -Sart -aeon. Meeting. 230 rsen.-Sunday Sehool and Bible .'lass, and special sand tray for the Primary Gies's. Cottage .meetings in North End on Tuesday night Capt. MacGillivray Lieut. Parnell Y. P. C A. Now the hockey season is about over gat your membership in. the Y. and be ready for the Big Bowling TOUrila- imxtt and Banquet Bowling Tourna- ment to began .next week. Trivitt Memorial 'Church 11 a.m.-"The Miracle of Forgiveness." 7 pm. -"The Gates of Heaven." Rev A. A. Trumper, Rector CAVEN PRESI3YTERLAX CHURCH Rev. Tames Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday school and Bible 'classes. 11 a.m.—"The Vastly Rich" The Minister 7 p. m.—"Making Friends" The Minleter. Boy Scouts meet Friday evening JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH • Pastor, M. J. Weson, B.A. 11 ane-"Prierileges of God', Child - 3 .m-SabbathS.hoo1 alai Bible Stuoya 7 peri. -"Young Men .and Marriage" A serrnon to young' Mien. Congregation and Cloak sieghtn. vreIcserne. ' , • MAIN ST, METHODIST Cfit.IRCH Rev Geo McAlister, M. A. Mr. R. 'W. Puke, who has been, sere iouslv ill for ten +Plays, is now ;slowly improviser, although still very weak. Mr. Walter Harness was taken end- de.nlY ill on Thursday last„ and has been seriously ill al pleuro-pneturiortin Mr. and Mrs. G. X Hawkins are still 'confined to the house. Mr. Haw- kias was out for a new ela.ys, but wee fenced to return to his bed. DEATH OF IRS. ELSIE. Death at an early hour Wednesday morning of this week laimed the old- est resident of Exeter, int the person of Mrs. Robert Elsie, who passed away at the. home of her elaughter, :Mtn Geo. E. Anderson, at the age of 96 years, 3 months and 15 days, The de. ;sensed had enjoyed fair health until about three weeks ago, when, she was compelled to take her bed and grad- ually sinking passed away without a struggle. Mrs. Elsie was born. at Port Colborne, but for many years resided with her husband at Fingal, and it NMI while living at Fingal her bus.. band L. about 37 years sago. For the past 12 years she ,has been living here with her daughter, Mrs. Ander- son, by whom she is survived, toeethe r wee thee sons -James and John of St Inona an.1 I,Vellaam, of Niagara Falls N. Y. In.: funeral.. et be private and will take place on Friday, March 10th at 9 o'clock eve to the Exeter depot and from there to Fingal cem- etery for interment Mr. J. H. •Griev,e is in Toronto on business this week. Mr. Fred Leathern of London vis- ited with friends ia town last we,ek. Miss E. M. Acswey returned Friday from a week's visit with friends in Detroit. Mrs. N. W. Creech after a visit with relatives returned to Brantford an Menday. Mrs. Daniel Davis has • returned from a visit with pier daughters in In g croon. mealaneglipeeellessellnssettoseaDeell PHONE 32 JONES 84.. MAY Sprit*. House Furnishings at Lower. Prices Rugs, Liholeuras, Congoleuro.s, Curtains, to.. Our Steck of House Farm:41144V Seeing is now naarly eomplete. New Titian Lineleurns, Congoletens, Window Blinds, Curtain :Materiels, ClAr0i,ni made up, Cretonnes, SateensEte... at much lower prices. - Dave an enormous ak to seit freep, SPECIAL-Gearanteed dewneproof Art Sateen, in geed English stuality • be.autilte patterns tor Comforters at 90e. yard. ee 3 PIECES. ONLY • ART SATEaN, 36 n ii aer 'comforters -e-anna at 65e. yard, CONGOLEUM RUGS. Coagoleum, Rugs are becoming more popular every eeesore The new patterns are here for Spraeg at mueli lower priees. This ia *TO of *the best wearing floor materiels ton the market. LLNOLEUMS .New Patterns .for Spring at lower -price.% CURTAIN MATERIALS - Dozens of new patterns to select friora. THE NEW flOelMaPUN SUITINGS. Horn:spurts sere among the most papular paterials for Sprieg wear. They are used for Dresses, Skirt; Suits, Coats, Jumpers, Eta, We have ana%N• range of these popular materiels 56 inches wide selling at $2.50 yd HOSIERY SPECIAL. 25 dozen, pa's AzOttott ites:aleY sizes 9 to 10, black and wlate eelors only, -very special at 25c pair Ladies' and Misses' Suits, Coats, and Dresses Ar now ,bei ie shown at „very moderate relees. Sec our large range before buying, MONARCH YARNS ,,- New colors for spring now in steel:. Also fipring knitting books. Wall Papers for Spring Besides our beautiful new essortment of Wall Pepers for Spring, we have hundreds of soils of Bedroom, Mallen and Direng-Room pap= that you .an buy as cheap es you ever did. Don't let that room go shabby with the ilea that _papers are still high in Klee. Come in and look at the values we are offer. Also odd bundlJs of Papers suitable for Summer Kitehe.ns. No trouble to show you our goods as to,fttt as you like. JONES & MAY illawallwelliaellneallile-son.gpsseepoesisee. 