HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-3-2, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR.. EXETER, ONTARIO, IO, THURSDAY MAR. 922 SANDFlzsAicr> r Our Corner Oh, no, the Liberals no. not believe in patronage—while the other fellows are in power. They have appointed see, many favorites to fat .ofines. intim last two months, that on' eou1d al- most believe that they do believe in patronage—whilst they are in power. When you -get a; book out of the Public Library do not mark rt up with pewit -1 on the margin, o: % 1erlute a piae.e where a saying of the writer happens to tickle your fancy. or turn down the coasters. If -every read- er of a book laid likewise the pages eamid soon Tool: like auto road maps. Phelan 81a TAMAN' s For Men's and Boys Wear Try This Store 1 Liston -el and alkerton, as well as S. Marys are to have Baabks under the Ontario Goveminent rural .;relit system. Buildings are .being remodel- led int, these towns} Seaforth is an- other nearby town, where a branch is. to ne established. These branches' will be to receive money. not to loan It the loans being made d Greet from the -Government at Toronto, The government pays 4 per eaten interest and the money can be withdrawn the same as in any other savings bank. The, abject is to raise honey which can, ee. loaned to fanners at 6 per cent the margin being expected to be suf fl. Lent to cover the overhead expen;_ res. 1n ease more is received than there are demands for the balance will be invested in Government leans, SPORT COMMAND,NTS, 1. Ti.ou shalt not quit 2. Thou shalt not alibi. 3. Thou shall not gloat over aerie 4. Thou slielt not be a rotten loser' 5, Thou shalt not take unfair ad- vantage. 6. Thou shalt ,,not ask odds thou art unwilling to ave 7t. Thou shalt always be ready to give thine opponents the shade. 8. Thou shalt not underest'anate art opponent, nor over estimate 'thyself. 9. Remember that the game is the thin+%, and that hs who thinketh oth- :nv se is a mocker and no true sports- man. 10. i'Ionor the game thou playest or he who playeth the game straight and hard veins even when he ;uses. THE SWELLI.ST THING IN TIES. SHIRTS SOCKS, AND ALL KINDS OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS ar here. They're alit new, of course. We never carry .over last year's styles F e new offerings are sure enough winners if rich colors, beautiful pat- terns and fine materials count forany- ting, Prices awe just as all right, Drop in and look them 'under add over, around and through," W. W. Taman Tailor& Furnisher 0SI+ CALL FOR CLINT(); MEN H. S. Chant, ntanager of the Clinton +nitres. acrd has ass tans, lirneat Rumball had a narrow e.seapa from as- phyeLxtiien at the waterworks pump hoes on Friday. On aecount of the pasty. r bele; off an euxiliary asolir.4 :Inane was put into use. Engizteer Seeley had been, asked to look after the pumping while the others con- tinued repairing lines, and when he ar- rived he dote' ted the gas.. He atone threw cape' the doors and .;ailed tothe men, who had already inhaled .tonsil'. erable gas and were affected thereby. Mr. Seeley thinks that both would soon have been, asphyxiated. :IYDRO CANVASS FAILS IN NORTH MIDDLESEX Tb: farmers of this neighborhood have turned down the hydro propos:- tiers for the time being at least. A canvas: of this part of North Middle sex failed to secure the necessary Hires subscribers to the mile. The ov::ritead charges of $65 per year, e.eutaled with tbe demand for a 20 - year .:ontract caused the farmers to It shy at the expense.was estimated