HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-3-9, Page 4'The Exeter Advocate'
5404 ra & Creech, Proprietors 1 tip: Chas. Kellar lass purchased the
sainted:40rt Price—la acleence, 8150 farm of .Th. Ede Muer on the Lake
Rood. Mr. Malar wig be mo ertng to
• year in Canada, $2.0P in the town, heel purchased the property
l led stetee, Ali etatteetripthwee not of leer. Q. ,Ed gboffer.
aatd in advance 50e. xtra charged. i Miss l datr:s.t»rt. as .:on€feed to. her
'home with an attaele of the flu.
•--Mss Pearl Tiernan, spent the weekTHURSDAY;, MARCH 9th, 199e2 l i
end in, Stratford end lir. Addison Tie -
man, in London,
- Ma and Mrs, Herra.a Zimmer of
Stretkord v sited in town a. few days
Ye Clem Days. hast week
_ Air. W. J. Parker of ,the Bank eel
i..tirtaaneree friss been transferred to
I n nner and lett Tuesday for that
a. , fire Leoau:d, te: F.>rJ 's fillirrg
1! enerealNene OF MARCH, 1892 tee rezeney.
]Ir. Otos Maier has pur.:based the
teantte.eIe: larat north of town. eaten
Mr. joate ltartl-ib.
air, Harry Asan t was a visit-.: r en
,,i,v r Daae weea. end.
i+.i' 1t. nisei & A `estco.t,, Fleur and ',le Din S.'laae:er has disposed of
Fed : erahents, ho: mee ed .31ta%, the 9. r.eiden.o aad peeperty to :lir. Ja'
Ler: ,+r 13'::e. Pet, opposite the Tows, 1lee, nib neve:der.
• ti,;e l:athern F-:akbe_ner is vrsittng'
3 • v ler. Bros., e, • , ae urs have tit ' ;:a a, :kt.
sett. :a :sir D.:r.,_., Farmer's fine ray - Mine Ada F.ns;w;d ;:ft for Hensall{;
nil, 7 e
MG-y.eerie r r - euane: lacy work es milliner.
Ile .v_r .l I -o e tae eerge-:atee week e.>' e'ersI . Fas 1d l::t to' Iiiehgate
y > 'p
e: a, t : isi� tea Trees ate' e:. l+0 )tato. xn� ra she has. c� a.: to t
the I:e eel see _ ,sirs. A. J. I3rnareer :tad ela.;,drt:ri re-
a t k t o th. 9•'r i s t6r" mei, lei Cheer home in ere{ ,ou, I;1.,
s '19,7, as 1 t: r net: e -1/4" -tended visit with her par-
t J.; eor 1 wee move the an::are et . *at. Mr and Mre. G. Oestre;'her.
enes'enve to+W . Wive ct W. r2: ei;' " h14 ioltowiug is the report of tlae.
legit enet tip in1 sl sir" 4 ° ` to ::: ta junior room of the Dashwood Public
tisee! 0P.:1",':::(171, tat.! he u:e, mall); .a; ecituot for the month of February;
tet .t lsv a ra' ;arahett, zi ;uu.h Jr. Ila—R. Klienstirer 586; S.
+161e1 480, Z. Nadiger 47"+: V. I3ux-
le r. Jemes Strang o: i'slaovrtte !eas meter 459; B. F.dighoffer 397; M.
1 r:fen-4 Mr. Thal, F.ttta;t's h:i'k Wiltert 385; A. Simon, 292.
e itaeo neer the fowl:dee for $1240. Jr. elb—E. Fisher 585; ef. Resta-
nteyer 530; G. White 500; S. Stiro
405; V. Kraft 405; R. Vincent 380;
P. Sehado 328.
Morse the mar ;,rgcs were \S'iatytna Sr. Pt. Il—M. Klunpp 474; V.
