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The Exeter Advocate, 1922-3-2, Page 3
tet Canada From Coast to Coast ^ St. Whets, N .-1m or c� to extent c_n ends k reached here, •aNearly the deveeloprnenatofthe herr:mg'isah<_ry, two, ha,. -lett settez's from the Oan ac:+sn Pattirie steam hip. "Mont:elm"' arrived (tering the week bound for funetne s• and powers alei:'.,er to the wetter: psi nts. rizeheriee 13c"azxl of Scotland, its being Portage La Prairie, Man.—F'%fteetr ardveeated by the St. jams' Board of thee, and seeks of flour, the gift of Trade. This Beard would etncourege Weetexn Canadian fanners, to the the wore general adoption cf ,..the Arnienie`ns through the Relief , As. a- "Scotelz ccuzre" and other "improved elation, left this -point for New Orleans method's" of preserving fish and would for khii:anent to Gee eautinop?o. Ap-. see that :herrings exported were cf a ;rearla for aid frl" Atmetrca found; a standard: quatOty. f reeady response among 'MManitn'a and Bumf sere de, ]aE,I.--It hags been Saskab4hewazt farmers, donations be- e,tivaated that tetra far fiarnaez•.s have frig from two to IIVe bushels per load. eareed $250,000 in the pest three Regina, 'Seal:.—The totaa Output ox n."snths. Fainters ape ectn?iAg in aft creamery batter franc the t$ cream- inereaeing extent to realize the profits "Ica cpeertt,:ng in ,�ohltatthewan dui-. of fox farming as,,a side line, and, silo iins 1921 woe ?,485,552 pounds, valued pleatenting the lerger reaches, the at $2,609,410. The total value of all br ort:no of a few foxes is 'becoming t dairy products was $18,774,445. This an adjunct ct 'to other agrieuitur I activi- ties. etivi-ties. This is hearing a beneficial etfeci, on the ;tri e of the 'town which now hes a 2'ee-t',t,tion cf 3,000 Hahifa:,:,. N.S,-. -Tn order to en curage reforest alien in Nova Scotia. Frank J. D. Barnum, of Aut aro"i; Royer,. N. the creation of a Nestroun+•?i'an L Fide- ing Boars nor,,-polktical, and h'evir is the fir et year into history of the province that the ; altiee a the cream- ery output has reached the seven hail-. ? an peuni mark. The "figuree also, f=low an ir.:teat a of 50,000 cows in the proviree in the past ever. Edmonton, Alta.—Nearly thee 5:, is reported to have offered a cash thousand fanners attenIed the Alberta bonus a $2 en .acre to the farrcexa Government mixed feinting train in. of "ova Seo• .i for erre aer,e re the first week cf its itinerary. The i piece cr 1-ine see;lt:; v pl> ;ted ' be train whish is nt.:elt:sl with excellent? them on their funs the Cirrlali, � t} es, of tivettoCi� ,an.3 s"th:orapaniut 7 � '''14-ingof limn. :No orae :'zs A:tr" is te, eelentitic zgrinatterists, is scent out by : ➢�e paid .1 lz 2' o mare 1"43" a 100 the Previn ''al Government fon` the the. t ;= 31 of Utter mixed faruirtierce, gs to cue:but; the plantings mehl Alberta. apo�_ihleoes Pr°' CaamAhBufale steaks war ver Location and method et plait;- . _• ,, n.• erfsyeii, after a lor;g abs,nae oi•' tliF ang Mit he approve by the p tient merit forester of :Nova Seotto, if ores f, 'r's�' by Alberta veterans of the on atiipuinte4, atlreriFl by kir l3arrt 1 t i I+Tnrtl.-1iTe t Mounted I'alrce aA ;iitlla.1Y ,+, their rAnnu l reunion in Calgary on fug •. tear•, to eieture eeyore^;::tory tete. . 9 Ti,., bu#t;•a1a wag supplied b ,esu s, e„ the FCj,Pr.el Government from then Freate 3 o.., �i.13, -.b rte ala ay fro- Hari: at '4i'eintivrieht, Al:.a. +'^,3,:, (f the Province of New Metre- ranteaste:, 73.1; -.-..