HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-3-9, Page 7Canada From Coach to Coast Surmimexsside, P.E.T.—With a peach -,men and families, mostly from Glen. - teen of eihout 90,000, Prince Edwarel i garryr, will shortly arrive here under Island has seventy women's institutes the eeepi:.es a Rev, IL A. MacDonell, working for 'community better nenl;. ; to take up farms in Kent and Essex Olson ,emeses are given annually with eceentties, where large n«imhere of inetructioxt h domestic science, fa icy;their coenpatxiots have alreadyr settled. work, sewing, millinery and other cab-; Father, MeaDenc'1 has announced that sects. !this party will be the beginning of an Flai�fa , N.S.-A healthy increase importa*et eniigrat :al of 1Iighanders in Halifax industries 'is indicated iib to this part of Ontaris. the Dominion 1.o eau of Statistics' re -1 Wie ell eg, Man In order to, further port on Maritime industrial growth-, promote the agr,ct lt,:rel interests of The route nt of manufactures in the the erevin- a the Manitoba toba Govern - city in 1917 was $15,247,408; in 1913,' men: has decided to increase loans ad - $19,33e,836; and in, 1919, $21,955,162.1 vented under the Rural tie is Kentville, N.S.--Over 100,000 bar -1 scheme. The limit -new placed by the teas of apples have been shipped to Act, . $3,006,000 et probate y be ie - Halifax for export by the Derinion'crcaesed to $6,000,000,. Hon. Edward .Atlantic 'Railway, There are still ap- • Brown has announced. The policy of pros;niately 350,000 b rrels left forencouraging farmers to engage more expert. From the beginning of the extensively in st:.:•k raising by sup- SeaKil 1,490 txeere eater of apples were eleiaig well -break dairy cattle on credit; moved than for the corresponding per- will also be en°a'rged. 9;,1 last year. 1 Saskatoon, Sask.—One liundree and Newcastle, N.D,--Tote smelt fishing fifth thousand baskets of wheat grown for 1921-22 in the northern and east- in the Saskatoon dieteict wee shipped ern eoaetel *aunties of New Bruns- to Shanghai and Yokohama during. week bas been the most sueee.sefel hi the month of January direct frim the history of the indktstry and the Saskatoon elevators. This is the first volume of ellooients linos exceeded -wheat consignment for Asiana Points anything PreeutollelY reached. The belk skipped direct from here. has gone to the Ur ted States though eeigeen Alta.—Admieal G, Como, there has been a satiefac tory trade A •S n ferulerly of tee Itteia'n ere with quuebec end Ontario. British. navies, and who vias in charge Quebec, Q ie.—Oonp?ete eontrel of of submarines for the Allies in the the Wel fisheries et the Province of Adriatic clueing the war, has etecured Quebea has been res.oured frons the a farm at She liherd, a few miles groans Federal Government by the >?rol iniac here, and is engaging actively in op- j e. despatch from London says:— Ge w•eiaiment, aeeerding to the art- erationa. l Unless Austen t. oseherlein, leader of nauneement of the Pm-cinch/3 Minister Calgary, Alta. -4n the four daya the Conservative,, eau stop the 441e - of Fisheries, on hie return f>,'m. Ot- ending! February 10 between '1,000 and lard" icing -les ;against -4.K Gevetvt' tam. The province hereafter iso to 2,000 teres of prairie wheat was in- melt, Premier Lloyd George will re - ie a • s : e e Calgary lira slapped west ei ,.'this Ile ultimatum ie contained Coalition having fee -lined iia Owen.that this is camouflage, the America tet mer: o siege this work 5ii Ovate sale aetattnt. t the of It. tidal ,.o Vaca t 1g y & s it exceptfor the waters of the a Vancouver for ocean shipment to h a letter