S .MOrt o t'sbo.:zte to '.ire Lagre e Draft 413; , H. Miller 396; A.
o Exeter, by R q, A L. RuMorena 3.10; 0, Staubus 306; E.
Aeet`?ar~ Lo toteea oe Hay to �larthee Held 255'x; IL Schenck 217
tet' Exeter, by Rev! Resseli. i Jr. Pt. II -0. Restareyer 530; G.
J,3:an Me Avoe of leaveardia: to Eva' Hoffman 524; R. Hayter 504; G.
E'eter, by Rev, if sett, ,., r Rut Meister 464; E. Zimmer 416; F,?
xsace ter eo: Stephen to Al - l Halter 367; M. [White 343; A. Wil-
apiri o hide", by Rev. We s lert 305.
Primer. I4las0n 395; M. Mason
In. t'a, delete—In leaberre an liar. 320; A. Rinker 235*; R. Genttner
7th tine !tool., eged, ra years, I mannas 195. 1. Genttner 110; E. Vincent 95*
J ;► •],sy y a t ra to iaue or 4a> Class A ---II. Settundt 210; IL
' rills -r 190; M. Schlundt
s=1i ens prep rth .'a Exeter er ar rieinety.
Pearl Tienaan, Teacher.
tand:rs & ;Zweei iauha Loons Two
,1 the Aolva.:ttee N- D. lrurdea Sr, IIIc -t'. Flsher 422; G. Quen-
w a; • the n eneger t i tl..::llolsoaas Bata« titer 346; li., Hoffman 344; A. Wil
h L �tlw'ts a�it rc4 to Ilan 5.754u" le%rt 338; H. Hartleib 233; A. Hallo -
,v° an.l a Ire -If t) s:±: std a bah' ver 330; *F. Kieinativer 27;;
Wee eerie.; r. A Brown, wen prineleeti
Exeter luKY
e tt fUl
Ste nhagen 236; Wilds 167-
Get .. ,� sz Dei; tla beat av ate: suet Jr.Iii--L. Bender 338; G. Ilur-
lute,. vay <Iawrz; !'iiia:tt Ilra•n, were nactster 332; W. l:veland 295; P.
el ar eut dud- htrdware stook; R. Bender 287; E. Witmer 263;F. Wein
N . R bwe we. selling iurnkture, and 240; *L. Zimmer 229; S. Genttner
e,oreit, tern run -rale; Bert ani;lit, 183,
weo %etlk.uS suits for everybody; eel Intermediate III --M. Held 515; M
1i3'r,et,,; was ..rutting hair at. the (len.- White 496; A. Restanmyer 470; C.
tr as 11 z. b e aajp; Geor;;c I3yndnaaaa Burmeister 457; N. Fassold 441; T.
w a s=oling teas and coife:es; Walt.
Ar. revs+ had a special sale of turn- Hayter 436; M. Graupner 422; Di,!
iter: toeye; a. J. seen aweWerner 348; G. Bender 343; E. Mer
tat ;:•te suits in the latest style; John ner 341; *F. Guenther 338; I. Lip
Maria. bat's was advertising that he wee! pert 33.7; E. Hamacher 310; C.
g'iein.; up IL's g.r:trail store business; Pfaff 277; E. Hartleib 243.
E. J Spt, kman ;was selling 43,000 324; E. Kraft 320; *E. Rinker 197;
w•ort.'a of I:114 clothing at wholesale; l Sr. rI—H, Nadiger 389; A. Stire
Carnes Beeee here re3Id-leg a srewialty L. Staubus 187; *I. Guenther 181;
of L p Year Baegain e ; Ross & Tay - *W. grain 171.
for w_re keep eg Exeter to,the front'
W es taint :at t Tuesday
toe r :to f Eek:, Mare, wit.ie a ear load
<af 1:o-s:s.
no work at the Planer.; Mill; 4-
CJir-t : h'a1 first :las, rigs and horses
for hie' in the livery business; J G.
