HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-12-07, Page 12)1. PACE 12 --GODERICH SIONAL-STAR, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7 , 1978 . Len McGr gor family welcome in Dungannon Welcome is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mc- Gregor and little daughter who recently came to the village from near Holmes- ville. They have purchased the house just south of the United Churek Gordon Sp iiO4 from the south end of the village is home After being hospitaliz- ed in Londonsfor a few days recently. Mrs. Les Schultz came home Thursday after being in Wingham Hospital with the flu for about a week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Maize and Denise motored to Toronto on the weekend to attend the wedding of Lee Greenough and Frank Kim- ball. Lee is a family friend' who, has often visited the Maizes. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fowler returned to Zurich last weekend, after spending the past three months in their house here. Wednesday, November .3gth, was pp. _D ay forthe elementary teachers of Hur- on County and each school planned its own schedule for the day. The Brookside tea- chers spent the day at Brook- side in staff meetings, lesson planning and parent inter- views. Marty Rivett was down to London during the week to see a specialist about a lump on his jaw which has been bothering him the last few days. It was first thought to be mumps but ivittow consid- ered to be the result of an injury. He is to see the doctor again this week. Marty is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dungannon doings 4111.1101.1111•11•101111111.11111.11111111.1 Mary Bere correspondent 529-7915 Rivett. DUNGANNON UNITED CHURCH For the first Sunday in Advent Rev. C. G. Westhav- er spoke on the topic, "A Lamp Shining in a Dark Place", in which he compar- ed the work of the church as it follows Christ's teachings to_ _the_ light a candle lighting the darkness. The children's story was entitled, "How we give a gift to Jesus", and was based on ' the saying of Jesus, "If ye do it unto the least of these, ye do it unto me". The choir sang the anth- em, "Shepherds in the Fields Abiding", led by organist, Mrs. Jean Elliott. This anthem is a hymn or carol from the new Hymn Book, which contains, along with the old and familiar, a number of newer carols. Carols are being sung this year on each of the four Sundays of the Advent seas- OttialtintkIti, 11111144141C:bilirairiespluele on.• The fall and winter schedule of Sunday services began on Sunday with Dun- gannon reverting to the 11.00 a.m. hour and the service at Nile being at Loa p.m. The Sunday Schools conformed to the new,time. The formation of a Tyro group for boys is under considerAtion,. Tyr!? was de-_. veloped as a church centred program for junior boys (ages 911) in 1950. It is still sponsored by the United and other, churches, although in many United Churches it has been superceded by Scouts. The minister wouldlike to know how many parents and boys are interested in a local group. The age range is somewhat elastic (not young- er than 9 but older than 11 may be admitted). The Explorer Group meets on Tuesday evening, also the Music Committee at a later hour. The Explorers have started their Christmas pro- ject of making gifts for shutins. They are planning a Christmas Party for Decem- ber 20th. The Willing Workers are 'accepting donations of good used clothing, toys, games, foodstuffs and sundry items for their Christmas Tea and Bazaar on Saturday. They plan to use the proceeds for church improvements. The December meeting of the, UCW on December 12 will take the form of a potluck dinner at the church with meat being supplied. There will be no exchange of gifts. Installation of 1979 officers will be held. DUNGANNON CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH The Christian Fellowship Church had several renewal services over the weekend. The speaker, Lester Kehl from Floradale, had a series of inspiring messages for those who attended. Friday evening the topic was, "Ways God Speaks to . Us" Saturday evening was Youth Night with the theme, "Jesus -Who He Really Is". Sunday morning the series was continued with "The Church -What is It?" and the final message in the evening was on "The Holy Spirit". The attendance was affected by poor weather conditions but those present were up- lifted by the inspiring words, and music provided by local groups. It is hoped that weather and roads will be better next weekend when the Sunday School Chsitmas program will be presented on Sunday evening. t l‘ i • , 410444*.* x00,01 ig 14 Xly • , The Bluewater Centre came in first in the general section with this excellent float displaying the world peace theme in the town's annual Santa Claus parade on Saturday. Other winners in this section were the Goderich and District Pro Life group and the Park Theatre. A large crowd turned out to see the parade and get a glimpse of Santa Claus who brought up the rear and later held Santa's Court in the Park Theatre. (photo by Joanne Buchanan) WHEN YOU HEAR THE QUALITY OF THESE .4`.4 • 10.r:.Realt; .04arM,S40.241X NWPWA, !!i!, SYSTEMS YOU'LL GET DOWN AND BOOGIE! WHEN YOU SEE THE PRICE — YOU'LL GET DOWN TO MR. STEREO YAMAHA PACKAGE No.l. 0". op- tp 7 ppios The Goderich firemen were out in their red un- derwear (0) for the Santa Claus Parade held Saturday. Lucky for them that the weather good or they might have,been a bit chilly running on was r • 1 around dressed like that. They didn't fool the children in the crowd by wearing red suits though because all the children know that Santa has a white beard too. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) VALUABLE COUPON $1 50•OFF Husqvarna 2000 SL - atomplete sewing unit •CR 220 AM/FM RECEIVER 15/15 WATTS RMS •YP 211 SEMI -AUTO TURNTABLE •NS 220 RM SPEAKERS MANUFACTURER'S SUGGESTED LIST '779.75 $598.00 Mr. Stereo's Price 4i6V4s,„ PLUS CARTRIDGE 1 Serious sewers will ,appreciate the savings of $150 on a machine designed to do everything you want for year after year. Clip thrs advertisement now and bring it to us before December_31. to take advantage of this special offer. OUR REG. VALUE $899 1111 111 111 111 NOW 749 Buy with confidence... Canada's leingest established Husqvarna1 dealer CHARGEN " 111110.k VISA Get Down to,.. 44. 447° 464'11 084 0'11 YAMAHA PACKAGE NO.2 MANUFACTURER'S SUGGESTED LIST '1,014.80 Mr. Stereo's $ 8299 5 Price • PLUS CARTRIDGE •CA 410 INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER 50/50 WATTS RMS •CT 410 AM/FM STEREO TUNER •YP 211 SEMI -AUTO TURNTABLE •RST 2000 SPEAKERS (70 WATTS) PHONE GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE OPEN 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. EVERY DAY SS Main St. - FURNITURE Lir 1111111111111111 "Free Parking Behind Our Sieve" 5 194?0 Ei• •tb SHOPPERS SQUARE GODERICH 8 .rn lam ,45%,