HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-3-9, Page 2e •
N. `1
"r 3
,'!•n ;,`. ▪ ':i Pty er:�^.nee s aria tail—he 3 hied ,'1 r`nin:Us,' he anted, `".l S
f p
('a?tvrialat by the M
look CompHriy
sartis ironze anti k the padding of bare
:c Shcirt rare is hianseif alter feet laelaind hint caused him to turn
'fad roiled over ea i; r- a and beiaeld Lem Ring-
s:r>rin, 441,0.n.e}e frothing "Gee, Shorty, but you've c:erta
.rt. ;n sea tee gets zonate it aH1 . t:'rtnns;lt tat window
the s r.�t. ;:t "rt hie -twat:eater reta- sliipl�ed 'mound the sagool-
t e caveat. .ierr} twee, ani Sr] a rteeme wbee. tit" daygin knocked you'a
tae :e I;taked tato the eyes of alis ions 1hilanes over. Miss film's ntad-
I'rrnr; he s:Yi'hetDiatiattetett alta ':ktc�* dor a a eat fa. a 'aunty batt, an' yer
laa a teal Indi;r:ant eyes they were. C agile terry's east savage-
"ulisr the'ni a it skin'. Mise." .cried '"iiusnph!" Prank Tonna ne. eolaee
Teal- Kinney, dtsatirtn riM,eelf in the the knfearnmtton,
peer h- "Tan ''errs ga::;. They deserve ""Where ye goitt''now, Sl'rity^"
rt• ' tinireri Lem after a Valise -
Pang; after Matt, ?Ilia Prinz," ins' •.Notre." relies the ether • y y
tettrapte l Jerry C ;ora.- "I'll it Mist • a'No tie got` yet, ' ou e tersely
trY , n we go aft e --e
A t3;:.i,41 d lroyse'" the teacher logain' t' bit a lickin' Snywaya, stn' • i
r "den't tied t' be In a hurry t' pit it„
Was ati irb Playir;g truant from Let's go down rn th' wharf for a spelt " a
s iltatai. alai full of wicked tri a:e.:tttd The other nodded mo :ally, and both„.
etrst lane, at the pipe asset t thecae whleh boys trudged down the tet 1.
• F + ..i
out 01.yaatr' uQphevv s team Cove wharf was a shortpen::
•. C ,, Y
a:t .
td +;t.b .t
c �. c' "ccr.,,a c'rnstru(+ts�tl on the
_= vette not lrsteal ea He ova: soarthern side et u emelt :creek which
ween g over at a, beet: 14 -„ell w:?ere a flowed down trams a cleft in the ror k
pretty tittle girl was ityirta Lee Kaes tree -covered hilts which itankd t
a i refs'rtiirg l,^rzr with a a4:s'- tf ad- Bay t<r Fundy for many utiles. A
net trn:n;xei with fear rater tltae wharf stood high and d
.at, l v „n , 3 seemed ala ,. the btcilry. wed•stronn boa
after he taws sent to his seat. I31
uncle aslted lam out tier room aur se
rt home. Hell git some flckfn
t"night; I'll bet----"
I reckon. l:f ye don't, Ill lick ye ea
"Ha! " ha! has" guf awed Dick
""'i oat a pair er wiled -eats! Hot. ho!
hot AW ye hada fight 'wttli Bob Mor-
rissey right in til' school, My! Won't
yore uncle be pleased with his nervy!
He'll tan ye some I carate for dis-
grecize' hint --an' hint No Aatrong a.a ed
dieation an' etch -late. Never mind,
sttn! Yo"re til' right stuff for a fisher -
truth. Don't ant let theta slate ye by tea
much schoolltt'. Boolt-Terni'" don't
Tarn ye new t" eatch fish or pull lob-
ster traps. Look at acre! I never
Yarned a. thin;, at sehcol in nay life, an'
ain't 1 one o' the best iieberneeu on til'
Bay Shore? Ain't l 'moat alway> high
lora ?„
"Yea sure are, Dick,'" exclaimed
both youngsters.
