HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-3-2, Page 8EXETER A►l'a,CATE , THLIRAY, MAR. S, 9-82 Exeter Markets CHANGED EVERY WEDNESDAY ''heat t 1.33 Barley ,....e.. 4a to 55 Oats 34 to 40 M •,niteb'3's '13 est Flour Family Flour Peotry Fltsur Ere; Flour Shorts Braga. Cr;suaery Butter Dacey Butte - Local Doings ' Viinghera as to leave horse races on, 1 'jute." 29 and 30, and July 1. Mr. Wilbur Martin has been con - f - Yesterday was Ash WVedneesday', the ^.ti to his home for tell days with gr ppb. beginning of • Lent The Farmers' Co-operative Com - Mr- R >,rh: tel Bissett of London ss Piny of Wimgllam are to opera a 4 40 improving after several weeksillness cnsanaerY in that town. shortly,. 3.90 from heart trouble The stamp on the government post 210, The little .hied of Mr. and Mrs, John .bed h'Isbeen changed,. The two - ors St : A Exeter North, is at present ;.n ....int card has .a green, stamp instead 1.75 a very low state of health and not ex ,of red and the one -cent card has a p.,,ted to recover, M �'elloav stamp instead of greeny. ,Bulbs, Etc., for the lio.t! uituraa R w. j. A. Snejl, who refixed from Sca.;ety ,should be ordered row. See lir aetive ministry in June, 1920, ow- t:iat your marked premium list is in :ng to ill health, is seriously ill at his th : hands of the secretary, J. G. Stan- borne n Duttote—London Free Press. bury, at ozw'- Rex: Snell is an. Exeter old boy and has many relatives here.. I ne ss a market for Canadian flaati, H��t R cl 3,04.44011 43 34 to7 30 Lary Loot .16 to19 Hay per ten $15 to $16 Hoes ..12.,5 r+.Ii.tRt_.SS �'� LANTERN tale_WS old tab's}.. > liseoverezl inBritain, 1r .. ox otif ffe moves next th.re wig b. r) flax x or tobacco grown week from -Aril .street to Mr, Thomas Rei, art C ".iter, Chie; Erre,ieneer, cod ;n O;Itarie tles a=a:. This is the Cookson's house, near Stat:,on street onteee 1. gig, er Ires.-t o: the Depart statement mote rby Mr. N. S. M'G=b- vacated by Mr. Cooper, who has en - w. x. e.. Pub 1i a'.:t� zy-s, To o.ato. Roll pa., ; a k?a,- FlaxproductsSales Co. gaged to work for lir Keelson, Stau- l>:.. d`lenen. Tenn tib on :Here a 15. 0; iForonto, c lake QZI the second of Hay, :i cine t. ..eon S s,'.;lock. A<l eiressee. arei gen_n, sla asi acrd Streets t Mr. Eli Smell sustained a severre timtcraa l tv, x+:J be O 8023IERDEAD 'shak;ne„ up OA Wednesday of last week 'u nst:u,tio-i v Roads lesehan he fell on the slippery walkans7 c+ug•hou2 49ae Ira+ .:„ Wer. -i }cathed here from Guelph un inas sine been copfiued to the house. to ia' c.otll Meetlay morning that Ma A. Q. Bob -`alts hip was severely bruised, but was easel . et r.' ? „ the pt'ople should A, r, a former well-known resident of not brol +en as was first reported. 'soar then-' zpa v.:iato e o; the Depart e. ben deed in, Buffalo eine Sat- l;x:ke �Ir,. Peter Fraytle i��ae in Lendert� ar^ ret by a g +;i Ittert.lata::e, more. es uFda} and on remains were brought 1.a: surrcIttr' n,z. multIc11 alt.� GtOlp% for interment beside talose last week. . attending the luneral of het, rte's.—A. ,til rire, Reeve. ly• f=. �vho died two ve'st's Via. tattle grandson, Donald, son of Mr acid YO1.'Nt: BL'i.LS FOR SALE. Two Du+;•a n Bulls, about 11 Inas. wed, thorobre =1 The Illother :nowosl for eeveral }'mss D tterly Ile 1e341 C duetor A. L. MacDonald been the R C>- P- m I] ' g test. 'Fixst'.Ja beeresisting in the 1 est, .lpr'uh:tpaallY Petrolea. has been eopoatted to the s jars. Russell Smith, aged 2 years, 4 `rlI•t latee W. Eol�,er was for several :, , }—ars a resident of Exeter, and ..ore- ',months and 9 days. The eause of the dueled the creamery hero ier some little fellow's death was bronebla1 ,ars He was Reeve of the town pn umoil:•e. anirneis -Get... W. Utmter, Lot 4, Con. 4 L'sbo :r' ; : R. 1, Centralia. at Prance Albert, and cauls East last Grated Trunk run. between Waaglaam gall sine. which t.iuye he' had hecto' and London on trahts 7 62 and 165. His CONTRACTING se7tis daughter nod two sores tss headquarters will be in Wztrgitam. Be ell his � A.Et4 ilei:, out ofbusiness for Ph ffe,'.o. Another son, S11irtey, re - Le.