HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-3-9, Page 5SEAFORTH•-Jane Millere'w ,fe of ear. Jas. Barbour, passed away al her home here on -Maech 1st. Mrs, Bar- bour suffered a stroke about two weeks ago, from wheel she never re - ,..o red. She was in. her 68th year; The funeral was held to Smite .:em- e4ery, AUCTION'SALECrediton rpassed and ordere emitted for Cr c �tOn payments of same.Revelation in 1 CLEAN 100 -ACRE FARM, - Council adjourned to meet April FARM STOCK $t IMPLEMENTS On Finlay evening a meeting' Was 1st. 1022, at 1 o'cock. IT'S SO , '�' TL."Y T , et Lot 30, S. B.,. Han To. Z miles west held ret. the dire Hallet•t> organize a,: Henry Strang, Clerk. xiEr,.z+�YQ�s en Tea of Dashwood; ore ba.eba:tt club., A, goodly number were! THURSDAY, MAR. 14th, 1.922 he at. and:.all were anxious to give ` r Fame-T�l.onsisting of .104 acres, being sag s easan.Ezra Foist acted as chair -1 Lot' 21, Con. 18, Stephen-, with good man and Freeman, Morloo.k as secret -1 _�_ frame house and barn... All in grass, ary, Mr. Morin le, as Treasurer of Cox.n.11 aloft Mlonday, Mar. titkr, All Horses --1 mare rising 8 years, aged the .lob, gave his report, which was horse, black driving mare �.ing 8 yrs; r quite interesting„ Dunn;, the year• m4:crters present Prey::, i mitnutea cattle -•.3 fresh lows with calf at qu.t:: a ,large amount of money ,had "PProved, Sy -laws 2tifs and 289 were r°aid the tli� d tiuz -,oc ! a-�d sealed, vA by-law upposnn� Fe W..lrarrk- .on►b, engineer of the 'i'owns11p, was repealed and Geo A zee Cubbar wee appeenteo engineer ,i a• stead. Bayes--That-Tinct as oche event of At 1 c.;locic sharp, the ..olowing :--• t bell boys ,every supportms coni - Stephen Council trot; cow, due la April; cow due 1st; bsen handled, A ?ti.e amount was of May, 5 steers rising 2; 4 heifers still in the treasury. The following rasing Z. These cattle weigh from 800, care elected •o,fficers for the year, - the up. .Also 4 yearlings, 1 calf. Melon, <:Pres:,Ezra. Oestreieher; Pres., Hogs and Hens --2 sows ;n Dig; e Freeman Morloek; V -;car -Pres., Everett stockers about 170 lbs each; 2 etoc1C- Falconer; Se.-Treas,. Lloyd England ors about 80 lbs. ea.h; t thorobred Managers, Fred Kerr and Herb Young; Geo` Eccleston further neglecting to Tamworth hod;a' 75 White Leghorn Capt.. Will Metz. Th: different of- register the plan tof Lake View Park bens: fi:.ers were appointed the executive subdavtsion. et Grand Boni. that alae` Implements -Ka bolder, 5-ft..;ut;' A vote of thanks wos passed to Ed- =eve instruct Geo,. A. efcCubVe to vote, rake bar loader, ,1i, in side de- ' ward Fah -or for his serri. es in ?*eep_ Prep ^r e a plan and haze ••. re;ist+:red, ;:v-ry rake. le disc Deeriill; !uta tile diamond n.. ,Shane the past yea: Tia" auditors report m as accepted .U. mower 6 ft. cut, 2 drum steel . As scion a sprt_ng, opens arrangements The clerk was instructed to nota} rollers, McCormick 10 -ft. steel rake, 'ti=le .n' doubt, be made to join up the daLferent Seltool Boards in the c .auuble furrow riding p>av, Z fleury \ti t,a some league so that there will Township the: •.uta !i rauor es ad - plenty of ball this oms summer rennet to the Board tot pay teaa:h- ' g e. \valLu o plQivs, 3 s ... Kon