written to Mr. Chamberlain Feely machinery. ` the men, doctors i Canada and :n inti Un::;te•cL 5tetea. Tb •eters frot Me algin lslerei; which lie in the varieee carts of the world. Thio is a by the Premier- Sir Gorge 3:ounl er is chairmen of real motive of , r fir,t W erker-e Edre-ationei Aeoce letic n i the xewr tri. l :leveiQ inert .;ten Chamberlain and Aacth;zr J. tett, Unionist organizt,#iMn, awh.icle can- being jealousy of women s i in Canada. was founded an co-operation Gu.e of St. Lawwren,e and here p lieu ' 'h:tr day for teal• ite. party funis, and represents cam titian and their greater with tl,e jr;yive rzity oP Torinito in hem the tl t wth:le Co*z�ere tire party cif the Fe1818, ar.d th l are s:swv seven 7venili; The Dominion House of l'ar3ianient, with the Govereer•TGeneral andthe Party Leaders inset. RESIGNLLOYD.GEORGE THREATENS TO �� y1l IN FACE O DIE-HARD ATTACK Sir Georg Younger, Leader of the Conservative Secession- ists, Aims is at Return to old. Party System — Situation Rests With Balfour, Birkenhead and Chamberlain, London Medical School Excludes Women A despatch from London says: --The London Hospital, one of the largest and most im- portant medical schools in. London, has decreed that wo- men students shall henceforth l be excluded, The reason given lie Government, he l«as no direct oaxi- is that joint instruction on cer- e tr the Isar .tin sot , lain subjects cannot iDe pro- t,iarliineay, sirc,:.e he is ice ltccepteci e:�£ neither to (,'oitservative nor perly conducted with mixed the za,beaal party:, each wing of the classes. The women retort tr l f ty f d the electoral M. Larkin is Now A Privy Councilloz A despatch from Ottawa says: P. C. Larkin, who was recently appointed Canadian High Commissioner in Lon- don, will. shortly be sworn in as. a member of the Privy Council of Canada. His ape pointznent to the .Privy Coun- cil dates from March 1, when he assumed the duties of High Commissioner. Membership in the Privy Council carries with it the title of Honorable, so Mr. Larkin will be address- ed in future as Hon. P. C. Ler- kin. Adult Education. 11ir. Albert W. Mensbriaige, %comer of the Workers' Edaeationol Arcade.- tion, in England, spree on Friday, Meech 3rt'' at the University of TO.. route on "An Adventure ' n F.dnoatioix for Crowe 11 em Women." Mr. 113,artsbridge is a trades unionist who gave the best part of his lite aril eaerificeel ids he,•elth in the iutere'ste cf education for working hien: For his excellent work in the orgarezetr,'O 1 of the Waz•3 e1 s' E0,3z t:*o l A d^ .3.- tion, thea ttnive ty of Gxfoi4 eon.- !erred on- ferredron'hire the honorary eye of M.A. Mr. ltlanTo'; e oleo orr'ar,izeil the Workers' Edese t:etal A .sci tiuTh in Australia and) s new on a visit to pre tieel�pre ia:iM, leheini=tret on, through ouezeo fol epi =tents in hours with Sir George .ouneee. Monti -eel, Qe;e+,s'-•' Several le;a.i-laed shier :n . air via the Par e ma Canal. head t the Ce*::,e;•vative central dike, that:sand pets, iia*lar lire tidos,= of the \'nnteeiver, 11.C. --Fifty-three deep- tryirb to hr ig hint into dee par tt) the I Ser- ! uiuversity .has a -3o es lslshad alt roles rirel erect Meek hear coyote see shit s, rat, i:t':ua ng the b^ vee- lancelettorerun, Younger tar tate:1 elthough he retired from t RAS ' P,s ao.-0 al Ass+acisativx poles, gt F . , 1s ,- a• . � ' ',see; that Wince loser-Aor+avrr arid: that lla,•will lee, resign, but if he. ceased ,lite e:t the house ,cf Calnnaons on ac- HOUSE OF �• Warkea� iy:tt?ia?+o. .:lwez, red and rel+ fog;, el a ply is • i ,,,. s •_ i, the re ±,rd of the • . nti-Gear a aetivitits the Coalition cent• • of 'til health i, still titular; 'Ida -sees iaa.a.l,ar,t:, hewer, 5 ..J.e' ani It,..