• *early tw }ears I am prepared to se`sGuelph. eo lira t oz t a osier Work. —large oz small ;oh o every description BROTHER DIES OF WOUND. Cnteeal atterei gin, to hardwood floors ..,,,, naillor lames of Iioseaa- Plans clrawsn :a;Id estimates given free Township, •near. Scott Ofrd wlto%lel) Heywood. has been running between Petrolee and Wyoming. Owsng to th;# illnaess of Rev, M J. Wilson. on, Sunday ne, J. M. South - batt preached •n the morning, and a musical s eintee was conducked at eecth a • night, wig -rt. the .:hair and stliss Edna „.;,'s<i:sl4:t11y shot •h;unsel£ above the Q •. • r.etaslcred eh .' se eGtions atl�l if r n„ , , ve strvtbing to sell or you kr.: ` st>tcre weeks aQa, and was t1l.en Pro LAnde}ton gat e a number of rill wen • '^y Tree ,Advocate '}'rant ' , trat,ard Hosg-taa or" Jam 19•th, string:entais. died on. Feb. 24th, u .s. removing At the regular meeting .of the liar - Column enurtutni,ti:..n from a gun.in thy. kitchen :02."-.1) 0.A.`1°S F coefaMpc• I.E. of leis bon' Mr. S:ott used the weap- tieultunal Society an Wednesday ev_ ou to ...bent a flat out of the zoom :ening, Mar 8th at 8 oseloele in flee AV: :a, cadet', c4°c1 oats; $100 end in soma way the guts was ds- Pubs = Library W, %I, Johnston will e l+,t h ', HILTON FORD, Iia}' P' O. n.Ia retell the charge cateran; alts left gsti... a tali; on. "Improving the qp.- ..,....,, 1-g above tete knee, lie, was prol;rran ess-ipeae of Exeter." Come prepared -*reedy, et ° tht� Runaway" at it favorably until ten ays ago, when+to ase. questtons and take part inthe littrontlaale ;,drool. undo' the- uspic i is it ‘'.::w found a�.� esil;try to a d u rn da,5.:ussion-1. WVK are looking :or an ,r � Everybody dee ego of th,�titi oom• -'--:tate on February •.13t, pneumonia r pe interesting meeting. veryboc y tel tea exsected. J�eeeased was a: well- come. £rtlt l'aat•tetls in add of tato Sic1c the of `Ailsa Craig chaslrens ilca,ittll, I.oticlon, admin- 1 ,res 47 ea -ars known farmer, n1 Detrot Free Press;—"A. quiet wed- '*" s r:• aIu r the ci- - teas soj nmized int this city on son 3,,e and 35e. d Tlletiford fo t''.'.RM FOR. SALE OR ItieNT Miss Martha Morley, and eight chll • A. Field united tau maarriage Mr, Riah- dr.>n suz�tive:. His parents, . r ;nrtRt and ,i)ays, of Exeter, Canada, and Mrs. Lot 10, t. -etas 9 }lay Tri.. lilil a: r>s • S, j, '... tt, lien near Ailsa. i.(t:ta lead }aside• ince} Tuesday, De:. 27th at the Wesley past 1B years• His Widow,. formerly Jietiloclst Cliureh, when the Rev. H, Part of I.ot $ and ;part of Lot 9, Con non: brothers end three •s.stere also 8, 75 a;,r.•s; or will exchange for house mourn his loss, W. W Scott ofr t. alls in Einer >r Iierasaii. Possession at anew Appy to T. J. Wilson, Adver 1:sur Office. London. BUY LESS COAL AND KEEP WARMER. Thomas ; A. W. rtf N agora Noble o( Exeter, Erw;.aa, and Aaron. of 1i.Gx llivray, Mrs. A. Greenlie of c tLss`slotstsn is ClaisaScott Li Ailsa Cram. Thu Late ,\II+. Scott was a \iason and an. ;Orangema.,r, Interment d.• Stop the draft with Bronze Auto- at Ear--nswood eemctere on Sun ay }nail. Weather Strip for Doors and. • F.bruary 26th Windowa. Sold and put on by• -- Phone. 21x2 N. OGDEN, Exeter '"'—..u. JAMES ST. 