dmamond b -ate': of TavzstOcl riaating-rS',t»:»^:s wee be...hanged at the - - - --• harrows, MI,,Cormte-k .,-Pung tooth .ul- . /� r tivator avith seed box �omDbied, 'thud -'her slaughter ;firs Herne Vaunt,. ;rate o1 y is ,rent per ansnu. anrat , 4 L Puelope lees ae wa ore, wa:;an tsox ` Our mil .rs, Mess Wenzel arc. `tla,s rip i by the tin..tram laooe Anders g , �, o:1 , p Anderson sleigh, a,, el set C"r hau➢ s. 8l} th, bora resumed their ?eir j u• J h oaurav ;lo: o OF FARM, o. :..srt►.ss, 2 noollan biant;<ts '.dune.'s .t Faist's and Zwieker's UsL'o ne. waited on the :Dune! ask - o. foregoing 2 w9Q en 1)1 ,^'..12:1 articles' Mr, John 5't interker received word 'n . o-o,aerat$en to request that the I. : Rif S'1"UCK & A 1tPLL 1E' s Q last :e" r; of the sudden aleaths of Imes Hydroa Commission o: Centeno to bteiol , or Lot 15 'West Bouxndary, Blanshard er, new •o, nearly new. 2 ha ra. les , farm wagon, rattle Incl , 2 ;Dint gray- [Mita+@` . '1l=ss Oi ranee, who died in" pm ` eetrite line from St. Varies to on WEDNESDAY, MARCH le, e92e g toe hospital at Kitchener, after hay- Omni Bend, awl ;a the meantime tea At 1 riOntEck sharp, the following:-- 1.42ces, 1u ho:, '4.fl, :Intl, loo=se ' '_ Farm --100 emcee will). good rented_ s. utner, tap buggy, buggy Pole. eutterla: , Wi." l t oriented r, Sr til rine , . to ino when .:ailed. tThe Dwane •;leen:lc 1 toted frame Incluse, hood I. shape barn Frost. & '4 oad its:., cuttingbox. \v tact tended foe funeral in ,ebringvnlle, ora tQ L' r peese'te: et sue." :a meeteen e , j , t Th • enoweet er lees were poised-. : dial: shed, ho„p sa and henhouse; ►cvo blo\w�r attached circle scar, P -]torso l.snda). We extend to the crc:aveal eoosl walls. 10 a. re s m wheat, 24 pr emery,�s8elwle temery, Chathern far.- ar.- faT contract far he erection of the vs. . ' witness Toronto nate no with ba;; er, bag truek, 1200 =w Metisadist church has been award- c „ Lawson, 7 g 1b.3, ee len double set of harness, con- } to Henry and Ed. Beaver. We 5flt', elma�oene• is 19.50; �N'ws1Record, lard pneunaat a collar, chime bells, cl;rstamcl t acre were quite a number ! tar' sti't; m� count 153.75; Sun Insurance block and tackle, steel drum for gas-' of tendr; presented. o onion, insurance TOM) hIali 1T.2S awres sweet Clover, 18 acres plowed. rest an pa tore and hay. Well reed and drained 144 rods tyle just put in Farm is 3-4 mile south of Woodham,.`. near ehurch and school;. Ileenes-•-Clyde mare 5 year old.; a ad driver, good ire all harness. Cattle -Jersey cow, due middle of Jura; Holstein cow, due. June 20th;; farrow .:ow milking 2 mantles; four sprinn •a v.s, s 1 g Yorl sow due Apr o1,ar, Empire ,ream separator 60t} We eengratu�, ; - •,,, P •,•, Int: Bever tiros ;or sa'.urtng the Con- Mei;?'S4.t>a .� Flslaer, lax posts 25,Q�ai ea pity. 8000 3-ini tine, roust pulp... tract and w:: i4no+v Oc;ryth;aag \}tel tat, Exlar�ss ,ompany, ac., 1.35; Chester pea .tars eeter. 40 :ft; Grime belting. 