¢.+ tTt`re? Sun '� ra ..,.. , 111:t. S A.... le fi � (^ C 1'4 t•w!'Q eels as ail ecentrc Ile was appointed to hist efficiency as practitioners. clooesca ►n Tore Yta reeeiw'irrg e_cluestk;oit t'.iw'e gtw. ' grade. The pmvie el oaf u f position by Andrew Bor.= Lew, who,' --�-+� PEERESSES �`+� SlT aa. , , t , :tt Ilarrilton� and tree ire Cite; e: 11 ".,.n e.i •x .i7 A. 'despatch from. Lor :air Sayre--' i glare. The University of Alberta eon- .r ..:, f p` .. ,,, Rhondda has esteblielte�s ' two such cr'►..xt".zstions. in E t •,.:. la...nRet, then -few, canna•. 11e �tsa.,,altaess Ttha ,stuns n reeeive1 by; tsae t',t,a,la:,n tear A;e beta part cf t careen 'er for the mentis of; eau (tarry en fora felly nnanths longe r. Sales Ca. for their ailette .'ale, tem- ,,Jtantary. For ',the whole of 1921 the After what inns happeeeai eonp1ete si�t.m tt, et. w, front all r,:arto c+T nunihe,r cf sleep :a sups arriving inl unity in the Coalition when Parliament Cara, tare el•nii >i St•otte, ltuoelool Vancouver ..sat 389, compared with 836' is once dissabed elan no tenger be pee - Siberia, La'arreter and 'a l a4 eatnta.I vessels to tete prl,.4t.li^g twelvemonth. epee. epee. , I't'WE• tezee eere, en the wlio;e, Coastwise loe l aril foreign, the a: -i Lloyd Geerge will ".Nati the Centre Melte,- deal; those pretax 'reg at ti el rivals ie 191'1 were 11,485.. )Party, eerry tit with hint Chamt:er- 1 a ►• e Te eetiratates ler' Lord Birkenhead. ...til Balfour, if the • {'s1- •.^r l" ineraller; sir ,iii Nouse —env 1Ja::hesS, flour (".ounte�.ses, two, ., 3 9 1 1 eArnt,tt 7r• I3 � lain, 17 ii xanessc- , c: threw :l *pt by a, vete of the the chine of woree, who are Peeresses: lnontotx and, Calgary. It is expeeteity 1.vali'.e rorty, en4, if l=F F ells to stand an heir own right, to take their re:*ts';that Mr. ?tiMsnehridges visit w fin' to control the in the ,House of Lords. There axo:rsia. a very, eensidereele :tappet firer, wsill ce,rt'tavcs . purty's fur 1.,, u 4 Peeresses in the 'United Kirigdforiete s seoperta•nt type of Melee in erne. Tie -i—iwo � sr;1-0e: eba:,t fifty cf ,wh:o een trice advantage of the decisieneeriea.. ,..e= at:• iYt .,. a r eel ane in ex . <., . e: +n, {` " 1 a i,the' el l ent:r3su, Let . `a hes the syiailiathy4 ViAouentesses sled a' a' 1 1,` ciliir Olt d '.i ', 1tiI.P.P ere�s of xl.'_'ts00U0 1was a:tire.t f,'ont s tecstt=t: wra•ei ,pf celcsa'y ara'ix?►i; mader+�t11e latter doer licit retire. Should peers higher,- ars^ xt'an^is '4Y Pot' 3 •, ,` salt. 11 , + n 1t the : tilt "9 ten Lilierale end Labor :met. e+' :s gre,:.t Eat:nber eri the ot°heI (:eiri- Seme leaving rtlarried g ° NO -t1't Penta, has been e`lioseit Latera tett: fcrr ¢i:.w ri e= ,sc a Het beds, in which q y Ilalepetr t~ �� y ea d r ' " �l w 'n peeing, khem etir4 aro kas n by. Tcrr.n.o tint. A' ce e5lieut.'sl ant: rut the early harvest are to lie to ovoid a the.., cornered eon e , , _ e • .t : , as t ». ,U00 1 And cc +, Con- in the ce,utttry. PrE'wumflt•:Y, therefore, their hualtiand. titles. . t t .tet leer- sera t ivt raetr+hea's an t ,?Ir ra a « g rare :, 'Leaderfor Qn;taxto. ea 1'.e'ue were I�Slleil last ye'.v in' groes^t,. are under eon�tru«tion aa�t thel 'leg the, ]he -heals to epic. the lite I'r-vie-e s Qnt-tio it to .t first seethes will be a oxie within a t;ery hive vote, •t'he Liberal -Labor tem- the et pis will continue nivel az meet -- U 1 by theDepartmert of I nrdol, short time Shipments of the 19'21 leeetaon miglEt secure a ncajorite at leg of the whole (,'omen -alive party Is' wt la:t . I� rger camber than the