'METHODIST e1wRw Your Storage Battery needs special attention at this time of the year. We have space equipment for properly -taking .:are of batteries over winter. Lee; us take care of yours. ---W. J. BEER, Exeter. The correct way and the easiest way to dispose of some property or sell. some small article, find a tennant for your haus::, or an article you have lost or help when you want "s t, is to insert a small advt. in the "Want Column" of the Advocate. HOW IS THE PUMP? New Iron Pumps and Fittings in Stock Iran or wood pumps repaired. Wells pumped out or cleaned. S. j. v CANN. Phone 115 DR. JOHN WARD. Chiropractor & Optician Chiropractic and Electrical Treatments for Chronic and Nervous Disease;. Spectacles cientifically fit- ted. Hours 10 to 12; 2 to 4; and by 3pptentm: nt Offi.e—William and Sanders Sts., Phone 43. FARM FOI. SAL}.. The und.:rsigned is offering for gale that desirabli farm in the Township of Sttephan, being Lot 15, Con, 2, known as the Leathern Farm, ,con- taining 100 acres. There is on prem - ices a commodious two-story frame house and two good bank barns. The farm is well drained and fenced, has a ,nice orchard, spring creek with a Plentiful supply ,of water the year round; fine far stock; 15 acres seed- ed down, all fall plowing done, and there are 10 acres fall. wheat Prase session given ,April 1st, 1922.. For parti.:ulars apply to 1. R. CARLING, 1.xettLr, Solicitor for the Adminstra- tor. Contracting We wish t -o call th-e attention of the Public of Exeter and surrounding die- trict that we are open to accept, or tender for contracts for all kinds oo building We are experienced wo.rk- men ant by strict attest r on to busy- ness we hope to share in the contract work of this disttrict W ARES & PRYDI., Exeter. and Baggage Dr�.� Anything you have to move we it reasonable CHOIR CONCERT FRIDAY, STARCH 3rd at 8 p.n't, Part 1 --Miscellaneous. Part 2•—Stauier's Crucifixion, Soloists --Tenor, Mr, Goodwill; Bass, Mr. Milne Rennie. Organist—Prof. Anderton Seats 25e; proceeds for choir and other church purposes. Susie Elliott, formerly of this city, The bride was attended by her daugh- ter Mrs. Hugh O'Connor as ,matron oZ honor, and Mr, George McCullough assisted Mr, Davis as best man► The happy couple. left immediately aitez the ceremony forMr;. Davts' home at Exeter." ACCIDENTLY DISCHARGED. «chile Mr, Saxon Fitton was exam- ining a repeating shot gun. in his store on Friday afternoon a shell ac- cidently exploded, and the charge went through the .lower panel of the doer and onto the sidewalk: Luckily no one' was passing or injury might have resulted, The gun, we understand, had been. away to be repaired, and in testing the working we believe that loaded shells are necessary.. In this case one jammed and exploded, OLD KING GRIPPE. Old King grippe has borne sway in many banns .inn, Exeter and surrounding SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES country during the pest couple weeks. In many ,:aces the whole ,household have been victims. The epidemic has 11 nm..—Hon-ss Meeting.affected nearly all in about the same 7 p.m.—Salvation Meeting. way and whla there have thus far 2,30 p.m.—Sunday 'S..hoo1 and Bible been, few serious results, temperatures :lass, and special and tray for the have been running high and in aiearly Primary Class. every case the victims have been left Cottage meetings in North End on in a vry well ened m ditaon. Amcng Tuesday might_ those who .ha y: been ''. ted and Capt. MacGillivray Lieut. Parnell now suffering are the fallowing:—lltrs. Wm. May and son, Gordon, .Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Davis, Mrs. iC. Birntey Y. P. C. A Mrs. E. Appleton, Mr. Ed. ,Howald, Mr. R. N Rowe, Mr. Thos. Disney and family, Mr. A. J. elcDomell, Dr. John Ward and family, Rev. and Mrs. Cbisiley, Thames ,Road, Rev, and Mrs. Foote, Mrs. Sid Davis, Mr+. ;Chester Harvey, Mr,. and Mr4. George Hawk- ins, Mr Ulric Snell, Mrs. Rich Mur- phy Mr. Bruce Ritvers, Miss Hilda Powe Rev. and loins. Wilson. Mr. Willis Powell, Mr,. and Mrs. R. W. Fuke, John and Theodore Wal.per, Mrs. T. R. Ferguson and her mother, Mr. Goldie Cochrane, Mr, and Mrs. B. IKer- nick and family; u'dr_ Homer Bagshaw, Mrs. Jas. Creech, Mrs. Thos,. Creech, Mn. Bert Clark, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dearing, Mrs. Silas Handford and daughter Muss Aflie, Mr,. and eIrs1. John Taylor; .Ann street; Mr. 