that the :lost for lighting alone would b+: in the neighborhood of ,x,80 per annum, while the cost of lighting and running a range Would be about $125 per year. The farmers could not see why they should be ;charged such rates whirl: users tin the village of Lucatt only three miles distant, should get off with less than one-quarter the ex- oense. GOOD GLASSI'sS IF YOU NEED THEW Good advise if you don't J. WARD, D.C., Optometrist, Exeter LOOZ! Reduction in working price to 76c an hour bET US LOOK OVER YOUR CAR DURING THE 'WINT.ER MONTHS GENUINE FORD AND GRAY e DORT PARTS. REPAIR WORK ON ALL CARS, PILON & FOOTE Huron Garage Exeter SEED OATS ON THE WAY Hockey, KITCHENER WINS. THE ROUND. xp t ti Kitchener, as wan a pec ed, von the seeond game against the Exeter- 2urL,:h hockey teamin, the O. LI. A. Iatermediate Series, on Wednesday nr ht of last week in Kat' bener by'ihe score of 6-2 making it 10-2 on the round. Tcz_s win puts Kzteh:tner in the fin- als, trier hexing drawn. a We- l el - vele and Niagara Falls played off for a similar position. Had the Ex- eter, -Zurich team won against Kilt ehener we wound have been in the finis. However, the team from Kit- chener won oa the: r merits,Wh e ittdiv dually the locale are equal to their opponents, they lacked the fin - telt whih:h comes Pram constant prae. tane together under the direction of a ,:lever coach- Such a the is Ian.- pessible. here, and. that the locals were able to reach the position: they did is a matter of hearty .:ongratulatiorz The team died all that could ,possibly be t xpe.;ted oz them. and rnvre. !here rem%; s .to be played a series of tines. if successful„ in the North- ern League, and there should be some first-class lhotkey here also. Clinton was drawn agaust Exeter -Zurich, but defaulted, and now we are drawn up ega. nst Lue:know for home and horde somas n the seeon1 round. Luck new .las ,Fast tear' and last wee"_ wen their group by defeating lugs. lsh thy: homes reseltt was h ;taro, nater a K c .ver oar Wednesel.av to t;>•:.me?al-o:l lames annd the rant e. The in Kitchener ute t e ,end -Wks Tired. earner than u .�ht was .sFait, hut the game was �ta>t ! thet' Those who, `„ N i t sa We have a carload of good, clean plump Seed Oats, direct from " the grower, coming. will'very price bee reason- able. Y res 1. Call and see sample. abh.p Harvey Bros. ICE. DOES MUCH DAMAGE. With telegraph and telephone wires "Quebe•= Next House down all cru':r the country, communes- *ova S: otic 15 extent was da I, Cult for eev,eral days ; zeIew Brunswick 11 after the big ive storm, on Wednesday/ Prn; a Edward Island 4 of last week. Hydro wires were alsoOnterie, 81 affe. ted by the storm, and while light' Manitoba 17 sial poorer came on bytscells � edn Saskatchewan 21 day, toward •eveina h Y n,sh i .Alberta 16 for twenty-four hours: On Thursday4 Sr•;tisla Columbia. .......14 aft. ao" they were on for an hour 1 Yukon . 1 but a ;a;a disappeared until about 11. o'.;lo=k at night. Total 245 Reel fell .,ont euously on WeUn,es Iii - r _ ; ,1a ,. a�.al ,t free_ onto the wire and Iiie unit ,o, repesr.rtat.o:n o tree until they were loaded with the .on rtt redistribution will be alnut weight. and great breeches, fell from 36,109, based on Quebe,;'s unchange the trees and wipes were down in all able= xepcesentat tz s of 65, std the +direetems in town, and country. ManY rr`epr esentatinn of a, Prov n,:e sr l be of the smeller telegraph and telephone re:: cher: b,, deddiag teas a:umb:. tet pales were snapped in two, and ow trig its papulation. • to the feet that