HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-3-2, Page 2this assertion. With a goad egg -tester the chick can be seen to movearound irl the shell, like a fish in water,after`' seven or Height days of incubation, pro- vided tete „ erzna are strong enough, to be saved, If the egg to warm, and the germ does not move freely, xejeet .ter it; the egg will never hatch. atddrelaa, cemmuntoetionw to Aps•crat,7mta , ea actatatdm &t, West. 'Taranrat, Were these dmanila b carried e e two incubators would he sold where Deadly Germs Breed ita `ilth. 1 it will look somewhat separated and one is sold to -days, as the only objec- tions to the incubator would he removed, these objections being; Chicle die in the shell at pip- ping time, " and of bowel trouble after hatching, whish often takes the entire flock. ,We e want every reader of this' to one side, sand will resemble a half eolum to recognize the danger of: moon in shape, though not distinctly. filth -germ itife: tion and adopt meas -: If you can see a yolk when yogi roll, tares for the protection of animalsa the egg in front of the tester lens, Sinuiar rthat egg is fertile and will probably p.e�auT'ons should be taken hatch. to prevent infection of ecns�,s en , In a thin white -shelled egg, such little practice and expexinaealting man, for many a denth occurs frons. , b_oodpoaeteir.g u;tt} tetanus liockjatw) i as a Leghorn egg, you can soatetinies wall enable one #o teattout all infertile g protm might readily be presented bere; seeibe a change Yolk in a after after theresh y but there eggs in eggs have reaches thette npe� ature of after the 103 deg prompt cleansing ani disinfection of the weir :ea part. : been under the hen or in the incubator Have a good egg -tester, with a mal ni for a few days. If a thermometer is f ing lens attachment, which can be A mtsc]tievcius berm known. as, ; "Bacillus nee rophorus" is present it laid laid °13'the eggs in the incubator, the used in daylight. A. pasteboard box An prices cor_atninttecl by hog ma fertile eggs will have a higher temper with holes in it and a .coal -oil lampy mare. This germ is the cause of; ature than the infertile oz;es. It takes which must be used in a dark, hot canker of the mouth in little pigs; more heat for infertile eggs, and if room, are only an excuse, as this test -1 btv'.lnose or west€flea, which distorts enough heat is applied to bring them er does only part of the work neves- elle battens a£ tee smuts clip swine end up to the required temperature, the earl to a successful hatch. eeeees d frees t, loud Ihreethita in; fertile eggs will be ecerheated. Hence People wilt never know what the! these sz ^T, a'*, an itttestizzal disease.' Lir importance of testing out infer modern incubator osen do until they akin to nog c e era and known by; tiles (which are told eggs) at an early attend more carefully to this import geter.mar•,;es ,.s t.e; ezac stmutititis ' date.. An infertile egg is ret hurt by ant fe tune of testing the eggs, in a zrrd the skin disease termer. neerotie`three days of ittclibatson, but a fertile reliable way. • They will stet^er be derma:ilia of lutes. i egg is spoiled for food putesoses at1 suecesseul in hatching and raising ,. tltiS Sc,�€"a', 'strong ineunater Chicks, unless more This be ► :ie else causes #ire worst form c<,f foot -cast in sheep and cattle, ` .Set t:wu car three hens zit the eeme„stress is put or keepingthe trays full cruses the tail: g- ' t►neo you start the incubator, ar:l as'. of good eggs, during intubation, A � of pigs end tadvi3s tea the� : drop off, makes ieaeI:, scabby sores infertiies are tested out of they poor hatch means poor chickens, on the °ills �tei te-•s of sheell• infects trays, replace thein with fertile eggs', which, if grown to maturity, will be the hoer -beetle of I oeses, causing the from urcler the hens, Trays should 'unprofitable. most severe f*attar elf boils or furnncu-alw tys be kept full of eggs. role. Thee., toss, it may invade little.'' In ten days test again, taking out! ahrasieeus or lateen tions of tie tots all sp;dferi eggs, dead or weals germst of the cow, oozy or c•eve, and induce aani replacing again with good eggs i serious eotel titin that is difficult to front under the hens. If in ten days: 7.'here ere many ways of destroying cure, or even ruin the pans invaded, the germ does not move freely in the' t're lice rehieh are sure to be present To -: ,•ent c?ioe<ases due to these sht'1l of a swarm egg, it is too weak a wherever hogs tire, unless some efi'adt- germs, steels barns must he kept clean, #o be sae*ed. and will never live #o:., tune nteztszzre is adopted to prevent. Funny and perfeetiy .