HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-12-21, Page 31iitt'IMV&K-SikijioT)AWV SAVE 70¢a. 1.5 litre ret. btl Plus 30c Bottle Deposit LA -v, Our Regular Price 795i Vanilla or Butterscotch Ripple WESGATE ICE CREAM titre ctn g Our Regular Price 1.69 u 2u�a . GODER ICH SIQN4L -S' A.R.. Ti I.TRSSDAY, PFCEMBAR 2 .19178—FADE 7B OPEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY NITES 12:00 MIDNIGHT MoRIAIRO SATURDAY UNTIL 9:30 P.M. SATURDAY 9:30 P.M. CLOSED MON. & TU ES. DECEMBER 25th & 26th HOME FORTHE HO x: x rshx x:55 sxss x xZ3t5.i ~s x x:Sz> x z:s x xsA say sZ3rR3tss ss5xsxxs3s MAWArSASI:55 s • Cut From Canada Grade "A" Beef Pride of Canada 130NELESS Blade—Short Rib or Shoulder ROASTS 11) Our Regular Price Ib 1.68 SAVE 20c per Ib BURNS, COIL, GOLDEN GOLDEN SKILLET, FROZEN, HEAT & SERVE ■ Garlic Sausage '6 1.49 Chicken cutiettes FROZEN, OCEAN SEA BUOY, FROZEN, BREADED Perch Fillets 14.43 Fish Cakes Party F�ods! Regular or All Beef M WIENERS 1 SIDE BACON y2 -lb 1 -Ib vac pac 1 10 1 -Ib vac pac 11 02 A&P, Sliced L DAY IN STORES WITH DELl Chicken Loaf CANADA PACKERS Baked Meat Colby or Farmers SCHNEIDERS CHEESE Ib1.VV 1668¢ 1 MARY MILES,. ,VARIETY PACK, SLICED 16 -OZ VAC PAC HIGHLINER, FROZEN 200 g. JAR Cooked Meats L58 Lobsterin Brifle 2.38 TREASURE ISLE, FROZEN 16 -OZ PKG GOLDEN SKILLET, FROZEN, HEAT & SERVE Shrimp Mates 2.78 Chicken Wings 161.38 HIGHLINER, FROZEN, PEELED & DEVEINED WONG WING, FROZEN, DRY GARLIC Shrimp 20-inpkg 8.98 Chicken Wings lb 1,90 SAU SEA, FROZEN PKG OF 2 — 4 -OZ JARS • WONG WING, FROZEN, MEAT Shrimpcocktail 1.38 Egg Rolls 2637r (SAVE 30¢ Sweet Mixed (24 -fl -oz.), Sweet Wafers, Plain or Garlic. Baby Dills AYLMER PICKLES 32 -fl -oz 890 jar red FRENCH'S MUSTARD 16 -fl -ox jar Our Reg. Price 1.19 Action -Priced! Tomato 0 581 r• 1 Ib AYLMER ¢ CATSUP 20 -fl -oz btl vyr •, i price 93, Loaf 1/21665? 1 -Ib 1.10 leotemmmi -Amp, Delicious! 2/3 Fruits & Nuts Why Bake Your Own ? Jane Parker FRUIT CAKE i v -Ib piece 3 -Ib 3.59 if 'r-PeKw ring 5 -Ib ring a You'II Do Betterloti 5 • 99 8.99 at A&P's e N N N Fresh dower Department We have a good variety of Christmas plants for jlt your choice, featuring �' such items as Poinsettias, • Chrysanthemums, Mixed • Pans and many others. utter 7756 SHORTBREAD 99¢ MOUTHWASHACTION PRICED! MOTTS ACTION PRICED! GAY LEA ACTION PRICED! TWIN PACK OF 2, 8.OZ TUBS Scope 750 ml bottle 2■49 Clarato Juice 33 -fl -oz tin 99¢ Soft Margarine 99¢ GLAD, PLASTIC ACTION PRICED! LIBBY'S, FANCY Garbage Bags pk9o'101.19 Pumpkin WHITE SWAN — WHITE ACTION PRICED! STAFFORD ASSORTS ACTION PRICED! ORANGE PEKOE ACTION PR CEDI PKG OF 120 14-ii-ortin 3 for 1■00 A&P Tea Bags 2■59 D VARIETIES ACTION PRICED ■ . s I ANN PAGE ACTION PRICED! 32 -FL -OZ JAR Napkins pkgoF2401■39 Pie Filling 19f1-ortin79¢ Salad Dressing 1.19 Frito Lay — Lays & Ruffles Action Priced! Pure Vegetable POTATO jP'°`°' H9� CRISCO 1 lb WELCHADE GRAPE DRINK I9AI Action Priced! Welch's 48 -fl -oz tin ANN PAGE 1•LB PIECE 1.59 Fruit Cake 2 piece2.99 JANE PARKER (OUR REG. PRICE 79c — SAVE 10c) Glazed Donuts pk9 of 7 69¢ SLICED, PUMPERNICKEL ACTION PRICED! PLAIN OR SEEDED SOUR RYE 16.OZ LOAF Jane Parker Bread 59¢ Merry Christmas FROM ALL OF US AT A&P! WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS! Gr1c,AWc7W i *A� `* *Ar'" `gWAW:W`gWeW W WitrmaWA=W eW4r5 AMtr1 N Ate • u g .non Dal ,As• • • From page 6B conducted by Mrs. Tinie Log- tenberg, Mrs. Amy Wiggins, Mrs. Jean Errington. Mrs. Debbie Culbert was pianist for the singing of a Christ- mas carol. Roll call was answered with a repott on each