Sna3lle .omba was making clothing that
wars guaranteed to, fit; Perki as & Iliar-
tin ae re sclleag p:aan,os, organs, and
visnas; S. Gilley was in the furniture Mr, Mat Regan war en London last.
and hardware bus mess; C, Lutz wee week on business.—Mr. John Quarry
sel;,ng drugs for men, and beast. att meed the funeral of h's uncle, the
W., et was marketed at gi 88; ear_' late George O'Connor of Toronto,
ley ,s .t2; Oats 28 to 3U; Butter 15 last ;v eek—Mr. Jack Carey has rent -
to 16; Eggs 16; Potatoes 30 *.c 35 etel the blacksmith shop formerly con
to nit' gg 10.00 ota o Seed30 355.; du.:tsd by John Reid of Lieury,,_ We
av^_sh Jack succes4—Mr. P. Glavin of
asxad Trot:, t'ay Seed 1.50, tht 12th , oncession of Stephen, re-
ceived the news of the death of his
sister, Mrs. J. Glavin of St, Joseph's'
Ireopitel, London, of pneumonia. The'.
Zraa- ;furtr:ral took place on Tuesday at 10
H a.m. to St Peter's R C. Cemeegry,
C ntraaaia, She was aged about 82.—
2.Death of Andrew Flanagan.—Tile'
sudden death on. Monday of Andrew
Flanagan, at his home Stephen Tp.,,
near Crediton, came, as a .great shock
to his many friends throughout this
distritct. Mr. Flanagan contracted
double pneumonia and was getting
s4ong nicely when jaundice set in. and
Preserve Your Strength with the complication 'the, end came
Til]sonburg, coon: The deceased was in the prime
Ont.—"Ever since of life being about 26 years of age„
I can remember, He es survived by his ,mother, ;five
Dr. Pierce's medi- s'ister's and two 'brother..—Mrs. Clark,
cines were used Le nion'• Mrs., Glavin, Weston.; Mrs,
in our family at Hargett Toronto; Louise, of Detroit,
home and they Mrs, Brandon at home; Arthur of
never failed to Datnoit, and Pat at home. The deep
give good results. sympathy thy sof all goes out toth•e berea.v
,` The'Golden Medi- ed relatives and friends in this their
calDiscorery'was sad afflictiont. The funeral took place
' used . as a tonic on Wednesday, Requiem High • Mass
and blood purifier also for branchial being t:elehrtated by Rev. Father Cor-
b'ouble and it proved excellent. I eoran .t 10 ant
myself have taken the 'Discovery' for
iironchiai trouble and Dr. Pierce's
ravorate Prescription to build see' up
*hen I wars rundown, and they were
both very beneficial.
"I feel safe in recomaaeadizg all of
]pr. Pierce's medicines knowing them
to be good."—Mrs. Clifford MitcisetL
Obtain these famous stedleitea now
in your nearest drug stere, int tablets
qv liquid, or send 1Uo to Dr. t'ierce's
l aboratory in Bridgeburg, Oat.,for
a trial package of any of his reme-
dies. Write Dr. Pierce, President
ivalids' Hotel he Buffalo, N.,Y., if
you desire free medical advice.
T. Edmeston, Teacher.
Mount Carmel
Li.'t AX—Th ' funeral et Wm.
ettn t''w plan- here last ;week.
-teas ._01,y esteemed
Sell Preservation—Natures
Fast Law—Heed It•!
H.ow'e Your Liver?
