HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-3-9, Page 3.WHAT DOES YOUR 1
Variations. --- Mackinlay, Macitaatiy,
Dee it Tell You That our Macinaily, MacNatly, MaeGinley,
tt' Racial Ori Scattlsh and Irish,,
Bleed is Thin and Watery? Solace --A given name.
Tile origin of these tamily names is
Wien a growing girl becomes pale more or less confused, ccecerning the
conmplaine of exhaustiotl} dizzy spells,
headache and stomach trouble, she clans front which the various forms
should know that these things are nvi- come, so, that the following explana-
clences of anaemia or bloodlessuese. A tion nut be accepted as general, and
glance iu the mirror will tell the allowances made for the fact that
story. There is immediate Hoed for a there are numerous individual excel)-
tunic. a system builder that will corn-
pletely restore the missing qualities tions•
to the -bleed that every* part of the' Pirr the most part, then., these i amee
body will share Mthe' benefit. E are founded on the Gaelic given name
A good examnple of t1ie result o1 of " k'ind. lett or "Fionnladb," which has
wise treatment in cases of this kind ;
is given by airs. George R. Smith, of given rise to the Scottish faurily
Q,neensport, lv'.5., who says: 9 can, names of Findlay, Finial, Finley, Fin•
not praise Dr. 'Williams' flak Pills too Jayson, and the like.
highly for what they have done for sty . In fact, Mackielay is but another
three tlauebters. My eldest daughter, form Of "1SaeFiitl t•y" (which spelling
Enna, at the age of 14, became nut' is apt to be timet with, the Gaelic forth
down, and I got her titres boxes at bell% "ManiPla•onniaigh:: )
the pills, and by the time she bad Snell forms as. Maektuley, Mackin-
taken then; s?•o was in good health, lay ant iiiacinally are to be found
and is now a healthy married woman. meetly among descendants of the Clan
' 3 second daughter, Martha, at the Buchanan. but there was &ea a mall
Surnames and Their- Origin
Racial Origin --Scottish.
Seurce A IQcelity,
Ask the average pergola the oration
alit., of the family name of Drummond
arid he is likely to opine that it is ling -
lien. The Scot knows better, as does
anybody familiar with the names of
the principal Highland clans.
Still, if you want to be unusually
particular, and trace tbe name ba.ek to
its real origin, when it was first used
as a descriptive surname, you'll find
that it is neither English nor Scottish,
but Hungarian.
"Dr elan" was the term in which it
was brought into England teem Hun-
gary prior to the advent of the Noe -
mans to that Island.
Do you wonder what Hungarians
were doing in Anglo-Saxon England?
Royal marriage has established the
commotion between the two countries.
The mother of Edgar Atheling, the fu-
gitive Anglo-Saxon eeuccess.or to the
English Crown at the time of the Nor-
man invasion, was Agatha, daughter
of the King of Hungary. With Edgar
is his Sight to Scotined and the court
of Icing Dlalcolm III.:tialeoitn Ceanu-'
Tor) went elle " Zaurice de Dryntei ,'"
a Hungarian nobleman. De laryman
wean favor with the Scottiii monarch
and received from hire grant, of land
iu the Highlands. From his first fol.
Towers there was formed the elan.
widen bears the name of a place. in
Hungary under the changed g'
of Drummond. This clan played a. pro-
minent part in the battle ot Bannock•
burn tinder Robert the %truce, and in
the rebellions of •"15'' and "'45," losing
their lands and their chiefs, who .fled
to Fiance until the restoration of tate
rights of the Scottisb nobles.
errs r
f f M HERE & ERE
Quite True,
""I see that Marconi has invented a
device by which you can see thraugb
brick wails."
"Somebody invented that long ago."
was it?"
„The man who #first thought of put-
ting windows in 'em."
"The. way to run this country." said
Knowitali, "is to put thoroughly wise,
capable, alert and honest men in cen-
tredof affairs:'
"'Kees," answered ;hiss Keen, "but
what are we to do—there is only one
of you?"
Still Missing.
