HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-12-21, Page 41GQIIEEICH L•8TAR,.T: 1; SDAY,
EM.8EB, 21 1978-4wgE riB
The kindergarten and grades i and 2 classes of St. Marys School
joined voices for a selection of favorite Christmas songs at the
school's Christmas concert last week. The young choir per-
formed three classics, Jingle Bells, Away In a Manger and
Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer. (photo by Dave Sykes)
The Little Angel with the Dirty Wings
A long time ago in a
land far away there lived
a little angel. Although he
was a very good angel
(are angels ever anything
else?) he was a very
untidy chap. He found it
practically impossible to
keep his halo straight and
the hem of his robe from
getting all dusty.
But worse than
anything else, the little
angel just could not keep
his wings clean. Every
morning before he left the
house his mother would
wash his wings with dew
drops and polish them
With starlight. And every
day, before he had even
reached the Heavenly
Choirmaster's big music
school, the little angel's
wings were all soiled and
just plain dirty.
One morning the little
angel arrived for choir
practice and took his
place at the left of the
golden harp. As usual, the
Heavenly Choirmaster
was right on time. He
strode toward the raised
platform, climbed up on
it, picked up his golden
baton, and raised his long
arms to signal the
beginning of the first
Just then the Heavenly
Choirmaster's eyes fell
on the little angel. The
little angel squirmed
uncomfortably. He knew
his tarnished wings would
not pass the careful in-
spection of the Heavenly
Choirmaster who
demanded that all his
angels be shining and in
gleaming array. -
"Little angel," called
out the Heavenly
Choirmaster in his most
.becoming voice. "We1,are
preparing for a `' very
special event. We are
invited to perform very
soon now at the birth of a
King. Because we don't
know the exact hour this
wondrous thing will take
place, I expect all my
chorus to be ready at a
moment's notice. It is
clear, little angel, that
you are not ready to greet
a King. I'm afraid you
must leave this choir
until you are big enough•
to keep your halo
straight, your hem out of
the dust and your wings
With that, the Heavenly
Choirmaster ushered the
little angel to the door,
pushed him outside and
shut the huge door with a
resounding bang.
A , big lump formed in
the' little angel's throat.
Hot stinging tears filled
his eyes and began to roll
down his cherub cheeks.
It was plain to see the
little angel with the dirty
wings was the saddest
angel in all the Heavenly
Kingdom. He just sat on
the steps of the music
school and hung his head.
I don't know how long
Win two free passes to the Park
Do you want something
to do for the holidays? Do
you want to win two free
passes to the Park
Theatre on The Square?
Well, here's how, boys
and girls.
During the Christmas
break, write down a list of
those things you would
like to see happen in 1979.
Hi k•
Merry Christmas, •boys and girls. Merry
Christmas. I hope you are all ready for this
happy season and that you% have planned all
kinds of good fun for the holidays.
I have been reading all your letters, and poems
and stories for thespecial Christmas edition this
week. I think they are just great.
Andsome of the pictures...wow. There are
some pretty fine artists out there. I hope you will
continue to send pictures to me, for use.on my
page in the Signal -Star. They are lots of fun.
And I hope you will read the special Christmas
story on my page this week. It was written by the
Signal -Star editor, Shirley J. Keller, a long time
ago when her own children were younger.
Some of the older boys and girls in Goderich
may have read it before...but I asked Mrs. Keller
to print the story again this year just for you
kids. I hope you'll like it.
Keep reading my page in 1979, boys and girls,
And keep sending in those birthdays and pic-
But remember. You don't need to have a birth-
day to write me a letter. You can just send me
your favourite joke...or a You
about your
holidays...or some information about what's
going on at school. .I like to know all those things.
Must go now. See you soon.
Captain Comet
Maybe you'd like to see
ponies giving rides at
Agricultural Park.
Maybe you'd like to see
hockey skates with
motors on them. Or
maybe you'd just like to
see your family get a new
color television for you to
Just write down all the
things you'd like to see
happen in 1979...and send
your ideas to Captain
Comet, Box 220,
Industrial Park,
stesi ; ss rszx :ss s s x ;t0r4s.Z rsZsMs s sW s zs s vzs
Goderich, N7A 9B6. Theatre, to see any show
Make sure your letter he or she chooses.
arrives at the Signal -Star As an added bonus, all
office the day before the letters that are received
first day of school 1979, will be published. So
January 2. If your letter make sure to put your
is not here by 5 p.m. on name, your address and
January 2, you will not your telephone number
have a chance to win. on your letter.
Captain Comet and the Come pn, kids. You'll
editors at the Signal -Star have lots of time in the
will be picking out the holidays. Get your
most • original letter. thinking caps on...and
Whoever has written that write a letter' to Captain
letter, will win two free Comet. You may win a
passes to the Park prize.
The letters of each given word can be juggled with
the letter "T". to forma new word to fit the definition,
given. Then write the new word after the definition. For
exahnple: CUE -+=Attractive. CUTE
1. SAP -j -T=A bugle call.
2. LADE+T--Past tense of "deal."
3. HADE+T=To die.
4. AMID -+—Permit to enter.
5. END+T=This sometimes happens to
a car fender.
6. PEA -+=This is marked off in
inches and feet.
7. SEAT=The direction in which the
sunrise occurs.
8. DIET=Alternate rise and fall of
• the ocean.
9. NOW+T=A village.
10. PAR -}-T=A snare or pitfall.
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he sat there. It was long
after the Heavenly
Choirmaster and his band
of angels had left the
great hall for the day. In
fact, it was growing dark
and the streets were
The little angel was just
about to pick himself up
and go home to tell his
mother about hjis terrible
misfortune when an angel
messenger came flying
up the steps of the music
"Where's the Heavenly
Choirmaster?" the
messenger gasped. "And
where's the Heavenly
choir? The King is born
and it is` time for the
Heavenly concert! Where
is everybody?"
The little angel couldn't
believe his ears.
"Don't just stand there,
little angel," shouted the
messenger. "Go and find
the Heavenly Choir-
master. Tell him he's to
take the Heavenly Choir
to a hillside just
overlooking Bethlehem.
The shepherds are
waiting there for news of
the King's birth."
There was not time now
to think about drooping
halos, dusty hems and
dirty wings. There was
certainly no time to sit
around and mope.
The little angel
gathered up his angelic
self and hurried through
the streets of the
Heavenly Kingdom
shouting, "It is time. The
King is born. Come to the
hillside near Bethlehem
to greet Him."
Up and down the
Turn to page 18B
The Discount Doves' After
Christmas Sale advertisement
which appeared in last week's
paper should not have run on
December 14. We apologize for
any inconvenience that this may
have caused to the staff of
Discount Dave's Home Centres
and, ,more importantly, , to
Discount Dave's customers.
Discount Dave's After Christmas
Sale ad is scheduled to run in this
newspaper on Thursday, Decem-
ber 28.
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