Health la Kept, If Vets Oaeseeve This
Sintaluta; Sask.-"I have taken Dr:
Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery
r liver troubto. and fol=d it eitce1
T;:nt and :would ti'b ; be Without it. I
'ataffered tress corkestfo t of
agaaire six years ago axid'i', always say
Rtt si nes<cur
timed ci ed me. , I have
ads,a gi' eait,it, td -my faintly for colds
i& it elt aad'them in a very short
�K , a`:. �e.,tit- �i`rs:,:�noeh l;4fteheit,'�110x
Mins Greeta. Biiee is visiting relatives
s•lrn';London and Arva A J Smith last
week spent a day In the city.—Mrs;
G,; Sumner of 'London spent a few
hays . wth her parents here las t week,
—Thi. ,publi:school here is closed on
acaunt,of a plumber of cases of scar-
1.et fever in the- vi •iindty..-The Anglican
Church Ladies' Auxiliary will hold a
meeting ant fife hoarse of Mrs„ Jas. Mc
Benet on i riday evening.—Lent ser
vs.:as will he held ?in, ,St. fames church
here on Thai sday evg. Lantern, slides
will b? shown, • .nn l:onnectin n with the
eermom•—The roads in this vicinity are
in very 'bed shape owing to the re-
cs.nt thaw.
tf yell want to order a . daily' paper
.or magazine, or•:remew a
Order present sub
saPt aneteaX e
Advo-ate. 04 titer, *art sae ou'"
envelop : Dosat'a4e yt
.and coils of
M41 $tScfi . eeritl ..ltK 2 b .".
1.1e:444,14'bes7rtae cr~=
mportant Events Which Have
Occurred During,the Week,
The Busy World's Happenings Care-
fttily Compiled and Put Into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers of Our Paper --- A
Solid Hour's: Enjoyment.
Ontario sends good wishes to Prin-
cess Mart.
Chinese armies en march to fight
for Pekin.
Italy and Spain may unite Medi-
terranean fleets.
A young Belleeille couple were ar-
rested in Toronto.
Brantford police probe is at last
brou.ltt to close.
United States will salve billions by
naval limitation pact.
Probe into (Went, liquor charges
Proves unneeesq'^ 'y.
f'ttrsadian Ltti,~•:r zetrty pians simpli-
:facation of orgnni^
Lee€.M°st,art% p;,.'i.s resolution dee
meneetag !neer s' x rates.
11 err;. r. e. Mee e spe its to county
Mad seal e:rstse s fetid te:rieeu,,ra
Nova Scotia e •a'fert'itte
with c=ampany en wig de-;„-,:a,a%
C"antatilan exenaange i = He, t'•itrt!
Stares' is rapidly reaacrl >,%°, twit).
F'rance:`a ;tit tsi Prirtnee eelere is
tribute to British troops L,- Fetch.
I at:eonta isfull of visitors to wit,
nese priiaeess' ared:ling ceremonies.
The question of the ban on Cana-
dian rattle is up in the Commons.
Aura Lee juniors beat Collingwood
in the 0. IT. A. send -finals, 2 to 1,
The Canadian Council of Agricul-
ture plans formation of ,Eastern wing.
St€'aanehip Minnedosa naaaxes port.
after fourteen days' battle with
Ite']tt'vatte interraed'cates tied the
reeled with l lia+g,at - Falls by winning
7 to 5.
";+aunty" S;,T.:dew outpoieted
" Ileivev" Elm. of Hsamilto t at
''i"hithy College swimmers leen- re-
ceived Royal Life-saving Society^
Woodstock won their group alt the
enetern Ontario InterecItolastie
League. pp fin-
''3p ,�•, rest -e seniors ftu-
lshed the 0. II A. senior schedule by
beating Argus 8 In o,
WEi) a leer/AY,
Princess Mary tnarries Viec.iiiut
1lgy pt is deelared a sovereign n et.,te
by Britain.
Canadian Government will raise ea
loan in London.
Irish Free Staters seeure naaIority
in Dail Eireann.
London give's wt deii'd couples a
great receptive
J. G. Le'thbridee. M.I'.P., defends
Drury hydro policy.
President Harding favors direct
aid to U. S. shipping.
Judie Landis retired frail U. S.
Federal Court Bench.
Premier King offers natural re-
sources to Prairie Provinces.