the trouble was wide - /geed it will be 'zany days before. they are ,replaced, although gangs of mien were immediately on, the iob. Many trees were prdetically destroyed bin;; nearly stripped of branches and in name eases split down through the Present BABY DIESr House Carman Parsons, the ten months' ovc3: 65 son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rieheien gf Stephen, died ¢a: Tuesday, Feb, after a few days' illness of pleura The funeral. will take p1a..e today (T.h,ursday) to th Eeter Cemet;eiy The bereavedparentswill havei sympathy of their many friends. 16 11 4 32 15 12 13 -.. 1 335 Local News trutaks. 1• rands well regret to hear that %ir. Whole rows of telegraph and lteee R. W Puke is ser�iausly ail at p eseset.l stops poles are dory. ;n, sem p e Ylhile the streets and roads were 1-:aheti Cvztain:m, wig with last night, Ash wait fallen lambs. Wednesday, Rev. A. A. Ti- ntpe, w i W ;dsh::slay end Thursday , reghts ..onduct spci , services in the Sr.boor were ,exeeedenily dark and dismal, and Hall o, the Tritiitt % emorial Chur.h but few vat:zens ventured out on the: every Wednesday night during the slap, ery streets. Those who did Lenten sessoth. are:A lanterns or flashlights, or ' grop'4 their way aim>p by the build- is bas been stated oa pretty .good ane +n;.ghts, that ,t was a very speed" affair, and `I h. loss to the .:ompazt'.e$ will tits }lurana boy's had more than their v.rr large. spars of the pay an the ice, but • P 4A� S aS � � a a iu nen unable toget5 h v 1 tin :iv opponents. Mitchell again res: reed but „,rate tetter set�ieen tealt •then at Exeter. The teams werepra,:' ti.•,ally tlx: same, with the excepti'sn that Clayton Hofftncut was lee.:k on the i..:e. SECOND ROUND tit R"1;HERN LEAGUE GAMl. WIN BY FOUR IN FIRST. GAME. A ;.all of four goals lie the first of Kram: ant home games with Luwknow in. til. Se.nnl :Round of the Senior >-re:9 nae eeorther,a League should b: reough to •ensure the round going to Ln • eeeeter-•Zurii.;h t,eatn. Tliat lee wihat !the Mals got in the game here tn.Monday evenaag-a sore of 5 to 1, and the v'iisjtors ware very lucky that the score was not much larger. Dozens of ,tants the local forward lane bored right ±rs .on the goal %enter, only to b.{t flim with the. puck and loose an almost certain score. It was hard to say whether Read !s a .:;lever amine., or just exceed!nigly lucky, but he did .s'aein ,to be irn the way all the time—e\cem. on the close - in shots. The other Luekttow players are good stick handlers, and two or three are fast skaters, but they were wary un.:ertain on their feet, and did morn. than. a ;little unne.:essary tum- bling around. This lo.mis were not any too lively in. spells, and lost the old rubber .frequently to their op- ponents, but on the whole they out- classed the visitors rn every depart- ment of splay on. the lee Exeter -Zurich scored two in the first, one in the second, and two in the third, and Lu.:kn.o^sv got their lone tally in, the first period. The first scone was made from the fane-off 6ni..two tsecoands, Clarence Hoffman and Siebert being the only two to touch the puck. Five mynut'es later Lueknnaw batted one. in rather accidentally. Big Dodo teen, made three beautiful bone rushes, and suc- ceeded with one. In the second frame Clarence and Siebert in team work found the nets once, but found The body of Read many times, After ten reputes of play Clarence and McKine non worked •together for a tally and Clarence got ,the last score ,on a re- bound from Reid, after Siebert had hit him. In the last period