20 env dorte, ns they are ex.,edlent work.. Lee, wool for Town 1-1x11 40.65 ; Geo. 1 t mt .ax beet ig, 24 sap buckets, port a boli .auger, 2 logg;xtg +:blains, whittle. m=n•'a Emlb r and oche -s, work 21.00; U,Tier Th..re are sti31 au.te a nntntber trees, nockyokess, clevvses, log ging around bre ill oS ;olds rand the E',ripAe: ,'erns e ee 4.00; E. G. rat•t. ear ver- bunks, ecalding barrel, maul, steel- Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wilson and Olinvie: 10 00; T Trevetsaick auditor 5.00 1st• Z tags about 70 lbs each., S.ned water trough, 2 barley Corks, lmplemer ts--M. H. Binder, .Deering 2 dor- bags, 20 bus sprit b:amss, 50 mower seed drill; 2 .ultivators. disc bus. imported barley, Z00 bush, No. 1 harrow. land roller, scuffles, 2 -furrow Banater seed oats. Ailttd:rt boning plow, Co.kshutt sulky plow, 2 walking hanging lamp, forks, shovels Toronto Plows, sit of iron harrows, open buggy, +:utter, wagon, and box, hay rale, grayed trnx, log sleighs, hay rake .doubt ' end smolt: harness, robes, whip, Clinton fanning mill. hay slings, war ropes and pulleys, whiffletrees, raeck- 3ok s, forks, and many other arteeles. Terms -$10,00 and under, each; ov;r that amount 7 months credit on eppro d joint notes, or 5 per cent, per annum oft for .ash on credit amounts} Terms o Farm -10 per cent. on day of sale and balance on 1st April next. The. Vendor erns, if the purchaser de- sires leave $4500 on first mortgage at i per cent tan the. farm. JOHN HITEo ORD P.F. 1)O UPE Propriet AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS on Lot 15, Con. 2, Stephen, on Wed- seseday, March 29, 1922. At .1 o'clock sharp, the aollowiu .:- Horses -Clyde mare, rising 8, Bay dr:n spent last Sunday :h London. ('4 zwi eeauditor 8,00;4 Sim Ireland. Chris Haist, who has bad an atteen ri) 'ec d" ..25. of jaundice IA Improving,Adjournment to Aeon 3, a# 1 p,mnx.. The toe .n the? river er has *al gone, Henrye Faber, Clerk. roost of it is ea ,up on thebeetles. grinder, 5 bus. seed peas, and other in. some graces there was quite a flood numerous ortieles. and it is reported that the brie at `terms -••4t0 and under .;ash; over Host's side -road Keri moved by the that amount 12 months' Nir_dit will be pressure at' the iee. Fortunately the gav:a oo approved iosat notes. 4 per water subsided before more damage Henson cent oft for ens,st oat; credit ; rnout•tsa was dote° 1 lar George Walker of Silver Creek Real Estate -10 per 'cent. on day Death oe Andrew Flauagen.-Mat is fin;, pueeetesed the tuna of ;sena et, 1►. of ,ala. Balance to be amnia; ed in with great regret that it be.:omes our.fe11, a folie and a" hon south-east of 30 day, duty Ws week to mrrs ion, 1'ho sad ARTHUR WEBER. - death of one of our young men n. the FRANK TAYLOR ED.. MAI.ER person of /Whew Flanagan, who died Auet oneers Proprietor on Monday morning, Mareh 6, at the L. 1H. Rader. Clerk aa: o: 20 yews, $,months and 8'days. 1 h. deceased, was taken ill about AUCTION SALE vo weeks ago with the no, whieth was :k w:d by double pneumon x and at r jatmdiee,. In spite • of the hest n LO o OFT FARRM18,N.13STQ..I,S Kon ' ORNE to 'de cal nttetttleo, the gram reaper dict te.d •adly mission. The deceased was no 2 o'clock sharp. ' following.-- tiVAIght o, aandlm...onoted his friends WEDNESDAY, MARCH '15, 1932 ^,n' of -one yowl°. mets, who wasl>.ends aghly ' zea say. His death neat prove a se - hor s- marepand gold n eer ot t,41as anclari8 le re blow to the family, espeeially lams it moved onto his property.,-iita. years .old; 1 farmer's driver, 7 years. brattier, Patrick, with whom, he has 'Arch. moved- of St. Catharines has la: en eatgagetl sr. working their farm Cattle --1 renewed .low with cash at once tiaeir father's sieath. 