13aisuii, Moroccan rebel, will sur-
urrender to power of Spaniards,
Ottawa excited over rumor that
reciprocity pact Is to be revived.
Granites beat Aura Lee, 6 to 2,
in the first O.H.A. senior play-off.
Queen City rinks won the Ladies'
Ontario Tankard from Torontos.
It eferendum on liquor situation
proposed in Manitoba Legislature.
Prof. C. R. Fay gives public lec-
eaturn in Toronto on "Immigration."
Iroquois Falls beat Canadian Soo
for the N.O.H.A. senior champion-
J. E. L. Ross, sailing for England,
announced he would sell twenty
German Government makes fifth
ten-day payment of 31,000,000 gold
Northern mining men submit
amendment to rr f; esional engineer-
ing bill. '
Big Montreal power schemes may
be checked in Quebec Legislative
A "still" reached by underground
passage from a well found near
Miss Robinson, women's skating
champion, again competed at unsanc-
tioned meet.
U. S. Ambassador Harvey attended
the wedding of Princess Mary in
Court dress.
Hon: Charles Stewart, Minister of
the Interior, was elected by acclama-
tion for the .constituency of Argen-
Unrest •in Punjab is causing grave
Premier Lloyd George threatens
to resign office.
Ontario Liberal -women hold arbril-
itant banquet at Toronto.
Germans reach Toronto on their
way to China seeking trade.
President Obregon may accompany
Mexican exhibit to Toronto.
Winston Churchill promises secur-
ity to
ecurity'to non -Jews in Palestine.
Sir . Robert Horne deals with pro-
posed Government economies.
• Lindsay woman given damages by
Pay against too tardy suitor.
Grayson's team won 200 -mile dog
Derby in 24 hours .61 minues.
A fire in Quebec arsenal spresents
awful Misleads to eity's firemen.
Niagara fruit' growers liear appeal'
for better methods of marketing.
New- Cabinet formed in Egypt will
negotiate agreement with Britain.
A proposed bill in the Legislature
aids at helping small mine -owners.
The heart of Montreal menaced by
a blaze which 'tarts in a shoe store.
Fielding's trip le United States
rouses. anticipations in two capitals.
Niagara. Falls beat Belleville, 6 to
4, in O H.A:.intermediate semi-final.
St. Pat's beat Ottawa and Cana -
diens ; won from Hamilton in the
_MBfli.ts,p will t,,.d c,,
her e
ar m.xebT �4ebeitaiiRna s avy will -
be :cut ta ,9.g d9men.
antatettr championskated'
"pro" pace at Fredericton.
Haropd, the aiX-Year-etti son of
Fred Knight, Kingston, was killed
when a sleigh, loaded with lazy, ran
over hint.
A woman was injured and her
child killed by an auto. iu Toronto.
Three party leaders address good
roads banquet at Toronto,
Canada needs Agt'ieulatural Trade
Commissioner, says Hon, Manning
Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
Legislatures are opened,
Manitoba is ready to arbitrate in
the matter of her natural resoulrcea,
Mysterious "Welland county fatality
may be tragedy of ruin -running.
Hamilton Board of Education op-
posed to change in school tai dis-
The Datil Eireann adjourned for six
The Prince of Wale* was girea a
loyal farewell on leaving Lahore.
The epltt in the Coalition party in
Britain is being bridged.
Arthur Griffiths threatens trade
boycott on Ulster.
Egyptian Premier presents list of
Cabinet members.
Indian Legislature will increase
eottoe and salt taxes.
Lady Rhondda gain* right to sit
in the House of Lords.
Heeler Wills knocked nut "Kid"
--leae,. in tis E: c .end round.
Aunt Lee juniors best Coiling-
- 3. end sennet St. ery'e it? the
Tae etet'trio cities aspire entered
teem* in the provineiel volleyball
e:t ;tial i tas'yip.
British Government paid 440.000.-
000 to Prance for nee of trenetaes.