•entilate1, for all hatch- Full trays of strong, live eggs. tie used to thank that if vc germs hate' clean'ineso, sarFiure vett. will hatch strong chicks that, barr'angas Could 3n sec:r tint, will live. It is i waste once eliminate theist entirely we ory ,en; inhleed, germs are the killed: ,titould be free from them ever after quickly by the direct rays a the sista of time to Fire for ata incnbatElr ane liut the job of elintine ting is still go. tael by free action of erre oxy gent of bail or ore third full of good eggs for,; ing he I z oanetinzes thing they tail fresh stir; cheap remedies, were",s, th tie v.eclas (the rest being unlatch -,A he A ble:1sirg itn die use th to the Dirty tet cattle mouth ewer in ^gripe). In the end there will be trays ,eteteaa sal dextro in or preventing rear. --born pigs. NFave.s may teso bet full of spoiled eggs, chicks tread itagtiteee time hog's body and his bed nets eon:e invaded ;_4y germs and pus; the shell, just pipped or half out; those that hatch bra • seem all tight:- a renovating that, in the absence of abscesses result, Feed utast minae y g sueh an instigator, might be negleeted, from clean treegbs and ether utensils but begin +.ging bra two or three days Tt rlaatta+ns battle the method one uses, Hogg fel e,•ar.e rn from dirt -cowered •;with bowel trouble, for svhieh this n, yards conta•aet nettrotze enteritis and aneuisitor is not to blame. me, troublei;°a,•t so he gets the ride. I have trio:. getting the irffea;ted filth upon their tomes from spelled eggs left in the'the .belga matst in ose mileand r»t it effec- bodies develop r:f.'rs7tie rctpttnatitis,' inctti~.ctor. T,tese cgfi3 tttron* ofi' a,• ,,, r p o get rho poisonous g;is, ciestrovinr art,. weal: -1 ho, - tl►roul,.t it after the first es - which eau, es.sores and makes patches. _� perience. 1 have seen dozens of a - of skin sieug/a eft, The aid a thy iters - ; ening good eggs, There are often', tent hog, oilers in operation, p wallow is a fertile source of such;; half-develo ed checks march die in the; pe atgn, and where • shell. If not 'tented out, a single egg one of them bos been giving service diseases. will poison an entire batch. i the other eleven have been dry. Some Sheet; wound their pipit and muzzles THE SUNDAY SCHO eating dry or 'frozen corn -stover, then the Bacillus neerophorus gets in its work and causes eres. Ail feel rat;•-fiotire, pens and yards used by livestr,ek on farms uhould, where possible, be made of concrete, so that they Lan be kept clean. Test Every Egg Before Setting. If there is one rule ,above all others to be followed in hatehin ;•, ft is this: To detect a dead chick, look for the; people fla nit. al►ani; post and wrap it with gunny calls which are saturated reel veins running from the germ tot from thne to time with dip or oil. I the different parts of the egg; if only find an me .nary watering pot with the a black blotch is seen, without re,l 9 blood veins, it indicates a dead chick. holes in the nozzle enlarged with a small Waal, and a can of good coal tar dip handy to the water supply about the easiest and surest method. One' ct:an do a thoreugh job in ;, goo+. -sized through the lens in the tester, herd of hogs in less tine incl with If the he len mn eggs are tested lags cf'u, t than it would tale to put out carefully with a tester wider. r .ore willful pig into the dip tank, or e .1 In an egg subjected to ten days or two weeks incubation, a dead chid: looks just like what it is --a big, bine:, lifeless body in the shell, when scan ehovah MARCH $ erey to a Heathen City, Jonah 3: 140 Golden Text -.^-.,Ism. 55: 7. THE CHILDREN'S HOUR Ilenosty Wins. At School of the Woods a great competition was in full swing. The bead teacher, bliss Browne, had, one Lesson Foreword—It is difficult to Nell. 9: 1). Ashes, were also used -to month previous, mewed a letter from y exactly wben the Book of Joran t express mourning and penitence. They Mr Stephen Langton stating that the was written, but all the evidenee were thrown up in the air so as to best composition written on "A Bird's points to a date after the exile, that alight on the head and sometimes the Life" would be rewarded with $.100 is, after B.C. 586: This book deals penitent or mourner sat on thetas (see" and a gold medal, Of all the girls, with Israel's attitude toward the ,Job 2. 