-Over $'11,0!10,000 wick in 1921 were v+l.re3 at 8927,034,' worth 'G'f eraduett were ;;.lipped from net -et -dire, to the aftic al .atist:to this p el. to the 'United States elate Fr 'u>tion i ;l•uthet 1,000,303 pimple- if:']ries 1921. Attlee?, the c m n oditi ee l:eeete, vetoed at $304,$04; 1,102,020 ,., . o m milk, r-0 ern". :t $470,870; chii~gf:l�1!,z3L nA('it9, S r�,�;o, fresh milk, V oareli154,02O a Of butter, valued at •+:- fish, tort, Aare Neale eerie, gains, yeti at S„ ga..onn f ko tr,..,arn, 1.A•- i fes: is r este mane, tea, spices, weal, "01,3 S' le;;;, t.rr.'ser•, p;Arcr hate taral:s ems - r Que — A rt"i tar.' from ..print,. coal, l.!li#�, p etin.rtn,. gold, silver 'Noe o t,,sisl., Ru ,,.a., t t;ites that three ore, nitrate et siert, sulphate of am- han:ireJ MO' 33 Gatti-fo',u• oil tanks rim ria, t:r231 te, etc. have i."een rereeved there front Canada 1 T{a.,';,, B.C.-.-Piehint;, peeking. and tied 30.1 :note are ea route. The 7 shiepiag true lergo;t fruit crop u iLe etfanlsra Canadian Seymour And; (ion-, history, the Weti.�, Kootereay's returns inaettin R n� r 'bro.tght tanks as well, from fruit alone during 1921, on the c r.isce,.s ..,ate rergoca of sheet, be Rh; rf V,:;.c,3,1 at fie it cf �liasart':et, f ier� catfN att:t ageirmitur;,1 inirl3-4 will 'cc• con-"i'herattly over $600,000. The re ai,e crap is ehineeted at 350 Tel oa:te, Ont. --Another• unit of the. ors, a gain cf more than 100 per cent. 0e'r• k.,l Metope Gerperat•ion is beim; over 1920, valued at $300,000. Stt•aw-w ora ar..zeti hi Canada, anti wig be tarries a'.o ::few a, 100 per ecnt. in- kseavt:t las the Oakland Meier Cr' crease, , r �, v 0th air eytimaread value of ampiriy. I R;:1belo.ated:ttC).tar.ura,:$u5,000. Ont., and +ep.,�ations acre exneeted to; Prince Rupert, T3.C,--•An additional gi �, A REMtNISG.gNT' PrCTURE gi 'This group la uitograph is peculiarly appropriate In view of the marriitge i l of Princess Mary. It shows the late Queen V ictcr1a with t'ri1ee;,:t Mary and ti three of her brothers. The Princess is wearing a a:atlor hat. The nbeto• I graph w,as ni0de In 1899 on the Qcea • of :! visit to Osborne. coalmer..a in Muni). The cam;,any: emit, sufficient to preduee thirty tens uxearly hes on its bouts Baine large' of ice.:ally, will be added to the plant crrx',.::s fcr export. The Canadian of the Cane i,ian Fish end Cold Storage blank of General Motor, locate. .'tt, Company here at a cost of $25,000. The Qt+er;iti'<:a, he now turaair.; out more ears n'I]it on`:0 capacity is urgently n needed then at any ether time in its history.1, as there lass been an ice shortage \\ tie eipeg, Man.—An, advance party , every preceding year during the fish cif BA+ ti eh ee ( grants hound for west -1 season. Bringing' East and. West Together. Neave has been received froar the Reduction in British Army Estimates An corn --No. 2 ,. lb ; k No. 3 yellow 7511g; No.4 Il '''b ' Ontario comb I 1 ' 11 Developing Canada's Water- Powers. arneueet its grr ; atet men 'aryto have r need :n this f'ie i of cr ,tne :- rrg The present s e:le.4 will, ttem-t :re, Prof. I:. V. Angus, of t'i' Facult 9 w $ , i mint rt�.e re u a:.i,,,lt see argil; 3� g t . Ai ,, c..:.;, into c.., a, [tf Ira e tepee end I,r ;ireeceirg, cornett with tl:: men alta are r:"epen L''r;:te :`rty of Toteenta, las arranged sia.1'.e for the eT'ii.eerine wore: of the it setiess+r special lectures ea \ ater greatest oxater• ow; rs in An.eric a d ; pewee development fol' entreats aa::*:l thei tfa•re the "'"'3t4`t Alr tiY,' worN. C..here interested. .1'4'+e aliment en- �� •.�....T �. greyes are s eat:it:A between k'e ru- Advtacate Sending Woman r y th end Mat elf nth, en the utilize - QUESTION OF CAME EMBARGO AN ISSUEIN MESH ELECTIONS A despatch from Loretta 'sails:-- It is. nobeereatity that many n exn> Despite the statement by Sir Arthur berm of Para, amer4 'who ca few Griffith Betnewen, Millisker of goat" 'uRn{:l+a ago c kcgid t ;reel of the •earltnge, have ?raw changed culture that the British Government theatr opinionq and" •are strongly ad -e waled net remove the e r,.ca,. go cn u,e.:a+.r,z:,g th„.s stip. P (tee cazida*e Gare?-iezan teeVa., the fight Os bT' ne, Is :mow ..113t171`x»g^ in +an English Con. means over, Lc. 3 Bei •meek, wit a stitier,,..y wth fine removal of embargo has been: the fermi e o in the carat- as the *retinal phonic in his pWlorr n, paign for lifting the ban, adtheetted EquaZy ea;,`.r•ikir_ea has been the eliangt five thousand mL nreteeet the Na viortel a 'mart r ranifeeeted.. in the part or Union of Vateters at Norwich en Sat- teeny members in the National' Farrta- urd.ay. Sir Henry Thornton and Col. eras' Union. The Dally Express is Hardy Mu1line of Winnipeg, who understood to be determdtae l eta make spoke eo ftrongly _ on the matter at' the embargo et* of the issues in the the meeting of London Meat Tradees mating general ere. tirtu, and its views late week, ago s'ltoice at the Norwich are supported hy• nearly the whole of gather r . the London press. • The Cost of High Living, proper development of our boys and - girls, intellectually and physieally, There las probably never been a makes for good leer:>h?p, and lays time in the .Byer i-,zstaxy.?ten thv t to f`� ` t'O"• for self-rtuv.wing anal W' more essent ai titan at the pies- Ir • a' p d tetrg Kizens,ar» k � e;; hitt; •. M xeco t:;-ri+.tlon period of our nee rmi .es whet er they will Braytethe eet- ion. It rut be appare;: it to -every- be an asset or a o3Falai one t of river h try in years to come.one that feet necessity for new star,-� living, eaching a,f Bound a oven :. de-Mr/nee, is elizolatt'y etsentia1 in the interests of efficieney and presl:erity. .As Schwab, in a recent a'sidre .a exprest-ed it, "We trust buila cur new industria? force on the battle of e,,oralny." Thera hes :beers a wonderful awak- ening in this Connection en this con- tinent during the past twelve months. Ira the latter part a 1920, the Y.I .C.A.. in the I'r.tteci States organizer) and managed a Thrift Week in thirty-two, cities in the Union, with the full co- cpern '-n of the gosere rs of these` various cities, who i.3tued proeltana. tions for the oat c: varve el' a na'tionnl 'fir ft Week. 033 ;'tnaerican cities eo e1,rat-•1 this Thrift Weel;, the daily gapers,: felly co-opeaatinge The 1,r r° of the tnLt4 States and Cep ',a have been 'very prosperous fort the lyast ten or fifteen year;. 'hes 'everue of marry of the homes, was: Geri. 5JP v d Mtieea'aly inert'ased during the near: Distiugtttetred G;laara die n uolWatGnatiler and rough the increased neralter of wage; newspaper ran, w:la; premed away on ernsrs amid the high wages in the; Feb. 19. tie co�ainaar:ilecl the 4t!t nienitton factories, etc. The natnraIl Divislor or the Cana -lieu Corps dttring oto eoine of this is that we ]save de- the late war. c a peri extravagant tastes.