"Thar' nolle, continued Lou,; pick.
"That shows ye what bookl'8t'nin"
ain't done for cue. Loot;,, at Ted Small.
• th' deacon's son He goes t1 school
an' git fust to th' back teeth with ed -
feat on nu' then goes a-ftsb.in'. an'
wbat is he adoiu' row? Tallyln' Rita -
lea of salt fish on Ltaneuburg wharves
'roost likely 'cause be was never no
„ooa at trawl haulm'., lrddicatien a:as
en til' b. ekbone outer hit'. an'
n strokes an crosses on a tally -
board he at at this moment, 1 cal'lete
Tees, eireet T' Jeriette with eddica-
tion ea' jo„ aral4,y .Sinn' grammar an'
^'rithmetie ata' sithtika trash. They're
ie _ no i eeol. to a fisberttlan. Pass me over!,
that long•tteek ye :see in til' sterner,1
eta :son!"
IA black bottle was passed over by
Shorty, and Jetrnings, atter drawing
a, the cork with his tteeth, indulged in a
we "little touch."
Great stuff:, that," ha n•emarke'd,
a:orltiag the bottle and smacking his .
fti . "Never saw revenoo dict that
ram, an* rale \Vest ladies at that"
"Give ua a swig, Dtek," entreated
tt, ts-
„ T
1o, "une son," arewerej the usher -
man. Twouk(i make ye stele,. 1 cat,,
Sic 1:, nawthin," returned the boy.
'"Sure I've bad a ewlg or ran afore
'row. Lem Iters gat drank once on a
tae. a bcttae we found (Iowa im hte dd'e
tisit shed-•- "
The tls::ernnan Slashed a. strange look
at the youngeter, attd. rising, be place i
the bottle inside a locker, "No, sae.`"
ir• ;, be mad dee•isively, "I ain't gr,t much
,n left raft' ! ain't a•goTn' t* spite good
liquor by pouritt' it down yore throat e,
a . Wait mail sometime f git another
While he returned to bks trawl c'otatla-
itis; the boys sauntered .oft to the pier
ai head. ctnd for an hour they at on the.
cap log and threw atones into Judson
Morrell's dory. The dory wa.s almost .
e "Shortly;" he exclaimed, "Long
nt Dick's gone home an' til' door of Fr
' shed's open."
"What about it?"
For answer Lem screwed his face u
Y � knowing wink and beckoned t
shack, recently vacated by the rang
f,sleermcan, they stumbled over th
Sha>rt} grunted, ":4,W - un' sp�'il you
in a k i
Pad walnuts, Cook rrtisir tw baking
la water, for fire minutes pour rota), it
1 t sugar and cttxnstareli which have been
mixed. Co* until thick, remove front
e r ' eta er rn re ren . Bake
e w n two crusts. Walnuts male
+Sena, the Wei izat .,
+ "! , . nit rota .�xt.� t entity 'Daae_ asst tlse small sloops eial pink,
to the *, a: tae r:., taaaeti, dost l:aglna; to tlse p7aen letrgged tate es -
heti— I ,d ar.I .e* taut, r,.; molter y, teterecl ptlee alto tltgir i;aels q'rouuded
fee'comer a; Rae to Red crate in the taacluJag stream. :�o large res• r
dra'pe's E f idea. with the a afters ream said ever ca'lirrl at long ('eve and Walt
Ian i.'rta's tries, '.h'' e4<�eptinn (%f Captain Daiey�'s tit
"Boy! nya to year et ntstai t; sal t?dost srack+•t sr'ha :ter. whle't came
as one:r, I :" a ttetri to a..., tater," tic? and drp"rtf i on .a tide Periodicall
1 '^ ate . r a;' ea a r rk a .° ra eittave the wit 1*f wee uses principally lay
ins a dr a '.a:nd lee. ;;at t v:,:r�i -tb few totem'"; pleas. and Q'le'"ina for /an
!'...a ' 8Y'tr:r et. ea *aartra',; rg tttt�l: ttrEc,
s n; �.'eate.i. Lem l rutty-ate:leu? ;t• t'hc ehrare end of III° tier w're