Johnny-.. "gay, paw, L ear.'t get these
"rithrnotte examples. Teacher said
somethin"'bout findln' the great corn-
mon divisor."
age of 16, was awfully run down and Sept of this name In the Clan MacFar- 1
pale. In fact she had always been a, lane. Somnetitues, too, these nausea
delicate child, but gradually became ` are ebauged spelliuga of "Manan -
Leight,' au entirely different name,
which is feuud prinelpa.Py enieng the
Stewarts of APP/u. But gats name
should more properly he rendered in
English by Macleay or Mael.eay.
The forma MacGinley and niatNallY
(oci:asionalay) aro also derivatives at
the foregoing Scottish sept names
traneplanted into Ireland in many
cases, thought there are other chan-
nels Through which similar imams
have been developed in Ireland.
wcrse. At last she could not go up-
stairs without having to alt down and
rest, and could not even do any kind
of light work without being greatly
fatigued. Finally I gave her Dr. Wil.
Pant, Pink Pills, and atter taking
them we found they slid her more good
than all the other medicine elle lard
taken, and she is npw in good health.
Then sty younger daughter, Greta,
Clow 15, became so run down that elle
bad to stop going to school. Thtt atter
'taking eight boxes of the pills she la
now a big, healthy girl. I feel that
after what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
have done in my home there can be no
doubt of their value. and I hope some -
tine else -will benefit from our expert.
'you Can get these pills through any
dealer in medicine or by mail post-
ostpaid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
n2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
t'o.. Brookville, Ont,
Birds Rob Chickens.
Any observant person may notice
that sparrows are no longer numerates
in the streets of our cities. It is be-
cause fond is, melting. The sparrows,
thus driven from their urban haunts,
have sought to pick up a living in the
suburbs and outlying farmingdts-
trlet`a. They have be
ous )runnence to poultry raisers, es-
pectally in winter, when they invade
chicken yards in flocks, and even
make themselves at borne In poultry
houses, devouring the feed provided
tor the fowls.
It is no trifling matter, for flfty spar-
rows will eat a quart of grain per day
and will spoil three times as much as
they consume. But the Chief trouble
is that they spread disease, particular-
ly the dreaded chickenpox.
Poultry keepens rind themselves
obliged to make their chicken houses
sparrow-praol with wire n'et. Many of
tiiern have resorted to systematic trap-
ping. Sparrows are easily trapped
and can be skinned with a mere twist
of the lingerie n,a' ,. Thus dealt with, and
with the wings and legs pulled . off,
they make, when bailed, most excel-
lent food for chickens,
Planes Hunt Fish.
The airplane service of the united
States' Fisheries Bureau has proved
especially useful in locating, for the
benefit of febermen, the menhaden,
which travel about in wheels number-
ing millions at the surface of the sea,
their presence being indicated by a
widespread rippling. Menhaden are
not goes to eat, but their oil has high
commercial value, . and, after it has
been pressed out, the residue makes
an excellent fertilizer, During the
last year the production of menhaden
oil in, the United States was 3,676,453
gallons. This was more than the out-
put of whale on, which was 3,073,574
gallena. The production of herring oil
was 380,379 gallons, and of ood,liyee
oil 106,108 gallons. Other oils of ma.
rine origin, including that derived
from slime 1. livers (commonly sold as
cod-liver oil),, totalled 1,060,322 gal-
angry Customer "See here, you
overeharged me for that suit and it
was full of moths."
Ta jbor—"What do you expect for
fifteen dollars. Humming Itirds?"
A Love- Feast.
Better isa dinner of herbs where
lave is, than a stalled ox and hatred
• The first key wliieh open the door
.of success is the trading ,itts'tinot, t,1r.e
kno-wledge and sense of the real vsla:e
of any al -thole..
The annual' report orf bile Chiu[ In-
spector of Stock af° We t rn, Australia
shwa that theme are no fewer than
0,995 camels in that section of the
Common -wealth. •
Think this ever.. The Clear, War
•Aasted from A.'u t, 1.074, to Novem-
ornem-ber, 1918. - Tho e.tkna:tecl cost .(not in:-
e1uding leas !of property) was $186,
000,006,000. to tall of 12,990,000 men
have varying intensities and 'the
A Doll That Swims.
Altogether a novelty is: a 4W1112 lug
doll which owes its invention to an
Illinois man. It can dive, and eut all
sorts ot napara in the water.
In the body of the manikin {whlal
is made at wood) is a hollow cham-
ber that extends up tato the head.