144S Tc- CZI>te l a position as salesman with Manns wentto la 1 -1 i 'c. foot • 1 .o v es in March; .3 vows due interred in the cemetery Cool: Bros r Fr old; ; 7 stairs and 'heifers, 2 year; ate` lbmmnt were Cannel on. S'ednesday. He Brantford on Tuesday to ti sit his lard old; 6 steer.; noel heifers 1 year old, , ve, 4;* mourn his lose his mother, eller, Mr Gordon Mantes, who has been 2 calves• b,atl\yrs I'atr•x•k at home and Arthur :and who is still seriously ill. Hensel.. -Tine bundling recently 'vacat- ed by the Observer Printing Plant is now being fitted up for a dwelling to'. b: oeteup':etl by :sir. Richardson. who 4. eating 3.1r. Wm. Shepherd's house OA. North Rendernond street. -Miss V, Geiger has returned home from To- ronto and Kitelt.ner, where she has been spending a short time. -Mr. Robt. Weir of Toronto spent a, portion of Inst week with bis sister, Mrs. T Nee - lands. -Mrs. Hobkirk, Oxford street, has disposed of her stable to Mn lie Littlao2 the same street, who is hay- horses, av- is sold on merit end merit alone. Tx-, it once and you will never go bacR to japans. At all grocers, Percheron, mare rising 5•!133,Y Percher- Hogs -19 hogs about 150 lbs; 1 et Detreet, and sisters, Mrs. Hugn. on mar•: rising 4, Carriage horse rising brood sow with litter of 11 at foot; Clark of London; Mrs. A e t. idergott S. mar: rising 9, mare rising 4. 1 brood sow with litter of 10 attoot• ant Proatas.; Mese Pxanlc Glavin of Cattle --Renewed .ow, cow due June `berms --All sums of $10 and under, w :awe; tikiss Louise of Detroit sad 5 'COW doe May 7, cow due Jane --• cath, over that amount 8 moneha' c:ped \Ire, Mary Brandeu at home. W'eex-• it on 'approved joint notes, or 6 per ' , 'ej to the bereaved fan -day our 'boort- ...out per annum off, ;£or cash on .credit Celt sympathy. amounts, Posit'ry 2y no reserve es the farm is leased on account of sickness ite the family. MARY J. VANCE, Proprietress THOS. CAMERON, Auction:er .:4w clue June S, 3 yearlings, mail calf. Pigs and Hens -Brood sow due iii May 75 White Leghorn hens. Implements -.Deering binder, Frost & Wood mower, 11 hoe seed drill, stiff tooth cultivator, disc harrow, four -sec- tion harrow hand made, steel land rol- ler, steel hay rake,, manure spreader, 2 walking prows, 2 wagons, double scut leer arnd bean harvester, single n.uf- nlei•, set sleighs, pig rack, gravel box, bay rack„ hand cutting box, farming mill, 1200 ib, scales, cutter, buggy, 20 roils woven wire, water trough, 2 root pulpers, Premier cream separat- or wood rack, Steck yokes, whiffletrees doubletrees, oar for double steel track big ropes ,and sling ropes, anmd trip teener, set brass britchen harness, set double harness, single harness, Daisy oleum.. quantity hay, 3. bus. red clover 1 bus. timothy seed, Imperial Oxford Vie, wood or ooa1; Wisconsin incu- bator, cant hook, forks, shovels, and other articles too numerous to mention Terms -510 and under .ash; over that amount 9 months' credit on ap- proved joint notes, or a dis.oust of 5 per cent