1. R. Carling, B.A Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner., Solicitor for the Mol - sons Bank, Etc. INVEST YOUR FUNDS in. Victory, Dominion of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all legal investment for Trust Funds. At existing prices from 6 Des cent. to 7 Der cent can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest Office -Carling Bk., Main St., Exeter Display Advertising -Made known on arm/cation. Stray Animals -One insertion 50c., three insertions $1.00, Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost wall Found locals 25c. an. insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c. _per tine per insertion; No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction Sales 53 for one insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertson if under five Inches in length. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. aline. Farm or Real Estate for sale 50c. each insertion for one month of four insertions, SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 • New Arrivals for Spring Mr. Samuel Adair. of Forest was in . oed 'friends, town. this week shaking hands with Misses' & Ladies New Spring Coats New Spring Coats). The styles me over last season's and priens are much ' mr. Clyde Heaman ol the. alolsons Bank is holidaying, in London and other penes for three weeks Mr. G. E. McTaggert, G. T. R. agent at Earth ,and little daughter, visited over Sunday with his mother, 'Mrs. P, MeTaggart. Mr. Harry Fuke of Toronto arrived here on, Wednesday- evening last ow- ing to the. illness of his brother, Me R. W. Fuke.ale Frank Hunter, who ree.erity disposed. of his famen, fan stock and implements in Tuckersmith, last week moved with his fanaly to Stratforta Where he wall make his 'future home: Mr. L, V. Hogarth was' in: Toronto the latter part of the week attending a meeting of 'one hundred commercial poultry raisers of Qatari°, for the purpose of organizing an association to Anther the intethests of the pone try producers and.consinners oif Ont - It is a real pleasure to show the Snappy ; the Cloths greatly improved lower. Come in and try them on. 40 INCH ALL WOOL SERGE Just the thing for dresses in colors of Brown and Blue. An all won!' s,..rge 4 incheg .v0e, an good qual- ity at par yard 185e _ • 36 INCH BLACK SILIt Ties beautiful Black Messaline Silik is 36 inches wide, is splendid weight, has, fine, even. weave and ,is guaranteed to give satisfaction to the vvearer, Our special price is per yard ... $2„50 Boys', Youths' and Men's Clothing New Clothing at Lower Pries. You will want a new suit for Easter This season we have a much larva range than last. The cloths are siL50 ,a4nd COMFORTER SHIN'I7, 16 NEW HOUSE DRESSES ter. We have vine great values in Boy's Suits for sellasoo, at 3k1,annnes wade floral and Paisley Ties week we are showing-4new pett.rits. 'Sia good Patern. to choose iig Q't ,31:exPenss21:70, 1,51272s5e.Anir $3u.le0:93, from. At-• pr yard .. . . -30c. pnLes,an aprons which we offer at popular . . a .' ' , •,,' " ' .- ' , ' ' . il am—"Tho ,).4.sAv?s,, I.. . - Dr_ and Mrs R. O. „Hodgson ete,.. e ' . - .,.,„ , . ,. . ,' ' . Wall Papers • ki x -, •., vs'esitiae, at tie home of Mr R "'Skate3 ' ' . .Shoc• ,to b1e o -r. The -tor-has' Just retunnee ' Get Yoor 'OePeciog doom before t ae ,seeer hangers get 'too biter., $nar from an .extended trip to Erigland'aen ,steclois larfOer that ever.' Marili 'rqew designs and 'zoloringd " A Voyage' ' rid Shipwreck" Austria,where ..he ' , 7 pm. -"A a .takuigupost graduate, work in I on.. , ' . A Tew' .116. t seams papers a,t. great 'rednotonl. , . AT BETHANY a.ese anti ereerun. 'He Also visfi d G - ' . -S Itthc()tt • Bros , , 1, • '1, , , , „ " .1 • . „ , " ' I •, , „ , THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTie Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car lerrice• sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cars on principal day trains.. Full informataign from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Hons. ing District Passenger Agent, Toronte N. Jr. DORE Phone 46w Agent, Exeter DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office -Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day nt night. DR. At E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w • Dr. G, F. Roulston, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. Honor Graduate Toronto UniverrItY Office -over Gladman & Stan1;ury'it Office, Main Street Exeter. C. NV. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Finn Stock Sales a Speciality. Office at Central Hotel, Exeter Ontario FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Hillwaland P r e" Realanable and Satisfact" ' Guaranteed. Ontarie% - Creditors; - . MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on ,farm and village nrooert7 at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY, alrlihtsrk -Scasit*P14-41.161C,