Similar chambers are provided in the
upper arms, the forearms, the thigh*
and the lower limbs. In these cavities
small quantities of lead altos are
Tbo arms, are pivoted at the shoul-
ders and, elbows, the legs likewise at
the hips and knees. Thus the doll is
jointed, and the limbs may be made
to assume any position desired. They
have, however, a .frictional grip suf-
Iictent to hold the joints Axed when
set. If the mnanikin Is to dive, the
arms and legs are adjusted imitable
for that action. Then, when it is
plunged into water the shot in the
hod -an ,h
y d cad clZainber gravitatte to
the upper end thereat, and it sinks
head foremost until, as it assumes the
horizontal, the head rises; the shot
presently failing into the lower part of
the body cavity and causing the doll
to ascend on aslant to the surface like
a reaI diver.
Marvel of the Tongue.
When we speak of the "'sense of
taste" we think at once of the tongue,
for here is time seat of the principal
nerves of taste, transmitting the sen-
sation which we call "taste" directly
to the brain and registering an imprex-
sion there precisely as sound or pain
But, in order to be apparent, the ob-
tact tasted must be at least partially
dissolved, either in water or in tbe na
tural fluid—saliva--secreted by the
glands of the mouth, for even slab -
stances with marked tastes, suck as
salt or quinine, will not make the
"taste impression" upon the brain un-
less applied in the forum of solution to
the nerves of the tongue or throat..
These nerves are not regularly distri-
buted through the mouth, but are
closer together at the tip of the tongue
and at the back than they are at the
centre and the sides.
The difference 1n tastes noticeable
in different kinds of substances' is duo
to the effect which these. selut one
trot our nervetreacticns, just as sounds
have varying intensities and 'the
nerves of. feeling indicate different de
grees of pain or pleasure. -
1ii1 'ILEI l RD O Miff
Paw On iiisgust)--"Great Scott!
Haven't they found that thing yet?
\Vby, they were burette for it when, I
A Guess.
1 A leading citizen of an. Ohio town
Was t }rieken with appendicitis and an
operation waa deemed necessary. The
editor of the local paper, a pessimis-
tic sort, heard cf this end printed tht-
"eleteon si" ibitut• U:
"Our esteemed fellow citizen, Rufus
G. Getlmetu, will enter the hospital to.
morrow to be operated upon far the
removal ot his appendix by Dr. Smith -
ere. tie will leave a wife and two
r Good idea.
A Little girl in a poor family bas to
The winter season is a herd one en wash a great many dishes. Someone
rte baby. He is more or less confined began ympathiztng with her one day', r
t to stuffy, badly ventilated rooms. It remarking what "drudgery" it must ,
is so often stormy that the mother; be.
• docs trot get him out in the fresh air "No," she replied. "It's great fun,
as often tie she should. Isle catches I bare given each dish a ramp, and
voids which rack his little eyetem; iris they are ail my children --m} dont;,
stomach amid bowels get out et order I tack to them while I am washing
and he becomes peevish and cross. To them and drying them. I pretend
guard against this the mother should ; that I am dressing them. I like to
keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in have them all nice and elesu. And
the house. They regulate the stomach + I'm sure they like me for looping after
and bowels, and break up colds. They teem so well. It's lots of fun."
are sold by mediciue dealers or by
— s
The Ohristrian indeed is aifjovied to
rejoice where other men rejode'e,- but
he is also bound to rejoice where
others cannot. -Leroy M. Vernon.
Stops Hair Corning Out;
Thickens, Beautifies.
35•ce Its ':rays a bottle of "Darderine„
were killed •andr 20;300,000 men. were at any drut Ast ` 1
mail at 25 emits a box from The Dr. The man who is mit afraid et %tiltir
Williams' Medicine Co., Broekville.sc"Idnm has to face it.
Mother! Move
Blockhead. Child's Bowels With
California Fig Syrup
Hurry mother. Even a aisle child
Rives the "fruity" taste of "California
Fig Syrup" and it never fails to open
the bowels. A teaspoonful to -day may
prevent a sick ehild to -morrow. If
constipated, bilious, feverish, fretful,
has cold, colic, or if stomach is sour,
tongue coated, breath bad, remember
a good cleansing of the little bowels
is often all Uiat is necessary.