F. W. Ilay is the near leader of tare
Liberals in the Legislature.
In lees than five weeks, Coburg
loses nv • old inhabitants.
A re form of influenza appears in
Maier J. B. Thomas, Dominion
ee: sden? of the Imperial War Vet-
erans in Canada, is dead.
Mr and Mrs. Augustus Derrick
of Merrickville, "celebrate their
golden wedding.
Manitoba has right to own .Divorce
SetT('ItDA .
York township prepares to fight
A ce nen releetion la Quebec is
prodeet+' 1.
Mese w is angry at Anglo-French
1.e les :%lie's s,'ldicrs ambush Royal
Irish p elite.
fere, Fret' Stele hill is up in the
Br?tie ° Mown,.
PI';el! tent Harding will halt out in
arm 1n -a navy.
Sir It -nate! Macmaster, Bart, K.C.,
D.C.L.. is dead.
x ono,
will ignore r!
Con gr n at Genoa.
Re Hen. t J. 1)aalfoler becomes
Knight •'f the. Garter.
Japan, se visitor suggests Nippon-
ese intervention in China.
Court decleion threatens the future
of racing at Nf'w Orleans.
Protestant churches set day for
"Save the Children" collections.
Stratford team wins Dominion
championship for first aid work.
Hon. Dougall Carmichael resigns
from Hydro -Electric Commission.
Guelph Royals won the Mansell-
Maboney trophy from Lakeview.
Annex to City Halt, Montreal, was
burned; loss about a million dollars.
Films of the marriage of Princess
Mary are on the way to this country.
Gloucester will build two schoon-
ers to challenge tor the Fishermen's
Dominion .sentiment crystallizing
in favor of closer trade relations with
United States.
Granites beat Aura Lee, 10 to 3,
and win the O.H.A, senior final
round, 16 to 5.
Kitchener intermediates took a
four -goal lead from Niagara Falls;
score, 6 to 2.
Imperial War Graves Commission.
refuses application for removal of
the bodies of soldiers from France to
Matthew Bullock, the negro who is
wanted in North Carolina, was freed
Friday. No witnesses arrived from
the South.
Alexander Graham Bell, inventor
of the telephone, celebrated his 75th
birthday on Friday. He attends his
work regularly.
George Wedlake, mayor of Brant-
ford, who collapsed in the witness
box while giving evidence in the po-
lice probe, died on Friday.
Pats wttk Sair4 Nates writs be weft advised to
turf them wee to this bolt fir co lmtlont, ,
'T`be ;fit* wilt relieve you of all trouble In =ak-
in pre.eittM..u, an paywe*ts will be created to
your smoker pry.
Sales Notes supplied without charge..
Capital Paid up $15,000,000
• Reserve Fund $151000,000
Exeter Brart,ch, F, A. Chapman, Manager
Creditors Bran h, R. S.
Waken., :Manager
Brandt, t
British Cabinet crisis still in an
acute stage.
Confidence man re -arrested for
Winnipeg police.
Kemal Pasha re-elected head of
Turk Nationalists.
Collins. and Griffiths address great
gatherings in Dublin.
Sterling at Toronto, $4.621/4; at
New York, $4.4074.
Three of four English sup ties on
Saturday were draws. . ,.
Huge veterans' meeting endorses
rehabilitation scheme.
Religious outbreak is Belfast
claims a number of Victims.
The budget will be: a big item in
the Leglslatare this week: •
St. Patriek's•have qualified for the
N.H.L. play-off with Ottawa.
"Babe" Ruth has sigaed a Sre-
year contract with the Kitties.
Balmy Beach beat Termite is the
Toronto Trapshooting League.
British troops prevent bloodshed
between .warning Irlah f etioas.
Conservative ambers sad ex
members meet behind slimed doers
Almost 1,000 soccer players have
registered in the T: sad D. League.
A youth in Tomato victimises
storekeepers • ,by passing rased bills.