per annum off for cash;. John Jacobs, _ Frank Taylor, Proprietor Auctioneer,. AUCTION SALE OF FASTOCK & IMPLEMENTS AND OUSEHOLD FURNITURE On. Lot 13, Cam. 17, Stephen, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1922 At 1 o;.lock sheep, the: following. c- Horses-Par.heron horse, rising 3 .rears old; 2 horses rising 10; driver. Cattle -Cow due April 15; .ow due dui May 15; farrow cow, 2 yearling heifers, 4 steers, rising 2, 4 heifers riis- Nig 2, • Pigs -Sow due time of sale; sow due in June. 75 hens. Implements -M. H. binder, Frost & Wood mower, hay rake, Frost & Wood disc, cultivator, M. H. fertilizer seed dri,11, plough, 2 sets ,diamond har- t:lbws wagon, bobsleighs, .;utter, top buggy, hay rack, wagon box, cream resparator, wheelbarrow, grind ' stone, tln ingrnill cow chains, set double har- bless, quantity sof straw, 8 tons hay' eo ks,-shovels, hoes, chains ,neckyokes' fid. ziumertons other articles. Household Furniture -Cook stove, 2 it;mibenssx+mi • tables, fall -leaf table, cer. tare table, kitchen' table, sideboard, 6 ming room' chairs, 6 kitchen chairs, rockers 2 white iron beds, 3 -piece *k bedroom suite, cupboard, bureau, 2 small beds, couch, wooden bed, lino- leum, washing machine and wringer, Tab curtain pokes, pots, pans and kiet- Leans -$i0 and slender, cash, Over Centralia Usborne Council 1 Usborne Council met on Saturday 1 Mar 4th, 1922. All members were present Minutes of meeting of Feb. 4tli, read and approved. Miss Hazel Hicks left to take charge The following Eathmasters were of a school near Chatham, beginning appointed for 1922: March lst, Ward 1 -Cecil Skinner, Fred Ford. Several are on the si.k list from Wm. J. Ford, Wm, J. Frayne, R. D. the ".flu" -Mr- and Mrs. W, Parsons Hunter, Geo. Hunter, John H. Prout, Rev. and Mrs. Sinclair and family, J. Herdman, Wilson Hawkins, Bruce Mrs" Routledge, Mr. C3areace Smith. Cooper, Chas. Johns, Robt. Robinson, A number of school children. are borne owing to an outbreak of the. s:hicloen-pox. Miss Eulab Abbott of London is home for a few days with 'her aunt, Mrs. W. Parsons, Miss Winne?. Essery of Hensa,ll spent Sunday at her home,. The young people a the League are busy practising a play entitled,- "T,Jve Poor Man's Wife" which they intend saving in the near future. Mr. Fred Fairhall of Sarnia, was home over Sunday Mr. W. Moffatt and Mr. F. Contin shipped a .gar of hogs to Tibaatnibo last week.. We are plea,sed to hear ,that Mr. F• Framer is able - to be ,around after ' a few -weeks' iQlness.-Mr, Arther Han- over after an- iover..after working for F. Conlin for a year, is holidaying to London, but has re-engaged for another year. Mrs W. White and Suphr000 spent a few days in London last week, The latter has senor: !been on the sick lint, -- A number took in the, social at Mt Car- mel last week. --Frank Glavin has re- turned from a visit in London -Mr. F Conlin spent Sunday with his brother near Luca.a ,ifimat amount 7 months r dtt ort ap- movttotec, 'cal` a di%Couttt Of 6 •old r feu:t pga annum ot•i" tor' cash. tor 'th't hay 'GOOD I E:; ' F:Ae 'tee t OR's Pry;); Auc t; Had to Be. "You say ` you are ' fond of your inotber irelevi ' 'That's funny " `is. itr ,,'Yes. How does, lt' happenrt $ova does.