wa�:.;ite.i �sr. I Shortly land atoll ietttvg t umA1,er of rip'ds used by thy, Inc
iAat be. ,me o+f hint vegan the buy n rrtleu for cleaning and divest
duwn 111°4'e:1"4neia et fiery, .Steri
xt.^ur::3 } rw ;(�:d hue :fir, ri9:s tate french their '' a
w 'lr I"'^. fnri .int t: e; ;a•z- r13it1t4, Bite.: tied },ear. lobster tripe a
"lon'r a-�t o;' t' iii r:�,•zts` ,„rain yaw • tae .sand here :raft. there upon t
""Yf a el. tP a 1:3C1i(:, ti,43.$ F, 1 y w tetrerf �vou% lir* tit, old tier;t w ei f
he _ ; e n...e .t.., , % ratting l', h. The (lean eun•hhra,•hed
net a }i r;t .iii 'i ial , , . ,, recite Ian ant boulders of the with a abov
r.a ywe?r. titirKate: '.sc*o 5 rnwn with dvyin
t� iY ,• t
1r i s
f • .ti
YA i.
.- bake.
(,. +t etaervzt'3a fi•: a M i -r, ltal haimihith- u0 , anti papa. an
.� r H
nt l a
till tf t
a, lath -built It bu
t ill
., Aske -r d
e l twere e
r ova re
l ..
s 'tl�iP e
a 1 as •” rant mews cal! ter the oder t :l authe site tuna; q ire ane. i Run t
the wharf .orf w
•, err quite a iter
.r 2animat
'a M .�
vase rather sit•,^*neat between the pair.', Arae but in winter the place w
pract'eaily' deserted,h
nd ' awnsa with the weight of theta, vhe,i
he Lem gave Shorty a sharp nudge. iafinard's Liniment for Gripe and Flu. at
o til
his chum to follow hint. Entering til
y be omitted if desexej,
air art era d g d• to
trawl tubs, and, •after groping arena
the dory sails end oilclothes hangin
upon the rafters, Lem produced
black bottle.
"Rune," 'he explained, molding u
the bottle for Shorty's inspection
Diels thinks I ain't hep to his rum-
setae' game, but I know what' he i
keeps ? is stuff, •1 -It• 'Le for .a drink"
Ar,d opening hi,s clasp -knife, he soon!
prateal out the cork. 'With ail the ease'•
and abandoel of a eantftrnted toper he;
placed the bottle to his lips, and, tilt- t
Mg it up, sputtered and shed tears as a
the fiery liquor went down.- 1
'Rev a touch, Sborty." And passing -
the long -neck over, diaster Ring began
to feel all of ;a man -
Prank gingerly tock a sip, but .' ee-
leg his chum regarding hint witli the . i
patronizing air of a professional for a
an amateur, dectded not to be ontelone, ;
and gulped a wholeeohne nip, t t
The nip, in Lent's eatihnet on, was/
more than Ire himself had taken, so in! c
order to even mattere up, he indulged ,
in anott her. l "Bet I kin drink more'' ,
gu.p," eaclaiine,. Lem. -
(To be continue:k)
e ; Caramel Raisin Apple --3t cup rats- i
d ins, tart apples, 2 tablespoons butter,
cult light brown sugar, 1/3 cup water.
We, want -one five dealer in .e>och, town,
that can support an apeto-date tire re-
pair plant. Our equ ment is 26 yew
ahead of any other We teach yon iia
repairing, reit-Wieling, tube repairs, in
a abort, practicable, systematic eouree;,
Get into a business of your own, Be.
independent, Write to -day for free
particulars. Canadian The and Equip.
rent Co., 687 'renege Street, Toronto..
are, care and halve the stapler,, and a -.
n arrange ie. a awed saucepan or flying I
P. Cover with the raislus, thee
add d the
butt r eut in o
, u t bite;
add water' and stew gently until ate
Pies are tender and the butter
sugar bave formed a rich cats
May be served hot or cold, with
without cream, or as an accentpa
meat to plain boiled rice.