• History h.,s reveeied the fact that when the en end women sacrifice thrift for the Schools for Sons IOva cf luxury, it is a day of evil fore. f Indian leering, in:asn:uch aa' the love of luxury �Soldiers P a premium on discontent. The tion of the welt water -powers of Cera- Delegate t0 the League ada. Lew F. llioo€sy of Ia'hil 'ielehia, ° A a:„ atrh .. s ,„ . iii Ajax Sauer ani Thomas t l from tltsa«.a ..a, -,s,-.. e nes II. Ii'u i The , ,t, ;tett{, of a wte tar delegate to; of the I eel a-Elia:rte Power Commis-1the League 'of Nations bee evilentl seen; W. Al. White of Miley»takee Find; found f e e e un livor riunn * .members f tl c Norman R. Gibden of T©rrinta will eaYll Natitu l Cciar..:?1 cf cozen Hee zi�'ve, deal with the rhe e of the subject in which has received a letter frill t.^ m wl• ch h: specializes. The provincial Court tf Grit 13rrain .aelzi:: t the university is giving regular courses Canaa •"an Ceuriell to take the matter' in water -power deoveopment and con- up with the Canadian Goveiivlront. It servation at.the present time, and hes was decided, after to arlaleetitiara ef the clone so for many nears, r;umbering, letter, to net en the sagg tion, t,•aste fcr luxurious fonds an drinks is =� a]eclraitC11 fret, 1.or..iot, asy. chewed by the desire for expensive Aeeozrdinig to a Reuter eatkoi© front WeeklyMarket Report Toronto: Manitoba wheat—No. 1 Northern,'48., new laid, m carters, 47 to ;i0c, 581_, tt Manitoba oats—No. 2 CW, Gent.; a $4; princes, $3.76 to $•3.90. Eggs--Nenv lead straights, 4i, to $1.58%, { Beans—Can. hand-picked, bushel, s, extra No. 1 feed, 58%.x; No. 1 feed, i Maple Products --Syrup per hire. �, 68�t,e. , gal., $2.50; per 5 in:1> gal., 82.35. :ifanit°'bz barley—Nominal !Maple sugar, Ib 19 "o •" 1c Al garments, silks, ratios, lace.% ;aHyl Delhi, India, King George 'r.,.s direaical jewels. These all add nothing Basch- that the monies in the hii:g-Eitzperor's CO to comfort arae the a•tei of e'•l Patriotic Fusel, as a,;rrir,e t :luring the c�: atetr:t nations is pretecta: y the >tnr, shall be well to buil^3` boarding r:imo; when the simple life is ,abirnelar.�- aehoa's far the mer s cof lnaian-$°1dIrtrs. ed and an era of luxury* :Ess in, ex- The act oo1 tt r51 lfe rril'ait 9 i*.,g :ava},*anre alta r.+s the nations; re- George's Royal Indian Aiitit« ry Scheel" The Prince of Wales will lily the foundation r-.tcues et the reset two sehuo's otr F'f',rruary 25 and March 1, respectively. Winndpeg reverts that provincial election is Vermeil'. aurae, Luxury, extravngence and ire follow esti. other in natural se- uence. For instance, thirty ye,rrs ago,.mov- g picture shows were .scarely nown. The boys end girls of that Pe had for the melt part to melte rein own entertainnrent, -uhieh was ually of a much more helpful (her - ter. To -day the na:ieving picture eatres stand fourth in the lirt of 1 the great revenue proo,:!<u ir:g in striea on the rontin.ent. The hind A young man may have hien. reereatian we require for the effi-friends, but he will find none so stead- ent development of cur boys and fast, so constant, so ready to respond it's is to be found in sauperviscd to his wants,so capable of pushing ae grounds and in the tetter time bine ahead, as a little leather -cos ei e:3 the public skating rinks, rather beak with the name of a baarla on its an at the moving picture shows. The cover.—Sir 7.']tomaae Lipton. 1 the above, track, Bay ports. Ilortey-6Q 30..1b. tins, 1412 to 16e in o. 2 yellow, 7 r 1,�c, , per .; 5-21i�-]b. tins, 17 to 180• per 741 c• track /Torotiio' yc n�v, . $G 50' m ton�ey, pear r oz., ale pateh from Lerman nevi—Sir tl y •. Ontario seats—No. 2 .hate, nantnal, Smoked meats—Hums,' red,, 31 to us (.race.