member's adopted friend. Mrs. Amy Wiggins took the chair for the business part of the meeting which included secretary's report, treasurer's report, corres- pondence. It was decided to give a donation to M & S, also t� Board of Stewards. Mrs. Donna Alton gave a report on the many interest- ing activities planned by the program committee during 1978.'Mrs. Elsie Irvin report- ed on cards sent during the past year. The motion of the music committee to buy 50 copies of the new hymn book was approved and decision taken to purchase same. Mrs. Jean Errington gave the nominating report which was accepted as read. Rev. C. G. Westha ,er installed the new slate of officers as follows: past pres- ident, Mrs. Tinie Logten- berg; president, Mrs. Amy Wiggins; vice president, Mrs. Evelyn Westhaver; sec- retary, Mrs. Tinie Logten- berg; assistant sec., Mrs. Jean Errington;f treasurer, Mrs. Helen `Dawson; com- munications co-ordinator, Mrs. Mary Bere; cards and in memoriam sec., Mrs. Elsie Irvin; pianist, nominating committee, Mrs. Tinie Logtenberg and Mrs. Bessie McNee; representa- tive to official board, Mrs. Olive Blake; stewardship and finance committee, Mrs. Helen Dawson and Mrs. Olive Blake; Christian dev- elopment, Mrs. Amy Wig- gins, Mrs. Donna Alton and Mrs. Evelyn Westhaver; leadership development, Mrs. Dorothy Pentland, Mrs. Emily Drennan; world out- , reach, Mrs. Marjorie Pent- land, Miss Beth McConnell; church and society, Mrs. Elsie Irvin, Mrs. Gloria Pear- son, Mrs. Donna Young. The meeting closed with a favourite. Christmas song. BROOKSIDE BROADCAST BY JANICE POLLOCK AND MANDY MILLER Brookside School was host to the Free Basketball Throw finals on the 12th of Decem- ber. Jeff Fillmore received a trophy for coming in first with 11 baskets out of 15 throws. The students that came in first from surround- ing schools are to be congrat- ulated also. The Students' Council pro- vided for the film, "Snowball Express" to be shown to the students on December 13. This Walt Disney Production was liked by all. The Brookside Junior Choir sang at the Pinecrest Nursing Home in Lucknow on Friday to the great enjoy- ment of the residents. This group of children from Grad- es One to Four were trained by Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Worsell during Electives per- iods on Friday afternoons for the last few weeks. The last electives periods for this term were. held on Friday. On December 13 the senior boys played hockey with the score being Butchers 2 - Flames 1. The annual Christmas Concert is being held on Tuesday, December 19th. The concert dress rehearsal will be held on Monday, December 18. A number of residents from the Bluewater Centre, Goderich, will be present for the rehearsal. The Students' Council is sponsoring two puppet plays, "Winnie the Pooh" and "The Little Prince" on Wed- nesday, December 20.'This is a professional group from Toronto. Parents are invited to attend. Students' Council is charging a nominal fee per person to help defray some of the costs. It is now the time df year when Goderich and Wing - ham High Schools present their programs to the Grade 8 students. The usual pro- cedure is as follows: 1) guidance personnel meet with the students and explain school courses and proced- ures. 2) the High Schools hold information nights for students and parents. 3) the Grade 8 students make their Grade 9 course selections usually in January. Mr. Seaman, from Goderich Dist- rict, will be at Brookside on Wednesday, December 20 in the morning. Parents are welebtlne to come to his pres- entation: