The Exeter Advocate, 1922-3-2, Page 7HAS NEVER FELT Marine -Engine Condenser of Novel Construction, FINS Considerable attention. has been at - marine engines that has been invested t in Belgium,' and patented in several countries. The object of the inven- i then is to eliminate automatically all; causes for engine breakdown dile to defeetiv a feed water, preventing the entsttuce of salt water into the bailers, and maintaining in the eondeus•er a constant state of cleanliness, Phe • condenser lids a steam chamber at one end eoneected W the engine exhaust, and another at the other end -connect- ed onnect ed to the air pump. Between these two chambe , ill tate plain body of the concis vs 'r in which the water circu- lates, are series of pipes, divided into tyro or more separate groups, so that One grcup .eau be cut off by a shut-off valve front the othere, and can be at- tended to without requiring the stop- page of the engine, In conneeUou with each cf these groups is a speeiatly de- sfgned salluolneter--au instrument for meaeuring tae quantity of salt that. ,there may be in solution in the, water of the condenser --that is electrically connected with an instrument board in the engine room, containing warning lamps that by ignition irdieate a den. gerous condition of the water. STORMY lug' mc. was as Placed inside it. When the apparatus was rotated the figures HAS ON BA,B l seen at the slots seemed to be in motion. About 1872 Edward hluy- bridge made the first systeulatie Photo - r a• 1bS of p inert and rad a*tirnals taken at regular intervals with a view to slhew- int; thele in notion. TIFF traeted to a surface condenser for i '`TANLAC MADE A CLAN SWEEP OF MY TROU- BLES DECLARES TO- RONTO CITIZEN, Wife and Daughter Also Greatly Benefitted by Mas- ter Medicine.. "Taralae axed me up so fine that I uuit taking it three months ago, and r I've been feeling great ever since," said Thomas Brown, of 140 Hamilton Street, Toronto, employee of the Wm. Davies Co. "Indigestion and stomach disorder was my trouble, and for three years •before I got Tarlac I was in lnigirty • bad shape. Why, if l drank a cup at tea and ate a little buttered bread for breakfast I would bloat terribly and be in awful distress. I had to let /heat and pies alone, Anil ..fter meals I telt aa though I hada big lamp in the pit of my etomaeh. I had headaehes a great Beall, too, and there was :;harp, shooting pains around ley heart that r*early worried the life out of me.. "After faking Tarlac my wife and daughter thoug1rt so much of it that they got me to try tho nredicino, and It proven to be the very thing I need- ed. }, it has made a clean sweep of all rely troubles and given Ire the very best kind of an appetite. I can eat just anything I want now and I reel as at and fine as I ever olid in my life, Taniac is what did the werk in ray case and I don't wake any secret' efit" Tarlac 1 s sold by all good druggists. Advt. Search others for their virtues, and yself for thy vices, ---Fuller. MONEY ORDERS. Remit by Dominion Express Honey Order If lost or stolen yon get your money back:. Better to hold your tongue to -day than regret y one words to -morrow. 'Kinard's Llntmpnt for Olatempnr. Seeing Both Sides of the - Shilling At Once, An ordinary shilling piece, a con- tributor tells us, was largely respond able ter the origin ,of the present-day motion picture. Some hundred years ago • Sir John Bersebel asked kris friend Charles Babbage whether he could show both sides of a shilling' at once. Babbage replied by taking a shilling from his pocket and holding it in front of a mir- ror. Sir John was not eatIsiled and set the shilling spinning on a large table; at the same time he explained that if you placed your oye on alevel with the coin you could see both sides of it at once. Babbage was so much impressed with the experiment that the neat day he described it to his friend, Dr. Fit- ton, who immediately made a working model. It was a cardboard disk with the picture of a bird on one side and of an empty bird cage on the other. When the card was wtirled on a silk thread the bird appeared to be inside the ease. The model, which is called a. thaurnatrope, sa wed that the eye retains the image of an object for a fraction of a second after it Inas been removed. Following the thauntatrepe cane the zoetrope, or "wheel of life." A cylin- der was perforated with a series of slots, and a band of drawings of lane - The stormy, blustery weath er hi ch we have during February and :March is extremely hard on children. Condi- tions .make it, necessary for the moth - to keep then* in the house. They are often confined to overheated, bad ly ventilated roams and catch colds which rack their whole systeru. To guard against this a box of Baby's Own Tablets should be kept in the house and an occasional dose given the baby to keep its stomach mud bowels working regular'y, This will not fail to break up colds and keep the health of the baby in good condi- tion till the brigbter days come along. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 2a cents a box from The Dr. Williams' :iledicine Coe I3rocltville, Ont. Beauty. Oh, I bad sought for Beauty, And dreamed that it might be At the end of distant pathways Beyond a tropic sea---- •- In, radiant silver moonways By a golden tropic sea. But when I went to seek there. The pantiug waves slid lie Beneath a pail of darkness Under a moonless sky— Sadly we turned us home again Aly tired 'heart and I. Fever criticize that 1 ' h IdAnd there above my doorway not do better. Il 1'afu 'con Surnames anfl Their Orignsi DUNCAN —. Vara tt n a a s Dunc , c Donna ancon a M . c hie, Tcnnochy, Donachle, Oun- nachie, MacGonnechy, MacConachie. 1teciai Origin—Scottish, Source—A given name. Though the family name of Duncan,' with some of the foregoing variations. in some cases represents a develop - stent from the Gaelic name of one of the Irish clans, it is, for the most part, Scottish Gaelic, and traces back to the Clan Robertson, of the Scottish High- lands. There is not, however, any connec- tion other thtan a historical one he tween the name of Robertson and Duncan. It simply happcqu.s that the English. and Gaelic names of this elan are entirely different, which is no un- usual thing among the Seottiwslt clans. The Gaelic designation of the clan is "Chlann Donnacliitidh" or Clan Dona- chle, or Duncan. History is a bit hazy but the founders of this clan were ap- parently descendants of the old Earls of Athol, and the clan took its name from one of these, "Donnehadh (or Duncan) Reamhar," who led it at the battle of Bannockburn, The English sh desi pati"n of Clan lan; Robertson was a later development in the reign of King in o g J amen I. from the name of Robert, then its chieftain. All of the foregoing family names are but developments and changed fu rlusf o the Gaelic. r.h•t• ruq of the clan. A.NSO N. Variations—Hanson, Anottson, An notson. Racial Origin --English, Source—A given name. Family names in this group may carne either from the masculine given name of ,John or Anthony. or the feral. - nine of Anne. But the presence or absence of the initial "Ii", in the family mune consti- tutes no indication whatever whether er not it conies. from Aim or Haus. .As Inas been explained in revious articles, the name of John was more anciently Johan or Johannes. It has given rise to suelt varied forum as John, Joan, Han, Hans, Joanna, Jevon, Ivan, Hannah, ,Anita, Ann and others too numernus to mention, and to a still more nttlnerous list of family name:, prominent among vvHch are Jones, Johnson, Hahn, Haenn and the like. - As a family name the form of An- son might come into being either frown "Run's -son" or from "Haul's -son," and it also might a have g co me from "Anthony's -son." The ' "ot" syllable appearng pP g I. n the other two variations is simply the regular Norman diminu- tive, meaning "little," which we find A young moon laughed at me, Caught in the tangled branches Of urine own willow tree -- From its green and silver branches Beauty smiled down ou mei --Edna Valentina Trapnell.. Shifting the Responsibility, The children of a young college pro- fessor badbeen. sent upstairs and told to keep quiet while their parents were entertaining guests at dinner. During a lull in the conversation the youngest boy appeared in the dining room doorway, "Mamma," he said. "there's nothing but clean towels in the bathroom, Shall I start one?" r. Progress, Anyhow. "I'm not at all sure," said the pro- iiteer's wife to the heats muster of one faslrionable preparatory school, "how your school is going to suit: my dear hey," The heal master smiled confidently. "Yeti need not worry about that, madam." he said. "We've teuglit him how to hold his knife already." in the given name -of Annette, for in- stance, but which was equally appli- cable to masculine and feminine names. When we say that these family names may come either from Ann John or Anthony, we mean that doubt exists only in the individual instance, for the old records clearly establisli that they actually did come variously from all three of these sources. -Why does any healthy erson want -to be kicked into wakefulness in the moi: nin Many people feel that they- have to be agitated into wake- fiullness in the morning. They think that without the tea or .coffee they take in the morning that they will not be able to meet the tasks and'duties of the day. Nothing could be more false than thieasoning,'.Anydoctor cantell fyou this. For a healthy body does not need or ,require a stimulant. It gets all bile stir*- ularit it needs from -food, The thein and caffeine found in tea and• coffee are irritating to the heart and nervous system. They jolt the nerves into undue activity. The result is a reac- tion. This is -why- regular tea and coffee drinkers think they must have their stimulant the first thing in the morning to wind them up for the day. If you will stop using tea and Coffee for a week, and drink Poston, the pure cereal bever- age instead, it will'give Nature an opportunity to rid the system of the irritating substances that harass your nerves, upset di- gestion, increase your heart action, and make you nervous and irritable Many people who have tried - Posturn say that inside of a week.. they wake in the morn- ing without that "all gone" feel- ingthat they used to have, and are full of energy, °strength and endurance. Order •Postunl from your grocer today, and make it ac- cording to directions. Your first sip. of Postum will surprise and please you: Postiur comas in two forms: Instant Postern (in tins) made instantly in the cup by the addition of 'boiling water. Postttm Cereal Oire packages of larger bulk, for those .who prefer to make the drink while the meal is beingpit:- pared) made by belling' for 20 minutes, tum for Hellth a Reason" Made by Canadian Postern Cereal Co., Limited, Windsor, Ont. TREAT RHEUMAIr i TR UGH T. BLOOD Liniments and Rubbing Only . Give Temporary Relief. Rheumatism is a trouble extremely difficult to get rid of. if a tendency to rheumatism is established in the sys tem it:makee itself Manifest hy'a re turn of the acute pains with ever spell of bad wveatler, Tble is why so Many People thiol- the trouble is dile COARSE SALT LAN D -SALT Bulk Carrots TORONTO SALT WORKS O. J. CLIFF e TORONTO !..nw*•r+.w•,rrn.•,. N,.H•N,,,•r,yr.CN.' THIN, FLAT. HAIR r GROWS LONG, HICK to sold or damp.. The fact is knowvn t however, to medical men. that with the appearance of rheumatism there is a repel 'Wattle Of tire blood, and that the rheumatic poisons are only expelled from the system when the blood Is restored to it.' normal _ condi- tion, This means that to drive then- rnatiszn from the system it must be treated through the blood, and for this purpose Dr. willianss• Pink Pills have been ti,ery successful, as they build u , and enrich the bland, Usus easing th aching, swollen joints, and beuetitting the health of the sufferer in other ways as well. .,prong t a rheumatic sufferers who lrave satisfactorily used this medicine fs Airs, James Gillen, Ohailottetow•n, PRI., who says: "For three long mertits I suffered terribly front rireurnati m. I was so batt that I eouid not tlo my Izoi rework, and even to attempt to walk caused me agony. I spent a great deal of Money on liniments and medicine+ without getting g the least benaiit, and my con- dition was Pitiable. At this stage rnY attention was called to Dr. Williams' Pink fills, and 1 began taking this medicine. and shall always praise the day I dict so. Before long there was no doubt that I bad at last found something that would gine me relief. I gladly continued using the bills with the result that I am rsow as well as ever I was, able to do usy leousework and care for any children. Since that time one of my dauglitera fell into an anaemic condition an was obliged to discontinue going to school. I gave her Dr, Pink Pills, and now she is as healthy a, girl as there is in fihe city. You may be sure I lose no opportunity in prnisln g Chia mediei se,” Dr, William' Pink Pills can be had through any medteine dealer, or by mail at 50 cents a ben or six boxes for $.50 front The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, An Improvement "Where you goin', Ma?" "To a surprise party, dear:" "Aren't you gain' to take all of us?" "No, dear, you weren't Invited." "But, ma, don't you think they'd be a lot more surprised If they saw all of us cornice?" Mother! Open Child's Bowels With California Fig Syrup Your little one will love the "fruity" taste of "California, Fig Syrup" even if constipated, bilious, irritable, feverish, or full of cold, A teaspcouful never fails to cleanse the liver and bowels. In a few hours you can see for your- self how thoroughly It works all the sour bile, and undigestetlfood out of the bowels and you have a well. play. fui child again. Millions of mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea- spoonful to -day sap e•; a sick child to- morrow. Ask your druggist for genu- ine " C'ulifornia Fig Syrup" whieh has directions for babies .and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother? You must say "California" or you may get an imitation lig syrup. The Manitoba Legislature has been asked to vote $50,000 for the coming anti -grasshopper campaign. Iilnard's Liniment for target in Cows. The house of Worth. Worth, the most famous of Parisian dressmakers, whose name for half a century has suggested everything that is tasteful and sparkling in the art of dress, was not a Frenchman at all, but an Englishman. . His full name was Charles F. Worth, and he was born at Bourne, Lincolnshire, in 1825. He was the son of a lawyer's clerk, and has first start in Life was as a salesman in a TLan•don drapery s,aop, Dissatisfied with his position, he crasaed to Prance and entered the service of Mnrs. Gage - lin, at that lime one of the foremost madistes in Paxil; he worked for her as designer. It is said he came to Paris with only .one sovereign in his, pocket. Ile left Mate. Uagelin to start for; himself and took a flat in the Rue. de -a Pais, where Itis films is still situated; At that time—during the Second Em- pire—it was a fashionable .residential i 1 street, and the iababitanis objected- to the presence Of Ft httis�iiie;s 'titan among i them, The Empress lt;ugenie took 'an. nterest in .the young mast and helped o make his fortune. Besides his de- igns, his particular contribution to th•ebusiness of, dressmaking was to in-! Unless you see the name `Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all, Why take chances? AND ADUNDANT •`a,M!n,*f,')A*agsoe+.M*UNrs,»++,i•.AvfAaAA„AA...n,a,.ue,..ansa„ 'iJnnderine" GOS'4 only h cents a bottle• Otte application ends ail dandruff, Stops itching: anti failing hair, in a have moments, you a doubled the beauty of your hal',.. • . It will appear a mass, 90 soft, lustrous, and easy t e :do up. But what will d:le;asc you most will be after a few weeks use, when you see new I airee:fano mita ' ylj downy at first—yes` bat really new Bair growing all over tae seep. „ We" is to the hair whet fresh showere of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. This deliglstf I, stimulating tonic helps thin, lifeless, faded hair to grow long, thick, heavy and luxuriant SLOAN'SBELIEVE Classified Advertisement,: Aifig WANTED. I ND DESCRIP- ,tion And prleo. John T. kjlack, •n1ppewa, Falls. Wis. IS THERE A VI.7I,CANIZEn' t IN •k Otyit town? . we You earn 9Wr a .for par- ticulars. Chief instructor, Canaria 'rut, ,canker and haps. Co., Ltd., London, oTin, T torsi a. BLI41 NATkID • -„,,.0b,,,,,,..,...urea i , rr test invention gut. STOTLIK .hire Valve. Stops and prevents all teaks. Jolts all tires. 5 years Guarantee. Idealers, garages car and bicycle owners. :write for particulars. Sample SQe. Ault) Specialty Altg.. Teterboro, Ont. A t:ItIT3c LAu:v.4:X" TA1sr,I,TS New was}:lug discovery. Positively cleans clothes without rubbing,. 75 lA orile(-,re ss lies4Bs t,+.�.. Carr yeemtums i:,.:lae ind 55' , raper Oi•r sr�. iS!,g advertising campaign. U. K E. Mtg.(:ca, Our ,'on, Ont. s Tl IC:T .'�Ui 4T.i Y •JIt ,, V vT 114111 to z• eh to iz,raners "nd gardt- ra a ntiric treatment for the moil guae- : nutted to increase ln•odaction at u I of from one to two dollars per a re; +t"a want spoil, substantial en&n,"w,ho cele sell 100 of their territory; earning tru,ta $3,O W) up per y, and ;Ante to assume full res*ponslbility ,,t- eta •cess or terri- tory. Apply Soil 1 Vac:Pine company of Usst:eo5,+, Limited, yonge Street. To. "i-Sul'A.N AAT tithe -.atbum, Ont. NEURALGIC ACHES OR. forty ware Sioan's Liniment c has been the quickest relief for neuralgia, sciatica and rlheuma- *ism, tired musette, latae backs, sprains and strains, aches and pains. Keep Sloan's handy* and apply freely, witness* rubbing, at the fret twinge. ; It eases and brings comfort surely and readily, You'll find it clean and non -Skin -staining. &loan's Liniment is Rain's enemy. ,Asa,;yourneighbor. At all druggists -35e, 10c, $1.40. .Made to Canada. 40 Sloa Linitnen CUTICURA HEALS ITCHY SCALP Was Sore and Red. Raiz Fell Out. Tad Disfigured. "Froin using the same brash and comb as my sister, whose scaip was troubled with daa4ru8'•, it caused my scalp to beitchy. Myscalpwas sore and red, and the dandruff scaledoffand ,could be seen on my 'clothing. My hair fell out gradually and my head was disfigured. This trouble lasted six months. Then I sent for a free arszaple of Cuticura Soap and Ointment. /afterwards bought more, and I only used two cakes of Soap and two boxes v Ointment when 1 was hank,..•' (Signer) Miss Frances Borns, Sr. Bacile, Qusbac. Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum for all toilet purposes. 8pxpreEeec caabssMatr.Address: "Lym,.n,,Zis- ii.d 544 E,. Pani S:.. W., Montreal.' Sold every- whera. Seaa25c,0intment25and19e.Tek,an25c. rte* 'Cuticura Soap shaves without mug. laxwa'irys, tipped sub;eet tta Atnprio In Canada YOISK ,fsi5E.'P RK. STRZIW. TOIiONT t1 G The beginning self -condemnation.. eformatior. The Lint . n me t That la Fac yes es{{ A Ailment, EFORE BABY COME$ Watchful Care'Necessary 9 Lydia F. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound is i splendid medicine and ehould be taken by the calve: east mother. It will assist her in keep- ing well and strong. This ie very zteeessmry, not only for her own vela - fort but for the future as well. Rea the i ox qr once of Mrs. Read ,t.Iz- p Bar- ton of New Brunswick, and please bear in mind that every letter pub- lished recommending Lydia T. Z'in'c ham's vegetable Compound Is genuine and unsolicited, It is the euprrwsioa of gratitude from ew'oulen who have been helped. Cumberland Bay, N. B.—"I was troubled with weak feelings, head- ache, all the time, a cough, fainting spells and pains in my back and side, I could not do a single bit of work and had to be helped out to the hammock where I lay in the fresh air from morning until night and I had to be carried its an•l down stairs. After other medicine:e bad failed a. friend nelvzx+d ire to take Lydia B. Pinlcharn s Vegetairle Com- pound as she said it was excellent for anyone in the family way. Be- fore the first bottle was taken I could -wall; alone and as I kept en with it I got stronger. until I was able to do all nay wore:. :riy halhy is now six weeks old and is a big fat healthy fellow, I am sure Lydia E. Pinkbaut's Vegetable .Compound has done wonders for ire and i recent. mend it. "—AIns. Nunn..- J. 'Banrom, It. R. No. 1, Cumberland Bay, N. B, ARET For Constipated Bowels—Bilious - Liver The nicest cathartic -laxative to physic your bowels when you have Headache Biliousness Colds Indigestion Dizziness Sour Stomaeb l is candy -like Cascarets. One or two { 1 -1 la up. 'Befog^e itis wro; all I ranks olrcse their stuffs thoemsensotyes `at `t.he sill. n marc+.'. ants' i;t ilie linen drap- e1's': Oa his cleatit Ills btl5in as Iles- cended to leis sons,' and it is a grand-' son that is n& . at the head o1: the f to -night will empty pletely by morning splendid. "They sleep." Cascarets or gripe like salts, 011, and they cast box. Children love your bowels cram and you will feel wort_ while • you never stir you tip Pills. Calomel, or only ten cents a Cascarets too. WARNING! • Say; 'Barer" when you buy Aspirin. lrans•mai,er's npii ing the materials s well as cutting a.isd tnaldrai .them • 7E you are not good-looking, why not look good'? Accept only an "unbroken package': of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose -worked out by ;. physicians during 22 years and proved'. safe by millions for Colds - -leaclache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, rain lF1faocy "Bayer"boxes of le tablets --Also bottles of 2 and 100 ---Druggists. it II 'tyas,ltt1;):Ecolo' e1S1tiriil e. the trade. an rir (registered Sit d n.acia). at Payer Mnnu'fao ors of Steno . aceiicasidesLer et Salicyllc;tcicr. 'While it le well Itaionn tlntt-..A.enirin means Tiayew for wo1rman.4 el°thitl,p '2:.)_()() .`3 C`1r, a*?'(p': 'inariuftactnre, to assist t e public a-ga.inst 1rultations,.the Ta1,Seta OL na)�er Company— •_.- .., 1ssuE No. 8--,'22 ;1,. 5111 Y4.ata1tiped Wall their general trads. mark,trtd "Eitty,r Crow,., JR Q•thti .ail •„+h Ttir9 f-�.J;,l,o .y.. ,” , 'l -1 4 4 .1 4 4 w 1 4 4 r i a 1 1 .1 1 +et 1 a 4 4 r a 4 4 A r 4 M