They Supply lrsn-A 1'•snelful R.
bunch of seism' added to the ebi
ren's lunettes is a wise provision
erre they will never refuse. Raisi
are good for the bled and are exe
Little Bobbie Jones • was told 10
write an essay on ""Beers,' and the
effort which he sent in was as fol.
.tad• lows:. .
mel.. `"host houses have all the doors that
ortthey„need, and no house is complete
ni- without at least one, Tile two main
I ditrerences between a door and a gate
t' ra ^ la, first, their opposite leetation; end,
Id- 3 second. that people have much less ret
anti aped Par a gate, and would rather kick
its i it tb,'a n knock on It.
el " ''But a tate is more useful than
ent bowel regulators. •:°Base w
talk about good in teems of chemist
ell us tl:at malelas furnish an it
principle very eeeessaary in tsar phy
al laboratory. certainly the dri
grape is a pleasant sv, y of taking t
ran topic. pbysie#ans used to maser/
or run -bow n conditions.
Tie "Qzze~#l�}s S°et,
.:host et ns have "tapped" the bar
neater in the morning.
wo say,, if the glass has rise
it's going to keep Mier
""Llan," wet ray, if the ,.lass bras fall
tinott,er wet day!"
But cam we explain there mysteries
iter all. they ase comparativtil
The principle of the. barometer. rests
it the tact that the aortae) weight .
e atmosphere In
os h�,
p it
sea levo t
eight of a c"olurnrt of mercury tbiet
rhes high. SYben the air i'•~ bot o
et, its pressure is lis than noraua
d the haraxueter fails. When th
r is dry or cold, its presence is gree
Qi" t.•bau uoriat;ti, sed the barornete
But wharf afore affects; the preesture
of the atmosphere. So it is not ,safe J
assume slweye that a high barom-
e r tneoPS Fine weather anti a IOW v
atometer +set.
Generally speaking. the barouleier
es for cold, dry, er lace Mild' and
ho .door because it docs everything' that
t'y a door can do, and besides that, it can
Dili be climbed over, and often is.
si• "'The tloorl:audle is a small beat tat -
ea portant part of the door wbit;lt people
he never appreciate until tt collies off.
people never notice the door-
; handle ualees it is brought to their
notice ou account of having yam
spread all over it -
o• t Doors are great things to give pee -
pie privaey. and would give theta stat
1 more it it wasn't for the l eya'lolea"
ems The Australian "bush" cure for a
•e coal is stated to be a goad walk, with
art's swinging free and no hampering'
y „Y,
Women Can Dye 0Id
Faded Things New
in Diamond Dyes
Each package et ''Diamond Dyes"
eonteiea directions so simple any wit-
mae can dye or tint her worn, shabby
dresses, skirts, waigte, coats, stock:. .
Inge, sweaters, eoverings, draperles, s'
hangings, everything, even if ale has
never dyed before, lluy 'Diamond o
Oyes" ---no other klnd-.--their perfect tri
(� rata is
ge Let"a
use Diamond w
Dyes aro guaranteed not to spot, fade, in
streak, or run. Tell your dr aggiat w
whether the material you wish to dye an
is wool or silk, ar whether It is nue', ai
cotton or mixed goods,
e ; : •`' add lea an old Root an(
, v t
to a'a•
r. •
k Mira.,
et Et!
d rR6I1
� t?
,, arrta from.
r' -"ls leadrorr drug trade fn the
States ter la yeare--•fQt
h e n a. t 1, A m, gassy
Stor ache, nQwel and
IfIdner Trouble. Now
t. r sold l+ ^ Ilktio'a! Mug Co FtF�,*aittazr
r Grit.. ftzruu .h our bonne drug stere,
ttiertattt'tr riete Ahsiunatlo 7Sezetay Do„
M in Ave, tlie4z kilo', finita„
Very Simple,
1 am ad/mated of my failure to keep
abreast of modern Senile," said the ` to
lee ned professor of :;oology to the et
young bousetvife, "Take the electric b
li,,l;t. for lratanee; 1 haven't the least
idea how it works." The yoaeg iso• ris
tails for hot. v:a+, or more wind.
rth or norrb west wind, however
lei invariably scud the barometer UP
tile u await or aeoutbavvt"az wind
dg it down.
Rapid glees find fel:weree sure signs
ttnettbic weather. iluring line spells
o barometer will moves but little.
o atfi. yw«•----~m^-� -. _ g, m.., 4
One thing' you must tlwa;cs ri"ntetn-
1 �
fis ...
__,•'' dry ...� las-,.. � a• . t ..��,<
matt gave bite a patronizing smile. it
"My," ache said. *"it's fiery* simple, 110
rrtnlly, Tour just press a button and wi
sir(" light eeme- an -- that's all there is • vol
a. ,r se
r, the 1
.l •,
h .e you G <a^ .
r, t ,c n•
be eo
u barometer ,
ba .z �
matt r r .
e rSt
tut roughly, cu 1!v r
K t , . 2 itz, to: 1,i100
That is to say, if your beim+ stands
the nett. and. your tiartam-
r reads 20.5, the yea level reading
ttid be $O in.
as verse
"1`srh— 1.au flu ttori" M rricney jam e,"rnaen usually went away vessel.ft
rued let foot a trifle 'harder into' ing out of teloneester and other grea
Shorty's ha.k. "Currie'a gttt;n' on to: Belting ports.
ya:i new. She ain't gat mutat use fort "Where you a toln';?" asked Short
lout kin/ Smel;i:n a pato! Huh!! when they came out of the path an
I'ar•ey tt i.. l like yea tryin' t' emeke.' entered. the alleys of fish -flakes pined
Carrie --.0 Ouch!" !with circular heaps of dried bake,
'riae•_e veal a ream/aianer some: of a '•I?,op in an' see Dick Jennings,
fart stn fietrh, and Morrr-_sev t'apne;l reckon,"
his hnrcie to his moss and your:.; while; Entering the first of the sheds, til
Sbe v latazin:g with rage. juratte1 over: boys eaute upon a man overhauling
tt e iten:.h efter has terrnentcr, in a tub of trawl. ""Howdy, Dick]" crle
mr:mer:t the et hnou•ac'al was again both in chorus,
thrown into confusion. The girls "Hulio, tsar*, fellers," returned Dick
srre., teei. and Lando: .ferry ra ir+i with:tut .looking up front iiia work H
r„ rk ,.::tarts, who were rolling i pen a-ry ?ace creased by a thousand Intl
the fleet' and under the forms and: wrinkles which seemed to multiple
pear, ;"n;r• Eich other with the go. -an cif whenever he smiled. When the boy
the 4, t enitive Savage, In a 4nar:ing, • ent'erei hi, shack he was seated ups
panting heap they tueslea. thumpe-3 ' betwean en up -ended trawl tub
legs With th a
and quarrned, ens. when the uncle "his
threw the benrhee to ene side, he as. " tangled beep of.seven-shot haddocking
rived in time to uu'l his nerhew away; trawl beside him he was engaged !n
from the prone bcdy of the Morrissey: deftly stripping the old herring bait
hey `'Bt 'Ins wild -eat* you are!" 1'e off the hooks, clearing the gangins,
growle l' as he pziated the pugnacious :and recoiling the trawl back in the
Shorty to the door: "Ye've diag-raced' slit .'atgstraighhtened Occasionally hadgive a
me an' yer ma with yer monkey'. blunt barba rub with a file, or with
i swiftseries of move -
Y. 't a:an't find anything to cook!"
d don't know what to plan for meals tt
this time of year!" These are mutu
!complaints at this season whereve
two er three farm housewives ar
e 1 gathered together. Now, while ther
a' is still time to plan for a kitchen ga
d !den Is the time to prevent this foo
famine recurring next, year.