Erldgeburg hanging =7stery re-
=sins naatolved is sate of police
London, -Ont., oiireial detects deep
plot behind" Col. Caxmichael's resig-
A ,strike in • Zn.gland prevents dis-
tribution of. revised prayer hooka to
Hon. lair. Fielding
retires ta-"a'
om. his cone
tfr,,., conferences on eloesx traade.
Brit ish and `'CTntted• 1
tela Un
..: ., track
..., , ,. :. ,.., .. .. iter-.
gni track tea1iriB are arra:neng' an;
nista "'internatfOhal' eCslititi'ba,
INCORPOn.:A 1E0 1855
Capital Paid L'et .$4,000,090
Reserve 1•' stn l $,000,000
Over is Brsn,:hes.
horses, farm rplemenLs, et.... : it eaply are
turn'tag up. Th" farmer with trout' saved
who gets these snaps.
Pla.:e your crop earnings in a Savings' .Account with the
nrarest pram hMo) ens Baaak, wh're, wh' a earn-
ing inLereat auah dof bTeineg absolutely safe, your money is
araldabie at any minute. De posits .leas be made by ma..:,
T. S. WOODS Mauaget.
Centralia Branch open for business daily
afety £lip it Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Br'atna h
uefi one
Double action Goes farther—Try it and
you'll be delighted 'l - ted with the results,.
EGG -0
Baking Pointer
11111102211112111612561211b 4111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
January and February Sale
General Funeral Director & Embalmer,
M. E. dAR I E'
Winchelsea SCHOOL REPORT OF S. S. No.
12, Usboni , for February,— Sr. 4,
Verna Hazlewood honors, Mary Belle
Duffield honors, Milne Pullen, Flor-
ence Pullen, Kenneth Stevenson. Jr.4
! Harness ; Sr. III., Elva Morley, Hazel
French, Ray Parkinson, Irene
Webb, Dorothy Stevenson, Ross
Duffield; Jr III, Ho, ward Morley, Dor-.
othy Parkinson; Sr.•II., Harold Hazel-
wood, Verna Harness, Clifford Webb
Ralph Parkinson, Edna Squires, Reta
Squires; Sr_ I., Harvey Dobbs harems,
Jr. I., Harvey Webb, Elmer Webb;
Primer, Clive Dobbs, Ruth Morley,
Willie Dobbs,. No. on roll 26, aver-
age 23.
School report ref S, S. No, 6, Us -
home, .for the months of January and
Senior Room—The names are in or-
der of merit. Pupils obtaining 75 per
cent. are credited with ;honors., At-
tendance is 27. Sr. 5 class—Honors T
Heywood, W. Heywood, 1-1, Hern
Over 60 per .:en4. T. Johns, R. Del -
bridge, W. Johns, N. Routley, H. Greg-
ory; Over 40 per gent., E. Whitlock.
Jr_ 5 !:[ass—Ower 70 per,cent., E. Corn-
ish and L M' Cullogh, equal; Over 60
per cent„ G. Johns; Over 50 per cent.
M. Bell and L. Gomer, equal, M.
Brooke, M. Johnson, J. Brooks. Sr. 4
class—Over 70, M. Routly; Over 60,
A Creery, U. Brock; Over 50, I,
Jaques,. Jr. 4 a ass—Over 60, M. Del
bridge, A.. johns, A. Hem; Over 50,
W. Hern, ,L. Heywood, C.' Cornish).
Lada McCulloch, teacher.