Ask your druggist for genuine "Cali-
fornia Fig Syrup" which has direc-
tions for babies and children of all
ages printed on bottle. 'Mother? You
must say"California"
or you u
y may get
an imitation fig syrup.
Sergeant—"Now, then, don't you
know how' to hold a rifle?"
Recruit—"rve run a splinter in niy?
Sergeant (exasperated) ---"Oh, you
'ave, 'ave you? Been seratebin' your
'end, I suppose!"" •
Mtnard's Liniment for Coughs and Colds
Grazing on: Dominion Forest Reserves
About one hundred thousand head of
stock --• cattle, horses and sheep —
glaze every season on the Dominion
forest reserves in Western. Canada.,
This grazing keeps down the lire I1az-
ar and the i1
same time is of great
'value to the 'farmers and ranchers in
the vicinity of the reserves.
Pay your out-of-town accounts by
Dominion Express Money Order. Five
Dollars costs three cents.
A Great Feat.
Robert ., "Mother, was Robinson
Crusoe an acrobat?"
Mother—"I don't know. Why?"
Robert—'"Well, this book says that
after he had finished his day's work
be sat down on his: chest,
Pensions are 'beimvg paid to three
and a half million, Hien, women, and
children. by the British Ministry- of
QV can't do your best when
your baek and every muscle
aches with fatigue.
Apply Sloan's Liniment freely„ with-
out rubbing, and enjoy a penetrative
glow of warmth and comfort.
GoDd for rheumatism, neuralgia,
epraillf and strains, aches and pains
sciatica, sore muscles, stiff joints and
the after effects of weather exposure.
For forty years pain's enemy. Ask
your neighbor. Keep Sioan's handy.
At all druggists -35c, 70c, $1.40.
Made in. Canada.
Don't suffer with this coni -
plaint any longer. Write
and I will tell you FREE
how I rid -myself of Piles .by
an old 'f -a lily remedy, enter
years of suffering.•
g s ore. ei one app ice• `�' ALLEN
iv'ooun,ded . An�cl stl1t eslne men -refuse, tiou you earl not tin,: a, particle of W. F.
- to Ilel'ieve iri 111111'i '-rbt'ic-n of v niament dandruff or a ,hay, taitiuBesides.
>rBow pW� Yairlixioutla, INs. et�or'v� 11t; `.Ylatti'.; Era.. Vie, vigor.
Mlnard's Liniment prove ds Spanish Flu blir jln,:as inure color an0..-' 2 4�
r N n d ei)uadauc8. � ISSUE No. � 2_
Spanish Flu
Claims Many Victims in Canada
and should be Guarded Against
Minard's Liniment
Is a Great Preventative, being one of
the oldest remedies used. Minard's
Liniment has relieved thousands of
cases of Grippe, Bronchitis, Sore
Throat, Asthma and similar diseases.
It is an Enemy to Germs. Thousands of
bottles being used every day. For sale
by all druggists and general dealers.
Minard's Liniment Co., Ltd.
Yarmouth, N.S.
Many Fr?ends of Tankville
Resident Are Taking' Tanlae
After Seeing What it Did
For Her.
"My recovery by taking Tanlae wan.
so remarkable that my neighbors were
ail amazed and many of there started
teeing it," said :,firs. Clare Si'fl:•oa, '
Tankville, West Co., NB.
"My health began to fait live yearn
ago and I grew gradually worse right
aior g. To mace bad :natters worse I
was stricken with influe.:za and that
left rite in a truly deplr able co:Anion.
"It was certainly a lact:y day for fine
when my husband peteua ul rap to
try Tanlac, and it was no easy task.
either, for I was so thoroughly dis-
couraged that I didn't belttve any.
thing could help me. I am like a dif.
ferent person in every- way. my dive.
tion «: perfect. I have gai.:ed tweety
pounds in weight :tad I ani in the best
of bealth and spirits now."
Taalae is seed. by ell goon druggl'zts. •
--Ad t.
Chnraeter is what you are; retell.'
tation ti went yet try to melte peep'e
think you are.
Bulk Caries
Cuticura Campleims
Are Usually Healthy
The daily use of the Soap prevents
clogging and Irritation of the poren,
the usual 'cause of pimples and
blackheads, while the 0 intstient
soothes and heals. Cuticura Talcum
is delicate
delightful, distinguc.
