HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-12-07, Page 6-pAceff----aeint-t,siewo4ATITT-Titurrm-y-,f,-,eeeivmER-7-, tog 1 t1 orecast puts By. Jeff Seddon County engineer Bob Dempsey gave county council a look Thursday at what the 1979 road committee faces when it, strikes its budget for the new year. Dempsey submitted a preliminary report for council poin- ting out that with in- creased costs and new construction projects in the budget the county would have to raise 28 percent more money for roads than last year. The engineer told council that the preliminary budget was an estimate only and could not be firmed up until early in 1979. He said he lacked three vital pieces of information needed for an accurate forecast of costs in 1979 and only intended the draft budget to outline projects proposed for 1979 as well as what main- tenance costs are ex- pected to be. To prepare the budget Dempsey estimated what the province will allocate 'to Huron County fer roads next year, what the final Should share facilities The Ontario Association of School Business Officials has petitioned the Minister of Education, The Hon. Bette Stephenson for action to require school boards to share or .transfer scht$61 facilities whenever circumstances permit. In a meeting with the Minister (November 16), the Association said that With the current em- phasis being placed on using limited capital funds for additional pupil places, ..;-ftitids for regoyatiga and replacement of facilities were virtually non- existent While school boards cannot build new schools, if they have surplus accommodation available locally, the Ministry still permits boards to use funds to build new ac- commodations even when an adjoining school board may have surplus space. The Association says this can create un- necessary duplication of facilities and subsequent whste of money. It proposes legislation to let school boards in different jurisdictions share surplus space and use the monies saved for other purposes. ' "We ask you to con- sider the needs of the students being educated in substandard ac- commodation, and we propose that you reallocate funds for the renovation or replacement of such equipment by reducing the wasteful duplication of facilities," said the Association brief to the Minister. The Association also offered to assist the Ministry of Education in its current review of sick leave and resultant liabilities. It sought Ministerial support for Association positions on copywright regulations, school supply tariff increases and changes in sales tax exemptions. The Association is made up of school board business officials across Ontario and is committed to establishing and maintaining high stan- dards ,of ethics and ef- ficiency in school business methods. 6.0 The illness never see corning. Get in shape and don't give the enemy a big target Plusess is fun. Try some. • oats of 1978 will be and what the county faces in either -a deficit or surplus for 1978. Based en last year's budget Dempsey estimated the province's share of the road costs to be $1,892,000 but pointed out that that figure could go up or. down $100,000. Using that figure he told council the county share of the 1979 budget would be $1,643,500. He estimated the surplus from 1978 to be $77,500 and deducted that amount from the county portion to arrive at the 28 percent increase. Dempsey made no attempt to convince council to attempt to come up with the extra money to handle 1979 expenses. He indicated : I I, t1 that the 28 percept in- crease was hefty:. and offered council three alternptIves to trim costs from.the budget to arrive at a reasonable increase. He told council it could let the 'preliminary budget stand and in- crease the county levy to meet those added costs or the road committee could go'. over the .budget to establish priorities in new construction and then take some of the less important projects out to reduce the net,increase. The third alternative according to Dempsey.is to re -work the entire , budget with the idea af taking a little money. Oat of each item' to hOPefkkliY come up with an increase that could be handled by the county levy. To make that point the engineer said that with a six percept inbase in. the county share $437,500 would have to be shaved while only $414,000 would have to be chopped if that increase were eight percent. Council accepted Dempsey's report and offered no in4ication, on how the budget cutthig would be handled. The -incpming cilunty council is expected to name its 1979 road committee this month. 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