'1 After the long winter months we a
.,,rave crisp green toed and these ar
the first seeds we sow—lettuce, radlsb
es, onions. Then we plant for summ
days. But all too often we do not, I
laying Out gardens, think in terms o
the late winter and early spring week
PAti•the-Year-Around Garden.
!heat until it merely simmers. Now
ti break the eggs one at a time into a 1e
t , cup and slide them oaretully into the mo
at water. When all are in, turn off the .t
i, beat, cover tire pan, and leave until ear
e i the eggs are set to the delicate, jelly D
, like consistency which Is the desired ii i
r ideal. 'Cake out carefully, drain well, N
d• !serve on buttered toast with just a wh
A If
Witty Wisdom.
se not to•clay what you know fo-
llow will need.
'he,•p lice of your life tivriiee its re,
d on your face.
on't have to buy an umbrella when
s raining.
one so fend of becrets ata ,bene
o cannon keep theta.
the counsel be good, take it, end
e not who gave it.
Ir. Mean Well may be pleasant. but
Mr. Do Well who is practice;.
f we do not Iearn some things the'
not in books. we shall fail; but if
do not lean some things in books,
shall not go far.
rm the platform, where he had been was rt Iong, t .ngy man of some thirty
'king with the teacher, to set :Prate ?ive hears with a clean-shaven, teeth
dash of pepper or paprika, and you
ll i have a dish for the queen's taste.
} Incidentally it Is one of the most euel-
e • ly digested and nourishing luvrtlic
edishes known,
For an even more nourishing dish.
f i try poaching the egg in milk, Use
n alt incredibly
"Len.me git at hint! Lome git a menta, snap off a frayed gangin, open
ilium'' bowled the frog', struggilag in' up the back line with a fid, and stick
his uncle's
<`Yoo'ii git al n.g to home at once," a ed down before and hook nan observerer and �was aware
mapped Captain Clark in a voice stria- ; of what lie had done.
dent with vexation. "I'll set ye up "Makin' a set next slack, Dick?"
good an' taau:t with a bit o' ratlnn stuff ventured Lem easily.
when I e •t back. Away with ye!" Anli "CaI'late to," replied Jennings;
Shorty was.threat ignominiously out- squirting a stream of Ni erhead into
aide the schoolrhouse droor. As one of a bait bucket. gi;
the sehsol taxustees, the worthy captain ; "Fish strikint good?"
wan annoyed, with his nephew's misde- i -Not bad," answered the man, coil-
meanors, and when he returned to ing away. "Pow'ful lot o' pesky dog -
fasten to the cbiiclrenPs exercises he fish. last set I made. Fed most my
vowed a sharp retrilbutien upon his bailie! to them." There was a pause,
eiteter's son. ; during which the fisherman coiled a ,
Bedraag 'ie -d• •and begrimed with dust, good shot of gear into the tub. "Ain't
Prank ambrlecl along the road, bitter you kids at school these days?" he
at heart, and lake Isihm�ael r f cad, with: asked suddenly•
his hand, against aIi men. How was i Lem replied, "Yep! We was an' we
he to know that Uncle Jerry had at wasn"t. We're in an awful- scrape, :
riven home from the fishing.? Whey ; DIck•" ;
eonitizi t he keep out of messing round 's So? 'filet ain't nawthin' new, What
with the affairs of the School Board? het: you two done this time?"
'Itis uncle—a man who couldn't read "Meat Shorty drove Tom Phinney's ;
or write—mixing in with: the parson : daygirl inter th' schoolroom—"
as school trustee and always talking "What?" Long Dick stopped to Iook
of the advantages of education! Pah! a at the redoubtable pair.
it was disgusting. .A man like his "Yep •' continued Lem, throwing out
untie should know hatter. A. fishing itis chest. '•We drove th' daygin in
skipper to be in. league with Miss Prim an' ye sh'd ba' heard th' racket.
end the Reverend hit'. Westley le fore- Shorty's Untie' Jeriy. . 'was inside
Eng a boy ''o 'cram book-learn•iaig• into ' 'spectin': th' sectocI am he caught ^
his head! It was rtabeard of Thus Shorty..'
aolilaguizing, he arnhie: gloomily to- The fisherman's eyebrows raised in
— :, _�. :arobed curves and his sunburtted fore-
head paralleled 'them in numerous cor-
rugati•ons. "tVilew!" he whistled, fix-,
ing the stolid, unblushing Shorty with
a pair of keen :brown eyes.
''i d id�n't know yore uncle was . home '
.frau) Gloucester."
"Neither did 1," growled, Westitaver. 1
No, sou, 1 cai'late you didn't. Ha!
ha! ha! That's a good one!" Long
1.)ick burst into a roar of laughter.
; "Gard Harry! • Drove the c -x inter th'
sclrclolrccin an' got. cotched by yore
, Uncle ,Jeriy, - Dodgiit' school, too, I
that inevitably come, when "It is s
hard to find anything to cook."
In foreasting for our gardens we
s ;Just enough milk to keep the eggs we
o "from sticking, being careful not to, heat we
tithe milk too hot. Instead of covering
} the pan baste the eggs with the milk B
gs I occasionally Le give them the desired if
:limy appearance on top. When sere ere=
ing, pour the molk ever and around be
the toast, A.
'lakes time on a busy morning? ev
Just a little longer'than the oid way, oi; o
but think what it saves en Dad's di -
must keep three very definite thin
in mind: (1) we must plant for the
summer season when we can practi
sally live from the garden; (2) for the
early winter when it Is possible to
have a pleasing variety from the root
vegetables that have been stored in
the cellar; (3) lastly, for the late win-
ter months when the stowed vegetables
have lost their crispness and flavor
I and it is still too early to have the
fresh things" The easiest way to meet
this third provision is to plant for a
surplus of summer vegetables which
are to be canned or dried ar brined for
winter use. The women whose shelves
are thus stocked are not among those
who lift their voices in the wail, "1
i can't find anything to cook!"
. (ante me lhe- man whocan hold on When others let.
go ; who plashes ahead when
'ethers turn. hack; who stif-
fens 11X) tahea others weak-
en ; who advances when
others ret•i'eat; t,'.ho knows
no .Stich word ;lt "Cant" or
`git•e up''; and I will show `
yo',1 11 man who will win in
alte pa, no matt?t' wi.?aa op-
posed }ltni, no i .,atter what
obstacles c'onfi oizt Mare
Poaching Eggs Right Is An Art,
and a Very Fine Art.
"One poached on," sings • the wait-
ress toward the back of the restaurant
after you have given yourorder. Some-
times the result is palatable, more of-
ten a leathery fringe of white, sur-
rounding a tasteless ring of yolk. •tate
whore supparted by a slab of watery
Poached eggs at home are better,
-but even housew•iyes sometiriies tarry
out a tough product. "Poaching eggs
right is an art and .a very fine art.
First of all, whether it be for an ine.
valid or dad's breakfast, a poached egg
should be delicate, tender, almost jet-
ly-like to be perfectly digested. And
the bigsecret of this--don't'bave your
water too hot. From 180 degrees to
190 (or until you can Just bear your
Anger in it) is. hot enough to have the
water in. cooking any eggs, whetb.er
boiled or poached: • The reason is
simple enough. The white of eggs are
albuminous and boiling temperatures
make albumin leathery and hence ,dif-
ficult to digest;
Fill a frying pan or other large shal-
ow. wish with enough .water to cover
the eggs well—two-thirds• frill is about -
•ight. Add a teaspoonful of salt for
every pint of water, Bring the water
o the boiling point, then reduce the
era, are that ain't all, Dick," eon- , i
f tinned Lem. "Shorty had a pipe an'
' a plug 0' to ir.ic;.ker in his pocket, an' r
it ten oat, an teacher saw it, an' he
------' 1 hat a fight with Bob Morrissey right 't
e such a moot,, live encl. a life, that
very magi, were such as you and
arta life like yours, this earth would
God's Paradise,--Piillips Brooks.'
s we 'rust render en a acct' t of
exy idle word, u3 must •ave Iikew~i�se
ur iditte snten,ee.—Ambrose:
Raisin Dainties.