y'e!a"'t+; eat:: y are, otartti on July fourth. The heavily with moderate Gono.ervai:eves. Much is held to d'epr:td upon whether let. re. ; gros,; returns from this oro averaged It is less a persoi a1 conflict'brewwacn. the (.'iSrDse,rw clave members, A, J.Bel i.or,:icn, Ont. ---A party of 16l) Seist-4-;about $700 an acre. p Iter. Lloyd George and Six George four, Lord Birkenhead wend Au..ten° 1lanitvba Younger, leader of the Cotzretvativ8 't 1. bt to exert sionists than a symptom ,of the �s, , ¢trugglta on the part of the three grin-� X �e 1 �j ripat political garlics, Conservative. OFE.N R WOMAN SUFFRAGE 7 neral anal Tmbax, iso abandon thej �+ �+ Coalition system, which is generally considered to have outlived •its use Other Matters Cause Stormy -Scenes—Party Bickering and fuineEs, and get back to the old party sy.;-tem. Minister gaiting ---Question of Observonce of In this struggle Mr. I.'eed George Barley --=No 3 �+ ,test roll's 2 i to tw+g March 7. oocap es a somewhat anomalous pro Washington and would. not. seek ,tn- better, 57 to 60e, according to freights l2c. ;bretarfefest bee= 29 to 33e; else-. 37 to 40 and Fishea'ies. This le a someecelery crop, eltielh was the heaviest in the polls, a eoneideration weighing het•,. HEATED DEBATE IN DAIL EIREANN tF..aroleeluin, willwe a .e• $1 a8. ,r �,; once, $3 25 to $3.30. fiaffialent pre-: ore en the Younoerites ,Manitoba oasts --Ne. 01 1,1, 62e• $ 1'T per imps 60.1 Maple prodecte--Syrup, is. $2 35: gel, $2.ru0; per 5 imp. ga , Maple cvgar, lb., 19 to 22e. Her -v. -60 -30 -lb. ties, 14% to 1501 y arke aper Toronto. } Egp's—New laid a gbt+s, 36e; net wheat --Ne. at: Nu. 1 Northern, l hitt 1' in Carton.% 88 too e89o. Beans—Can. 'dixaccd pc,ke d, 'Bushel, to hold the ;arty together. li' they extra. No. 1 feed. 59c; No. 1 fre�1•t, cannot. it is 'believed certain that the ; Mendteba :barley -Nominal. Prime Mini.tter will resign, leaving All the above, track, Bay ports, the Conservatives to fevrn a Goveru- Anter. torn-- Ne. 2 ye?aaty, .r8a!2c; l peer lb.; 5-2'- -lb. time 17 to, 13c pee meat. Probably Mr. Chamberlain No. 3 yellely, 7' ; N. 4 yellow, 7 I lib.; Oa'txaio ;:i*xnb Ramey, per dozen), would head such an administration, travk, Toronto. $5.50. because 1,ir. Balfour is supposed, to be Ontario oats—No. r 2 'white, nominal, Smoked meate—H-aana, merle 32 to g Oetnrio wheel Nemmxa�.. 34c; cooked ham, 43 to 48� • smoked, 'content, with the laurels ;brought from' ' 47 Ills. al .28s; cob a rmd' 30 to, A d rl:atc:it f++ain Dublin says•:—The Isere of woman suffrage was injected into the tail Eireana's debate on Thur:slay, -when Mrs. O'C+a':sghan pro- posed that the Dail issue a decree extending the franchise ch!ise to women be- tween the ages of 21 and 30, instead M confining it to women of cure than 30. T`.his would make women vot- ers on equal terms with nen. This raised a heated diseucsion.,Tbe Griffith and Col'nr forces .ckl ged misrepresentations of hi po- inasmuch as,.although Mend o f other Premiership. r 'hewn, outs^de Girl i«raastt breakfast bacson, lob Bttc.cwlieat—No. 2, ,8 to ha.,],,s, boneless, . • , . 80c. 1 35 '6o 40e, l E �tisn mis3ion to London led by Ry'e -Ne. 2, 86 to 88e. Cured meats --Twang elear been, 17. PItOTPROTECTORATE OF gy'r Man flour—l,`iret pats., nominal. 