Junior Room -Pupils of Third and
Second classes were examined in the
subjects of History, Geography, Arith-
metie. omposition, Spelling, Art
Writing and Reading. Pupils of First
and Primer classes -have their standing
taken from every day exer rises, names
being ei order of merit, Those absent
for one or more examinations indicated
by use of asterisken Jr. 3—H. Hey-
wood 66 11, Murch 63, F. Herdman
62" V. Kellett 61•. Sr. 2-G. Johns
71, S. • Herdmarn an J..Delbridge 60,
K. Johns 59. Jr. 2—L. Cooper 73, R.
Skinner 70, E. Lamin 67, H. Johns 64,
B. Bell and P. Baeonr'60, E. Hera 58
H. Bell 56, L. Heywood and H. Hey-
wood 48, G. ,!Wilson 40"+'", Sr. 1—
D. Camara 70, M. Gower ,68, E. Hawk-
ins 67 H. Murch 65, E. Johns 64, D,:
Ba.on 54. Jr 1—A. Johns, M. Armi-
tage 63 A. Herdman 62. Sr. Primer
L. Joints and D. Delbridge, equal, • F.
Bell 65,; L. Skinner 64, B. "Murch 62
R. Cor&sh, ek. Cooper and T. Cow-
ard 61 M. Coward 60. Jr. Primer-
J Armitage 64, E. Skinner 63, P.
Herne 60,
Total enrollment 40 pupils; average
attendance 33.
M. MaeKeller, teacher.
AILSA CRAIG -M.' F. Clatworthy.
,while in Lindon on Saturdaylast had
he. Baby Grapnel Chiev.ra few,e et etominutes
When: returning to it ' s
afterleaving it he saw a man drive
off with the can A few 'hears later
the thief stet pit on fire - and abandoned
et. at Coo0s,Ta�'' just off
' Ozfo":
Street,' .' a e' rca
St_ t, a „ea, tide$ 's°
1 p,, t Same boys,.
se him sat fire' t c:
h mai h_tt .
;Was, B. Stewart, teacher
1, McGillivray ;for February. Names
as -e in order of merit—Jr, V., Irene
Fraser; Sr. IV„ Joe Conlin., Malcolm
Fraser; Sr; III., ,Mary Boyle, . Philo-
mene Hennessey, Benaice Conlin, Jos-
eph Boyle; Pt Second, Cyril Hennes-
sey, Mike Boyle, Fergus Buckley;
Primer, Genevieve Heataaessey, Fred
Conlin,. Rhodie Boyle, Ja.± Buckley.
No. on roll 14, anaerage 13.5.
4, Usborne, ,for February, based on
test examinations and daily work,—Sr.
IV., Ada. Mitchleel,, Ina Harding ; .Jr.
Lulu Hunter, ;Wilfred Baiagent; Sr.
III., Marjorie Hunter, Edith. Hurster,
Hubert Hunter; Sr. Il Marjorie Westr-
cott, George Thomson, Doreen West-
cott ,Gerald Ford, Harold • Mitchell
Lily Hunter Jr, I1., Mary Hunter,; ,Pr.,
Ila Hunter, Roy Hunter, Ar. h:.eTlkotn-
son. Best speller ,for the month, `Ina
Harding, Best inn arithmetic, Ada
Mitchell, No, enrolled ill.
M. Davis, tea titer.
12, for February—Sr. 1V„ Pearl Webb
Nola Disjardin•e, Maurice Disjaxdiine;
Jr. IV,. Stella Webb, Claude Failis;
Lottlit Johnston, Nornia,n Devine., Law-
rence Mason, Elmer Webb;.. Sr. 3e -
Donald Desjardine, • Alex, Desjaa`dine,
Thompson Desjardine- Jr. 3—Greta
Baker Howard ,D,esjardne, ;Mildred
Mason Alex. Latta. Sr. 2-Mittels
Webb, Adella :Masoan, Ray Meson, Ad-
e]bert".: Mason„ Jr 2: -Harold Wahl?,
Orval Mason; 1Vlillia . Webb Pt 1—
Lloyd. Meson, Rabe ,p sjardene, k?kl
Laatta. Primes-=Velit a' Bekaa, -
Ii , ey Be; —Freda
� �ak4: gik?irt!t"J' a;9�1nc'
„r,. ''Breoka,