the rubber only reached the !home end of the rink a couple of times. Clayton's lane ,rushes was a feature of the gamin , The teaims,-- Lucknow—Goal, Reed; defense, Reid and Johnstone centre, McDonald; wings Agnew and McCoy; sub,., Gordan Exeter-Zurich—G,oa4, Cook; defense Hellman and Hrndmarsh; ,:.entre, Hoff main; wings, Siebert and McKamon ; sub„ Robinson. Referee—Legg of London. The local hockey team left this Wednesday Morning for Luckn,ow to play the return game. Lucknow'st rmL is emelt narrow►sir than the Exeter ik-n, and it All be ai change foe the vusp,tots—•to wthtut }ex'tenit its, hard to say. Errand /Bend Oliva the wife of Ezra Webb 01 Grand Bend died at her home oi1'Fr>,- flay: and the .rema;m,s Were 4ntetrred in Grand Bend Cemetery oin Sunday. Sty^ NVO3 he,r 27th year, and the .,ausa ,of death was pmeumontai. She was the eely daughte,r of Isaac Green of T,hedford. Besides her husband she is survived by ,son, a year and a bag old; also a brother, Ray, of De- troit. Mrs I a3whurn ,nor :Hensall 'visited ::hoer Mrs. Cyrus Green, last Gall. J•r., i,s visiting for L:.n,donthis. week,—Mr, Thetford was called own to the illness .Mrs. Ezra Webb. parents. Mr. and week. 'Mrs, .E 1 a f,e,w-±1r1$ r1 Isaac; Grier of Iv le last we,etc of his dough ter, aci lie, us be Exeter Cuxl Council The minutes of the regular meet- ing of the Exeter council held ort Monday, Feb. 27. Members .all pre- sent. The minutes at the meeting held Feb. 13 were read and approved.. Correspondence was read as fol- lows: Letter from the Secretary of the Ontario Municipal Association, Toronto, re annual dues. Filed. A letter front the secretary at tbe School Board inclosing a, copy of a resolution as passed by the Board re semi-annual collection of municipal taxes. was held over for future can - sideration. Messrs. J. S. Harvey and 3. G. Stanbury, as deputation from the Hor- ticultural Society, waited on the council asking aid and co-operation along the following lines: The pre- vention of poultry and rabbits from running at large. The upkeep and, improvement of the boulevards and the protection of same. That Ar- bor Day be revived. That the so- ciety be granted the privilege of planting trees in the river park. Per Francis and Ellerington that a donation. of $25.00 be granted the. Horticultural Society. --Carried. Per Hooper and Davis that a by- law be prepared tor the prevention of all poultry and rabbits from running at large within the municipality.— Carried. Re action of the council in the matter of the request from the com- mittee on farm lands to be detached as deferred at the last meeting, per Ellerington and Francis that the council take no action. Carried, The price for general team labor with teamster was set at 55e per hour; for man labor 25c per hour, 10 hour day. Motion by Francis and Hooper.—Carried. Per Hooper and Davis that Mr. H. Bierling be re-engaged with his team for municip'h,1 work for the Sum of $130 per month for a term of seven months commencing at the option of the Roads and Bridges Committee, the town to furnish harness and wa- gon.—Carried. By-laws. Nos. 1, 2 and 3 of 1922 were considered, read and finally passed. The following accounts were read and passed: 11. T. Rowe, coal for li- brary 71.65; for town hall 14,40; F. Wells, labor 18.00; F. Mallett, Iabor 6.50; J. Parsons,labor, 1.20; T. San- ders, labor, 5.40; T. Houlden, labor, 2.40; Fred Brock, labor, 3.90; Rd. Quante, labor, 2.40; passed on mo- tion of Hooper and Francis. Ad j. by Francis. Jos. Senior, Clerk. THE POPULATION, OF CANADA. Definite figures are new ava,la,ble as to the population of Camada, as found out by the t;,ensus returtast, By prov- inces as compare with. 1911. „:ensu., th- ' population stands:— Province tands:—Province 1921 1911 - Nova Scotia 523,835 492,338 New Brunswick : 88,615 351 889 Prince Ed. Isla!rid 88,615 93,728 Quebec 2,349,067 2,003 232 Ontario 2,929,054 Manitoba . 