+adianr Pacific Rahway that, at the I armee Werthinrgton-Ev;an k�' • O 7e3kt ri>eet na, speaking Ontario .hent--Nom3nai ; 32e; cooked ham, t0 to 43i; smoked ae ecf theBoatel, three air at Cohortay an Th edsy night, an- Barley --Na. 3 extra, test 47 lbs. r: rolls, 24 to 25e; cottage , 2• heel oho +it•aihi s were ebetter,a , , 29yt 3cli,, Lu to ale p provided for nroulr��er3 that the Govertanien�t was 57 to 600 according to free his �28ca bt.•erakfmst bacon, to 3llc; special a' the University of Toronto. Thee prepericii to recommend a reduction outside. ' g g l brand, breakfast beacon, 35 to 37e• teclealaarships are open to fr routes of in the anrny estimate by 016,600,000 Buckwheat -86 2, 78 to 80:. hacks, boneless, 33 to 37a du universities in Western Canada and in!teecl •of £20,000,000, ,as proposed in Rye• Na: 2, 86 to $8e. w Cured meats Long clear hneen, 16 of are to be used to pursue pcstyr.aduaete the Galles report. i47an'itaba .flour—First pats., nom- 180; clear tierces, 17 to 190, cr eturlct the provincial universityof •, in,al. Lard—Pure i41, to ISo; C' tally a. j e aoa Thie would mean a reduction of the Ontario flour -90 per -cent., patent tubs, 15 to 1b c- a 1� .: Pi P pose of the Canadian army bey 38,000 .men, and the •disband- bulk, seaboard; per bbl., nominal. '7 , P: host 5 � to tierces, , Pacific Railway in granting these ing of 24 Battalions of infantry, 47OnI�?1feed Dele Montreal hints, 17 to 1?',x•e. Shortening, tierces, an seholarsahips is, in the word: of Press. batterie i of artillery, and tare eluiva- bags envluded: Bran freight, 5ctubs; 15?�c; pails, 160; prints, th E. W. Beatty,,Per ton, 828 to 161/t.to 171,0.. "net -only to weep hese leen` of five cavalry regiment; tivith a $32; aborti, per ton, $30 to $32; good Choice Heavy steers $7.50 �'raduatees in Canada but <alea that corresponding re3 •e^ ' � , f�d' flour, 1.atl to , � to $8; The Japanese Diet is daebat e g mato hood svfi'rage. 'P g t< teen in the higher $ $180 cle tom, No. 2, $21.50 to $22• minced $18 to $6.25 do med.,$5 to $050 d upon their West. I e erg ,err , good, $7 to $7.00; butch skeexs, they- may become better acquainted, staffs and aneiiiary services. Baled hraat -Track, Toronto, per 'choice, $6.'75 to $7.50; do, good, $5.75 whit- bile corditiot'.s in 'flee East an:I set) tend to promote Canadian unit `--- Straw—Car lots per ton $12 cora., $4. $5• elute :h ,_ b„eq r -` , , lrcr heifers, chore, z+ens return to the Unofficial quotations—Ontario Na. $5.00 to $?; do, Hied . $5 t° $6; deo, ani strr~ngily of the view that Ali to idle 'hxougli 1 commercial wheat, $1.25 to $1.30,coin., $4 to $4.25; 'butcher <ew- choice movement is one which sot* r : vionese'ry be of benefit, not only to the side. cher bulls students but also to the cotmanunities A despatch from Amherst, N. S., ,ddb $4.50 to $5.5P c!o, S ly in which theyafterwards lite and ggins• are i.dera Ontario. Born -53 to GOc, outside. d m $9 4; feeders, geed, $5 to $G t; r.�ays:—The mines. at Ja' Ch $ a tvarran+ manes ogg�ns were We. the 11 0th Action of Boy auts�de• $5.50 to $6; do,nied., $2.50 to $4.50; Ontario No. 3 seats, 40 to 45e, out- canners erred 'cutters, $1 to $2.50; btYt- 'd T A RDI A A VANCE IN STERLING E C ANGE ATWALLRAS A despatch from New York cane:— terleing exchange Thursday morning s bid up to a new high level for that these cnrcuniistan-e~ t th granting ing .ef the escholia,iuih ps,” Canadian Sailors Form a says ulnad' o , throwing ve 21tac. Old., large, 25 to 26c; twi hundred filen .out of em n