Seep2ic. 0lcbaeat2Sand50e. Tatcam2Se. Sold
throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepott
Lyman*, Limited, 344 St. Pnn!$t.. W:, Montreal.
`Cuticura Soap shaves without Plug.
Classified Adver4►sen*e if,
'fit ARte 00.90 TO. 50.+)0 .PiSIt DAY'
vulcanising. is inderendenk: we
L ..kat you. Write for partscuiars, (.21tief
Instructor, Camel* Vuieanizer, London,
I-414�N ilkD Sia*'iJohA I ESn J. Fakac ,
i:ntnpewa .['ails,
Z5e, :No other /se. A. McCreery,
thane, Oat
ALL KINDS QI+' 1:ZW Aern II331)
> emifntc• puIieya. saws, eable.borie.packtng,
stc., shipped subject to approval at loaves*
price* in Canada. YORK BIGLTING Ca,.
America's Pioneetr Deg rime d1ea
Book on
and Hoar to Fee!
Mailed Frac 50 any A.i.
dress by the Author.
X. Clay Otov€r Co., Itpc.
229 welt 24th Street
New Toric.
In thousand, of case:
Mother ..-'*lad's Syrup hes proxed
efectsvoiapennaAsnei, banish"slog
digestive taimbleseven
when they have been
of longstanding. il7oe.
ran Y. Fut it to the eat alter your
weft meal, II•ses
To Recommend Lydia E.
Pinkhanz.'s Vegetable Com-
pound, for It Helped
Her So Much
Fredericton. N. B.' -'-"i was w a1S
and had .onie troubles women often
have, and usually I was unfit for tuy
'work. I saw your advertisements
and decided to try Lydia E. Fink-
bam's 'Vegetable Compound. I am,
tory much pleased with tht result
and recommend your Vegetable Com-
pound whenever 1 leave a chance.
You may use this letter for the bene-
fit of others;'-- Ili s. Weemrwu,s e, 364
Church St., Fredericton, N. I3.
Mrs. 1Fandless, like many, many
other women who have found relief
by tatting Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound, is anxious to let
other women know of thin splendid
medicine. So by word of menth and
by letter, one Roman to another, its
virtues are made known..
Women suffering from female ail.
talents, indicated by such semptoms
as backache, nervous trouble*, bot
Tiastles, pain in the side and a gen-
eral run-down condition of the whole
system, should take Lydia E. Pink
barn's Vegetable Compound.
For nearly flfty years It lies been
helping women. Let it help you.
Lydia E. Pinkbam's Text -Book upon
"Ailments Peculiar to Women" wilt
he sent you free upon request. Write
to Lydia E. Pinkhanl: Medicine Co.,
Lynn, Mass.
For Constipated Bowels, Sick Headache,
Sour Stomach, Bilious Liver
The nicest cathartic -laxative in the
world to physic your liver and bowels
when you have Dizzy Headache, Colds,
Biliousness, Indigestion. or Upset,
Acid Stomach is candy like "Cas -
carets." One or two to -night will
empty your bowels completely by
morning, and you will feel splendid.
"They work while you sleep." Cas.
carets never stir you up or gripe like
Salts, Pills, Calomel, or Oil and they
cost only ten cents a box. Children
love Cascarets too.
ysay "Bayer". when you buy Aspirin.
Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting
Aspirin at all. Why take chances
Accept only an unbroken "Bayer" package which contains directions and dose
worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache Neuralgia Rheumatism
N�.ul itis Lumbago Pain! Pain
Etandy "Payer" boxes of 12 tablets -Also battles off 24 and I00 -All druggists.
Aspirin is t!r(,: t ads marit (registered in Canada)el!Saltc
o-eil'l.n w of ;~la1>er 1tfl o p l,,Uo of Dtot l tttcaotdeater : "a While
o n that :lsloirirt mesas ;Ba Bayer manufacture. o S IecY.ticacid. \l torte"it 1'
5 I l; the. to ael roe p+tBiin %Ralrist it�iikatlona, the T tjtets et Sitiwer QoYltpuny
bo srantpe<r tgith tllcli• 6•.anorRl trAcii: marl.,tho ":Fa•5er. Crook." __.