11), That the king himself Roseleen Monarch was the most ex - heathen. The Jews seemed newer to should have repented so deeply shows cited, for composition was her hobby. bbe able towards dothe rproper r neigh- ons the profoun Veffect Jonah's preaching Immediately the girls set to work hehad on Nineveh. withgyp themselvesbora. They prided themselves on hay. Vs. 'i, 8. Not content with. merely”!great titter .ling the knowledge of the true Gods' setting a precedent, the king, by his I The rules Were few, but striet. Each Jehovah, :end on beiitg his peeulizr edict, commanded a national repent-. girl must not get help front another, people, but on the other hand, the ince, As head of the state he was!! Each competitor must every night heathen still ruled the earth. This; in charge of the religion of the state " keep her composition in her de ka se- ` preyedT a stumbling -block to Jewish and could enjoin or modify religious cutely locked. tazth and created abutter and intoler- observances. Even the domestic stn. -i Toseicen at enee bunted up books. art spirit toward other nations. In mals were to have a part in the gen- ; on the subject. Her intimate friend, 'the story before us Janall appears as.erzd repentance, and were to be denied Lenore the type of his narrow and =lush:0 their fodder and drink. Ilerodotus• Gray, found it hard to keep efrom dro an } Hatton asa and Jew who refused at pp hints of what her ossa •gaIle .es #hat the I'ers]ans made theta t* y first tel preach repentance to Nineveh animals share in the mourning oust contained. because they were his heathe t toms, The Ninevites were instructed Roseleen's and Lenore's only enemy enemies, but when in the end he was by the ediet that they were first to in the school was a sneaky, shy girt' forced to do 3_0 _)10 saw that the gospel pray ilia the calamity should not about one yenr old than the two. She "works '• m Nineveh as well ;ts in conte upon them and then they were to was Rose Green, who hated Roseleen Israel. Thus the purpose of the book amend their evil way -.-their general for he riches, pretty clothes, and be- xatu to lift the Jewish nation to a sinfulm•ss••-and the violence that is in cause she was the school's favorite. hither viewpoint where they could see their hands; the mini o pression that I tl 1 G 1 h was pa.eetrced among them such as y u e la t ae one e i is t le ereat:ar of t . e. heathen as welt' as of Israel. the maladministration of justice or 1. 'arming,, 1.4, the pilfering of the poor by the rich. I V. 1. Jonah; is the hero. but notV . 0. These people who atood out- nesessarily the zruthor of the book. side the covenant with Israel httd a the schoolroom, locked up her compo - It is nowhere said that Jonah hint- conscience, and that conscience, once sition and went away after exchang- self wrote the book. There wag zt awakened, told them that God WAS biga few words with MissBrowne prophet i,y this name its the reign of under no obligation to spare them who was busily piling books inside o Jeroboam (2 Rings 14:25), but as he front the deserts of their wrongdoing, the schoolroom cupboard, lived long before the events described III. Forgiveness, 10. A few minutes after she left erre more was disliked by Rosebemuse she was Rosele.zt's bosom friend. It was the day before "Competition Day." Roseleen went to her desk in in this boot:, he coulee Lot have been One of the leading ideas of the kook lean face of Rose peeped in the door. the hero of our story, 7'he second of Jonah le that God is full of cum She glanced hastil • around time. The first commend to preach to passion not • • t y orad and, es . P a only felt Israel, but also , miss Browne was inside the roomy Nineveh is given in ch, lea. Jonah for the heathen. The faintest trace cf' Test every e; fi :.yfetre s� t2iu;;. Set Itt�rts cCrreetl t•, anti the emperaturc "scan tip anti retread one patent hog disobeyed this eminent] heea use he rep malice 011 the art even of fire 1 cupboard, completely hidden, gitve a only the eggs that ere clear schen held Lept between 103 and 104 deg,, very otter. I like to go over the Sheets feared file effect of preaching repent heathen softens Gael's heart and ",'sigh of relief. Immediately she went in loom o the tester. Thirty -sit: few chicks will die in the shell at 'while at the trough, or in a close pen, ante to Nineveh; the Ninevites would causes him to turn aside from the; to Itoseleen's desk, unlocked it with a hours :after the .eggs are put under; pipping time, and there will be no 'The