• it happen, Say, you doR't• know>; my' wife." Rd. Jones. Ward 2-Luthr Oke, Arthur Mit- chell,••Geo. Dunn, John Wood, Harvel' Perkins, Hy. Westake, Alice Cudmore Martin McTaggart, 1;eter Whitlock, Albert Neil, John Selves. Ward 3 -Melville Hern, Milton Brock, Wm. Hern, Hy. Delbridge, Sherwood. Brock, Wm. Thompson, A. Walker, Hugh Berry, Garnet Murray A. G. Fletcher, Bert Rundle, Wm. Elliott, Alfred Hawkey, Dan O'Mara. Ward 4 -Daniel Coward, T. Hun kin, David Alexander, Ed. Campbell, Geo. Monteith, Nelson Clarke, Robt. R. Copeland, Gilbert Duncan, S. N. Shier, John Shute. By-law No. 2, 1922, re appointing pathmasters read and passed. By aw No. 3, 1922, revising by-law PTO. 3, 1921, read and passed. By-law No. 4, 1922, reappointing road sup- erinendent read and passed. Communication re. Donald Daw- son's request that the original itera- ted statement of expenditure on the Anderson drain No. 2, be held by the clerk as the property of the township, That the clerk send a copy to Mr. Dawson charging a fee- for same. Hydro. Electric communication set- ting forth,the shortage of needed con- tracts. That the Commission be re- quested to arrange for two meetings in the township in the near future to be attended by one -of their engineers and Mr. Walter Dakin, of Norwich, to assist in a further canvas. That the reeve, John Hanna ` and Joshua Johns be a committee,, to confer with other municipalities interested, vis: Blanshard, Exeter and Stephen, re the St. Marys, Exeter:radial railway with power•ltd=,stet in consort with them in taking first steps Ito secure dd7ie Bylaw No 14; 1920;"was reed= ed and wtbet old prtee .be paid for gr-- vet nee by then 'newnship in future, vial' 1 ee per•yar4, Anh,70e per, sari. Bills to ' the amount of ;184.42 Lumley Only Four heel Motor Val t to Border Sim The Mover ,tonal and Long Distance Moving. Any Time and Any 'Where in United States or Ca pada,. Call. US Up, Phone 3820w. We have Low Discs, act Bhone weitzer, Proprietor 208 Moy Ave, Windsor 11.4110074. The Advocate Newspaper Club List Includes On Monday morning Mrs. Arthur 'ones received the sad news of else serious Walesa of her aunt,Mrs. } r.an- .is atineS it of Essen -Mr. \lr and :sirs. All the Daily Papers J. Jaques and the Turk brothers of Landon spent Sunday with Mr. and firs John Selves. -Mr. Morley Stewart of Toronto spent ,last week with friends on theboundary,-Mf•'ss Etta McKay visited a few days with her sister, Mrs, McLeod. and the Magazines For Mud and Slush You Need these Rubber Boots Every farmer -every member of his family -every man who works out -doors in all kinds of weather -needs the dry, foot -comfort given by Armes Holden Rubber Boots. For use on the farm, Ames Holden Rubber Boots are easy to wear because they're ounces lighter in weight, but they have the toughness that only pure rubber -pressure-cured- and years of experience in making rubber footwear can give. Ames Holden -Rubber Footwear is built for long wear, otherwise the iron -clad guarantee couldn't be tied to each pair. We stand be- hind it because it means full value for your money. The next time you need rubbers ask us for AES LIDEN RUBUF: ;FOOTWEAL, F.W. Morlock, Orediton, Ont ted t..r tt.a Amer. Boss .� marle 011 evr. :.. r