ns, Theat J r e ay afteaneo ai t . ese—New, ltarge, 20 to 20%x; - 'ear, $4 to $5; stockers Hui goosd, 60 2030 to ales triplets 21 to t0 $5; +do, fear, $3 to $4• mil']eer- AGO nes hu employment. A • 25% to 26%.0. triplets, 26 to 27c; c'honce,. $12 to $13 25• do mecl 9 to boy operating an electric ar, $ c Th wins; Guard of Honor .A despatch; from Ottawa says:— The crew of the ezruiv'er. Aurora of the Canadian. fleet, which is spending the Winter in tiro south, fu nisl:od the gueard of honor at the opening of Parliament in the Barbado•es Isliands. • Sir Eric win fi to $80; springerz,-, $70 to $90; calves, !bi ectrrc motor. re- Ste�.tron,s, new 24 to 250 fused to open a pump switch chose by, Butter—Freon dairy, choice, 28 to and left his work, although this had 30c; creamery, prints, fresh, fancy, 41 been part of his thetics+ for several to 43e;; No. 1, 40 to 41c; No. 2, 34 to mantles. The other bogs in the mine, 360; cooking, 25 to 260. hearing of his action, also left their Dressed penui try--Sprizng chickens, woke, and in consec(fience the whole 30 to 3Se; roosters, 20 to 25e; fowl, 28 mine is tried up. to `32c; ducklings, 32 to 38c; turkepvs, 50c; geese 30c. Live poultry—Sprineg chickens, 22 Senn Fehr conference reacher agree ° e; roosters, 18c; fowl, 20 to 28c;. Ohee���Fr $14.50 Geddes has resigned his ducklings 32 to 1 /z to ,tee 200 to 450; 180. Butter=Chorceist creamery, 37 to taati�sli House of Cloirunorus 28 $10; dro; atom., 5 � " $ to $7; la+mbs., ahoi ar]y three yeas - when demands British expeo1rts in Jent Bary were lis were sold for $4.40 l% and cables Larger than any month of last Year anmranded $4.41%. Sterling at with the exception ef March. TI.+`s r'tsdfay�'s qucitaticnis is up 20 cents- shifting coif foreign tro.ie a uo is 'Mi- ce the beginning of the y -ear, of presuiveely told in the stae:d�setiess of the cents from the lowest level' teethed United States fcrei,gn trade. A new t year, and $1.24 from the lowest low level cif values. of American ex- ,taction for all time, registered in ports was reached in January, when 0. they reached •only $279;215,000, a drop The •causes of the extraordinary of $17,215,000 compared with '.Oeeerm- n�ce in sterling exchaenge are sev- her. eral. One is the tremendous improve- The a laniniished flow of expoate to merit in the foreign trade poetical, of E+ur-ope, including Enrglaantid, is refleeted' at Britain during the. last few in a marked scarcity of bills of ex. ells. The foreign trade statement change offered for stale here against Jaaioiary showeid a big decrease in shipments of gooids. the balance of trade against England. Whereas the excess off imports over. exports in December was f25,000,000 it dmapped to i 13,000,000 run. January. $13 to $14; lo, -coin., $6 to $7; sheep, Thai choice, $6.75 to $7.50; da, good, $5.50 titn 98 to $6;d o, cone, $1.50 to $3.50; Meigs, v. en•ed, $14.25 to $14.00; do, les f.o.b., $13.50 to $13.75 do, onolitry quo points, $13.25 to $13.50. 192 Montreal. Years, $11 to $12.50; medium calves, •adva $10 to $10.50; inferior, $9 to $9.50; hogs $14.25 to ince westerns-, 171 scut in the B Gxe three months. to Potatoes—Per — W Margarine -20 to 230 o $1 hag,- meta to ploistpane Ir'ms$ elections for• ' ' '•'c; tut -kayo, 40 � ,ag;. ear bats, 900 REGLAR F:i-LER- t t v Gene Byrnei. DOh1TC -t "NeAR.. ^(OUR.. r40 -He.. SNE C LLt:D -(OU ' Al3c'Ui Z N-ri�it s. Sfkt.5 AS MAD AS 41.4 one ,J st:cAus> WHEIJ SHS &ETS ,'¼4)L. MAD SNE CALLS ME 1 , +l"+u1C s .. 1 ,` •. r .. ��r6 ..,,ire!?,';