big• heavy ]togs will flog down tel repent :end the Lord would have coal- punis'hmert that should have been the ]tens, test out all infertile e�g,te b bowel trouble among the flock. That meted out for their sin, ferred to gee them de^troyed Tho Jonah was indignant that his. svhielr look fro It, # impure eggs left in the incubator will d It is not harts to tell which eggs are; poison the good eggs, I have learned' preaching had awakened the Nine fertile and whieli •bra, inferiiie: Al by actual experience, and almost all yolk will show in the fertile egg, but incubator people will bear me out in rub themselves when the dip besting passion on then., whereas Jonah pre - to bite and give one a good opllor- tunity to do a thorough job. punishment recorded in ch. 1, however. _,t______ brought kiln to his senses, and this Bites, lei, nations foes,to repentance; amazement. At first she blended to Most sinners are ea�nics, and natlat•time he obeyed. and that as a conseqence God had tell her assistant and get advice but cynics are binders, a V. 2. 'Nineveh; the capital of the spared them, and in his anger he an second thought she knew it would groat Assyrian Empire was situated quit the city. God caused a gourd to be wise to keep the news to herself on the eastern side of the Tigris, grow and shelter him where he sat northward of the Greater Zab. Cinder but the gourd soon withered and died until after Rose's competition had :'ernacherib the city -Was greatly en- and Jonah was thrown into grief at its been read next day. ,1:totted, strengthenedand beautified decay. His foolish grief provided an Next day dawned bright and clear. a" .11 the spoils of Asia were lavished, occasion by which God could teach hint Only a few lazy, fluffy clouds hung on its adornment and fortification; the real significance of his pardon of over the surface of the sapphire sky. - pure drinking water swat ; introduced the people of Nineveh. If Jonah had At half -past two the compositions into it in place' of the rain water on shown so much concern for a short- were to be read before an assembled which the inhabitants had depended; :lived and comparatively worthless crowd. Soon after two o'clock Rose - and stately palaces arose in the neigh -a, you'ti, would not God chow a far leen g y, p boyhood of the Tigris." "Its markets greater concern for a. whole city of , wearin a dainty, simple muslin were thronged with merchants and; living hien and women, even though , dress, went arab in arm with Lenore traders, and its library was stored ` they were heathen? Jonah typified down to the auditorium. Then Miss with thousands of clay books" i his narrow, prejudiced, Jewish race Browne rang the bell and the first girl (Salve). Nineveh fell in B.C, 607, i who were anxious. to keep the knowl- called read her essay. All this time, before the Modes. ", edge of their God to themselves, but Rose, in the waiting room, was copy - V. 3. An exceeding great city. The' God shows him here that his com- ing down and adding to her notes as Hebrew means literally great for i passion is not for Israel only,but ex- the other girls read. When Roseleen God" that is, great even according to a tends to all men, even to the heathen read the applause was great. She. a divine standard. The city occupied; and to Israel's enemies. The book of about 1;800 acres and was surrounded, Jonah was, therefore, an ancient mist went blushingly down the. aisle to with walls surmounted by towers and; sionary tract. where Lenore was sitting. Then she pierced with gateways. These walls! Application. whispered to Lenore: "Oh, I hope I rose to a great height and were iii 1: The sad fate of the Book of get else nionev..:Jermie, the gardener's circumference about 7 miles. Of ; Jonah. This marvellous and tendersth daughter, is almost blind and the $500 torthe ee cl a�journey. eter e at erlThe tl a te�toceheis. book of Jonah has suffered ridi4ule wi.11 just cover the ecst fox an. op- and contempt because it has .been so , enation. circumference. It requiree; three days °pitifully misunderstood.. It has .been I Then cause Rose's turn and the ap- t(?) go thoirliouer.gh the city !ram one end thought that the chief value" of the plause was deafening. She cast -a te Voolc lay in the amazing storyof the penetrated o day's mostoto -Lite heart iof h lad the, f ?j etmonster ��b E, this that i swake llowed to pro-' smiled ledbackumphant in glance ongratulation�� `v0 her city when he' began to preach;' ;'tic j estitilate on the bar or 'caste