Here are just a fear -suggestions as
to what may be done with raisins:
Stewed Raisins — Cover one-half
package of raisins with cold water and
soak over night. In the morning add
a slice of lemon or orange. Place on
the are, in the same water • in which.
they have been soaked and allow to
cook slowly'fer;thirty minutes. Sugai
may be added but it is not necessary,
as raisins contain natural fruit sugar.
Serve with or without cream.
Favorite Cookies --14 cup butter or
other fat, % cup sugar, 1 egg, 13 cups
.flour, 1 teaspoonful baking powder, 1/y
teaspoonful salt, at teaspoonful cinna-
mon, as stip chopped raisins, to cup .
chopped walnut 'seats. Cream butter
and sugar slowly, 'creaming them to-
gether. Attd well beaten egg. Sift 1
chip flour, baking powder, salt and cin-
namon together and add to egg mix -
tura Mix remainder of flour with the
raisins and nuts and add. Mix thor
°uglily and cusp from. teaspoon one
inch apart on A. flat greased' pan.' BS ke
250.000 FAR
eat :tame notiwfig throwes
Rtte3atre eight „oriti+3n a month. i'lenty
to est. fleet >s eiCte%tt:le diet which_ does
oak pdtme Sat ('rawtox to absoutely
,Bold by all dragalati, er by retail ozc
zeteir+t of price. x3.00 pry box frons
� ext
w T
R;< dor.. 4s _
t5ta t.
Lift Off with Fingers
Doe-sn't hurt a bit! Diem a little
"Freesone" on an aching coon, instant-
ly that corn stops hurting, then short-
ly you lift it right oil with finger:.
Tour druggist sella a tiny bottle of
to remove every 'hard eorn, soft core,
; or corn -between the toes, and the eat;
nerd e Liniment for the Flu. 1 luses, without sOreness or irTitatien.
Spohn's Distemper Compound
During the .vvinter and spring menthe horses are again mere
FLUENZA. COUGHS and cotaia. As a. preventive against
these, an occasional close of "13P011l*Pe" is marveionslY
effective. As a remedy for cases already softe.rint,
atstrOrtavia" Is equally effective. Give it as a preventive.
Don't wait. li'or sale at drug stores.
European plan. Novel Ri= innovation ; unique color
scheme throughout; Restaurant overlooking Beach
and Ocean. Dancing in Trellis Room. and Ritz Grill.
Single Rooms $5.00 tip
Double Romps $8.00
....lir, All. rooms with Priaate Bath and full Ocean Vista
..Cottage Cheese -Sated—% cup seed-
less raisins, 1% culla cottage cheese,
% teaspoon salt, '3/4 teaspopn pepper,
lettuce, French dressing.. Steam raisins
over boiling water mytia plump and
tender. IVIoisiten cheese with a little
milk or cream. Add salt and pepper
Orisp lettuce leaves and pour French
dawning over it -just before servieg,
Raisin Pie- -2 cups eeetled eaisins
1 tablespoon grated orange rind, 2
lemon tuice, tablespoon grated lemon
rind, Jtace of one Orange. I cup chop.
`Receiv-e "Seasonable Hints"' Free!
Are yell one of them? If not, cut this out.
fill in and mall in an envelope addreSsi(1:—
PO:I:cations Branch, Dreration Departraent of Agriculture, Ottawa.
(NO stamp required.)
anter AR,110 for ,401.6.1403fAEIX.E attears"—a free publication
contataing useful facts for Parvaere--anti also aend me year lie of °Iasi^
tree farm pantritlets issued by the Dosairdon Depart:meat of Arrionkte-Tv.