'to 19c; clear be'l'ies, 17 to 20c. E Adly Yegben Pastia. The paper elset EGYPT ABtpLISHEIa would canteen, he tele i the d,eclara-1 s'ition. This discussion teak the •form of allegations and explanations. Collins suggested that a cscnuuitt.ee of Leo from each side investigate the position and report. The .suggestion wigs adopted. Count Plunkett proposed 'that the Dail: decree all business suspended and public houses elare1 an 'St Patrick's Day, March 17,. Griffith opposed thi:e, Ontario Stour -90 per cent. patent, liar--Puac� t -oesr 16 to i6.zc;t ulk, sealraard; per bbl., nominal. tuts, 15-I te, 17e; :palls, 17 to 173,1e;i ha'tetren^^ �rec*s i x ir. luded: liter, per ton, $28 to? 15 to 15%; twits, 15% to 15r e: pails' bags' ii, • i tion of piety en which the Govern-ih 1i1�f d Del Montreal freaghL,,grints, 1$ to 19r. S o, x Land. of the Nile is Now a nlent, in accordance with the pin>ti; Sovereignand Independent Z theles laid down in De ember, now p1'o-1$30 • ah cats, per ton, $30 ill) $32; goad l 1 b to 161 -Oe; paints, 17 $ 17 � I Gno.ce Heavy _teen , State. A desp'a'tch frim Paris Say,: • -- A Cairo despatch states that Field Mar - posed to proceed.feed fl$170 to $184 e, 7.50 'to 8; dote Martial law will be abolished in LBated hay—Track, `oronto, per tee, eeeod, $7 to $7.50; butcher steer-sc.! d lnn^t T 2, 50 to 22; mixed, $18. 'Choice, $6.75 to $7.50; geed, $5.74. Egypt as soon <;_ an a�:t of In ce y �,o.g..l. � $ , ,to g•�5• do,. med., `�5 to $5:50; doe 12. $ has been passed, tete Prime1liliistei u .t''rawv—Gar lets, per tan, $ item., $4 ta35; butilter Heifers, ehn•ice, Commis- anrotmwe,3. He Explained that nI• Cellae i itn•"tfit al gt;atitti'onc—Ontario No. .fi0 to 7 • da, inE3„ $5 to $6; eve, Thal Allenby Bxita h Higho X133 i "� r o •the y ;lettere wsheat, $1...t1 to , e}"rge3 saying that when he tried this some stoner m Egypt, lies is-ued, a pinch- Haw had been used, not to enfOi.P y 1 comm coin $ that it was an attempt indirectly to years ago there wvas a papular revolt; anon abolishing the British protector- British policy upon Egypt, but as e I outside. T 3 oats 40 to 45c, out- 4 to 4. 5; butcher caws choice $5.50to$G.10;do,nmd.,$2.50too4.50g, No. is31 to$2.50,1 taaao , d suite¢ On aai {;rs+ , • the �cann i .. in •r ix',. a ,.ow e me • e.. -tau n t f • wva hat1nstC ie This sa n 1 •t' I. 7. ti m�1• m i:i postpone ce IOI�•I.i, he at the'•c a ue whisihand der. car 7 adding that tete Gaeli Le „ ate of Egypt g. . 0 to$5.50; d�a wily denied. Giiffi•th pointed out that g$'de' enforced it, became unpopular cense- •sovereign acrd i,rdepernd,exi't Spate, wvith 1 d tf th E alien 14Iini�te•• fror hutclrer bulls, good, $45 x the election retest be fought on the uently. The •assembl 's feeling beir q y iS' a provisional status quo for the de - present franchise, it 'being impossible against the proposal, a cosnpeomise fence of Emelt, the security of the to prepare new lists within the avail- was made on 'the undertaking by Grif- Empire's coninaunic�ations •and-thepro- fith stating that they would -consider teetsen of foreigners and of the Sudan, the matter. Griffith declared tiinu-elf A despatch from London say's:— opposed to penalizing the poor man. Prime Minister' Lloyd George anemia - for his poverty, because while the poor ted in the House of Cornanons that the man was unable to get h drink on the British protectorate over Egypt has National festival,. the rich man eoult1 been terminated, and -that Egypt was have all he required et home. On Grif- free to work out such national d-nabi- fith's motion the 'Dail adjourned to Motions as might be suited to the as- Aprfl 25. hands e e Egyptian Ontario e art,—b3 to 60c, outside. able time. The motion was defeated on a vote of 47 to 38. Later in the day die Valera made another ,threat to withdraw from the Dail. Although the Dail ratified the truce •agreem-ent between the rival partiesmantle et the Sinn Fein con- vention, the ratification process pro - Netted