gontainng course the people expected Ross to get forty days, etc. The Ninevites' were i the jewel, than on the jewel itself, the prize, but just then Misa Brawn.' not told the reavon for this startling] The jewel in the book of Jonah is' its a elear vole.) called order. She -told announcement but, they would feel, the truth that God; the Creator of the of what she. had seen and the audience tustitive ncsinfulneha -t he oreesotri sntGeiniiigin. c,nd; ofAthe earth, was concerned not murmured against' , the sneak. i only with the Jews, but with all .nen i The prize was then given to Rose - humanity he claims the universal poi- i and nations, :regardless of their be- leen and the cheers circled sibility:of repentance,=that and no- lids and customs. Ile takes a all echoed thing more" (G. A. Smith). _ men- in' Ibis :lathed p and. re-echoed through the room for y and loving em; her. IL Repentance, 5-9. brace, Ninevites as well as the chil- V• 5. The people of Nineveh believed l dren of Ain:ahem• Read the last Meanwhile Rose was hastily taken God: They believed that Gocl wou'lcl'totichiiie• verse -in the boor Froin -the s'k-.M by tn'angry ani to er an duplicate key, took out the precious essay, and soon had copied it all out in an old work book. Miss Browne had seen it all and she gave a gasp of ` w-�s .St?ip 'kl,-'` .she Leading Life Company of the Dominion 1921 THE MOST PROFITABLE YEAR IN THE HISTORY OF THE COMPANY Results for Year Ended 3151 December $129,372,127.33 r 14,S32,682.85 31.107,149.16 ASSETS Increase for year CASH INCOME Increase for year SURPLUS over all liabilities and capital Increase for year PROFITS paid or allotted to policyholders PAYMENTS TS to Policyholders, ,L.)eatli, Claims, etc. 11,9f/7,069"b2 536, 71.8,130.53 50,P76;95.36 2.3 55,570.73 10,383,909.10 2,019,241-95 1,849,089.95 ASSURANCES IN -FORCE ii rea,e for yea NEW ASSURANCES issued and paid foe' yea cash 90,030,035 66 UN LI CORAM Mtn OFFICE Nic3NTRE'\L carry out the threat suer so they re-,, 2, The .book; of Josiah pis thus an, dignify- mot d was seen no o i more n i pentad. Notice, tha., they repentance' , andejpattou a the wade sympathy of at School of the Woods, • i diate% and zll-. ,• - tis -Two Ninevites contrasted favorably with immortal parabl f •lh G was inane . .inclusive. The Jesus Luke has preserved for theT Weeks Dater Jennie'was taken the Israelites who had many prophets and a long terms of grace and yet had not fully repented. One main point m the story is that the knowledge of Jehovah awakens: an instinctive res- ponse even among the heathen. A east sackcloth These are • the outward signs of grief and self -abase nient The people or the East show their feelings v'ilh far -less reserve than we, do. ..,• V, 6. The report o, slcauls's terazl,y- ing announcement' penetrated 'into tkte• .royal palace so .rias the '.king also re.- panted and abased.himself: Sackcloth was a rough cloth made of the hair of camels 'and boats. Tt; "wis worn in krises or' great t cold.dc such iiious a-. biting Tor Cha dead, and along i .11t' Vast - lug was .a i - it e zslc n or peni- tence as Bore. (See 1 Risings 21.: 27; eo itan. Whom did Jesus commend in, this parable? Cert inly not the "priest," or the "Levite," but the outcast "Sa- maritan," Theis the Masterpretested against the narrowness, intolerance, and 'blindness or his own;fellow eoti! t ` t iyi=}en, and endeavored to hoer thein that God cared for sincerity and human service wherever he found it. Jonah hinisc;tf was petulant, hitter, actuallysorry, that the foreignei;s— tlte Nin i'iitcs ;were repenting under. his preaching. The Lord was compel- led .to reprove him roc his:frightftil intolerance and pettiness, and to show bi10 that there was t=i sviclrnee;s in Grad's mercy like the wideness or the se 'firma the book sof .lonah power ntl ini881011iu•y book, its aim and purpose is to r'eveal Clod's love`for all Talions ,end peoples. .._ o a spe"a st, the operation perfor:•ni'-: ed, and she recovered her sight, much to the joy of Roseleen. "Olt, I'm glad, I won the prize. If - hadn't Jennie syo,tld still .be blind," said • Roseleen, 'a month 'la,tes. -•Floc- ence Dare. Red cedars.. and apple or.,:hards are poor 'bedfellows. Cut" out red cedar windbreaks . around .apple orcliai,ds,._ unless you want rusty ,apples. -The iti,an•who is bothered with hia horses gnawing the ivan'jers should go Co' the drugstore'" and get soros he e soiite`in the feed -box earl poimri itte pieces with a ha*ntner, A few seeds will cure the hon .