'Thomas Sweet Mr, A. H. Doupts, Usteornte; Mr. Connor, Mrs. John. Morgan and (laugh ter Mr. Nelsen Stanlake a.nd feenily, Stephen; ,MT and Mrst Milton Russ,e,11, Hay; Mrs, Walter Cunning - cif Wm•Tapp, Miss Ruby An- drewham, Mr,, Vlrs. Georg.e Windsor. to ----- Mrs. Trumper visited in London the latter part of rant week,, Mr. Claxton of Detroit is visiting his 'uncle, Mr W. W. Taman. Miss Curliss has returned to town and resumed her millinery business, Mrs, J. A. Stewart returned Saturday £rani a vielt in Toronto. and liow- manvii;l.le, Dr. Ward's mother of Londops -ar- ruved here,.or Friday to care air the siok la his home. lours, Snell, after a visit with Mrs,, T. 0.. Soutih!cott, returned Thursday to her bottle in Toronto,' , C Mrs HoPPQ r Of Beirave s �crit ` av- eral days with her aster, Mars..Chan Bnrneye through the week.' Mr.' Wm. Bradt of London wales' here iweer Sunday owlitnlg to/the illness or his mother, ,wthia,has Awe ' "rer covered. 1011,$, Ratls!on, weavo arras been vis.itin,g hrents, ler. atoll Mrs. VY: sett, ra turned Menden to : her diorite NOrth 73arp. In the Pubae Library. Ladies only an Wednesday night, from 7 to 8 p.m. All members from 8to11pan, The fee on the Alley reduced to 5c. begins to -night for the next 4 creeks Trivitt Memorial Church a m.—"The Problem ;of Temptation! p, m.—"Judas Isearnot." Rev A. A. Tsuaper, Keeton OAVEN PRESBx EifI.N (7111JRCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday school and Bible classes. 11 a.- m.—"The Independence Spirit to Time. 7 - p. m. ---"Societies' Ingratitude its Heroes." M The Minis -test Boy Scouts meet Friday evening. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson, B.A. 11 3 pm—Sabbath School acral Bible Study. 7 p.m — Congregation' and Choir sine's*. All welcome. move. MAIN ST. METHODIST .C'HURCH'. Rey Geo. McAlister, M. A. Phone 2111`. 11.00 nm.—"Rains ;of Righteousness" 3 p.m.—Sunday Sehooi etsid Bible . Classes. ' 7..00 p.m " Footsteps ,of tth.e Floark" AT ,BETHANY 2,30 p.m.—"In,DaysPait.4' -3Vfestor Truck and Horse Dray at your Service, Awfa Livery Horse' Livery BAGSHA`W 8c. EAS'rON easeneennassfansillinielatileolliewelliseellins4 PHONE 32 JONES 84 MAY PuoN=x regna ?.na t.fnt.n.:q ee'e ire ee....r w'e • c a n wet'•+.este: e t e rs le s O,e e o a h r y,.a , . ne Your Figure Makes . 1f Or Mars Your Gowns So why not have the long, flat,_ fashionable lines which are so necessary if you would look truly chic? A Neono Se ff. ' 11) educing Corset will gently .massage away undesirable abdo- minal flesh, and re- store your figure to its natural grace and. symmetry. A Nemo li> maniere or .r (}diet will distribute eVen- ly your bust and. shoulder flesh and complete the good lines of your figure. WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF NEMO, LA GRACE, GOSSARD .tx1 D. \ A. CORSETS TO SELECT 1rRO1i. :+ • • •: • v, •. +;. 4* ,tie + +1+ ,p. + ,• rA 4, i 1+ • 4, • r4 .•x4.4++4.444444+4'.+ 444.1-4,444a4.esti•:-:•a 1. .4•o4d• • 4:4 4 •.`44+ ..44:010.