613,008 455,614 Saskatchewan ' 761,390 492,432. Alberta ... 581,955 374,663 British Columbia ... 523,353 392,480 Yukon .. 4,16Z 8,512 Northwest Ter. i.:. 6,684 18,481 Canadian Navy 485 Totals ..:,........r 8,769,489 7 206,643 The next ILouse of Commons, fol- lowing re listribution, :will'• a.;cordi.ng to ° the census .tilst2res as shown, con- sist ortsiist of 245 Imo -Tabors. Kepneretn;tat,on i,, th!e next House, following a redi:s- t ibutr`on bill, will compare withthe resent House as :follows a Ay that th, present epidemic: vas caused by the recent .sand or lu. t storm which recently swept aver s:etiien `•oZ the country., A eine- ; ar storm o► cuurr ed in this a eel t -on ° a number of entre ago and a s aelesr. i .temp: o what we have been having A SPLENDID ADDRESS On Tuesday eveni,ng Main Street `.1: thadist Chur.h League was ad - sed by E. J. Wether, I. A, prIP- t?al of the I Wil; school, on the sub- x:et of Cit eenslep. The address was a g1.od one shorans careul prepara- titrra. fir. W;:they, after exp:aiming tiro-: terpin of government pleaded four a kindly interest in and at. w!eiaonye tat the fon eririnapt, as hell as the Brt:.b eew.:orier; and aa;sa fiirr abitter moral and Christian learning on the part of sell Canadians, He te- tas', ally emphasized the preparati,oi of �, d� or rah' . Pana .an. ., adc h A hearty 1. P y rot: of thanks was tendered Zan at the ,:lose of his addretel. STROKE ANOTHER S TROKE Mrs. William Varity of Brantford Ia. t week sustzettal panther s trot e of prcalysis, and is reported to be seal• ill She is a. daughter of Mrs. Mell- en' Pinkard ,of town. DIED OF PNEUMONIA, The. home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kerniek Huron street, has been sad- dened by the death of their little: son, Ray Edward, who died on Sunday, evening, at the age of 6 months and 15 days. The funeral took place to the Exeter Cemetery ora Tuesday. DIED IN THE WEST.. The Advxate received word this week of the death of a former well- DEATHS Mr;. J Ii. Ri hails _end :firs. Schweg °r of Windsor are v.i`iitivr`T, with Mie: Dor, . Miss 111an.•h: Sender returned on Tuesday eveniag frim a visit withlieer brothers in Toronto airs. N. W. Cr e a o. Brantford en- siterae, relatives here, a guest at the wont, of R N. Creech. Mr. and Mrs. lee g, who have beery• hen vieitIng with the Iatter's mother. M:. Win Whiteford and other rely t.v ', returane:i to their hone in tile, W 22st ti, ednesdy" morning. \Merl and Men A. E. '*udr.w, after several weeks well relatives Isere, ft Tuesday- ler l.oado'a aril Toronto. to spend a few days. before r eturn- a a. their home Po es Seek. *awn:: Crosbie of London, who hen beer. nursing George Johns, sort of ilii Harry Johns of neer El;mville, anti. later Rear. and lairs, Chailey, Thames Rood, as s .riding a few days here the guest of irs, M..Avoy, BIRTHS Kraft—At Dashwood, on Feb. 27, to Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Kraft, a daugh- ter. Smith—In London, on. Feb. 25th, ii.. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Smith, !ele- mzrly of Exeter, a son. Welteer,—In Harrow, on Feb. 16, to, Mr. and Mrs. John Weeper, a son, known and esteemed resident erg Ex- eter, in the ,persons of William Henry Cann, wlto massed away at the home I..erni..k--ln Exeter, ,on Feb. 2 6, of his daughter., Mrs. Vail, Assiruboia, Edward, son of Mr, and :firs. AlberRait nese, on February 16, at the age of Kernick, aged 6 months, 15 days, 75 years and 3 months, The de. as-Richard—In St.Pli en , on February 28 ed bad been In rather saoor health for some time, but was able to be up. and aaround until a eoupl: of weeks previous to his death, when he and Mrs. Cann amine in from the farm to visit their slaughter, Mrs,. Vail, and O. was, there he was taken sick and died. The late Mr. Cann was a. cooper by trades and far many years llivetl in. Exeter, working for the late John Gould. Over twenty years ago the 8S years. family moved to the West, whereMountcast1e—In Clinton, on Feb. 20th they all have since resided Besivle, Ellen etountcastle, is her 89th YOU' his widow he is survived by four sons Cunniangharn—In McGillivray, on Fe and three daughters -Charles Cann el 20th, Veru Catharine, the younger Crystal City, Man.; Percy and Ate daughter of Frank and Florence.Clem thur of Assimabo:.a and ja..k .of Biggar, a ngham, aged 1 year, 6 months. Sask.; Mrs. Forsyth (Cora) of Melita; Webb—At Gland Bend, on Feb, 24 :vfan.; Mrs. Vaal (Laura) of Assiniboia. Oliv Green wife of Ezra Webb Mrs. Wright (Minnie) Winnipeg: On in her 27th year. Tanuaary 23, last, Mr: and Mrs. Cann Canal.—At Ass&nibeia, Sask., on F• ere celebrated their golden; wedding an- 16 William Henry Cann, formerly' n varsary- of Exeter, aged 75 years and 3 months. Carman Parsons, son of Mr and Mrs, L: si;.e Richard, aged 10 months. Guilfoyle—In Btddulph, on Feb, 26th, Edward Gu Boyle, in his 78th year. Funeral from ins residence, Lot 8, Con. 10, on Tuesday to St. James cemetery Cook --In Clinton, on Feb. 21st, Eliza Cantelon, widow of the late William Cook at God:rich Township, egad J. x', pSTEWART Phone 16 " THE BIG STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICES." February Sale Prices will Continue For Two Weeks Longer. SOME NEW AND STARTLING PRICES EVERY DAY, FOLLOWING ARE ONLY A FEW OF OUR BARGAINS— SPOOLS 200 yard Coates' Best Spools —Bla•k, White en:d Color -s, at 6.: each. FLANNELt.TTE BLANKETS Ibex—the best blanket made the largest size, 1.2 -4,, -White, Grey, Plink and Blue Boarders, at Sale Price of $2.85. CHECIK GINGHAMS The latest Patterns for this season, in beautiful :obis or neat Checks, Sale Price 24e yet T & B. TOBACCO • Alen who smoke, look wheat we have for you. T and B. large sari plug; regular $1, Satle Price 77.1e, IVIcLAREN'S JELLY POWDERS, Alit flovors, 3 pkgs for 25e. CHOICE SEEDED RAISINS, 15 oz pkg. Salle Price ... 25c. 6 ROLLS TOILET PAPER F.. elle:.. .,..ear 25a '. PUFFED RICE, ...per pkg. 17e, CANADA CORN STARCH ....:...... ......... per pkg. 9c, 3 PALM OLIVE SOAP... elle... ,.......fou• 23. 1 lb. CAN CHOICE PINK SALMON............ .2 'cams for 35e 2 & 1 SHOE POLISH : Sale Price 2 for 25e. 15 on. pkg. 25e. LENOX LAUNDRY SOAP 20 bars ,.tor $1,00 NEW SnEDLESS RAISINS, Bulk Soap Chips per 1b.:, 18.;. Tapioca • 2' lbs for 18c. Puffed Wheat, per 15c; 6 lbs Rolled Oats ... ,.,for 23':: Canned Conn, 2 eons for ...25c,. Lux 2 pkgs, . for 23 ,. Dutnh Cleanser, per pkg. llc. BEST GRANULATED SUGAR 2 calms Pink Salmon, for ...25c„ Laundry Soap, 10 bars for 16:, 5arecial Blend Coffee, !b. ,,.38c: Pure Bulk Ce..oa, per b1...14c. 3 pkg Powdered Ammon, 23c. Shredded Wheat Biscuit ... 12c Matches, reg„ 15c. 3 for 3Sc. any brand, ' 37.40 par hundred. J. A. STEW . T Highest Prices paid for Poultry and all, Produce.