only +a , interval in- party bicker- ing and Minister baiting. The Griffith and Catlins party was heeided'by antis The date is .as essential an article throughoout the day. Another discus- of diet to the Egyptian as rice is to sion arose on• de Valera' -s, proposal for the Hindu. a $25,000 i-oan for the initial purposes Nellie was told by the teacher to of the Irish race rbrgamieaten adopted kite a sentence using the word iin- at the Paris naoe ronveution. De Mies. Upon =legating tete dictionary Valera admitted: that ;united States she found it to mean "to take in." Arc- place since the -declaration of the ,with rubber sponge, would be even re.pesentation at Paris h5d been .not co' ddngly she wrote: "My mother im- policy of the British Government I:ast more unsinkable than the present what w'as e-peeted•, but angrily bibes rosrmers:" December, after the failure of the type," says an English scientist. tom., to 84; fe ceders, good, 35 to $6 . •c arising , S x- a x I ion c.emtain important mea,_ua• g Ontaaaio flout -1st pe.'ts, in cot out of war conditions. An act cf in- weeks, 9$xs, $7.60 per +biri.; 22'd pats:, do,fade,,oee � 5; tattoo rankles:, goo ,y$tT� c%einility, therefore, woudd be neees- bakexs 6.60. ' l ei - (bakers), $ to- $80; epriwigels,;70 to '$90; ,calves Government eN a.d cl.s at e. yin cotton o le roc meld. $14 k sexy .before any ial la aker t , $ floury 1st II , , choice, $1. to $ , , sense with martial law. eatics,'38.70 pear table 2nd ,pats., $8.20.1$11.5.0; $17..50; .11 ria, conn•., $5 to, $7; lamb5l 1 Cheese --New, leave, 20 to 20' c; choice, $13 to $10 do, ',cone, $6 to $7 twin's, 203$ to :21e; triplets, 21 to siheeap, ehaice, $6.75 to $7,50; do, ge d Member of R. I. C 21%e. O d; large, 25 to 26c; twins, $5.50 to e6; de, scam., $1..50 to $+3:50; C.r- 261%c; tr lets, `26 to 27c; hese fed and wwnartemd, $13,50; de, le, Shot 111 Dublin Street �3 to triplets, b Stiltons, new, 24 to 25c. }n,, $12:75; do, e auntry pants, $12.50 s:� Butter—Fresh dairy, shavee, 28 to, 1lloiitreal. R :tram Dublin say•o 69c; NoSI A despatch f 41.No. 2 CW GS i, , P is fresh fancy,(pats , . : • aver prints, , y, tea : , t � P Sergi. tJotter, of the Royal Irish Con- to 43,c; No. 1,r 39 to 40e; No. 2, 34 to CW, 65% to 66e. Roue, Man. swings 36c; evoking, ins, 25 to 26e, wheat vats firsts' flrsbe, $3.50. Relied, aafs,l s . ' - poultry ---S^ emg thicken., bag 90 lime 33.10 to 33.20. Bnext, T30 toe35e roasters, 20 to 2oc; ±owl, 23 $82.50. Shorts,' 333. Hay, No. 2, pie ei to 32e; ducklings, 32 to 33c; turkeys,, ton, e -a lets, 323 to3 29. -50c; geese, 30c. Gh,eese, fau,est we'sternsy 17 to 171/2, Live poultry—Spring e1idekens, 22 Butter, ehoiceat creamery, 36' z to 37e to 2Sc; roosters, 18e; :foovly 20 to- 23c; Potatoes, ear ba:g, ear nits, 90n to 31, 45c; Veal calves, 'best, 311; meed!., $10• du'clol!`.m+gs, . 32c; turkeys, 40 to inferior, . $7; dross, selects, 314.50 geese, 20,c. $14.75. Margarine -20 to 23c. piratioes 'of her people., atabul-ary, was shot while walling in the streets here on Thine:by everimg and',died later -in the hospital. His three aesai1ants, whose identity is net saleetion.. i krawvn, eneaped. At the same time Mr. 'Lloyd George gave the terms upon which tee British Governmtent will give Egypt the :op- portunityof working out her own He said a Geyer/elle/it white paper would;show the House what liad taken • "Lifeboats, with chambers filled W4 1)0N'r m.1..tEV- me _ Reg. tel`i 5`tCR1- SHE 15 OVER.' `Tepee %. Hoed . MAa-tel '51:5 HERS i iAv� `(tau C.ao`r Pl.-N14-4.:? 1. oe-i Sot' 014E11 ss nue '-roE--1124.-fr“ '(PUE B12oTNEi2, 5?,%t \ t-1 KAD Ti14� 5ts-Te1 .5