• SALE OF BOYS' FINE SHIRTS LADIES AND .HISSES SUITS 69c.; or 2 .Eor $1,25 We place on sale this week dozene of boys' fine negligee shirts, sixes 12% to 14; good material} and patterns, to clear at 69c, each, or 2 for $1,25 COATS AND DRESSES NOW IN STOCK. NEW WALL PAPERS TO SUIT ALL ROOMS. Seising Stock now ready I. R. Carling, B.A Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mole sons Bank, Etc. INVEST YOUR FUNDS in Victory, Dominion of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all legal investment for Trust Funds. At existing prices frtyTn 6 per cent. to 7 oer cent can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to loans at lowest rates of interest • Office—Carling Bk., Main St, Exeter Display Advertising—Made known on appaleatiare Stray Animals—One insertion 50c.,. three insertions $1.00. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five ]Safes, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and Found locals 25c. an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 10c. „per line per insertion.. No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Auction Sales $3 for one insertion and $L50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in length, Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. aline. Farm or Real Estate for sale Sllc. each insertion for ane month of four insertions, SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 New 'Arrivals for • Sp p rill g Misses' & Ladies' New Spring Coats It is a real pleasure to show the New Spring Coats}. The styles are Snappy; the Cloths greatly improved oven last season's and preces are tnuch lower, Come in ,and try them' on. 40 INCH ALL WOOL SERGE 36 INCH BLACK SILK This beautiful Black Messalime SiL is 36 inches wide, is splendid weight, has fine, even weave and ,is guaranteed to give satisfaction to the wearer: Our special .price is per yard ... $2.50 Just the: thing for dresses in ,colors of Brown and Blue. An all : wenol. serge, 40' inches Wide, in; good, qual- ity at per yard �85G Bo....,Y s' Youths' and Men's Clothing New Clothing C ot.h n, at Lower Prices. You will want" a new suit for Easter, This season we have ' a much 'larges range ' than. last, The ,cloths are bet- ter. We have serine great values en Boy's Suits .for stivoo). at $6«50 $8,•50 and $11,00. COMFORTER SHINTZ• x2 • 36 in h.es wade in floral and Paisley patterns,. 'S x good patean to choose Olen!. e At , per yard 30 NEW HOUSE ,DRESSIS Thus week we ate :showing % anew range of -imexpen,sl,ve house ()resales and aprons cv1uUi we 'Offer at popular prizes 52.00,;$2.25 and $3.00 Wall -Papers Get , your paperietg :dotxe bofore t h' pea cr hangers .get too busy, •.)tux st-la .'^s larthan .ever Maury raw d sig s and `;'olarixug,s A 'f"ew last' seasor,'ea papers- at . great reuetians}." t''B hcc�t o. THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTit Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Ucsexoelled dining car service. Sleeping cars ors night trains and Parlor cars on principal day trains.. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn- ing District Passrinper Aunt, Torque p. DOR Phone 46w. Agent, Exeter DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Offence—Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly, attended to day oe, nigh'R. DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDoalell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w Dr, G. F. Roulsto.i L. D. S., D. P. S. ' DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Cloyed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. 'KINSMAN; L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto. Umi'rerdtY office --over Glydman St ;. Stenbury'd Office, Main Street,Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Fenn Stock Sales a Specialty. Office ,a!i'� Central Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Hutton and 1yltidksei Prices Reasonable' and Satisfactluw Guaranteed. Crediton, Ontario. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount af privat fundsto lout on farm and villa'p� property at '.law rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBUR: Banisters, •' Solicitors, Exete+ ;IIS rr ''� rr